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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1886, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.liO PER .ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A . .JAMES, EDITOR AND PROPRIRTOR, V OLUME NEW SERIES, NUMBER 412. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1886. KILLED NEAR KIRBY. JOSEl'R TYREi\IA:<f lNSTANTLY KILLED llY A }'AJ,T,TNc+ S' Gi\IP. XXXII. NUMBER 25. McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. ( From o~iir own Correspondent.) It h as never befor0 been our duty to repurt a c1roomst<wce so sad in its nature as t he unfort nnate accident which hap. pened on Th ursday eveniog of last week, causing the death of Mr. Jos.} '.Tyerma u, a young tarrn··r 24 years of e.ge, living a short distance north of thig village on th e family homestead so long occu pied by h is father, Mr. .Jono.t hau Tyerma11. R e was in company w\1 h several neigh bors 4.:l performing their titatute 11ibor by drawing gravel from a pit on the farm of Mr. J, Greenwood, a sh ort distance nor t h of r-1 E :'l!t'li"pri se a nd depositing · 'it i u needy p laces on the road 111 their beat. In gett ing it out they had almost undermined a pine stump, l1avi ng dug sufficiently ~ deep to allow a person t r> walk to and fro beneath it. Several of those enga5ed at the work thi nking it might fall h ad repeatedly tried to force it from its position but it appeared P· rfectly secure and consequently all fe<i.rs were dispelled. At t he t ime of the accident his hired man (].) and !\!Ir. Richllrd Bro wn were his only compaoious, he being at work directly underneath the stump. Mr. Brown who was only a fe1v feet away, noticed it beginning to move and sounded the alarm, ~ but the poo r fellow although he made a brave spr ir·g for l iberty was callghi by the outer pr ongs and crushed beneath (]) them. Aid w a~ a.t once summoned and r-1 he was h urriedly ex tncated, but, alas ! (]) there was not a spark of life remaining, death having apparently taken place instantaneously. It was t ruly a sad sight that met the eyes of his young wife who (]) had been waiting for h is return with the table spread for the evening meal. Ono ·r-1 who had a few hours 'before l eft in h ealth and strength was brought back cold in dea th. This is the third ti·ue the family hav e been called to pass thro ugh d eep aftli.:ition within the lapse of a fe w years. The first on the list was the d eri.th of the eld st member of t!1e family, a married da ughter. In October last t he r emains of the eldest son, .John W. Tyerman, who ~ resided in t he county of Huron, w.ere brought home for interment, and no w in (]) rapid succession comes I.he h ardes t blow of a'fl. Th ree daughters s till surv ive. Not only is a h ome grief st ricken, bu t the pall of sadness 11angs o ver the entire n~ighborhood. Tears of sympat hy flow from t he eyes of bot h old and young. A friend, a companion, a neighbor, one who was beloved for his kind ness of spirit and r espect for his christian example has passed behind the scene. The funeral t ook place on Saturday last ·a nd was the largest ever seen In this section, the prosion being over a mile in length and Valuable Premium Given Free numbering 13.6 carriages in line, Rev. QF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS R. W'alker officiBted and preached an with Canada's Popular As t h ere o.re m nny i'>lferior W eekly. excellent com111oneeuse sermon to llis goods, corded with jute, hemp, etc.,o.tro1·edand sold memory. as Coraline by some unTHE "\VESTERN ADVERTISER, of London, has pl'incipled merchnnts tradjnst made another important step in advance. HAMPTON. ing on tho Teputation of It now appears regularly in twelve pa.go form, our ~cnnine <'ornlinc, and in addition to all its well· k.nown popular M rs. Frank Groat, l\frs. E. Hastings, we wan1 tho ladies against I /eatures gives in each issue Sam Jones Sersuch imposition b y drawmons,tholnterrntiona.I Sabbath SchoolSessons, and Miss I,ucy Cole have been on tlie ing tboi1· atteution t o the necessity of seeing that t he 1 a Complete Story, etc., etc. It la vastly Im- sick list for some days, all h aving been proved in every respect. For BALANCE OF consider ed dangerously ill, but at time of name YEAR the price is only 50c., or i.n clubs of five and over 40c. each. Postage stamps ac- writing are reported somewhat better. cevted for traction al parts or o. dollar. Samples 'Ve are sorry t o have to report the lree, ·s B to.mped on inner sido of all Coro.lino goods, i<ii"Each subscriber wiIJ b e entitled, without prospective r emoval of R ev. Geo. Browne Without which none are genuine. additional cost, to one of the following prem- and fam ily from our village ; d uring their iums, which ahould be ordered as pilr numl{er, two years r esidence here the family have viz.: 1. Portrait Gallery. 3. Chase's Recipes. won many warm friends, and their society 2. Home and Health. 4. Ladies' Fancy Work will be much missed. Guide. « Registered letters come o.t our risk. Mr. R Elliott, jr., has been attending Address pla.inlyseveral meetings through the riding r eADV ERTISER PRlNTING CO.. LONDON, ON'rARIO. cently, looking after the interest of the party. NATURE'S 1·1mH<JT 1rnuT11 Reform Visitors to our villa~ this week : Is impossible if the DiTbe largest and finest constructed hotel in CURE FOR gcstion 1s impaired, the Misses .P. Manning and N . Jamieson, the city, on l'nrk .