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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1886, p. 4

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I am Greeted Every Day with : EQUIPM ENT. ed r ather than with their employer~, unless the right is clearly on the Eide of You need some m ap~. morll'rn maps <' the employers. For one sees tliat the the D ominion and Ontari o especially. ary in ea.ch of the sen io good dic1i·111 " My, what lovelj patterns you ha ve in consequence s of ltard t imes, evil as they roo ms would a lso b e a great ad v1mtag, Wall Pa· p er, and how chellp , too. Y ou ar e to the latter , a re not productive of so 'l'wo small globes for public schoo l ue have the beat select ion I have seen. " m uch personal m iser and suffering among h ave been provided dnce my lvst, r eport ; [ th em as amo.1g the people who work for each. r oom wh ere geography is ta ught should ha ve may acctJss t o one. wages. Just so, that is my ir.tention , PREMISES. But it will be well for the wage-earners N cw '.'.l'bntrtiaenunts. ABI N ET O l:tGAN FOR SALE. Handsomely C solid cll.·e Will be S()l<l ch.ottp ror ca,ih, Apply L·· K R c~,rvc d , Wt~l nn t Bou:><~ .\J,L, 1 VARIETY HALL ,. THE .NE\l ES1', 7 'l'HIE PllE'l.'TIES'r. an<l at the rir;·1tt 1n·ice. DONT FAIL TO SEE MY PATTERNS The very fi nest qualit y of Gold Embossed Papers equal to any eho~n in T or ont o, at a pricn surprisingly low. ~lain Gold, :fa:om 3iic. Windcw Blinds i n linen , fancy. Larg e Variety of Patterns. Pictures Fra m ed at lowest ra t es. P. TREBILCOCK. m&t ~nnntlian Jtntt~mau. B owMANVILLE, FRIDAY, J ULY .16 MR. BLAKE AND WEST DURHAM; Our constituency h as always had just cause to be. proud of its capable and able representative, but it has still greater reason for it now. Mr. B lake has been, for some week s, delivering addresses in different parts of the county, and they hav~ all been disti 11 ~uishcd for plainness , ~ruthfulness and p.-.werful arguments. No idle, foolish jests h:w e been made to amuse the ignoran t or the vulgar ; no a buse h as beon heaped upon absent opponents; no appeals have been made t o p r ej udice, bigotry and animosity. ln , everything that he said were clearly visible, rare intelligence, good judgmen t and a patriotic ! pirit. He strove to disipate errors, to remove misconceptions and to encourage all tl1at tends to improve a nd ele vat e a people. His remitrks in r eference to Canada's ha ving gr eater i)owers in making commercial treatise, were listened to m cst atten tively, and they deserve the serious consideration of ever y Can" dian. Equally valuable wer e l1i s statements about the senat e. His full a nd clear exphnation and just ification of h is vote on t he Riel q uestion wer e admirable in touu, and we feel assured that they carried con viction to the minds of all, or nuad Ji a ll that heard him, to remember the other side, if not to the extent of finding cause of sy mpath y with t he capit alists; yet so far as to recognize the fact that the two interests are bo u nd up together. For if there were not capitalistll, who would b uild factories and open mines ? An d what matt ers it to the workman that a corporation might continue to pay high wages, ma k ing up 1he deficiea cy between receipts and expenses from its accumulated fund , pr o\·ided the cor poration will not d o so 1 The worst of all