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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1886, p. 6

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<!tatutdiau Jtate$tttau. F RIDAY, JULY 2, 1886. Retribution At L.ast ! CHAPTER I. Through the open window 11f t he little eltting room ln Mill's Farm the sett ing sun ehone with warm a1.od yellow lnstre, the sunllgJit lying acroBS t he somewhat faded I i;n carpet in broad streakll, lighting np wa.ll "Well, Mr. Gre.ham, air, I-I thought as CATJIRRH.-A new treatment has been dis· a.na ceiling, and gloiifying a. large bunch of ,. you'd maybe b9 co ·nlng out presently, and I covered whereby o. permanent cure of this plnkhawtb.orn t hat adorned a. 1q!l1i.re table ' ' hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely affect· I thought Nollle'd better not bo In the Beautiful was the morning when Cecil the centre of the room, whtlreon was ed in from one to three o.pplico.tions, no matter m _ ~ Gr&ham saunterei out t& find same quiet way ; thertl'd plenty o' blooms at the back Whether standing one year or forty years. 'l'his spread Cecil Graham's modest supper. o' t he house if she mn&t needs be alfo.ys i. · remedy ia only applied once in twelv ~ days, Ia the slag\e holland·oovered ea.ay·obalr nook wberein, free fr9 m fear of Intrusion, he gathering on 'em." and does not interfere with business. Descrip· the ap~rtment boasted, drawn close to the might revel In " the light that never was on tive pamphlet sent free on re.c eipt of stamp by "Wel1, when yon sent her awa.y, y ou de· eea. or ~hore "-a nook wherein the heaven· window, reclined Cecil G-rabam, revelllng A. H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, W e~t. :BUFF.A.LO,, N. 'Yprlved me of a pleaeure, Mes. Mill. I beg T oronto, Canada. in the delicious lilac -scented air and in th11 born muse might oheoae t o fold her wings, you will allow hllr t o b~ as much In the gar· and sit by his side thrcugh the long sweet 'W"IIAT IS CATARRH! hat rloh ,,plendoura of the sunshine. fo Organized '\Tith u full Stall' ot elglatcen Catarrh is a danp;erous dis11ase which thous· den as she ll'lea, or she will r egard me ln hourH. ands o.re consciously or nnconsoiouslysuffering the ga~den outside waa an a.bnnd,.nce of Ex11er.te11ccd nnd Slclllfnl J'hyslelnn11 Attired in a. suit of gra.y tweed, with a t h11 light of a regular ogre !" from. It is a muoo·purulent discharge co.used gr..es, tall ,.nd daiey·dappled, which grew Bild Surgeons for the treatment O~ Mrs. Mill alway11 confo s~ad that she Wll.S ely·cropped head, the by the presence of a vegetable parasite in tbe olese to the rough stone w111lla af the )louse 1 wide·a.wake on his cloB all l!hronlc D Jsenses, lining membrane of the nose. 'l'ho predispos· there were e.lse lilacs, purple e.nd white, y.oung m !l>n 3trolled down the gravelled pl th uaable t o tell what Mr. Gtahe.m was drlvi ng causes are a morbid state of the blood, the bet~ een the lilbur nums, te the mea.dow be· ln1 at, and never· half understood him ; but bloissomimg apple-trees, e.nd li.burnum with blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison she raplled with dignityof syrhilis, mercury, toxomre, from the reten- Ito golde1.o o·natera, and a wllderneas of yond. Hie brow- such of It as could be " I'm much obliged, I'm eare, sir l but tion o! the effete matter of t h e skin, suppressed flowers blocming under their shelter. rn. ·een beneath the l arg.e ha.t,-wa11 ~qnare; hh Chronic Nasal Catm·rb, '.l'hroat and perspirations, badly ventilated sleeping apart· unmE>re.ble b. es kept up a low steady hum· mQuth, a trifle too thin -lipped, wu.s shaded young galls like h er la better out o' young Lung Dise a ses, Live r and Kidney ments and the germination of other poisons in by &slight moustache ; his n ose was large gentl..ma.n's way11 sometimes." Disea ses, Bla<lder Dhwases, Diseases the blood. Irritated by t he8e, the lining mem· ming over thai r hives, 'K'hioh were pla.oed on and e.quillne ; and !;la eyes, rather d eeplv "Upen my wllrd, Mrs. Mill," laughed o f lVomen, Bloocl Discuses and Ncrvbrane of t,be nose is ever reo.dy for the r ecep- a. bench beneath a. masa of honey·euokle ; a ou1 Affecti ons, cured hero or at home tion of the parasite, which rapidly spreads.up wood-pigeon or two cooed in the dusky aet, were siPgular11 dark e.nd lustrona, fl,] Ceoil, "if I &m an ogre, you are & dragon !" wl& h or without seemg tho (latient . Come and t he nostrils and down the,t'o.uces, or back of of changing res~lees light, expreeslve of and ha began to slog !