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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1886, p. 7

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, ;.,, ~sTANDA-RD Prince Denmark, hae D!lfttb Followb g a l!tlng ·in an .&1 m Bitten Deolltl\tions1; ·> ,; by a .Do&· Tea Monlh8 Before. ·tarted on a 1olentific expedition to the Ru11la.n Samovas ef bra~l.Pi>Jlipo1e l:mrt of coast of Greenland, FRIDAY, J U LY 23 , 1886. ltAlbers lli>blnaon, the 16· year-old ion of the neoeeeary lnrniture .of t.he· modern tea· Annie Pixley, the well known ·aotrui; Col. J ehn R Gbineon, . hae j 111t died at table, ·. . , · . will ·pend her Summer holiday· at her home W a.deabore of hydrophobia. lo Auguat MALL FARM F OR SALE.-- 30 Oruge tints are useful In many oa1e1_ .for In PortrSt1U1ley, Oat, la1t a atrange deg oame 1io hla house and at· · acres of land having t hereon good frame interior deooratlon, as they are warm and Aooordiug to a P arf11 vewapaper the Prln· taoked one of the yard dege. R obert went houso. barns, stables and other necessar y out· plea.eant. .. ceu P ignatellla 11 aervlng a· a . waltresa ~o the re~cue ·ef hie dog and wae bitten on buildings. young orchard or. 4 acres, well wat· tho arm by the atrange dog; whloh then r,_n ered and fenceu. Situated just outside the Oeral IB juat now In la.·ge demand for em· In a Vienna. ca.fe concert ll a.11. ·" · corvorationofBowmanville· W ill be sold very breide1y work,joomblned with madne plants, oft'. It a.ttaoked aeveul other doga while Mn. 'Gladbtllne, It IB reported, will tak~ running a.wa:; but was .finally killed; R ,. cheap for ca9h. Apply to M. A . J AMES, ~howiug delicate traoef f· . . . 9·tf, S TA..T ESMAN Office, Bowman ville. .a.n active pa.rt In the coming <lectiCJn cam· .bert'· family felU'ed the .reeulta of the blte, Revolving ftower·'~t a'ta~d. a.fferd a ready pail(n,_ ln adnilclng her husband's cauee. aB a.11 the evlden0t1 Indicated that the dog RICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR <Jiede of va.rylng eft'eot1 of group· ef pla.nts ·Com·· J', Hunt.lngton waa once a~ farmer's wa1 mad, bu'8o long a.. time elapsed withoul s . .U ;E I N BOWMANVILLE.-A very 1'1 parler er aittlng·rooms. boy In Connecticut. Now he ': Is worth evil con"quence1 that their fear· entirely com!ortalJle brick house, nearly oe'"· contain· . ·Carpets ahciuld never be sha.ken1 aa their $40,000,000, . He la 65 years eld, and haa t ea1e ·· l.ng 8 roo·ms, besides pantries, closllts and sum· weight lnollnes them to part, but be laid on A . pleaaant but rather bluff mann· r,. On Tue1day Iii.at, the' young man waa mer kitchen, excellent cellar. Hard and soft water: very good fruit gar den o~ t acre. Situa.t· " rope a.nd then. beaten at the back, · "It le wond~rful hew the lungs . weak~n atu11 g by a bee on .the arm bitten by the ed in the moat aristrocra.tic part of the town. knightly a.nd wooJ.land &Ollnea, Paatora.l, when men get Into the wltne11 box," re- dog. R .Jbert anffered great paln. On Sa.tW ill be sold on very reasonable terms, Apply to :\L A. J AMES, S T ATESMAN Office, ' 9-tf. . "nd .village feetlva.l tcibleabz, In Limogea, marked Judge Roae, of Toronto~ a da.y or urday ·mo~nlng, while enga.ged In oonverao.· ' tn·)' be blended tegetber ID mantel faolngs twe a~o, aa he exhorted a. witnelB to ipea.k. tloo with hie mother, she observed that " with ohArming eff11ct, Robert had fallen into a anango mood, up, Newly improved Verses & Motto al A' suitable oeler fer reooHBI holding mar· The E mpreH of Austria. has gene to laughing frequently outright and lmmoder· Chromo Cards, with name and a water c. ii packs, 5 pena, for 50c. ble atatua.ry is oerulean blue ; while one of Lake StranOerg, Bavaria.. She will after- ately wlthouli apparent oauae. He admitted pen for lO . Agents sample pa ck. outfit, and illus· Ule beat b11ckground1 for gold and green wards .vhit Ga.akin, where she will re- there wae nothing to laugh at, but that he. trated ca talogue of Novelties. for a 3c. stamp broliz~ ia Indian red. ma.In until the arrival of the E:npre1e of c iuld not help h. Hla fAther being Inform· and this slip. A. W.