methods - of settling labor t roubles is by means of violence. Society m ust always interfere to p ut a s top to lawless ou t breaks, and that pa rty which needs to be repressed in order to restore peace; p u ts itself so far i n the wrong that i t forfeits its claim 10 sympathy and popular support. It is m uch to be hoped that the country has now seen the worst of th e long period of .bad t rade and hard times. Already t hc 'e are some s ighs of improvem ent,not very marked signs, to be sure, b u t such a s t hose who are fat·-sigh ted, aud who are st udio us obser vers of events in the commercial world, regard as indicating an early t u rn in the current of affairs aud a large improvement to follow. If they haTe made no mistake, the gradual but cer ta in r eturn of a ctivity will put an end to labor troubles, and r estore peace and prosper ity t o both labor and capital. Th e final revisison of the Dominion voters' l ists i n Halton County has resulted in a substan tial gain to the Liberals. Mr. Bowell will act as Minister of t he Int erior during t he absence of :M:r . Whhe in t he North ·west and British Col umbia. oNewcastle, S T.- Hetween Bo1m1:111ville and l L 1t parcel contafoin11: cloth for r·air pants Rev. Mr. Walker'8 111ime on Jl'·rcel, CROQUET SETS Finder be reward ed by leaving th"> ALJ{ER's. N1-1wc11.stle, or Co uc l! , ~.~1i:-i8.'.r?.~.-~-~{:i'.r'.~~~'_:~~:~: l:lowman ville. 29 HAMM o c Ks, Your school grounds are s uitableICENSED AUCTIONEER f11r the would of course be he tter if a l ittle largor EXPRESS WACONS, L County Durhum. rec'livc - and are fairly 11 kept.. The :- ·Tyrone prompt a ttention. es pPcially t hti are in a very unfatiHCHILDREN'S CARRIACES, factory state and sh ould be im provo_1l d udnl{ t he present hol idHys. T he PICTURES FRAMED, ENSED AU C'l'IONEEltS for the school boys are placed on an eq ""l County of All salPs r ecei vo L IC for ting with t h ose of the h igh. school in prompt a t.tenti()n. Address:- IlCJwmanville, AND WALL PAPER Ont. this r espect REMARKS ON INDIV IDUAL ROOMS. SOUTH SCHOOL. OFFICE :-MonRIS' BLOCK, a t Bottom Prices. M r . Keith's di vision :-A good room j A. BEr rn . Graduand well arranrted for work but badly I lwenttate of the !l?yal ate of tho Toronto l . k College of Phys1 c1",11a I . .. . seated. Classes . d id wel most . I and :.embcr or u Phys1c1a n, Bowmttn ville. 25-tr.. - i s the place to get' will Rt H 1 w . lL W S··me \'t'ILl,IAM l1'1 Glll'. w bi1J' S', ~l oset"; uf Ail AddrCdS ~\' s<>lc~ will P. 0 . '.!S:Um pubti ~ S 11 A \V TO l.l·J, ll l ·t D ur h am, will DRS, H cL.UT GllU:V .\' UE11'H. WARD Dow~IANYILLl!:- v~ry J?r.J. ~V,M c T,A uo nu N. , D~. 11 ~ The writi ng of some pt1p1ls , as md icat~d by their copy books, was not good. Miss. Gou ld's d ivi,ion :- Ronin well seate.! b~1t much too small for t he !1rtm ber "'.f pupils in attendance a nd very m convemen t for effective work. An im provement i n most of the work since my last visit bu t classes st ill b.1ck warct. Order very good considering the l11rge 11 umber of ch ild re n s o closely p!\cked together. C EN'TRAL JHJ JLDING. .1n ~vc I 1-toyal qo11ei.:e or Sur- :surgeon, &;c. geons, l<.ihnhnrgh. _ _ _ _ _ M Silver Plated Ware I u R 1-·o· 10 1!m vers1t~, ~ · suitable for weddirig presents, at great reductions. llll. ()IU.JtLES t; .l WTllOltNt: t;ART.ER, OJ'~A.nisti 'l'IL·ory. Pupils desiring losso n~ c11.n leavco their name and obtai n terms, at Mr. 