Shaw & Tole's is the place to get a McShaw & Tol0'a is the place to get binder twine. , ' ' Laughlin Buggy. . The rain last week was just what was Mis~ Gurdon, of Guel ph, is visiting at needed to h elp the crops t o fill. Col. Cuuitt's. Buy 3 lbs. of L i-Quor Tea at Levi MorTucke~'s Soverign Balm for sale at i·i11' and get a $1.00 book free. Stott & Jury's. Mr. Jos. Ru ebottom has gone on a trip The general crop reports frnm the --·FOR-PURE to San(bsky, Ohio. · Lower provinces are .encouraging. and undiluted A good tweed or serge suit, . ·any size, Miss M . Gibson, of. Clarke, is visiting full stren!lth. $5,00 at T. Geo.Mason's, Star House. 1.1.t Mrs. H. Jonees'. Full line. of nrtists materials-tubes, Only 40 cents for STATESMAN. to new brushes, pallettes, etc. 1 at S. S. Edsall's. subscribers to end of 1886. WHOLESOME Mrs. R. Easton, of Lindsay, has been Mr. Jno. B. Slernon, of \Vashington, Puritiea the b lood, D. C., gave us ti friendly call on Monday. on a visit to 0Id·fri0nds here. and aids digestion; Prof. Wiggins predicts a big storm Ly bster shirtings .tre the best, a fuli between the 26th and 30th of September range, only at the Star H ouse . next. R osary B eade,d Trimming for dresses at REFRESHING· Sam Jones mys anarchists and com- Couch Johnston & Cryderma.n's. Tones up the system; munists cannot be made without poor Dry goods will be cheap for J uly ana whiskey. August. Read Star House advt. Mr. and Mrs.R. R . L uscombe have reThe Toronto Dailies are filled wilh letters criticising the papers set the turned from th'e ir trip to Detroit. FRUITY Mr. E. Wescott, of the Globe staff, and rich in flavor, late examinations. T0ronto's expenditure for the yf;lat· 'l.'oronto, called on us last \Vednesday. amounts t o $1,607,518, an increase over D r. Potter, OfEce and R esidence in last year of $ 203,000. Prower's Block, King-st. , Bowmanville. COOLING . FARllIERs.-Take your wool to .John Full lines of artists' materials- tubes, J·nst the diink for warm weather. Lyle and get the highest market price. brushes, pallettes, etc., at S. S. Edsall's. Don't sell till you see him. Mrs. \V. Murdoch and Miss Murdoch, L. Geo. Quick has a new machin.e for of P ort Arthur, are visiting at Mrs. [11,ordering, specitiy Do~IINICA, and d<>n't making evetroughs that wont leak. It H olland's be put off with any imitations. makes the length six feet long. LosT.-A beautiful singingcanarY, bi.rd. Ladies, it will be to your ad vantage to A nyone returning it to L . A . Tole's will BEFINED EXPRESSLY FOR inspect our 111illinery before making your be rewar(led. purchases. R obertson & Bond. Have you seen Red Ridinghood, Blue BOATS TO HIHE.--Twogood boats to hire. B ells and Tiuy a . Broom in H enry's win1\l.l"C> ['.7TFt.:i1i!l.A.:Le. Apply to Geo. H. Buxton :\t the 01·gan dow on King St. For sale by STOTT & JURY. Factory, or nt his residence King-st. East. Mr. T. F. James retur11ed home from A liberal discount to t.he trade. No FAUMERs,- McClellanf& Co. have now Ghe (Jld Country last week, looking somecharge for ca~es . on hand a large quantity of 8alt and what benefitt.ed by the trip. Plasteraud for sale ju quantities to suit 4 pieces hne new worsted coatings, beaupurchasers. tifully finished goods. Gentlemen, if you ·A bright little love st ory, by Mrs. want a suit, see them a t T . Geo . Mason's, Lucy C. Lillie, enlivens the August Star House. HARl'RR'8, Its title is "De Barbadoesa's W , H. May ha~ just r eceived lL lot THE UEST Little Hour." of Binder whips. Ten feet long, only Quite a number from h ere took in the $1. 