~e us, or send ten cents m · stamps for our the throat, causin~· ulceration of the throat; up grove of firs and beeuhea which almost snr· every emotion of his mind. They were " ' A lake and a l ~h y boa~, Inv~llds' G u ! de B ook," wbich gives the eustacl\ian tubes, causing deafness; bn ::... rounded the garden. No other 150und, save To sail lo the mnonllo:ht clear ; all part10ulars. rowiu~ in the voco.l cords, causing hoarseness; the ocoaslonal faint rustling ()f t he wind beautiful b !It never yet had they been softAnd cnerrtly we wou ld float Nervous Dobllity Impo. "nEd by the pathoa of leBB, sorrow or love. usurpir.g the proper structure of the bronchial From the dragons &hat guard ue h ere.' " t e u ey, Nocturnal Losses, tubes ending in pulmonary C()DBumption and among tho lea.l'es, distlubed t he sweet etlll· F~r, though his feel lnga were easily excited, He laugned again at the rn j 10 hea.rtlly and all 1 Uo1·bid ConditJ om1 nese e1 t he vesper hour, death. · caused by Youthful FolOecil Graham la.y back in hi.a chair, e~j ~Y· and all. hta emotions near tue aurface, his that M ra, Mill w11s fa.In to j oln In with the Manl' ingenious s;:;eiflos for roi· the cure of !SEASES·.I lies P e.rnicious Soli._____ tury und J.·ract1ces 11.l'e speedily eo.tarrh have been mvented, but without. suc- Ing the ellence and the beauty of the evening heart was exceedingly difficul ~ to reach, So laugh. 11 You must let her come when I am out cess. until a physician of Jong standing discov- h the full, Poot In heart and eonl, bl.rris at least decided ma.ny a levely maiden, as . und permn~ently cured by our ered the exact nature of t h disea~e and the Spec!absts. Book, post-p1 ud, 10 ots. in stamps. ehe g~ z ' d at he] I ace in her mirror, wonder· then," ht·aald ; "that will suit all parties only appllo.noe which will permanently destroy t er by profooeion, the ldellzed sen of wealtl?y ·~ Rupture, or Drench, radithe parasite, no matter how aggravated t he parents, his life thus far had b een one of Ing how he could remain blind to a face Bl -the -bye, might I r.ak la she your daugll ca.II~ cul'od, without t he knife, · · case. Sufferers sbonld send stamp at once almost unexampled prosperity and happl· like hers-how one ae euaoeptlble to the In· ter !" t no ut dep endence u pon RUPTURE· tw1 r usses, and with very · little for descriptive pamphlet on catarrh, to the ness. A~ the B u he we.a neither anxtone ffoenoe ef female beauty. so q · 1 iok to admire, "No, sir, she's my nleoe-myhueband' d bnaines9 manal!ers, A, H, Dixon & Son, :105 in stamps, pain. Dook sent for ten cents nor likely to astonish tb'.e world by his legal and so enthuaiaetio in lta desorlptlen, should brother's o.aly daughter. She's an orphan, Rin11:: street, west, Toronto, Canad,. and la like our o ND, seeing we've neither PILE TUMORS and STRICTURES Wha t the R ev. E. B. S tevenson, B.A .. a Cleroy· e-nlnenoe and pla.n·lble efoqttence ; but hie be 10 loa;h to love, treated wit h the greatest success. Book oont M ~ anwhlle C'ecll wandered along by the chlok nor child beside. Shs've been well m a n of the L ondon Conference of the Metlw- first volume of poem·, lately publhhed, for ten cents in stamps. Address WonLD's d i at Church of Canada, ha. 9 to say in r egard river, now epe.rkllng in the sunshine, until brought up," said Mrs. M lll, with pa.rdon· DlB P·;N s AltY MEDICAL A SSOCIATION, 663 Main Xo A .H. Dixon&; Son's New Treatment fo r h&d been kindly reviewed, If anything, in It· level banks roae ahalvlPg and rocky to 11> able pride. 11 An' a. good girl In the mdn, .Street, Buffalo, N. Y. · deed, ()Verpraieed, and a third edition had Catarr h, coaaidera'lle hel11bt, crowned by a belt ()f but my ldeaa, a trifle fl ighty, according to The t reatment of many Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 already been called for. In socle ~y he was t11ousands of coses of t hose M essrs. A. H. Dix o1i & Son: courted, flattered, and admired, and even plne1. ln every cr-evloe of the rooks, long you know, sir," diseases peculiar to Oecil did not know that the good woman 1 thick mosses, ferna, and wild fi Jwors grew DEAR Sms,- Yours of the 13th inst. t.o hand. It seemed almost too good to be true that I am genuinely beloved, hla handsome per1en, nntouohed, and ~<>:Lv.CEN Ideas of oorreot girlilln· behavior oenelated In WOMEN. cured of Catarrh, but I know that I am. I hie winning smile. and polished addreee at t he Invalids' Hotel a n<l sitting upright, never speaking exoept when "You eouce c_ o uld 1ee the graae tor fl cwere," llave ho.d no return ot the diseac.e, and never gaining him friends without an effort en his Surgical Institute, has affelt better in my lite. I have tried so many par ~. There were some, it is true, who over whose petals butteJfl les fl11ttered. The