I am Greeted Every 'nay IENTRANCE AND TEACHERS' ·th . l. .EXAMlNATIONS. . Wl . _ · COMMENCING TEHS Wii:EK J ohn Hibberton, of "He leu 's Babies" fame, gives a short piece nf .intnhiograph · -WITHical advice to ·~ spirin~ s tnry-writers iu HARr1m's fnr August, with this sug·~estive A general complaint exist s regarding title,- " The J> . enalties of Authnrship:" "My, what lovd.r patterns you have in the difficulty and unsuitability of the " The Mystery of Matfo··," " The Wall Paper, and how cheap, too. You papers at the late cxamincttions. A want P hilosophy of Ignonnce," hy J. Allanson, have the best selection I have eeen." of clearness in th e questions is particu- Picton. The r elations betwet>n sci~!lce and religion is admirably i llu strated in ~ --- o--larly manifest. The papers on grammer, these two verv remarkable «ssays. S. Just so, that is my ir.tention. orthography and history were especially F 1 ' t zg er aId · pnbli ~her' 393 Pearl St· ' New W offer an eiirh t rib P arasol for objectionable, and the principle of taking York. Post fo~r, 15 cents. · e ~ TUE NE"7 . .~S'I', off two marks for every misspelt word, no The ~ew York Fashion B azar for Ao1t,. twenty cents, ·reE PHE'r'l'I ES'I'. matter how difficult or uncommon it may is a very at1ract i,·e number. Various An extra l arge eight i·ib Black Parbe, is not defensible. In the history designs for fas hi""~ are givt'ln, also the asol for l 1>rty C«n . t s. "f I d h.ted not<·s and ideas .on fancy wor k. ·re r1 i·1"b . Blacl~ Zenella Pa1·as<>l ·~or an'l at the 1·i;;·1tt 1n-ice. papers, it appears t h at little, i :my, lee The Literary department is . full nnd 1' was paid to the limitations, in that sub- varied, cont am in!! st voraJ "ery interesting s i x ty cents. ject, laid down by the educat!on depart- ser ial stories. Mn~i c, receins, house· B l a ck s atin lined Parasol selling ment. hold hints, fashion notes, &c.; complete f a very inte restine: m1mber. G t orJ.(e for seventy- ive cents. The grammar, literature, algebra and Munroe, 17 t" 27 Vand ewater Street, N. A beautiful large extra quality chemistry papers in the teachers' examin- Y. Price, $3 per year. · Satin Parasols for one seventyThe very fi n est qu11.lity of · ations have been criticized most scvrely I BRAINARD'S Musxc AL WORLD. -The five. and most justly, by many writers, euitors j July number o f this super ior journal is An e l egant gold rib Satin Parasol .,qual t o any 11hown in Toronto, at a p·ice a nd teachers, as b eina beyond the limits, I very attractive, coutaining m ·ny useful selling for two d o llars. ambiguous hypocritical foolish and land entertainioii; nr1 icles, hints,editori~ls, sur prisinl(ly low. . ' · ' · etc., besides the foll .. wing pieces of new Handsome lace trimmed Parasols u nJ ust, and no defence of them has yet music :-" Mother Wili. ·welcome Me suitable for wedding presents, at great reductions. in blue, beige, cream and cardinal Plai Gold, from appeared. The obj ect of the m en who Home," song and cl19rus, by Rodney from fifty cents anrl up. prepared them, would seem t o be, to show Stnart, "Weavini<." song, by Wellin JZS, Windcyr Blinds in linen, fancy. their sup:irior knowledge to pm:zl e anc "P>ick's bad boy Polka," by Mrs. L. H . Large Variety of Patterns . b "Id ti rd t ' tl t · Biiller, "Arabesqu e," by Kargn off. Send ew1 er le ca ll( 1 ~ es, ~ore um 0 see 15c. for a mmple copy. ::S11bscriptiou Pictures Framed lowest rates. what t hey knew. The hst of worcls 011 $1.50 per year. S. Brairnmi's ::>ons, the or thography and history papers at Eur-lid Avenu e, Cleveland, 0. UELLt; VJJ,U~. ON'l " ., the entran ce examination were more FitANK R. STOCKTON 'R novelette, which Chartered and npened in 1857. Over 3.000 per' suitable for third class teachers, and U.e will begin in the August Century and run sons 170 st.ndents h.ive been in att.end .. nce : rntlnw: Hrlthh f:OI· literature papers for tlrn third class were through three nnm hers, is called " The enrolled 111.