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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1886, p. 8

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JtJNFIELJJ. B°'VMANVILLE, FRIDAY, J UNE 18. T tJ. UNJ..'ON . A union school pic-nic, similar to those h eld in former v ears, will be held in M r. J a mes L eask 's beautiful grove on 1!,rida.y, June 25th. A very pl~asrnt time is exp ected, w eatlwr permitting. PROVIDENCE. T he anni,·ersary of the Pro vidence Sabbath School will be held as follow~:-On Suuc1ay, Ju n e 20, serm on s will be preached at 2:30 p.m. , by Rev. Alex. Fraser, of Oron o, uucl at G:30, by Rev. R. Has· sard,pa~toi-. Collecti<> n after each ser vice. l\fouday, .June 21, ex ercises will beg in at 2 p.m., wheu addresss may bo ·xpectHi from the Re\'. W. B.. 'Varriner, B. D ., and circnit 1ui nistera. Recitations and singi.ng by the School. Tea will be served at 4 o'clock. Tickets , 25c; chi ldren, 15. All are cordially inv ited to a t tend. 'l'here was .a large crowd. out 11\st Saturday afternoon, to eeethe game of foot·ball between the Enniskillen and Entleld clubs. 1.'he game wa~ keen Jy contested but it i·esulted in a tle, neitherleide securing agoa.I. . Same of the cHizcns occasiana!IY take a fish· ~ne~y e;;~'d~~~~k tgJ:~~,}gf~!·.. 6~~1~~s ~i~'::i ratherfishy. ' · Mr. Jollnstou NiddQry has returned from his trip around Ow~n Sound. . . J essop paid our nllagela l.l!y·m g Yisit la.st w:r."Geo. McCullough de livered am ·cxcellent sermon on Sunday evening. '£ here will ~c no services i~ tl!.e chm:ch n~xt Sunday e,r,,,mng. as the pra yrng band 1s going to Mount Vernon. A " bouncing haby boy'· !me ad vented i nto Mr. Alex. McCullough's family. The following persons have 'b~e n rviAiting h ere: Mr. Robert and !\Hss Moggie GrAy, Ne wton ville; Messrs, George &ncl ITmnoa McCnllou ~l1, Manchester; Ml'. R . ./J. Niddery, Ifarnpt.on ; Mr. Hich Hull, ilroaklin. Mr. Jas. Dcyman, or Bownurnville, delivered 1rnoth er Of the popnlae ltav<mond eewing machines to a customer here on Saturday. 'l'he New " Williams and Raymond are tile leading machines out this wu.y. [ Dk GOfJR1'ICE. Mr. S. Brool;s, of New Orl e'<llS, who is on hi s way \o JDugland , i s stopping a fow davs ii.t Mr. ,J o lin Bro:.·ks'. .R ev. 'f. Brow n and wife, wl10 have been visiting frien ds here, rettuned homo on Tuesday. T h e Ebenezer Stars d efeated a b ase bzi.ll club from Buwru1wville on Satu rday last by a score of 20 to G. {hi M ouday a match game was played with the Glnd~tones, of Tyro n e, i n which owing t o accident s befalling se veral memb ern uf the home t eam causing them t o quit p layiug, the visi to rs won by a score .of 34 to 25. While p eople were departing in the e venin g ii. h orse driven by ~Mrs. L evi Tole b ecam; frightened b v the s hafts dropping on its heels and ran into another rig upsetting Mrs. Edwin Annis i1nrl Mrs. ,Jos. Langmaid the latter of wh om had her cpllar bone broken . TRI M. ....--- - SOLINA . Some of tho farmers in this v icinity havo started haying. Mr. · J. Pascoe intends ven eering his ! house thiR ~ um mer. Mr". S, \Vashington and 'l'. L!l.1agmaid aro att.eull ing the Conference at Brampton. Some of our lcca.l sports attended the foot- , ball mMch at Eu field on Satnrday last. lWr. W . Werry's raising on 'l'nes1 fay last wa~ in this neighborhood. Who are the yo1rng gentlemen who get fed on tar ts and cairns after their evening walks I It is with much reg1 ·et that we announce tho death of oue of HU' old seCtlers. Mr. Jno. Gal1fat, who died on Monday morning last. His remains were followed to Zion burying ground by IL large number of friends on "Vedne~day last. His family have the sympathy o.f the entire community. a success. T h e barn went tog e t h~r well., w hich sh ows great. credit on the fr a Ill em. Alli11 Bros. Mr . Edward Pascoe, Sr., is very ill a t L ime o ( 'vriting. Miss M cHoull. of Scugog I.land, is visiting i IlAYDUlV. :Mr. Js's. Mann has been sick for some time. 1>ut is able to work again. Mr. ancl Mre. H enry Samel la, of Cartwright, spent Sunday at Mr, '£hos. Mountjoy's. 