Ing witl>. a moaning 1ound In the chill an<l the fa.tefolday had anived. The wedding as the 11un ahlnBll on, and sure eneugh the rain-la.don wind, filltd OeclJ with Vaf!'I!" wa.1 to be a quiet Tbere were te be sun'll 1hlne en ye both this day. Ae my ne guewta a.nd no l the ha.ppy {l&lr Wlllnm say, eny thi11 minute, it'1 a. good ho· dhqulet. CJuld it Indeed be true that Argent wn· were merely going to w11olk dewn to E ut- men, and he's a rare eue for knewin', la WU: !0111; to him, that 1he wa.a perhap even no1v hore Ohurch, where t he ceremony was te be lum, though a bad ene $0 speak." CHAPTER VII.-(CONTINUED). FRIDA.Y, AUGUS T 6, 1886. d by the Reverend Maurice ·~Weil, I hope he'· right thle time," e11ild tho plighted bride of another, tha.t 11.nothe·· quietly porformG Oeoll, laughing gaily; " but how slowly the "R)a.d it; M~dge," w1u a.11 Oeoll h.!\d leave to pre11 the ha.nd ahe had wU!J S tene. -----·------ - -----·-Net even Madge G raham wa.a te be time p1.111e1 I "I'll a turn or two In Madge was h9rror-etrioken, The room drs.wn from hi9, a.nd that another might seemed to nwlm round; yet she comprehend· ki88 the lip1 denied to him ? The though ~ pr,mint; for Ceoil had determined to keep the garden by way of keeping up my epirita, ed all at a glanoe, and waeted no wordll. atuog Oecll te ma.dues~. No, it oould not, his marriage aecrot until it roally was you know." "Mr1, Mill joined In hie laugh, but fine.Uy CATARRH.-A newt~eatment has been di~ One moment she p11ousod to eteady her voloe; It should not be 1 She was hia, and no over, althongli hiu eng~gement waa of more power on earth shenld her course known. H'I wlebed to aurprloe hfa turned a.way with 11 sigh from the osntemcovered whereby a pe1·inanent cure of this t1len she saidhltberto incurable disease, is absolutely affect· " Yes, yon must go. Shall I go with you, !rem him new. His brew grew dark and family as onoe b afore, bat In very dlfftire'lt platlon Qf hf1 tall figure a1 he etrolled along, from n common Blotch, or Eruption, ed. in from one to three applications, no mattl'.r hia 1ace etern a1 he hurried on, away frem clrcumijhuoos, by the sight of his bride. whi·tling blithely. ~? t he worst Scrofula. Salt-rlleum, whether standing one year or forty years. This dear! I oan bs ready In a moment. Fever-sores," Scaly or Rougl~ Skin, "Bless yon, Jl..hdge I" renlled the strlok· the memory-ha.unted more, throuah the He re!l ~c,ed wit h happy ,p ride en the aenea· "H9w soon t he dead are eut o' mind!" remedy is only applied once in twelve dare, in shoi·t, nll discnscs cnuscd by bad blood and does not interfere with business. Descnp· en mu brokenly, "And y1;t It will ha.rdly eodden grus, the gloomy della a.nd ahrub - tlon her supl)rh.tlve lovalluosa would pzo· she mueed, with half v. 11igh, a.a ehe wen' te conquered by tllls powerful, purifying, and tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by be the place for )'On.". ber!68 of tho park te the honse, d uce aud the Jave ehe wonld be certain te HOO after her baking. ' ' Poor Nollie I" invigorating medicine. Great Eating Ul· A.H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West, cers rapidly h eal under its benign influence. "We cannot think of that new, Cecil ; How fi\mlliar, yet hew strnnge It all was I inspire. Toronto, Canada. Especl1tllr, !ms Jt manifested i ts potency .tn beeldes; It is the plaoti for me. I can leave There ws.~ the gardon, once 119 bloomlog Once more Cecil was llght·he11irted, genla.l, WIIA'l' IS CATARllB~ T wlligM solemn and aerene-warm, b11olm· curing 'l etter, n .ose Rash, Bolls, Car· Catarrh is a da.ngerous dlsMs~ which· a message for mother with Parkins, and and sweet, now a damp, dl1mal wlldemea.. & nd Intensely, p erfectly happy ; no shadow ly summ'lr twilight, adernsd wltn a creaoent bunclos, Sore EyesJ Scrofulous Sore· ands are consciously or uncons9iouely suffermg There were the creeper-covered walls el the from the iovll p!!oat darkened the rad!a.nt molln a.nd "one sto.r ite chry~olite," with lo· and S'\velllugs, H1p-Jolnt Dlsem1e, from. It is a muco·purulent d1schar~c c.aused write a.fterwards." Swellings, Golt1·e, or '. l'bie Jt old maneion, darkened by the early twi - glory of the present. All lt9 hosts were numara.ble 1oft mysteriou~ "ounde announc- White by tho presence of a vegetable parasite m the Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Send tcu * * * * * * lining membrane of the uose. 