Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1886, p. 1

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TERMS : -$1.90 PER ANNUM·. NEW S E RIES, NUMBER OUR TQWN AND COUNTY FillST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M . A . J AMES, E DITOR AND PROl'B.IETOR. 414. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1886. Sn LINA. So me of our fisliermen have bcPn back t o L ake Scugog aud h av e met w ith good su ccess. Mr . E. Millson has i mpr oved th e l ooks of h is proptirty iu t he vill<>ge by a ne w fence. The E nniskillen Band assi~t ed by t he R ev. D . S quelch, of Prince Albert, cnnducl ed t he ae rv.ices a t E ldad on Sunday evening la.at . R ev. G. Brown preach ed h is farewell sermon hero last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Daniel L ee, of B oaton, is vieiting i n this village. Mr. A. H ogarth's b nn r aising on M onday week , was well attended. This will be a handsome structure whell cuwpleted. Mr. T . E. Washington's son has been very ill with b ilious f~ ver, but is aiowly r ecoverin g. M r. W . Werry has had th e misfortune til lose a Taluable colt from inflam mation. Mr. F . W ilbur ha d the misfortune t o lose a valuable m a re, caused by th e breaking of h er leg . Mr .A. Hogarth's trott ing horse "Young Princeps " is 'lery ill wit h di stemper. '.l'he far mers in this neighborh ood are very busy haying. JACK. V OLUME XXXII. N UMBER 27. McCLUNGS, KIRBY, I ThC anniver sary services in connection n.~teu ded and The serm on~ THE SEW ER QUESTI ON. j : DARLINGTON COUNCIL. '.fowu Hall , Hampto n, June 2filh. Regular meetmg of Council. Members all pl'ese n t. M inutes r eaa and co ntirm ~ d . a - Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanv ille. ~· [[ ~ ~ P:1 a z 0 ..J <Q ~ -~ ~ o~ ~ cc~~ ~- ~ - a..<> mx-o-· . - -FC>R . -- ¢:: s 0 rn . NEW TONVILLE. A very ir.terestin g gsth eriug. tvok place last T uesd ay n ight a t t he reeiaence of John H olman, Esq . The praying band and choir of the M e thvdis t Chu rch wer e enter tained t o a sumptuous revast, and after supper an impromptu meeting was orga.nized, Mr . G eo. Mitchell taking t h e cha ir, who t hen called upon a n umber of spe1tkers and singers ; but the event of t he e veni ng was reserved for the lust. The R ev. S. S alton an d wife were then pres en ted with a beaut iful album a nd a kindly worded address, expnssing th e good wish es of a ll, and thEir clet·p regret at t ho separat ion so soon t o t ake place. Mr. Salton made a feeliul.( an d suitabl e reply . A vot e of tha11 ks was p as~ea t o Mr. and Mra. Hol·sed. man for th eir kindness, an d all dispe1 Mr. Salton farewelled to large congregations last Sund ay , and will mo1 ' e to l1is futu re howe in E nuisk illen this week. H e will be aucceed1<d by the Rev. J . Whitkck , of South Darlington . H AMJ:'TUlv. +:> 0 <D ,....-t <D ..p 0 with I.lie M ethod ist Church, wern largely D EAit Srn,- There has been of late a in every r osp.. ct. a success. great deal said cnncerni ng the sewer of th e R e v. E. Rober rs on scandal i n th e city of Toronto. N E>w, Sunday wer e full of in terest, yet models would i t be m aking too bold to a'k of si mp' icit y, and were highly appreci~t ecl. through the medmm of your ~al 11 ablo On Monday t he weat her appeared paper .who .1s t;i bla'lle co nc ·rm11~ on r threaten i1 w much to the d istaste of t he sewer HI t h is v1llagti ? \Vhe n referellce .omeo.ne a t one of our ]fl.dies , wh~: with vigila nt eye~, watched was ~acle to_it by P the heavens ancl wt.ro wont to r P9'ard pubhc maetrngs regard tng its cost (and every little ~loudlet M ominous . Wlrnn /who did no~ t hink . it would ever be . of the crowds beg&n to gather a nd the sn n m1!::~ pub.lie ben~fi t.) one o! ou r leadrng began to occa sionally peep out, tl1eir anx- officials S!uri that it .for noth mg mor e thr~n iety was dissipl\ted, and everything went a refuge for r ats, i t wou l ~ amply repay as merry as the higtorical "marriacre the r at tlpayers , or somethmg to t.ha t ef0 bell." feet. Seeing that t he r ats would gathEi; T he passage of a notic~ that Mr . C. J . ther e from far and n ear, and then d own H ughsun be ap poin ~ed cha irman wa~ t he would c?m e t he wa.t er .and dr own t!ie m signal for the 'literary part of t he pro· l\ll , This h as b.e en a rm st 1ke , and wa t.