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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1886, p. 2

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· - - -·- -·- ··-- - -··- ··"-" ___ _ _ a A CARD. - To all who a.re suffering from th!) errors and indiscretions of youth, IS PUBLISHED nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a· recipe that 'BYERW FRIDA.T MORNlNG, will cure you FREE OF CHARGg,, This -BY....; great remedy was discovered by a mission· ary in South .A:merica. · Send a self· AT TEE OJl'EICE addre1111ed envelope to the REV· .:roa:&PB 11'..iolll.eeBtoek,JUngSt.,Bowmanvme,Ont T. INMAN Statio1' D N ew York Cit'IJ. 46J' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN · THE FARM. '.Mid Gleaming Sheaves. BY O. M. HARGEB. 'Mid gleaming shea.ves-'-rloh pillars tairIn summer's high flood-tide, · Broad ohested fo·ms with earne<1t care Are swinging brawny arms and ba.re, Strong-measured, sid6 by Bille. M. A.JAMES, TER~S; ·LHlperannum,orljll,OGif'patdlnadvanec i"aFD18nt strictly in advance required from abllor1bersoutaide ot the county. Orders to &aoontinue the pa.per must be accompanied by a.amount due,orthepa.perwillnot beatopped. w'blortbera are responsibleuntilCul lpaymen t iB -.de.· aA.TES OF A.DTE'KTISING1 S~ ·Whole Column one.year ............. $60 oc ; ::i; ~ .. " Hal! ye11or ............ Sil ot · ~~ " One quarter ····.···. 20 Q(i important Sta.te 1ecret1 from the King. Bowma.nville, August 28, 1885. 35. Hla condition wu one ot melanoholia, at· D:B, J, CJ, MlTCJUEI.L, tended wi\h 1hoddlng of tea.rs and muoh .E:MBER OF COL'tEGE OF PHYSICIANS oouatltntlonal mllohlef, He was Irritable ; and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. no oi,.e dr.red to oppose him er to contradict ,.0.llloe and Re,,idence, &nnieklllen, U. him la anything. He did not eften realize Do tlrm·wlnged. larks that skywa.rd sail hl1 real ~mental 1tase1 but woald Sing them a. song or joy 1 DB, TAMBI.'YN, declare that he wu aa well u he had ever Do they applaud the whistling quail 1 ·pBYSICIAN, SURGEON and ACCOUCHEUR, Or do thue dghts and sounds so stale been in hia life. He would 1 without any Office :- Silver Street, Bowmanville. 7 rheir eordld souls annoy 1 · · reaaon, become dlBBati1fied with hla Mini·· . KING EAST, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, ' ters and draw up a list ef fre1h ene1, Dr, D. BlJBKE SJMFSON, 'F ar from the rushing world's highways Warren :wa~ hia ohlef and favorite phyal. 'B ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &o., MOPRIS Their· peaceful pathway lies; oian, Thia eminent Doctor waa, In a.ddltlon We are now finishing 30 of the best Cii.rria.ges and Buggies ever made ·rte strange it comes from them no praise · , · 'BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman ot Sf.!.rea.diniOeas and so11g·Dirda' lays, ..Ule. Bolioitor for the Ontario Hank, to being the royal phyalolan, al10 retained in this est~bliahmen.t, wit h best grade of Wheela, _Steel Axles and beat St eel tSpringa, Clear rills and glowing skies. trimmed with ·the bes t a tock a.nd ·well pamted. W e are getting out u medical attendant by the leading eta.ta..· Prh'atfl Jlenev· loaned at the lowest re.te1. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, men of the time-Burke, Fox,a.nd Sheridan. a guaranteed specific for Hyeteria; Dizziness, John Keith Galbraith, He waa oonaldered lie be the head of hie Convulsions. Fits. Nervous, !lienralgla, Head· A RR IS TE R, SOLICITOR, NOTA.RY ache, :Nervous Prostntton, o a used by the use Men Who Succeed WithE heep. profeulon, : PUBLIC, &o. Office-Bounsall's Bloc,k of alcobol or tobacco, W akefulnees, Mental Every Boa.rd warran ted to be made of the beat Steel and well tempered. Dr, Warren being a general phyalci'Ul, It Under the a.hove hea.d the Breeden' GaDepression, Softening of the brain resultln~ in &Ing Street, Bowmanville. Money to lend, insanity and leading to misery decay and death zet'e mak81 