'fhere was over a hundred at the picnic held at Mr. Robt. Fallis's on Samrday l ..et. T here would have been mauy more had it not ralned, Abundance of good music wR.s furnished by Mr. Hicb artl Davey and .Mi~s M. Byers. After the rain cleared the young folks enjoyed thFlm· solves at bu.JI, croqnet, and swinging, wh ile th e <>lcl folks liad a good chat on the crops, stock, and Home Rule. 'fi1 er~ was great enquiry when I wrote last to lcnow who tJie eorrespouclent was; I kept cool JO't <t few weeks thinldng t.hero would be a -hrge re~vard offered for his discovery, but the excitement is about over, so I will t1:y it again. 'fhe~e has been a great many " enchange1nents" since I wrote last. 'l'hc clipped horse aiad covered buggy thu.t usetl to go west over .llig ,l;lack Valley has changed its course to the more exhilirating atmosphere of Mount Pleasant. _ ".ris reported that solne who int1>nded wit;i1edsing the marriage ceremony a t 'l'yrone last w eek got left ; b ut never miud, by appearance you may see your own shortly. The officers of the Sabbath school have completed arrangements for t heir annual tea. 'l'hey expect a big Lime. ~'here is some talk of havfog a g-ame of \ntse ball after 1he programme is over and give the winning team their tea. That's right; encourage the boys. W >.>e were the young men that started for a ~edar swanrnJ10.i:th of here, one around the road an cl the other across the fields · ? Mr. Thos . .A.shton lost a valuable foal last SPECIAL TO FAP.MERS.-1 h ave on l~an.d a. large qua n tity of very b est M ,1chineOil, pure Paris Green and. Turnip Seed of t h e most d esirable kinds. Please give we a call, l:t. M, Knm.l'ATIUCK, Solma. 25-2 w. THEJ LATE DR. BIGHAM. Y ERY HONORARf,g AND GP.EATLY U H:· S l·Ji;C L'ED lN DEA'l'IT. JN LU'E Great regret is exprcssod in tho township of K ingston at the death o'f Dr-. Biglrnm. 'l'he deceased was born i n the township of Darlington, couutv of Durham, in 1811, and coming to K ingston studied medicine at < .),ueen's Qollege. He graduated in 1865, located in Bluevalc for a short time and then in Orono, llurham coun ty. H ere he built up quite u. largo i>r11ctice, uud was besides appointed coroner· Iu 1871 he was married t.o Miss M1iry Wilkinson. 11, most estim ..ble lady, In 1873 he disposed of his practice in Orono and removed to Cataraqui, havinlo( bought t be residence of Dr. Brnwn and succeeded him professionally. Here again he quickly took to prominence, beoamo a s a prac· ti tlonflr very populaa-, and was appointed to a number of important positions. He was elected surgeon of the Uth Battalion, master of F ron· tcu ac Lodge A, F. and A. M,, president of the 1'ownsllip of K ingston Agricultural Society, aud treasurer 01' the township. Writ mg or him an a cquain tance says: " Dr, Bigham was ene1·getic nnd honorable, a faithfnl friend and a man best thought or bv those who knew him best. H e was personally popular, in politics a. ltefor mer, ttnd in re igion a Presbyterian He did not sufl'er loug, and died from heart dis· ease. In disposition lie was charitable; an'i in the distribution of his kindn ess lrnew no class. In his a tten dance upon the sick he wtis most attentiVP, and his devotion was ne\·er influenced by the fees or the absence of them. He invariable was good-hearted and mus t b e greatly rmssed. 'l'hc funeral of the late Dr. Bigham occur· ing on Sunday, was attended by an immen se ~v eek. concourse of people. 