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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1886, p. 6

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!; _ __ A CARD.-To a.ll who are suffering from THE CANADIA.HSTATESMAN ·tne errors and indiscretions of youth, n ervous weakness, early decay, loss of manh ood, &c., I will send a recipe th~t will· cure you F REE OF CHAHGJ!l. : ~h11 -DYmissiong reat rem edy was discover edSby a d If ar y in South A merica. en a. so · AT THE OFEICE a dd r essed nvelope to the REV. J OSEPH Po1iom.eeBtoek,Kt11gSt.,Bowlllan vlll e,Ont T . INMAN Station D New York Citv. 46y AnvISE TO MO'l'HERS.-Are you dis· TERJ.Y.[S : IB PUBLISHED -= - ma a ABE(,lGAR.::_RoMANO.E. I THE FAR M. S "Ii ·H Ol ng og11. ET.ERT FRIDAT MORNING, Once tJ1e 1Jellc _ ofSalt Lali:c- New Grlntlln& a Ban d-Organ for a Living, 11 G ·KEEPl 11 . t a th8 FRO·m 11·1 1 a m ··H&& di · "'· -------------- M. A.JAMES, 'IJl,50,perann um,or $1. 00ifpai<Un a d-vanee payment strictly ln advance required !rom snbeor1bersoutside of the county. Ord~rs to dieoontinue the pa.per mu~t be accompanied by he amount due,or t he pa per will not bes topped. nbBoribera areresponsiblenntilfullpayment is made. R A.TES OF A.D-VEltTISING s ~ iS . _ Whole Column one year .. ..... ..... . $60 oO;:;?;; ~ " " Half year . .......... . 36 00 ~ ~ One q uarter ...... .. , 20 00 p:!-n Halt Colnm'n one year .. .... . ........ 36 ~~ - " Half year ............ ... 20 . · " One quarter ........... 12 5~ Quar ter Colurr..n one ye8"r ........... : 0 O 0" " Ralfyeo.r ........... 1250 5 " " ·· One quarter........ 8 0 - l!llxl!nes anda nder, first insertion ... io 5C E ach subsequent insertion... ... 0 25 n om six to ton lines, first lnse11tion 0 7t : Each subsequent insertion .... ·· 0 ih-10 OTer tenlines,firstinsertion,per_~ine 0 0, 0 · -Each subsequent insertion, The number of lines to be reckoned by h e space occupied,_ measured by a scale o olid Non vareil. ; DR . J. C. = MJ~CJIEJ,J,, 9o~oner. and Surgeons, Ontario, etc. M Office and ltesidence, Enmsk1llen. 74. D:U, TA.1'11SLYN, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS l? Oftice :-Silver Street, 13owmanv1lle. D , B I J:RKE SllUPSON, HYSICI.AN, SUl<GEON and AccsiucHEUR. 7 · BLOCK, up stairs, King . Street , Bowman '9llle. Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank. F rtvate ltloncys l oaned at tho.lowest rates, B B f') .ARRISTE&, SOLICITOR, &;c., MOPRIS .Jol1n Ileltl1 Galbraith, SOLICITOR, NOT.A.RY PUBLIC &c. ' Ofllce-Bounaall's Bloc,k King Street: Bowmanville. Money to lend'. A RR IS TE R R On1m·r A.RJl!01JR, EGI~TRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER --1\. of Marriage Licenses, Barrlster and .At tor .., &t Law and Solicitor in Chancery.Monef aned on Real Estate. Ofllce on King street, Bowman-ville. ---... T, 1·11n:.,n·s 'L ICENSED AUOTIONEER for the County ' Ot Durham, Sales promptly attended, . Address-Hampton P . O. 69, ORN HUGBES.-Liccnsed Au.ctioneer, Valuator and .Arbitrator. Fire and Life · nsurance, Notes and Accounts Collected. Money to Lend on reasonable terms, .Address Cartwright, Ont. <172 J every man wh o buys his Licenee from A CIENRY SYLVESTER, Enniakillen. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO There la a growing tendenoy to give hoge more green feed t han former ly. ·w e ha.ve 1eoommended pa.st urlng ln clever, but come object to t his because the hog~ will root up the ground mer e or loos. Rlngivg Is ooneld· ered a. preventive, a.lthough It is not always oompletely so ; besides it Is some treuble to ring hogs, t o sa.y nothing of the cruel ty of turbed at nioht and broken of your r est the praotioe which violates the nature et the by a sick child suffering and crying with hog by depriving It of the privllt>ge of in· pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at duJging one of its strongest instfnouJ, which once and ge t a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's the pf.lca!iar oenatruction of Its snout Wl!