spJken te, dre11lng with quakerhh slmpll· forded large experience in adapting remedies . things for Catarrh, su1fered so much and for theul!ht that both the mi.n and hia poetry atrea.m here widened and foamed over vul· oity, and dofog "uaeful " W()rk all houra of tor their cnre, and BO m.any years, that it is. hard to realize that the day. S;lll he guened they would be might be the betttr ter a little leas snnehlne, coloured granite blocks tumnltuouely. I am really better. DR. PIERCE'S different enough frem modern ones, and he I consider that miue was a very bad case; it and a little mere shadow in hla life ; but " · Not a elgn of man'a exleleoca, laughed lightly, w e.a aggravated and chronic, 'invclving the these were not his personal friends, who Not a glimpse o! lll&n'a abnde; ithroat as well ·as the nasal passages. and I .Bu I the chu1ch·aplre In the dletance " Y outh cannot poaeea11 tbe wisdom of 'thonght it would require the three ;t1eatmentsJ would have been sorry to mlea the hea.rtLinko the eol1'ude wUb God,' " "but I feel fullf cured by the two sent me. anu whole brlghtneBB of hia smile and the j 9yons quoted Cecil,, 11 Ah, this is the place for age," he ea.Id. "However, I am sure yon will mr.ke the very beat of duenna· I" ·'I am thankfu that I was ever induced to send ring of hla voloe. Is the result of this vast experience. Gravely wondering what · " duenna " ··co you. Ever the cre11.ture of impulse, hill la.st me I" It is a. powerful R es torotl vo Tonlc Yon are at liberty to use this letter stating In 11n eosta,,y of enjoyment he tb\oe<V him· oould he, the l&ndlaay retired to her own whim ha.d been to retire, In the v. e ry dawn and Nerv ine , i mparts vigor und strcngtu ~ that I h1we been cured .at two treatments. and to tile system, aud cures, ns l f by magic, L eu·.J' shall gladly recommend your reniedy to some of the London seaso o, lnte the bowery re· 1elf full length upon the gra11, and, lying apartments, where she wa.rned the blushing with his arma folded above hia head, he Neille solemnly sg,lnet the folly and vanity cor.rhe a, or "'vbltes,' J cxcessl ve 'GC.mY friends who are sufferers. oesaes of the wildest and loveliest part ef llo,vinir, }>l:ti nfuJ 1.ncnstr11atlo11 1 Ull· and beauty of youth ; and dwelt upon the Yours, with many thanks, Blankehlre, to read In charmed aolltude gazed up thro:igh emerald leaves at ihe u natu ral s u1·1·ressions, prolapsus or REv.E, B. STEVENSON. qulalte aapphlre of the sky, when ce came awful Impropriety ol speaking tot or &t,raot· lalllng of t h e uterus, 'lvcak back, the hidden thoughts ef Natur e, to study ·'.'..'l na hundreds ot others nntevorslon, retroverslou , bcarJng. her secret lore, to get by heart the pa8Blon tbe liquid notes of the lark, though the Ing the attention of, young men In general, down s ousatlous, ch ronic co1tgeeeongs\er w aa · lnvhlble, drowned In light. and her lodger In pr.rticulr.r ; until, in the of' her summer do.ye and the my~tery ef her Uoui lnll:.un1natio11 a nd n lccrat"lon of t te wo1nb, inflnm1n.atlo11, pain ahadewy night&. Drinking a.t her count· From the deep alnmbereus reverie Into eyea of the young girl, Mr. Gra.ham'a r co.n which he had fallen the poet wa11 roused by all the ob.arm and fa.1oina.tlon of a and t e n1le rn css in 0'1arle8, internal po11e11ed leas wells of in1pirr.tlen thua, he meant to Formerly 1rnown &B the" Soper Milla. ') heat, and "feu1alc w oakncss." Bluebeard'· chamber, and a degree ef Inter· hive the :whole 1weetnee1 in the ory1to.l ef tie ahrlll note1 ef a voloe singingIt promptly r elieves nnd cures Nausea " 'Torae near t ha· 1treamlet's murmur est In him waa excited in her simple aoul and lVoakucss ol Stom.ncla, IndlgceMILL HAS BEEN THOR· 1uoh a. poem 11\1 would nu1.k.e hill name Im· I paeaed m 1 b.apuy youth," whloh nothing oould ever have convinced tlon, Bloati ng, Nor,·ous P rostrallon, OUGHLYrenovated and put In order,under mortal, while It elentad and p1ulfied the and Slce1>lessness, in eith er sex. 1 L ooking up with a qulok mevement ef Mns. M ill was the r~1ult of her own lnj11dl· the'r own epeoio.lsupervision,tor the purpose of world, · grtscing and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pot He ha.d found In a. steep ferny dell, open· a.nnoya.noe, he beheld·coming round a. cornet <liena rem&rka, Barley, and we a.re now prepared to receive on one alde to the weet., thla ruatic farm, of the rock.a a small girlish fig.u re in a. helIng orders from all our old cudtomers and others, tor work, and we gurantee to give them who which wu a. v ry gem of bea.uty a.nd lone· la.ni dren and bright 11oarlet pet;tloo.t, The CHAPTER. 