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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1886, p. 3

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~auadiau Jtattstuau. Vaiuaoie Farms for Sale. THE HOUSEHOLD. Hints. To mend china or broken earthenwar n take a very thiok solution of gum arabio I" water and etlr Into it piaster <>f parle until the mixture become· of the conslatei:cy of cream, apply with a brush 1iO the broken edge1 of the ware- aDd join together. In three days the article cannot be broken In the same place. The whiteness of the cement makes It qoubly valuable, Obilllng the stomach with load drink ii only anether wir.y of taking cold. Some· body hae said : "Hold your band for five minntes in a basin ef ice water, and then tell me what you think of pouring that chilling liquid Into your etom ach, ao much more aensltlve than your ha.nd, The foe pltoher fa said to be the -bfi.ne of Amerloau life. There ls no donbt the improper nee of It bas hurried many a man an d woman Into N. S. 9·6m the grave. To those who have dyspepsia or are con· sUpated I weuld eay by all means try the silk weed or milk weed root cure, H bo.e cured all who bave tried lt. Its botm!oe.I name Is Alcleplas Ooruuti. Dr. Guan sa.ya two feet of the root to a quart of whLkey, but I he.ve found It beet In a tea. O~e Fo1· cost of i1.dvertising in any paper ot· swallow wlll stop that burning sensation as list of. papers published in the U11i tell so9n aa swallowed, States or Canada., send to the ADVE itTISMothers who have many lfttle feet to ca.re I~G AGJ.;NCY of EJJ IVIN .ALPEN & BfW., for, I have found, I think, the speedy . and beot way to mend stocking!, Ta.ke the '*,,,'t<Our HNcwspapcr Combinatibns," n. book of crochet hook and mltten-stitco In the hoele 150 pages, containin g- pricc!!l _of advertisi 1 1g, fu.\' and kn~es by narrowing each round a.fter instructions, etc. sent ou receipt of 1oc. Our A m. starting, and out out the old part, G.>od N cwspa.p1;;1; Cat.rtlog-uc" conta i ning uam es of ever y n c\vspapcr published in th~ U . S . and C anad a, u new. senl on recd pt of pr·i cc, $1.50. Esti111ates free. A decoctlon of lrmen ls said t9 be an antidote to malarfa. Otit up a lemon, peel and all, lnt1> thin slices ; put It Into three glassfuls of water, and boil it down to one ;:;la.seful. Strain the lfquld through linen, cool, and drink the whole amount when fasting, B GRAIN FIRST, - 30 acres of lot 8 in the let conoession ot Darlington, lying imm'ediately south or the cemetery.~- ====================::::SECOND.-Ths South HO acres ot lot 16 in the .MALL FARM FOR SALE.-- 30 thirdconcessionofDarhngton,and the North acres of land having thereon good frame 36 acres of the South 83 acres ot lot 15 in tile house, barns, stables and other necessary out·· same concession buildings. young orcha~d of i acres, well wat- · THmn,-Tha South 100 acres. of lot 25 tn the ered and fence.t. Situated jnst outside the third conce~sion of Darlington, and tho N'o rth· corporation of Bowman ville. Will be sold very erly 60 acres of the eaat half of lot 26 in the cheap for cash, Apply to M. A. JAMES,, same concession. STATESMAN Oflice, Bowmanville. 9·tf. . .All the above will be sold In parcels to suit purchasers. 'rime for payment and terms will be made very easy to satisfactory buyers, For RICK HOUSE .AND L OT FOR particulars apply to · SALE I N BOWMANVILLE.- A very D, BURKE SIMPSON, comfortable brick house, nearly new, contain· 41-tt, Vendor's Solicitor ing 8 rooms. besides pantries, closets and sum· mer kitchen, excellent cellar. Hard and sort water: very good fruit garden of :i acre. Situa.t· Newly improved Verses Ile Motto al ed in the most aristrocratic part of the town. Chromo Cards, with name and a water W ill be sold on very reasonable terms. Apply pen for lOc. 5 packs, 5 pens, for 50c. 9·tf. to M. A , JAMES, S·rA1'J£SMAN Office, Agents sample pack. outfit, and illus· trated ca ta.logue of Novelties. for a 3c. stamp and this slip. A. W.tKINNEY, Yarmouth, FRIDAY, J UNE 18 1886. S 50 ADVISE TO MoTHERS.