11>me 1ound and aenalble re- was ultimately oonaldered de1lrable to have Preme.ture'Old Age, BarrenneB8,Loas of Power a 1peciallst In attendr.noe on him. The "\Veare also getting ready a stock of MOWERS, improved and second .ROBERT A.JlHOlJ:Bo in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Sperme.t- mark·: Depruaed a.nd unprcmlalng a· Dr. Francia Willis wa1 choaen fer to none in the market . ~bey will be ready in good season and warranted to do good BGISTRA.R, WEST DURHAM ISSUER orrhoea caused by over-exertion ot the Bra.In, 1heep farmlna and all other farming 11 ju11t Rev. · of Marriage Lioenses, Barrister and Attor· sel!·abuse or over-indulgence. Ea.oh box con- now, the1e are, neverthelea1, aome whe thla object, In addition ·e mlni1terlng to work. We are also makmg a number of HAY TEDDERS , which will also be ready the 1plrltual want1 ef hie parlahlonera, he in good season. They have been tried by some of our best farmers to whom we J' at Law and Solicitor ha Ohanoery.Mone:r tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six make It pay. ·ned on Re11ol Estate. omoe on King stteet, boxes for f5.00, sent by mall prepe.ld on receipt refer inte nding purchasers. · We a.re also ' l'he men who make a 1uooe11 of sheep would try hie aklll In brr.la affeotlona, and of price. · · 8owmanvllle. · huabandry are confined lie ne apeolal lo· to 1nch an extent were hl1 effort1 1uoce11afnl We Guarantee 8ix Boxes oallty, are found wedded to no particular that he eatabll1hed an ln1tlMlon for the .... T. run.UPS · To cure e.ny caee, With · each order received breed or va.riety ef sheep, evince no char- care of tho in1ane, and, having mr.de r. name ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County by which has gained a good reputat ion in this locality. us for six boxes, n.ccompanled with $51 we In that branch of hl1 profeealon, wa· chosen . o1 Durhem, Sales pro. mptl:r attend11d. will send the purchaser our written guarantee raoterieUc In common beyend a per1i1tent, a1 the " mr.d deotor" to the King. Though 59, Addrosa-Ham11ton P, 0, to refund the mone.r if the treatment does not Intelligent determlnatiOn lie adapt their a.Ii the age of 11eventy yean when appointed Plow Points of every d escription by the t on, and made from steel1 ~rought ir on &c etl'ect a. cure. Gue.ra.ntees issued only by JNo. 1nrroundlng1 to forcing the beat p011lble We are also getting ready a stock of WAGONS . Mill and Eng1ne W ork a 11pecialt y OHN HUGBES.-Licensed Auctioneer, Stott & Jury, Druggiets, Bowmanville, re1ultl frem their expenditure of lr.bor and to the pOBt of medical ·peoi¥.llst to George All of which will be sold on the most r easonable t erm11. . · Valuator a.nd Arbitrator. Flr6 and Llfo III., he fully retained hie talents and fa.cul· money. r1111urance, Notes and Accounts Collected. They are fou11d ame11g the ewnEra ef tle1 te the very utmest, " a man of ten Honey to Lend on reasonable terms, Address BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE Co. "Vartwright, Ont. 472 hlgh-prloed landa dividing ihe b,u sy cmea theu1and, open, honest, dr.untle111 Ugh'· hearted, Innocent, and high-minded," He Ca.shrpaid for any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron. 14-3m. ef the ea.atern and older 1tate1, with reund· GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO bodied, ea.rly maturl11g 1heep, alwaya ready took up hla reddenoe a.t the palace, being . 5very man who buys his License from to re1pend to the metropolitr.n demand for alway· In attendance on hi1 !bjeaty. ESTABLI&HED IN 1847. NRY SYLVESTER, Enniskillen~ £he medical treatment wa1 arranged in a fi11t-olaaa mutton. They are found on the gra11y hl111ld· ef morning oomaltatlen ; and lt waa underONEY ! MONEY !