11. Sold by Dr ugg i sts everywh ere. Send lntrust us with t he so.me entire satisfaction. lineBB. lta reugh walll clothed ;with jee1&.· girl did not 1ee him· 10 he :surveyed her t en cents in stihnps for Dr. Pier ce's large Oats a.ad other grains taken in exchange for mine, raae, and wlsta.rla to the low ever· lel1urely, hl1 anney11onoe giving wa.y to For two er three days a.fterwa.rd11 Oecil Treatise on Diseases of ·women, illuatre.ted, Flour Oe.t Meal, &:c. H. & J, TOWNS, Bow· G ta.ham never eaw tho "butterfly," 1111 he ha.nglng roof.; It· dir.mond·p&ned window· amaaement and admiration. manvllle 227. T he girl wore a la.rge atra.w ha.t adorned oalled Nellie, and she was gradually paselng World's Dispensary Medical Association, looking tew;i,rds the weat ; itll wide, cool 663 Ma.in Str eet, :DUFF ALO, N. Y. hall, ·and Its tiny lavender ·eoented room1; with popplea, a.ad ooquetti1hly turned np from hill memory, when an event oacurred 1petle1sly clean, p!.ea.sed hl1 fancy at ence, a.t one side, which partly ahaded the riob. wbioh brought about their meeting. hues of cheek a.nd lip·, the peiregra.na.te warm afternoon he wa.lked One'1Jln·ually and .Mlll'a Farm beaame hie tempor ary heme a.robed d&rk brows, the hazel eyea, and the tewa.rda the ruin· of an ancient abbey 1tand· Continues to do & Genera.I Banking BuslneBB forthwith. eBo wme.nville Bre.nch. Bilious H eadache, Almost olo1e to the back of the hon11e"the short boyish curia oln1teringronnd her head. Ing on the berde111 of a forest, about four D izziness, Constl1·aDEPOSITS rocky aides of tho dell ro11e to the height of In one hand abe nvnng a. ba.1k.et h&lf full of miles from M ill'· Farm, and two mlll!ll from tl on, Iudlgel!ltiou, and, aa she oame along, her r11und fern1, the acattered village of Eaathore-the tewn a. llundred feet or more, a maH of gor·e, Received in Savings Bank Depe.riment e.nd nnd B ilious Attacks, tlng Its oall and interest &!lowed e.t current rates ·. No wild hyacinths, and fern1, S lender, gl'tice· dimpled face well up, 1he lilted .int at the of those benighted region11_-boe.s_ promptly cured by D r . notice of withdrawal necessar;v. .All deposit· ful birche·t emerald-foliaged oaks, and top of her not v ery mu1Jcal voloe the old Uoy Anglicln church, its lawyer, its deoter, Pi e r cc·s Jt>Jea ... ant ba.lla.d. She would have atepped e"' Cooll'11 and one or two manelon1 of aritteoratlc pre· pe.yable on demand. Purgative Pellets. 2li mountain ashes out their 1ba.dow1 here and recumbent; form had he net j 11mped 1lp'. Ht> tenalon, Cecil did not notice, until the sun cents a vial, by Druggists, tbere. Towards the "auru1et land" wound a EXCHANGE. na.rrow river through mea.dows ripening for raleed hi1 hall and oonrteo111l1 expreiillled h,ad disappeared, that the aky bad become Bonghte.nd sold e.nd Drafts !ssueti upon Enro:pe, hay ha.rve1t ; then mere woed1, more rockl, hia regretfor being ln the way. The girl overca1t wlt;h black olonde, while the dead United States and Cano.da, also Gold,Silver &nd Jt'Ore hill·, till In the distance the blue line atarted adde wlih a 1uppre11ed scream, 1ileoce Beemed te portend 1ome dread United States Greenback s bou11:h,t and sold. deep blu1hes suffa1ing her f&ce at th11 most event. However, being near the Abbey, et the aea. seemed to wed earth a.nd aky, - AT 'l'IlE nnexpeoted encounter ; an<1 1he looked at he· pressed on-sure of ehelter there If the t COLLECTIONS · " Beautiful ·· lhe wreck of Paradise I' " (TO JIB CONTINUJl:D,) Oecll with fri.ahtened ey ea. storm should bunt. Promptly made at current rates upon all p&tl mutmnred Oecll, a11 he watched the aun dis· "l fear ;r h&ve alarmed you," he as.Id, D ukly defined ; g11intt the foreet the old at Great Brittain, the Unit;id States and Do appear beyond tbe fair la.ndaoe.pe. smiling reaaanrlngly. "I ought ·to .ha.ve Softly the twilight shadows deepened, moved before, but I did not a.pprehend any w11ll'l 1tood revealed, 1evere a ld beautiful, milllon .of Ce.nada. a11 he approached. L i ng graas wa.ved over Teachinit Deaf-Mutes to Read. the wonderful re1e a.nd purple lights died da.nger until you cs.me 10 near,' Tdegraph Transrera a few forgotten gra.ve· and ma11ive fallen a.w11.y, and the nightingale beg11.n to 1lnq, Ioatruotlon la conveyed to deaf mutes In Recovering her oompoanre she laughed bleck11, Dank moaae11 . coated the stanes, moet inatancea by the nae of aign language, Made for lance or small sums on all parts of flooding the grove1 wltll melody. Lo1t In ---o--j~yenaly. Canada. 