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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1886, p. 2

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da.rk eyes looked out rrom under a h··1'vy er heart·.wearluess, She glanced at the was a wom~n who ha-:\ paued her girlhoodahndow of eyebrows. Hie mouth we.a lirm epen deer. P e1hs.ps ohe ws.s tired and of some five er elx and twenty yeam parlmpe; and compreased. Ha filled hia trying role needed rest ; perhaps a wedding had itBat· and the be11utiful ova.I oheeka were worn, & K There a~e many pleasant events in thle little of bxldegroem wlth 'Coneumm ..te gr&Of' nd t.raotion for her as for the rest. She hesi- If she had k11ewn suffering. '.l'here wo.~ a world of ours, tated for a momPnt, and tl:le11 she entered dainty half-foreign grace &bout the sm:\!e there are kta of sunny moments, there are ease. FRIDAY, AUGUl:ST 13, 1886. " One could almost Imagine he had J.eeu q t1.letly behind L9ouard H ope, :i.ud slipped delicate fet1.t11ree and the clear C9lorless oomlo~dsof pretty flowers. But, one pleasure >l have wished for, a.nd have In the he.bit of getting ms.rrled," one ra1ng into the one unooor1pled aeat on the benoh plexlon, reHllved by the bol\utiful blue-black longed tor niStht and day, 1et been Oynthia's- ourve of tho eye.brows an tl by the rloh d.illrk - the aea.t whloh he.d j 1 "ria to write the obituary of the man that's lady in the oem p my remarked, before which thll yom..g man W&B utandiDg. r.aasses of Mir; an exquie!te refinement In ·' A hir.ndaome face, a magnificent figm o known to say : The W6ddfog plt.ity was net of course VIS· every g~stu.re a.nd movement of ~he slight "Is this hot enough for you 1' the ae2embl.ag:e voted, " A oharmbig bdde Ible from tb.fo point; pi.ibably tha names auple tigii ?e, which ioli. grew on L1lonard, 11.s groom I" CATARRH.-A new treatment has been di~ oovered whereby a permanent cure of t his I've had pl~asu_res wi:hout number ln my un· J There was one however who dlSBented were a~ thiot m;,ment being signed iu tile h1.1 bad time In tho11a wa.Xt!ng m<.1menta t'<l eventful lire: f hi di hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely affct\t· I have ve~t;ry, for the ciewd In the ohuroh wae nete them. The d1·eas, too, clmple aud U'l· money 'nuft' to live on, I've a sweet and rom t 8 ver ct. ed in from one to three applications, no mattE?r loving wife, " What a horrid-looking man I" the young bre:i.klngup qufotlv, p,nd evldfmtly p:opa.r· studied ae «t seemet'I, was gra.oeful and be· whether standing one year or forty years. Tlu s But tor one thing I'd be h&ppy, for that thing I lady who h&d s.lrei>.dy spc.kllll aaid In a low Ing to move outd,ie, In another m9roent. aom!ng. S ile w11.s a lady of the best typa, remedy is only applied ';ll1Ca iu. twelve da.rs, the " W edd!ni; Ma.rob " pealed forth , tl:l.e Leonai·d doo!ded ; bat tna,t t,Ype Wl!o~ nnt; ti.r;· and does not interfere with bus}ne~s. Descnp- I wanetv:ir ft~~ri~ the funeral of the man that's vo!?e to her ,~ompanfon-a. gentleman. tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by Hordd ! he eunoed, in the same tene. rustle of allk u.nd lace p~matrat<id te the end acHy E ·gl!eh, hard to say : A. H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West, "lsthitihotenough foryou1' "Why, no ! N ewbeiawhat!should cY.11 of tho ohu1oh, anrl the bridegroom l~d tl:v:; 2'.neB!lUDd of wheels broke the sllenoo ;the Toronto, Uan~~A'r rs CAl'ARRJI? l».<'ly rese quloldy t o her feet, 11. fino loaklng fellow-u. h~ndaome fellew l;>rl\i" dvwll t h11 l\lele, Catarrh is a dangerous d isieas~ which th?_ us.- I ha.ve always lived quite happy, ancl ht;\·e had aven,n Sbe wi;a not p!!<le n~·111 ; the r!axieet 0111' i! It I~ bh~re," she a&id, with a weary but little woe, 11 a nds arc c<lnsciously or 1mcons?1 ously suffcrm11: ·0h, handsome I Yes, pet·ll11p~-ln a. mit<e burnt on either oheak, a.ud her rs.faed oHgh, "a.t last I '-1.o<le1titing L3onard's EU· from. It is a muco·purulent d1scb.ar~e c:aused. My train has never run too fast, nor never vet wD·1· A bea1ite de diable ," 1:!:J.e wh!l!pered e3es, fAvexlshly brilliant, looked' etr111igM oort and 1Allawi11g him h h<>Q.d h er hata th" too slow. by the presence of n vegetable ll,aras1te m the But, there's one delightful pleasure that I back. before he:t with a atra.lned umieelng gaze, a.a carriage. "'.ll'hanks for yeur klndnea~," lining membrane of the nuso. 