'l'he event was un der the Ahttle sonof Mr. Thos. McLaughlin has been direction or the Masons, an h undred and fifty seriously ill. but is impro· ing nuder the care of or whom wel'&. present, a large number of: Dr. McLaughlin. member s of the Ancient 01·dcr of Unitecl Work· men, and scores or "people of Caturaq ui and township of Kingston.- Kin{Js, on 1'V !tio . TYRONE. A FAIR PitOf'OSlTION.- There could be no offer more fair thau t.hat of the proprietors of Hagyard"s Yellow Oil, ,vho have Iona offe r ed to refund every 1·ent ~ expended for that remedy, if it fail1 1 to ~ive sat isfaction on fair tri,tl. :t The visable supply of wheat in th e U nited St<11tes and Canaaa, with the amount of wheat now a t sea. for Euro pe, .amount s to 59,G25,9HJ buah els, against GG;353,171 b ushels one year ago, ancl of corn ~l,241,322, against 9,567,755 bushels last year. DECLARED l NCURAJlLJ;;.-E. C. McG o vern, f S "-T ~r h · 11 l o yracuse, .1.~. ~ . , w o 1s a we - i:nown resident of t hat place, wa s declared incur.1 ble by his physician, the disease b eiug a com plication of kidney and liver l · ~ ] h f d ]' f como a1 nt. J.11 two cays e on n re ie in Burdock B lood Bitters, and in one month he ent irely reco ve1·e<l . t l 11 Sam Small says he has had hot i y e ow fever and w his lrny and he prefers the fo rm er. He i:i:ot over· the v ellow fever in j , two weeks and tlH1 tussle with whiskey I lasted seventeen years. He says, moro- l over, that t h er e ia 1.1 good deal of hilarity in hell when a minister tllrns his back on tl1e temperance question. QuININl!.: ANll Cmns .- Quinine is th e J proper r emedy for chill fever, but it does not a lways cure. E squire P el ton , of Grass Lake, Michi~an, t ook in all GOO grains of q uinine for chronic chills and ma larial f~ver. After t.h at. and various other rem edies h ad failed, th·e b ottles of H unlock B loud B itter~ r:ureJ him. t A very interesting ceremony took place a t 1hc residence of Mrs. Catherine Walter, lot 5, 3rd con. of East Whitby, on W edn.isday evening last, being the m arriage of Miss Sarah .Jan e Wal ter to Mr. John C. Bryant, Reach. A large num b er of 1elahves and acq uaintanc es honuurecl the occasion by their prestJnce. A LADY'il SBCR&T. - " I'd give a g ood aeal if I h ad such a pure, h ealthy skin as you h ave, " said a lady to a friend. " Just look at min e, a ll s po1s and blotches, and a·ough as a g rater. T ell me the secret of your success in always lookin g so well." " ·T here is n o secret about it," was t he reply ; "Dr. Pier ce's ' Golden Medical Ducovery' clean sed my b lood, and when that was done, my skm, wh ich was worse than y o urs, began to look smoothe and healthy as you see it. now , " l Challenges the WORLD for an E qual ·Record ~ Is g u a.ran tee d to contain more malle a b le iron and s teel than any oth e r Binde r in Canada. I s l ' guaran teed to cut closer and handl e s h ort and lodged grain b ette r than any o ther Binder. Is guaranteed ; to he more easily operated than any oth er B inder. Its Cutting A p p aratus is the b e s t in t h e world. The ~ o nly Binder running the. Conveyor a nd Elevato1· Belts and Binding Attachment with a Sing le Chain. The' only Binder running tho Conveyor within half" a n inch o f t he C utters. 'l ' he only Binder having perfect 1P i t manr. and Knife-heel Connection s. The o nly Binder having inter c h angeable Bus h Bearin gs. The only Bin der having Spiral Springs in th e Canvas Belt Guides to r eceive t h e strain and tigh t en the B elts in wet and dry w e ath er. The o nly Binder pro vided with a R e lief Rake. The only Binder fitte d with an An g ula1· Steel Cutter Bar, Th e o n ly Binder on which the Sh e af Carri er is u;rnd s uccessfully. The o nly B i nder h aving a Clove r S eed A ttachment. SCHOOL :BOARD. Regular meeting of Board- Mr, WindaH presiding -and other m embers present Messre. Cubitt, Horsey, T od , B leak