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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1886, p. 7

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&SW. In ~ l adogflsoar Is t o be found a tree called the trriveller'a tree, yielding a oo.pleu6 sup· Hints. ply of f teeh water from its leaves, A· It FRID~Y. JUNE 25 . 1886. Once In awhile let your husband have the will t hrive In m y arid ceuntry where pla.nt· _ .' - - - -- laet word; it will gratify him and be no par- od, itr benefits to the traveller are great. In '\' onezueta. there le a oow tree, which lVIALL FARM :FO"R SALE.-- 30 tlcular lon11 to you, acrosofland having thereon good frame T he newest oolor for table deoora.tionad gtowl! on otherwh1e barren rook11. Its lea.voe house, barns, stables and other necessary out· on ly ou t ab out a week or t wo, I s a v Iv Id ..re foathery and crisp, but by making luclbuildings. young orchard .,r ! acres. well wat· aions in the trunk peoulie.r greyish milk ered and fencert , Situatecl jn·t outside tho crimson, All kinde of Howera are produce, oomee out, which la tolerably thick and ef corporation of Bowman ville, · wm be sold very In this color to be used t ogether. Tne orlm· a.n a,,-:reeab le balmy smell, The natives cheap for ca.·h. Apply to :M.. A. JA::\1ES, son h re!foved only with green, and the i'l'ATEBMAN ·Office, Bowma nville. 9·tf. Bowels, cures >Vind Colic, softens I:, G d -the wh t·te · wa blecleth forms tile ground. It gather around t hese trees at IU 'l riee and .:o-· u ms, reduces Inflammation, an g ives should only be ventured upon ln a dining· bring large bowls with them to reoeive the ">f:.>RICK HOU SE AND LOT FOR. to:ie a nd energy to the whole syotem. room furnished In a soft and neutral tint, milk, for towards mid ·da.v t he hea.t of the sun turns the. milk sour. The sight of a oow D SALE IN BOWMANVILLE.-A very " Mr':!, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for d th l i h comfortable brick house, nearly new, contain- h ld . an e co or W t whioh the lights are ing grooms. besides pantries, closets an<'! surn· c i ren teethmg is pleasant to the tast e ahaded ha.s to be ooneidered. Trails of fl 1 w- tree puzzlea the lnuooent traveller, who oan· mer kitchen, excellent cellar. Hard and soft and is the prescription of one of the old - ers lald on the tablecloth are still a favorite not acoount fo1 the trunk being plugged up all over with bungs 11ond ehort st!cke. The water: very good fruit garden of;}acre. Situat· est and best female physicians and nurses form of deooratlon. e d in the mo"t aristrocratic part of the town. natlvea a lso use the milk as a gum, W ill be sold on very rettsonable terms. Apply in the United 8tates, and is for sale by · I t seems, says the La.n c ~t, that the little The bntter tree was first discovered by to :M. A. JAMES, 81'A'rESM.aN Office, 9· tf. all druggists through the world. Price tey balloons er Indla-rnbber bla.dder a which Europe~n travellore in the centre of Afrio!l. ; 25 cents a bottle . Be sure and ask for oh tldren lnfllte with the breath may be from tbe kernel of the fruit h produced a. "1\'IRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUl'." reo.dlly revereed by inspiration and even nice butter, whioh, says Livingstone, "wlll · and take no other kind, drawn Into the air pe.esag£s, In two in· keep a. yeu." On a par with this Is t he ~ "'~-~-~-1!'!!' ·TM '!!:! *" !· !!! ·· ~-=""'."'!~~-~~!!W!!_!~·a~www~='!!'= !!'! . iooa ~t11.ntoies recebntly death has eort occur red by suf- mana. tree, fo und in c ..tabria and Sicllv. In on, a ~Hoon ot the being o.rawn August, when It is the custom to tap the Into the opening of the g!~ t;ls. Th\e i11 a tree, a sap Hows out, It Is t hen left to hard · .LI matter of danger whloh ought to be r ecog· nizad, Puents and nurses should be on their en by evaporation, after which the mana., of a sweet but somewhat sickly taste to any Fm~m -30 acres of lot 8 in the 1st concession guard. but t hose accostcmed to It , mi:.y be gather· Are prepared to pay the highest prices ot Darlington, lying immediately south of the '.Che craza of table-turning bs absolutely ed. In M.i.lab·r there is the tall ow t ree. cemetery. 