'Ille pred1spo~ wish before I die ; ing causes are a morbid state of the blood., the " Are you not eeverely orltloa.l- for the If she bitd braced herself to a. supr..n1e ef· ab.e s.dded; thou, bowing to him, "wm 'Fis to cln-> to pence and quiet every man that's blighted corpuscle of Lube1·cle, t~c germ poison eoa11.a1on toe?" he retorted. fort and d:ued not turn to the right 01· to jOU tell the coi.ohme.n to drive qaicklyheard to cry : of syphilis, mercury, toxomc:e, from t he reten" I am sorry for the girl who [a l'(Olng te the lt>fo lest her. ceur~g6 ah11nld braak down. very q ulckly-to Marine Qi;tiage, ~-~the end "ls this hot enough for vou P tion of the effete matter of the skm, f!Uppressea: perspirationa, badly ventilated sleepmg_ apar.t· ml\l'ry that man, " the yell.ng lady pronounoec.l The hridc,gro11om did not leok towards her, 9f M,.rfoe Terrace ?" men ts and the germination of othei; J'.)01sons rn --~ emphaticllllly, and, a~ it eeemed, unr.iasen- but held her tightly 011 hfo arm a.a he atepLwnard tiaw her for a, fow m~ments long. the blood. Irritated by these, the bmng mcm· ·bly, pad q 11ickly towards the door ; and tb.e pa.l- e1". She was le11.ning hi.ok: ag·iu··~ t be brane of th e nose is ever ready for the reception of the parasite, which rapidly spreads.up "Sh11 may not be a girl ; she may be a l<>i' of e.nxtst,r ha.<:'\ g!ven pboe to a. glow of ou~blonefthe epen fly M ltt1mu1d the o)l'· the nostrils and down the fauces. or back of womim-&r e. wldo w," tile gentleman bUg· tdnmphant 11;.Udfactien, nir.tural and becom- nor ef the ~treei!, And tbGn ehs dl~::1ppeared the throat causing ulceration of tho throat; up g~sted. ing E:nough iri a bridej.\room, an tho spootatcrs out of hill 11ight, and ottt of hfo life be CHAPTER I. the eustac~ian tubes, causing_ deafnc~s; bu,:._ foought. And h3 strolled down t a thu rowing in the vocal cords, causmg lloa1seneHs, iogrFed.. " We 2hall eeon me, ' usurping the proper structttre of the b~onch1al The parish ohuroh 19f St. Ethel m!nda, In N .. t vety- soon theugh, The weddlog had L~en11rd Ilojle, et all eventa, had no ill· haaoh, phUesophing a Htt.le on the expartubes ending in pulmonary consmnpt1011 and t4e faNhl.ena.ble Wbltedng phoe ef St. Soba.a- heen fixed for half past eleven ; tile brideteut~ tu spare for thl11 s~cc,ni.\ri.ry pelt'~On'l.ge len.:i~s which occur, witirnnt 11.!m ar obj ~ot death. Many ingenious speifics for for t_ h e cure of Uan-by.f;he-Saa, wan open for a w(:Jddiag- groom had been pur·otua.Uty ittJelf; but the ln the wedding drama ; h:e ·iyea were fixed appat·~nt!y inn life, snd tnmfo.g r1var in hla catarrh have been invented, but W\thout suc- a grand weddiog appuently, judging from mlnute2 passed, and the bride tlid not ap· upan the bdde, aa ~ha oamo noanir, and bis mind, wlth a l.ltt!s ~k(1ptic~l dfadal11, thfl cess, until a physician o.r long s_ tsndrng discov- ~ha Important flarry of the whito-halrsd ver- pear. l'wenty-five minutes to tw~lve, gaze wa.o unollmolou&ly c10 ~lltont as ta be a.l- dootdne of i> purpose in a.II tliat comea ered the exact nature of th drneuee and the t es, eighteen, aevonteen ! The mQsf; ludk1orfot, P.,rhl)pe in tha bride· across our path, in all the Mvialitiea oi our only appliance which will permanently destroy ger I a wedding worth looking at, acoor,Hnit twenty mluu. the parasite, no matter bow aggravated the to the slgnifioant lnd!c&tlons of rad o ~rpe!; great cfook seen,i ad to be ..t out eaoh swiftly· g:;:ol\m's altered maen he read somethil!lg of dally r oad, "In a chance encounter like thle mom· case. Snll.'erers should send stamp at once ln~ide the ohuroh and unstlniled lel.'gths of uuooeedlng second with a sort of dcdge· thia tragedy which his cousin Otnthfa pro· for descriptive pamphlet on. 011.tarrh. to th1,: cocoa nut mattfog otttbidc9; sugge11tlve of a. h1>mmer detsrm\nti;tion in the performanoe foe~sd to have rlleo.:irned ; perhapa har orlt- iug'e, for instance," he ~ddell to hhuaelf, business managers, A, H, Dtxon &; Son, 30:> bride in white aa.tin a.nd Brnssale lac!', and cf a dls gree!lble dmy. iolsm had rousl1'd hi~ intere2t and his carioo- shrugging hio ehou!d.. rs, an ho ~lted an 9 King street west, Toronto, Canadq . The little stir attendant upon, the brids· lty In spite of himnelf, What the Rev. E. B. Stevenson, B.A .. a Clergy· a tre.in of ele~ant bridesmaids en suite, of Hewevar that a.dva.noing wave with pebbles, "By theman of the Lo1ulon Oonfei·ence of t~w IVlet/10· fiower. and favors, and a.ll the oonventl~nal groom·8 entrance had eubelded ; he had might be, his eye!I follewed the last gleam way, I wonder where Marine C!>ttllge fa% dist Chiirch of Canada, has to say in 1·eva1·d attributes of the ceremony when it concerns greeted his frlend , and he was stlllndina 2 ef gold'en hair as it vanished !n the shadow Along there, under the ell.ff, I ·hould sa.y, To A .H. Dixon & Son's New Treatment fo1' tho enviel and privileged " upper ten." now in his place at the cha.noel steps ; the of tl:le porch ; i;.nd th en he s teppad ba.ck ont where Ma.tine TEirraca ends." Oatari·h. " A nd being auah a.n Hie m an that every So, attracted by the promised excitement, hush of expeotaUon had fallen l.