ley, Lyle, Brimacombe, Ft1irbait·n,Vouch, Fogg , J3rodiP. Minutes of lasl m r,eting read lind con firmed. A cowmnnication waa preHented from Miss Coleman, r esigning her position 11s te'lcher in the third division of lbe publio school. Granted. Miss Gould applied by leHet for leave of absense u ntil Lhe Christmas l:olidays, that she may atleud the Normal School for Ibo purp ose of 0btainiug a professional certifi · cate. Grnnled. Miss Chapmau Wlls appoin ted to the position abo1 it to be vac11ted by Miss Birnie, al same salnry, $275 p~r annum. Several accounts wero prGsenled and referred to fiuance committ ee. Orders were granted in favor of Thoe. IH 25 , Creeper $ 1.00, and \.Phi!ip Knight · for labor. Tha Principal's report of attendance al the public sc ht)c)s for tba month of May was read, iecei~·ed anrl fi lei'I. Col. Cubitt presented a reporl from the special committee appointed t o conside:r t he question of increased school aecomma. dation. After a somewha t lengthy discussion the further consid eration of lhe report was deferred until nox l meeting of the Boo.rd- tho committee in lhe mean l ime to obtain the advice of a competent architect upon the plans proposed in ihe report. On mol ion of Mr. Cubit t, seMnded by Mr. Horsey, the .ihnirruan of lh e Board with the vi siting committee and principal were autbori7.ed to fill any vacaney that may occur int.he t eac!liug staff of the pub. lie school, and submit such appoinlmenl for the 11.rproval of lhe Board at n ext m eeting, J. McDou GALL, ·· Board ad1curned. Secretary . Bowmanville, March 25th, 1886.t:;.l ""'. MESSRS, SnAw & ToLE,- Having bought a 'for onto Light B i n der, and after running it for two harvests cntting for myself a.nd neighbors, over 200 acres, n ot costing me 10 ce nts for repairs, being able t o handle it wit h two horses with e~se, I consider it t h:e champion Binder of lhe D ominion. l\'.Iy neighbor, Mr. Neil Osb o rne, had a field lie c ould not handle with t h e Chat ham Bmder, they could n ot go throu gh withou t choking and I went in with the L ight Toronto, went six times around t h e field with out l eaving my seat, not only cut ting and bindin(! it but t urned out a n d cnt t h e stubble t h e Ch!!.tham had passed over, elevated and bound l he rnme. Mr. Osborna had the little Brant ford and the Dundas for several days cutting for him, but gave his order for the Light T oronto . vV. H . OsuoRNE. - - - -- - SHAW & TOLE, Bowmanville8 LADIES, --UALJ, A'r__.:-· The Star that Leads them All M~s. MoRRISON'S --A~D r SEE-- The Largest Stock --AND- - Greatest Variety - - -IN- - ' Hon. Bdward Illako was the g uest or Mr. and l\'Irs. J, C. Vanstone on Friday last. Miss Lizzie P hil p, of Pickering. and Mr. D. M , Curtis, of Guelphkhave bee n visiting friends here during the woe · The sick or our village, ioclu'.ling Mrs. John Mutton. Mr.]'. Branton and M:r. vV· Ailsworth 2how very little. signs of improvement. Miss Laura Bell lea\'es th is week for her l1om e in Acton. Ont., h aving spent a few weeks '\'isiting friends hero, Mr. and Mr s. 'l'. ·r, Jardine a lso intend leaving our pleasant h amlet for an extended trip to GeJrgian Bay, Gorrie and L ucknow, Ont. :l..llJprovements are the order or the day. coui-ptcuous a mong those we note Mi-. M. Cole's handsome new front t,o his dwelling house; Mr ,· Sam. Bingham's artistically tinisbed mansion, (the work of Mr. 