25 each. Call and get one before they Oshawa Forester's excursion to Niagara are ~ ll sold. Falls on Tuesday an d report having had Rev. W. G. Aston, late of Trinity an enjoyable trip. College, Toronto, wiH preach inSt.Jolm's HonsEs WANTED.- I want to buy a lot church on Sunday next, 25th inst. of large, heavy h ors es; also fillies from Morning and evening. one to fo11r ye ars old. Address, it'£EPHEN Just to hand to -day,at Couch Johnston COTTON, B .. wmanville. .. . . .. & Cryderman's a lovely assortment of A base ball match played h ere on Tues- plain and braided jerseys. The best in the market is manufactured by day afternoon betweeu ;Lindsay ancl Dow- value they have ever shown. manville clubs, resulted in a victory for Harvest prospects in l\ianitoha are .the visitors, by a score of 14 to 11. and 1 brilliant. Tho yield will prob ~1bly be a innings t o spare little under the averai;:e, but t h e quality PRICE If we would unly give ourselves h alf an will far exceed anything in recent years. hour's serious reflection at the close of L osT.- About three weeks ago between every clay, we would every week preach Jos.'s and .Jesse .Trull's, a gen·to ourselves seven of the best sermons tleman's rubber coat. Anyone finding that could bl!, uttered. same will kindly return t o Shaw & Tole's. - Thia Po wder isAn excursion to Grimsby Park under A very pleasant time wn.s spent at auspices of Whitby Methodist 'l'aber · . " E rpingham " on Wednesday afternoon WARRANTED PURE ! the nacle Sun<'lay Scho{)l Ins been arranged by the cloildren of Queen-s t Methodist equal in quality to any in the market f.,r Aug. ·5th, by Steamer " Hastings " Sabbath School, it being th eir annual and as we have no travelhrs bills and F are from Bowman ville and return $1 .25, picnic. agents commiasiona to pay we can sell the children under 12 years, half fare . 'l'ickI t . has been well said thab ever Powder one-th ird less than regular prices. et3 and all information to be had from R. sank under the btmae n of the day. 1t is B. Andrews, Big 20. when t o-morrow's burden is added to the STOTT & :.JURY. The Eagle steam Washedor which J . burden of to-day that the weight is more N . K ivell is the general agent in this clis- t lrnn men can bear. tric. t may be seen at Cawker and Allin's Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tilley and family, store, Bowman ville. Over 120 have been Mrs. Northcote and family, Miss Gertie. sold aro und h ere since Novem ber. A and Nellie J oness, M e~srs . H. and A.' large con·igmnent has b een receiyed from Brittain a nd W. and F. Jooess areenj oyBowMANVILLE, FRID. H , J U L Y 23. the manllfactuer and all orders will be an ·outing at Scugog lake this week; ' ·: 1 prom:ptly filled. 'l'heJ E agle is dccidely The unusual sound of the· fire bell wM the b est washing machine on Earth heard yesterday morning. and for a few We call aLtention to Couch, Johnston momen1 s caus"d considerii,ble excitement. & Crydcrman's new ad. in this issue. The fire was in L. Morria' Plaining Hose, hose, hose, \Vest End Hou11e. This firm hare always made it a rule t o Factory, but was put out before much To S:nvEsnm BR0T11E1is . What about a Civic Holiday ? The Light Binde1 · I bought of your agent . · T. D. Armstrong, has given good satisfaction. I went t o the 11tation, bronght clear o ut their stock at t he end of each Ladies go to the W .ist End House for season, and they are determined tha~ thi.s damage was done. it home, set it up myself, a .. d my neighbor , Mr. Kel ly, having a piece of barley ready, I went d o wn and cut it, doing it as In the Wimbledon matches our towns Hosiery. . easy as a ny single