\ga.in up~n of tha oro wd of bride"malds, by whom he Oakluns, Ont., Canada, Jlllaroh 17, 1883 tho crowd g1J.thered ; a somewhat unruly the waiting crowd-a deeper, more anxious suddenly found himself s1urounded, with exatlse fer an objea~ in hla st.-oll WM worth Me.qsrs· .A .H. Dixon & Son: DEAR Sms,-Yours of the 13th inst. to band. little mob ha.rras£ing the guardians of the hush tho.n before. The dtua.tlen WlllB grow- llin involu11tQry sigh, for which he wonld something to him, he plodd!ld i:.1-ong the It seemed almost too good to be t rue that I am ooooa nut matting, o.nd a more orderly ..nd Ing critical. The vergar loeked at his watch ~hiogly bes.oh to t h e end of Ma.rlue '.l~orraoe; cured of Catanh but I know that I am. I arlsteoratlo 11asembln.ge dropping in by two$ -others lo9ked at thdr wiAtohes, '.I'he wad- ha.vo been mnch puzzled t o account. The e!gb was echoed faintly at his sido, and there, sheltered by a cheulder of the have had no retu~n of tho disease, and never :i'elt better in my life. I have tried so many anc'I. threes, grafos.lly filllng the nave- where ding guests lllted their eyebrnws &.µd ehoek A figure, a wems.n's, swayed for an instant, cUft, t um.lug it~ fa.ca to t he tea., wltb. Hs · things for Catarrh, suffered so m 1 1ch . and for the Interest would nature.Uy eenoentmte- their head1:1 2't one a.nether ; the bridegroom and then sank uuddenly and silently In a little g&rd11n enclosed In tlilmarhk· bn ~hea, . rio many years, that it is hard to realize that and giving the flashed verger eocups.tfon knitted his handssme forehead 11nd pulled dead faint at his feet, ruon!Dg down to the etretoh ef red beach, 1 and its val'l\ndah hung with a gl'ea.t:fra.grant ~';;o~~tglr ig;~e~ine was a very bad case; it enough to keep the rows of aeats nearest to demenstratlvtily at his muuatM!he. · t11.11gle of blossoming clams.tis, he found was aggravated and chronic,'invclving the the altar reserved for the wedding gaest.a, . Preeently the ever-increaafog crowd of The church clock·oblmed the three l).Uart· OHAPrER II, . throat as wcll 1as tbe nasal passages. and I Ms.rine Cllttt.ge. A long reclining ohalr of thought it would require the three ;treatments, onectators overflowed Into the chancel; ers, seemlug to pa.use. on eaoh ·streke, I'S If ,.. · more so· 1em111y, The "It was the heat, s!r-thi>t's what it wa.3. wloker- work, ~aoh as ona sees on beard ship, but I feel fully cured by the two sent me. and There the s~ptember sun streamed through t o Impress I.;s warn.Dg I am thankful that l was ever induced to ~end · b reath!eaa now ; every You pee It's a warm morning, e.nd the church heaped up with shawls of many co1eura, the anolen~ IV"-mllntled windows and flood· exoItemen. was stood en the g ravel path, and a slu.rp little ~o you. . , 4~ds the ent ra.noe, every was s<> over-fu\l o' foJks," the old verger with golden light, warm h ead was t urned t owYou are at liberty to use this Jetter st atmg ed the whele ~pace rier kept watnh b aneath lt, B11t there · k d throb · The was sayin~ a.a he handed Leonard Hope a ter that I have been cured st two treatments. and and na,v as befitted the occ&slon. Bat the h eo.r;t be11.t W i ·h · ~ qu10 one ~ was no other 8lgu of life er movement about · JI shall g.ladly recommend your remedy to some "'remnlned " br'd gre w p a le - .. IivId, " th e y 0 ung ,., a!ii.sa of wa.ter in the V6ijtry. na.vo In a dim aombre:neaa, due to J egroom <Df my friends who ar e sutrerers. · 't'·C oaIl ed 1· " H was the heat-yes, the heat. I-I the Uttlo dwelling. With its green Veuehes.vy a1.1rved tracBry, f!tained glass, and the 1ady-or1 .-11:.nd ·h · e verger ha.gga r d ¥0\lrs, wit h many t11 anks. - ty a.a h e nw hia goId en f ee h 11.ng - am sorry to h&ve g'1ven you all this tr ouble," th.u blinds all down, it seemed te doze and nmv. Ji:, B. STEVENSON. "old and p11rple of the High Cnuroh alt..r. w Ith a.nxie " S i . E t helmlnda's was ii. fine old ohnroli, .ng · i n th9 b al a.nee. · An d atill th e pu I ae 11 f echoed a sweet vole.a, apeaklng with e.n ao- blink !n t h e war m aun·hlne ; whilst the A.nd. hund.reils of others freBh Bweet odour cf mignonette and in· 1 k thro bbe d en-t weIve m1r. - cent which wa.e not alto11:0ther E n.,Uah, er ra.ther, two churches combined-the ',;h0 f at e f ul coo "' s~ious bre111ths of c!am!l.tla perlume oame ama.ller one, an a!!clent abbey chnp 9I dedl utes to twelve, ten, eight-another stroke r. r The speaker sat up In the 'i fear u ouved- wafted towards Leonard Hope, " oa.ted eo the Ea.int whene name It bore, fsrm· two, and there would be no wedding that oak chair and pushed back a thiok mass of "I * Formerl.Y Known as the' ' Soper Mills. ') dark ha.Ir, which ha.d fallen over her ferea rn·~· "'·i i" h l·vg tl1e nnve, mnd the l ..r«~r, of IatPr date, mernln11. ~ ~ "' "Th b "d I f I I " hlsp d h d d hi h f 1· a. was a ,;t ng at writing t!l.ble conEtltutlllg the wider chancel; the two bee r1 e e o my op n en, w ere e11. ' an w c wa11 n eta.rt mg contra.st to WI Lqona.rd ws.lked Into hheraunt's room at RIS MILL HA.S BEEN THOR· l·ng oanneo·ed by double rowa of ll!ruhe!I in the young lady triumphantly, lta pu re whitenens. She raised & pair of t'- h t 1 d L d Kl v · "H h !" b th d h I "" lift! l h . d k L d' f ,.e o e · an "' v eth wa.