~RINNEY, Yarmout.h, ed of hla peculiar oondltlo11, and at the 111.me N. S. 9-6m a Japanese tea-tray of lacquered wood le Germany, tim11 dlaooverlng unu1ual nervou1ne111 lu oompcaed ef a 1ed8" ef dlvleiona,leaoh with James Creelman, a N11w. \ork reporter, the patient, 1ugge1ted. taking him to a phy' a. separate poicealn baae, with deelgn In geld h1u made several of the hlgheat baloon usician, but propo1ed flret to give Robert a · and ooler1, and with varied m~lded border. oenaions In the United States, haa travelled milk toddy to q11iet hh nerve1, The light For ploture fram1111, old braH elaborately 15,000 miles In a cuoe. and oan Interview of the liquid threw the young man into viodealgned 11 in muoh requeat. They are BB· a Ohinaman In the heathen'· ewn langua11e. lent oonvulden1, whloh continut!d until aevpeolally appreprlate te plotorlAl dealgna In Mrs. Ketchum of Brantford, Ont., last ' ral of the· pby1lolan1· of Wade1boro and the 111.me metal er In papier-mac:he. week WAI ohrhtoned into the W elf tribe of vicinity arrived, The moat powerful Whilst we preduo11 In tilOll eveey variety Indiana H "Neoakaletah," otherwl1e Prairie opiate· were admlni1tered, and even the pro· Are prepared t o pay th~ h ighest pricea of tint at will, the anclt!nt1 uaed enly two Rose. The cer11mony was an honorary one, fuee application of ohloroform failed to keep tints, red and white, empleylog brick clay, ·Mn. Ketchum being a 1peoial friend of him quiet long a.t a. time, Be foamed at the mouth, gnr.ahlng hll teeth In 1ihe effort '8 for all k inds of Grain d elivered at the with a tran1parent glue from pewdereil aome membera of the tribe. briok ere, Archibald .Forbes, whe wr.a ma.rried bite the attendants about the bedalde, In Wliarf or their Store House in t own. 1' la always well to give the 1ta.lrway wall recenlly to the daughter of General Mel~a bia Iuoid interval11 although brief, the poor 111 the several aterlea a different deooratlve of the United 8tates a.rmy, preaented b11 victim gave every evidence of lntelllgenct1, trea.tment ; alae to lntroduoe herlzonta.l bride e'eot with a. neckl&ee composed ef talking with tho1e around him of hl1 awful lllie1, as vtvlng greater breadth and 1tabl1"y twelve 11f the medal· given him by Eurepean condition, a.nd 1 reallzlng thAt he mu1t die, he expr«11ed a re1lgna.\lon to God'· will, prlnoea for deeds ef va.lor, of a.ppaarance, 1 ·Leopold Von Ranke, being once Invited and prayed that all ethers might be 1pared A novel hall hat-rack, ef 1lmple hard· OF CANADA. to lunch with the · King of the :ael- tho fate tha.1i had beta.lien hhn. <apltal pald up, 1111,000,000. Best, $:160,oea wood frame, 18 prevlded with protruding r.nd erect ova.Ill ef niokel·pla.ted wire, al a glan11 m1ode himself 10 agreeable 1ot table Thia Bank la prepared to do Legltf· ledgment for 1ilk ha.ta; an Inclined half that the party remained seated llatening Having Fun With a Snake, moon wire d11vloe afford· equal 1eourity for to hi1 talk till they were told to dro11 fer mate Banking in all its branch es. During the noon heur among the workmen dinner. Thi· ia regarded 1.1 the greate1t; feUhata. Farmers notes discounted; Deposits A· a recent lunch. parly the napkin At triumph on reoerd of geniu1 ever ceurt empleyed in Improvements aleng the rail· received and Interest paid on amounts of each roa.d we1t ef Sterlington, Ala., 1tatlen, ene was 1llpped Into gilded olo'1iea etiquette. 