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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1886, p. 6

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familiar-looking alip-the cheque, t· _ t'a his firm-as you know he cir.Ila it-were ha.ve the letter t o-morrow fer certain. And on the B.i.nk of England, you ~ee," he aa.1d, about to try their ga.mea on with aome who so fit BB you, Mr. M ~~J ey, a. man who LikA a fl&sh or ll1<ht the through exp:e315 "' he handed it to s~a.te, "Yon? friend JJelgian people, and thir.t he wa.a going to knoWll the buolnees, aud who hH always Fliee·ovcr the el very line, . Mr. '\-Y r~!lga knows 8!li a.bout that eatal!lieh· open a new receiving house by the a.ld of a done hia duty by the firm." Bearing its burden of huma.n eou1 al cannot stay to repe·C all we11a.ld, or h ow ment." Re le.ughed ae he 111id thl1 ; a.nd man who knew nethlog of the firm or ita On, on, through the gay eunPbiae F&ID,\,Y, JUNE '25, iss6. There at the tbiottle-bar, bro\'<n a.1 d grltr>, the laugh wae repeated .by Seate ~Dd pbn1, Thia man was you, Mr. Matley ; we thanked the kindly det;eocive, or how Hie defp 1-yee looking ahead, but aa we did not wllih to be 11olwaya catch he pretended to rldlou!e my wife for crying Wregg1, but In very dlft't?ent; tonn. The enotiueer In bis oily clott ee, The former took the oh· q ne, a11d tbru1t ing the dnpe, who we.1 a.a innQcent aa the at what had ought to make her Hmlle, while Stands firm and tree rrom dread, the hoo.p of noto1, lnorea~ed by 1ome from per1ons who had been cheated themselvea, I oonld s.ctaally see a sympathetic glisten. .. hla own pooki.t, to Mr. Herdley, 1aylng : I hit upon a plan by which I hoped to pene- Ing In his ewn eye1, He ataved with aa The track ls his own, all must give way, "You will find those right, I have no donbt, trate a little farther Into the mystery, I lon~ onough to 1moke aeveral plpe11, HUMOR~ CA.TARRR.- A new trea.tment ha.s been dis- Yest See 1Lt 1be town, on 1.bere ! monirg freight on the eii:ling we.its ; When he reee to leir.vo, he said : "Now, 'l, all' ; ' then pushed the pii.pen, or wal'r.ntl, made inquirlea about you, 1lr; and found covered whereby a perm8'nent cure of this The is righ, : no call tor care. hitherto incurable disease. is a~solutely affect· ' All to Mr. Obelp1, adding : "And there b what dlffioultiea you were In, and whir.t a j oklng a.pa.rt, ma.'a.m, ju 1t the eober truth, f rom a common Blotch or Eruption God 1 a11 open switch! One move ed in from one to three appllcat10ne. no mattl!r Ah, good oharaoter you b~re, 10 I could prett)' you know-doD't you think I 'lita.1 pretty to tbe worst Scrofula.' Salt- rlleum: yeur aeourity, llir." And r,h be.r i . quick revei sed; whether standing one year or forty years. This " p a1 an old man !-pretty well for "Fovcr·sor~s," Scaly or Rough Skin, thA air-brakes drag, Jump 1 jump! or Mr, Chelp1 clutched them eagerly, nearly tell what line Seate would take. well got · remedy is only applled onr.e in. twelve days, Thendeath, ,, In short, nil d1se11Scs caused by bad blood are an ama t enr, you k now I conquered by this powerful purifying and and does not Interfere with business. Descrip· crammed them into bi· pooket, iu1d then,-to with you, and when he would bep,ln, On your , oul will do his worst. tive pamphlet sent free on receipt or stamp by "U WH wonderfal," sa.ld my wife "I Invigorating medicine. Great Eating' u1. my 1urprlse, thrust two cf hi· fiogera Into "I hit It, you mud own, fahly well never waa more deceived In my life. I never eers A.. R. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West, rapidly heal u nder its benign inlluence. hh mouth, and whlatled loudly. We all I oir.me to aak about your lodglng1 ; and, to 'J hA engine Jurcbe& upon the switch, T Dronto, Canada. C · ·.v a.nythlag on the ·hge to compl\re with Esp.ecl11lly hes lt manifested Its potency Jn etarted In amazement, and looked e.t him ; my delight, when I wall a.eked lnw tbh very 1a ., WHAT IS ATARRH· curmg Tetter, Rose Ilash1 Boil11, Car· Juat ahead there stands the frtilght; · buncles, Sore Eyos'i Scrorulons Sores Catarrh is a dangerous dlseaa~ which thp.us· H~ can save hie train if he keeps h1s post: tu~ before a. aingle word could be 1poken, room, there nt the man I we.a moat in- It, ands a.re consciously or uncons<?1onsly suffermg rropb~y Wal borne out t o the letter BIHi Swe lling11, H P · .Yoint Di·ea·e, For him·elf1 Ah t well, ask t.. te. the door of the room wa1 thrown violently tereated In. He did not want yoa to leave .,.. Hi1 1 l h d " ' llltO Swelllugs, Goitre, or Tlliclt from. It is a muco-purulent d1sobarl!o ~a.used A rngot ul craRh ; the paase1 gera saved, open, and then, to my greater amazement, thla houoe for a bit, 110 he early advl~ed you my o emp oyers wr ote Co met e n ext a.y ; Neck nnd Enlarged Glands. Send t en by the presence of a. vegetable P,aras1te Ill the Witb. their faces white wltb .;read; feur Dlf'n ru11hed In. In the momentary to take auoh a.u ea1y·golug, purblind, thlok- a.nit on the following Monday I took my aeat cents fn stamps for a large tre11tlee, with collining membrane of the nose. 