'l'his is especie.lly adva.ntageoue to and amid the e:xquleite traoery of the ea.it persons Uvln11: In Manitoba or the North·wesl poetic drea111a, beautiful and ev&neacent aa " Da.nger I" 1he eohoed, with the mereat windew hang wreathe of ivy, while the wall· or the m11onua.l alp~abet, The foundation as it makes the funds a vailable at once a$ she the annset olonda, Oecll aa.t till a. gentle soupcon of Blank.ahire a.ocent, a.nd in a. 1hrlll flower opened lta rioh sweet bloesoms among maxim of the methods uaed II " firet Idea.a, Clothing and any amount of suit s knock at the door atartled him from hia rev· ohlldleh voioe, "But only think how I place ot payment. then words." The m ind muat be a.roused to sent out every day. the ololeter arches. 'ctlvity, and, &a the founde.tlon1 of know. For further p11rt!culars call at the Danklna erie, Nld hl1 landlady. a stout O()mely ma.· 1hould have felt If I had really trodden on la ever something ea.d a.nd weird " TQere tren el aixty, with re1y cheek.a, atood oonr· JOU I" And ·he laughed again, Oeoll joinledge which other children a. ~qulre by the House. &bout a ruin," thought Cecil. " Ghoat· aid of h~arlng a.re here wanting, progres1 ie, tesying on tne threshold. · T. BRODIE, GEO. McGILL, ing in heartily. of the pa.it seem to 1it brooc Ung in the roof. of oonrse. very slow at flrat. U.iu ~lly, in- Our Colle.rs, Ties, Gloves, Shirts and J owellery, Account&lit. Manage, ".P!ea·e, Mr, Graham, dr, would you be the very latest styles. " And only think how I aheuld have felt ·Iv a.· wanting aught? b '1 mr.in late, alr1 and too I You muat alway· h>ok where you are leu alales. T oe owl's cry from the empty atructlen Is begun by the werd method, me and my master'· goiug to bed, llr ; and going, you know"- wit h a. paternal air; windowa and diam&ntled turret· eonnd like word1 baing conneo~ed with the objeoill they - but dear m e ! you'll "xouee me being 10 11 but yon were 10 engro1aed by your the la.ment of some unreatlng spirit haver- repreaent. Fer fn1tanoe, the chila II llhown ing over ltll tomb.' ' bold- you've not teuohed yeur 1upper. 1~ ; 1ong." 1ome common ebj dot, er a. p loture ef an anl· FROM $ 2 U P. The electric state of the atm1111phere had and that milk'· a.a cold a.1 hloe, and'll sit r.a She blu1hed aga.ln a.t the reoollectien of also lta effects upon hl1 sensitive nervea ; mal, and the printed na.me of the obj3ot 'eavy ; I ooultln't a.bide you to drink it now, her singing. er animal 111 shown him at t he same time. PLEASE TO CALL Mm EX.A.MINE and he turned pa.le a1 he heard a. loud I oould ha' warmed it up only the fire'a gone " Mt.y I not he&r the end of It?" 1aid 1oream quite near him. The next moment He la thua t11ought to connect n"me11 with out; deary, dee.ry me I" Ceoll. " I waa ll1tenlng with great plea· he l'<'lighed a.t himaelf for hi1 foolleboeH ; their objects and to r eoegnl;i:e printed words. With a oountenanoe erpre1dve of dire 1nre, I &aanre 7ou," When a few worda have been lea.rned, aenN. B .- We h ave disposed of our stock and, hurrying to the 11pet whence the a01ind tenoes IU'e framed, a!ld the child la taught to dismay, Mra. M ill aurveyed first the br.ain "Ne, no I" ahe murmured, greatly con· of cQld brea.d·a.nd·mllk, then the amused fnaed. " And indeed I mut go · new. proceeded, he found :M:l11 Nellie Mill, whe reoognize these &I uni ta ·embodying a com- of Fancy D ry G oods to MRS . I VES, had fallen ha.ck on a blook of atone, a.ppa.r- plete Ide&. '.l'he printed and the sign alphafa.oe of the ye.;mg man, o ~poeite the Salvation Army B a rr ack s. Good morning." ently half.fainting · .. Never mind, Mr1. Mill I Y ou can't ex· bet6 &re ta.nght together and, when these " II you mnat," returned Ceoil languid· " My dear child, wha.t la the matter 2 a.re ma.atered, lnatruotlen In Bpelllng 11 not peot people to eat on an exquisite evenilUI' ly, a.2r.in re.laing hla hat, " then g9od morn· Haa any one frightened yon ? Now, you're dl:tliJnlt. After namea of objeot1, their oblike this. With 1uch · vlow before them ing.'r net to falr.t ; for I 1ha11't knew what on vious p~oper tiea, with numerals and verb1 too I" - . :BY-He threw him1elf down aga.ln upon the do with you H yon do I" he que1 of action, are next taught. The a.djactivea " Well, air, it ia bonnie weather, and a grr.a11. tioned and rebuked, touching the ha.nd ly· fir1t brought forward a.re those ·of 1lz e and Please to call upon h er and y ou will see deal o' felk11 admire· the view ; but I don't " s~me sorl of an Eve In my Pa.i'adlae, : Ing on her k1iee. ,.. I am fully prepared to attend F'nnere.ls Oil think you'd llko lt very often in1tead of oolo'l', then preposition· of 100J1.lity, The the prettiest stock in t own he mused. " But not a dangereu1 ono-oh, A fa.Int blnah replaced the pallor of tho 1lmple tensea a.re exemplified bv o&lllng a.tthe shortest notice, at the lowe~t possible rates your dinner. 