-The 1ubsoriber It has no shareholders to pay dividends to, 1to11d by the othet dootor1 that that Dr. receives money on deposit Cor theOntario :Managed by and solely in the Interests of the middle and'. manufaoturlng St1Ltet, where Willia wa.1 not to undertake any deolded Loan and Savings Company, and pays Interest near-by m&rketl and tleeoes and oarca11e1 the Policy holders. \ ,at the rate of 4. a.nd 6 per cent. No notice . ot render the flock a favorite inveatment for atep In the treatment ef hla patleni until wlthdrawl\l required, Also loans money on after the phy1fcian1 ha.d met, the other -DEALER I N tho1e whe know how to get thi be1t reeultl Its Kates are Low. mor~ages at lowest rs.tea. No oommisslon dooiors vlaiting in 1tated order and rotatien. from It. ~rged. w. F. ALLEN. Bowmanv1llo. 8-ly, Two ·nrgecn1 a.nd a.potheoarlea were a.leo Pollcles non f'orf'eltable and unconditional, They are found in the grr.ln grewlng reCub BonWI Paid every three years, glen1, where corn and oata a.nd hay are retained, doing their amount ef duty as preao Do? Gentlemeu oCFash marketed In the ferm ef well-fattened mut- pre1orlbed, The medlolnal trea.tment wu ien, not so Ca·t. ten oa.reaaae· and weighty fleeoe11 le.viaa purely ef a tonlo and aallne de1orlptlon, the Joint Life Policies. the land a.a rich u they found it and reduc- remedy prbiolpally uaed being olnohona Though a double rish but one premium Is paid i&lg tho toll of the oemmen oarrler by many bark. At the time ol which I 'write meave written these fewllnel A.Dd all I have to say_ tor two people, A.mount of policy drawn feld · oha.nfcal reatlralnli ecoapled a promlneut ..tll.ai.1 ouoan ftnd me stmat home, on first death, They are found along ·he frontier, where pa.rt In ihe management of the ln1a.ne, and ·Iam not gone a.way, free pasturage for summer and cheaply to thl11 now almo1t exploded form of trot· 8oallm7Jdndoldfriendsmar come, ment thl! King wa.1 aubjeoted. There wu And all theyoung ones, too, Special Inducements to Total .Abstainer·. rahed grain fer winter are uanred faota. nothing, however, in hi· oendltlon whloh '·~get thelrgJ1trJlle1Lt~nl(lel;v made Scattered u they are, all over the conn· juatified the nae of It, judalng from our pre·Jii fa11hions that are new; troy, a.ddicted of neoeulty te advene 111· sent view of tihe matter. fiere old and young, dea.rtrlends, may meet A.llllETll OTEB $1S,ooo,ooo.t tema of mana.gement, nev~rtheleal! ·he men The King hlm1elf did no· after hie oonva . A weloome lll'eetinll. bv R ·.PEA.TB JN()OME OTEB $1,oeo,oeo who have made a 1uooe11 ef 1heep hn1· leaoenoe re11ard the re1tralnt 1y1tam a.a harsh, 1100,000.0ll deposited with theCa.n&dlanGovel.'JI bandry will be fe1md to:pt111111 certain uni- for ene day walking through the pala.oe after ment for benefit ot Cane.dia.n policy holders. form oha.raote,latle1, They are Intelligent, hi1 reoevery from one of hi· attack., ho re· experienced, prudent, peraeverlng. Intel- marked : "It 11 the beat friend I ever had ligent enengh tu appreciate their own 1ur· la my life," a.llndlng te a 1tra" wa.btoeat, 11"'E8TED IN ()ANA.DA., $100,oeo.oe. reimdlng1 and to knew the type of eheep which had not been put away. In 1788, beat aulted thereto. ·Sufficiently experi- daring hie 1eoond attaok la comequence ef HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA:-MONTREAL, 1 enced ·o know thr.t their bu1lne11 11 net It& length and the q e1e11tloa1 before ParllFor particulars refer to · neoeaaarlly a failure became prioea for lta ment bebig of the meat vital Importance In produo· are net uniformly high, Prudent their lune, it w.aa feund neoenary · to dra.w E; L. LIVINGSTONE enough to e1oape the panlo whloh perlodl· the attentlen of Parliament to thedealrr.blli· GENERAL AGENT, oally 1ef11t1 their we11k·kneod oo·la.borer11 ty of prevldlng a regenoJ to manage the & Wl~B TICICTD, WITDOUT TICBTB. PORT HOPE and to profit ,b y the mi1U.ku of thole whe State allaire, It WM unlvenally agreed tha.t T ...... . ortoagent11thrpnghoµttheCOl1Jlty, <l~s ·o peraletln1elllng when 1heepare low and the ~rlnce o~ Wales 1hould a.at a.a Regent. ti .Ill. Jll. .Ill. buying when, ae a reault ef 1uoh folly, There were, however, di11en1lon1 between PBA.CTJ«J..U. DENTIST, prioe1 again advance, Pe11everlng, with the Whig· and Tories &1 to what powera he ~VER TWENTY YEARS EXPJl:RJICNOIC, fr.Ith In that r.veraae of renltl whloh bae 1hould a.111ume In his regency. made Bheep huabHdry a.1 geod a recerd for A committee of th· Houae wa.1 appointed ·:· l&roa10xtdeGaa ..