'l'he predlsposLswh D eane, bis face la.cera·-ed and scar- light ofa dull March day, Was the pYt l11ld to rest ; not one reproachful spirit -dis· ing the advent of night. T o.e golden hours cents m stamps for a large treatise, wlth coli11g causes are a morbid state of the blood,, the red and as haggard ae If he had endured · rtrea.m1 or was the present a. dream? tnrbed his 11lumbera In the ellent night, a.nd of the da.y ha.d passed one by one, the blrds' ored plat.ea, on: Skin Diseases, or tho same blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison for a treatise on Sct'ofulous Affections. Oocil ceuld hardly tell. All was ao 1tTange not one remorseful memory haunted his sengs were h uehed, the llllesoio110d, tha dew amount of syphilis, mermny, toxomoo, f1·om the reten- yeara of euff.iting, with bis right arm in a "'.l'HE aJLOOD IS THE LIFE ." dr ef!.ms, which were a.11 ef !eve, ef joy, and falling, and Ei"onlug hfli~ set ber du'k:)' 11e·l Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Pi erce'· t ion of the effete matter of. the skin, ~uppressed sling, was dra.gglng himself painfully a1ld r.nd 110 unnatural. Golden lnedical D isc o-.·ory, and good perspirations, badly ventilated sleepmg_ apar_t· restlessly up and down the deserted hall of Onoe within, however, t he eeWJe ef un· of A rgent I npon Ceoil Graham's wedding-day, dlgcstton, a fair sllin~ buoyant 8Plr· m ents and the germination of other p01sons m the hotel to whloh a faw of the Rllfferers in reality passed aw·y and tho aotua.1 present Aud she ? Di.y by day her soul and her Tra.nq uil a.nd beautiful a.a eV't!r, t he m ar o us, v.ltal "'treugt11, n1u1 sounduc·· of the blood. Irritated by the8e, the lining membrane of tbe nose is ever ready tor the recep- the terrible rail way accident had been o.u- returned, A brleht wood fire glowed on intellect exp!\.oded i n t he Btmshine whl oh lay the pacple sky, on i thin lino of constitution, will be established. the big hearth in the hall, and threw lh innecent life. It E<eemed to the filled hor tion of the parasite, which rapidly apreadsiup ricd; a.e Cecil and Ma.dge Gra.h11m entered 9livor wavering ovar It by t he alnldng the nostrils and down the fauccs, or back of t ha.t same evening. CooU's fierce worde fantastic i·a.dlanoe on the sta.lned windows, lovore as lf every one, even Na.tu re her!IBlf, meon. Bnntlfnl as eve~ t he fi -, w~r-wre~t h the throat causin~ ulceration of the throat; uv the grim armour, and the ancestral por· r~j olci;d In their love, N ~ver h~d there ed wa.lle of lihe Mere · Heuae rose amang the the eustacbian tubes, causing deufness; bu,:. died on his lips as the wretched ma.n forbeen so fresh and exqublta a spring, never trees, a faint clond of b lu~ 1m&ko rising which l s Sc rofulous Dlsea.111e or the rowing in the vocal cords, causing ' hoai·senese; ward ; and the husband followed mutely traits, Luugs, is promptly nod certainly orrested "MaBter'11 busy In the llber'y, air, and so royally btia.utlfnl a aummer ; a.nd now it from one of the chlam~ya, light s glimmering and nsm·ping the proper structure of the ,bi:onch1al when he who tempted bla unleved wife cured by thla God-g"iYen l'CWedy, if taken tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and from her allegiance led the way, with a si- glv' horden he was not on no account lo be wae t heir wedding mor11lng I before the last stages o·f the msonse nre reached. here and there through the ma\lianed death. F rom its wonderful power over tbla terribly disturbed," ret1pecUully exclaimed the Argent we.a aw11oko before the sun bad -a fair picture indeed of home and pe10oe I fat al discnse, Many ingenious apclflca for for the cure of lent gesture, into an einpty sitting-ream when first offering thls now celcatarrh have been invented, but without euc- close by. It was Ma.dge who fleet found gray-ha.Ired domestic ; " but MIH Verls- risen, Net feellng the slightsat i.ncllnatlen £he bed-r()om belonging t o A ~gen11 wa.t a. ebrated rnmedy t o the public, Dr. PIERCE eoos until a physician of long standmg discov · voice, a.nd ehe apeke in a breathleea whleper, ten--" thought seriously of calling it his "()on. to sleep, she rese, threw the window wide emall pretty room fad og the eut, The ered the exact nature of th diseaee and the Aa It summoned by the mention of her open, and aa.t by ft to watoh heaven and walls were delio11itely tinted, a.nd the· 11u1nptlon <Jure"' !Jut abandoned that name "Nellie- hew 11 she !" only appliance which will permanently destroy es too limited. l'or n medicine wbieli, from Its "She dlei an hour ago," L1wis name, the dr ..wing-room door epeaed, and, ea.rth " the eacrament of morning.' Inga a.11 of white a.nd silver. A box ef ml11- wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthenthe parasite, no matter how aRgravated t he closing It softly behind her, :?