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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1886, p. 2

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. --·--------·-- - - - -- -··- ·--- - - ·THE CANADIAN STATESMAN Mi A;JAMES, The aeason being a.t hand when-th(' cheap and convenient farm appendages· ahould be put In pC11itlon, I write to ofter y$ur ree.d· ers a little of my experience. Having ob· 1erved In my tr.avels that & majority et heavy ga.te1 eag, ee u.s te bebome lno&nve· nlent ol' u1eleea af.ter a year or two, I thre9 TER:MS: ADVISE TO MoTHERS.-Are you tlis· yea.n a.go adopted the eften·repea.ted recom· ·t.58J perannuin,or 1111.ootrpaldln advanee turbed at niaht and broken of your rest mendatien to set the hinge.post with 08· l'aJ'ment strictly ln advance required Crom by a sick chUd suffering and crying with ment. Thi· poet ahould be of the most eubaor1bers outside of the county. Ord~rs . to pain of Cutting Teeth ? If eo ·send at durable timber, at lea1t ten lnohet In diamdtsoontinue the paper must be accompanied by once and get a bottle of " .Mrs. Winsl~w's eter, nine feet Jong, and 1et four feet in the Jieamount due,orthepaperwillnot bestoppe~.· abllorlbers a.re responsibleuntllful lpe.ymen tu Soothing Syrup." F or children . teeth~ng, ground. The post hele 1hould be dug two its valne is incalcnlable. It will relieve feet equare, and of oeune four feet deep. "made, A layer of mortar, mixed a1 for cisterns, BA.TES OF ..i.DTERTISING1 ~~~ the poor little suff\:)rer immediately.. Depend upon it, mothers ; there 1s no two er three inohe1 thick, 1heuld be Bpread "60 oo """""' Whole Column one year ···· ·.. ·· ·· ·· · 00 !'" ~::::; mistake abont it. It cnres Dysent ery over the b&ttom of the hole and the post aet " " Halt year .····· · .. ·... 36 c:::io " " One quarter ...... ·" 20 OO ~.,. and Diarrhc:ea, regulates the Stomach and perpendicularly In the center and stay· la.th· ad to keep it." In position while the hole. Is Halt Column one yee.r ·.······.··· · ·· ~~ g~ Bowels cures Wind Colic, softens the being filled around i;;. Now put a le.yer of " :He.If year ....... ····· ·· Q 50 Gums, 'reduces Inflammation, and gives 1mall ·tones, three or feur inohes through, · " One quarter·- ... ...... ~ " 00 Qnarter Colun,n one ye1J.r · .... ···· ·· '~ 50 _ to:ie and energy to the whole sydtem. ~rflund the bottom of the post, then pour .. " :HaUyear .. ......... U _ 5 , " Mr~. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for thin mortar en to thia layer of stones so "' One quarter...... .. 8 00 children teething is pleasant to the taste tha.t it will fill the spaces ; then alternate 8lxllnes e.nd under, first ins.e rtion ·· !JO 50 : Each subsequent insertion .... .. 0 25 ·and is the preaoription of one. of the old- !a.yers of amall stenea and thin mortar till .ftom six to ten lines, firstinsextion 0 ~~ _ est and best female physicians and nurses the hole la filled. Let It stand eight er ~ED Ee.ch subsequent insertion······ -10 10 in the U nited States, and is for sale _by ~ aye to set before bauglDg the gat E>, and ,aver ten lines, first in~ertion,pe~~iDe 00 0 all druggists through the world. Prwe you have a peat set ll8 In a. eoUd rook, I Each subsequent msert1on, The number of lines. to be r eckoned by 25 cents a bottle. Be snre and ask fo1~ have three gates hung on poets aet in this h· espace occupied,.measured by a scaleo "MRs . WINSLow's SooTIIINa SYRUP. way, onto one of which r 1 unrnly oew jumped a.ud . bung herself up, and · whll,. In o lid Nonpareil. and take no other kind, that position the gate, not being fastened DR. J . (J. :MJT(JllELL, -..w..