>G Soothing Syrup.". For child r en .teeth~ng, designed te gra.mv. its value is incalculable. It will relieve But beoause hogs are kept in the pen, or tho poor li ttle sufferer immediately,. De· not given a. wfide r a.nge, ie no reason why pend upon . it, mother s ; there ts no · they eheuld not ha.ve plenty ef izreen feed mistake about it. It cures Dysente1 y that mu.y he thrown to them, Paa~ and and Diarr hcea, regulates the Stomach alld eats, p ut in early, make an excellrnt soiling Bowels cures Wind Colic, softens the crop for hogs, and are of the right k!nd to Gums, 'red uces Inflammation, and gives put on muacle !l.nd promote growt h. Oorn to:ie and energy to t h e whole system. proparly grewn ma.y follew these But de " Mr~. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for not "drill It I"" or plo.nt ft thickly," as we see an exohv.nge reoommand11. You children teething is pleasant to the taste wli.nt all the substa.noe In the et.a.Ike that oan and is the prescription of one of the old- be got Into them, and the moat fa obtained est and best female physicians and nurses by pla.nt.lng in the mual wir.y for a fi eld i n the United States, and is for sale by orop. Not only more nutriment, but about all druggists through the world. Pri ce as much weight of feed, 0111n b ~ ebta.lned in 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for this way as by drilling or In pfo.ntlng t hick· " Mns , W INSLow's SooT.HING SYRUP." er. If drilled In, the kernelli should be and take n o other kind, dropped net oleeer th111n three or four liioheu In the row, with the rows three and a half or four feet apart. The oern should rea.oh the milk stage before being fed to the hoga, as It th0n has aocumulated all the g111na, eugare, a.nd stu.rohes for the production of 11o full crop ef grain. By a succession of crops, or plant.Ing at differen\ datea In patches oorrnapondlng to the number ef hogs to be fed, they may ba kept In a full supply of green oern from the middle of July or ht et AnguQt until froat oemeB, '.I.'he eame Is true ef peas a.nd 01'ts, and it would work exoellently well to Dr. E . 0. West's Nerve and Brain 'l'reatment, grow the two crops-corn and. peae and a guaranteed specific for Hysteria; Dizziness, oatll--se that they may be fed tegether, Convulsions, Fits. Nervous, ~eura.lgia, Head· ache, "Nervous Prostr'1tion, o a used by the use first a meal ef the one and then of the ether. of alcohol or tobacco, W akefulneas, Mental Thie would make a better balanced r atien Depression, Softening of the bro.in resulting in ir.nd give the hegu a greater variety, which insanity and leading to misery decay and death they relish, aB well aa the human animal, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Losa of Power in either sex , Involuntary Losses and Spermat- exceedlllgly well. Aud In oeajuncilon with orrhoea caused by over-exertion of the Brain, these we would not omit a pu.tch of clover to selr·ab11sc or over-indulgence. Each box con· be mown and thrown to them If they 011nnot tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six be allowed to help themealveP, Sheuld It boxes for $5.00, sent by me.ii prepaid on receipt happen that any of the patcb.ea are larger of price. needed to feed the awlne the fodder We Gua1·antee Six B oxes than would be relished by other anim11.la ; or, If To cure any case. \Vith each order received not neaded at all fer soiling, they could be by us for six boxes. accompanied with $5, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee permitted to rip~n, er to be out green a.nd to refund the money if the treatment does not cured, as might bo the most preferred. effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by JNO. Farmers must study economy In hog-rals· Stott & Jury, Druggists. Bowmanville; ing