'I he pred1apo~ But un< er his engine, crudhed end torn, plates, on: Skin Diseases. or tho ~nme in~ causes are a morbid state of the blood,_the 'fhe h eave er.giueer lies dead, gl1mce I caught of them all they entered, headed old fdlow a~ me for a. lodger. O: a.II head of the oountlng· hou9e In which I ored 11 bllghted corvuscle of t ubercle. the germ poiso n had worked ~o long aa a olerk. Nor did ~,~~nifr~~~~i-fn:~ro~~~A[';<j)~~~; I aa.w that two of them were oertainly ooane I ba.d ~xpeoted to take furniehed I · of sy-r hilie, mercury, toxomre, f~om the reten· Think, as :voutly 'mid the sunshine bright, fdlowa of whom I had aeen Ohelpa buying a.partment· ; hue whrn I found how things Mr. Moley himself fa.re t.a.d.y. The a.rreat. Thoroughly cleanse It by using Dr. Pierce'· tion of the etrete matter of the ekm, ~uvpressed Or throuo h ti:.e storm and rain, perspirations, badly vent.llil.t.ed sleepmR'. apai:t· By fl ·wera an hour before, while another waa were, I said I wonld prefer bringing my of Seate and Wregg' led to other oa.pturea, Gold.en ltledlcal Dl!!!covery, and good ds.y and nigbt, o'er 1Jl1&in a cd gorge, and tinal'y t;, the brae.king up of the bee~ digestion, a fair 11k1n1.. buoyant spir· men ts and the ~ermination ot othei; poisons m a.a certa.lnly the stranger to whom I h11d own.' u .., vital strelll!;th, 1111<1 souudneH ol Ot tile ei.ginef'r of the train the blood. Irritated by these. the hnlng mem· or11anlz1d a.nd most da.~·g eroaa gm~ of constitution, mil be establlshed. Th.ink: or the thou ·and, ot souls he holds apo'e:en at tile bar ef thH Tline Bells . ··And so you did Mr.-l'h-Molev !" brane of the nose- is ever ready . for the recepln London; a resu lt which brought In hia gra&p w ithout a fear ; "Wha.t th.,'--beg11on So11ote, turning exolalmed my wlte; " bea.utifal new fur · awindl.,ra tion of the parasite. which rapidly spreads ,up Think of thti blraiu on nerve and on brain, the nostrils and down the fauces, or back of fiercely upon Chelps ; but ere ho o..uld nlture, which your marrlod daughter, who Mr. Moley "QfOmotlon, a h11ondsome preaent And pray for the e t gine erthe throat causing ulceration or the throat; up rom aome meroha.nta, and repeated eu lo· complete hie sentenoe, the old ma.n had had gone to A utralla, had recently bough t 1 _, the eusta.chian tubes, causing. deafness: bu L: g!ums iu the pren ; t he latter t estimonial· which le Scrofulous Disease of the sprung from hla obt1.lr foll vpen him, two for you, " rowing in the vocal cords, causmg hoarsene~s, Is promptly aud certainly anested giving hlw, perhaps, the gre11ote1t plea.sure Lungs, of the 1tranger11 aelziDg Mr. Wregga &t the usurping the proper structure of the bronchial cul'ed by this God-given remedy, lt taken " Ab I yea, to be snre, my mo.rrled of the whlille ; for with all hla ahrewdnee· and tubes ending in pulmonary consumpt10n and before tho lust sta~cs of tho disoUBe are ri;ached. san:e Instant. daughter ! her furniture t" returned our From Its wonderlul power ovei· this terribly death. 1 "Get off, you old fool I" aheuted Soate, friend, with a broad grin, "Why, hleae and determlna.Uen, he wa.~ rather a. va.~n fatal Many ingenious speif!cs for !or t?e cure o dlsc!IBe, when 1lrst o:ffering tbia now celCONCLUSIO N, with a ae.vagu oa.th ; "lea.ve go or It'll be yeur heart, ma'am, I went atraight from tnbll, ebrated. r emedy t o the public, Dr. r mnClli ~atarrh have been invented, but w1.tqou~ sucFor many year1,·untll, Indeed, he r et ired thought eorlouely of calling it hls "Concess until a physician of Jong standmg d1scovfor yeu," ·he worse here tha.t night i.nd hired It. I haven't to hie na.tive oounty on a p~nshm, MJley 18ll11ll'tlOH Cure," butnbnndoned t hat nume The day appointed for the meeting, ae ored the exact nature of th disoa~e and the "O.n with the bra.oelete, Bill I" cried only appliance which will permanently destroy detailed ln the last chap tor, was evidently Ohelps, In a tono utterly dlffarent from his got any married, daughters I ba.rna't got came enoe In each half year to din e with ns t oo limited for n medicine whlcb, from lta the va.rasite, no matter how aggravated the te ba an lmporhnt one 1n my little hbtory; any danghtera at all. lm an old b~chelor." us; al ways on a Sunday, and &lway11 with wonderfu l combination of tonic, or strengthening, nlterntive, or blood-cJe1msing, anti-blllou1, case. Sufferers should send stamp at once for I was at length to see one of my em· usual voice, end ma.lnta.lning hla grip with " Good gr¥Jloue I ' exohlmed my wife preeents for our children, who