~ swung around aixty degrees. The gate E WUD g shut all riaht, but, owing to thla . EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS Mand Surgeons, Ontario, Coi;oner, etc. 7:1 severe test, was aotually depressed a quarter Office and Residence, Ennlsk1llen. · of an Inch, but the poet maveil not a. h1dr· breadth, e.s we could perodve, DR· . TAMBLYN, Of t he many kinds of hinges for heavy HYSICIAN, SURGEON and A.CC4?UCHEUR. gates I like t he "ho~k and eye" the b est. Office :-Silver Street, Bowmanville. 7 They cost $1 a set. I ha.ve them ma.de of equare, i\·lnoh bar Iron, to prevent turning, D. JHJJtKE SJMrsoN, long enough te reach through the post, with .A.RRlSTE'&, SOLICITOR, &o. , MOPRIS nut on oute't' end and oollar en lowEt hinge BLOCK, up stairs, King. Street, Bowman to prevent it working through toe far, .tllle. Solicitpr for the Ontario Bank · rrlvate n;ncvs loaned at the loweat re.tea. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Bra~n Tre.atipent, With two or mere sets cf hook& iu the post a gu11ranteed specific for Hysteria; J?12zmess, the gate ma.y be raised t o any height the John Keith Gl\lbratth; Convulsions. Fits, Nervous, :Neuralgia, Head· acnnmu1a.tlng snow may require, A RRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY ache "Nervous Prostr~tion , " aused by the use A gate well made, of good material, ~ept PUBLIC, &o. ' Oft!ce-Bounse.ll's Bloc,k of aic"obol or tobacco, Wakefulness, ~ent!'-1 p11.lnted, and hung in · this way will oost Depression, Soft~ning of .the brain resultmg Ill King Street, Bowman ville. Money to lend, abaut $5, and, barring accidents, will keep Insanity and leadrng to misery deoay and dee.th Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power its plaae tweutyye11r11. ROBERT AIUltHJR, in either sex, Involuntary Los!3es and Sperm!J-t· ' 1'he best fastening la a latch and catch. EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER orrhoea caused by over-exertion of the Bre.rn, ' of Marrla.ge Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor· self·abuse or over-indulgence. Each box C0!1· A mortbe should be made through oue of one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six tile posts of the gate in which the boarda ·· 7 at La· w and Solicitor In Chancery.Money tains boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt are framed and belted, Through this moraned on Real Estate, Ofilce on King street, of price, tise a latch (If hardwood, three feet long or Bowmanville. We Guarantee Six Boxes more, an Inch or over narrower than the ... T. rntLLil'S To cure any case. With each. order.received mortise to give It play, should paBB ti> catch ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County by us for six boxes, accompe.m.ed with $5, we rn the poet against which the gate swings. of Durham, Se.lee promptly .attended. will send the purchaser our written guarantee 59· Addres11-Rampton P, O. to refund the money if the treatment does not A po6t with catch should be planted sCI BB effect a cure. Guarante!'s issued only ~Y J No. to reoelvo the latch when the ge.te aw:nge wide open, ao thu.t It le 11olways 11tcu1e and Stott & Jury, Druggists.Bowmanv1lle, ORN HUGRES.-Licensed Auctioneer, never left to the merey of the wind, Valuator and Arbitrator, Fire and Life .. nsurance, Notes e.nd Accounts Collect ed. J.loney to Lend on reasonable terms, Aadress .CJir,rtwright, Ont. !l72 :::ia A CARD.-To all who are s uffering from the e rrors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weaknese early decay, loss of IS PUBLISHED manhood, &c., I ~ill send a recipe th~t ETERT FRID.AT MORNING, will cure you FREE OF CHARGE. . ~his -BYgreat remedy was discovered by a m1ss10n· Send a self· e.ry in South America.. AT THE OFEICID addressed envelope to the REV·.JosEPB 1"01&0nleeBloek,IUng~.,Bowman ville, Oat T. INMAN Station D New York Cit11. 