0f faahlen, o.nd it le q uite a long ll'rom the seedH of this, when b·iled, le pro· for all k inds of Grl\in deliver ed at the SECOND.-The South 140 acres of lot 16 in the gone oat third concession of Darltngton, and the North liime alnce we heard of our old friend plan· daced a firm ta.How, whloh m~k'ls e:x:oellent 36 acres of th<;i South 83 acres of lot 15 in thti ohette. A nnw t hing-much more wonder . candles, T he guava tree of the Indies bea·s Wharf or th eir S tore Honse in t own. same concession . ful than planobette-ia now coming Into ,. fruit giving l ..rge quantities of a rich a.nd '!-'Iill<D,-Th_e Sout.h 100_ acres of lot 25 m the vogue. It oonsi~te of a rectangular board, delicious jelly. third concees1011 of Darlmgton, and tl!e _North· ' t vu feet long by eighteen inches wide on But. the most r tmukable tree yet discoverly 60 acres of the east half of lot · 25 m the h' ' concession. vv ioh 11.ro ptacedall ihe letters of the alph!lo· ered fl,rnrishes en the island of F ierro, ene same All the above will be sold in parcels to suit b~t. A minla.ture three-legged table on of the largest of t he c11onir.ry g rnup. The OF CANADA. purchasers. Time for payment and terms will small rollers la placed en the top of the t:avltnl paitl up. $1.1100. ooo. R ed, $ 2Ga,oo ' be made very easy to satisfactory buyers, For boar<'. Two p~rsena sit down with thelr island is fO dry the.t not EVen a. rivulet is t o be lound, yet there la a. species of t ree the lfo_ger-tlpe on the table In the old fashion leaves ot which are narrow a.nd Ieng and This Ban k ts prepared to do Legiti- particulars apply \) BURKE SIMPSON 41-tf, ' Vendor's Solicitor suitable for table-turning. A r1ueetion is cvn".inue green throaghout the year. There mate Banking in all its branches. · asked and the t.ble forthwith moves alJout, Is alee a. constant dond aurronnding the F armers notes discounted ; D e posits and with Its legs pointing to eu eJesslve letwhloh is condensed and falling In d rops received and Interest paid on amounts of Newly improved Versos &' :Motto al ters of the alphabet spells out the an'11wer. tree., Chromo Cards, with name and a water There ls something novel about this, though keeps t he mst·rn placed under them can· 85 upwards in Savin gs Bank Department. ·ta.ntly full I n thiR manner t he natives (If pen for lOc. 5 packs, 5 pena, for GOc, _ DR ,\..J~"l'S Agents sample pack:. outfit, and illus· I~ is not likely to succeed in r eviving the u- 'F ierro obtafn water, and as the supply la c1t ement whlob once g~thered a.bout moving trated catalogue of Novelties. for a 3c. stamp limiud tho population mu&t of necessity be Issued and Collection s made in Europe an<l this slip, A. W.tRIKNEY, Yarmotub, t~bl >8 and revolving ha.te, limited too. N. S, 9-6m U n ited Sta.t,es a nd Canada. In J a.pEt.n and aome islands in the Pacific lf'· J. JONES, there 1s the camphor t ree. The ca.mphor Ohoice Recipes. f vrme ln the trunk of the tree in concrete Ct &okcra.-Rub four oances of butter in lumps, and eome piecas h11ove been found a.a ene quart of flou r, make it Into a paste thick as a man's arm, The sorrowful tree Is found only In t he with rloil milk, knead it well, and roll as thln as pa.per ; ou t them out by a small island of Goa., near Bombay and le BO c!l.ll· Has received her new 8tock of F or cost of advertising in auy paper or saucer, and ba.ke q uiokly to look white when ed beoause from morning un'tll the t ime of list of papers pub lishecl in t!le l Jn ited done. sunset no Howen are to be seen, but soon States or Canada, send Lo tli c A Dv1m:r1safter it is covered with them, .As the sun ING A GENCY o f EDWIN ALDEN & BRO., M aple Cream.-One pound of maple rise11 the petals olose and fall dl'. Stranger and invites the Ladies of Bow· sugar to half a cup thick cream · boil till etill, the Hower· blossom at night all the hard to make into cakeQ; turn year round and give out a 'metit fragrant ma.nville and vicinity to call ***Our '" Ncwspa.rcr Co_m bina}ions," .a.book of snfliolsntly into small cake pa.ns to cool. An addltlen edor. 1 t 50 pa ges., conta11u ng pnces . of adverti~m~z fu.