and overything elao lllld look for their profit In rednoed ooat rather than in high prices, and t here ia no oheaper or better way of ralslug pork the.n by making freo use of green toed, The Chlo&ge Tribune relates the iellewlag patbatio st ory :-Did you ever notloe tbe little old woman who t urns t he crank of a whsezy hand-erga.n pne of ~he ra.ilrollid via.duots ?. Day after day, summer and winter, rain er shine, she is seated there on a little camp· stool gtlnd!ng EJut· the Ba.me old dis$ra1iting tunes. Het or cald, ebe always en Jn: A Y E Is showing one of the finest and best selected stocks of HEAL TH IS WEALTH. BRITISH EMPIRE ESTABLISHED I N 1847. MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., Timely Sn~gestions. MONEY !- The subscr iber It has no shareholders to pay dividends to. Managed by and solely in the interests ot ~ 1'..J.. receives money on deposit !or thcOntario Loan and Savings Company, and pays mterest the Policy holders. at the rate of !l a11d 5 per cent. No notice of withdrawf\l required; Also loans money _ on Its .Rates a r e .Low. on mortgages at lowest ~ates. No comm1ss1 chargect. W. F · .ALLEN. Bowmanvllle. 8-ly. 1\.11 ONEY ! so Bo? Gentlemen o:fFash Po licies 11on forfcltabl e an<l u nconditlonal, ()ash Bonas raid every three years; . ion, not so tast. Joint Life Policies. Though a. double rish but one premium is paid r.vewrltten these lewlines for two people. .Amount of policy drawu And all I have t o say_ on first death; 8!hat youoo.n ft11d me still at home, Iam not gone away, So all my kind ol d t r iendsmay come, , And all the young ones, too, Special I nducements to Total Abstainer,. ,t.n.d get the tr go.rmen ts nicely made ~ !ashions that are new: Where old and young, deartriends 1may meet ASSETS OVER $5,0llO,OOO.! A welcome irreetinir. bv R. I'.E.A.'.l:E .D"COltIE oum $1,000,000 DENTISTRY $100,000.00 deposited with.theCanri.dlanGovern ment for benefit of Canadian policy holders. I NTl:STJm IN ()A.NA.DA, $600,090,00. HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA:-MONTREAL For particulars refer to E,L. LIVINGSTONB, J' M BR Im: AC OJt1[ BE · ?VER T W EN'XY YEARS WITH TEETH. WITHOUT TEETH . GENERAL .A.GENT, POR'l' HOPE or to u.gents throu~~-~t the cou~y-. 48~& · l'RA.CTJ()AL DEN'flST, Ex:PERI!llNOE, ' Orono Pump Factory. Pumps Olieaper and Better llltrouisOxtdeGas A.·lm.inlstered for Puli1Ies Operations. ltl(;(;LlJNG'S BLOCK, O FFHJE than ever. The Subigcriber having built a large ne11 Pump Factory in 0l'ono, is prepared - to furnish- PUMPS Of t; . HARNDEN, L. EVE~Y DESCRIPTIOR Gradu~te oftheRoyal Collegeo lDental D~ $., Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. W.ELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. With or without Porcelain Cylinder, al t he Best Material, on the shortest notlof and at the lowest prices. Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICK~ON'S STORE, !OLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. -ate Work executed in the latest and moat improved styl e of the Dental Art. EETH E XTRAC'rED WITHOUT P .A.IN' TO GIVE SAll'ISFAOTION. ihe use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, withoutinjury What Will Happen to Girls. to the patient. Thirty-nllle girls, Orders~by Mail promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to the regulation of In ten y~ars fifteen will have married. CHILDREN'S 'l'EET H, In ten yelllra seven of tho fift-een will be _.,ALL WORK W ARRANTJIJD·..._ DOORS, SASH, BLI NDS, PICKETS, v.