&.dmlnlatered f'or Palnle· profit aa can be 1hown for any other agrloal. to examine the phy1iolan1 the reports of 1 Pumps ,Qheaper and Better tural apeoialty, Operatton11. IUIJh exa.mlnatlon being laid· on the table. A GRICE M«J()I.1JNG'8 BI.OC:&. than ever, These are the .men to whom tho·e young· few da.y1 after thl1 oommittee Bat the follow· er onea who lhlnk of beoemlng flock·ewn· Ing queation· were 1ubmitted to the physlers should look for lea1on1, rather than ta The Subscriber having built a large ne11 tha.t olai111 ef talkera and wrliers who at cian1 : "I· hl1 Mi jeety incapable by reaaon of the pre1e12t 1tate of hie hell.Ith of coming tlme1 oooupy \he public a.ttentlon. Pump Factory in Orono, Is prepared te Parliament er of r.ttending to pnblio busl ne11 ? What hope· are there of recovery ? -to furnishI1 your answer on this q uestlon founded Timely Snnestione. upen the particular symptom of his Muje1The old 1aylng la that one canno' eat hla ty's oaBe or your experlenee of the disorder TH~ With or without Porcela.in Cylinder, ol oake and hr.ve It too; but It i11 poealble to in general ? .Can,you form any ,judgment or Purify the Blood, correct Disorders of the . the Best Material, on the shortest notlct dig 1ome potatoe1 out of a. hill early with· probable conjecture of the time his Majesouli di1tu1bhig the planta, and then by re- ty'. illnesa ls likely to la1t? Oan yon a11ign and at the lowest prices. pb.olll'! tbe earth havethe roots throw out any ca.use for hll illne1s ? Do you aee any LIVER, STOMA.CD, KID~EVS AND BOWELS. HARNDEN, L. D.S., Oistern-Tubs a.nd Pumps supplied. a new 1et of tubers. Thia le ~ economy In efgne of oonve.leacenoe ?" The answers were Graduate oftlJ,e Royal Collegeo. lDental growing early potatoe1 that may be prao- not on the whole aatlabctory, Except the They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and Surgeonllo Ontario. ticed when the firet tubers rer.dy for one rela.tlng to the probablllty Gf' recovery, are invaluabl e In all Oomplatnt11 Incidental lo Female· of all Ages; Fo1 WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. market bring high prices, but net enough which wa1 answered In the affirmative, OFFICE OVER DICKSON'S STORH:. Children and the aged they are priceless. to warrant pulling up the vines fer halt a The King did recover, but only to ha.ve a orep. further relapse, and d111lng this time all IOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. r ate work exeooted ln tho latest and most CHada. thb1tleB thr.i have an even ·tart public business was at a 11tandatlll. Lord Improved etyleot the Dental A.rt. with either oats or , ba.rley will ripen their Eldon, the Lord Cha.noellor, an Intimate, Is an 1.nfa.llible.remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ufoer11. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For diaordere of the 11eed before the grain II ready to harve~t. friend of the King, was held persenally reBETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN\ TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Thla ahonld be prevented, If poe1lble, a.a aponalblo for many .of the 1trange actions -Ohest it ha.s no equal.the use of Nitrou11 Oxide Gas,withouttnjury thlaUe meed going with grain 1traw into the performed by his Majesty during hie mento the pa.tient. For Sore Throats, Bron~hitis, Coughs, Colds, manure heap la ono of the way11 !n which tal derangement, This State of a.ffalre went Particular attention paid to the regula.tlon of, Orderalby Mail promptly attended to. this peat is sprer.d, A man with a sharp en until the time of hl1 last 19fzure In 1812 ; Glfllldular Swellings, and ,a.11 Skin Disea.ses it has no rival; and for CHILDREN'S TEETH. J;ioe will out out the thlatle1 In the graln thou&h atOtlmea even then taking deep lnter, cont racted and stiff joints it acts like a charm . ,.....ALL WORK W .ARR.ANTED. 