reg1.uded him pcctoml, nnd nutritive properties. Is unequaled, tor descriplive pamphlet on catarrh, to th~ overpo~erlng forM, despite ef the tremen not only as a remedy for consumption of the business manai<ers, A. n. Dixon & Son, 30D plCJyerR, ani I hoped that be wonld be fa . deus struggiee of s~ate. The latter plungell again; " bu~ you were quite overcome as a. aort of edra uncle, and were 11lw.i.y1 up· lungs, but for all . whlln you "pck 6 of the lon of Mr8, Che lp~. roa.rlously ((l11od to seo him. vourably hnpreated with me, Perhap11 I K ing street, west, Toronto, Canad·. What the R ev. E. B. Stevenson,B.A., a Cleruv- felt quite 11oa much anxiety about my being and kicked desperately; bu o the s\unger Do you me11on to 111oy " -of the 'l'hree B ells a.aelated M r, Chelpa In man of the London Conference of t!y.e Metho" l de indead1 mir.'a.m," interrupted Mr. d ist Ckurch of Canada, has to say Ht r eom·d favour&bly impresaed with him. With hla bcldlng his man, while one of the ooater THROUGH THE ROOKIES. O F'.l'llll "We are obliged to do those 'To A.H. Dixon & Son'a New Treatment for coming, teo, my first reo .. gnised tra.uaaotlon mongora- aotually ene of the liower-men- Meley, thing· In the deteotlve work, I 9onld see Condt tlon ot the Canadian J>acJnc Une IA in the ~ervlce would be completed ; for the 'Catarrh, Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 repre·entatlve of the £3lgia.n firm would pnlled out a pa.tr of handcuffs ; and b:i you dl1 net really like Sc11.te ; n or did Mr. me Houota1D11, M essrs. A.H. Dixon & Son: appear aleo, and hand me the delivery-orden thirty aeoonde from the time the door wu M~tley." DEAR Srns.-Yours of the 13th Inst. to hand. for these goods In return fer cs.eh. Iii was opened, SJate and Mr. Wreggs were eaoh Mr. H. Abbott, general superintendent of · If you feel duJJ, drowsy, debilltntell, have " I did not, " I u.id ; "I took a. dlslib It seemed almost too good to he truo that I am handcuffed and each held in the grip of to him from the fir1t," the C. P R., has arrlvtd from a tour of In snllow color of skin, or yellowish-brown epota cured of Catarrh, but I know that I am. I essential, a.e Sa<>te ha.d pointed ont to me, on face or body, frcqtient hcnduche or dlzzlliave had no retur_n of the diseas'?, and never tha.t l should ma.nage all this, as my a.genoy two mon ; while Mr. Herdley and myself "But to go on with my 11tory. Oace epeatlon through the Rooky Monuhlne. Ha nes.~. bad taste in moutb, 1~1ternul bent or <Jhllle 1 Celt better in my hre. I have tried so many would be lat'gely concerned In the Balgis.n looktod on In helpless eurpriae and In my In the hou·e a.nd ·eelng him, and hearin g left Donald, B 0, Friday the 14;h of Moy . nlternuting with bot fiuubcs, Jow spirits ana t;hings for Ca.tarrh, suffered so much. a nd for trade, · Di it ws.s well that theiie peeple ca.ae at anyrate1 aome little dread, gloomy borcbodlugs. Jrrcgul11r appetite, and what be ht.d told you, my work began to be 11ond the t ra.ln oame west whhln two and one coated ao many years, that it is hard to realize that tongue. you nro suil'erlng from Jndl· When he released bh hold of Soa.te, as plain as ABC. It wau quite clear he half milea of tb<:1 11ummlt of the S ;lklr k gestl on, Dyspepsia, and Torpltl Liver, t am really better. · should eee at the 011t11et tha.t I wa.a intrusted I consider that mine was a :ver:Y bad .case; 1t with the oondunt of a big aff-1lr. I we.a Cnelpa turned to me with a smile-a emile meant you to run your bead Into the trap, range, where a hand-oar wa.e ta.ken to the or "Uiliousness." In mimy eases only was aggravated and chronic; mvclvmg the pleased a.t this, of course, and M r, Chelps slight and q al.t In itself, but which yet and buy the atolan goods ; be the responsible ai;.mmlt. From elx to eight feet of snow was po.rt of these symptoms are experlenced. As '~hroat as well as the nasal passages. and I remedy tor all such c1.1Bea. D r. Pierce'· seemed te one.nge him e.ltegether, eo that I Bgent 1 g ive the forliled bills ; get rld ol the on th · level on the summit for a bout ha.If a n ·t hou ght it would require the three ;ti eatments, wa.· no lees delighted than myself. Golclen lll edlcal Dlticover7 bns 110 When the morniD& arrived, Mr. Chelp1 should hardly h11ove known the man. "You ll11osh n11Ge1, a.nd 10 on, Bu 1 the thing mile, where a slide had occurred. West of equal. '·· 'but I feel fully cured by the two sent me, and ··ram thankful that I was ever induced to send w11.s in unusual epirlta, hopp!Dg about whh will apolegiee to Mre, bht.ley, if yon pleaae, wanted was to get him t o pl,.y all h h cards the aummlt there wa.e a depth of from two l·'or ' Vcak Lungs, Spitting of Bl ood, to three feet of 11now for three miles, which SJ1 ortnc~i;1 of Dre a111, D roncltlti· t for our ca.using se mnc h. unplea!