46y THE FARM. farm Gates. THE WATER FEAST. !lTAND,lRD lllEDl~AL WOltK FOR :=--- = g HEAL TH IS WEALTH. P B B R L J BRITISH . EMPIRE ESTABLISHED IN 184'1. every man who buys Licenee from A DNRY SYLVESTJ!lR,Enmskillen. . ONEY ! MONEY !-The receives money on deposit for M Loan e.nd Savings Company, and pe.ys interest ,hi~ the~ntar10 GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., Managed by and solely In the interests of the Policy holders. Timely Snga:estions. snbscri~r It has no shareholders to pe.y dividends to. .at the rate of 4 and 5 per cent. No notice ot withdrawal r equired> Also lo!i-ns money on Its Rates are ,Low. mortgages at lowest rates. :No comm1asion <Clhe.rged.. w. F. ALLEN, Bowmanville. 8-1~. Polletes non rorf'eltable and 11neondttlona1. (lash Bon11s Paid every three :rears, 80 Bo? Gentlemen o.CFash ien, uot so Cast. Joint Life Policies, - Though a double rish but one premium Is paid ave written these !ew lines for two people, Amount ot pollcy drawn And ail I have to sa7on first death. . 1 ba.t youoan find we still at home, Jam not gone a. way· So all myk:indol cUriendsmay come, Special Inducements to Total .Abstaine·n._ And all the young ones, too, ,t.nd get their garments nicel7 ma.de l_ntaehionsthe.t a.re new: A.SSETS OTER $5,ooo,ooo.l <!Vb.ere old and young, dearfrlends~ ~a:v meet JN(JOlllll OTER $1,000,000 A welcome ll'r<ietb11r. bv R. PEA'.J:E $100,000.00 deposited with theCane.d!anGovern ment for benefit of Canadian policy holders. . D ENTISTRY <INVESTED IN ()A.NADA, $GOO,ooo.oo. HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA:-1\IONTREAL For pe.rticnlars refer to E;L.LIVINGSTONE, WITH TU:ltTD, w ITHO'OT 'l'l!lETH. G'ENERAL AGENT, POR'l' HOPE or to agents throughout the county. ~8-6se, J'. :M. BRIMACOMBE, Orono Pump Factory. PRACTif1A.I. DENTIST, ')VER TWENTY YEARS EXPl!:RlENOIC, ·Mrous Oxide Gas A.clmlntstered f'or Palnles Operations. Jtt(J(JUT NG'S BLOUK, Ol'FICE Pumps Cheaper and Better than ever, The Subscriber havin.g built a large ne" Pump Fact ory in Orono, Is p r epared - to furnish- r PUMPS OF EVERY DESGRIPTIOI With or without Porcelain Cylinder, ol the Best Material, on the shortest notice e.nd at the lowest prices. -c. HARNDEN, L. D.S., Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. Graduate o!the Royal College o 1 Dente.l surgeon~ Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICK80N'S STORE, IOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. W rk executed in the le.test and most ate i~proved styleofthe DentalArt. BETH EXTRACTED WITHOU'r PAIN, e of Nitrous Oxide Gas, withoutinjur:y ·he us to the patient, ' · Parttcnlar a~tentlon paid to the regule.tlol\ or CHILDREN'S TE<ETH. · ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Orderslby Mail promptly attended to, .,....ALL WORK W .ARR.ANTED ·.._ DOORS, S A SH, BLINDS, PICKETS, MOULDINGS, &c.,kept on hand. . FERG USON~ F. A. JONES, R VETERINA:R.Y SURGEON, THE KEY TO HEALTH. ·ENNISKILLEN, ·, Honorary Grad uate of Ontario eterinary College will att end to e.11 diseases ~f domeatie animals. V: Oper ations & Dentistry A SPECIALTY. Calls and Orders b y mail or telegraph will receive prompt attention . CHARGES MODERATE. OFFICE HOURS, 8 T O 10 A. M. A flrat·class atock of Medicines always on hand. N. B . -Will visit Williamsburg every Saturd ay of each week. 16-ly ~ Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; st the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing :Biliousness, Dye.. }lepaia, ' Jieada.chea, Dizziness, 'Unlo0ka all the cioggecl avenueB of the ll:ea.rtburn, Constipation,, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy!. Dimness of Vision, Jaundice, t!alt Rheum, the Heart·. Nervousness, and ~n-: eral Debility ; a ll these and many other aimilar Complaint s _y!elcl t o the happy influence of BU:R.DOCX Rroprfeton. foionto; Erys ipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of favorite comic and sentimental songs and bal· lads a vast collection, for only IOc . or 4 3o. stamps and this alip. A. W. 1KINNEY, Yar· mouth,N. S . Jnordertointroduce our · · catalogue of all kinda of SONGS Books, and a gents' ,goods, we w ill send 100 l3LOOD :BI.TT.EBB, · .l....'