~r gram me. R ev. R. Walker being some- bas almost entirely refused to r im tlm wh at i ndisposed spoke bu t very br iefly. way .ever si 'lce. A J:?an c:mn~t safely go Mr. Ad <lison was next called upou a nd outstde after d ark w!t hout bewg d oubly deliver ed on e of his typical addresses. arm fld fo r fear of ·b e1· 1g set u pon by the R ev. A . F raser, t he esteem~ d pastor of hungry o.co11 p~n t s of th is n otorious sowe r. the Presbyterian con gregation , was tho Our public ~fficers a r" not to· be bla ~ed, last speaker, a.n<l in hi! usual quaint. way fo r a t p'lbltc expanse they lrn.ve built a kept th e 1,eople interested fo r q uite a dam and d ug a rac~ to f~tch water from k n gth of t ime. We foar he forgot to t ~ e north to ~ro wn the m vader a of our make h ie usual fl in g at newspaper cor - v1 l_lage and ·till t he Wilte.r refu se~ to com~ respo ndents, at any rate he left them tlu s way. B u t. I wa ~ co n tidently mform ~d severely alone. The h dies fu lly main- that thro? of o ur ofhcora are 0 1, a com m1ttaiued their r eputation of "leaclini<r nll tee and ti ndmg. the well cl.ry a t B urkebn others" at mak ing a bountiful spread, an d wen t.ro Cartwrigh t. t o aee if they en~ get K irby st ill stands in the foreground. Tile the right of w><y tlirou <h t he township by net proceed! amounted to alm?s t $1 00. ~ay of .Burket.on tu bp L'."ke Scugog and Scot.t Act affairs are bei ng discu ssed .' if they succeed t he rat ~ will b 'ol drowned. considerably, and tlie an tie are r el uctantly J They Cl\ H s it, o n ~heir easy .:hair~ at b~g inning ~o admit t hat the la w is effoc- Hampton a nd we wi ll pay t he coats and tive. We r egre t th at some person w ho all will go on as stu t ot h as ever. with wh at appears to be " malice aforeA]'RAID 0~' RATS. Enniskillen, J u oe 20, 188G. though t ," ha s set in circnlat ion a re port that one of our honored residents paid a party a sum of money to oause t he proseBINDERS BY THE MILE. cu tion and conviction of an offender . P ermit us to say t hat t he r e por t is false SECON D GRAN D DEJ.IVERY OF BRAN1'FOUD · 1 m d without the slightest semblance of LICfHT ST EEL BIND Elt~ A.'l.' 13TRA.TF ORT>. foundation. I I- J. HIGGIN B OTHA & SONi Che mi st s and Drug gists, ~~~~ ~~~~@ ~~&!l:~~~ ~ Bf/I~~ ~ " ~ l1/g l.i~t ft> Vi~·" ~ s -CTRE DEA T H TO BUGS. - -.A 1'T I>- - Insect -- Powtl~r l·'Olt 'I'HE DES TUUCTION O F R ov. C. T ay lor pr eached an ad mirabl<> valedictory d iscourse t o a. la.rge cong1·egagation on Su nday evening h at. The R9verend gentleman an d family leave for Bowmanville , June 30, 1886. Midland Ci ty, their n ow location, t his week. Rev. G . "Brown a ud fami ly also lea.ve t he circuit, t his week for their new st ation , P arry ·Sound . Th ei r successors are expected on the cir cuit this week . May all be abundantly blessed in t heir new tield11 of Jaber. Great excitement among the boys here - -MANUFACTURER OF-last week over th e loss of the football. It was accid entally kicked in to t he garden of on o of our villagers and mysteriously disappear ed . It could not be fo und after K ING STREET, BOWMANVILL Has now on hand a number or vehlole~ (and le manufacturing a great many more) or the newe · the most diligent search. Next day, h owever, it mysteriously d isappeared and was patterns and beat finish, which I am offering for sale 11.t the lowest prices consistent with due regard to workmanship and quality. The fallowing ia a list of found on the spot wher e lost. T he own er the principal vehicles manufactured by me of t he garden strenuously d e nied knowing anything of its whereabouts. The Double Covered Carriages ... . ... .. ...... ... .... .... .................. . .... . ..$15 0 Upward11, question is wh ere did the ball lod~e over Single Phret ons. .. . ..... .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ···· ·· .... .. .. .