15 upwarde in Savings Ba nk D epartment: pllia Jpla.te the pin& w11re decorated with tluy Chief Gardener Watkins, of the~Hortlcul of the bo1111 n~tlced the other day shat a DRA.t"TS bunche11 ef fer11et-me-netl1 re1ebuds and tural Gt.rden1, Toronto, thlnkt there ls gang of ItallAne h·d fennel eeme amu1Bment Issued and Collections made in Europe other email fl.owen painted In oil, and were 1peolal virtue In rain water for plants, ln their 1hanty which kept them ID a cenretained by the gueets a1 aotwenirB , After a heavy 1hower whioh 1uooeeded a ·tant 1tate of hilarity for nearly .the en· United Sta.tea and Canada. prelonged drought laat week, be remarked &Ire hour. Ju1t befere i. was time to r e· A pre\ty, healthful and economical fini1h W.J. JONE~, fer ceilings and walls I· made of pulverized to a reporter : " Yen can uee ho1e and 1ume werk the bo1a wa.lk'e d to the shanty A gen 19apetone. n can be readily waahed, takes watering can until you are old and bent, to 11e what it was that excited the merria high, poll1h, 11 pearl gray in tint!, preaenta bnt you cannot do a1 much In a month ,.. ment ef '1ie Italians, He found three er the beat poalible surface for painting, either inch a show'!r oan do In ten mlnute1, It1 feur ef the laboren with 1tiok1 llfx or 1even in oil or.wator·oolor, aad will neither crack the pure quill, fre1h frem the hillaide1 ef lnohe1 Ieng In their hand1, One. of them th cloud1, and there bl mere plant feed In 1te1>ped to ene aide of the 1hanty, thru1t hie ner ohip. Hae received her now stock ot The sile facing of a marble mantel 1hew- a quaO of It than there la In a watering oart 1tlck quickly at something on the ground, and j11mped quickly back, at which she lng a oontlnueu1 plant; and fl.oral design, full of olty water. 1peotater1 laaghed hearUly. In dellcau hue1, en a white ground, pre· J, P. Jaffray and R. M. J aft'ray a.re twe The boll made hb wa.y thrcmgb the men· the novelty d bird· In brllllanti plum- Canadian brother· who publuh ·n Chloago a and invites the Ladies of Bow- 1enta age, and bright, gaudy ln1eota, rendered In weekly jeurnal called the Canadian Ameri· to 1ee what It wu at whloh the Italian thunf; hll etiok, and oame In eight ot It; u manville and vicinity to call relief In quartz gra.ln11 In metalllo oolor1, c:""· which not only publlahes a gr'lat deal one ef '1ie man had made a thru1t, and producing a ploture1quo effeoii. Tho Imper· of n11ws about Canadian· in all part· of the jumped bAok juet In time and far enough te and see her. Pattern ktlon bl from Germany, United Sta.tea, bat; alao oentAlne a. complete eacape the fang· CJf an enormou1 rattleanake, In a pint of 1plrlt1 of wine diHolve two epltoil:e of news frem all 1eotlon1 of the whioh 1pl'&Ilg at the ma.n and then quickly 1 euno111of1eed·lac, and two eunoea of white Canadian Domlnlou. Although living in 'he reoolled en the ground for another 1prlng u reeln, The principal UH ef thi1 polish 11 for United States, the Jaftra31 are veryenthu1l- another Italian adva.noed, and assortment ot the oarved part· of oablnet work, 1uoh u a1Uo Oanadlan1, and no Canadian newe· The 1nake'1 eyes glittered with rage, and 1tandard1, plllar1, olaw1, e'°, It 1hould be paper ta.kH a more hopeful view ef the it.I rattl.. filled the 1h.nty with the nolae of laid Qn warm, and if the work can al10 be future of Canada and the permanenoy of the It· vlbraHon1, · The beu sheuted to an ItawaJ"med at the time It will be atill better. Confederation than does the Oanadiaa Am· lian who wu advanolng for hi· Imm a1i the 8TO.BE :-8ece·d Door Welt of William· All mol1tiure and dampnee1 1heuld be oare- erican. 