~WM° A CO., Cowa which give mC1st u.nd richest milk need most . oareful feeding, 1111 exce1alve stimulation ef milk glands ca.uses rarget, and often milk fever. Many a valuable· Jersey cow has been destroyed by trying to force an unnatural butter yield, We h.?· lieve In goed feeding of all cows, but where Lhe tendency Is largely to buUer produc. tlon & good deal of di11eretion must be usc.d In giving too muoh, A correspondent of the New Engl&nd Farmer glve11 the fellewing recipe for mak· Ing a grafting wax : White resin. tour and a half pounds; beeswax, pure, ene pound; li11aeed oil, ene pint, Warm the oil slowly and when hot. put In the re Jin and wax; atlr well till all la thoroughly :melted, aud pour out into a pall of cold water ; work like mo· la1Be1 candy, and form lb 11tloks of oonvenl· ent size, aay abC1ut as· large a.a B&Ulllgea. This will keep for years in a cool cellar, and is a.n excellent applioatlen for all weund1 of trees. The old practloe of growing pu111pkln~ among corn ha'a been growing unpopular for some years with farmers who desire to give their corn thcrough cultivatfon, lt la, In shC1rt, deemed better t:i grow the pumpkins by themselves, A 'd ifference Is not only netloed In the oern, bnt the pumpkins a.ttain larger size and are bettor ripened. To best grow cheioe va.rietles it Is not only essential th&t they be raised alone, but .the soil ehould be rich antl well werked. Harris recom. mends p 1 antlng in rew' from eight to ten feet apar t, three or four feet apart in the rows, drcpping eight or ten seeds ln lli hill. this la oaloulated te be a suffioient quantity to leave ~hroo c. : four strong plants in thll bill, It ls essential that the land be kept free from weeds, even aft er the plants at· taln o.onelderable i lze. Thie recipe for cementing Iron Is given by an E nglish mecbanloal jouu al: Take equal parts ef eulphur and whUo lead, with abeut a sixth of borax ; incorporate the three thowughly, When abeut to a.pply it wet It with strong sulphurfo acid and place a t hin layer of it between the two pieces ef iron and press thom together. In five days it will be dry, all traoes of tho cement having vanished, 11.nd the iron will ha.ve the e.ppearanoeof having been wedded together, The HURbandman says a barn sheet h something which ought t o be found on every farm, bnt seldom is. It is olmply a large sheet of heavy cotton sheeUng, Bixteen yards being ai..flicient to make a. geed-sized one, te be spread en the wagon bottom when buckwheat, oats, or wheat which is toe rlpEl arc to be drawn in. The saving of shelled gre.ln which would otherwise be .Russia, !'ranee, and Germany. lost 18 net incolll!lderable. It serves another Speaking of the attHude of Russia in the pmpose also, as It may be spread over an uvfinlshed stack during a. suddm storm, er event of a war between F rance and Ger· over a loP.d of grain in bags In the field er mr.ny, the :Novoje Vrjemia of St, Petersburg says: on the way to town. "There is no doubt that, In any c11.ae1 It would not be proper for us to lend our sup. port to either one of the bellfgerent powers A Panther's Revenge. to the detriment of any one of them, But The panther of India seldem attaoks a at the sa.me time It would be a mistake to man unleu provoked, driven to ba.y, or Imagine that Russia