'l'robilcock's 23-tf :Store. or S t. P~t.er'd, c 1l-r1ur~. l ·\ tO of E ngland , teacher of P ia n o, 01'i{' Lll , :::Hng in g and S. W. R USE. NOVELTIES I .N FANS. Come in and see for yourselves. Public S chool Ins pector's R eport. To tht Chairman and Mtrnb ers of the Board of E du cation for Bowmc in ville. LABOR TROUB LES. F rom va rious parts of the land come r eports of distii rbances caused dir e ctly or indirectly by ~he d ·ssatisfaction of working men 1vith their wages. f'iome of the large manufacturing towns 1\n d sonrn o f th e great minin~ districts have been th reaten .id with ser ious disord e r for ma ny mo11thi1 p > 1st, and in a few places t lwrn has been violence. Moreover , a" t.lrn e H.nse~ which have led to th ese troubles ha,·u rathei; iqcreased than Their China diminished , then· is a vague fear of d istm·bance~ worse than any we have yet aeen . \Vhile not all 1 }1 e ' ecent labor troubles have dispu te· about wages fo r their imMARRIED m ediate occasion, mos t all of the m en can pupil. By referrin g to this table· it will · day of J11>ne, be seen that thl'I J ·unior r ooms in your MoRREY- l vonY-On t.he 30th be traced pretty certaiNly and directiy to 188u, in the Methodist Churcll, Dalrymple,. by sch o11l a re much too limited even for th.e t he Rev. John J,awrence, w. H. Morrey, E~q-, the long dre:ny d epres ·ion in trade. F or presen t attendance u nd er the half -day Direot. ory Publisher, fo gersnll. to Miss Ali~ .· e ' d t h th N. Ivory, daughter or Mr. \Vm. I vo1·y, P. M.. example : Some of t he d ifficulties have pla n. 'T h<l scI100 1 l a w p rov1 es at ere Dalrymple, and siBter of Mi-. Jamee Jivory, - - - o- - :trisen out of the d i8clrnrge of men whom shall be a t l east 250 cub. ft . of air s pace Dent ist, Toronto. I t being the first marrial{e solemni:<ed in said.ch.u rch, ~h.e bride w1\s prep c t heir fellow-w1~ · kmen have insisted should P er pupi1' . where t he vent ilation is such . sented by tho officiatltlg mm1~ter, on behalf or w e o ffe r an e i g h t . rib aras ol .i:or ~s to causo a cemplet e change of _ the a ir the trustees.. with a. beautiful_ oooy of the bible be restored i " their places. m the roi)m uot less tha n three t imes at n· ?a:nd Methud1~t hymns bound m one v olume. twe nty cents, N o d oub t it was beca use business was hour Iu our junior rooms the apac DoLL- llIGGINBOTHA M - At the reeidenca of An ext r a large ei !!b t rib B l a ck P ar· 1 · t d h t , tt the bridtis father, on the Hth inst., by the Rev, ~ so d ull, in many cases, t hat th e men were a 1 1owec , estima e on e preae n a e - E. Roberts, Mr-Wm. Freder ick Doll,meroha.nt, asol f or forty Ct!Uts. KING STREE;l.', ra.r..ges from 72 oub. ft. to 175 cup. of Winnepeg, to Miss Ha.rriet .. Hl!!'glnt>otham, dance, discharged. Whoii t h·1ro is activity in ft . per pupil, and it is doubtful whe ther only de.u g ~te r ot Mr, John Htg&i nbotl:la. m, of Ten ri b B lack Zon ella Paras ol for man ufac t uring, employers are a pt t o f th - h d wmanY 1lle. . t·" t h . . ese rooms is c ai;ig BENNET'r - H UMI'IIREY- At the residence 0 r Sl X J cen S. 0° vcrlook 11u m fan lt~ 11 1 their " hands," t o Mr m . s?me o by vent1lat10n as often ii.s t hree t1 ~ ~ the bride's mother Rcngo11:.st. ,or\ Wednesday . Bl ck ' atin l ine 1 Paras ol selling S · l b ecause it is n t v 1 -y u11.sy t o find enough e ach half-day, I n my report for 1880 I 14th J uly, 1886, by Rev. R. D. l!raser. !