\Ilsa Veriston oase. Sufferers should send stamp at once Deane harshly throuih hie set teeth, tnrn· A few early aongstore were already on the nonnette on the ail! scented the whole apart- ing, nltcratl ve, or 1.Jlood-cJcu.nslng. onti-b111oua, pectoral, and mi trltlvc pro1icrties,ts unequaled, for descriptive pamphlet on . catarrh. to the ing from the pale girl, whoee eyes he conlcl adva.nced toward· the fire, wing, 011illlng to ea.oh ether from ~he dim ment, and ollmblng r esea b11rded the wln- not only as n remedy f or consumption of t'h& 11 business managers, A. H, Dixon & Son, 305 It Is growing dark, Mapleson," ehe not meet, and confronting Oeoll, " She le fields and grovea, A light breeze etlrred dew, A few photographs aud 11tatuette1 l ungs, but for all !f,(np; street, west, 'l'oronto, Canad~.. What the R ev. E. B. Stevenson, B.A., a Ole:rov· de:id, and we haV9 ktlled h Pr between us, 1ald. And her voice thrilled Cdoll a heart the pink rose leaves that the c11i11e- were the ornaments of this maiden bower·man of thc London Conference of the M etlw· There'll be a blaok account written up painfully. Then she started, as she per- ment e.nd dashed the girl's fa.Ir hair with a room, as her a.dorfog lover wonld have dist Ori,urch of Canada., has to sav in r eoard ceived a gontlema.u with the aervant. dew as she leaned out among them, A ~aid, quite oharaotllrlatlo of ltll ocoupantOF THE 1 'o A.H. Dixon&: Son's New Treatment fo" againot us for thia ; and yen werse than "Mr. Graham, ml11," ann~u11ced the large white star, "the planet of love." " white, pure, and c.:i.lm." I, villain though I am l"-nd he speke fast Catan·h, ma.n, with deferentia.l re11.dlne11. And then 11 shone In the eaat. A rgent watched It fade It wae ne' empty now; fer, on t he litOaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 and huskily, "If you had shewn her one spa.rk ef love or one atom of klndneBB, you s.lle left the h11ill. en "a. bed of daffodil 'ky," tha.t grew tle bed, with ita anowy draperlee, Argent M essrs. A, H. Dixon & Son: They were seen talking, a.pparently en brighter every m9mllnt. A few rosy cloud· lay a.deep. Ovar the silken coverlet h~r DEAR Srns,- Yours of the 13th inst. to hand. would have bound her to you ferevar. Nor · If yon feel dull, drowsy, debll1tated, have It seemed almost too good to be true that I am e:111v friendly terms, ever the glowing em· color of slcln, or yellowish-brown apota of Catarrh, but I know that I am. l thing could have tempted her te hers. Then Mr. Verlston a.ppeared, and hung In the z~nlth ; gradually theae be· hair, amooth a.nd shining, trailed lt1 amber sallow on face or body, frequent headache or dizzicame yellow too, ·hen white and luBtrou1, carld, A faint aweet amlle w11i11 on the have bad no return or the disease. and n ever you, But you made her mad with wound· bad tnste in mouth, iuternal heat or chUJe1 felt better in my life. I have tried so many ed leve a.nd pdde and j oa.louay, and I took the trle partook of te11i In the 1m11ill oeay Presently the aun a.ben the db· mouth, 10 1oftly closed, and the eyelids rest- ness, alt.ernatlng with hot 'll!Whes. Jow spirits ana things for Catarrh, suffered so much and for advantage of her madnee1. I would room, La.nt saa, and rsse gnndly and silently In· ed on the p&le cheekl, Ah, very faet alleep gloomy borebodings, irregular app.etite, 1tnd eo l'.llany years, that it is h ard to rea.lize that As of old, Ceoll aa.t opposite to the young given my life to have saved hen just now," to the heavens. Auether da.y WM born. 1he wa.a I For even Oeoll could ne>t wake coated tongue, you arc eu:ll'crlng f1·om Judi. Ii am really better. and Torpid Liver, I consider t:nat. mine was a very bad case; It he added, his voice growing and chriteliiine, letting his eyes dwell npen her J oyou1 aonga burst forth from the birds ta her, thoug\ but an hour aiuc' he had oallod gestloniDyspepsla, or "Dll onsness." I n many cases only ripe beauty, taking the cup abe fiUed fer hall its birth, the dew drops flit,ehl)d in the -first, in love's own per1uadv_ was aggravated and chronic, linvclvlng the hoa\'le, e a.ooeuta, port of these symptoms are experhmced. As throat as well · as the nasal passages. and I n r emedy for all snob cases, Dr, Pierce'· aoou, atruok to the heart, no a.n- him from her hands with trembling fiogera, sunlight, and the dancing waves apa.rkled. then In ageny tha.t