·t year, represr ~ht Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. uu1bla .. HnnUobn, ~lchl~~u·. Ne\v Ydrk. as difficult as that for the second class. Alesbine. " In the .July number of the 011t1lrio utul 4lut~ bcc; 111 diplomas and cer· tiflc11.tes aw ardtJ< l. iuoludinic Matrlcnlation, BowMANvILLE, FnrnAY, JuLY 23. One of the papers on algebra was simply Cwtur y t here will be printed an anecdo1 al Music. Fine A.rts.Com111erci11.l Rchmcc, ColleKi· ate end TeBcher·' Con£'ses. Fe.II Term begins outrageous- - three questions wer e, it is sketch of M r. Stockton , entit.le<l . " The 8C(lfo 11.h, J88G. Iror &n11UH] Cate.loglle, etc., of "The J,ady, or 'l'he Tiger 1 ' " Author DANGERS OF PROSPERITY. said, beyond the limits, and another, an by C . C. Buel, with pnrrraic. Theodore adurc~B lte v. \V. P. JJYEH. M. A., Pros. equa tion, was not correct and thertifore ltooeevelt an d. Henry Cabot Lodg;i have could not be proved . Unsuitable q nes- written· two p'tpers on " Cross.Couutry From all parts of the country comes tions have been given before this, but Hiding in America,"' which will appear FOR .YOU.NG LADIES. the r eport that b usiness is reviving. never has th ere been such a universa1 als o in the July Cclltu ry, with numerous Indeed , the past form of speech shonld Prceident-The L'o nn BIHHOP uf 'l'OUQNTO. complaint. This condition of affairs is a illustrations. · be adopted. Trade has re\"ived. It is 'l' he School will H.i<:-OPEN on 'l'UIJ:8DAY. In th e issue of the A1 kiln saw Trnvcl.,r very serions one to teachers, pupils, and ~eptember. R c.1 a 1(1c n ; to arrive the vreviuus not like the stirr ing and busy activity of dated J uly 31st , will. 1q)pea~ I h e oponing 8th day. · parents. The failure to pass an examinApplication ' " ")' ho made t.n th1>, J,,.dy Prin· chapter of a new serial story hy Opie P. a; few yea.re ago. Times have changed. ation often entails bitter nisappointment, Rea.d, entitled ·'The B11.ck L og." The c1pal. Wyke h A" .· ll ull. C.1l lcgr " n1 u Prices are low and profits are small. ·-------·- - -- But the wheels have begun to move, and loss of time and money. Not for a work is a novel to which the author has devoted the spare timEi of se veul years and gradually the whole great machinery year can any candidate fo:t: a t eachers' and we think t llllt it wilt be ·r r onouucod certificate try a.gain, and many have spent WATERLOO, N. Y. of commerce and indtrntry will be in by all ..readers the strongest iu plot imd all their means. It is plain that every i u character, t.he most. finished in li te r il.ry s trong ·and rapid motion. It is not too much to say that never before were all precaution should be taken to prevent a constrnction, aud altogether the moat repetition of such examinations as have tascinating of au~· of Mr. Read's stories. classes of the community in better conbeen this year, even if some of the present ' 'The flack Lo~" ohar1~cters are dr,.wn Good ~ctive r tiliable meu as can vMsing dition to take advantage of t he proaperity from life and the development of th e examiners be dismi11sed. Liberal inducements to good plot wi11 slww that the noted writer who Agents, that has begun to return to us'. eays that "nothing new in i.lots c"" b" men. Apply at on ce t o Business will ta.ke care of itself from "The adshone Ministry h as formally con<·eh-ed," make11 a miotake. The this time forward unt·l the inevitable J . W . MACKIE,, Hack Log" will be a v1J.lu,.ble addition to reverse, which may not take place for resign ed office. Gen. Ml). lager. American fiction and will dou btless receive five, or t en, or twenty years, again overa 11earty welcowc everyw he re. BRANCH, S1'. Trro)!A· s ; ONT. CANADA takes u s. B ut can we take care of ourThe three Portland schooners seized by TUE PHRENOLOG!<JAL ; JOURNAL ANll selves ? The lessons of adversity are the Terror,ha.ve been fined $400 each. SCJENC}; oF ·HEALl'H for July has for i·s lngictd " hlader" a bingraphi c&l 1md phren·> severe, but its teaching is whol esome. E. E . Shephard, p roprietor of the Tor- .s ketch of Prof. Jamet1 B. R ichards, M.A. How about prosperity? Your attentio n is d irocted 1.0 the immense and disastrous onto N e ws, will be the Reform candidate The portrait i s of un11sual excellence and stook of In t h ese laat anxious chara cter:' sketch rlllist take r/\nk as in W est York, in t he next Dominion the one of the best of Prof. Siz~r'11 iu~tructive yearn, we have been ta.nght the lesson of ~lccti~m. : contributious to th e fast -growing literaOne Door West of ~Post Office, Bowmanville. economy. Hr~11e we leitr ned it. 1 How ~.. . ;......