1ir I" no I Alretty oJilld though ; innocent 111 e. girl'· f1.oe, a.nd she amlled. Caskets andDnrie.lCases ready on short notic8 " No, perhap1 not," aald Cecil, laughing tentfen to a. 1erle1 of ao\lona. M11oh nae ii rst~lass hearse on very moderate terms da.l1y an a.e freah. I wonder who 1he la, " Oh, don't I I am 'l'ery 111lly- but it made of centraat of Idea.a, .\ ohild of 10 er Shrouds and CotHns constantlJ' on hand. Fun blithely ; "' the fiB11h is wea.k;-or rather, I and how ahe ha.1 found out theae ontla.ndleh era! oardsaupplied at once. Furniture Shop & should ea.y. strong, a.nd dinner ia a. neoes· part1. Surely my peace ia not go!ng to be was 11> 1na.ke. "Oh"-ahndderlng lrrepre1· 12 )'ea.n of a.ge, If pOSBHsed of ordlnr.ry laalbly" It did frighten mJ1 10 I" . how R ooms- Bounsall'sNewBlock. elty of our aubluua.ry E;Xfatenoe," telllgenoe, oan usually; at the end of a year, dl1turbed by that awful phantom, the "A snake? W here ia H ?"- with inter· o<>n·trnot for himself almple sentenoe11 abou~ " Y e-ea, 1lr," a.t11wered the eld woman. Brithh tourist, in any form or abe.pe 1 B11t 01t. ··I'll do fer lt I" oon1lderably mystified. every-day affain. DJ.ring the first two or begone dull care I "It'a gone- through the grass-It r eared three years text-boake prepared eapeolally "If you don't obj3ct_ Mr1. Mill," aald itaelf up and hi11ed at me ! Oh, dear, I C aoil, laughing again, " I will go for a " · He Is bu· a landllO&pe pr.luler, fer deaf·m 11tea a.re used, &fter that any textthought It wa1 goln17 to 1ting m e I'.' atrell by tne river to amoke my plpa, Y ou And· vlllage.mafdeo she.'" book.a will 1erve. '.l' he undersigned begs leave to intimate to the "' I da.re l i!.J it wa1 ae muoh frightened people of Bowmanville and vicinity. t hat he me.y trnat me to fasten 'the l>i1t front And he d rew forth hla little M.S. book and has opened a new Harness Shop on King St., a.a you were, and nearly as ha.rmle11, r edoor' aa.!ely on my return." penoll and began to write, the allver·tongued opposite Mr. Wm. Glover 's Livery Stables. turned Mr. Graham reassuringly. " TI.it " Ay, do, air I A walk'll de you good. river aettlng his worda to 1weete1t mnslo. where he will have constantly on hand, and A Traa;edy of the Far Weat. A1 for lockmg of the door, why we never · Great waa Oeoll G raham's a.atonlahment are you here alone? It la a long wa.lkfor ma~e to order, Harness o! all kinds, viz.: , A dlBpute 11ro1e In an India.a ca.mp n ear you, la It not?" doea that onoe in twelve yean- blesa you I when, aeated a.t hla early tea.·table that af· " Ob, no I I could walk A ver so much S tockton Hill, Arizona., recently, and before H eavy Lu m ber, Wlle'a te harm na here ?" terneon, · he .beheld fiatteriug a.mong the Far m, " Who Indeed I" echoed the young ma.o, fll)wera in the glU'den the fair hHolne of hie farther. I often come here ; I like to bring It ended a buck named P.zz11r with hiJ ~R.E:EMA.N'S a book and read," responded Nellie, quite Wlnoheater rlfl9 abet and k illed Ah Q11lnthe Express, a.1, in the balmy 1tlllne111 ef the long twl· moml1111:'1 adv~nture, WORM POWDERS.. light, he went down the aoented garden, " Some friend or relative perhaps of Mra. forgettfog her aunt's leasona on propriety, and hi.a ~qnaw, a daughter of Chief Leve· Coach, a nd ' and along the dewy meadow pa.th to t he Mlll," he told hlmaelf. " Wh11t a pretty and smiling up into the young ma.n's face Leve, mortally wounded e.nother buck and Lig h t Double Harness. Are ploaeo.nt t o t n.lrn. Conto.in their OW\.. river, " Who Indeed In anon ' a haunt of picture it la !" And he paused In the aot of in a way that would have horrified that another daughter of the chief, and allghtly P urgn.ti \·o. Is a. s n.fo, BTITe tutd ~Uectna · wounded two other Indians. Then the FineSingleHarness a specialty a.nclent pea.oe' &a this ? Oh, how happy I helping himself t o a la.rge pla.teful of cold good lady. c!es.tro_v~ r .nf w .nrms inc· i1 1. ,., or Adultr " Ah, do you t"-Jooklng at her curious- murdenr fl ed, pureued by munnted braves. sha.11 be here- no dinners· no theatres, no ham to contemplate It. .IN ALL ·THE LATEST S'.l'YLES. bores, ud no women I Nothing to disturb R obed In bl11e muslin. the hue of the aky, ly, " May I ask what books yeu read ? Head Chief Surrnm arrived a.t the o ~mp soon after, a.nd his first order we.s to kill A large s t ocklofCollurs of' ever y < the eye, to break: the t hreir.d of thought, or the girl pHsed in an4 out a.m ong the trees, Scientific works, no doubt.