'l'. W escot.t, Bowroanville) r.nd last but not least the now schoolfence suggestive of close custody to the aspiring pupil. New crossings and eidowalks a re soon to fol· ow. S ome e:xoitement prevails as to who onr pas· t.or shall be for thP. ensuiug vear, Evidently the idea l preacher h as not yet sprang into exist ence. We welcome to our v illa ge Mr. Stephen Clemens a ud lady and hope to see livelier times soon a t; tlie East-end, Mr. J. C. Vanstone u.nd famil y are about to l eave this village ana take up Lheir residence jn Bowi:n&nville, '.nus will ca.use Q. sad hlank, an{'l ~~ the BllbjeP,t ofm\\ Oh :regret by their large .r;irqlt.J ~f fa'ie11d~, AjollY crowd ti-om this place attenile<l Ebez·er anniversary on Monday last, the prin· ci1ial at traction thither bein!f the base-ball watch betw een the ··a ladstoncs 'and 'Ebenezer Stars" which terminated in favor or the "'Gladstones" by nine r uns. ~~~~---~~~~- MILLINERY EYER SH OWN JN ORONO. REME~IJlER TDE S TAND : LATE Miss H ErJJURN's , 1\1ILLER's BLOCK. DISTRICT NEWS. There are 534 newspapers in Canada. West 's Liver Pills will nel'er disappoint you . A l wa.) s reliable. 25c. All u ruggis ts. t Our exchange note several deaths from drowuing ·a!rearl.y. \V~ st's Liver !:'ills cures sick headache, dyspepsia , in digestion andliv ercompfain t. 25c. All drugghts. t Toronto m usical festiTal was a grand succees t his week. West 's Pain King cures the worst of colic i n five minutes. Cnres chills , cramps, aud cholera morbus. 25c. All druggis t. t Alon zo L ee, Millbrook, h as b een fined $50 for violating the Scott Act. ~west's W or ld's Wonder, Linimen~ cu res rheum a tism, n e ura lg ia, cuts, burns, sprains and bruiBes. 2o and 50c. A ll drugg ists. t .1J1\ Holland will be the candidate in the R eform interests in M uskoka, W est's World's vVond er. The d emand is s t eadily increasing for this truly popular r e medy for rheumatism and all kindred dieeases. 25 and 50c, A ll drug· gists. t . There has been fourteen convictions in P eterb oro for viol at i ng the Scott A ct. A large doctor's bill is often saved by taking in time a few d oses of West's Liver Pills, the standing re m'edy for li ver complaint, dyspepsia, indigostion and sick h eadach e. 25c. All druggists . t Mr. a nd Mrs. Geo. Wilson, of the Port Hope G uide, h a ve gone to t ha Old Coun · try on a p leasure trip. Much suffering could be avoid ed by constantly keeping a supply of West's Pain Kin g in thti h ouse. A certain cure for flux , dysentery, cramps, chills , colic, ch ole ra, a n d ch olera morbus. 25c. A U dru ggists. t The Editor of P ort Hope Times s at h eavily on a chap in O ron o, who h ates t h e Scott Act, in Tuesday's paper. P a i n s cannot exist a fte r the pa.tien t has taken a single dose of vVest's Pain Kina, the Magic C ure . D o n ot be induc; d to take a substitu te, but insist up· on h avin g W est's Pain K i ng. 25c. All drugg is t s. t Mr. Jas . Cochrane, of tho Central H otel , Oshawa, h a s leased an hotel at S t . · Mary's and will .move to that t own ationt the l st of A u gu st. Vvinte r h as parned and n ow comes summ er with ail t h e terrors of chol era, bowel complaint, flux , clw_lera infa ntnm . . P rov ide for em ergen cies by p urch asrng at once a bottle of W est's Pain Kin g. 25c. A ll drugg ists. t 'l' he Lindsay Warder is asking for credit from its exchanges for clippings. ' 'Swipes jr ." has b een gi ving it so much cre~it of lat e that th e papers haYe b ee n t a kmg a r est. DOMESTIC SEWING MAOHNE. Mauy hnitate It hut None Equal It. This is without doubt the most elegant, most durable, and best. Family Sewing Machine in the market. It do.es b_ett~r work. It does finer and better sewing. It is easier to run and supenor m every respect to all other machines. Its attachments and Shuttle are of the Newest design, and a· child can almost place them in position. Every lady !.hould give the "Domestic" a trial before buying inferioY soft made machines. Machines may be seen ,at Mr. Kenner's Variety Hall, :Bowmanville, and at Hampton. · The undersit,ned have th':! exclusive righ t of sale in the West Ridin~' 0 of D11rham, and Whitby and Manvers. Agents wanted- apply to ' H. ELLIOTT, Jr. Hampton, .March 26, 1886. W. BATTEN. x3-3m. - - -0 - - Jon A . -One l ot of Fancy Dress Goods, w!Jich w e are clearing this week at t e n cen ts p e r ya1·d, just h alf the regular price. JOB B .