\ and see her Pattern of one oup nut meats makes an excellent There is a.nether curious tree In J amaioa instn1ctions, etc., sen t on recc~p~ o f 1oc. Our A m. nut-candy, known at the life tree, on aoouunt of its New spaper C 1tt . n..log~1c". conbn ntng names of every nl.!wspapt.:r P.nhhs)H~d. i n the U .S., a_nd Canada, Dried Apple Cake,'- Soa.k two oupa of leaves growing even after severed from the dried apples over night, chop and simmer in plant, O.ily by fice can you entirely dtistrey _ and assortmen t of two caps of m<>laasee two hours, one cup of. it, milk, half a oup of butter, half a oup of euga.r, half teaspoonful cf each kind of spice, Pride Comes Before a Fall. etft; two teaspoonfuls of baking powder In A lump of clay and the End ef a wax STOR£l:- Sccond))oor ~Vc~t of WtlllomM flour and mix pretty stiff. Is splendid and candle found theinselvee, by some strange B11tchcr StaJJ will keep three months. Gaod with cream cba.noe, side by aide one snmmer day, on a or some pudding sauce in the · spring lnatead dust-heap, "I wonder you have the asof pie. surance to Ila no olose to me !" sa id the Mook Lemon Ple. ~T wb tee.cups of sour dainty wax, Hntit1rfogly : " a grea~, common VETERINARY SURGEON. erea.m or buttermilk, two·thirda cup of Jun, p of ch.y I and I have been on a fine sugar, yelks of two egg11 vne tablespoonful Ja,dy'a dreeslng·~11>ble " " Ah I" BBid the flour, a pinch of salt ; beat well together, ct ..y, humbly ; " we are fellow auffdrors in t h en add two teaspoonfuls of lemon extract. adversity ; we must make thfl beat we oan Line the pie t in with oru11t as for custard, of it. I ought p roperly to have been ln pour m the mix ture, u.nd ba.ke until firm, yonder brick field." " \Vhat a come-down Whil the pie is baking beat to a stiff froth for me l" moaned the candle. " It does the white of tw<> ~ggs, 'u.dd two tu.bleepoon· not signify what beoomee of you. " The fuls cf white sugar, one-half te11ospoenful clay wis1ily held his tongue. A nd the lemon extract. When i;le la L.a.ked ~preu.d 1trangely-a~sorted compa.nfone in misfortune dropped .Into silence, "' I wish It was a frosting on tep and elightly brown. Tough Meat ~fade Tender.-Take a thick little w11rmer," au.id the olay to himself, ~lice of betif from the round, euoh as you can " .Daar me, how hot it is getting ?" grumbled buy. at the market for 10 cents per p" u nd the wax: candle. Presently the sun grew with no bone and little fat, Gdt the but'. hotter and hetter, and the pieoe of wax: cher to split It a.lmost open fer you, so you oandle gradually melted awsy. But the have one large thin steak, No matter how clay only became 1' arder and firmer than tough, 'it will be tender a· porter·houae ever, Thus It le, the hopeful and self resteak when ready t he table and quite aa ltant, when tried by the beat of adversity, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, tootheeme, L'Y tb.e meat out gmoothly and come tut of the fire the atrenger and firmer Itegistered member of the Ontario Veterinary Mediual Association. wipe lt dry, but do not wet it, Take a oef· But the weak and worthle11 pasa into obsaurlty, and are no more heard of. gQffice and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. Will, te make room for .Springelmportat!ons, f6e cupful ~f fine bread ornmba, a little 1alt . . . Ii . . . . ·wm visit Orono every Tuesday and; Saturday a.ud pepper, a little powdered thyme or offer for the next 60 DAYB, the whole ot other aweet herb, and just enou11h milk to Office hours from 10 a. m., to i p. m.. at Takin~ Cue of One of 'Ihem· -hie Immense stock orCoulters' Ilotel, Calls by 'l'elegraph receive melaten to a 1tiff dreBBtng. Mix well and immediate attention. A Soo~h farmer's 1en wa.a one evening spread over the meat. Roll It up ca.refnlly Boots and Shoes, CHARGES MODERATE. and tie up with twine, weund to seonre lt visiting hi· sweetheart, when a violent well, especle.lly the end11. Now, in the bot- storm came en, He ro1e at onoe to take his SHP.pe1·s, Rubbe1·s, tom of your kettle fry some fat ea.It pork till leave, ae he 1ald he would require to see and brown, one