wa.1 a.lmut frenzy-her Golden · thol1p;ht it would r equire the thme :treatments, D ledical Dbcovery has n() listening eagerly to every word ohe s~oke, A fair new day wu born- Argent'e wed- DllDl.lo but I feel fulli oured by the two sent me, and nwer ; and Madge, her fa,oe burled In her envying equal. the Hgllt that touched so 1&ftly aing-d11iy I . ![am thankfu that I was ever induced to send handr, Sl>bbed audibly, while L1wl1 Daane ··Argent, Areent I ·Oh, love, love, speak Jt' or W e ak Lungs, Spitting or Blooct, llQ_you. crawled out of the room and on' of the the pale gold of her silken tresae1 and the Suddenly an impulae came ~ver ber to to me onoe mere- only onoe more--)ne werd !!lhortness of B reau1, DronehUl11 You are at liberty to use this l etter stat1 ng l!lovcro ()ougbs, ()onsumption, ana sha.dow1 that lurked In the folde ef he that I have been cured at two treatments. &nd house. He waa Indeed rea.plng the bitter bla.ok velvet dreas, a dress more than an) vlalt a.11 her old ha.unt1 once more, te bid to keep my hea.rtfrom breaking I" B 11t 1till kindred affections, tt is n sovereign remedy. farewell to the dear bower1 of her child- ebe slept unmeved-alept and amlled I I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some harvest of remone and ahanu. Send t en cents In stamps f or Dr. Plerce'I other oa.lonlated to Ht oft her fair, delicate- hood and girlhood, and to bear awa.y vl·h ot my friends who are sufferers. book on Consumption. Sold by Dru1nil1te. * * " * * ly tinted bea.uty. · Yours, with many thanks. her a 1peolal memory ef their bea.uty, Tne The dlefiltlrad body of the nnfortana'8 Ceoll i1 alone with hi11 bride. Wom out REv.E, B. STEVENSON. "We never thought we aheuld 1ee yeu oeremony wa.a te take place at nine o'olE!ok. ~:n .f&'!'8'A~ younli: wife- the onoe gay and lnneoent Nel· with hl1 wild grief, worn out with the love And hundreds of others again, did we, Argent?" the 11ld man a1.lted S'le would ge now, and dre11 after breaklie Mill- was breught home, and burled once of his dr.ugbter ; a.nd, oh, joy and whose depths he ha.· net oven begun to fut. The white 1llk dreas 1he wu to we11ir World's Dispensary Medical Association, with all the pomp and cll'cum1tanoe of, fa.them, he knoel1 by the m0Honlea1 form ef Cal~donian Altheugh there wa.1 muoh surmising, wonder I her eyes dre9ped befers Ceoll' · hung in her wardrobe, She glanoed at it bi1 loat leve. H ie eye· rest on ona of her Proprletors, 663 Main St., B UFFA.LO, N. Y. burning glance, and her voloe fa.ltered, &1 levlngly, 1treklng it1 glistening fold1 with Jl'orr erl;r 1rnown as the'· Soper Mills. 'I while hlnte at 1ome grea' scandal and faux oeld handa, hidden in the white fold· ef the oa.re11ing fingers, Tnere were her little pas were not wanting, yet aa nethlng was 1he auawered in low tonHehe we11ira, Ria brBMt heavet1 with a " Yea, father ; I - I thought he would bonnet, her veil, and her glovB1-1he smiled robe CTl"'HIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· oerhlnly known, the bereaved hueband and pa.lnful effort, now and then a oonvul\~~c~"s LITTLE -·'l. OUGI'._ r,Yrenovateda.nd pu·t fnorder,undcr his family appearing In deep mourning, and oomel" tenderly on them a.II, Then ahe put on 1lve 1hudder 1hak01 him from hea.d te feet. Wae he dreaming er awake? the youl!g the blue mernlng dre11 she had wern tho Ui.eirown s1>ectal supervision.for the purJJ(lSe ot The bltterneH ef, llke a tide, le grlstlng and manufacturing. Oat Meal and Pot with counten11inoe1 deceroudy sad, thll nine· poet dema.nded of him1elf. H"d thll girl day before, took her large aun1hade and LIVER rldng ever higher 11.nd higher round hb Barley and we are now prepared to r eceive daye' wonder wu seon forgotten. orders from all our old cuatomer s and o thers, Oecll u an lntereetlnir young widower- really rejected his love, or had he llrearnt atele from the room. She went along the ehrinklng apirh, Truly hie aln ha1 found ~'\\.~'&PILLS. tor work, and we gurantee to give them who " Se rom.,ntlo, you know, my dear; they th11ot ahe had? Of one tbh>g 9nly wu he oerrlden and down the 11lent 1talroaae ; fer him out I Truly N ellie la amply a.venged I ANTI-BILIOUS and <JATHARTIC. lntrnst us with the same entire eatis!aotlon. had only _ been married a month er two, and anre, tha.t he would not her no one but heuolf wa1 stirring yet. She Leaning over for the lllle1, the poor girl l!lold by D r uggists. 