1port, and)ald a few words In Italian whioh Batcller sian · full7 excluded, ciaui1ed an lnatantaueoua olearing out ef Earthquakes and other Earth llovement.a the oabln, The Itallana had captured the 1Dake In Mme way while afl work, and, Ohoioe :Becipe" We are aoouate!lled to think of the earth Ignorant ef ltl deadly natnre, had dragged CBUMPB'rll.-One and ene·ha.U plnlil of aa 1ometh1Dg 111bd and fix~; and, u a it te their ahanty1 where for an honr they VETBRIN ARY SURGEON. !lour, ene-hAlf tea.1poonfal 1alt, one tea· tutlmonlal ef t;hbl lmpreulen, tho L·tln bud played with the rept;lle, eacipinz ltl 1poonful 1ugar, twe of baking powder, one phra11 tt1rrcijfrme1, firm land or 10l1d ground, f&nll· only by extraordinary 1ood fertune egg, nea.rly a pint of milk and oream mixed ha· been natu.r allzed In the language1 of The 1nake wu .killed. It wu nearly fiv~ all tegether ; bake In well but'8red hot gem nearly all clv1Uzed peoples, On the ether feet Ieng and ha.d a eplendld Mt ef rattle· Iron· ; aorve hot. hand, we 1pea.k of water aa un1table, But seventeen In number, Even after the anak: RIBBON CAKE. - I like thb recipe very the 1eelegloal h11tor7 of the earth and she wu de1od net one of tihe ltallan1 who hall much : One and one· half OUJll of 1ugar, one- more oareful ob~ervathn1 ef modern tlme1 1e fearle11ly tempted death while lgnerant half cup ef butter, ene·half our ef milk, have taugM u1 that th1110 ldeaa do not oor- ef the venomeu1 oharaoter ef the 1nake, 'hree 'gg1, one· half tea.·poonfu soda one reotly repreaent the qualltle1 of the land- weuld ge anywhere near It, and when they teaapeonful cream of tattar, two oupe fl.our, maa1111 and wa'8r·mA.ae1 of the globe aa had ecoa1len to ent;er their 1hant;y oroll8d Ba.kO half of thi1 In la.yen, Te the rtt- oempa.red with one another. The ancient themaelv81 and leU again u hutUy as they . · malnder add one-half cup molanee, one 1hore-m.ark1 en the oon"nents and the pben· oeuld, oup fl.owr, a little 1oda, and ·fruit and 1plce omena ef elevation a.ad 1ub1idenoe tha.t · . to ta1to. Bake thl1 In la~era and put the have been eb1erved la hl1terlo tfmu, oen- H whole together with jelly, ming fir1t a dark firming their eride11oe, ahoWI that the land e Would Argue With the HighwaJmen. tl.e and the ocean are oentlnually changing Mr. McRoberta, new editer of the Leeds layer, then a light one, the level r.1 one auotiher ; and ft; hall furt;her (EDgland) Mercury waa at one time a reCoBN ST.ARCH CREAM PIB,- 0.uo pint of been made evident, by experiment, a.1 well perter In San F ranol11ce. B e wu the meat milk 1calded, two table1poonful1 oor11 Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, 1taroh, three ta.ble1poonfula 1u11ar, yelk1 ef a· bv a p riori rea1oning, t hat It la not the a.rgumentatlve1 and, at the aame time, the Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary ocean that change1, , but the la.nd which oalme1t man that .ever 1truok the town, two egg1. Wet the st·roh with a little oold undergoe1 alternate movement· of elevation He would atop work at a fire to argae, Mr. Medical Association. milk, Beat the eg111 and augar until light, U Oftlce and Residence. Newtonville, Ont. and depre11lon, An earthquake ·hook 11 a M0Robert1 was on hi· way heme early eno Will visit Orono every Tuesday amt.Saturday and 1tlr the whole in the 1oalded milk. phenomenon well adapted to destroy the morning, when an American citizen 1nddenFlavor with two te'Mpoonfu11 lemeu, Line Office hours from 10 a. m., to 4 p, m., .. at faUh of any peraon who feela one In the fix- ly popped up with a piatel levelled at hill