wonld neoesearily rewounded. If the man lets him alone, he main neutral In case one of tho two pewera wlll not trouble the man; but should the Interested should attempt to wea.ken t he ma.n wound him, then t he powerful animal other, Snoh an indifference upon her par t heollmes & moxe dangerous beast to cape would be a gross polltfoal error. The interwith th an the tiger, for he can climb a tree, vention ef Prince Gortoha.kefF In 1875, In 1 and .the tiger cannet, tho F1·anco-Germa.n difficulty- an lnterven· Ssvera.l years ago, an English officer, in tlon which made Germa.ny give up her fn. India, located h im&elf in a tree, with u. tention te finally crush J!'rance- will always native h unter, and waited for game; A be counted as one ef the meat lmporlant panther he.ppened t o pass below, and the services tha.t ·t he Chancellor rendered to officer filoed, R u3da, The s a.me oenaldera.tions whloh Unfortunately for himselt, he wounded governed him t hen ought to guide us t o· instead of k lllfng the animal, '.Ihe panther d .. y. B01t t hese considerations ought not in turned, spran2 up the trunk ef t he tree, s.ny ma.nnet· to hlndar t he con aollde.tlou of eelzad the oflfoer, dragged him to the the me11t friendly relations with Germany, ground, and mauled him eo that he died. because such relations r espond on all points The frightened native remained In the at p resent te ihe interests of Russia, More, tree, una.ble te help hie master, When the ever, from a Government p oint of view· panther had satlafied himself that the white Germany 111 mere closely allied to R ussia man was harmless, he aecended the tree a than R epublican Francs Is. Oll the other second time, and killed the native, hand, it must net be forgotten that the sympathies of the R ussian people are rather The lnvent11r of a. car coupler was lately fer France than fer Germany, and t hat, In a. 09r mal development of policy, our interests admitt ed to an Interview with a railroad president, and started eff with : " L ast might not be in diBa.ccord with those of year twenty six men wer11 killed or crippled Franoe, It Is, therefore, natural that the on your road while coupling cars. I war- country should be of grea.t importance to us rant thie lnv1intion te-" " To save how a11 a political factor. Germany represents much wear and te&r on the bumpers ?" In· for us the present; Franoe the future ; and, terrupted the president. "I warrant It t o elnce we need beth the present and the fu . sa.ve the lives of employea sir." "Um l tur11, It wc'lllld not be for our Interest that Don't want It. W e are after 11emething to one ef these faotora should e.bserb or weak· en the ether, " save the bumpers." .t. !ltl'anr;e and L11dtero1ls Festival la 1Jppe1 nurmnh. Only $1 Uy Mail, 1·o~tpnl11. The Burmese yea.r 1248 Ot>mmeno!!d OD ILLITS'l'RA.Tn'E SA!tirLES FltEE NO A.I.L. the 15th of l1ut month. On the three pre· oeedli:Jg days the Water Feast, the great a1111ual festival, which. la observed through· out all Burmah, w1H celebrated with th" ouetomary formalities and with ueual bofe. terous merriment, n 11 needlees to give any lengthened description of the Water Feaet. Every writer 011 Burmah or t he .Burmese ha.a devoted some space to dlaon1. elng the meaning a.nd origin of 11.nd to de A. Gl'cat llle~Ucal lVork On ltlnnhood, eorl blng the fe1tlvltle1 wit . h which the Water Exhausted Yite.lity, Nervo1is and PhJ:aic a F eaat ls oelebnted u.nd the new year usher· Debil1ty. Premat ure Decline in Man. Errors ed in. Jn both Lowl? an!I Upper Burmah of Yo~th , e.nd. t he untold miser ies resulting d di th w from rndlscret10n or excelises, .A. book for d urIng t h e ·h · ree aya preoe ng e ne every m an, young, middle-aged and old. It year the town· ..nd village· a.re filled with conte.