-Are you 4listurbed at n ight and broken of your rest by a. sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth 7 If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mra. "Vinslow's Soothing Syrup." F or children t eething, its value is incalculable. It will r elieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhrna, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and give s to:ie a nd energy to the whole system .. " Mr~. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists t hrough the world, Price 25 cents a. bottle . B e sure and ask for "MRS . WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." , , COAL · COAL · · ' Jno. McMurtry & Co. Are prepared t o pay the highest prices for all k inds of Grain delivered at the W harf or their Store House in town. Hwin AMen &Bro. 0 Messrs. McDouGALL & METCALF beg to announce that they have, received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEsT PRICES. W'e intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber_, Shingles!) and t ake no other kind, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, · corner Pianos Tuned and Repaired. WIS HING PIANOS Church and Division Streets. P ARTIES Tuned or repaired canha.Tethom attended leaving word .at the DOMINION ORGAN Do s Bowrnanville .A .tlrst-clas man ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALFfj iow oeing in their mvlo r. ' !!:HEIR 0 ~y OF~'IC&, STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. C:n1·1ta l pald up. sn.000,000. Rest, $260,001 _ ,,,,_ 9o!.aJ1~J t{,n !~i,/71'i4~}!88! <t!c~? Goods that will brin~ you in more money in one month than anything else in America. J<;ither sex make money fast. CITY l'<OVELTY CO.. Yarmouth. N.S. C UT 1Oc. or 4 3c. sta1 nps, a nd you'll get by return mail a Golden Box of THIS OUT a nd return to us with Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. 35. THE BOWMANVILLE This Bank te prepared to d'b Legiti· mate Banking in all its branches. Farmers notes discounted ; Deposits received and Interest paid on amounts of 85 upwards in Savings Bank Department; Advertising Agency. , CREAT ssoo.oo · D R A. l ·" l' S Issued and Collections made in Europe United States and Canada. 'SI EWARD AGRICULTURAL &CARRIAGE CO. KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. ' ' · We are now finishing 30 of the best Cu.rriages and Buggies ever made Choice Recipes. French Buttered Steak-Take a piece of round steak th·ee·quarters of a.n Inch thick. Trim It neatly and beat it with the outlet J. ba.t ; sprinkle it with pepper, dlp It In oll, and broil It over a clear fit e. Turn it aftEr lt has been on ihe fire a minute or two, a.nd keep turning It often till done. Eight er ten minute· will do it, · Sprinkle with salt .Hae received her new stock ot and serve with a piece of maitre d'hotel butter placed over or under It and fried Will, te make room for Spring Importations, potatoes round It, and invites the Ladies of Bow- offer for the next 60 DAYS, the whole of Oharlotte Ruaee-Llne a plain mold with -his immense stock o!manville and vicinity to call Savoy blecult1, carefully cu~ to fit e:i::a.otly · brush over the in&fde (very lightly) with Boots an<l Shoes, and see her Pattern the white of an egg and 1et It on Ice, Beat up half a pint of rich oream with one ounoe Slippers, Rubbers, of isinglass (previously dluolved in 1uf. water just to oever It. ) Sweeten to . and a.ssortmen t of