Coulters' Hotel, Calla by Telegraph receive a pie pla.te with pie oruat and bake, F ill edne11 of the earth ; and mah, by the evl· head, and Hid : : immediate attention. with the eream a.ad cover it with fre1tlng denoe, la the effect for the time on ·ll whe " Threw up yer hand1 I" CH.ARGES MODERATE. ma de of the whit,111 ef the tw9 eggs beaten exporienoe the1e ahooka, Even the light " Wh7 ?" aaked Mr. MoR obertl undiewith two ta.ble1poonfa11 sugar. Set In puleadons which 1ometlmea paa1 over part turbed. oven a tew mlnutea to stiffen, of the ooun by oooaaion panlo and exoltel a " Threw them up." THI S OUT and return to us with lOc. or 4 3e. stamps, and you'll get · TOMATO FIGs.-Take B mall red tomatoes, momentary lmpreBBlon t t a.~ everything IB " But wha.t for ?" by return mail a Golden Box ot " P ut ·up yer hand1," lnellted the foetnd ekln them qnlokly, bre'1klng them fallblg Dver or sinking away; while the Goods that w ill brin~ you in more aoa.ld A money In one month than !inything else in H little aa poaelble, add one-third t heir more violent shecka that 11re felt in earth, pad, shaking t he pistol, "Will you de what nulated eugar, boll slowly quake-lnfeeted oountries ,p roduce lnde1orlba- I tell you?" , America. Either eexmake money fast, CI'fY weight of grR " That depend1," eald Mr. MoReberts, NOVELTY CO., Yarmouth, N.S. . until they are clear, take them out and ble terrer ; and such oats.atrophee aa thoae 1pread them on plates; boil the juloe till historical earthquakes of Llab11n and Cara· "If ye can ahow me any reaaen why I ahould and the more reoent ene11 of. Iachia and pit up.ma ha.nda, I'll no aay but what I weell : oae, It la very. thick, pour (it .. over the tomatoea, and dry them In a warm oven. When dry the Strait of S11nda a.mount te a. demonetra- but yer mere requal1t wad be no juatlfica· pack in la.yera In a olean paper .box, firat tion t hat the rea.aon for 1uch t err or la rea.l, tion fur mete do 1ae ab1urd a thing. Noe 1prlnkling augar over the bottom of It and and that t he continent· alee oannet escape wh7 should 7ou, a oemplete stranger , aak Alao between ea.oh layer, pack tightly and ·the general law of change and porlahability. me at thla oar e' the mernln" on a publlo Ea.rth-movementa- the name by 11hloh atreet, tae put up my hand1 ?" cover closely, and you will have a nice oenthese phenomena ma.y be moat convenient· " Da.1h you I" cried tho robber ; " If you feotlon for winter, ly de11Crlbed- are various, and comprise, 10 don't quit gabblln' and obey ordera, I'll L EMON PICKLB.-Cheo1e a dozen fine, f& r aa they are now considered, ear t hquakes, blow the tep of your hBAd eff I" mlddl11-elzed lemon1, froah and perfect11 or 1udden violen \ movements of the ground; " What l Faith, man, ye muat be oot o' 1eund, rcrapo the outelde of them with a earth·tremon, or mlnut11 movements which yer heed, Oome noe,· pulr buddy," aaid pleoe of broken qua.rt bottle, and then out usually eaoape a.ttentien by t he 1mallne111 Mr, MoRoberta, ·11eothlngly, ceelly oatohlng them lengthwble down Int o four qnartera, of their amplitude ; earth pulsatlon1, or the pistol and wre11tllng It with.Aquick twist but not quite !.