~ns .125 prescriptions for a,ll am~te and ch rome diseases, each one of whwh 1s mvalua" LA.UGHING GIRI s . OROWDS O· " ble. So found by Author. whose experience &nd young men em g aged in throwing water for 25 yea rs is such as prob!!<b_ly never before over each ot her aud tho paasers· by. Tbe fell to ~he lot of any phya101an.. 300 pages, · bov nd m beautiful French muslm, embossed children are armed with large eyrlngea, covers, fall g ilt, guii.ranteed t o be a finer work which they use with great aoouracy. Under ln every sense Ellan any other w~rk sold in t his Burmese rule It wn soa.rcely safe for E ur op- country for $2.oO , or t h!' rnoneyw11l be re.fun ded '- th t f M _, I in every rnstance. Price only $1 by mail, post· eans to be seen IW e ~tree 8 " . ao ua ay baid. Illustra.tivea sa mple free to any body. during the three da.ys the ·water F sast Send now. Gold medal awarded t he itul;hor by lasted. They 1a.n great rbks of being dren· the Natioqal .Medical Association t !) the P re· obed with the filthi est water that could be SI den~ of wh10h. the Hon. P . A , Bissell. and a.ssome.t e oftlc.ers of the Boarc l t he reader Is found, although among t hemse1 ve11 t b e B ur· respectfully relforred. meme only nse the purest water 11vallable. 'l'he Science of Life Is worth more to t he Many a grudge wae paid off during t he young and middle-aged men 9t this g;eneration Water Feast and It was Impossible to ob- she.n all ~he gold mmos of Ual1f~rma and the · silver mmes of Nevada combmed.-S. F . ta.in any redress, On t he present oooaslon Chron;.cze. the Burmese did not threw water on Europ· 'l'he Science of Life pointa out the rocks and eans until th~y had asked and reeelved quicksands on which t heconstitution and ~ opes leave to dope; permission was uima.lly freely ~re~k:8eif.-'M%~~e~te~~ir~~;.e been faitally The Science of J,ife is of greater value than given, especially by the European aeldiers. Tommy Atkins e.ppee.red to thoroughly all the medic1Ll works published in this country enter Into the 11phlt of the t hing and to for the p~st 50 year.s.--,Atlanta <Jonsti tidion. · · b Ih The Science of Life rn a superb and masterly enJ<>Y eng~gmg In a. watery com a t w t treatise on nervous and physical debility.half a dozen Burmese girls. Ou t he ether JJetroit F'ree Press. hand the Sepoys did not appear to at all 'l'here is no member of society to whom t he relish the attentions with which they were Science of Life will. not bo useful, whether t F t It Ia a d · ma.n.-Argonaut. youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clerg y. favore d · D uri ng th e u~ n e. er ee.s vlsable for European· who de net under· Address the P eu.bodv Medical In~titnte, or etand Bnrmese well to observe conslderr.bh Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulfinch Street.~oston ' h Me.ss., who may be consul te(~ on a.II diseases · rep I YI ng t o 1uy q11e11t i ons W h ~o cauti un 111 requiring skill and experience. Chronic and may be addressed to them. An affirma t ive obstinat e diseases that tutve baflled tLe skill reply given to a questie n in the belief that of all other physicians a specialty. Such it ls treated successfully withou t e.n instance of failur e. Mention STATESMAN, Bowmanville, A DEMAND FOR CHARITY, Ontario, 17-y. or some similar request, wlll 11ot lmproba· bly reeult In your having a few bowls of Pianos Tuned and .Repaired. water thrC1wn over yon by the per1on who addressed you a.nd by the bystanders, the question having been a request for leave te ARTI ES WISHING THEIR.PIANO S throw water on you, I . experienced this Tuned or repaired oanhaTethom a ttended 0 by leaving word ,at the DOMINION ORGAN fate myself, All the princip11ol