~ reading at OUGI-ILYrenovated and put inordor,nnder the Centre. Thus it h ·ppe"?d that the altar d u.a rea e er oompa.n o...., ng arge pat et10 ar eyes t o eonar s ace. th h h f ~·.e open w1n ow, w 1t er eet OD the balthe'rown special supeivislon,fo1 the purpJsiof and navo were in greatw mea·ure.hidden from his h and , w It h hi o eyes fi xed on t h e poreh · " I muet go ! ·· ohe murmured, trying ts grlstmg and manotacturing Oat Mdev.I an i ot ail polnto of the char;, cal eave the centre. At the ss.me moment the diaphanous rise. ca~.Yw' 11 L d " h 'd I d Barley and wo o.re now prepare to rece ve w I d f brld id hi h h d be h e 9ona.r , t e e1 er a y s!l!ld, orders from all our old cu atom~rs and other,~· l 'hese of the wedding guests therefore whe 0 ou 0 e~ms. 8 · w 0 "' en ev"I am afraid you a.re hardly strong eneu"h l oe k' h. ·' have you heard -·· .. .ng tlp at is entrance, for work, and we gurantee to give ti;iem ~ o were relegated to the chs.ncel ooneoled them· ering there a II through these an.ueus me- yet. Will you net rest a little longer ?" or aeon anythlng merlil of thla wedding which lntrust us with the same entire sat1sfact1on. s lves for their leas adva.:nbgeous position ment B, ewe.ye d and opene d · and th8 h r id8 ,8 the voung man r eturned gently, h as DO excite cl cynthiu.? I saw the carrl11>ges Oats o.nd other grains taken in exchange !or u th th h ld f th b Id d 1 t thew commanded t he doe\' of mo er- e ere. e o r'the-appeare "I oan go-I mnet go," sh9 · ~eper..ted httr· tb 6 c h ttroh ; t here aeem13d a j.>reat . Flour Oat M<;ial, &;c. H. &. J, TOWNS, ~~w· by feeling t i1 4 w " d d th h h h · d · p.oi.ss 1rom e a nro Witt I as nrne a riedly, succeeding thfo time in rising to her many ef t h em, I t mu~t have been qtilte a e ntrimce and exit, and would be first to aee an passe up ~ 1· manvi!le · d · h 8 t "'"e inesa perm e · s t ep a i th~ wedding prooeeelon arrlve, aB theuwould 1 Thas er ft ! t t' b 'd feet, and trying to fasten her loosened rib- g ra.nd l.ua r, I won d er who the ·peon1eare? 3 , t'· 11.·e It den..r", en, ·le ri e bone with hl11nds th11t trembled nerveusly, I am so sorry I did not knew about ... be ~he · l·st " tB ~ ~ r- · h f a er an d nsd an s dpa.us it, as I ersel appes.re , an tin a m 1r 1ng murmur But she had oveuatud her streng!th l and h d I t was t he fu11 se!>een a.t S t. S ab aatIan ,s; passed througb. the e.ssembly. S he was an wa~ on t e ~romena e all t he morning in s.s she atoed, she was oompelled te cling to h · ' Id h li.k d to Continues to do a General Banking Business and the crowd whioh gathered and whiaper- ideal bride-so young, 80 fair, 80 downcast, my o s.ir, enou o.ve e aee It , · so po.le-too na.le perhaps ., for the whito the ti>ble for suppor~. As ohe did so her eye cynthia oays--" · th e ch urch was more our l ous th an lll· sBo wmanville Branch. e d in .. "D00 ·t t >1.lk i> b ou· 1 it t erw t ed · for tb.8 wedd·-g .DEPOSI'l'S .,, we. 8 s.mong th e cheek seen through the floating tulle veil fell en the open register, wtit still with the · m!l.mma l I want to " visitors," and the gniater pa.rt of the w"a whiter ths.n the soft satin of the wed- ink whloh,hs.d Just written -the el1Jn.atnres. fo?get It," Oynthla Interrupted. "Is it not Received in Savings Bank Depart.mentand · ding robe, She was more like ,, bl!a.uti!ul "Percival Danvers, b&ohelor a:o.d Eve ti me the I~110 heo11 was ee:rved · " v lait ors 11 t eo, There wa. , RIng "h · e call and interest allowed at current rates. ~ o crowd w.are "y allegt a.nee e.tatuo than a living, brea.thbw, wom11>n a11 Delamalne, eplnster, " ·. l , · b e11· L eon.,,. o-d'Jl lease. " notice of withdrawal necessary. All depmnts consEquent i y nei ·h · er h e redlt a. ·th l k " The old vergsr'a_gla11ce fol ow~d· the dirni.. h · d t t' · 1 .. payable on demand, nor persons.1 eympathy amoDga. e en- oo · !lhe oeme forws.rd, moving in a scrt of mef h ..._.,.en s e u.eppe on on ne oa oony, anu ers, but only the common human intereet 0 h - 1 0 bedl to th I" ·f h reotian e ere, Lady Kieth lflllol to