\I. 4--· l a Louis Dennett Esct-. Newcastle, to .A.nmo, ' f o r seventy fi vo COlltS ' ' f ully corupet cn t ,,.e t u do all the work d we1t a t so me 1eng til on t h e s.ch oo1 f r- second daught~r of tile late Thos. H umphrey, n,it ure . a nd the b l11cll.board accommo aEsq., Bowma nvillo. A beauti ful large extra q uality that r equ ires to be done to fill t he fas t· tion. In sllvernl of the rooms ~he black· DIED. Satin Paras ols for ono soventycoming orners. But when orders ar e boards hav e am ce boen much impro ved , ,., fow, corp,,rations ~ire rath er glad of au hut some r ooms will need to be remodelled HANCO CK- I n Da; lington, on the 8th inst.· ti v e . 3 An eleizant g old rib Satin Paras ol excuse t o red uce their force,and of course i!l t hese respects before t hey will be , J ohn Hancock, aged :l years '1 months. . ' table for effective tea.chin.," , COLEMAN- In Bowmanv ille.on U1e 13th mst., ~ Sui Peter Coleman, in the 85th year or his age, selling for two d olla r s. · t hey choo~e for d i8charge the least useful The t eachers do all that can be expecte FOGG- In Bowmanville, on 13 inst., Ho.7.el in en. Hand som e l a ce t rim m e d Parasol s of t hem in the way of ornamenting t heir Mildred, daughter of Geo. F ogg, aged 3 mos. On the other ha11d, t he workmen themw ro9ms arid keeping them n eat and tidy. Uvs&- A t :l95 Berkeley street, 'l'oronto. J nly i n b lue , b ei ge, c ream and cardinal -' ' f h d 12th, Percy Phillips, only son of Joseph and selves see greater occa.sion, in hard times, Tl10 wruls m most o t e rooms are ecor- Rose E tta. H.tt3.e, aged 4 yea.rs 10 months and 25 from fi. fty c ents and up. to stanc 1 by each oth~r, and t o make ated with pictures,m ot toes and e vergr eens. d ys. The d ust still appears to sLick t o th e floor SANVEHs- In Bowma.nville,on J uly 9th,Ohas- \ common cause in defen ctJ against what I am n ot sure b u t the re is something · William, eldest son or S. W. and Marv Sanders, t hey dtJe111 a n unfair reason for dism issing the nature of t he l umber used that gi v aged 30 years. ~-----------= ~-=~ .~-=~ -~ -:: ._:: ·~ -a follow worko a u. This illuritra tes how the floors a worse appeara nce than they it is t hat d ull trade may lead t o labor deserve. The wood work also in several in stan ces is coa ted with a peculiar cplored , t roubles, , ve n W ' en there is no question ' paint tb at gives t he r ooms a disa greeably of t he amo unt of wages involved. dark and dingy appearance. Whatever may be t.he cause of differ ORDER AND CLASSIFJCA'rION . 1 ~m~es betw~en e mployers and their or gan I fou nd the orde r io the different roomd Writo forp11rt ic11l11rs of ized workmen, such collisions are always very good a nd the childre n a ttentive GR E AT PROHIB ITION CAMP t o be r egretted . It is a ver y old itnd a a nd respeclful. It was not diffi cult, how- 'J'he undersi gned will pay highest m arket To be held in IInw ilton, Ont., Aui;. 7. 8, 11..10, ll, 12 1Lnd 1:i. Groatost Spe<Lkors of tuo Contment. p erfect ly truo Paying t hat the in terests of ever, to n ot ice a lack of order a nd precision price in cash for Egg~ ; also BuLter suit- Grarnl J\Iusic<Ll Attr1Lc tio11s. I.ow Exourston able for Toronto Market. Hates. Free Tenting Grouull. ·w. W; lluchano.u, the plH't of th e p upils wh.in entering, on capital a nd labor are one. For it is when Di!