pagodas are OFFIOE, llowmanvil!e A flrst -clas man Oo's redecorated a.nd the Images ef Gautama in I them are regllded during the Water Feast, o;iow oein2 in t heir mJJlo 1. Enormous snma are spent in this way, One of the most intereaUng 11ighta In Ma.nd&lay daring the new yea.r '· fe1tlvitle1 we.a a vlalt to the Arrakan Pagoda, The great brass Gautam& there, weighing 14 tona, was, with FIRST. -30 acres of lot 8 in the< lat concession the e:xoeptlon of the face, pl111tered all over of Darlington, lying immediately south ot the with thin layera el gold, bnught by devout cemetery. wershippen whe visited it from a.ll parts of SECOND.-The South H O acres of lot 16 in the third concession or Darlmgton, and tbe North Burmir.h, 36 acres of t he South 83 acres of lot 15 in tllti same concession ·rnmn,-The South 100 acres of lot 25 in the t hird conce~sion of Darlington, and the North· The Boy to Succeed. erly 60 a cres of the east half of lot 25 in the A few years ago, a !11orge drug firm in New se.me concession. York advertised for a boy, Next day the All the above will be sold in parcels to suit Time for payment and terms will atere waa orammed with applloants, among purchasers. be made very easy t o satisfactory buyers, For them a <J.Ueer·loeking little fellew, accom· particulars apply to D, BURKE SIMPSON, panied by a wom&n who proved to be Vendor's Solicitor hla aunt, in lieu of faithless parents, by 41-tt. whem he had been abu.ndoned, Loeklng &t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tbla little waif, the merchant In the stere promptly said : " Can't hke him : places all full ; besides he is too small." " I kuew he le 11D!,all," aaid the womau, "but he ill willing and falthful. "- Tlit1:e wa1 a twinkle in the boy's eye1 that made the merchl\n11 think again. A partner In the firm velun· J IE will pay the allove. B.eward for any tecred te retne.rk that he" did not see whii.~ IV case of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, they wanfed ef snob a boy-he wasn't bigger Sick Headache, Xndlgestion or Costiveness the.n a pint of oJldor." But after ccllaul- we cannot CUre with WEST' S LXVEB. tatlon the boy was set to werk. A few PILLS, when t:ae Directions are strictly day11 later a oall was made on the boys in complied. with. Large Boxes, containing the store for s(lme ene to stay all night. so Pills, ~5 Cents; 6 lloxes $1.00. Sold The prempt response of the little fellow by all Druggists. contrasted well with the reluctance of ethers, Jn t1'e middle of the night the merchant fooked in to see if all was right In tlie etore and presently discovered his youthful protege busy scissoring labels. " W'hat are yeu doing ?" aaid he. " I did not tell you to work nlght11." " I know you did net tell me ao, but I thought: I might as well be doing something." In the morning the cashier got orders to "double that boy.i wages" for he Is willing. Only a few weeks elapsed before a 11how of 'WI lid beasts pa.ssed through the streets, and, very naturally, all hands in the et:ore P1·esei-ve Your S ig·ht. rmhed te witness the spectaole. A thief Use F. LAZARUS' (late of the firm of Lazar· Eo.w his ~prertunlty, Md entered at the us & Morris,) Renowned Specte.cles and Eye· rear door to seize something, but In a twink· Glasses. They are the best in the world. 