Leonard In a demon9 EXCHA.NGE 0· make· world kin " in suoh encert-a anios. young enoe gu 1>e.nce ; and er " W a.'ve h 11o.,.. .. a gay wedd' · tive w h" thw· · "the ~hole .. brothere a.ppu.rantly .ng," h e remark - 11.ra uper"Was It 1118 bad aa Cynthia eaye, L~onBought and sold and Drafts issued upon Europe, events a.a gay marrl115e festivals and selemn &Illy the shining geld ef her hair gave a.ny ed, mindful-Of the gold pieces lying in his United States and Canada, also Gold, Silver and funeml11 relld of oehur te the lovely pfcture. The we.istooit'"'1l.ooke_ t. " Did you hs.ppen te a~d? I e the girl being oa.orlfioed ?" United Sta:es Greenbacks ):>ou11:ht and sold. Time p11.ssed 011, a.nd the 18.rge old churoh fa.Ir bevy of attendantR clo~ed in after her knew th11 p ..rtlos, sir r:- te Lqonard, "N& l' ' Before he could answer Cynthia. o~me was fille<l to oveifhwlug, :By-and· by the OAnd flatteriid up the e,lqJe amid the solemn They ba strangers here--viettera from L-~n- ba.ok a.gain, and returned whh charaoteriatio r (}OLLEU'.i."JONS fintte r amongst the rown of glrls In pretty sllen'oe ef the byetau der~. .d6n-·a-. high family, I'm told, They've ineo;iaistenoy to the forbidden subj ect, Promptly made at current rates upon all par eeae!de costumes, and the wh!apered talk The youxig lady-critic held her bre,.th a.a 0:1rne thing· b.&nd3ome, though they're net ··I wi~h you hi;d seen the end of it, L ~on ;;,t Great Brittain, the United States and Do whlch had hitherto beguiled the WP.ltlngmo· the swee~ vision pasaed her, followed by tne 11t thear own pl:t.co "-and he chinked his foe al."d, I !Im h.'l.unted by the whole a.ffi:iit," minion of Canada . ments, gave place to an expectv.nt hush, long train of mald'ens; then, as the laet cemplacently, "The lady 11nd gentleman's ahe 11!!.id. Telegra}"Dh T1ransrc1·is throllgh whioh the ticking of t he cleok In fl.eating whit e robs diaappee.red under the going lio forei11.n pl\rts for the~r trip, someWhy dld he not tel! her that ho had "seen Made tor large or small sums on all parts of the tower aoove oeuld be heard distinctly arohway into the nave, sllll stepped 'I. uiokly wher.a !n the Indies or Amerlky, I believe- the end of it?' Why did he aleo keep s!Canada. This is esl)ecially ,advantageous to from aecend to secend, The verger grew out ii.t the epened door, a.nd nover 8~;,pped a. lnng way, in &ny ai>~e. They don't even lenoe on that other little adventure which persons living in Ma.mtoba or the North·west visibly reetleas ; he wandered to and from until ahe had reached the churchyard wait to cM the weddm' bre1J.kfaat with the· was, nnrea.eoni.bly enmlgh, as he told himns it makes the funds available at once i>t the the cha.noel steps, whence a view of the en- gates. company I they've got to oatoh the half-.past self, assooiatsd with Cynthia's "flragedy" place of payment. t.ra.nce deer oould be ebtalned, returning , , Oh, Leana.rd I" ehe cried then to her one o'olook train at the st&l.1on, and go ~lght in his mind? For further pa1:tlculars Call at the Bankh111 each time with a face devoid of s.ll expros· companion, who, accustomed to her upld Gff, to bo in timo for the steamer or s~,ime· He gs.ve no hint of farther knnwlodgo, House. although the interdicted subja6t waa diR'eion, to the tants.lisi~g disappe!ritment of and eocoDtrlo movemenh, bad eutlfutly t hing." GEO. McGILL, T.BRODIE, those whose statiE!nl!.ry position in the nave followed her 80 fa.r, u Oli., Leonard, I can· " Inde~d ." L~omxrd appeared to be In· ous8ed all through the luncheon, He only Manager made them dependent upgn hie ebserva- net look on at Accountant, lt 1 It 18 a tragedy 1 · tere·t<>d In the old man's goasip. laughed a little at " Danna Qt1lxt>tm~." as ·Iv tione, Leenard shrugged hie ehouldere. " Y t">i~-a noble-looking gentleman ; and he w11.o In the habit of call!ng his ooush!, A~ la.et a fa.int r ustle, a sort of thrlil, " Why i".lle sa.ld. "Bwv.use the bdcle· very rloh too, I'm told, A good match for "Thlq !a beyond yon, most oympalbetfo wao communicated from the ohano0l to the groom has dark eyebrows imil the bride I.a the young lady ; they're a large f ,mily as it and ohlvalrou11 of lady champions," he said. nave, and every head WllB bent eagerly pa.le? 1 theught it was the orthodox thing seems," "You o:i.n soarcely breaK a lanco iu this towards th e stepa. The first arrival had for a bride to be pa.le." Mr. Hoi:e remembered the siok lady now, 011.use." · · taken place-not a very Important arrlv11l "Do ycu call that thepa.lene~s of a happy a.nd turned ta her, She too wrui liotenbg " No, moro'e the pity," she eald, "But probably; but It was a relief to bave some- bride? It ls the deadly chill of deapalr," te the verger's garrulous ts.lk ; and some- I wish I oeul<l forget lt," thing to leok at, and it was a very pretty she replied. "I am nurl'.l of it, And the how-although of oourse It ceuld have no " l'ry to thfok that It is all right ; that It "somethfog," everybody agreed. Two la- DlOther--" . cennect!en with the oubject-there was a. Is a very ha.ppy marriage; that the bride "A handsome well·presorved B~ltlsb ma· leek of wild terrified trouble !n tbe large, ia only shy, and ths.t the bridegroom is a de· dies, as much alike as two ladles could posslbly be, twms apparently, young and fair, tron-a xepresenbtive mether, p erforming wide-open eyes which met Leonard's with 111 veted 111ver, and will be a paragon husbe.nd. " in charming toilets of pale pink and pale her firatd11lty In life-ms.rr;ylng her dl\ughter mute, unconscious appeal. "Do you believe all th1At ?" she asked, blue, came shyly up the aisle, oelourlng d d 9 i It f 11 I a very be0 omlng " I must go," she reiterated, turning ?oway . twqipg sharply 11pon him. , -ghtly m 8 they cw me, and con·iderably dfs an graoe u satin, y, n My ' ·d !'ar Oyn- as she me!; ble gl anoe. ' 811 · gown ofng gold-oolered " a an you "-t~ Lt. me · .. I I"- he W ~8 thrown off his gu~rd bY concerted at finding themselves the oyno· thla, what mystery can even your lively verger-" get me a carriage-now-on the her Budden challenge-" I I" he st a.mmeriad, - E l"Y· . like a guilty t choelbey ca.ught in a peooadll· sure of all eyes. The verger, quite revived lm..glnation find iu such a very unexoeption· instant ?" 1 at hlllving semethlog to do, ushered thetr> ablo and respeotable person?" And with a sort of restless impatience she le. ·"\Vell, no, I don'~ .b~Ueve lt, I den't into front seats, and they sat, nestling shy" She looked like 111 woman who wall oem· m-0ved towards tho door, following him ao , kuow;" " g I am tullyprepared t o attend Funerals on ly together, with drooped heada, llke a pair mittlng a. crime," dcclartd Oynthla, 89 seri. he deputed on hi~ errs.nd. " Th~n I 1 am right," she said deoldedly, the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates ef gentle doves, whilst the little stir subsid· euely that Leonard laughed outright-" like . "The etand is some little distance .!!'way ; turning a.wa.y. · · Caskets and BurialCases really on short notice " Oh dear I" sighed Lacy Kieth. " How i rat-class hearse on very moderate terms ed and the ticking ef the big clock waa aud- Lady Macbeth. She Is forcing that peor and the. m:r.n cannot bebaok for five minutes Shrouds and Coffins oonstantly on hand, Fun ble again through the sllenoe. I h h te8 It la c>r more. Yeu ha d better rest until he re- sorry I am ! What a ra:i thing I" 1 11 t 0 r al cards supplied at on ce, Furniture Shop & Another ftutter-another arrival, This ~ffioe/· a marr ages e a ' a sac· turns, Allow me'," Leonard s~!d, ottering L eonard Hope found his hat snd retired how R ooms- Bounaall'sNewBlock. time it was a. tall stately lady In violet vel.. A sert of Indian suttee in fact," said hie ae Bhe walked f~oQI)' dew~ the In nnaooeunto.ble confusion, to th!<.t refuge vet, who came sailing up the church on the Leonard, " Be oomferted, Cynthia ; t heae ohurcl:t, . . ·to a man 111 all difficulties, a cigar, arm of a little gentleman with a. small bou- are not the days when young w6m~n-11ven She accepted his a.s·hiti\noe with frank (!ro DE CONTINUED,) quet In his button·hele, These were quickly H young as this one-are dragged to the slmpliolty, !!.nd sat .Ue' ~fr-' iJ:\ the gray old ... - · - · followed by a steut clergyman, conducting altar a.gainst tnelr will." perch looking over the churchyard, where What the Hindu Lives on. "qui~t.Jooklng la.dy In gray silk. Next a "I don't know. There is a nort of moral the su.lt breez~ . frem the sea. blew freshly generensly·developed dewager in drab satin ooeroien even In these times-a domestla now over tho"·il;reen flower-planted graves; Human life ls snppo?ted fn India. upsn and point laae passed, with her attends.nt pre~eure which le aa powerful as brute but sb.e kia.ned her soft white cheek nga.lnet the barest m!nlmum of neceusa.riea ; the vilcavalier; and tlren a whole plurnter ef brll· hiroe,' ' Csnthia. anawered, walking on quick- the cool Rtone, and D!lt thus, looking down lage popufatfon foe:l upsn the commonest llant butterfiy forms eongrega.ted for a mo· ly In her exclt~meul!, " And the,t mether the path with eal"!lest t xpectatlon fer the graln0, never eating a.nl!mi.l food (which Is ment in the entrance porch, and spr ead looks a.B if she would be a difficult peraon verger 's return. contrary to their roliglon) and ral{ely tasta.part up the chancel, to group themselves fo,. a young girl te resht. " Sha had apparently forgotten Leen1>1rd ing the finar grit.ins. such a·a whe!!.t 11.nd bar~REEM.A.N'S again In the nave and make It bloom like a u Yes-she la aolid," L eonard oonooded, Hopa'e preeenoe. Her small well glevad ley. The clathing worn la of the ~ca.ntleat, of many hued flowers , walking by his cousin's aide-fer she was hia hands rested languidly in her lap; it seemed and I was dbtrees"d to eae m!