&ntnesa In ' uo,f~~·are at llborty to use this letter stating briekuess quite rema rkable for him, and her house," be ea.Id ; " but It was una.vold· at onoe, so as to ema.sh the whole oonoern ; gradually dlminlehed unt il It entirely ?.lsa.p· SQve1·c cougJts, Consnn1pt1on, ana becauee q uite rt m ~rk11.bla, too, In a.n elderly in valid. you see, ma.' am, I wa.an't q nlte kindred affections, it le a. sovernign remedy. · t hat I have bt:6n cured at two treatments. and Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's t I shall gladly r ecommend your remedy to some He b.ad already told ma that he had suo· a.ble. We aha.11 no' require your a.ssi11taDOe eatlefied even with the uha.i:c 3 ef gettln1< pea.red about five mile11 from the summit. book on Consumption. Sold by Dru1rglet1. He wa.'ked two and one half milea aorose ·' -Of my friends who are sufferers. ceeded In obtalulng the money; be bad re· a.t present ; and I wlen you partloula.rly him, while there were ethers bshlnd. So 1 Yours, with many thanks, the " loop,., the tra.ok wend ing s.t this ceived thi& on the previous aherneou., but it to a.aaure your kind llttl8 wife that this talked aboutmy rea.dy· money which I wish· on 6 BOTTLES REV. E, B. S TEVENSON. · , , Eon $B.oo. was lu the form of a. ch£que; a.nd fereea.lf will do you no hum-ra.ther the ether ed to have employed ; and be j 11mped at the point into two long lonpR, lncrea~lng tile l"Anil. hundreds of others two 11.nd one ha.if milea dieta nae In a straight some d ffi ;ulty in I ts accepta.noe by the Bel· way. I shall ca.II a.gain this evening, after bait more rea.dily t han .I expected, World's Dispensary Medical Association. " His plans were soon altered, Inatead line to five t ortuous miles, Thia la ihe only ARD OF THANKS. - To the Mana- gia.ns, who would naturally reg·rd a oh( q 11e attending the oourt with our friends." Then tarnlng to Mr. Herdley, he con· of going on gradually \I ith you., h e mea.nt portion of 'the road t hat was not gone ~ver, J>roprietors, 1)63 Main St., DurJ'.4.LO, N. Y . gei· or the Fire Insurance A~sociation: off~red by him by very dlllerent eyes from SIR, I hereby return thanks f~r t he. prompt wh.11.t they would regard ono fr"m such a tlnued : " We shall want you with us, ~o have a big haul over this B = l ll;lan affair, an ear th elide a.t the lower. end of t bq loep payment (by your agent, Mr. 'I.hos. Bmgliam, firm aa Jiunner, Wreggs, a.nd Co.rrowble, elr.- Now, Bill' -to ene of the coater· and then sheer off. He meant, it was very preventing oonneotlon throagh f rom Donald ror my Jo ss by fire, caused by a. spark f rom a to F .orwell. The elide is prob·bly removed steam threshei', having g~t payment tor CfJD- He had told Seate that Chia would proba bly monger-like men, ae I had onoe thought clear, to sell the goods dlreotly he got h~l d by this time. At the end of the l ooQ an en \~~c~~s LITTLE tents at market J?l'ice ; no i; or l uayment h ke be thu ca.se; and the la.tter, with hia usual thern, but whom I new began to see were ot them, H e or his precious partner I see on th e Dommion Grange Policy to t enants. readinese, had promised t.hat he would a.r- aomethlng different-" call a couple , ol W regge1 had a.lrea.dy sounded some people szlne W&9 in waiting te convey Mr. Abbott t<i LIVER Yours gratetully. THOS. liARltlS, . ra:cge so as to prevent 1'ony obeta.cle tr In- ca.ha and let us be c;ff." about buying them, and found t hey ceuld F<1rwell, · Tyrone, Sept. 11, 1885. 38 Where snow 1lides he.ve oocurred they " Bnt who- who and what are you?" I get very nea.rly full ve.lue on the dock 0\.\.e'\6 PILLS. convenience. So rema.rkably briak was Mr, Chelps, thzr.t, ea.Id, althougn I folt that I could have warrant·. Then there wa.a my money- have filled the out. with anew, Thia ha.a A N 'rI-DILJOlJS and CATHARTIC. ARD OF THANKS.- T o the ~i~naoa.uaed in part the d elay In running trains ger of the Fire Insurance .A.ssocis.t10n : h&vlug obtained permlnion fol' oar ser vant answered the queatlon myself; "ir.nd who.t eleven hundred pounds, you know- the through 0 wing to there b11lng no men em· Sold by Druggists. 2ii cents 11 vial. BIR, I he reby return thanks for the. prompt Lizzie t<i go 9n a raiher long errand for him have theee m en been doing?" two thing· together m11klng aucb a pull a.a ployed In r epairing the traek through the "I am 8ergeant Meley from Sootland he did not often get, · i)ayment (by your agent, Mt·. Thoe. Brngha.ml bu lndsted upon opening t he atreet deor to tor my Joss by fire, caused _ by a spark from a Ya.rd," replied my lodger, "My name \ 1 "l'he fir1t transaction you had w&e with wlntel' and spring montha, the freshets from eteam thr esher,havingrece1ved the mu amount all ca.Hera h!m1elf, to save Mn. M ~tley and may be known to yon. I will tell you all Mr. Jerry Wllkln1, His name la n o more the hlll1 have in many place~ wa.ehed out Qf my ins urnnce IN GOLD on the occasion of my myself the trouble, N ~t only did hie buoyls olfered by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Cntnrrh. Remedy t1:0lden wedding. Yours thankfully, THOMAS ant splrite prompt him to do thia and te alt &bout these gentleman when I call around Wlllr.lns than mine i1 ; but thllot don't mit· small portions of tlie roadbed, but en the for a case of catarrh which tbey I .JARDINE. . all the mornfng or nearly ee, In the c;tlioe1 thla evening." ter. Well, what you bought was plir.te, air, whole Mr. Abbott et.tea that \he damage cannot cure. 