- One lot of Ladie s ' Rubber C irc ulars, warranted perfect and wate r - proof, a n excellent cloak for the dusty W£ a th e r , cle aring for one dollal' each. J OR C.One lot of washing fast I 1 color. Prints a?d Zephyr Gingh ams clearmg at eight cents per y ard, , IHA I NE S' I CARRIAGE "WORKS, EBENEZER. 'l' here have been a great m any good anniversaries held in connection wiih the Sabba th achoo! in this place, but never one more gener. ully successful than this yeu r'e. Y ery good stirmons were preached on Strnday--in the woming by Mr F'..T. Osborne. and in t he a fternoon by Mr. Vv. H. May. of Bowmanville. The church would not accommodate more than half of the people present in the after· i1oou. 'l'he smging was good and the collect ions liberal. 'l'he programme on Monday was fairly well 1·endered, and was of moderate interest. 'l'here was a. lack o! spirit a nd cheerfulness that is 11ever out of place on a week day, even in a church. A. liLtle innocent mirtb. sandwiched in with "the good, the tru e and beautiful," gives a zest a.nrl a~lds interest to a:i occasion ot tnis nature. Hel1glon rightly enJoyed should make people cheerful and happy. and there· fore me,etings und!:lr religiot1s 11.us.11ices shoulcl not be devoid of thcs'l characberistics. 'l'he programme consisted or singing by , the choir and scholars, r ecitations by Polli11 v\7orden, ·.Arthur Gay, Chas. Wot·tien, and Edith Short; ·etlo.:ori:ues by :Minnie Everson and Maude Squires, A. J . Short a nd l?. Gay, and one on "J3atl Habits" by three girls and four boys ; Ievi6'X ui' iast li~Srte1"s Sunday school lessons by the school, and a bl'ief synopsis o~ the lives or nine Script11re cha racte rs by nme sm~ll scholars, with responses by .the sc.hool, M ISS c. Littlcjohn s tJ.nd a class of ltttle girls sang an ai1them very e wcetly. . Tile Treasurer a nd ~ecre tary read their re· JlOrts win ch sho~v a P.rosperous cond!tlon of things in connec:ion with Lbe school. Addresses were af terwards macle by Revs. W Coomhe and Thos. Brown, the for mer de· liveriug one or the finest speeches for an anni· versary occas1ou that we h~ve listened to for a long time. Mr. l.lrowu was very unwell and did not attempt; a set speech. 'fhe tea was without exception one of the best that ha s e ver been served here or elsewhere in the dbtrict, showiog tbe culinary accornplishroeuts !Jf the la<lies around here to be of a very supenor degree of excellence. The proceed3 amottttt to upwards of $ 150. Strnh an !tnnual gathering of Cornish amt Devonshire peqple is now here else t ·1 be found ·e(1ual to Ebenezer annive1 sary. 'Ye believe it is anticipate.d with as much . mterest. as Christmas and as long as the ladies provide &U C h a u e::<eeilcnt repa~t, Wlth fair Weather, they are sure or a large attendance. A GRowrno Ev1L.- Scrofula, or k ing's . formerly s old at l 2z cent s. evil, as a n enlargeme nt of the glands of the n eck is t ermed, may be called a JOB D.- One l ot of Boy's Wool '. - - MANUII'.A.CTUREU OF-growing evil in more t h an on e sense. T wee d Suits , fi tting boys from 5 I Mrs. H enry Dobbs, of Berrid~le, was to 1 5 years, clearing ·at l ess than cured of enlarged gbnds of the n eck and cost. Pri ces will be exceedin<rly ' sor e t h roat by th"l mtern~ l and external l 1 d . . b f use of Haer a r d's Y ellow Oil. :1: o~ as we purpose roppmg o ut o KING STREET. BOWM ANVILL oY this 0.e pa1 tme nt , Has now on hand a number ot vehicles (and la m anufaotnring a great many more) ot the ne'ffes · I patterns and best finish, wh!cp I am offering for sale s.t t he lowest prices consisten i with due regard to workmanship and quo.llty. The following id a list ot 1 ~he principal vehicles manufactured by mu . \ D.ouble Cover ed Carriages ............. ... ................................... . $150 Upward.11, - - -- - -- -- - - - - -- S ingle P h ooton s . .... . .... .. .. ..... ............ ...... .. . . . .. . .. ....... ........ ... 100 11. Open B uggy....... . . .. .... . ...... .... . . ...... ..... ... ... . .. . ........ .. . ...... ... '70 u GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, CARRIAGES SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O., R0 ber tso n & B0 nd. 8 Q VN E Absolutely Pure. This powder n ever varies. A m arv el ol purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the -Ordinary Rind@ , and can · not be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders: Sold enl yin<eans. HOYAL BAK· lNU POWDEl't cu., a.06Wall St., N. ~- Skeleton . ......... ... ... .............................. ... ........ .. ... ............. 50 Sulky.. ...... .................. . ...... .. ...... .......... .. .................. ..... ... 40 11 - - -o -- Possessing superior: facilities tor lll:a.nufaoturlng carriages, I lntend to sell very cheap for e ~:b or approved credit. and by so domg I hope to greatly increase my number ot ea-lea W oul1111 Tile undersigned wishes to inform his sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed, · very large number of p atro ns that h is· mill dam is r ebuil t and the mill is i n good J working order . He thanks all for their ( At t h e ShortestjNotice, Painted and Trimmed if Desir ed. very liberal patronage d v1fog the p ast F actory I also do P laning, Matching, T urning and Sawing with Circle, Band or·ser t h irty-two yea.rs, and l1opes by str ict At the Saws, and p1·epare all kinds of lumber for·carpenters nd others for buildlng purposes, attention to business t o r ecoive a liberal Ornamental and P lain Pickets for fences in every style reQulred, made tn order. sha re in the futura. - - FA.RM-FOR SALE.- That ~~il know~ and valuable fa.rm the ··Weldon 111ome· being composed or 200 acres, 153 clt-ared The s ubscriber will pay the highest cash stead," the i n woods, the principal pli'tt of price for any quantity of good Merchantable the balance ti111ber being beech and maple, A new "Vool and 2c over that in trade. lJont give frame house, with cellar full size, 2 barns · always on hand for .sal e. away your wool when you can get a fair llrice a nd cow stables, cow sh ed and root' in exchange for Blankets, Sheeting, 'l'weeds, horse ouse; 2 good wells of water, and small etc., Carpet Y ar n and Sock Yarn always on h above farm is well fenced and hand. W ith thanks for past favours and orchard, 'l'hecultivation. 1t is suited foc 2 soliciting a contmuance or the sam e, I am under good having the wood oo both ends. '. fhe AN APPRENTICE to the millery your obllR'ing Bervaut, D. TAYLOit, Hampton tarms. number of the lot is 13 in the 4th concession of Woolen Mills. 23· 3m· Darlington, 2,t north of the flourishing town of wante d. Bowmanville, Church and School close by. Call at M orris' Carriage vVorks b efore Apply to 'l'hamas Weldon, Senior, Proprietor, now in Darlington, I f l>y letter whe>:i home, ord ering a!1d e~ami~e tl~e material and "Littlewood; ' P. 0 . r.. B,- Ir not sold in Z menths it will be rent· · stock he is usmg m lus carriag es nnd ed. '.I'. W., Senr· .Enniskillen, .June 10th, 1886. 2~-lm, wagon s this season. 18·tf. . WAT E R MI LLs ' I ~~~~$:~~;~~;:::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~ Lumber Wagons .. ..... .. .. ... .. .............. . ........ . .. ......... ....... ...... . 1 ~~in!~!f\v~g~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~g 55 ENNISKILLEN, I ! . I All K · d in s :: :: 11 0 f V e h IC · }es R epaired I FLOUR and FEED WOOL! WOOL!! JOHN MARTIN I I

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