1ll\ OOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, while It la JOt emall, and In many oases the est lln polltloa, he was geaerally oompletely ,..,.OULDINGS & k t h d gain to the grain crop will entirely pr.y for mentally inoe.paclt\ted, He fr{ quently Manufactured only THOMAS HoLLOWAY's Est ablishment, · .w.. ' ' c. · ep on an · thl11 expense, leaving tho check te tho 1hed teara. He fancied that he wr.s dead, o.ud one day rema.rkcd: "I must have a thlat'ea ae clear profit from the operation, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDO.N1 Lath make excellent bean poles. Drive snit of blaok In memory of George III., for In two to the hill, starting at an an~le of whom I know there la a general mourning." And are sold at ls. lid.·, 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot a.114 s11.y 75 degrees, remembering that .90 de- He talked to Imaginary lndlvldnala, ·. hla m 11y b e had from all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. ' grees le a. point directly overher.d, Let memory a complete blank, eapeolally for .:e·rv.rehaaer1 should look at the I.a.bel on tbe Pots aad Boxe11. If' t11e r O.dre ;:VETERINARY SURGEON, ihese la.th meet at the top. When the cent events. Toward tho end el 1819 hie apU n 1133, Oxf'ord Street, Lond.on. they are 1purtou1.1 vinEs reach the ends allow them to lap over petite failed him, and In 1820 it was lmpas1la foot, and then pinoh them eff, You will blete keep him warm,nnd hegradually1ank get more beana, even ef LlmlLB, than If al- and dleil Jan. 19, 1820. A a.ta.I H onorary Graduate of Ontario,Veterinary lowed to grow ei:x er eight feet high. Try · Ga.me 0f 0ard8' Peculiarities of One Hundred Years Jgo· College, will attend to all diseases it In a emall way and set me right If I am Themas Turley, a.ged g,ged 22, of J ersey. An English, paper whioh has a hate for the of domestie animals. wreng, I have ma.de mistakes a. few.times The Boer's Retort. City, was admitted to St. Franc:ls Hospl· thing· of yeaterday, reprints the following fn my life and hope to again. tr.I, In th11ot city, on June H, suffering from paragraphs from tho Sta.mford Meroury of . Thin out the fruit. If we wonld ha.ve The Transvaalers are generally offensive- a fracture of hie right elbow. The surgeon 1786: F e bruary I . - El' la.rge, fi ne fruit, a certain proportion of ly rude to :Englishmen J but, a.1 a rule, toId T ur1ey t h a t .h e oould not 11ve m11.ny 1z ~ M a.aI died a.t Florence, leaves to fruit must be establhhed, It their Insults lack point. There is, however, hours. Turley then sent for one of the I a.ged ninety. She · has ha.d seven husbands A SPEC IALTY. seems a we.ate to out off a dozen bunches of something almo1t like wit 111 the Boer's re· hosplta.l Slstet11, and told her that he really ma.rrylng the la.st at the age of seventy: 1 Ga11ogh er, H e Sh e ord ered by h er wiIl to be buried nsxt grapes upon a. single cane; a waste to de- tort reoord.ed by Mr. Aubertin in his "Six got ln a fig ht with Ohares Calls and Orders by mail or t elegraph stroy six young apples where there ~r& but months In Oape ~olony Hd Natal." After eaId G a11r.gh er an d h e were p IayIng card· · on h er fifth h nabaud , nine. Still a. green plant oan enly do 80 a hot wrangle: "What la the use of a June 7, and they got into a dispute, whloh June 15.