reaper. Some of ~his was shor t·, some heavy and t angled. I defy any far rner in the to wnship to \lo t he season shall be no exception. They have The population of Toronto is said to be already boughL a large amount of goodi man, Mr. W. S. R ussell, has again dis· same wit h any oi her ,binder, N one of Mr . Sylvester 's agents came near to help set i t up or start it going. It is so. &imple thn.1; ll2,000. in England for the fall and winter trade, tingnished himself, having won £10 and a little boy C>tn r un it. I r ecommenrl it to he the b est machine 1 have evei· seen, and would say to all intending purchasers. NEw, N Ew-black and colored braided and to make room for them, will sell all a badge in the final s tage of Q ueen's to buy 11 0 oth er than aSylvf"s tcr Light Binder, be lieving .it to be the best, simplest, most dur able and lightest to draw of any kinds of isnmmer goods at prices which prize contest ; also £10 in the contest for I have ye t see n. j0r~eys a t tile Sb1r House. Prince of Wales' prize. · J OHN MORRIS. Several par ies in t own are getting in must command a ready sale. Mr. W. H. Floyd , town clerk of Co"" -·-.-------------------------------=--~~ -.-._--,....-·------··.::::-.~~-=--~~.,, their supply of coal. P URE TEA.! Pu1rn L ITERATURE!!- The bourg, d ied suddenly on Sunday last from \VU.LUJll °\l' IGllT. KE.RP oooL- your ch oice of 10 doz fine T o whom it may concern: this is to cer- Li-Quor 'l'ea C0, is the largest and beet the effects of cramps, taken while in Building AUCTIONEER fnr the tify,. that R obert&on & Bond are ·selling Packet Tea Co. in the 'l\ Orld . A hand- bathing the day previous. He was bur·· straw hats at 50c. See Star H ouse advt. L ICENSED County of Durham. All sales will receive eome vol ume given a.way with evory 31bs ried on W ednesday with ci v1l, military the cheapest goor111 in town. Mr Jno. McDougallhas been appointed prompt attention. Address:- TyroneP. o. SOME of the most valuable and eligible ·1·ir · tl 1 f tl 1 t p t · ~8 :11m m tho 'l'own of Bowmanvi11c. 'l'erms ea.av. B The Misses Lang, of Lindsay, are visit- of this c .-1~ brated tea. It is not necessa ry and masonic honors. . at I · lil le J> ace O . le a ~ e er l·'or particulars a.nd plans apply at the otl\ce t o purch ase the three pounds at one time; Coleman. . S IU. w .~ TOLE, H. Huss>,LL LOSCOMBE, ors at Mr. Robt. Armour'·. On 8unday last the P ort H ope M eth. $50 wa~ realized from Trinity Church L ICENSED AUCTIONEERS for the 1 McChmgs' Buildings, Dowmanville. Order Doors, Sash es, Blinds, Picket 9, a voucher is given away with every half congregation contribut ed over $100 and a pound. By drinkiug t lieLi-Quor Tea9, t.h social, held at the res.idence of Mr. J on. County of Durham . All salPs will receive Oth, 18811· 20·i:W e tc., at Morris' P laning Factory, Liberty prompt atr.entiou. Address :- Bowmanvillc, cons umer becomes a. partici,pator in the number of valuable books for Rev. Mr. skeet, R. H. Osborne, least:!e. Hall, of Vancouver, B . C. The R ev. Stephens on Friday evening last. Ont. advantag.,s which th1~ company posses ses Beyond a dL>ubt t he fruit crop will be over all competitors, for he gets a. better gentleman having lost almost everything If you want th e best val ue in lace cur- I DRS, Afol.,\ UGlltlN .