~-~~~~ ture which looks to the gei1er~ol wea.I of long will it take to unlearn it ? of every description at Tho attend~ nc e ai th e Colonial E xhibi- mankiud. "Dublin, )relancl, " i3 flu ely Mankind as a whole learns some thing illustrated. "Latter D ...y Pilgrim ages to .from experience, but th er e is one thing t.ion . continues . unexpect edly large , :i.ud Mecca," " The use. of Phrouology in that is never learned:· Presen t comfort the, Canadian. dapartment is, it is. admitted Business," "Som e Floral G ossip, " are brief yet condenrnd information. " P tlo- She has just opened ou t one of the largest and pleasure h 1 wo always b een ind~lged on aU ~i..t ..s,. the lea dii;g· att~action . and most stylish stocks ever brought ple of an old Massachusetts Town" is to town, consisting of : in at t h e expense of tho future. and prob-\ written by one who knows w heroof t1he n.bly it will always be so. One gen eration The On tari o College of Physicians and write~, and the sweot face o f Mra. E !izalll i i Ii n c 1· y, J) re s s Silks, s catters the wealth which has l;ieen Surgeons admit that the n u mber entering beth T aylor Ame~, t.lrnt illustrate~ it., will Velvet!!!, &c., the reader~ of the article. $2.00 d elight acquired throuah t oilsome indus try ·by the vrofe11sion is i u excess of the requirewith a very fine stock ()f Feathers an<i the gcueratlo11 t hat wont before. ments of t he country. This apparentely per year ; 20c. per numher. Fowler & Flowers. for everything in would apply to almost all other profes- Wells Oo., Publishers, 753 Broadwii.y-, N. Y. . So, too, t1111. habit of gratifying ex travCall and inspect this fine display, which sions. cannot fail t o gi ve satisfaction . B urlington Hawkeye gives the following a.!.rnnt or lmrnrioas tastes, although it may bit of good advice to young men, which, be laid aside when dire necessi 'y forcr ~ Mr. Gladstone i s r eported ha s h aving by th e by, we think eqnally as applicable one to that c ·U · s e , r evives again as soon said tha r, " if he listened lo the warnin g of to the young women also :- " Get away as the m oa.na of indnlgence are once age h e would retire from public life, but from the crowd k little while every day, more in hand. What have the people thinks he would be committing a guilty my boy. Stand to one side and let the l earned by the t errib le 1)r essure of the action in thus abandoning the fie ld after world run by, while you get acquainted with yourself, and see what kind of a past Jivo year& 7 'l'o enjoy simplicity of raising so much ire and inspiring so many Their C hina Hall contains the Largest A ssortment of fellow you are. Ask your11elf hard quesTHE STEAMER life 1 "T o eeono·' ize from a love of th rift! hopes if he did not seek to appease the tiom about yourself. Fmd out all you To save 111· ·l'l ev for a futur e rainy day 1 one and satisfy the other s." can about you rself. Ascertain from (G. CltA.\V F ORD, Master.) original sou roes if you arereally the manner B y no means. I LL M AKE II ER REGU LAR of man people say you are ; find out if They harn merely done what they wer e 'l'l:l.IPS on tbis route, leav10g Cobouri;r The ne w British P arliament, it is an · you are always honest ; if you always t ell every morning at 7:30. and Port II011e at 9 forc ed to do. 