°~ct_Qr. H~m _!l_tou, O~-----. _ __ UTTAI N & Co., Market Squ aro. t hey wor l. togtJ ther 111 completo harmony an d passing ou t of, their rooms. This, W. l31 110 don bt, may be attributed i n p art t o W . C. W ELLS, King S treet. t hat each interest effects t he most for th e pla n of the building; th e construction N . B.-One cent , per lb. and per doz. itself ; both suffe r wh en there is a disa- of the halls and s tairways is certainly not H A MIL T O N, CA N A D A . greement ; awi one is never prosperous conducive to good order at s nch times. more for B u tter and E ggs will be paid if taken in trade at W. C . WEL LS' A 1 w hen the other is ex perien cin g ad versity. If proper accommodation wer e provid ed Grocery Store, K ing-st., Bowmanv ille. 'r he 1'"irst of th~ l'..aui0G' Collogcs. Has grnila bett er classification or grad at ion of work uated over 200 in thu full courS<'· Has edult· is most natural iwd most p mi~ e could b e made. W er e this d one, and 20-l m. cated over 2,000. F llll facultios in Literature, Langun1ws. Science and Art. 1'he Largest w.orthy that when we hear of a contest m or e de.finite lim it-tables furnish ed for 9 AUl'tJltTISEits, - Lowest Rates for ad· College Building ill tho Domhl.ion. Will opon , Address the Pr rnc1pa.l. between c11pi t"'l a ud labor, we sh ould the t t:achers to follow, t he benefit wo uld vertising in ltJOO gootl newspapers sent free. S11pt, I, l8SG A., JUJJtNS, D, D ,. Ll., D, Address GEo.P.ROWELL & Co.,Spr uce St,.N.Y. sympathize with t he men who are employ- be felt through out the whole sch ool. GENTLEMEN,- 1 herewith respectfu ll y su bmit mv repor t on t he concli ti trn of your schools for 1he half year ending 30th day of J une 1886. Accompanying this writ ten repor t is a copy- one for each member of the B oard-of a print ed r eport on the P ublic Schools of D nrharu Iuspectorate which now iudndes the t own of B owman ville, SCHOOL AC COMMOVA'rlO.N. The meri ts and t he d efects .of the p resen t Union School build ings have from t ime to t une been brought under your notice and hence I do not deem it necessary to cl '·' till on th e m here. P er haps the chief d efects in connection with your Public School at prcsen t,1 ne t he want of adEq nate a ecommod at ion for t he junior classes. which neceesit&tes th<li r attendance but or1 e half of each day, the uncomfortable sea1.ing in many of t he· rooms, and tl1e inconvenience of the blackboards for free use by eit her t eachers or pupils b ut especially the latter. The half-day system a nswers fairly well for th e lowest divisfon, b u t it must be cousid.. r e<l a serious drawback t o the progress of the pupils in the second division . la my opinion two additional rooms are requir.,d, one in th'l Central Buildma and one in the South Ward. On p-ge 24 of the printed report is a. table whicb gives the dimensi ons of ea.ch room, the usual attendance in it , and the n umber of cubic feet of air. space per Miss R aynes': - Room n ot fi ret class E A CHE R OI·' O R.G AN, PIA N O, b ut well seated. B J.wkboar ds much imVOICE and THEO ft Y. 