~ UEITll. the lightest for many years. tei. a.t a lowt'r price th a.n can be. procnred by the late fire ther e. tains, at t he lowest prices, go to R obert- ; OFFICE:- Momus' BLOC K, BO.Wll!.1.NVILI.E. The members of the W. C. T. U. will son & Bond's, Beaver Block. Josiah Lick cut 17 acres in one day; elsewhere, and he shares in the ioestim· Dr.J. W.Mc LA uom.rn. J Dr. A. BE1rr.r. Gra.dulicentiate of the R\lyal ate of the Toronto . ·h e also cut and t. .und· 4 acres of peas able b enefits of a gigantic en terprise. meet in the Sons of T emperance N ew The Government Medals will be p re- College of Phys1 c1·.nsl . . . without any trouble, with a Light T oronto e~rly and get tJu, b ene fi t of our un- H all, overMurdoch Bro's. store, on Tues· sented to the Nort.h-west volunteers, in and member of the Umvers1ty, Physician , . · . l:toyal Colleq-e of Sur- Surgeon, &c. ;Binder. broken sto~k . Lgv1 MoRRIS, .A gent, <l<iy next at 3 p. m. Members will please the clnll shed, on Tuesday evening next. gc~~-~~dio~u_ r_ g_ h._ _ _ __·_ _ _ _ _ __ in mind that the reg ular meeting l 1.-tf Miss T. Kitch, of D etr ·it, is visiting at B onnaall's .Block. The u ndersigned will plly highest market .ll be held there every two· weeks. Mr. John Wesley'a , " Cedarcliff. " Har riage Notices, 50 cicnts; bll·U.s n··I SPECIAL ATTENTION should always be wi price in cash for Eggq ; a lso But ter suitFor 28 cents you can buy a Shaving d enuu, 25 c<\nt·. ' .i. R Bradley's Spring Pad for single give n to t he h air and scalp. There is Mug and Brush , or a fl air B:vush and ==-======--===== ==-=-=-=-.::-=-=-=-= able fo r Toronto Market. =.and doub :e h arness gives entire satisfact- nothing nicel' than a good h ead of hair . W. BRITTAIN & Co., Market Square. Mirror, or a Puff and Toilet Box, or a BIRTHS. ltlR. CIU.llLES ().Hl"rJIORN°E C Ull'Jm, .ion . No horse will have a sore back Jn cnse of baldness wh en the roots are . W. C. WELLS, King Street. KNAI'P- In Cartwright, on the lGth inst., t he or'l'anisL of St. Peter'8, Cor,our'(. late or Engnot all . irone, Dr. Doren wend's Great good Hair Brush and Comb, or six good where they are used Mr. Daniel Knapp, o( a son . wi e of Combs, or a goocl Hair Brush and a Cake land, teache r of Pia not Oq.~an, Sing ing a.nd N. B.- One cent per lb. and per doz. The atte:adance at the Knights of German Hair Magic, will prod uce a of S oap. Call anc ' VOTTONNear Enfield, on tl1 e 18th inst., the Theory. Pupils desiring lesso n~ can leave thei r more for But.ter and E ggs will be paid if l see the 28c. bargain wire of Mr. °\Ym. Wotton, of n daughter. Pythias demonstration, m Toronto, hst lu xuriant gl'owth of hair ; it will re~to re at Sto tt & Jury's M edical Hall. name and obtain terms. a t Mr. Trebilcock's 23·tf Store. taken i n trade at W. 0. WELLS ' A 1. week, including visitors, number ed from all grey and faded hair to its original MARRIED. Now is the time to have your family color and vigor ; it stops all foiling out Gr ocery Store, King-st., Bo 1vmi~nville. 15,000 to 20,000. S. W. RUSE. of the and removes all t races of dan- groups and your babies and children OSTRO>t- McCuLr.ouan- In Main St., Meth29-l m. Just r eceived at the West End House druff. A little of this great preparation photographed while the light is strong odist Church Picton. on July 21st hy the It ev. r l1E ACHE R OF ORGAN, . PIANO, from the famous mn.nufa'cturer E . A. used once in a while will keep t he S!lalp and warm a nd the little things haven' t R' 'Yalker, assist.ed b~· Ilov. W, .Toll iff!l, super· ..L VOICE an·l 'r HEORY. 