q na.rter pound cut In te the safety of his father'11 11heep. At Trunks, Valises, &c. crisp thin slicea (cost t hree cents.) Into the fat 'hi1 hie ladJ·love, getting between him and that has fried ent from thla pork put the thedoor,·id: ··1oan11a let you oot in - A' ! - rolled meat, brown It on all Bides, turning sic a nloht. They ca.n look after the rest ;o' It till it Is a rich color all over, then put In ver falther'a sheep wha likes, but I 'll ta.k' half a pint of water and sprinkle over a lit· ca.re o' a.ne o' them. tie salt, Keep cleaely covered, adding a. And ls prepared to execute all little water lf It cooks away too much. If ene likes the fl.nor of onion, ad:l the half of a small .one cbeppecl fine, When ready to serve, unwind the string oarefnlly to pre· on the shortest notice. serve the sllape, Lay It on a platter with the gravy ponred over It . Cut the meat In WILi! CURE OR RC:LIEV~ slloee, through the roll as jelly-roll Is cut by the bakers. The toughest mE a~ la made B!WJU8NC811, DIZZINESS, neatly and promptly attended to ; having none tender and nutritious cooked in thi· way, D'ISPEPS!A, IJROPSY, but first-class workmen employed. and is equally' nice w11rmed over next /NDIGESTIO.V, FLUTTERING day, tarSATISFAC'l 'ION GU ARA.i.'i!TEED."lU JAUND.'OE. OF THE HEA.'11, f.RYfi7PELA8, AC/DfTY OF D. DAVIS, SALT RHEUM, THE 8TO!iWJH, ExpreBB Office Building. Thoue:ht Marriage Mie"ht Sober him Up, DllYNE88 HEAPTBORN, .Oooaenberry wa.e 10 fu~l whrn he wen' to Bowmanville, Feb. l 1886, Hl:ADA,CHE, OF TH!' .<;1(111, get married that he wanted to whip the And every species of dlseaH arising from THIS OUTand return to us with minister, and dfered· to bet that be could llisor dered LIVER, KIDNEYS\ STOMAC11, lOc. or 1 3e. stamps, and you'll get pull one of the plllal'll from under the churoh BOWELS .,f, BLOO::>, by return mail a Golden Box of roof and bring the whole structure tumbling Goods that will brinrc you in more ~r. Propri;~ money in one month than anything else In in nn them, a la s~mson, Mlnhter to weeping bride-" Did you America. Rither sex make money fa.st. CI'l'Y ))jOVELTY CO.. Yarmouth. N. S. know this ma.n drank whrn yoµ accepted him?" Weoplng bride-" Y -y yes, air." Minlster-" Did you ever aee him fnll before?" ALL SIZES, Wteplng bride-" Y-y-yes, sir" Minister-" Then· why do you want to marry him ?" Weeping bride-" I thotgh~ may b e that ,, marriage might eobernlm up," Mlnleter-" Well, marrls.ge doe! usua' ll' -ALSOBDber a man np, But in this cage Iii seems !:'REEMA]J'S to have made him all the drunker, What is he worth ?" won ri P\n1V:DEB:.S~ Weeping bride (with a.la-0rlty)-" F orty tbouand dollar11!' Are ploft.·nnt to t c.ko. Contain their om. and all lines of . Minister-" Oil, that makea a difference, l'urgntiv!l. Is a a11!c, e~a.e, a;itl e ffcctne'· Here, D a4con 'Willia.me, held t he groom up &at:ronr (~/ wor.m.9 in Cl.d I/fr1·n or AduUn. until I got through with thle oeremeny." ~ Ml g('ttit,C.'ltttau. nu.ati·tall ~ a IWWUM a:an llllllli\I l!!llW ·kB&& s AnvrsE TO MOTHERS.-Are you 1list urbed at night and b roken of yon r rest by a sick ch ild suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth ? If ao send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." For childre n teething, its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately, De· is · no pend upon it, mothers ; t h ere mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhrea, regulat es the Stomach and HOUSEHOLD. - ·t Remarkable Trees. , COAL COAL · · .. , . G RA I N 'j luable Farms .&".or Sale. Jno. McMurtry & Co. Va = Messrs. McDO UGALL & METCALF beg to announce that they have received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEST , PRICES. -We intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. · Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. HENRY METCALF" 35. STANDARD BANK THE BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE CO. KING STREB'l' EAST, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. Every Board warranted to be made of the best Steel and well tempered. ' 50 in this esti.