'I hey were unable to do no. u nced , will m eet early in A ugust. the square, perfect truth in . business o'clock, on arrival ot Grand Trunk R ailway to b e found in the district. otherwise wi1hoat v·olating the laws of Trains from the east and west. connecting at Thus the people of Great Brit ain and d eals ; if your life is as good and uprigh t trocboster with the New York Centt"al. North· at 11 o'clock at night as at n oon ; if, in Rrn Central, and Erie Railway· and the Lake s trict prnd e11 ce and simple honesty. If Ireland are calle.i upon, .for the second short, you · r eally arc the sort of young entario Di¥islon or. the R ome. Watertown and they h ad sp· n t n1nre, \ hey would h ave time within a ytlar, to choose the ir repre- m an your father h opes you a.re, your Ogdensburg Railway for all points ea8t, west eaten up th~ ir c3pit al, or made way with south. sentatives and to give their j.udgem ent mother ·says you are, your sweethear t and RETUUNING-Wlll leave Charlotte (port or the property o f oth ers . on vital 11ue~tio ns of the d & y . Only twice belie ves you are. Get on intirmto t erms Rochester) daily at 9:50 o'clock, p.ro.. except with yourself, my boy, and, believe me, Saturday when she will leave a t 3 p . m., for P e1ha.ps our words will fall upo n deaf during the present century - 1806 and every time you come out of these pr ivate Port Hope direct. ears. P us -ibly b efore ther e is an opporDealers in stock will fln d thls the cheavest 1831- has a House of Commons had so interviews, you will be a stronger, better a.1ul most exped1tlot1s route to Oawego; Bos tan, tunity to h eed O\' r counsel the advise and purer man. Don't forget this, and Albany, Ntlw York, etc. brief ll n existence. itself will lrnve b~en forgott en. B nt we BOWMANVILLE. it will do you !{OOd. For fnrth~r information apply to K IJ:N~EU KING STREET, & CU·, Bowmanville, or G. CRAvVFORD, must not let these first months of r eturnPort Hope, or C. h, , GILDEHSLEEVE, Kin11;· A Good Life Insurance Co. ing prosperii.y ~·J hy without a word of 21·t t ston. warning. . 'l'he time ifl co111 \r 1 c' when ·stron g res0l uThe Mutual R elief Somety of R ochest er i t ion will he 1 ·<11ui n ·d to withstand the N. Y ., which h as a good membership in l · . · t th d · f t . u t Ilo wman ville , h as pa= d in. death claims 8tcntly Employmc11t to goo·· m en. teu ency 0 r ., 1 'li"'"' JU. 0 e ex rava.,,an from 1870 to March 1st , 1886, .seven hunNon e n eed be i 1Ue . 1 ·ways that wo 'l'e pa.1 t iy t h e cause of the · dreu a nd ninety-se ven thousand d ollars. Previous experience not essential. We pay The First of the Ladi~s· Colleges. Has grfld· <>r eat disaster from which we are just This :Society has now over ele ven thous- either salaries or commission. 100 smart men uated over 200 in t.be full course. Has ed u"' . . d b · d d h" wanted at once to c,.nvnsd for the sale of cated over 2,000. F Ltlf faculties in LiterBt.nre, un ?r t 1rte_en Canwlian Grown Nursery Stock. b egmnin g t.o re~o1·er, and wluch made an m em ~rs, m surc LanguaJ{eS, Science and Ar t. 'l 'he J, argest College Building in tho Dominion. Will open the evil al l the h arder to bear. Let all thousand, five !1undred and ~unety ~e~tifiSept. 1, 1886, Address the Principal. . cat,es, aggregatm g twenty-nine m illions, . A. JUJUNS, D, D. , J,l ,, D. who can do so re lSt th at tendency. fo nr hundred and seventy t housand d olJ,nr:;c st tn <:nniullL- Over ( 00 _ bres. Necessit y has sho wn t ha t th er e are a lars i n force. Don't apply unless yon can fnrnlsh fi rst-class ADYEllTJStms.- Lowcst Ra.tea for ndThe Mutual R elief Society has mor e rererenoes and want to work. No room !or t housand thin~'S wh ich us ed t o seem to vertising in 101111 :;0011 newspawirs sent frM . h:o.P.UOWELI. & Co.,Spruce St ..N.Y. · · 1 ' ' · "th 11· h than doubled its assets in the last year laz:i- men, but can employ any number of encr- Address C be esseutm t o our aappiness, w1 w ic d . I' F d . . . ii;et1c men who w1tnt wol'k. Ad dress. . . h , an its "eserve u n 1s m cr easm g over a s ·r oNE & WELLIN'r..1'0 N, w e can dispense wi tho ut muc effort. L et thousand dollars ever y m on th. j ·Nurserymen, 1 30 u s contfoue to <lo withou t them. Let u s The average mortu~rycost-all ages (18 'fllRONTo, Ont. r emember th a,t a penny saved is a p enny to 54) included - has been only $ 8.25 per earned. annum for each $ 1,000 of ins urance. The warning is all that it is useful t o E ach member is a ssessed according t o age and the younger m ember pays only one V aluable Premium Given Free with Canada's P 0pula r u tter . Argumen t