Trunks, Valises, &c. ficient ta.ate and fia.vor with twe liquor gla1111e11 of noyeau and the juloe of half a lemen, Peur -ATthl11 Into the mold and cever 'it wl.;h a 11loe of 11ponge-cake out exactly the 11ize, Ice· It STORE 1-Secnnd Door West nr WlUiam· and turn It 011.t very oare!ullv. Butcher Stall · And ts prepared to execute all Domeatlo Frnlt Oake-One pint of dried apples; soak over night In cold water, then chop till as small aa raf, fna, P ut to thb one and a half cupfuls of mola.ues, and on the shortest notice. VETERINARY SURGEON. atew until all the molasses la abaorbed by the apples, le thla add one pound of chopped raisins, one oupfal of brown sugar, one cupful of butter, one cupful of 11our neatly and promptly attended to; having none milk, two beaten eggs, one teaspoonful of soda, apioe of all kinda, or to taste, Mix but first-class workmen employed. tolerably 1tlff. Add the fruit last, r.lled .CUS.ATISF.ACTION GUARANTEED.~ . In flaur, Bake a long time. 6 0 DAYS' tJV case of.Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, AI E will pay the above Reward for any in this esta:blishme1:t, with best grade of Wheels, ,St eel Axles and best Steel Springs, w. JONE~.. c~1NG Sil( ! SickHeadache,IndigestionorCostiveness we cannot Curo Witb WEST' S LIVER l'lLLS, when tiJ.e Directions aro strictly comp~ed with. Largo Boxoa, containing 300 0 f. our trimmed with the best stock and well pamted. ce}eb rat ed. Champ1on · We are also We are ge tting out PJ OWS I_ Every Board warranted to be madii of the best Steel and well tempered~ MISS McTAVISH GOODS, D. DAVIS :~:~~~:~~~ta; 5 Boxea ,1.00. Sold We are also getting ready a stock of MOWERS, improved and second\ to none in the market. They will be ready in good season and warranted to do good work. We are also m aking a number of HAY 1'EDDERS, which will also be ready . in good season. They have been t ried by some. of our best farmers, to whom we .· ' r efer intending purchasers. · AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD which has gained a. good r eputation in this locality. BINDE~ . BONNETS, HATS P low Poin ts of every des cription by the ton, and made from steel, wrought iron, &e We are also getting rea1ty a stock of WAGONS. Mill and Engme Work a specialty All of which will be sold ou the most reasonable terms. Prese1·ve Your Sight. Use F. LAZARUS' (late ofthetlrm of Lazarus & Morris,) Renowned Spectacles and Eye· Glasses, They are the best in the world. They never tire the eye, and last many years with· out change. 1"or sale by Kenner & Co. Bow· manville. 6-1f. Cash~paid BOWMANVILLE AGRIOULTDRA.L & CARRIAGE Co4 TRIMMINGS for a11y quantity of Cast Scrap Iron. 14-3m, Greatly Reduced Prices. We We ~If~~gy, ORDERED WORK J. BIGGINBO'l'HAM & SON, Chemists and Druggists, KEEP A FULL STOCK OF REPAIRING D. DAVI s, In August, 1884, the New York alder· men, by a. vote of twenty to two, gave away the right of building and operating a street railroad on Broadway, Thie was done has· tlly In aeoret and agaln1t the . v eto of the mayor. The olroum1tanoe1 were 10 suepi· oloue that a cemmlttee of the State Legi11Ia· ture was a.ppolnted to review the proceed· Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Inga. Their lnveetlgatlon showed that the· Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary privilege waa obtained by corruption, At Medical Association. «Offloe and Residence. Newtonvllle, Ont. their rec~mmendatien the Legl1lature an· nulled the charter, The right to operate W ill visit Oroao every Tu~ay ancllSaturdayl Office hours from 10 a. m., to .! p. m., at the road i1 to be 1eld to the pa.rtlea who Coultera· Hotel. Calls by Telegraph receive wlll p ·Y Into the \city trEasury the largeat :immediate attention. percentage