\Blander ; t hey muat be left so meveme11ta whloh are overlooked on aooount oat ef the man'a hand ; "come, noe, an' a.s t o juet hang t ogether, Rub these ever 11f the length of tb.eir period ; and earth ea· I'll shew you where they'll tak care o' ye. with talt on the rough ent. 1lde, and fill the oillationa or mevemente of long period and Rech I Dlnna ye try tae fooht, or ecod I'll 011ta with salt in the same manner ; put large a.mplitude- llkE. the shifting of levels ef shoot ye, By the wa.y, y11 might aa weel them Intel a ~hina or earthenware bowl that lan(l. maeae1- whlch attract attention from put up yer aln hands, a.nd jl1t walk aheed A LL SIZES, will just hold them, sprinkle eeme mere t he geologloa.1 lmperta.nce. S9me of these o' me. Th..t'a It. Trudge away noo, " aa.lt over them, and turn them once a day · movements have'only recently begun to atAnd 18 Ml'. MoR11berta marched his man let t i.em lie thus four days. Parboil t"Nelv~ t ract a\tention, They are all intimately to the Olty P rbon, and handed him over to olovea of ga.rlio, or small onions out Into thin aa.oola~d In their occurrence a.nd their orl- Capt DouglA B B. slices : add to thea11 a.n ounce of white 1ugar, gin, " It wuddna be a bad Idea to put him In a. handful of white muetia.rd 1eed, and as _ ,. · - · . , . a stralght jaoii.et," he aald, serenely, to the muchcayennepepper as will lie upon a dime, - ALSOIndia -rubber la menaced with a rival. offioer. " '.fhete'a little deot but t he buddy'· Sprlnk'e some sa.lt a.meng these, and let rubber dealers of E~stern Nloa.ragua daft." them etand all t he time the lemons are In The t hink they have dlecovered a tree whoso And he r eeumed hla · int errupted homethe bowl. Then have a olee.n stone Jar will give as much aat iafaotien aa r ub· ward walk. rea.dy, ta.ke out the. lemons one by one, gum her, and will, In fact, take its plaoe. They -- _ _ .,...... rqueeze them a. very little, a.nd lay t h11m say tpat the milk of the tuno furnlahes a The difference between a dude r.nd a OU· and all l ines of carefully In .a · jar ; Ja.y in the spices all meat excellent guth·percha, eqnal t o t he oumber le that the latter hae no Idea how about them, and t l11 them: cleee dewn; let thm stand f" month axid they will be fit to best found In t he Eastern trepto1, while alok ,it oan make folka, eat. Sugar ca.n be added to taste when the number of tree1 is virtually inexhauatl- A Lendon letter. sa.ys t he newest th.Ing ble, and tho gum can be produced ·with In bonnets is a. cCJral leaf from the B, . served. profit at twel ve cents a pound, ha.mas, and now we think of It the newest Mra. c~therlne Waggner, aged 111, and thing In dress goods was a fig leaf, Talking a.bout husy men who leave their her sister-in-law, Mra. R~becca Waggnel', Rsv. W. S. Ralndord, of ·New York, forhomeo early and get back after dark and aged 109 yoars, live within sight of ea.oh merly of Toronto, in a 1pe11oh befol'e the' never eee thelt children, a man of that 1ert ether, ne!\r B&rterevllle, Ky. They ha.ve Congress ef Churches, recently held at waa hurrying a.way one morning when he never seen & railroad, a.nd each has ha.d for Oleveland, Ohio, plea.dad for the abolit ion fonnd tha.t his little boy had got up before fifty yea.rs a silk dress laid away In whloh of the mission cb.a.pel, and ~poke of the him and was playing on th11 sidewalk. He to be burled, werthlessneas ef theatre eervloes and t ent servloes, oempir.red with a. fully manned free told t he obild to ge ·u. Ohlld wouldn't. A Texa1 man tolls this cheerful tale of ohuroh. · Man spanked him a.nd went to bualnesa. experimental sohoal of medicine : " A ~Call examine.~ Cnlld went in howllng, The mother said : tho A ae·oalled mad dog in Hebron. Ky. , bit "What's the ma.tter ?" "Man hit me," woman oa.me te a prominent phyelolan and a cew. The cow In a few days showed elgna lJlubbered the youngster, "Wha.t man 2" ailked for a remedy for her husband'· rheu- of rabies, and about the aame time a baby matism, The dooter gave him a pre1orip· "That man that sta.ys h11re on Sundays." tlon and said, " Get that prepared at the that had been living on the milk of the cew Lieut, Goe z1on ha1 Invented a method drugetore and rub It well over your hus- beoame similarly a.lfeoted. I t la said that for firing dynamite ahelle from ordinary b11.nd'1 ha.ck, If it does any good, come and the aymptona of hydrophobia are pronounced .T inware and Stove Empori um, cannon, whloh ha1 juat been. tried suooe9sfal- let me know. I've got a. touch of r huuma· In the child, whose sufferings are very great, ·t·f. ly In San Franolaoo, ·· '1am myaelf." BOWMANVILLE, ftauadhtu Jtattsntau. HOUSEHOLD" _ , ..... , · · ·' '"' .. . f · ·· ··· . . ......... .", ..