is n ot needed. For half as much as the old er m ember. W eekly. everybody will he ready t o admit that Every member can comfort himself economy, 1hat is, true economy, and not with the fact that the cost in the Mutual THE VVESTERN ADVERrlB l~R, of J,ondon, bas parsimony, is a usefu l and praiseworthy R el ief Society for the vast amount of in· ,i ust made another important step in adY1.rnce. It now appears regularly in twelve page form, .trnit of charact~r. Whoever d oes not surance a ffo1·ded by i t fr om September , fmd in addition to all its well-known popular 187!), to l\farch 1st, 1886, if compared teatures gives in each issuti Sam Jones Sertt d.mit it on tlu1 bare st at0men t coulc l no t with t he cost for the same amount of pro- mons,tholnterrntional Sabbath ScboolSessons, Pe.la.ca Steamers. Low Ratea '.l'our Trip· p er Wook Bet ween b e convinced by auy amount of r easoning . tection under the old line rat es, sho ws a a Complete Story, etc .. em. l tis v astly im· in every respect. ]'or BA.J, A.NCE OF positive saving to its m embers of two mil- proved DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND YEAR the price is only 50c., or in clubs of lion s, fo ur hund red and fo ur thousand, five and over 40c. each. Postage stamps e.c· St. I'Q:;!d~b ~l~~~:H1!.~~~vill·. 9ct!'noJ~~1!,~h St. Clair, Oaklnnd. B o u so, M ari.De City six hundred and seven ty d ollars. M. A. cepted. for fractional partsof a dollar. Samples Consu mption can b e Cured. tree, ll:very W eek Day lle·ween J AMEs,Secretary of Local B oar d. «Each subscriber w ill be entitled. without Not by "ny B "oret remedy, but by proaddltione.l cost, to one of the following premDETROIT AND CLEVELAND imns. which should be ordered as par number, per, h ealt hfu l exer cise· and the judicio us Bpeel·l Bunday Tr~:;ia durlng July 11.114 All&Ult. v iz.: use of Sco ~t's E mulsion of Cod Liver Oil Call at T ait & Morrison 's t o see M rs . · 1. Portrait Gallery. 3. Chase's Recipes. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHl.£TS and H y pophosph it ea, oontai ning the heal- Clarke's Cookery Book. 2. Home and Health. 4. La.dies' F&.ncy Work Rates and Exaurelon T ickets will be furnlall.ed. b7 your Ticke t Aiien t, oradd r en11 . Guide. ing and st rengt h-givi ng virtues of these 1 td'f' Registered letters come at our rlek. C. D. WH ITCO MB, Gen 'l Pass. Agent, Barbed, ribbon, plain and ann ealed t wo yaJu ~bl e ~pP,cific es in thei r fu llest Address plainlyDetroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co· .ADV EH'l 'ISER PRTN'l 'ING CO.. fo rm. Prescriu1::d uni n irsally by Physic- wire a fu ll st;ick at bed rock prices at S. DET ROIT . MICH. L ONDON, 0 NTAIUO, dsall's. S . E ians. Take no othe r. I VARIETY HALL - i s the place to get- PARASOLS I CROQUET SETS, I L DONT FAIL TO SEE MY PATTERNS HAMMOCKS, EXPRESS WACONS, CHILDREN'S CARRIACES, PICTURES FRAMED, . AND WALL PAPER at Bottom Prices. Gold Embossed Papers :Jae. Silver Plated Ware! NOVELTIES IN Come in and see for yourselves. a· ROBERTSON & BOND. FANS. P. TREBILCOCK. (!J)nnadhtn Jtnttt'mnn. ALBERT COLLEGE, K:EN""N""ER & CO .. Room - THE BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL To make room for our ·we shall sell.- FALL IMPORTATIONS 0 · Maple GroveN u1,series WANTED. DURING JULY&AUCUST A.LL SUMMER GOODS at Greatly Reduced Prices. PARA~C!Lt~ ========:==== LADi l:: S, Will be sold at cost, and several lines of Dr·ess Goods at and unde:r cost price. MILLINERY COUGH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, ... ., - G O TO- = MURDOCH- BROTHERS G-:R. C> C :E :R. I :ES. Daily Line to Rochester. Staple and Fan cy iikt@:g NOR SEMAN W (CHINA, GROGKEii~~iPSiiliSsii~E) for all kinds of Farm Produce, Butter, Eggs, &c. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES VICTORIA BUILDINGS, AGENTS WANTED. l I The Fonth1'll Nurser1 ' es' NEWEST AND NUBBIEST iN rro NQW'S THE TIME I srTO Summer Tours. a Dress Goods, Prints, Gingha ms, Printed 1VIuslins, Printed Canvas Cloth, P arasols, &c., &c. MACKINAC. 1Cloths and T-w-eeds Gent's Furnishings. notice by the A 1 Tailor. ' Suits made to order on shortest J. McMURTRY.