· .. .... .. .... . .... 100 11 nigh t? When the boys were d isappointed 11 of their game by not having a. ball they T op B uggy.... . .. ... .. ............ .. .. ..... ............................... ... ... .. 90 11 11 fell into lin e and marched through the Democrat Wagon.................................................... .............. 65 village, finishing up late in the evening Lumber W agons................................................................. 65 11 wit.IJ. an ill·unin atecl procession . Light Wagon.. ....... ........... .................... .. ... ................ ........ 40 11 'l'wo of onr villagers were so much enE xpress Wago11... . .. ... ....... ... ...... .... ... ... .. ... ... ....... ....... .. .... ,,,, 75 11 raged that they have besn seeking redress Skeleton ... . .. .... ... .............. ......... ... .......... ....... .. .. . . ..... . . .. .. . .. ·50 11 by the la w for thei r ima.gi riary wro11 gs. Sulky ......... ..... .... ... ... ...... ......... ...... :. ................. ...... ......... 40 11 P oseeBBing superior facilities for manufacturing carriages, I Intend to sell very oheap for o ~ b Time will show how they come out. The boys of this neighborhood will, we or approved oredit, and by so doing I hope to greatly i ncrease my number of sales. Would, sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed, think , cornpart< favorably with those of any other neighborhood for civil behavior and general good conduct, b u t they d o not care to be i mposeL l upon by one or two At t he Sh ortest N otice, Painted and Trimmed if D esire d. cranky individuals who are disposed to be At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning ana Sawing with Circle, Band or'Sor crooked. Saws a.nd prepare all kinds ot !umbor for carpenters nd others for building purposes. Mr. Bradburn, of N ll w York City, is Ornamental and Plain Pickets for fences in every style reQ uired. ma.de to order. visiting friends here. Dr. W. S. Bingham, of Cann ington , Ladies,in Tait & Morrison 's stor e you has bee n visiting his paren ts a nd friend s can see the prettiest, ch eapest and best Ql\iE of the most val uable and eligible here. Fancy Window Shade(! ever introduced There are also visitors at the manse. in the Town of Bowmanville. Terms easy. ]1ere, their 'cheapness is most r emarkable. I·'or pa.rtioulars and plans apply at the oJHoe of AltOlJSt: T H E Ll1'J;Jt wJ1cu t orpid, ~··Ith l:t, ltUSSELL LOSCOMBE. Ca.II and see t hem. Rollers,cornice poles MoClunga· Buildings, Bowman ville. N:1tton all'ills,n gootl a11tl·biH0 11s caCb1u ·U c , :lixings for dmwing, etc., i n 11tock. 2<Hw 0th, 1886. 11u g ur·eoated. Flies, Mosquitos, Carp et Moths, Oabbage Worms, etc. The an niversary servicies in connection with t he Sribbat h School in t bis place, were commenced on Sunday . last, R ev. W . H . Warriner, B. D ., Bowman ville, preached at 10 o'clock, a . m. and 6.30 p. m . Both servico i were very largely att end ed. The ser mons were in teresting and instriictive, an d were listened t o with rapt attention. The office rs, t each ers and children of the school were seated on a la rge, com modious platform, e>:tepding across th e end of t he church, which Vi as very bea tifulJy ad orned with mottoes, flowers, etc., arranged by the la dies of the school and cl1 urch ; thA s inging at each service was coi,d ucted by t he "hildren vf t he school. The ser vices will be r esumed again to-d ay, " D ominion D a.y." A grand tim e is e xpected. Come and enj oy it, and help a good cause. Mr. R . Trick, of this place, received .,.·or d S unday that his broth er, Mr. 0 . Trick, of P ort P erry, wh o had s tarted for T orortto t he early part of last week: on business, was missing. His frie nds a m anx ious as t o his safel y . There was I! l arge number from h er e at tended th e Union pic-nic last F r iday . The aftern oon turned out fi ne, and a very enjoyable time was spent. Mrs. R. Hill is on a visit to her <laugh · t er and other friends in the vicinity of Fergus, Ont . SLOw B oY. E N NJSKIL LJ!JN. J .. HICCINBOTHAM fc SON. HAI N E S' CARRIAGE "Wt)RKS~ GE ORGE C. HAINES, Propriet or, OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &G., Open Buggy..................................................................... 