'l'yrone, Sept. 11, 1885. 38 His name known to me I I 11honld think the prooeed· of 19me lm rglarles at the '\Veet sustir.lned la trilil!!g1 and a short tJm e only to be In readlneae, but_he avowed· his lnten· H · iiii-'4"'e-a dla~hU-T~<t-v-in tlon of buying ' quite a let of liowers,· a.1 It wa.a indeed, ir.a ihat of the meet dreaded End. - Don't be o.lir.rmed ma'am; nothing will be occupied In ma.king t be tra.ok ready t he nose. offensive or otherwise, pa1 -tinl loss of emefl. t«~te, he sa.ld ; and 10 opened out front door at ir.nd eucoeaaful detective ofliJer of the da.y, can touoh your husband, who had no know- for the runnll'lg of trains. For a mile and a or hearing, weak: eyes d1iil pain " Oh, lt'a you, la It !" hl11od Soa.te, " If ledge of what he wae doing, Well, I wanted half west ef F .i.rwell, where the bed we.a or preli6ure in head, lea.at ha.lf·a·dc;zen time1 to hail the passing you have Catarrh. Thou. Formerly Known a.a the " Soper Mills. ') vendera ef roote1 bloaaom11, or bulbs. Onoe ever I get oler.r · a.gain, I'll put a bullet to be aure of this ; 1e I took ct.re to litten, built of b11od ma.terla.I, the t raok b&a been sands ot cases terminate in consumption. Dr. Sage's CATARRH HreMEDY cures the worst or twloe, I o~me up Into the hall while he waa into you, If you a.re a.hove ground." and to loiter In the front garden so that I renderPd impaeea.ble. Thie In the only-11eo· ~ fHIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR- haggling with these men ; but ea.oh time he tlon, Mr. Abbott ea.ya, t hat wae not fit for cases ot Catarrh~~' Cold in the He&cla" "Ab!' Hid Ohelpa- or Maley-coolly, coald 1ee Mr. Jerry when he ca.lied-·" ud Catarrhal neadache. W oentt. ~ -· · OUGHJ,Yrenovatedandputinorder,under " that'a what you a.re geing te do when you "Ti en I 1t1ppoae," said I, interrupting traflio when he visited it, When railway ---------~irown special supeivialon,for the purpc se.of playfully lnaisted upon my going baok, a.a rh&ing anti manufaLturlng Oat Mee.I 11nd Pot he did not lntEnd Mra. Matley to have the are free, '.You are not free now, and m) him, "that I really did see yen looking over work suapended la.at N ovember no stati~n Barley, a nd we are now prepared to receive tillghtest Idea. of what he WBll golr g to buy, a.civloo ·to you le to wait until you a.re, the b&nlsters, and hiding &t the back of the bulldinge or tank: houa~s h&d been conwtruct· ed, but a large foroe of carpenters are now orde ~a from all our old cn·tomera and 01 hers, before you tr.lk of your pla.na." was to be a 1111rprlre for her, be ea.Id. hall on b oth night·?" . tor work, and we gurantee to ~ive ti;iem who It Se at work er ecting these, About 1200 men In aneth.r mlnu'e the oaba arrived, and ··You the morning wore en un'il punctual to did 10 air," replle<l Mr. Moley; 1 'ntruat ue with the as.me entire satisfaction. -A'J.'TREOats and ot her g1·uins taken in e x:change for his appointed time, Mr. Seate appeared ; the whole of the atra.nge party took their " and on the evening he came I planted one &T"e employed In the mountains, and 700 .Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. &; J. TOWNS, Bow· o.ud aimoat directly e.fter him the Belgian depe.rtur.: ; Moley again leaving an a1111ur· of our people at the T hree Bells, who aent a m ore are on the wa.y. Mr. Abbott la conmanville 227. rE1rea011tathe. Thia latter wu a portly, Ing mea·age for my wife, while the atranger b oy to your place with a meaea.ge, and ao fiaent t hat reg~lar trains can be rvn, unless respeotable looking gensleman, who 1eemed of the Three B eU9 pauaed In the doorway got you out of the way, while I examined aome unforeseen event In the mea.ntlme oorather rnrprl1ed at the aepeot of the houae to give me a moat e:xpreaalve wink, the parcel you had bought. But when you cura h prevent, on or before the lat of J aly. The cont ract ha1 been awarded to the I need not aa.y how ltartled Saaa.n wu by said you had ha.d a "turn" t hrough net be· to whloh be ba.d been 1t1mmoned to lran1act · Continnes to do a General Banking Business 1uch important bn1ine1a; Seate evidently my acoount of the long expected interview l Ing a.ble to find the package, which wa.1 <Jn California Bridge Co., tor the erection of a eBo