'fo1·ms on ·t0Pll · proved. Tablet work full of life ; cla sses cation at ·· BIG 20." · 28;ly fa irly q uick in cou ntini! a.nd in easy addition and subtract ion questions. He- S 'l'RA YEO UH S'.L'OLEN from iny reaiil e.nce nn or abrrn t the ~Oth or 21st of citations interspersed with pl eas~ n t oxer · Jllno, a small Wh ita Jl o1111d with black ears cise so n~e . Wr it ing H nd d rawing partic- and t wo . spotsjndt. a.hove the ta it. Answerin~ · t' f t to the name or " Jonny More." Any person E H r y t iung u l arl Y 1ieat.. sa 18 ·c ory. returnlI1g s>imo or gi'f'ingo information th11.t will Miss Br ainie's :- R'lo m n 0t con venien t le11d to hie recovery, will be suitably rew·.rded. but well seated. 'fhe work, especially H. wn .cox , Bowm1<.nvillo. 28:2w. with th e senior class, m uch improved . ------------~: . since my las t r epor t . Order tn i rly ~O'ld . A UC1:10N SA~ES.-;-As t,he anct10n. II ·11 , 1 l . een ng ·season is ll.!l'arn a bout upon us, I Arith metic and spe mg st1 a h tt e wea c, I would t..ke this mca11 ~nr thanking the formers writing and draw ing a verage. Mies of .1.h e '.l.'ownshi ps nr Cto.rke , Manvors, CartColeman's -- Black ho . ro s very incnn ven- wright !'nd Dt<rlt11 1~t·"" r,,,. what P't tron ..go they . · _ ·. _ _ have given me '" 1h,. pttst, and at the se.me 1e n', quite u npossible for the pu pils to time sav I am 01.11 1 in t 11 0 fi el<l M an an.ctioneor. use t hem . P upils aeated 110 11a t o face and _any sa.leR · '" ""' Y fit1· 0 111· mP wit,h will · · · · · h l :I r ecei v e m y Y f: y h cs t u.t to n t 1· 1n :L1nl ohn.rgos wrndows which in my op mion B ou c. n nt will be nasu1.., t11r. All t hM ba,·e "111ployed be con tin ued. Seats and desks inc1J11 vim- me have expre8B ell r.homselv"Bab .voll satisfied. ·e nt R ·adin"' excellent ari th metic arid lGa. Where it is u ot convenient to see mo per"' · sona.lly. arrangements ean he mado for sales 1 .. · writing fu lly u p to t he aver ... ge. Order with either or t h e J<.:ditors In Jlownurnvillc' _ . . rt. HU'l'CIUNSON, good, P upils recite aild sing n icely. A ll work satisfactory. Miss H am bly'~ : Knmsk1 llen, J une 30th, 1886. 27tt A good room but too large and ar·anped to $8 a da.y. Samples ILnd d1 it,y FREE so as to make tea.ch er's work unnecessa·riy J,i11.,9 not un1ler the hor ·e's feet. Write 8Rt!:W8'n:R'S S u·J£·1·~ HEt N Hor,nEH difficnl r. The work was bad ly dissrran g«>d Co.. Holly, Mich. d aring th e pr e vions tPrm th e effect. of which i s ~till not1coable. Re ad i ng a nd · language lePsons well ta ught, the ~ri t~i- 1 metic was rat her weak. The p n p1ls tr· this room ~h oul cl be cnnsiclered as belon gM iss ' CHANCERY DlVISIUN . ing to the senior second else·. Thom~s'---Se11.1ing ~u d hlackb~ard a.CC· >~ - Jn the matter of a p et.ti<>n of S U SAN. ~odat1on b~d- 'I h'~ teacher 8 platform · .N A n 'l'JL[,EY to quid the title to Lot 111 one ~oot h111 h and r_ rl y ~wo and 3 l nlf number sevw i n B lock (nve ; L ot "nmb6r . feet w1dt>.. T he. read_u~g m b.oth cla~se~ four ·i.n Block s-ix, and.Jot nmn11er or/Al ~ood, spelling :foir, wn tmg well uttende in Bli:Jck seven (save and cx.cept the n orthto ·. copy book& cle~n imd ne~t, , ~11 work we3 t q1'arter thereof) in the T own of satisfactory. Mr. M:cTavtsh ~ -- Room Bo wmunville, i n the Co mity of V wrham, well seated b ut blackboar ds badly arr ·n1£in tht! Province o f Un tario, as laid down e_ d _ for use by the pupils and ~uch tno Oil a plan of saicl Town, p reparBd by G. lumt~,d- qrder , gnod · R eadmg !ind Hanning, Esquire, P. L, i:3. spellmg qmt{, np to th e a verage, arith, _ · . · ~ metic a little week and rather carel~ssly N OTlC 11': u1he reby111ven that SU::;A Nd ou e wri1ing only fair. Miss Moorcraft's: -';- NAH TIT,LEY, orthe Town of .Howman· ' ·. . , , d nlle . in the Coun ty of Dm·h11111, widow. hall - R oom sumla.r to Miss 'I homas . R ea - made an 11.pplication to this Honorable Court iog very good, arith metic fairly rapid for a. Certificate or Title to the ab!