70 All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired f Building L ot s for Sa le. S R eaders of t he Adver t.iser will remember t hat on the 19 r,h of Feb ruary last t he fi rtIJ of A . Harris, Soo, & Oo . (Ld . ) Brantford, through thei r energetic a.gents, t he M essrs. W ettlaufor Bros. had a deli very of their celebrated machine:i: Tha t d elivery com · pr ised (i oar loacls,va.lued a.t $16.000,mado .u p of 58 Brant ford Light SteelBinders,14 Bran tford Mowers, 10 Sheaf Oarriers and 10,000 lbs of Blue 'l'in T ag Binder Twine. Oo J nue the J 6 rh, a u Advertiser re- m ee~. inrr The f:,,,e«e was ins tructed to gr ant porte1· \Vas in St1·atf0 rd, nnd witn Eiasecl the second delivery by M essrs. Wettlau- orders "n th o Tl'0as urer for the tolloww e r~k. . fer, of Brant ford ma chines. The proces- in~ su ms : ltd. Woodley, plank fornM iss H utch inson, of Brighton, was the sion att.r acted t he a ttention of the city iabecl, $H3.50; Joan Lander, sheep guest of Mr. Robt. D avtiy last Suncla.y. and surroundiug oountr y, an d i t was d amage~, $10 ; Henry Staples, lum ber A very interest ing game of base ball indeed a s,.ilendid demonstration. The cont r1tct, 8350; J . lialla!!her ,grii.vel ,etc. was played in Mr. Wm . Spr oul's field last fine band nf the Grand Trunk Railway :86 10 : .fohn Somers. 30 loads gravel Saturday, with J. H. H ic,k s actin g as u m- hero head ed the co rtege a nd render ed a $ 1,uO: Ed . Chann on, 20 l oads gravel pire. The '£ witch Grass club, of Long c~ipital programme of mus ic . '.l'his d o- Rl ; \'fro. Cle m ~ ns , 128 load~ gravel Sa.ult, and the Bus hwhackers, of N ew livery inclnded 29 binders. 20 mowers, 14 $ G.40 : H en ry Argue, 226 loads era.val Park. At the end of t he thre e inn ings bundle carri~rs , and G,000 lbs. of binder $ 11,30; iod igen t persone-Gay,Wilb11r, Be fore the procession for med a nd Av<>r y, $5 each; Aldwor l h $ 6; the score stood, Twitch Garss, 18; Bush- twine. wh ackers, 19. Grand playing on both fully 100 g11ests were entertaiued at din- Campbell . Mallett , L uff. Ker nick, Luff, sid es. ner at th e Wind sor li otel by the Messrs. $4 each ; L:ine, H eard, W ilson , Robin'rhe 2nd nine G ladstones intend to ch al- Wettlaufer . The procession halted at son, T rick, G. Orchard , W . Orchard , lenge t heTwitch Grass Club for a frien dl y the mar ke t, sq nare, where tho group was $3 each; D arrn ,S tacy,Gregor y, $2 each. Cou ncil ad journed till last Sat urday game some Saturday. L ook ou t, boy s, photographed and excellent addrnsses for th@ Gladstones. were given by Mr . J. H . O.:ibome, Pre- i n J uly,atll a.m. -----·-----T he officers of Tyr one Division for the sident (of A. H arris, Son & Co.), Mr. Collars and Cuffs, n.e w styles iu Celensuing quarter are as follows : W . P ., Woolner, M.r. Nixon and others. B ro. J . H. H icks; W. A. ,Bro. E d. B ingThus far t h is season t he Messrs. W. luloid and L inen, at T. Geo. Mason's h :i.m; F . S ., J . H . M anning ; T., J T. h ave d eliv1>r ed to farmers i n this vici nit y Star House. W elch; R. S. , J . H. Werry; A. H. S., 125 Brantford Binden and M o wers- a Persons.wish ing t o bor row money on Sister E va Hill; Chap., Bro. J as. Bin g- fact t hat speaks vo !u mcs in praise of the farm securi ty can be accommodat ed with ham·; Con., B ro. F r ank Hancock; A. 0., Barris machines, as well as t he enter prise any amou nt on applica tion to tho STATES· B ro. C. L . Bingham ; J. S., Sister E. of t he gentlemen who represent t he M AN office, at lowest rates of interest. t f, Jameson ; 0 . S., SiatP.r Polly Mann in g ; firm. P URE Tr.A ! P URE LITERATURE! ! -T he P . W : P. , T. T . Jardine. Mr. Osborne ga ve the inform ation t h at Li-Quot' Tea Co. is the larges t and bea t We understand the boys ser en aded M r. h is firm had alread y shipped t his sea son P acket Tea Co. in t he ?. orld. A hand· Ed . Channon and his bride, on their re- over 100 car loads of goods, and that 40 some volu me given away with ev.ery 3Jbs turn from M ariposa. on '.l'hursday. n ight. car loads of bind ers and twine are now of this cefobrated tea. It is not necessary The Glee Club arriv ed abo ut ten o'ciock, bein i: dispatch ed to Ma nitoba. Tho to p urchase t he three pou nds at one time ; and a fter singing 11everal nice pieces they present week will complete their shipm ent a voucher is given aw~y wit h e very half were invited inside an d treated to refresh - of eight car loads of B rantford binder s, poun d. By d rinking theLi-Q uor Teas, th ments, to which all did ample j ustice. r eaper s and mowers, and .25 t ons of t wine consumer becomes a participator in the 8 ome more singing was again furnished to ~outh Amer ica. The lat ter shipment ad vantages which t his oompa.11y posses ses by the club. The boys re t urned home i n went via New York, and has been sold in over all competitors, for he gets a b etter th e " wee sm a. hours," wishing Edwar d direct competition with goods made in the tei. a t a lower pr ice than can be procured and his better-half man y long and happy U nited St11tes. elsewhere, and he sh ar es in the ioestim· years of matrimomal bliss. CLIMAX. It m ust be a source of cong ratulation able benefits of a gigantic enterprise, to the firm a nd the citizens of B rantford Came early a nd eet thtt benefit of our un · CARTWRIGHT LEVI M oRRis, .Agent, t ha t such a n establishment ia located b roken stoflk. B ou n@all'e Block. 11-tf ·ther e, and that a r eputat ion has been so On WcdneFday tho 16th, a large company widely sEicured . It is evident that t he of guest s assembled at t he re9idence of Mrs. Rachel Devitt, to witness the nuptials of farmers of Oanada t horough ly a ppreciate her youngest daughter Carrie. and the Rev. reliable harvesting machinery ,and of such David Balfour, 1'>1ethodist minister, of Rob· a character the produ cts of Messrs. H arJin. The interestinl'. ceremony wae performed by Rev. W _<J. Washington. R ev.·J. J . ris, Son & Co. eviden tly is.- L ondo1i Ferguson aoted as l!roomsman, and Miss L. Advertiser. ---o-- K Haltour, sister of tl:\e groom, acted as The agents for these popular machines bddesmaid. 'l'he presents were numerou~. in W est Durham are R . MooN, e>ron o, and some of them rare, beautiful and coatly, Oul'. Millinery D epa rtment ( one but in somo instances there >vere rather too an d JAs. McLEAN, H ampton. many of one and the same kind. After the of t h e most extensive i n t he t own) guests i1a<l pa.rtaken of the luxurious repast, Call at Tait & Morrison 's to see M rs. & number of them ~scorted the happy couple to the station at llurketon, on their way t o .Clar ke's Cookery Book. : is now repl e t e with all t he latest 'l'orouto for the inevitable wedding tour. Th e West E ud House is not ed for I 'l'he Band Picuic on Sa.turday la.at on Washb1 1rn Island, wa.s a complete success. h aving th e largest, best, and cheapest novelties for t he s u mmer trade . 'l'he ptenic was got up uuder the auspices of assortment of H osiery in town. Ladies Cart wright Brass Baud, and our bovs were you would do well to call and examine The e nti r e selection is of t he newest assisted by Port P erry and Ba\lyduff Bands. for yoursolves. '.l'he Ma>"!! Louise a.nd a covered scow W6re kept very busy, and a vast fleet of small It may n ot be k now n to m any readers a n d m ost f ashicnable d escri pti on. craft conveyed tho merry picnickers to and of t his jonrnal lh at we have in .t his t own from the Island, during the live·long day. an i ns titut ion bearing the name of "The O ur assor t ment of HATS and Thanks t o t hti Scott Act, there was no drunkenness visible, and as far as we can Bowman ville E lectro P l ating Works" learn thre was no whiskey drinking at the which g uarantees to do plating i n gold, t s of the picnic. silver or niokle so that old articles are BONNETS, whi ch con s h 1 On Sunday last, Rev. N . Bill,of Oshawa, made to look quite ·a.s good or oven bet· preached