wmanvillll Branch, caught the glance, and, ready,,. ueual, aaid : indeed, but for the meaaa.ge left by Mr. a dlft'erent cha.Ir from where you thought atea011hlp wharf in frcnt ef the prbperty DEPOSITS "Ail very new here, 1lr-we 1ha.ll have It Ohelp!1 In whom 1he 1tlll had grea.c con· you bad laid It, you &~ve me a "turn too; recently pla.oed on the market at Victoria by Clothing and any amount of suits altered In a few day·. It 'W&I a len~ way to fidenoe, although he turned out to be a dl1· for while you apoke, I remembered I had the C. P. R. Tllia will be 1000 feet lo l ength, Received in Savings Bank Dep11rt.mentand sent out every day. ooDatruoted of weod. Work on tbe whar1 Q&ll and interest a llowed at current rates. No fetch yon from the City; bat Mr. l\htley" guiled deteotin-but for thb, I am 1ure left It en the wrong cha.Ir. However, It will be commenced C ·n the ht ~f June. The uotice or withdrawal necessary. All depo1lu - this 11 Mr. Matley"-we bowed to ea.ch ahe would ha.va u tterly broken dewn, It oame a.ll rlgbt ; and Soate no doubt thought f)aya.ble on demand, other- " will have a grea.t pa.rt ef our Bel· w·· a. great chir.nge 1 to be tore, All my It wa1 all right ha.vlng aucoeeded In making Gffioe1 are now being erected. They will be Our Collars, 'J.'ies, Gloves, Shirts and Jewellery, gia.n and French 0011neotlen l u1ine111 and bright vi1ious, all my hope of returnlDll yoa buy 1tolen good1, Yet If .thl11 Belgian of wood. the very latest styles. EXCHANGE The machine 1ho11s, round heuse1, etc., eo we whh him e.nd hl1 branoh-houae to be pro1perlty, gene at a blow I and ,..e were affair could be brought off, he would not which wlll be of brick, will be pla.ced on the 'Bought and sold and Drafts issued upon Europe individually known to our continental now a1 badly ()ff, or even .worae than when want yeu at all; tha' wee plain enough, '1United Sta.tee and Canada, also Gold, Silver and frlend1, However, I 'm 1ure you'll not mind tbs hateful bills announcing the 1ale of my "Well, air, to out this short, al you know E nglish bay ·l"e ef Fa.lee creek, where It 11 United Sta::es Greenbacks bouizht and ilOld, so Ieng a.1 the cs.ah i1 here; and here It la," furniture were affixed to the hc;use, moat (lf It, I wa.1 aware that ihe11e men well lu:o ivn that the company have 5.000 The day wore 1lowly and miserably were de1pera.ta ruflia.ns of the wont class. aore1 of la1:1d. The eite Is now being olHred FROM $2 UP. ·· No, 1ir," returned &be gentleman, who t. COLLEC'l.'10.NS did not aeem very much impre88ed by the away, until we had almost given up the You would hardly think It, ma'am, but I am for t heae, and M r. Abbottb anxiou1 to com · PLEASE 1'0 CALL A ND EXAMINE Promptly made at current rates upon all part xather ready jocnladty In which Mr. Seate hope ef eeelng our late lodller, when a morally 1ure, thou~h I can't bring It home menoe their ereotien at once and complete .lf Great Brittain, the United States and Do t hem before the re.iny 1ea1on aetl in. They BO much excell~d. "A· J'OU aa.y, It i1 no knock wae heard, and Lizzie after an1wer- to him, that thie Soa.te baa been in 1ome of minion or Canada. ll'.lg tt, ca.me te the breakfut.room door, the oraele> buaine81 of mine," t thinga ever ,committed, So I will be the prlnolpa.l workahopa of t he com· Telegraph T1·ansrer· N. B.- We have disposed of o ur stock " Yon have the delivery notes, or war· and with hel' eyes (lpened to their utmoat got s<me of our m en to call this momiDg, panr weat ef Winnipeg, and will employ a large nnaib' r of men. of Fancy Dry Goods to MRS. IVES, Made tor large or small sums on all pa.rte of rante, of oonrae ?" Hid Seate, becoming power of 1ta.rlng, and · faue expre11lve of 1ome dre11ed up as ooatermongera, one to The hotel ground, on the moat prominent the moat lntenae aatonl11hment, aa.ld : ask a que1tlon, and 10 on, and I ·lipped Canada. This Is especially advantageous to terae In hla tul'n, o Qposite the Salva.t ion Army Barracko. gereona llvinp; in Mamtoba or the Nor th-weal ·· I have'; here tbey are," returned the "Mr. Ohelr, ma'am, ha11 cir.lied, ud wanta them In without any ene aeelng them, and part of the old G ranville reaerve, h about 11& it makes the funds available at once at &he clear, and the oontra.ot for · xoavatlen was to tee you, · · stranger ; ·and here la a receipt for 1lxteen stowed them away In µiy room, When I place of payment, "Aek Mr. Ohel.pa down," 1aid my wife; wblatled they were to rueh down at onoe, let the ether day, The foundation and brick hundred poundl oa.1h." 11 l!'orrurther particulars call at the Banklnp and the next inatant there wu beard a "All went beautifully, The partnAr Mr. work will be proceeded w ith as 10011 a· the " Quite right," 111ld Soatf'.