&venue, one block from Liver inactive.. or the Tyrone, Dr. .J. E. Brown and Misses Grand Central Depot. Bowels Constipated. (ON Al\!EHI C.AN AND EUROPE.AN PL.ANS,) · 'l'arrant's Efl'ervescen't J ennie McLaren and E mily Brown, En600 rooms, elegantly furnished and decorated. SELTZER APEIUENT. niskiUen ; Misses Ada Clarke and H elena The ventilation, drainage and sanitary arwill cure Constipation, Cryderman, Bowmanville ; and several rangements generally, are the most perfect that human ingenuity and skill ca.n devise. Sick Headache and Dys- others ·whose n ames we did not learn. Stairway and 3 elevators; · pet>sia. It regulates the Those repor ted si.c k last week are bo· wels and enables those No charge for conveying baggage from or to · or feeble digestion to en- around again, with the excep,tion of Mrs. the Grai.d Central Depot. ·~ '! · . .,,,: joy their food. It reduco11 W. Beer a.nd llhe is gainmg rapidly at lllTNTl.NG ·" llAIH!UO ND, "<> · ~"" .!fever, Cools the Blood. 2!-Sm. Propr!etora. ~ ~..~ is invaluable in Piles and time of writing. Mrs. John L . Irwin, Port Hope, h as 1 been visiting h ere, the !{Uest of Mr. and AND Econom1cal, Reho.hie, Mrs. A. McLaughlin. leg1mt. lt should be Mr. Isaac Clark has sufficiently refound in every~ousehold. · Sold by d?"UOO·st.· ever11· covered from his r ecent illness to be a ble · where. -Manufactured only by 'l'AltJtANT d' - -o - - . . \ c_ o-' .,_N _c_ w_l' _o _r _ li:_ . __ ' - - - - - - - t o visit friends in Peterboro. H uge preparations are being made for t he coming anniversary on Dominion Our Millinery Department (on e Day. Particulars later. SLOW BoY. COBIER STOii~ "' (J O:E<.ONO, purchased by ,.q 0 'CD. 0 .8 ~ z ss ::> ..p ~ ..p 0 Underwood Brothers. Our Opening . Remarks to the citizens of Durham County : FRIENns,-W e have purchased the entire stock, amounting to about $10,000.00 worth, for Spot Cash for the whole estate, and we have bought the goods away down far below original cost, and by paying the cash for all the estate, you may depend upon it, that we bought very low. We have marked the goods away down below original prices, as we must make room for new goods now ordered, and we are determined to lower the stock in a few weeks about $3,000.00, and in order to do this we, have marked the,goods right down and we are selling far below ·what any merchant in the county can buy them for. -We would say that the CORNER S'l'OR,E is now, for a few weeks, the place For Cheap D.ry Goods, For Cheap Groceries, For Cheap Boots and S hoes, For Cheap Hard-ware , For C heap Crockery, For a C heap O rdered S uit, . ~ 0 rn 0 +:> 0 .J w. 0 0 ro w. 0 u: 0 +:> ,.q 0. ~ P> <Q BEWARE NOW'S THE TIME! --- -- l 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' or for Extra Cheap Ready-made or Ordered Clothing, -~ ~~--~~~--~~~~~~ MURRAY HILL HOTEL, NEW YORK. CONSTIPATION As we are determined to sell off those goods at once. have come to Orono and entered into business, and we mean to build .u p a business by fair, honest ·dealing, and we know that we can give you better value for your money than any other house. 'We 'We invite a call in order to convince you that what we advertise to do we mean to carry out. "We have come to Orono determined that no more changes· will be made in the early future at the CORNER STORE, as we paid cash for the entire stock, and have come X> :8!11!J[M E Fl. :DtI E llV" EX> ~<> · MILLIN ERV I Siok-Headache,~la:!:~j~i~ 8~~~~~ · 0ySp£pSIA I DAN DEL I 0 N LIVER AND KIDNEY of the mo, 1 extensive in the town) is now i·eplete with all the latest \ novelties for the summer trade. The entire selection is of the newest and most fashionable description: Our assortment of BONNETS, HATS . . . and which consh;ts of the latest and most desirable styles, embraces the braids :- Chip, Loop, Tape, Twist, Pedal, Swiss, P earl, Milan, Satin, Canton, Tuscan, Leghorn, Porcupine, Cordinette and Split Straws. fol~owing makes and The Greatest Blood Purifier in the World. ·Robertson & Bond. The Cheese Factory is in full blast. Mr. Jno. Sharp is b uilding a beautiful brick house. Mr. Jamee Ballagh is building a fine barn and stable. C U RE 8 Mr.Jno.McKay is building an addition ALL LIVER A ND K IDNEY COM- to t he house now occupied by Mr . .John Glowir. P LAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTMr. Thos. Hollowell is fixing up his ION AND ALL DI':lEASES ARI SING house in grand st yle. Mr. John Glover's horse, which was FROM DISARRANGEMENTS OF THE s truck by lightning some time ago, has completr,ly r ecovered under the skill of · LIVER AND KIDNEYS. Dr. Dickey. T he Dr. has been almost a daily visitor among ns since the . sprin~ opened and has never lost a case. Mr. Wm. Gilmour, jr. , has a mare with twin colts, a.nd a ewe with four lambs.:__all doing well. This makes t he second quartette for the e we. Mr. Jos. Ballagh's pony is suffering Proprietor, Toronto. from inflammation of the brain. H ugh McChesney, Esq., has retwrned SOLD BY from Toronto, looking much the bet ter of HIGGINBOTHA.J .U & S ON, his trip. Dame rumour says we are to have a BOWMANVILLE. sharp blacksmith here soon. BITTERs ·' STAR.K Vl.LLE. s-r.A..'Y'. We invite a call to convince the public at ·Iarge that we are selJing at prices so low that you cannot afford to buy one dollar's worth of goods at any other place. REl\LCEl\LCEER THIS SALE FOR A FEW VVE E KS. E. MORRIS, Hoping you will call and see us~ We are, yours very respectfully, UNDE.RWOOD BROS., ORONO, June 17, 1886. Corner Store, Orono· ·

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