'l'erms on itllpli· iotondent of Picton District., nod Ilev. S, Mc· cation at" Dia 20," .L evian & Co., a lot of h is n ewest and best in 11 h ealthy condition and make the hair to be so b undl ed up. H enry's gallery is Cauley, 28;l y Ilev. Henry E, F. O<trom, to Miss styfes in Gents' Ties. Mary E. 1\1cCullough. All of Picton. No soft, pliant beautiful. A.Dorenwend, just the place- n o stairs to climb- and Cards. Mr. Chas. Bice, a former resident of sole man ufacturer, Toronto. J . Higgin- certain to get pictures to please you. t his neigh borhood. but now a prominent b otham & Son, agents for Bowmanville. SOLID BRICK HOUSE, WITH - -- o--We are indebted to Mr. W . E, Tilley .lawyer, of Milwaukee, called on us last BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. l! ' rnme Kitchen , nine rooms, cell'!.r, hard The Lawn Social given by the l°.,adies' for a copy of the I nspecter 's Report on .Friday. and soft .water. with an acrn of land mostly in Aid Soci.,ty, of Church -st Met hodist the Public Schools inDurham inspectorate fmit:- apples, peara, plums, cherries, currants. M essrs. Shaw & Tole offers to present church, at Mr. .J. M. J oness', on Monday a nd Port H ope from .J une 30th 1884, to Corrected b y John Ly l ci, everyTltursdny, raspberries anct stra wberries. The pt:operty Among o ur many departments, a .binder to anyone whu will find a man evening, was very successful. s1t11atcd on Scugog Street, and will be sold M any July lst 188G. It is a very interesting FLOUR, '11" 100 tbs . . . .. ·... $2 10 to $2 60 iR at a very reasonable fi1rnre. Apply ...t the un the county who h as boug ht a M Msey from N ewcastle and the country wer e and va.lnable one and we would commend WnEAT, Fall ,~ bush . .. .. 0 70 11 0 75 STA1'EB Dress Goodg will have our special Jl(AN O FFICE. 17-4 w Binder and will not r ecommend it. present as well as a large number of. its careful perusal to trust ees, t eachers, · " Spring, " . .·... 0 70 11 0 75 The T oronto N ews issued a large double citizens, and the e"ening was one of en- and a~! .persons intereste~ in education. , BARLEY, 'l!l' bush . .. . ... . · 0 55 11 0 70 a ttention, and we purpose making ,summer number, containing profuse illus- j oyment and sociability to all. The r e- From it we learn tha t, wJule some Boards RYE, 11 · · · · · · · · · · 0 53 11 O 55 The subscriber will pay the highest cash .trations and r eplete with interesting freshm ents were served some what after of T,·ustces h ave made considerable im- OA:ps, 11 · · · · · · · · · 0 35 11 0 37 price for any quantity ,,r good Merchantable a great effo1·t to lead the t rade in reading matter. On Saturday last. the E uropean plan, " Ask for. what yo u provements, many school buildings are PEAS, Blackeye, 'lP' bush ... 0 80 11 0 SB Wool and 2c over that in trade. l>ont give away your wool when you can get a fair price ( H enry's window seems j ust now to be want, and pay for what you get," and it uns uitable, out of repair, ill furnished, 11 Small, " 0 55 11 O 60 in exc::ia111:e for BlankPtS. Sheeting, 'l'weeds, that branch of our entel'prise. etc .. Carpet auct Sock Yarn always on ·very attractive, h e has made some photo- seemed to work charmingly. Rasberries and ill ventilated. '" " Blue, 0 55 11 0 65 hand. With thanks for past favours and .g ra]:!h s of some of the principal acts as and cream, cake, tea, etc. , were to be fluTTER, best table, l?' lb. .. 0 12 11 0 14 solicitmg a cont111uan<>.e or the same. I am ';Ve will constantly have on hand given by our Union School teach ers and had in abundance, while th e demand for L A.HD, ~ lb ..... . .. ... . .. 0 10 " 0 1.3 youl' ollli ~in g-servant, D. 'f AYL Olt. Hampton 23 · 3m~ ,pupils at their lato concert in t he town ice cream almost exceeded the supply. Eaas, 'lP' doz . ... .. .... · .. 0 00 " 0 12 Woolen Mills. all the latest productions that the iha.11. As is usual with Henry, h e has Besides r efreshments, candies and flowers POTATOES, 'IP' bush .. ..