25 cent.8 a vial. O&ts and other grains taken in o:x:ohange for without asking her the queatlon. Oome pa.111ed threugh the hall, on the fi<>0r of she wa.1 suoh a pre"J little oreature, whom muet have capsized the fra.11 beat, and, Flour Oat Meal, &;c. H. &; J . TOWNS, Bow· manville 227. he ma.rrled out . of pure 'love !" - we.a more a what mlgbt, he would hear his aentenoe whloh the light from the 11talued gla'8 fell with none to hear her de1p1oiring crle1, none in rich tint&, Sef*1y ehe opened and clo1ed to a.I~, 1he had aunk beneath the laughing tba.n ev:er, Be ha.d publlahed a. new frem th01e aweet llp1 that very night I Fortune favoured hla rB11elve; for, after tho hea.vy door and 1toed eutaide volume of poem1, which the orltlos had a.l· waters, like fair-haired mad Ophella.- bo Mr. Verllten, falling la hll attempt· moat unanlmoudy praited ; but It Wal not tea, " muddy de11ith." A lily, with lt1 long " ' lhe blrlhdly or my lfle to beguile hll gue1t Into one of hb fa.vourlte tho one In which Ar11:ent V erlaton wu lmIll oome ; my love le oome kl me,'" atem a.nd largo dark le11ive1, wu found Continues to do~ General Banking BusineSI dllcu1den1, went off to hla 1tnd7, and mortali110d, The allght melanchely depre1· tightly clutohed In ene ef her h·nde- tbe &Bo wmanvillu Branch. aang Atgent, 1o11 1he pa.Had threugh the Ceoll a.nd Argent were left alene. 1ien whloh hung ever Oecll increa1ed the In· garden with ilia dewy leavee and awakening wocthle11 flewer for whloh 1he ha.d given DEPOSITS At flrat a . oou1trained ailenoe fell upon tereat felt In the ohumlng peet by 1ome them, Then Oecll began abruptly, hll fl.ower1, her glad yeung life I Inatea.d of the l9veReceived in Savings Bank Department and young la.dlea, who thought It wae 11 io voice 1ounding unnatural la hll own ly living bride who waa to have met him Argent felt like a. 1lad child-life seemed ca.I.I and· interest allowed at current rat68. No Byrenlo." The idea. ef 1ome cruel dlaap· IO fresh and ae joyoa1. Her baa.rt bound· a.t tho altar, this dead, drowned form wae notice of withdrawal necessary. .All deposlb psintment, aome tra.gedy -In hll life, Qf a. earspa.yable on clemand, ed with gla.dne8s, and her feet were as put Into the bridegroom's arma- nnl oving " Sa you thought I aheuld return, Mlea painful, vaguely h. l nkd a.t, vaguely eri1ten ! Are you glad te aee me new I light aa her heart ; rhe oould ae' help alog- and unreepe>n1ive, whoae 1sntle aoul had EXCHANGE surmlled, added the orowlng faeolnation of V lng, emula.ting the la.rk whioh revelled pasaed beyend hi· m ortal reach for ever, oom~?" ' overho id. CroHing the puk and making Bough t and sold and Drafts issued upon Enrope. mystery to the fame of the litera.ry_lion, "Y01," 1he answored, in aemstblng of It la not to be wondered at tha.t, petted a ~oll ha.· lookel upen hi· put life with United States and Canada, also Gold, Silver an~ her old brief manner, but bln1hing &1 1he brief viaita to all the plaoe1 she held dea.r, by 1oclety, and bis oonaclence thua gently had never been wont to do. United States Greenbacks bong:ht and sold, ahe reached at len111th the dearaat place of eyes from which the aea;s have fa.lien. At rooked te sleep, Cecil ahould bllgln to look one a~roke all has been torn from hlm"When I left you," he went on, growing all- the mere, AT TirE t COl~LECTIONS upen hlm111lf u an lllueed indivldua.J, to bolder-" yeu rtimem'oer, Argent, when It lay befere her in 1tlll radiant bea.uty, h&p ~, leve, a.nd j ay ; and, amlUen to the whom fate had been e:z:oeptlonally oruel; heart, all his ·· rofug11 of lie1 " in ruins Promptly made at current rates upon a.11 part you oru1hed me with the celd ornel word· with hers and there patohflll of dark leave11, '1t Great Brittain, t he United States and Do that he should begin to pit y hlmseH a1 de· yoq spoke, I never meant, never thought 1now·whlte lily cups rooking In dellcleaa around him, in the presence ef, with minion of Canada. oelvcd rather than a1 deceiver, and 81 un· of auch a thing u returning or seeing JOur coolneas en ltll arure b01om, L )It In happy bitter groa.n1 and 1oalding teara, he baa ac· fortnn8te ra.thcr than a1 reprehensible; fa.oe aga.ln, My ene idea wa.1 to forget you, reverie, Atgent 1teed en the Howery brink knowledged In the furnace whloh yet Telegraph Transf'er1 tha.t he sheuld Imagine a. bright untreubled aha.11 purify hh erring soul tha.t his unutterMade for large or small sums on all parts or future ought now, In oemmen juatloe, to bo and to pluck you from my hea.rt I" He among the harebell· Irises, gazlng over able woe which has overtakeu him II in deed C&nada. This Is especially advantageous to pa.uaed; but the girl ma:le no