the Sunday School Anniversary ter than new, and the proprietor agr ees l atest and most desirable style s. sermons in tho Methodist church here, morn. I to plate heavier t han the plating to be ing and evening. '.l'he congregatinns were lar"e, e~pecia.lly in the evening and fo und on any ne w article. All kinds of embr a ces t h e fol : owing makes and the Aermon~ were able, scriptural and pro· silverware, old wat ch cases gold or silver, fitable. The Anniversary '.l'ea took place and indeed all k inds of table ware are reon Monday, in the Drill Shed. The eohol· paired, cleaned, and polished, Any of b r aids : -C hip , Loop , Tape , T wist, ars enjoyed themsel ves immensely, and tho our readers having articles t hat r equire parell te and other fri~nds shared the joy. Pedal, Swiss, P earl, Milan, Satin, After tea the frame church was filled with platin g can r ely on get ting a superior job young and old, eager tc enjoy the program clon e at a reasonable price, and a single consisting of readings, recitat ions, dialogues trial will con vince you t hat this is correct. Canton, Tuscan, Leghorn , Por cuand music, and the whole seemed to give T he foreman is Mr. John Wright, late of good satisfaction ; some of the performers Glasgow, Scotland , a nd the p roprietor pine, Cordin e t te and Split S t raws . doiug exceedingly well. The school is in a. Call a.t Reid's prosperous condition having nine teachers is Mr. F. N . Ham . and officers, and about 90 scholars. Proc~eds Block an d see sample<! of t he work they of the tea about $33. are turning out. TYRONE . The P a rsonage Com mittee h .. ve ~ented M rs. A. Gibberd's house for a te rm of fo ur mon ths, for the pasto r of th is circui t. Mies S mart, of P et e rboro, was th e gue8t of Mr. J no. Hodgson last week. Our worthy Reeve's footman h ad the r.:isfortune to let his ho1sea run away last Thursday. .As i t. happen'ld t hero was no serious damage done. H old on to the ~tri ngs, ,T. B . Mrs. Rich. D avey and fam ify, Lake vie w Farin, were vi~i tilll{ friendd h er e last ·- ---- -- - - Th e follow ing peti tio ns and co.mrn u'lications wer e presented: F r om W. Knapp and oth ers, to be allowed t o erect a wire fence 011lhe10th Con . line. Gran ted . From Jesse Will iams an d ot hers, for grant t o a id in the urectio n of wire fences on t he r oad across L ots 21 to 28, in the 9 th Con . h~ id on the table. Frnm the townsh ip Cler k of Olarke, transmitting copy uf resolutiou of Clarke U1rnncil, in r efer ence t o improvemen ts .on 'l'o wu L ine. Propositit·ll r;:oncurred in aud commun ica t ion ordered to be fy led. Fl'om JJ r. Mitchell, i n reference t o th e cas e of an i ndigen t girl , named l\:Ia.ry Luff. R eferr ed to th13 .Reeve, with powor to grant temporary aid, not to exceed $4 Mr . C. Knapp applied for compensa.· tion fur extra work alleged t o have been done on road. RefNr ed to Mr. Awd. A n a pplication fro m W. Scott , for r epairs on ur idge in l1is road bea.t , was r e· fe rred to Messrs. Sma.le and Awde. Messers Ormiston and J . Willia.ms to ha.ve the 8 th Con. road allowance transferrtid to t hem iu li<Ju of road opimed acros~ their far ms. R eferred to Olerk to exami n.i the or iginal r ecords. M r. Cowling c0mplained of thti sta te of the bridge on h is road beat . R·ofer · r ed t o M r. Vancamp. Mr. Smale presented a report fr om the commi ttee in refereuc~ to improve· m en ts on t ho town line lletween Clarke and Dar lingto n Received and adopte tl. Mr. A wde presented a r eport in r eferencEl to tlrn condi tion of the r oad and bridge where the accidellt occurred on which M r. B lack bum's cla im fot damages was baseJ ; repor ting the same not uns afe for travel if ordinary oan tion is observed in driving ; and that t hd further consid era tion of M r . Blackb urn 's claim be postponed till next meeting of Oouncil . Adopt ed. An applicat ion wa3 made for t he p urchase 1>f road allowance bet wee n lots 3 4 i<nd 35 in 2ud ocn . L1id over till next MILLINE RY. ~·- · ------~-·-----· ! l Robertson & Bond()

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