of their receipts. CHARGES MODER.A.TE. Wntle the State authorities were thna en· gaged the deteotlvea were endeavoring to looate the bribery. Their efforts resulted TH~ HEA~TH. In the arrest ef fifteen aldermen of 1884. The other five suspected membera of \he board are thus accounted for: o.ne haa turned State'· evidence (thereby aeouring - : POSITIVELY CURES : freedom from prosecutien), two oannot be dead, and two are dead, The first oa.se to come to trial wa.a that of Henry W. J aebne, four times elected a.Ider· man, and vfce·presi.ient of the boor d for 1886. The moat Important evldenoe against 1Jnlooks all the cloggea a.venues of th·· him wa.s hie own confeg sion, made to the Eowels, Kidneys and Liver, oarrr· chief of the deteotlve force, In this ingoff gradually without weakening the interview he stated that he ha.cl reoelved system, all the imFuritiee and foul $20 000 In bllla for his vote In favor of t he humorsof the eecret1onsz.at the 11ame Broadway measure, T wo detectives wl:. o time Correcting Acicnty of tbAt had heard this conversation from placea of Stomach, curing B iliousness, Dys. concealment oorrobera.ted t he evidence of pepaia., · Headaches, Dhzinees, their chief, Jaehne'li only reply w1u a flat Heartburn, Constipation. Dryness denial of the 11tory. The jury believed the of the Skin, Dropsy!. Dimness of A few Boxea will cure auy case of Dyll- deteoHvea and at an early heur Sunday Vision, Jaundice, !:!alt Rheum. popata, aimply by takiilg One l"ll1 every mor ning, May 16, returned a verdict of Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of night on ret1rlng. 'l'hey do not loao tbeir guilty. Sentence was pronounoed May 20, the Heart, Nervomness, and Gen.. the judge making a long apeeoh to the 'prla· effect ~e ouier :l"llls. eral Debility; all these and ma.nj oner, In which he expresaed hla hor ror at other iiimilo.r Complaints yield to the the enormity of the crime which had been happy influence of :BURDOCK agaln1t the people, The sen· 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1.00. committed BLOOD BlTTERS. , tenoe wa.a the most extreme whloh the law THlllT'i PILLS I N A SOX, allows-impri,onment "at hard labor In the lo _JllLBVBN . A CO,, J!roprfefAln. TorontG. State-pd1 on fCl' nine yrnra and ten months," The result of this trial wllltendto strength· SQLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. en public oonfidence in the fffi.clency of the law· against wlokedneaa In office, and ought to teach a lea~on that ia needed In many ALL SIZES, ' oltiea. Express 011lce Building, -Bowmanvllle, Feb. l 1886. - .. Go11viotion, Alderma.n Ja.ehlle's -.. ·- ··- FURE DRUGS ~REEM'.AN'S WORM POWDERS, Are pleMnnt to ta.kn. Contn.in thoir o~ Purga.tivo. Ia a sure, euro, de11tro:Yt'r <1/ .,.,,,,..,,.,. II.DU and all the Patent Medicines advertised. ALSO S EL ECT STOCK OF eflectu·' A dnltt WORLD'S BEST I in Cl ·" ' ~ nr Public Notice. The undersigned having bought out the Gmsr M ILL of .J. Stalter, Esq. , and put everything in first-class order, is prepared to do all kinds of Gristing. I will guarantee to make the best ARNECTA FLOUR that is made in the county, as the mill has been fitted up especially for h k' d f h t handling t at m o w ea · I have also put in a SAw MILL In c.onnection with the above, and am prepared to take in any quantity of Sa.w Logs. I have lowered t he price of Chopping to suit t4e tim~s. . Hair Brushes and Combs. Perfumery and Sponges, Toilet Soaps, Chamois, AGENT~ &c~ WES· T'S FOR ~LIVER - THORLEY'S IMPROVED HORSE.AND· CATTLE FOOD. Pure Ground Oil Cake. KEY 'TO PILLS A. !!t. TOOLEY, DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. ol People's Mills, Kingston Roe.d. 