reply, no the eerene expause. How soUtary, hew J.lel"l!ons llvfnp; In Mamtoba or the North·wesl his own ; a future, he even iold hlmaelf, mevement ev en, "But I could not do it ; empty, for Na,ure'· love1inees, her a. rlirhteoua retribution, (THE END,] as it r:naJrns the funds available at once at the earned by the disa.ppaintment, grief, and I oould not forget, Argent 1 I cannot live life had once been I How full ef pleuure Clothing and any amount of suits J,llaoe of pa.yment. el the put. Anyhow, that was the without you, I muo have your love I" and love It wu now I sent out every day, For further particulars call at the BanklnR oenolnalen at whloh he arrived within aix 'l'hen, 1eelng that aha did net spea.k, he What Ailed the Baby. " Thank Heavon I" 111ild the girl rever· muntba of hl1 wife's untimely end, House. added, " What made )' OU think that, In ently from the depths ef her gra.teful Since the lnstalbtlon ef the nur1e, ra.thtr T. BRODIE, GEO. McGILL, 1plte ef year rej eotion1 I shoal :I 1eek you heart, raialng her eye1 to the untroubled .A.ccounta nt, Manager CH!Pl'ER VlII, peoulla.r symp'°m· ef aome diaorder had Our Collars, Ties, Gloves, Shirts and J ewellery, ?" the very latest styles, aky, ·Iv By thla time Cloll wa.a on hl1 kneel be- . A moment longer she 1teod ; then her been noticed In the three-month-old bey "I think I aha.Ugo over te Verlsten this the fc1.mlly, Oae da.7, t be firat i n a.fternoen," said Cecil Graham oareleHly to fore Argent'· low ohair. He bad 1el:.1:d eye1 reeted on her boat. Yes, she would hie landlady, Mn. Mill, a1 she brought him the twe cold bands, totally obllvleull of floa.t onoe m ore alone on her beleved mere; when these 1ymptema appeared rather a letter. · the R 9verend Mr. Stone'a 1upposocl ol&lma, abs would have ene more r ew on lt1 In- mere alarming than uaua.l, I wa1 oa.lllld FROM $2 UP. Ay, de, 1ir·1" ahe replied, blooming and a.nd, 101\lcaly oensoicma of what he did, he viting 11urfaoe, Looaening t he little skiff, upon for advice, I ha.d dabbled a. little in nea$ a1 ever, 1tlll wearing black fer her preaae<t thi.m in his own until A ~gent's aho toek her pl11oce, and, with a. few 11w1f t medicine, and the mother t heught me PLE ASE TO CALL A.ND EXAMINE nleoe, the beloved and 111imented wife, H 1he rings out into the t ender Hash. C.ioll w11.s atrokes, wa1 " floating In heaven," a1 11he symptom-whe. I went te the nuraery un. · believed, of her arlsto oratlo ledger, en her looking up with Intense prusaiona.te yearn- ha.·:l once t ermed It, Then ehe let the announced acd caught the nurea In the act connection wltb whom she never of ing lnt9 her blue witching eyes ; for Ar- aoulls drep, and they trailed alon l with of ta.king a str ong pull ah big b ott le, which N. B .- We have disposed of o ur st ock ahe hutlly conoealed jast a s t ho young pre11uml11g. "It'll cheer you hup a bit, ail';" gent's verdict rnea.nt life or death to him. opah1soent bu'bbles in their wake as abe mother entered the r oom. T O.ere wa.1 n o 11 Why did you think I ahould 1eek you and she wiped her eyu with a comer ef her floated In luxurious ldlenea11, drinking in need of an an~lysla to prove that the bot tle of F ancy Dry Goods to MRS. IVES, a.pron, "'t you be in ne> 'urry to gel v.gain ?" he demmded almost fiercely In with rapt eyes the l oveliness ef the eoene, contained whiskey ef rather rank q t.t11llty, e ~posite the Salvation Army Barracks. back, air. II 10 happen as we've gone to his a.geny of suspense. thinking happy thoughts of l:lve and of the The nurse wa.e fv.11 ef It. The boy betrayed bed, you've enly to walk In; a.nd I'll lea.vs "It must have been," came at laat well fut ure t hat had dawned fer her wit h this anmlat akable signs of lntoxloatlon1, I put you heut a. bit ef something to ea.t, a.a a nigh Inaudibly from the eweet lip· which exquleite summer, en a prefee1lonal gravity and informed the - BY'empty 11tom11och '11 do nebody ns good," "I will have a beuqaet ef lll!ea, " ahe had grown p l\le while he sp oke, 11 beoause" I suppooe there are no changes at the beca.wie I loved you, Ceoll, all the time ;" murmured preaebtly, "I will wear my 11.nxlous mother t hat her d11rllng wa.s suffer · ing from "acut e a.looholism"-ln a word, he Please to . houser· asked Oecll, smiling, c all upon h er and you will see !Ind tha blushing girl hid her face on his favourite fl9were at my weddlog, Caoll lovee had ta.ken an of mllk pm1oh. The 1:1!1" I am fully prepared to attend Funerals Oil "No, sir; vhlob t here are n9ne yet," them t oo; he ee.ld yesterday," flashing, t