~blishmen.t, with best gt·ad e of Wheels, Steel Axles ana"'best St eel Springs~ trimmed wit h the best s toc k and well painted. We are getting out We are no:w finishing 30 of the best Curriages and Bucrgies ·ever made 300 of our Ce I e b rated Champion Plows I We are also getting ready a stock of MOWERS, improved and second to none in the market. ~hey will b e ready in goo d season and warranted to do good ~vork . We are also makmg a num ber of HAY TEDDERS, which will also be ready m good s eason . They have been tried by som e of our best farmers to whom we refer inte nd in.~ purchasers. We are also ' .... llSS McTAv1;~ [~win Al~en &Bro. GOODS., AGENTS~ FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER; . £!.~1fl ~,!H~.~i ,fo1~~~88! <1!~? which has gaine d a good reput ation in this localit y . Plow P oin ts of e_very descript ion by t he ton, and ~11.de from steel, wrought iron, &e We are also ge t tmg really a stock of WA&ONS. Mill and E ngrne Work a specialtJi' All of which will be sold on the m ost re asonable terms. BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTU RAL & CARRIAG E Cash~paid BONNETS, HATS TRIMMINGS. ·A~ve,rt1sfog~Agency: Co. for any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron. 14-3m. '\We We ~JI!Jl~Jl~\f~ J. HICCINBOTBAM & SOI~ Che mists and Druggists, KEBP A FuLL STOUK OF F U R E DRUGS and all the Patent Medicines advertised. ALSO SELECT STOCK OF GREAT 6 0 DAYS' C~iRING SMr ! Hair .Brushes and Combs. Perfumery and Sponges, Toilet Soaps, Chamois, &o. AGENTS FOR · D. DAVI! S for THORLEV'S IMPROVED HORSE AND· CATTLE FOOD. Pur e Ground Oil Cake. and RECEIPTS l'PRESCRIPTIONS Filled with absolute purity and correctness. · · Greatly Reduced Prices. ' ORDERED WORK REPAIRING . -·- .. MILBURN &1rn.. CUT MILK CANS, Dairy Pails, -VIEW OF- MILK PANS Brantford Light Steel Binder, with Sheaf. Carrier Deliverin~ TIN""-W-A..RE_ Each to His Taste. No Cheap-John, shoddy stuff: but goods that will wear and give satisfaction. ~Ca <"'l " I am going to ohe eeaelde," eald the m!lkman bllthe "For I love ~he ocean bre· zes, and love lhe dashing eprav. . Yes, I love the 11lorloµe snneet, love the calm and love But I think I love the water, In my budoees, beet of all." the oqu·ll- 11ood gay; The only Binder with z Steel Finger~Bar and St eel Extension. ·The only Binder with~ extra Roller to throw the grain out to the packers. The only Binder with long Bevel Wheel Shaft supported at both ~f 1psee~~;a.I T:i:lu~~ !:~~?ta':i/\~:~fJ:!! en ds. The only Binder with Steel Driving Wheel. The only Binder with a perfect Steel Sheaf Carrier. buoineH, They are practical prohibition· The only genuine Steel Machine in the Mark et. An J::sse.y on Anarchists. The anarohiats are good cltlzens in ma.nv ..... 1 its Load. _. and examine....Etl L. GEO. QUICK, at hie ~Ide, "Though lhe ocean breeze ls braolog, and I love the rolling tide; Thou[lh dearly lave tho blllowa, yet I can't forget the laocl, · And I think my young affdctlon moat la centered I 1 the sand" .. 'lh·t'· the dllferenoe between ue," said the 1(10001 " I am glad thia coffee doosn't ewe me Tinware and Stove Emporium, anything," 1ald a. boarder, at the bieak·tr. faat, " I deu't believe it wo,11ld ever aettle," BOWMA~VILLE, ·... - .···- leta and d08troy liquor-a glaaafnl a.t a time. The don't like the police aw:1 aeldom give them a obance to en joy their society at short range, T hey are noli very d10ngerous to any ene who h11o1 la.nd enongh a.round h!a hense to p!lleture a dog, Being mo Jtly of feregn orig{n, t hey are net, naturally, a.ttir.cbed to t he eoll of their ad<>pted country-11.lt hough it Is, aa a rnle, attauhed to them, They never demean them· ·elve· by agrfoultnral labor. The mO:ligners of the ana.rchiate aay they are not workingmen, They are. They werk the growler, Surest to Tie. Easiest to Manago. Lightest in Draft. Simplest Binder. Strongest Binder."!' Neatest Binder.· To Tie the Tightest. To Cut the Closest. To Reel the Nicest. Best ,in Standing~Crop. Best in Tangled Crop. Best in Short Crop. · Binder Twine and full lines of Repairs kept on hand. JAS. . McLEAN, Agent, R. M 0 ON, Agent, Hampton. Orono.

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