'l'pey ling fonnd himself filmly olutohed by the never tire the eye, and lust many years withchange. For se.le by Kenner &. Co. Bow· diminutive clerk aforesaid and aft er e. out 6-~f. struggle was oapturod, Not only was a manville. rebbery prevented, but valuable articles ~aken from other st ores were reoevered. When !l.Bked by the merohant why he staid behind to wa.toh when others quit their work, t he r eply was, " You teld me never te leave the store when other11 were absent, and I though t I'd stay." Ord ers were Im· F or cost of adver t ising in any p aper or medla.tely given once more: " Double list of p ri.pflrs p u blis!1cc l in the Un ited tha.t boy's WP.gea he Is willing and faithful." Stat es 01· Canada, sm1d t o the ADVERTISTo day that boy la getting a salary ef ING _, \ .Gll;NCY of EP WIN A L J) EN &; . BRO., $2,5000, and next January will become a inci nnat i. ~..,.,N e w Y'Qrk, member ef the firm. Young men, imitate Co·r . 5th & Vine ,Sts ., >fol I t.O ha.ssa1 i .::!tre11. his exe,mple. * * Our "Ncwspn.pc rC ombinations, ' ' ..a .book of YOUNG Atm ,MIDDLE-AGED MEN. JOHN SPENCER, VETERINARY SURGEc;'~, I Honorary Gradnate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto. Regist ered member of the Ontario Veterinary Associa tion, in accordance with the Yeter·lnary Act. I s prepared to treat all diseaaea of the Dom· estic Animals, according to the latest theories. All call· .Personally, by 'l'elegraph or 'l'ele· phone will receive prompt at tention, JtiirOI'~'ICE-Me.in St., Orono, one du11r n orth of W. l!t:lnry's 8tore. CHARGES MODERATE, DUNN~S BAKINC POWDER THE--··COOK'S BEST FRIEND ·- .... -.-.. ·--·--·-··----···· --- - ·--CR EAT 6 0 DAYS' ··- ·· CLEARING- SALE-! D. DAVIS Wlll, te make room for 8prlng cimporte.tions, offer for the next 60 DAYS, the whole of -his immense stock of- P Boots a nd Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, 'l.'1·unks, Valises, &c; - J .T-- Valuable Farms for Sale. Greatly Reduced Prices. And Is prepe.red t o execute all ORDERED WORK on the shortest notioe. REPAIRING neatly and promptly a ttended to: having non but first-class workmen employed. tarSATISFACTION GUARANTEED."M D. DA. VI Bowmanville, Feb. 1 1886, s, ssoo.oo Express Office Building, QEWA-RD-! WORLD'S BEST I ' ~ WEST'S , LIVER PILLS :. POSITI VELY CURES : - [~win AMen &B ro. I C reccipt~if p:ice , DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. A few :Boxes will cur e any caee of' !>VC· peps1a1 simply by taking One 1"111 every night on retiring. They do not lose tbeU' effect like other l'ills, 25 Cents per B ox. Five B oxes for $1.00. TH IRTY PILLS I N A BOX. 1 150* pages, co nt:u n l ng priccg _of fl;dverb stn Efz fn! instruCtions, e tc., s~ n l u11 n::ce~ p ~ of i oc. ~ur Am. Newspa.per C ai:a.~oi:;ue 11. (' On t ;!1m_n g. n ;·~ 1nc s of ever y newsp::i._pt: r })llb hshe:~d Ill U; c l J. s .~ .l.rnl Canada , SQL D BY ALL DRUGGISTS. sent on -··- .. Mverhsm~ A u ency. . 0 f, $1.50. E sumates,"free. John C. west &Co. . TORON"'TO. PROPRIETORS, FOR .A.LL 1 T HE PII...1L8 Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOJYIA.UD, KIDNEYS AND BOWE:r... s. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and a r e invaluable in all Oomp la tnts incidental to Femal es of all Ages. Children and t h e ag ed they a re pl,'iceleas. For THE and U lcers. OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Bre'.1sts, Old Wounds, Sores It is famous for G ont and Rhenmat1sm. For disorders of the - Chest it has no equal. - Gl~ndular For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, CJoughs, CJolds, ,,?.... Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for contract ed and stiff j oints it acts like a cha.rm . :Manufactur ed only at THOM.AS H OLLOWAY'S Establishment, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDONl And are aold at la. l t d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. , lls., 22s., and 33s. each Box: or Pot, anel m ay be had f rom all Medicine Vendors throughout the World . .trPul'eha8eH should l ook at the I.abel on the Pots and Boxes. U the r ddre 111 a li33, Ox rord Street, London, the:r are spurtou1.1

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