he pr etti est stock in t own sheulder, the shortesL notice, at the lowest possible rates ph valol!!.n was 011lled in and confirmfamily 11 It la a.lmo ~t a wonder Miss V erlston la Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice In a.fter years Oeoll tried vainly to re· thongh a.lone, a.t t he recollection, "thr.t She waa a very call the ecatatlo t hrill which ra.n through they wer e like me when he first kn ew and ed my diagnosis. The nurse waa, of oours0, i rst-class hearse on very moderate terms not married, Mrs, Mill, pr.eked off at once. D ,uglaa J errold showS hrouds and Coffins on hand. Fun lovely girl." · him, almost a.genhlng In Its ecstasy, at this leved me-sunk in encha.nted dreams, white, ed hew ".lhby B :b" booame a confirmed cards supplied at once. F urniture Shop & " Well, sir, folke 'as their dlff13rent fanoles oonfeBBlon. ca.Im, and pure ,I 0 '· fo ol11h dear Oeoll, to drunkard befor e he bad completed hi1 first how Rooms- Bounaall'sNew Block. of oeurae, and I don't say b11t what ehe·aln't Little by little, Oecll wen from Argen' a weave suoh poetical fancies r()und me I" yea.r's pilgrimage in t hia wic ~ed worl d. In a. grand way with, and pretty 'ak for light oonfeeelon of ho w his words, and his face, The silent 111topp'llre mirrer b~low 1howed his case Infant " cerdlal1 " and " oomfort1 " 'air ; bnt talk o' marded- well, sir, they do with lta of love, ha.anted her. her a lovely bluehing face, lb t ender eyes were rosponalble, The case th·.t I have eay as 'ow It won't be l9ng first," Everywhue she heard hla voice, every- and tremuleue lip· smiling up at her, Its oited shows that a nurse who ia fend of her o" What; do you mean? II she going to where she aaw his fa.oe; r.nd, in hie absence, be murled ?" aald Oeoll, bringing t he worda In the fllenoo which seemed se new te her, g9lden hair fal.ilng round It like a oleud, a.a "comforts" m:\y harbor a1 mnch danger '.l'he undersigned begs leave to intimate to the ahe s\oopecl ever to gather 'he floating wa.x13n H a.ny " soe>thing 1yrup " In the m~rket, out with :ln effert. p eople of Bowmanville and vicinity, that he she had learned to love a.nd l ong fer hia lllle1. has opened a new Harness Shop on King St. "Well, Mr. Graha.m, air, y.ou preaence, opposite Mr. Wm. Glover's Livery Stables' -·~ never aaw Mr. Stone, as is the parson at St. where he will have constantly ou hand and She ha.d not been unhappy, she 1ald ; "Wish me j»y, Mr1. Mill," said Oecll Stewed Dilg as an Advertisement, Ma.tty's at E 1sthore ? He's very ' lgh church· 1he had felt certain that he would r eturn, maA:e te> order, Harness of all kinds, viZ.: and folks did ea.y aa 'ow he thought miurylng that her !eve, by oeuntlesa subtle lnt111enc111, Graham, who, having jut deap11itJhed h is The enterprldng mana.gere ef a. cewb JyH eavy Lumber, before the little eq uare mfr· breakh.1t, stood waa downright wioked, and he's nea.rly as would dra.w him h her, Indlan show, now exbiblttng in the vicinity ror tha.t ademed hla chimney -piece, faatenFarm, !"REEMAN'S eld as Ml&a. Verlaton's father. Howsumdof New York, ha.vs devised an Ingenious " Aud yeu aee, It hlloS done ae l"amll· lng a white r eae-bud In his cea.t. Express, ever, there's ne 'counting for ta.ates, and he's Ing up at him 11ia they 11&t tegether her method of utilizing the common our of low WORM POWDERS,. a kind, goed soul, be ho what he ma.y; and, He had had a r eatleH night, disturbed by Coach, and hood on hi& breast, too happy te give a mher11ible dreams, The faoe- ne' of his fair degree whb much profit te 'hemaelves, If she faveurs of him, why no ene elae need thought to anything but t heir ewn ex· They cause the dogs t o be slain, stewed and Light Double H a rness. Are plcnea.nt to tlllte. Contain their O'll'l.. young bride, bat of hill Inj ured and guilty bather tbelraelves, 'l'hat '.e what I ea.y I" perienosa. eaten by t he Indiana, giving out to the press l!'urgntiY o. Ie a safe, snro, aud eflectu. 