'C I PRESCRIPTIONS and RECEIPTS . Filled with absolute purity and correctness. :::==~========~~ MILK CANS ' John C. West &Co. PROPRIETORS, Dairy Pails, TORONTO-ALSO- Burdette 011 the Boycott. One day a .Boycott s~rolled Into the tool· house and sat down for a chat, The ham· mer. and a. s1tow, a pegghig awl and a. tr owel and other honest tools took advantage of t b.e entrance of a boy looking for 11omethlng he had no bn!lness to take, te mOV'l a little further :away, "Why do you a.void me? a.aked the Boycott 1 ' Am 1 not a friend of labor ? Am I not its ~.lghtiest weapon ? Am I not your common defender ?" " Excuae na," repll.ed an old sledge, who wao seven up In the civil rervfce·liste, "but you don't seem to be one of us, There ls a. smell of Rnaela.n priaen abou t you, a stlfillng ti:.int of German oppreaeion, a stenoh of English repression, and a foul odor of H!lng!irlan pauperism, a general decayed flavor of lgnor· a.nee and brutalhy, and a senselese ferocity thll>t we dc1.'t like, 'We know it l2n't your fault; it was born of tyranny and helpless· ness, but it len.'t American, a.ud it Isn't pleasant. You ha.ve a ferelgu air a.bout you that makeq the room close a.nd effenslve. Go out and wade around and hunt for the Oregon fer a.bout six months, · l'.nd you'll come back an clean as a C!lina.man, Go eoa.k yourself, boycott yourself, a.nd see hew gla.d we'll be to welcome you Into the ahop." Thia fable teach61l us te remember that ne civilized Chr!stian man ever yet learned. t o throw the boomerll>ng with danger to hfo enemy or e!Uety to himself, - -VIEW O F - MILK PANS TIN""-W--.A..RE_ Manitob!l, the Speakine: God. No Cheap-John, shoddy goods that will wear and give satisfaction. ,ttarCall and L. GEO. QUICK, · Fa.r away In the ·great Northwest lies a lake whloh has ginn a. name t.e the province fo"<med In tho .Red River country known ae Manitoba. F tom an Island In thia la.ke, In and all lines of the stillr ees of night, issues a mysterious sound. The Ojibway Indians w!ll en no ac· cennt e.p~roioh this Island or make a landing there. Tbey believe lt to be the home of the "Manitoba., the Sfeakiug God." This curious sound is ca.used by the beating of the waves on the large, fiat, thin 2tonoe that line the shores. At the northern exstuff, but tremity of the Island there le a low cliff of fine·grained, compact llroeetone, which, under the stroke cf a. hammer, clinks like steel. The waves beating on tlie shore at the foot of the cliff cao:se the fa.Hen frrr.g· rnents to rub against each other and give a sound resembling the chimes ef disexamine.~ out tant church belle, Th!B phenomenon · oc· cure when the gales blow from tb.e northj and 1ihen as the wlni!s subside low wall!og saunda like whispering voice a.re hoard in the air. Travelern aesert that the eJJeot la very lmpreuslve, and they ha.ve been awak· Tinware and Stove Emporium, oned at night under the impression that they .tf. ha.vo been l!Rtening to church bells, BOWl\:1.A.NVILLE, Brantford Light Steel Binder, with Sheaf Oarrier D eliverin~ its Load. The only Binder with Z Ste!;)l Finger-Bar and Steel Extension. The only Bind_ er with:, extra Roller to throw the grain out to the packers. The only Binder with long Bevel Wheel Shaft supported. at b?th ends. The only Binder with St eel Driving Wheel. The only Binder with a perfect Steel Sheaf Carner. The only genuine Steel Machine in the Mai·ket. Surest to Tie. Easiest to Manago. Lightest in Draft. Simplest Binder. Strongest Binder.~ Neatest Binder. To Tie the Tightest. To Cut the Closest. To Reel the Nicest. Best in StandingiOrop. Best in Tangled Crop. Best in Short Crop. Binder Twine and full lines of Repairs kept on hand. JAS. McLEAN, Agent, · R. MO ON, Agent, Orono. Hampton.

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