-idowu dependellt upGn their own exertions for brec.d and meat, MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. In ten yea.rs fifteen of the remaining t wenfonr will be sleeping beneath the sod, A nd how far apa.rt will t hey be sleeping l Oae ill Georgia, one in California., one in Oblo, one In Virginia, a.nGther perhaps !n a mis· nlonary'e g1·ave ill Ohlna, aneth~r a.mid the ashe. s of t he anoien~ .Az~eos of Mexiao, anVETERINARY SURGEON, K~Y..JO ,:H~LTH~ 1ither-but enly time will tell whern they all will sleep. In ten years t he nine I have not yet men· Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary t!ened wm begin to leee their sweetnea3 and College, will attend to all diseases · develop something of t he sournesa supposed of domest ie animals. · to be inaepa.rable from wemen th111t are dee· tined to be old maids. ln ton yea.rs not one of the thirty-nine bat tha.t will have ta.deti of th.i bitterness ths.t comes In time to all human beings, Hepa Unlocks all the cloggea avenues af the A SPEC IALTY. will be blighted, loved ones be cla.imed Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, ca.rry" by that same skeleton you beheld j uet now, ing off gmdually without weakening the Calls and Orders by mail or telegraph eorrew ID a. hundred forms will bo e:xperklno· system, all the impurities and fool will receive prompt attention. ed- illdead, to every one a surre!t of dead humors of the secretions ; a t the same sea fruit will be offered. CHARGES MODERA'l 'E. time . Corr ecting. Acidity of the ....... 1(1 CIJl1'f ..... Stomach, curing '.Biliousness, Dye.. OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M. An n:<'hange ea.ye ~hat Ice two mohes pepsia, Headaches, Dizzinese· .A ftrat-class stock of Medicines always thick will suppert a man, In mideummer H eartburn, Constipation, Dryness on band. of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of it supports the ioe man and hie entire fa.N. B.- Will visit Williamsburg every Vision, ,Jaundice, Salt Rheum, mlly, · Saturday of each week. 16-ly l!Jrysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of An English gentleman at a public dinner the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen.,. recently declared th&t " the Iriah queD"en In ordor to introduce our eral Debility; all these and m!b!ly we.s so diBtMtefu! to him that he was un· catalogue of o.11 kinds of Books, and agents' goods, we will send 100 other ioimilar Complaints yield to th.;, a.ble to eat pota.toeu." .A geod many of the happy influence of :BURDOCK favorite comic and sentimental songs and balIrish who raise the questfoll are alee un11oble lads a vast collection, for only lOc or 4 3c. BLOOD BITTERS. "Any port in the 11torm1 " so long as it is to eat. posalloes, but oot because their &tom· stan\ps and this slip A.. W · .KINNEY, Yarnet a Oc.na.du. port in the mackerel 2eason. aoha turn aga!na~ them, mouth, N. S. '.I'. l!l.llBUR".'< & 00.. Proprietors, '1'1,,tmtih .ALL WORK GUARANTEED Arba Campbell, according to e:xperimentR reported In the .r:.tuebandma.n, finds that much the cheapest feed for cattle ill wlllter Is wheat straw, wheat bran, and cetten-seed meal, G. S. :Mt C11>nn . stated te the Fa1mer'1 club tha.t he found the limbs of tho white oak muoh more dura.ble for pests than the body of the t~ee, He bad tiled set ting pests erect and inverted, but could find no difference in tl>elr durability. P<>uts were found to last l onger whe~-- set in tf}ay eoil ht1atau oompaotly ·about .them to I prawnt the paGsage ef w11.ter, and to ltasp \lhefo in a uniform eta.ta of moistu re, In.~avelly eolis, whloh permit them to become often wa"'tu-soaked and ag&ln eeon dry, they did not last Ieng, '.J.'he best thing to ell lee.tlier" and kllep It soft is n eat2-foot olL This Is m11<le from the legs and feet of beef c:i.ttle, A great many people u2e onet&r o·l but some contend It rot s t.be · leather. .Animal olls are the ea.feet. A ha.rness well "oiled will outlast ten not cared for. It mnet not be forgotten t hat when leather Is dry lt will oraok o.nd deos not h11ve nearly ~o much strength, Mr. I . K. Felch gives ill formulll for a, chicken food which he eaya will give a poulld extra in 12 weeka, er a 20 per cent, gain to the egg ba.oket. Twenty pounds of coi:n, 15 pounds