1 wife-had haunte d him through the hou1·a that t he are celebrating their reguAnd the good weman paused for breath, Fine Single Harness a specialty "S~y r a.tber it W &B my love for you," ef darkness, sometimes smlllng and childfeh. &'Ze.11troyu or worma in Childi···n or Adults " Mr, Stone !" repe11oted Oecil, " Yea, I he answered, 11 which would n ot let me lllir annual traditional sacred weird an d mye. ly gay, aometimea pale and wild a1 when she tlN ALL THE LATES'.l' STYLES. have met him enoe er twice at Vorlaton; tloal dog feaat, T he ' wlde·awake editors rest without you. On, my d arling " - and but I never thought- I cannot thfok there he strained her t o bla breast whh a con· left him en the balceny t he la1t time he saw det ail t heir r eporters t 9 wltneee the dog A l:ll'ge stock'of<:oJlars of every dcAcrlpllo11 her ia llfe, sometimes dead and c11id with a. ill any truth In t his report !" fe1 a.nd write up vivid r ep orts of It; and always on lmncl, or customers can Ji:o·e vuldve m ovement- " nothing can separate lbeiu made 1o orclei· on shox·test notice. " May b ees not, air, maybeee not I O.aly u~ now, nothing c~n come between us any deep gash a.croas ft1 gray paller. T hus it the readers a column or t we ef stewed haunted him, and her voice-m erry, re· S .irey Muon down to East hore do sa.y she more I I must have you all my own aeondeg aerved up to them at breakfast or dinner. Finest stock of Horse Millinery ever shown iu town, including: · 'ave met 'em t ogether 001ietant, only that's at enoe ;" a.nd he raised the b!uhlng fe.oe proacbful, revengeful by turlls- rang in hie At first the Iadians refaaed to ea.t any ot her neither herll n or there Be It true, or be it and k iB&ed the aeft lips. 11 W hen will you affrlghted ears. Altogether he ha.d been lll- than t he tradlUona.l snow white dog, and ROBES BLANKETS, not, yeu'll h od It eut aoan enough, 11lr, ·u give yeunelf whelly to my keeping, dea.r- tre11ited by ima.glnei.tlen, and he bad awaken- the regula.r a.nnual feast wa1 not celebrated FLY NETS, ed with throbbing bead a.nd weary eyes, <>ftener than once a month, bat now a dog o( you're going to the Meru H ouse." WRAPS, ost ?" strangely depreeeed 11ond mulaucholy, How- a ny color will do, and the o.nnn1'1 fea1 t fa a WHIPS, It was !\ gray afterneon In M,1 r ch, a.nd "It shall ho when y9u will, Caoll," w111 ever, a. oold, the lovely morning, and BRUSHES, the ls.::id6cape leoked bare a.nd deso- the a,nswar, In so l ow 11 tone that he could more pleasant waking thenghts had brought weekly ln2titut;lon, The Indfan.s not COMBS 1>quearniah, but t here signa that ,t ho l~te as 0 6oil walked down the wel>re· scarcely hear It, and everything In season. him back to hill normal state of health a.nd newsp11per r eading p11blio la bec9rnlng satl· membered pioth, through the flowerless apirlta, and no dark memory of the mid· a.tecl and t he nhow managers will BCO!l be meadews, and by the river flowing so night'· trouble d immed the brlghtneBB of obliged to devise other schemes of advertiaCHAPrER IX. sullenly the leweringeky. Followt ·, oyea and smile a.s he bade his landlady wleh lng, ing some flUloy ef hie own he went fi rst t o PROMP1'LY ATTENDED TO. It waa Cecil Graham s wedding morning him jay, the mere, where he used to sit ef old with - a glodeus glewing windless morning In "Taat I does, lllr," responded Mrs. Mill, Satisfaction guaranteed. Intending purchasers Argent In the glorious summer· time which July; for, en aoooud of Mr, Verint·tn'a Ill- who had replaced her dresm by the old In t hese tlm3e of " monev lying Idle" we w ill do well to give me a call. Having boui;rht seemed so long ago, He oeul d har dly Ima.- ness, a tedious r.ttaok of gent, the wedding festive :fl owered silk- for after all no H rrow hea.rd ef a man In New Y srk who, when he all goods of the latest st yle and best quality glue It t o be t he a11ime pla.ce, The gloomy ha.d b aen put oft m11r e tha.n onoe. This ha.d aeuld bring back the dead to life ; and Miss R.ttonde church , ooouples a. p ew the furthest for cash, I will be able to give customers the silent wa.ters, strlpped of their bravery of camed golld Mr1. Mill so ahake h er head Verlston, she thought, was a more au;·ab !e from tha pulpit t o aave the Interest on hie benefit.!' Advertis ing B ureau, flowers and leaves, the mela.noholy level ominounly and pr edict evil things 'e her bride for the well-bred young poet than ~Am· money while the callecters are p11iaslng the . 10 S pruce S t ., N e w York. :Se !ld 10ct,,, for 100-Pago Painphl et. shores, the treea, their branohe1 wav· gosslpa, H ?wever all h!Ml gene well ; and ple ooun~rlfied Nellie, 11 'appy la tile bride pla.te for contribution·, Bowmanville, May 6..1886. 10-iw Retribution At Last. CATARRH. CURES ALL HUMORS, CONSUMPTION, CHRONIC DISEASES Liver, Blood, and lungs. .. PRICE $1.00, ° Mills. ~~:i\.~~: THE ONTARIO BANK BUSINESS BOOMING Eclipso House. ---o - READY-MADE CLOTHING UN DE RT AKl.NC .LEVI MORRIS. See tne Best Value ·in Tow~_ W. H. I VE S. NEW HARNESS SHOP - ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by. addressing Geo. P. R owell & Co., REPAIRING J. R. BRADLEY,