- Now 1 Mr. House. Chelpa, your ohi;que. - .And here In good qalck firm step on the 1talr11 and then a Wregga- a.wor1e aooundrel, If possible, than materl11ol oan be procured, brlokl now being GEO. McGILL, 'T,BRODIE, manufactured f,.,. the purpoee. Be1lde1 the Please to call upon her and y ou will see Mana.gar time 11 Mr. Wregga; ao you will have the dark, close·cropped, clean-1haved man, the other- turned up j .i1t aa I wiahed ; terminal bu!ldlng1 Mr. Abbott ia a.1 Accountant. 10 clear· 1 1ecurlty and see t he principal at once a1 I with ke~n eaur.11 eyea, ef square and power· while M r. SJ11ote having got hold of my ·Iv t he prettiest stock in town promlaed." A 1 he ·peke he ran and opened ful build, pre1ented himeelf. He held out cheque, paid the Belgian p·rt7 fn bank·note1 Ing two villa. lota for the purpoae of ple.cing the deor at which & loud knook had j 111t hi1 hand, e:xolaimiDg : "What I don't you every one of which w"1 forged. He had a handseme re1ldence thtraen. This will be been given, ir.nd uehered In a dark, keen· know your old lodger ! ' given me the chance to exa.mlne them be· a blnff commanding a fine view of the bay We asked him to 1lt down, whlob he forehand, He wir.a a. little too clever. He and Inlet. A C. P. &. atea.IJl§:!ilp will run loekin11; man who atruck me aa being ene of the moat alnl1ter looking indlvldue.11 I had did; and atter a few apelogetlc rema.rk1 to bad prepared fahe dook·noto1 too; and from the termillua tu Yio~ria, ever beheld ; an idea not weakened by hll my wife, he ea.Id, In answer to our lnqulrle1, when he wa.1 pretending to let his partner beina loaded ·Ith 1Luch ponderoua jewel· tha.:the would ma.ke a olea.n breut of It, examine the erlglua.11 and 10 forth he chang · Sold Ohee.p on Aocount of a Misfit. and tell u11 a.11 abcut the my11kry. " And, ed the sets, 10 that he held the true onea, lery, . " You uy the coat ls four dellan? ' Thia la Mr. J:l.ardley, who repre1ents Del· aa yeu know 1 am fond of a pipe," he while he ga.ve me the forgerle1. When " Foar t ollur, m ine frlen," l'OI & Ue., air.- And thl1 l1 Mr. Matley our Dontlnued, " I wlll take the liberty, ma'am, tbl1 waa ir.ll done, I thou&ht he had gone The undersigned begs leave to Intimate to the "And you wa.nant it all wool!" l- far en oui;ch, 111 I j1ut gave my whietla, and new agent, 1lr, of whom I apoke '9 you. - ef having a whiff during my ·'ory, I & people of Bowmau ville and viclulty. that he "All vool exoopt ths puttons and putton has opened a new Harness Shop on Kini;: St., A nd thla la Mr, Cbelps, a peraonal friend, w~y· thlnk ir. man geta on better If he - - W llll you 11row tho re1t, " holea. " opposite Mr. Wm. Glover's IJivery Stables. who w!1he1, u I have told you, air, to be 1moke1, "I did te9 the r est !" I ·i r.oulated ; cc and "How the dlcken1 o~n you afford to aell where he will have constantly on hand, and \Ve of c~ur>e ma.de no ebjeotlen ; and thorough.ly aatonlahed I wa.1 to He It. B.tt allowed to join In your 1pecula.tlon1." maile to order, Harness of all kinda, viz.: a wool coat for four d11llara ?" Mr. Wre11:gs aoknowled1:ted each lntroduo, Mr, Ch elpi- to give him onoe more hl1 old the atra.nge gentleman- the Belgian Agent - EIY'"Mine frlen, I do1/G vonder yen vas sarHeavy Lumber, tlon with a abort bow, aooompanled In each famlliar 11a.me-after ir. moment's delay In - was he also of the gang?' brlsed. Vy de vool in dot goat v a.1 verth Farm, oane by a furtive glance which In a mea111ire prepa.railon, lighted bis rpe, took two or "Oh no l" exclaimed Moley; "he cer- were 11o11 four tol!<.r, 10 helup me Mo~ea." three klndliDg " whiff; ' a.t It, and then tainly WH not ; a.nd there come· in ma'ir.m Express, S' I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on reminded me of my customer Mr, Jerry prooeeded with his 11arra.tlcn, thus: "Tnen yon moat loae money on It ? ' Coach, and the beat part of my atory, ' (He a.lw11oya th" d.t10rtest notice, at the lowest possible rates Wllkln1, " Py shimmy gra.olousl you makes me ·Caskets a.nd Burial Ca.see ready on short notice "Wlll y en see If theee are right, air ?" " Yon know a.lready tha.t I a.m In th.i a.dd reaeed my wife when he had ir.nytblng tired. But mine dere frlen, I told. yeu von Light D ouble Harness. i rst-class h earse on very moderate terms as.Id Seate to the new arriva.1, handing him police, Mr. M:i.tl ey- a.nd you, ma.'am- ao I 1peolally li:.t3resting t o aa.y.) "If I hadn't little 1egret nod rlon't 2if It away, De Shroud · and Coffins constantly on hand, Fun 'l!l.ral cards supplied at once. F urniture Shop lit. the papers from Mr. Herdley, a.a It seemed need not sta.y to expla.ln &nything about got sach a tinl·h to tell, I don't think I fteeoes on de pa.oks of doee sheep· vot grew Fine Single Harness a specialty the Belgian a.gent wa.1 called. that. Well, In.the course of bu11neaa1 dur- should have troubled you by comtng ronnd dot vool vaa mlafits and hat te be told zr.t Show Rooms- Bounsall'eNew