\ny of the pecWORM POWDERS.. prx-rlerre After this there was enough of fashien l!>llil. ceuein-ae !he continued to hurry for- as if the tide of Ufe wltb.ln her ebbed so slew ple in tbe Northwest P tevinces shivedng that she hs.d not energy enough to lift them and half naked In wea.thar so cold that I Are pleaaant to tn.ko. Contain their om. eleganoe to gaze upon, fer the reserved seats ward. filled rapidly, and the show was as rich and "Don't laugh, Leonard," Oynthia en- higher, .And yet her lllliX1out eyes were was glad to wear two topcoats, l'he houses Pmg11tive. I n a. safe, euro, and e !fecta.a' recherche as Ma.dame Elise and West-end tre11.ted. " You wm see that I am right, if fixed on the path as if her whole soul were are b uilt of clay, and &!most desUtnte of t!e11tro:rer ot wormB in Cl!ildr"n or Adultn conoentra.ted OD the watch for the measen· furniture, and I nnder8tand · that a ls.rga mllineu ceuld :;nake It, The gloom ef the ever we hear the atery," shadowed ns.ve was relieved by the dainty "Whloh we are net likely to do," said ger's return. portion of the popnlatlou only eat one meal sheen of pa.le .. mconlii1?ht blue, " with Leonard. "Are yeu going in already?" he The wedding bells were ole.ngiDg forth a. day, Of course this In an Eastern ceun· "Ivory" and "peacock g1·ern," and delicate added, as they reached the door of their their j oy. netes In the old tower overhead, try does not signify wh111tlt does In Europe· creamy pink, and the de'llp Bh&dowe were hotel, and she put up her band at le.st, ail If to shut life can bs sustained on Ieijs food and less ge1t>m9d with fi.!r fa.cea ii.nd spuklfog eyed, "Yes, I am tired, u.nd- fa.lnt, Are you out the sotind, whilst her brow contraoted, nutritious diet thllln In N orthern cllmoo ; ll'&r the ~pi100 of twenty minutes or more coming?' l>B if with palu. the labor power of the liindua Is small; tha weddiDg gu~ats chatted ·together iu low "Not yet, I think," he tmswered, "I "A sweet face," Leonard Hope theught, there is less taken out (If the human ma· tonoe, t.r.d with a gu.lbty scaicaly in aoosrd she.II have a stroll on the bee.oh first " -lift- aa he stood looking down upon ~t; "bui flO china than i.n our la.boriGus Western life; with tb.~ir eurrouo.dh:iga. Then the great Ing_ his hat 11s she went In, indleably sad I" it cemumes less and preduoes less ; boaldes, olook eounded the half heur ; and, j aet as But he did not take the turning to the The pa.thos of the large blue eyes, tho thol Aefatlc ha.e the power of digesting a. the deep ~trekee fell, the bdjlegroom walk- beaoh, After a moment's heslta.tlen, he hepelesa resignod weariness of the whole grev.ter quantity of food a.tone meal than b walkod back along the read he had just figure, tonched and int<rested the young pessible to Europeans ; but, whrn due al· ed up tlle oburcb. Re wns well able to bear the erdea.l of In· traversed, until he rEached the church gates man; he being for a moment au idlo sea· lewanoe la m11.de fer all thlu, it is net to be numerable acrutlnlzhlg eyes. Ho wi>o a. man age.in. t side lounger, and open to ps.selng lntsreets. denied that the poverty of a great part of about thirty yea.rs aid, of eplendid figure, "I may all well see the end of It," he mut- And he wandered if he had stumbled upen the peeple of India is exlreme and mere and dressed In clothes whloh were perfeot tared, as If apologising to himself, "al- a.nether "tragedy," or If impetuous Oy:n- acute than what; we wlt.a0ss in Europe, Jt ln their fit-a ma.n of the wvrld and of sooi- 'hough weddings are not muoh In my line." thla'e fancie~ had actually Infected him, may be said with truth of a great pa1t ef ety evidently, and with the kind of experl- And he entered the epen door ef the church that he must rei>d 11. drama In every stran- the rural population that it is never far reenoe \Vhlch, whilst It ha.d given him the once mere. ger's face that milrnlfig; i'...eonard ~mlled a moved from fa.mine, A scanty ltuvest any finished grace whloh all women adere, ha.d At the same moment a lad y was passing llttl& at himself, and then went baok, [rree- year brings that oallilmity with!D mea,aurahle left hie youth a long way behind. He we.a threugh tho ohurchyard- whloh was a. lstltily attracted, to t he st11dy of the figure dlstanoe ; a failure of crops IDEl\ns dea.th t o N e vvspapel' Advortising Bureau, very