>Vt) mel) tloned · 11 t ht 0 propert,y. nnder "An Act for ~metm[L' L!tles to and accura te, gra mmar we aug · r- rea estate, " and has prod,.,ced evide11ce d er and nui!1agcment of ror·m very whereby she appc<>H to be the owner thereof satisfactory Mr. Davidson's :- A good in fee. free ft-0 111 a.ll ' ~ncambrances; whe1 -e!ore · ,, k amy other person h&vmg or pret.endlng to have room but not. well eeated . I he blac - any title to, or interest in said lands or any pa.rt boards and teacher's platform latel y m uch ther.,of, is required, on or before "-IONDAY, · d b ,_ b tb b Id h b tbe 2nd DA.Y or AU GUST, n<>w next cnsumg, improve , uo, 0 ave ~en to ftle a. et1ttemo11t of his claim i11 my otnce in B ou co11tinued to, the east wa!L Anewer rng Victoria. Ha.11 at t.he Town ot Cobourg, in the by the pupil& very sa tisfactory. Order Provir!ee or Ontario~ and to sB rve a copr on · ' the smd Susannah 'l'·lley or on D- Burke t:!rmp'Son, otthe 'J'own of Bowman ville, her solicitor, good. I have the honor to be, and in default every such claim will be barred, Gentlemen, 1 and the title or the said Susannah Tillt Y be· _ come a.bs..lnto a.nd indefeasible at law and in ' c{1mty, subject only to the reservations men· Y our Ob't Ser vant, W. E. TILLEY, tfoned in the 25th section of the ea.id Act thorein, lec .tered A, B, C and D, respective Jy, P . S. I oepector , Dated th is 23th day of June. 1886. 1 Durham.. . GEO. M. CLARK, Bowmanville, I Local Master a.nd Referee o! Titles July 2nd, 1886. at Cobourg· =================~ , D. Bunn:E SIMPSON, 27·3 W BIRTHS. Solicitor for Appli0ant. Et L1s- Neal' Enfield, on the 8th instant, th.& COMMENCIN G '!'HIS WEEK wife of Mr. Rlbr E llis of a son. MANl!'.8- NA a-r Haydon, on the !Otl1 inst.. the WI'J'Hwife of Mr. Robt- Manes, of twin dang hten, :KEN"-N"-ER & co_ T Room FALL - W-anted. ~ To make room for our IMPORTATIONS ·we shrul sell- 1 DURING JULY&AUCUST A.LL SUMMER GOODS $5 at Greatly Reduced Prices. ~~~~i ~ ~~~® I In The High Court of Justice. n~p~0~1!'~ Will be sold at cost, and several lines of Dress Goods at and under cost price. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, One Door West of Post Office, a. Bowmanville, · - GO MURDOCH- BROTHERS for every thing in Staple and Fancy c:r. :Fl. C> CE:: Fl.. IE:: S. H all contains the Larg est Assor tment of IPAR AS 0LS ' · ~HINA, CROCKERY, LAMPS & GLA~Sii~ID t o be found in · the dis t r ict. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES for all k ind s of Farm Produce, But ter, Eggs, &c : VICTORIA BUILDINGS, BOW MANVILLE. WEST EN D HOUSE. NEWEST AND N! DIBIEST U1 20 OOQ E gg s and B 1,000lbs . utter Dress Goods, Prints, Ging hams, P rinted lVluslins, ROBERTSON& BOND. P rin t ed Canvas Cloth, P arasols)&c., &c. WANTED WEEKLY. Cloths and T -w-eeds, Gent's F:urnishings. n otice by the A t Tailor. WtSLEYA NLA OIE S' COLLtGf, Suits mad e t o ord er on shortest J . McMURTRY. 'f

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