of oat2, lO rounds et barley, 10 ~ounde of wheat bran, te be ground fine and well mixed, When the fresh meadowu have been mown the ditches in them should be cleaned out and the materla.I taken out should be depo11ited where it can remain until another summer, It needs the frosts of Olle winter 11nd the sun of one summer to fit it for uoe as a.n 11hse1:bent and to free it from the 11oid It contains when hken out, but after th.a t aold Is deut royed this material mbke11 a goad abcorbent, Se also does dry ea.rth frcm t he roadside, and so do atreet sweepings, If one livea near ene~h to the city te obtain them cheaply, Perhapa they are the best for tho pu;rpoee, as they oontaln oona&derable fertlllzlng property themselves, If this month sheuld prove dry It will be neceasary to see that the cattle ha.ve a.n u.bundimt supply ef freeh and pure we.ter In t he yards and pastures, and perhaps make up frnr the ecarcliy ef gra.ss in tho pasture by a little extra feed a.fter they are brought ln a.t night. It ls muoh cheaper to keep thfm in goed condiUon and mr.iutain a full i; u pply of milk at all t imes U1 a.u to u.lfow milk preduct or weight to tall off a.nd ths:n :i.ttempt to restore it a.gain, 11-0reas her shoulders, A littlt black bonnet , rusty with u.go, a~ pull.ed wall down crver h.e1· fore he< d sa as to hM.e her p~nched ancl oare· worn fo&tures. Perhaps yeu 11ave ou.ught a uhu.nce glimpse of har p ~le face a.nd saw ijemethlng in the pitiful expression tha.t oansod yen to pa.nae for 11>n fostant and drep a ooln into tho JHtle tin cup. It probably never oocurred to you that the Lil'E HISTORY OF THIS ST!IEJlT JlEGGAn lo luterl!ned w"lth a. choice blt of romi\nca, Yon oer~a.inJy never dreamed th11ot the hu!ll· ble creature before y&u was once the belle of Sa.It Lake City, a leader of fashion, a.nd the hoJirees of millions. Yet ehe waa, She fa the eldeet daughter of Jahn Btiizbam Young, 0~;10 of the wealthiest men In Utah, and a. favourite niece of the once famous Mormon prephet. She waa reared In luxury and received a liberal eduoa.Uon. Gifted with re.re mueioal talents she bec;i.me cele bra.ted among her people &e an El.ooompllohed v~ca.lht, a.nd at ens t ime was the princll)a.l contralto In ~he choir at the hbernacle, Sile w11oa her father 's Joy, and j aat a.s she we.a budding Into woma.nhood ne plad~ed her hand to a. rising young elder who h!l.d been active in prouelytlng fer the Mormon. Church. The daughter remaustrated, but without avail, A short time before the day set for t he weddillg 11he was ~eoirotly MAFRIED TO A YOUNG NEWSPAPER MAN, He was a Gentile. When her father got wind of the ma.rriage he renounced bis daughter, and ca.at her out of his heuee. She lied with her husband to New York, where he obtained employment ae a rei;orter on a morning newapaper. Shortly aher, hia eyealAht bec11<.me affeoted, and he wae uuablll ta retain hia pashion, Then came the struggle for o.n cxiute11ce, Their little sa.vlnga were ~eon eYha.uated in trying to reetore the bus· band's eyesight, :ind a.fter three yearri' treatment he became tota.lly bl!nd. Though dia· inherited and reduoed to poverty, the deveted wife rcma.ined t rue to her mardage vows. She wrote to her father, begging him te ir.id her, but receiving no reply, sought for employment. Every one tu rned a. deaf ear to her a.ppeals tor work, and as a la.st resort she :iooepted an engagement in a concert salorn . There her splendid voice attract ed attention, and she waa able to cP.rL oneugh ta give her blind huaband a oomfortabfo home. Their prosperity, however, wae short lived, for m>t long after sho wau proatra.ted by sickness and ·he fever robbed her of her voice a.nd left but a. wreok of her fermer self. Disheartened in spirit and feeble in health ahe began the life of a street bag· gar, wanderhig trom plao& !;o place, ir.nd fin. a.Hy locating in Chicago, tho Mecc~ fer pov· erty-atrloken Bohemians, Althengb dragged down to the very depths of despair and de· gradatlen, she haa steadfastly clung to tbe aightleas old ma.u who unwittingly oaueed her downfall. Reoently a woman whe knew the begga.r ma.ny years ag1i saw and reoognlzed h<:>r, 1md by cloee questlonhig elicited the si:;d Jiliu:y of her 1mfortuna.te c~1·eer, -odilllll·· .. 