-Mrs, Harrie, of Hill Farm will receive prompt attention. . WILL CURE OR RELIEVlf m11ch work. Take "Our choice between an bandful of rude animals like you," Ea.Id an ended In G.r.llagher hurling a stone at him. Berkl!hlre, a.ge,d nearly eighty, wa1i·marrled CHARGES MODERATE. Bll/OUSNE8§. DIZZINESS. " E nglishman, "pretending to beat a onun· Th t h"t hi lb T I id h t , ab~nda.Il ce of inferior fruit or less of t he try like ours 2 Do you know that the sun ea one 1 s e ew. ur ey s a. e re· o h er PIewman " a, , stout young fellew of lJ YSPEPS/A, IJROPSY, OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M . begt qua lty £rained from telling tho t..:uth about t he t wenty." INDTGEST/ON, FLUTTER/N(J wets on the Queen's Dvmlnlons ?" tt b f b h did n t ant t J I 20 M I d ,, , · !never A first·cla.sa stog! g~:J~dicines always John Tucke~ says; In the Farm Journp.J, 11 What of tha.t ?" a~ked the Tranavaaler. ma er e ore ecuuse e o w e u Y . - arr e at ~ ormby, Le.noa.shlre JAUNDlCJE. OF THE HEARt, that it does him good to hear people talk "Why, It ·shows our enermou~ power." Injure Gallagher, who, until tho time ef the Mr, Nerman, age ninety, t o a lady ef aixtee~ N. B . -Will visit Williamsb urg every ERY8JPELA8, ACIDITY OF about clever _and hogs. There Is no way a 11 I t rather shows something else, In my fight, was hie beat friend. The Sliter no· with a gsnteel fortune ; and at St, LawSatur day of each week. · 16-ly SALT RHEUM, THE STOIY1AOH. farmer oan 1mprov!I a field faster than by opinion," ,. What may that be 1" "It tificd the pellce, and Gallagher was arrest· renae'a R eading, Mrs. Matthews, widew, HEARTBORN, DRYNESS seeding It down and pa.st)lrlng hogs on i t - shows you a.re such a set of ra.scals that ed. He was ta.ken to the hospital by a aged seventy-four, to Mr. Allen, aged twen· Inorderto introduce our OF THE 8KIN. unleos It is to sow peas In a J.ot and th.en Prllvidenoe can't trust you In the dark!" polloema.n, and tho dying man repeated hie ty-two. · catalogue of e.ll kinda of HEADACHE, 11tatement. Gallagher said nethlng. Tur· August 9. -Two ladies were cenvloted be· Books, and agente";goods, we will send 100 And every species of dlseass arising fro~ let the hogs e~t them on the ground. A pmt di.ordered LIVER, K!DNEY$, STOMAOlt, of corn fed' to a hog every daJ fa a clover ley at firat ' bought nothing of his Injury, fore t he L ard Mayor of L ondon In the pen· favorite comic and sentimenQJ.l songs and bal· . SOWELS .,;f~ BLOOD, lads, a vast collection, for only JOc or 4 3o · pasture will ma.ke it fit fer killing before A rurtll correspondent writes us that and did not realize his da nger untll lnflam· alty of twenty-five dollar11 for w;arlng chin~ at.amps and this slip. A. W. [KINNEY, Yar~ gowns, mout.ti., N. s. Prop~=-- cold weather, Two quarts of 111lddllnge a . oly~a.rglnels effal." Well, sometimes It IP1 · ma.tion had 1et In, &lt Column one year ·.·.·.··....·.. · S6 Ol - " Ha.If year .............. 20 Ol ' " One quarter_ ......... 12 6t .Qaarter Colun..n one yeo.r ........... ~ 0 O~ ·· " He.l!yee.r ·....··..·· 12 60 One quarter ·.·....· . 8 ()() Ii .. lbtlines andunder,first Insertion_ io 5~ Kachsubsequentinsertion ...... 0 ~ - . ;ftom . a lxtoten lines,firstinse1ttion 0 7/J ... Bach subsequent insertion······ 0 ~ .::_10 DYer tenlines,firstinsertion,perline 0 l~ _ :Baoh subsequent insertion, " 0 Oi! _ The·nuD11:ier of lines to be reckoned by lie apace ocoupled,.mea.sured by a scale o Dlid Nonpareil. . ~!i: M gle&ming sheaves of golden hue ADVISE TO MOTHERS.- Are you '1i11· 'Mid the r .iapen move in line; turbed at night and broken of your rest 'C'heir clean cut track leads winding throug~i glades o',erarcbed by cloudle118 blue, by a sick child suffering and crying with Bright And v11.les where, waters shine. pain of Cutting Teeth ? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's The restless olbik of fiashfng steel Resounds in accents bold; Soothing Syrup." For children teething, hearts a. tender plty feel · its value is incalculable. It will relieve Our For plBnt-lives cru·hed 'neath ruthless heel, '.l'o go.in tho wealth they 'hold. ,t he poor little. sufferer immediately. De- , pend upon it, mothers ; there is no nodding block or yellow grain mistake about it. It cures Dysentery TheIe olowly chiselled round; and Diarrhrea, regulates the Stomach a nd Rebind thr toilers tit&nde a tre.in Of amber towers a stretching Ian!'! Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Between of stubble-groun<I, Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole sydtem. The throl'lbln~ hours of 11oonday heat Are Silent where brook-waves play; " Mr~. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for tossing ripples, sparkling Fweet, children teething is pleasant to the taste The Beem ofl"rings poured at Ceres' feetLibations crowned with spray. and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beat female physicians and nurses lsgu Ing afternoon is past, in the United Sta.tea, and is for sale by When Ami robin vespl!lrs rlni~. all druggists through the world. Price And nreamlng lwillgbt 1hlckens fa.gt, tho 11lraners homeward turn at le.st, 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for rhrough paths where dew·pearls cling. " MRs. WINsLow's SooTnINO SYRUl'." and take no other kind, Do they whose eyes brood hat·brims hide See nature'" bea.uteouB face; Or do thev thl11k of naught beside The email due e.t eventlae, As up t~eslope lhey pace I Messrs. McDOUGALL & METCALF beg to announce that they hav!'L THE INSANITY or G.BORGE III. received a large consignment of Sketch htJJ CJase by a Great Specialist. Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are Geerge III., who waa on the throne fe1 6fty·n"'1e year1, r.nd who died at the ripe prepared to fill all orders at LowEsT old age cf ha.d ne than five distinot attaoks of lnae.nlty. The first atta.ok 1howed ltlelf la after he had been on the PRICES. "We intend to keep on hand throne for five ye11.r11, when he wr.a only 27 years of age. From thla period until 181.0 ho .had relapses, amounting to five attaoka an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, ln all. He made, arparently, oemplete re ooveries from all tbeso except the last, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c . which eccurred ten yea.11 before he died. '.Ihese perlodlor.l attaok1 of lnaa.nity were · Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner of short duration, tbe avera¥e being mentha. The eymptoma of the first were studiously kt pt from the werld at large and Church and Division Streets. frem the members of hie fa.mlly and houaehold. Durl11g hla 1llne11 11even phy1iola.n1 mlnllitared hla wante. Pitt waa rather ' ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. utonlahed at having revealed to him some day wot up and fed to a hog, wintered over, in oonneotion with good pasture, will make It ready for the me.rkot In a.uttimn. In this aheap way the hoga may .be fitted ~or mar· ltet·ea.tly and the la.nd fit;ed for a geod crop .. f oorn the next year, 'The shut.up ayateJIJ af making pork ia mighty poor economy The begs will do a grer.t deal · for u1 lf w~ only give them a cha.nae, , , COAL · C ·O AL · --·- . 1£83 of Enallsh 82, 1766, ai:J to HEAL TH IS WEALTH: THE BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE CO. STRE~'f ~.. · B 300 of our Ce I e b rated Champion Plows I R AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER. L J BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., M I!'. H. ·.n_ A S 0 if, DENTISTR·Y . BRI ... ACO ... BE, Q rono pump Fact'ory· Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D. S.' Engines, 'Peerless· and 'Grain Saver· Separators, Watson's Deering Binders, Iron Clad _ M owers, Sulky Rakes, - Bain Wagons, Cultivators, Harrows, Seeders, Scu:ffiers, Single Sulky and Gang Plows, Honey Fanning Mills, Chaff, Cutters, Turnip Slicers, Root Pulpers, Hay Loaders, Crushers, Grinders, Tedders Forks, Warerooms--King St., Bowmanv1ue. Repairs for L. D: Sawyer and Noxon. FOR ALL! PUMPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOK PILLS rul ·c. ALL WORK GUARANTEED THE . OINTMENT! F. A. JONES, ENNIS.KILLEN, o.t R. FERG USON. r I Operations & Dentistry 1 SONGS f, IJLBURN l &O·· '

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