·... 0 35 " 0 40 UCTl ON SALES.- As t he anctionwer e sold ; two tables having b een fitted .succeeded . eering season is again about upon us, I HAY .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. · · .. . 9 00 II 10 00 would t.ike this means of thanking the" farmers market affords in, German " If your local paper," writes an old up for the purpose, at which Miss of the 'l'ownsbips of Clarke, Manvers, Cartwright nnd Darlington ror what p'Ltronage they journalist n ow long out of the business, Brimacombe and Miss F lorance Tilley· N.ew ~ou.ertis.emrnt.s. have given mo in the past, and at the same and Eng li sh materials, t ogether "happens to tread on your toes a little in presided, dispensing th eir wares in a W e will pay the highes t time say I a.m still in the field a8 an auctioneer, performing its mission, don't get your back business like manner . Music, both voca,l OS 'r .- Between Bowman\·ille and and any sales you may fayour me with will my Yery best attention and charges with Buttons, Laces, u p and abuse the editor, but stop and and instr um en tal, singing, promenading, . Newcastle, a parcel containing cloth tor receive Fringes~ will be r easonable. All that employed indulged in until about eleven etc. , were price in Cash for any quanp111r pants Hev. Mr. Walker's name on parcel. me -· t~ke a good breath and t hink for a season , have expressed themselves as well satisfied. : f inder will be rewarded by lea Ying t h e same when the crowd began to disper se, o'clock, · and. s ee if you can't remembel' some of lt.'l:l . Where it is not convenient to see me per- Plushes, 1Lt lti.:v. R . WA L1rn:n's, Newcastle, or Coucu, Velvets, Silks, Satins,. arrangements can b e for sa.les JOHNSTON & C.RYD F.:RMAN's, Bowmanvllle. 29 sonally, 'the favors of k indness it h .<8 shown you i n each, we are sur e, made more happy by tity of Wool. with tJither or the }l ~ ditors in Ill)wmanville; the past. T hen r eflect t hat it may not the pleasant associations. S uch is the H. HUTCHINSON. and all Trimming:; to m'ltdh. 1£nniskillen, June 30th, 1886. 27tt b e long before you.may want some favor sunny sid.i of life, which make it n ot only enjoyable but sweet . ' WM. QUICK & CO. ra g-ain." to $8 a day, Samples a.nd duty F REE j AROIJSE T llE Lll'Elt w h e n ·nr1·ltl, with DANGEROUS F I Tll are often causcn by · 1,ines not uuder the hor ·e'sfeet, Write I 1BEST I NTllE .. WORLDCR BREWSTEH 'S SA\l'E~'Y · REIN" HOLDEH . ·worms. F.rcemnn's 'Worm Pow·lel' d estroys X11t10nnll'ills,n good antl-billous cnth :u ·llc , Co .. Holly, Mich. I s n g1U··co11t ed, '>Worms. - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ( «Get the Genuine, Sold Everywhere. DOMINICA l~ fRUIT· J~ BARGAINS JULY and AUGUST I . . We must make room for our immense· fall orders. Spring and Summer Goods must go ! ·10 doz. Mens' and Boys' Fine Straw Hats clearing at 50c. 15, 18 and 20 cent Ginghams and Sateens clearing at 12~c. Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Embroideries and Muslins, all at sacrifice prices. Lyman Sons & Co., BLACK AND COLORED BRAIDED JERSEYS. the best value we have yet shown. NEVV· · ' NE~ ' · -LADIES I -We are the only house showing a full range of L YBSTER SHIRTINGS. Don't be deceived, '\Ve have the right goods at right prices. Baking Powder CLOTHING TO ORDER MADE° BY W. PEAHOON, THE No. 1 CUTTER. (THE*HOUSE) T. GE 0. MASON. STOTT & JURY. Only 30 cts. a pound. Local and Otherwise. . Lots for Sale. ot 20'000 Eggs and 1,000lbs. Butter WANTED WEEKLY MUSIC. FOR SALE. DRESS CO ODS. A WOOL! WOOL!! -W-OOL! · A L FRAZER ·AXLE EASE $5 R 0BE HTS 0N & BO ND.