Block. IN ALL 'l'RE LATEST STYLES. " Yes ; they will do, " B&ld W regg· ; and ing the last vear or two, we have been put to· nlght. Mr. Herdley was &ware t here great 1e duJtlene !" after a lhtl11 buetlti ln getting ouli h is I ocket: en the track of a. very dangerous and artful wa.e something 1nspiciou1 in the buelneae, A large stoe1r·of ()0Jlars ot' every cl·~~erlptlon -. nl'lvays on l1and, or cus totners cat.n h n.vc book, So11ote gathered up ihe papers a.gain gang of 1wlndle1·a, who were up to all 11orts althoug h. he did not know ex,.ctly whtl.t I t Sympathy. tlrn1n nuule Iii order on s1101·test n otice. a.nd laid them 'n the desk, of dodgee. S>metlmes they would buy wa.1 ; ..nd at first he thought, na.tnrally "Now, Mr. Chelp81 " he ocn·lnued, "Ml'. gooda, &nd pay fer them with bilh that enougb 1 It w1 u you Mr. Mo.tley1 who was at Sma.11 Boy- " I say, J immy, nu'a jest got Finest stock of Horse Milllnery ever.shown in town, including: Wregga has kindly promlsea to bring aome were never met. Sometimes they pa.id for t lle bottom of It all. But I took ca.re t o a. new churn, <Jne dem be11 t wo·mlnute more 1Jotes 1 as I Jrnow foreign honeea are them In forged notes, which then eot Into put all that right ; and shall alw&ys .be glad chur1111 what brln11;1 de butter In no Ume." ROBES, B LANKETS, sc.me1i.nes very reluot&nt to ta.ke lille general J i mmy- " I s It. paint.id blue!' olrcula.tlon. Sometimes they I hit upon the Ide& of coming here to lodge FLY NETS, ch<q u ea of etra.ngera,- H ave you brought bought atolen goods and goods from fraodn· U only for being able, through doing ao, to Small B~y-" Yep. " "WRAPS, thew, air ?" . WHIPS, J immy- " OC>g wheela on the ou tside, an lent debtor· ; in faot there's no telling a.11 cleu a.way any eusplolon of tua.t klud, 'Vell BRUSHES{, " Yes,·· ea.id W ref!.gB brl· liy, dra.wlog out the ~a.me· they were up to ; and yet we Mr. Bordley and Mr. Crobson the hea.d ef a crank?" C Op_BS ia his tnrn a bu ·ky pooket-book and hand- could never q uite get hold of them. More you.· late firm, hav . ngm~rrled two ebtera, Small Boy-" That's it, " and everything in .season, ther~from a p:.cke~ to Soa.te. J immy- " Did t be feUer wot sold It to than once wo have caught the JDen :fthe at'e of oo~rae very lri endly ; and owlug to "Thank :v· u, 8lr. - Then, if you will actually appeared in the work ; but they whr.t Mr. Herdley has been able to ea.y of \'fir ma. have wir.rte on hie neck? ' give me your ohEq ue, Mr. Chelp," oon· were at the best snbordinates ; more often y ou t hla day, your late firm have t:i.ken a Small Boy- " Yep." liinned the lattu, "I will hand ever note· Indeed, they were dape1 themst-l ve&. At great Interest in you ; so muoh ao, ma'am, J.immy- " Stands up hlgh, like, with PRO.MP'l.'LY ATTENDJ£D TO. of equal v&luu, and give you the warrllnts laat It was pretty clear that one Edwal'd t hat old Mr, Rloharda the head clerk ha.vlnlil four lege? ' beaides," Sa tisfaction guaranteed. Intending purchasers Smti.U B~y-" Yep." Pbilllps, cilias Seate, alias Nottingham N ed resigned, they will write to-mcrrow, dl'erwill do well to give me a call. Having bought Mr, Chelpa, who had been gn lng, 11o1 It - by whloh lMt name he was aenere.lly IDg yeur huaba.nd the poet, " J lmmy- [Ei.rneatly]- " Scotty, Ifeel11cr- a ll goods of the lat.,st style and beat quality, aeemed to me, In a kind of rapt a<lmlratlon known In fl.a.eh oirolea- waa deep in the Susan and myself es.oh uttered a. cry of rv for yer. Ma. got one jest Hke It la11t week, for cash, I will be able to give customers the from Mr. Wregg1 to the Belgian agent , and buaineaa ; aud we were Grdered to keep him eurprl11e here. D've know why I w11osn·t swlmmin' all day benefit. ha.ck from the Belgian agent to Mr. Wr eggs, in view, " It'· quite r ight ma'am, you may rely," 8a :urday? ' Ne-wspapor' Advert ising Bureau, a.t thl1 appeal produced a. oir.refnlly folded Small Boy- " No." "We got aome informa.tlon 1oon after thla continued Mr. Moley, evidently delighted 10 Spru c e S t ., New York. Bowmanvllle, May 6, 1886. 19-4.w Jimmy - " I wa1 a ohurnfo'." , Send 10c ta. t or 100-Pa110 Pamphlet. paper from hfs. pooket, e.nd took thence a whloh p roved of use, We were teld that at the lmpre111ion he bad m111de ; " you will ~attadhni Jtate.\ltnan. Tl e ED~ ineer. I CATARRH. !"CURES ALL MY NEW FRIEND. ...... .. CONSUMPTION, CHRONIC DISEASES liver, Blood, and Lungs. PRICE $I 00 C ~~::'-~~: C $500 REWARD Cal'edonian Mills. BUSINESS BOOMING THE ONTARIO BANK Eclipso House. ---o- REAov· -MADE CLOTH INC See t~e ~est Value in Town. W. H. IVES. -....-..... NEW HARNESS SHOP ---o- UNDERTAKl·NC L EV I MORRIS. -... ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of a dvertising in American papers by addressing 1REPAIRI N G Geo. P. Rowell & Co., J. R. BRADLEY,

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