·· lescrlpUon ·· Oh, no I" she said, blushing wit h pret · all the r elativEs of the murdu er. The always on Ju rntl, 01· cu stoJn cr s cun J1ave to frighten the shy nurse. A 1eoond Ada.m }lluok:lng &blossom here and there, op.,reBBlng thc1111u11dc to 01··lc r on shol'tc st n otice. In a second Paradise, without an Eve I · with small finge rs tb.e golden clusters of the ty oonfuaion. " I - I den 't think I could tquawa aud pappooses hurried te t hemlnera' camp near by, and begged hiding placee In F inest stock or Horse Millinery ever~sho wn in Here followed a eilenoe ; and a sigh labnrnul}l, burying her r ound fE.ce In sweet· underst?.nd them." town, including : " You needn'i wish to; you're t oo young their cabina, and this aroused the miners, smothered by a l a.ugh. briar, her long dress sweeping the butter· f t hat he could net carry ROBES, ·y who told the ohiE " After all, Ada.m oeuldn'·t get on long cups in t he gre.as, e.nd the light wind ruffing to bother your head with such stuff, P eet 1 F.'l'S, BLANK eu' his bloody plan, and that b.e must conn· without an Eve ; though she br ought him her dark: silken curls. There was a ne.tivll then, eh?" F LY NE'l'S, " No' --looking mor e and mere a shamed. ter mand his order. H e relnotantly com· no1hii:g bat trouble when he got her. I chlld·like gra.oe in every movement which WRAPS, WHIPS, W()nder If I shall fare better I Doubtless, oha.rmed the poet'· eye. P.rc3ently he saw " Ganerl\lly- t hat la often-- a- 111 novel, plied , but lscued freeh orclers t o bring Plz. BltUSHES~ , znr In at any coat. yes, having h;;.d · surfeit of the fair fickle Mrs. Mill appear on the scene, In stiff old· air. " CO.ll!l.B S In t he mean time tho avengers were rid· " A novel ! W ell, well, so l ong as it fB sex alreall y? B ut oh, ye gods of sleep and fashioned gown and spotleH folded ker · and everything in season. silence, wha.t a glorloua night !" chief. She said something ~ t he girl In a good one I But don't call me ' air,' my Ing fa~t a.fter the fleeing mnr.derer, and fol. lowed bia t r ail Into the Wallapr.I Valley At his feet a.a be pa1111ed, the limpid water low t ones. He 1r.w the girl give a quick de ..r." " And do not call me 'my dear ;' " - and nntll car kneas put an end to tb.e purouit . of the stream, level w ith the g1assy tud, glance towards his window, blu!h like a Euly next morning they took up t he t rail, murmured drewelly, The whole landscape rose, and disappear from view with hie land· she spoke with spirit. PROMPTLY .A.TTENDED TO, " I bee: your par d1m, Miss M IU," he said, imd, after r iding t .velve miles, they ca.me lay htt1hed In tender r epo3e, while in the lady. west, sUll bright 'with memories of day ,· "Now I must nna oui; wna.t tha.t's all re.Ising hi· hat. " Yon see yeu are so very up un t he deP.d bedies of the murderer a.ad Satisfaction guaranteed. Int.ending purchasers his horse. I t was ap r a: ent t bat af ter rid· will do well to give me a call. Having bought ono la.rge star glittered like a jewel, Afr.r, about ," pondered the young man. I believe young." all goods of the latest style and best quality, " I a!D not 10 very young I" she inter- l og hi£ heree until he gave out the Indian for caeh, I will be able to give CllStomcrs t he embowered in darkness, the nlghtlngr.le t he old dame waa bullying her. I won't tang, a.nd now and then a wa.kefnl thrush have the child turned out of the garden like rupted lndlgne.ntly. " I am eighteen; k illed him, s.n d thtn, puttlrg the wuzzle of benefit. h ia W inchest er to his right eye, pulled the 1er. Suoh a that Is, I shall b e aeon." sent Ile clear whilltle aoroBB th o meadows, that; It, ·amuses me to see 1 New s p apel' Advertising B urea u, "I a.m putting my f eot In it again," ee.i:l t i !gger, and cheated his pur1ueI11 of their T ruly It w1.1 a glerlena night I The young haunter of my solitude is very different 10 S pruc e S t., N e w Y o rk. a.ntlc!pa.t ed vengea.nce, Bowmanville, May 6, 1886. 19-i w S e nd 1 Oc ta, to r 100-P a g o P amp hlet. . poet' s sensitive aplrltaoknowledged ltll holy . frem the fashlona.ble lady or inquisitive Cecil, smiling. " J uet like me. " CATARRH. hiihenoe, growing hushed and o~lm b~n ...th Oeoll Graham felt like o. child knee!J,1 g at itll mother's knee when evening h »B oome, nnil. thla, his mother Nature, seou1ad to look tenderly into his faoe with her ·hrryeyes, murmuring, " Pray I' But to pre.y waa one ef the few things t ha.t Cuoil Gr..ham had never learned, and only in ·ore stnlt and eor.row, which waa the very Val· ley of tbe 8b~dow of Death, did the know· ledge come to him. It. B nob I dread. This girl is like a fa!ry or a. butteifl{ ; tho flowers seem to mise her now sh1.'s gone, I'll h ave her back ; she doesn 't dbturb me at all. Now Isa.), Mra. M ill," as his la.ndla.dy entered to r emov.o t he tea t qulpr.ge "why have you been