811) ., ..... :n~~:1d~~.~:~~1:w~a~:da1~:';:· d~~'!v!h:1;hti; Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christie's Stiff Also Fine English, Canadian & American Fur and Wool Hats. Manilla and Straw Hats, all kinds and prices~ Shirts, T iers, Collars, Cuffs, Handk'fs, Gloves, UrrJ.brellas, Rubber Coats, etc. aarHighest prices paid for Raw Furs. 16. Olf, -DEALER I N - Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D. S.' Engines, 'Peerless ' and 'Grain Saver' Separators, Watson's Deering Binders, Iron Clad Mowers, Sulky Rakes, Bain Wagons, Cultivators, Harrows, Seeders, Seu filers, Single Sulky and Gang P lows, Honey Fanning Mills, Chaff Cutters, Turnip Slicers, Root Pulpers, Hay Loaders, Crushers, Grinders, Tedders & Forks, Warerooms--:--King St., Bowmanv111e. Repairs for L. D. Sawyer and Noxon. Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchan.ts. STAND:-Town Hall Building, one door east On~. Bank. Misers. Oatervalde, the rich Paris banker, a fow d 11.y s before his death, refused to allow bia servi:,nt lie buy rneut for broth. " '.l'ruli!, I Bll()uld like the aeup," ua!d the dying miaor, " Im.I: I have DO appetite for the meat, Whir.t ie to become of that ? It wfll be a sad wru1te." An English ml3er used te go about dress· ed ao shabbily aa .to a.nnoy his acquaint anoes. At last, he_was persuaded to 1>uy an old h11.fi, "better ali ntiw," from a. Jew. He paid o. shilling for it, & nd the .next day sold the hat for eighteen pence. Th Is sa.me miser never toek 8nuff to titll· late his nostrils but he did ta.ke 11. pinoh out of every snuff-box proffer ed him, which he carefully pla.oed in hie own box, Wh!in It wir.s filled, he bartered its contents for a fart hing rush-light, Lord Oha:b.oellor H ardwick was nick· named "Judge Grlpus," en account of his avarice, though he waa a learned lawyer a.ud e.n excelleat judge, When visited on hlo estate by oeuntry gentlemen, who oama to pay thefr respeota to tho Lord High Chu.noellor, he compep.ed them to sen.d their horsen t o e.n Inn, half a mile dfotant, tfuat he might be s11ved the axpenae of ba.ltlng them. Yet he was then wor t h four millions of dolla.ra, but dre& ded to part with a llhillhig. .M a.rlberough, the greir.t aeldler of h!s a.ge, who left between seven and eight millions of dollars a.t his dea.th, would not hu~lta.te at a.uy meanueBS to nu.ve a ab:pimce, Sil' William Smyth, a pa.rsimonfonn E ngUsh ~ quire, with lmmen~e passesa!ons, became blind at seventy by the formatfon of oa.tar aoto over his eyes, Ha made a ba.r· g?..ln with a Lon don eouliot tt\ oouoh both eyea, a.g~eelng to po.y eb:t y guine11.a if hhl ~~ght waij n ·atornd in the lcMt, The epe1·a.tfon w rui ~o auocv~stul tbat the p11otient ceuld te!!.d w lthou.~ glaues. B11t no so:mor did he see t h 11on he began t o grieve at the thought of p~ying the promised feo, .G rief and avulce ma.de him a. oherr.t. He preteu.dcd tha~ he ooukl sec nothh:ig distinct· ly, a.nd submitted to wearing the ba.nda11as for a menth longer tha.n t he uaua.l time. When the month expired, he etlll focl.stod that ha had enly a glimmering ef light , arid t he eouliatoomprom!ned by acceptfvg twenty guinea~, Instead of sixty. Yet at ~h'l.t time the ba.ronet had t hirty theuaand de!l!m; fo hl11houae, A miser, whlllle pareimony and bil!si;acsg a.h!litlos had amasued te1· him enormous wealth, w~s requeoted to lend to hfo Govern· men~ a sum ef money, Ha refused, as the interent offorod. wa.11 not e.s high ae he denio.uded, giving as a reason that he had ~et with oevern loaaes whloh had reduced him to poverty. Fei1!rl.DS? th~.t bis C!Xouse might b(;') di~oove;r. od to be D. falaeheod, he dug-a oa.va Au hid cellar, and in it hid hie money. A trap· door, with a spring-look !!.nd ir. ladder, gave him aooeas to his gold, whioh he daily vfaited. At last, the miser disappoared.. Sea:rch W!!.B m:i.