··· · :· .: . - -Waldemar, of P.EOPLE. llYDROP.H.OBIA OR BEE STING. '· . .LQO:I{ HEREI S MAYNARD the Jeweller, ;; llas B th e finest assor tmen t o f Silve r Plated War e in tow n - all new and neat pat t e r ns; also a full line in r , , · . / Gold arid Silver WATCHES. All k i nds of 50 Jewellery, S1>ectaclesf Eye Glasse s, &e~ A full and complet e line o f GRAIN American Clocks.. W e have p ut a new LATHE in our . · w ork sh op, which enables u s t o do all kinds of work iri o ur line and guarant ee t h e b est of sati sfact ion. WCall and get the correct time from th e finest Reg ulator in town~ Jno. McMurtry & Co. MAYNARD· The Jeweller. BANK _..,_ -·. ·. -.... 0 J:.t :0 E :Et stock of CANADIAN, A s u sual our new~ ' · ENGLIS H l.'3 C OTCH& AMERICAN1 TWEEDS, . l~SS McTAVISH GOODS., WORSTEDS and ot her Suitings is t he l a r g est, mo st c om p l e t e and m ost fa.s hion a b le t o b e found inWes tDu rha.m BONNETS, HATS· TRIMMINGS We Never Get left. We hav e t he goods. To insp ect is t o ord e r . Our pric e s a re rig ht. Our s t y les c om mand admir a tion. Our orig inality is inexhausti b le. Our e nte r prise , e n e r gy and p luck have no bounds. \We \We ;D)l~Kglf, .. ··- .. 1Ei1"C:all at tl1e centre or Style, Beauty and Cheapness~ Gent's Furnishings a specialty. JOSEPH JEFFERY, 1 tf 'I'he Tailo·..; J: (. ~ASONEROS. '- Are now showing la r g e p urchas e s o f Sprin g Goods w h ich w e believe will c o m m a nd y our f a vorable c o n sid erat i on. A n inspection of the s a me is r espectfu lly l o o k e d for. We will take great plea sure i n s h ow - i ng o u r good s.- We have just received a nice ran ge of Lace Curtain vai'y1ng in price :t" rom 60c. to $ 6 a pail·. A. Cresll opening oC Table Linens i ·ronI 2iJc. pet· y d. up also Table Napkins rronI 7:ic. to $~.:iO per doz. CUT We would like you to see our latest in Colored Cashmeres, n ew shades , which are on e and a q u a rter yds. wide, at 25c. p e r yard ; also :figu red goods at 12! cents. T h ese are rapid selling goods and will soon be cleaned out. O ur s t o c k o f E mbr oideries is a lso very c omplete and will be fonnd to be of int erest. K lll 'tted ShawIs in · a 11 co1ors i.rom oil 85 cen t s up. A s u sual we are sh owin g a large .choice in Clot hs- English, S c otch a nd Cana d i an- a n d furnish clothing to order by the best t ailors in town. MILK CANS, 'The MORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER· 1 asily Managed, Light Running, Dur able. Threshes Clean and F a st. Separation Unexcelled. PERFECTLY BEARDS BARLEY. R emoves al.I W hite Caps from Whe&~ Dairy P a ils, eLEANS GRAIN F. IT FOR MARKET. BECAUSE It has a SMfJTTER and SECOltD FANNING MILL affachorl. ' MILK.PANS TIN""VT..A.RE_ No Cheap.J ohn, shoddy stuff, but goods that will wear and give satisfaction. and -..... -· THE MORR~S DOUBLE D:RESSER. Great Improvements in 1886 Machines. - Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet, L. GE O. QUICK, MORRIS & WATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT. Also supply Threshing E ngines a t Maker's Prices and T erms. W illiam P ooley, A . gentJ Box 5 0, BowmanvHle

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