turning t hat young l e.cl y out ot the ge.rden, eh ?" The suddenness of this athck quite gave Mra. Mill " a t urn," to use her own e:x:pres· . Caledonian Mills. . rars -- .. THE ONTARIO 'BANK The wcrda had hs.rdly left his lips whon vivid fllollh of lightning darted from th'; olouds overhee.d, folio 1ved almo~t immedl· ll.tely by an eaM1pllttlng or.i.eh of thunde r, whllti, like e. oatara.ct, down came tb.e rain White wltb. t.enor, and trembling in ove r:; limb, N ellle Mill cluog to h er oompinlon'B a.rm. " D Jn't be frightened I We o~n take shelter here," be 1111id aooth!ng·y, dre.wlng her fnte the cloisters near, and putting hie arm round her wltn an lnatlnot of prot aotlon ; for she was so email a.nd child-like and her dimpled taoe was pale with foe.r. ' C .ose to the Inner wall he espied t he f tag· ment of a b ancn. P ;aoing her gent lv on it, h1> reme.lned standing beside her. 1t grew d&rker every momeut, T he sky was now black witb angry·l'}oking olauds, w hich were rent from t ime to time by the lightning the blue fl ~ahes of which lighted up the 111ondecapa with a g hastly glare. The ba~tle of the alemonts rnged fnrieusly; but pre!· ently the nin caaeod, and a 11llenoe more ap palling t han the thunder followed overy long reverberating roll. · Never had C:Joli Graham witnessed a soene s o sublimely gr111nd ; and, absorbed In the apectacle, he almost forgot his comp3oni on'a proeenoo, until one torked da.rt split up the t1 ·unk of a tree j11ot In front of the arcn be· neath whio\i they oo werod, sc1'tteri<ig lene~ and .branches, and uphe,i,viog thb turf. It wag followed by a. clap so frightful that even Cecil was aghaat, and N ellie, wildly shriek· Ing, started from her aea.t. Bot firmly, alb Jlt tenderly, he put her back, while ahe, sce.roely knowing wha.t she did, hid her faoe on hh breast a.a he knelt by her aide, A feeling of p ity &nd tenderness stirred In Co· oil's heart for the weir.k creature loJklog t e him for protection. Her hat had long sine a fallen off, and he 1troked her dark ;oe110d ·curb with womiinly softness, E ven In her wild terror, and amid the un11obated fury of the tempeet, Nellie folt and owned the Inf! uence of t he man '11 atconger n'a.tnre, a.ad she became gradually, it not calm, at lent perfectly quiet. " At last I L?C'k np, my child," he ae.id gently ; 11ond, looking up-the tears ehe ha.d been aheddlog glistening on t he long onrlcd lasbes-Nellla e~w o. bright golden burst of 11un1hlne streami ng down from the p!i>rt!og clouds, ha.thing lea.£ and grass in lta 1plen· dour, while every tiny blado gli11tened, S .vlltly the lurid olonde fled from the fair f&oe ot heaven, and the ea.rth 11eem·d to gain life and gh.dnesa every moment, Tne ewal· Iowa darted g!i>Uy &bout the ruined walls, ehr.king glistening rain drcps from the Ivy, and t.c.rtuhH and lark.a aa.ng 1111 If they had never sung befo re. . " It la like Hea.ven," said the girl, speak· Ing In a hushed tone, aa they emerged from their retreat. " Like H oaven after a horrible dea.th,'i a.dded Ceo:I. " But, really, th&t llghtnln.a IV&& magnificent I 'Vha.t a spht it has made here "-moving towa.rda the 1ha.ttered treo. "Oh, dQn't go nea.r I" cried Nellie, ts.king his hand in her own small one, e.nd holding It fast. "Why not ? Do yon think It Is posae1Bed by an evil 11pirlt ?" he a.eked, laughing heartily. Neverthele1s he ebeved that soft gra.ep ; and, tllking the little hand, he drew l.t within hie arm. Toe two fcund Mr11. Mill looking out fer them In the greateat anxiety, "Oh; Neille, oh, my da.riiDg," 1he cried, alme1t Hbbing, " where have yon b ' en ! I have been terribly upset, I could not think where you'd been and got to; and euob a h1,wful storm as we've ha.ii ! Aud Mr. Gra.ham-a.y, but I'.m right elad to aee yeu aafe, Bir, And net wet, ohlld ? Where have you b een ? ' "Shelterlog at EHthore Abbey, " b.ugh· ed C ecil ; " a.nd a 11a.d tright your nieca ha1 had. I am afra.ld tha.t ehe too la 'terribly upset,' " Nellie did Eot apeak; but her glowing face, rr.diant with smiles, belled this o:>n· j ectnre. T----··. . ---·-····----- I Invalids 'Hotel~ Surgical Institute OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. DE LIGATE D ""-----.ii DISEASES OF Favorite Prescription SICK·HEADACHE, BUSINESS BOOMING- Eclipso Houso. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING UN DE RT AKl NC LEVI MORRIS. See the ~est Value in Tewn. W. H. IVES. NEWHARNESS SHOP - - -o--·- -....... 1 AD VERTI SERS can learn the exact ·cost of any proposed line of advertising in A merican p apers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., REPAIRINhG . J. R. BRADLEY,

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