&e, but he 0011ld not be found. His h£.use was seld, and workmen be1r,a.n to re· pair It. One day, they eeme upgn a doer in the cell11>r, wit h the key In the look o.u tside. They opaned t he door, desoeni'ed the ladder and by She light of a lantern dlsoover·d the skeleton ef the dead miser, surrounded by bags and boxes of gold a.nd silo;rer. H u had gene Into his cave, the deor h!\d blown to, th11 lock could only be op~ned by the k ey which he h11>d left eutalde, a nd the ml11er h11d perished amid his meney-begs, A complete stock always on hand;"'·we have all the best grades of ~~L~mB; AM~ ~~Q:OO~ ~L<®lW~ that is manufactured. , We have in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, American and · Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken F eed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and Lard of his own make and rendering, Life-time experience in t he Meat D epartment enables us to supply a quality unequalled. The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is of the very best quality. No trash or poor goods kept in stock, deals only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Your patronage will be thankfully received. Goods delivered to all . parts of t he town on short notice. A call solicited. Cash _ f o1· B uttel', Egg:s, Bides, ~'a lhnv, Bce:t, Porl.: and aH :t'arm P1·oduce. C. M. CAWKER, JOHN ALLIN. Having purchased the Harness business lately carried on by Mrs. H U MPHREY, h ope by careful atten~on to b usiness, good workmanship, and first class material, to secure a share of public p atronage. We have in s tock and are manufacturing a lar ge amount of --- - - LIGHT A ND HEAv ·y HARNESS. Collars a specialty . We intend t hat the reputr.tion Humphrey's Collars have gained shall be fully sustained. We are prepared t o famish r esp onsible parties Collars on approhation. We guarantee satisfaction or no sale. We also keep i n etock a full line of goods usuillly found in a first class harness sh op, comprising F.A.J ' R. FERGUSON. BLANKETS, ROBES, RUCS, H ORSE COVERS, WHIPS, B RUSHES, ETC. Seo onr Bull Bone Whips- something new. We have also in stock THE ElLIMA& 'S ROYAL EMBROCAT 0 for Horses and Uattle, a sure cure for bruises, sprains, cuts, and sores of all kinds. Shop- Sign of the Big Collar. 17-3m ENNISKILLEN, Operations & Dentistry wm [~win AMen & Bro. "Fo1· cost of adver tising in auy paper or list of papeni published in tho llnited Stat es or Ca1 w.da, send to t110 ADVJDtnIS· I NG AGENCY of E.D WIN AL])JfN & BRO., Pia.nos Tun ed and ltepa ired. A"R'rIES WISHING PIANOS P 'l'nned or repaired can IlaTe attended o by leaving word . at the Do111INION ORGAN TH EIR thorn Oo's OFFIOE, Bowmanville .A. ftrat-clas man 'llOW being in their mvlo r. I **lf· Our H N cwsp~~per Co.mbi.nations," ,:t .hook of !SO pa()"es, conla1ntng pnccs .of _ ndvcrt1s11.1g, fu!1 iilstruc 'lions etc., sent ou n:cc1pt uf1oc. Onr "' Am. N e ,'l'.rsnaner 'catalogne" contniuin.~; n a rn cs of ever y nc ..v:;i};-tr)cr ri.nhiished. in t~e U.S ..,, a_nt.l Canada, :st:nt un receipt of pnc~, $i .50. Esuu1ates free. ~incifi'1.lnati~/o···AN~e w Yorf<? Cor. [it/; di; Vine .St8 ., I 140 Nc,88W14 8treot . tl So N GS Mvertising Agency. Slck Headache, Iudigestlon or CostivenOfls wo cannot Curo with WEST'S LIVElt PILLS, when tile Directions are strictly N E will pay the above :Reward for any case of Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, ' II ' complied with. :Largo Boxes, containing 30 Fills, 25 cent.s; 5 Boxes $1.00. Sold by au Dr11sgists,

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