handsome too, Hfo smooth aar\i: face thoroughfare-walking slowly with the Ust· before him. The lady was young P.t ill, a1- a largo P"rt ef the popul;,,.t fan unleH fed by 10 Spruce St., New York. Send 10ct::i. tor 100-Pa9e Pamphlet. was relieved by a full moustache, and his lesa step which betekened either ill health . though not so young as the girl-bride; she Government. ,,_ -. It Would ba Pleasant BY W. B, HOLJ,AND. CATARRH. lnv~lids 'Ho~el ~-~urgical Institute. BUFFALO" N. Y'- ~'l "" Crgnntzed with u f'ull StnAr of elght.een Elx~crlcneed a11d Sl·Hlfnl P hysicians Bild Surgeons fo1· the tt·catn1ent ot all U1ron1c DJseases, ~nm f~ELD OF SUCCESS. ·1 WON AND LOST. all partwulars. Cb1·011lc Nasal Catarrh, Throat au d .!Lung Disca~e"'· :f,i var and K.i<l11ey Dh1eases, Blad1ler Diflcases, Diseases of Women, lllllood Diseases an<l Nerv· one .A.Uection!i, cured here or at bome wltll or without scemg the patient. Como a.nd ~e us, or send t H n cen1s m stamps for our lt.avalids' Gulde Boolt," which gives Ii'! uELIGATE l1il Ne:;.-vous Debility J!mpo. teucy, Nocturnal io811es, aml a ll JV!!.orbid. Cmaditiom; c1tu sod by YonU·tul .!Fol. MISl:'i>.11 £Slr.t11 Hes und Pcruicious Soli· J;<l. tary ].·racticcs aro speedily im..""""".'"""'"""' . .!land permanently cured by ou.r Spec!al1st.s. Dool,, post-paid, 10 cts. ju stamps. ·~ Ru1,t11re, or Breach, radiiilUPTURE· wit ca.Uhv cured, without the knife, ri1 out dcpcndoncc upon trusses, and with ve1·y Jt~tlt: in stamps, pain. Book sent for ten cents PllLE TU!'ilfflf!ffiS and STRICTURES treated with the greatest success. Book sent fQ1· t.en cents in stamps. Address WoHLD'S DISPENSARY M EDICAL AS80CIATION, 663 MalD .Street, Buffalo, N. Y. '.!'he treatment of rn ny thousands of cnses of those diseases peculiar to DISEASES Of "\VV' 0 l.\l.lt E N WOMEH. at tl1e Invalids' Hotel and ~"""'"""'""""""""""'"" S urg ical Institute, bas afforded .!urge experience in adapting remcrues for thou· cure, and Caledonian Mills. r is the result of this vast experience. It is a. power ful R<l!itOl'ative Tonic n uc'D. Nervln<l, imparts vig·or and strength to the system, and cures, as i f b.v magic, Leu. co 11.Tbea, 01· "'vh itcs"~ excessive l!lowiug, paiuful 1ncustrnation, unnatu1·al su1)pressions, in·o1apsus or falling o i t he utm·u!il, ·weak back, unteve1·sio n , r et1·ove.-slon, bearing. do wn sensations, chronic congostJoui . lllfl'.huauuaUon uucl u I co ration oi tne \vo1nb, inrlan1mation, i·aln and tcnderne!ils in ovaries, internal :heat, and "feutalo l.vcakuess." It promptly relieves an<l cures Nansea and "\Wealuless of Sto1nach, Iudigestion, Ulloatin~, Nervous Prostration, and Sleeplessness, in culler sex. Favorite Prescription , -- PRICE $1.00, ~:R 6 i~~'Sl>~ 0 ten cents in stiunps for Dr. PJerce's large Sohl by Druggists everyl.vbcrc, Send Treatise on DiEeascs of Women, illustrated. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, N , Y. h THE ONTARIO BANK sacK-;UADACHE, Bilious Head ache, IDizziuess, Constipa. tion, Indigestion, and Bilious Attacks, pTomptly cured by Dr. Pie1·ce ·s Ple~ a nt rn1·ga~i-v-e PcHCte. 25 cents a. vial, by Druggistll, - - ,' BUSINESS BOOMING -AT'rHE - Eclipse DUSO. - --o--Clothing and any amount of suits sent out every day. Our Collars, Tiea, Gloves, Shirts and J cwollery, tho very l atest styles._ READY-MADE OLOTHINC FROM $2 UP. PLEASE TO CALL AND EXAMINE UN DE RT AKl NC L EV 1 MORRIS. N. B .- We havo disJ?osed of our stock of Fancy Dry Goods to MRS . IVES, oi;iposite the Salvation Army Ilarracks, 0 0 0 See t~e ~est Value .in fow-0. P l ease to call u pon h er and y ou will see the prettiest stock in town W. H. IV ES. arm NEW HARNESS SHOP ---o--Tbe undersigned begs leave to intimate to the people of llcwmanvillo and vi cinity, that he h as opened a new Harness Shop on King St., opposite Mr. Wm. Glover's Livery Stables whore he will have constantly on ha.nil, aud ma;>e to order, Harness of all kinds, viz.: Heavy Lumber, Farm, Express, Coach, and Light Double Harness. Fine Single Harness a specialty ;IN .ALL THE LATEST STYLES. A lnrgc .toek'ofColhu·.~ or C\' Cl'Y tlc~c1·I1·tlo11 always on Jtaud, 01· customel'S can llave ille1u m:ulc to ordm· on sbortest notice. Finest stock of Horse Millinery ever.shown in town, including: R0BES, ADVERTISERS BLANKE'l'S, FLY NETS'p Wil.A S, can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., WHIPS, BRUSHES~. C 01v1BS and everything In season. REPAIRI~TG PROMPTLY .ATTENDED '£0, Satisfaction guaranteed. Intending purchasers will do well to give me a call. Havmg bouj>;ht o.11 goods of the latest style and host quahty, for cash, I will be able to give customers the benefit. Bowmanville, May 6,'.1886. J. R. BRADLEY, 19-iw ,

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