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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1886, p. 4

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home. .And n ow in conclusion \ features, indeed, even on tl1e statuary to circumference of 20 miles, were original / drunkard's Jet me Bl\Y a few words to the liq11or sel· be found in all parts of the city. We laid out by Le N otre, the famous Ian !er. What ars;-ument or reason can you have often h eard and read of the polite- scape gardner and are in keep;ng with ti- · bring fo · 11ssisting men to bring their ' ness of the French people. The house in architect ural grandeur of the Pa.Jaco. T l· .J m a fe w daye, which we are staying is known here aa a rlaying of the fountains is a gre:>t a.ttra" wiv~s and families to misery and ruin 1 I think I hear some of yuu say, "We Family Hotel. When a gentleman me0te tion. and School Books and all School a lady, known or unknown to h im, on Returning f:om Versailles we dropped must have a Jiving." What reasonable ~ Requisites the stairs, in the hall or elsewhere he off at Sevres one of the oldest towns 111 excuse have any of you against pulling raises his hat. :At the table should he the v:cinity of Paris., dating from 560 }. . otryour coats and earning your b1:ead by can be had from me at right prices. have occasion to retire before the rest he D. The grent attraction there is tJ,., the sweat of your brows like othPl; meu. , rises from his seat, excus~snimseH-,-b~ celebrated porcelain factory which belon1<H Yim kcbp inclucements for them· t(l hand TB;E V lCTOR to right and left to ladies . and gentleman to t he Government . The workshop's ar n over thei hat<l. e,.·nrngs to you , and you · alike t hen retires. The officials, most of closelto visitors, b ut by "tippmg" th<> give them what you know is a cnree in t hem, in the public bui lding~, parks, ancl officisle our party was shown through a111I retur n. I have hoard that s~me of you the policemen on the streets raise their the whole pr<>ces~ of manufacture au· l say, "It iMtoo bad, the government en!!ed ns to do this a.nd now they !take TREBILCOCK'S hats or C8ps when approached by a lady decoration e;tplained to us. A pleasa111, coura. with an inquiry, and also when she re- sail of 40 minutes up ~he beautiful Seit"' the p rivilei;:e away from us." Granting tires. The officials are th" o most obliging brou<Yht u<1 t o our limding. Yesterday wo that statement to be true, I wo\lld peg and affable with strangers tha t we havi:: had ~nother very delightful sa\l down tJ.,., leave to remind you that the liquor t raffic yet seen ; ~nd will take great pains to river. Should any of our readorn Jikll tb0 sla.1·e traffic, is the r esult of au ~ 5 Cent Scb.olars' Companion, instruct or direct inquirerlil. One thmg visit Paris we have this word of .advi._se to imperfect civiliution ; that. it took loog Exercise Books, &c., we dislike abo ut the habits of Parisians give. If ynu · cannot speak French <lo years to abolish that relic of a. barbarous though is ~heir drinking habit~ . . Men, n ot go alone, but join one of Cook.'11 al(e, and we wish you to nnder~and that are all epecial. women and children alike drink wine in excursion parties. A company of fo ur 01· there are men now just 11a persistent a.nd adundance. In fact at the table a t wJ!icl,i six can get along more cheaply and satir1- as determined t.o do all they c"n to put The New Canadian & English we dine wine is used in much greater factor ially, imlependent of any otlrn1· the liquor traffic down, l\H ever they were quantities than water. On all bmsiness party if one or more of them can speak to put down sla\·ery. You may tight and ter streets restaurants are numerous, and French fairly. They c:m get t he run of evade the Jaws all you can; ~ooner or !A · the seats and small round tables or stands the city and location of noted buildings you will be compelled by thti advanciog are outside of the building , on the side of with the aid of a good illustrated map and light of a higher civilization to hide the price 35 cents, ia also ready. the promenades, under an awning in full the police who are very affable with hnffic in the dark corners or pine within One dozen good Lead Pencil::; for1 view of passers-by. On a fine evening stmnger.·. \Vo have seen the city pret ty the prison walls. EBENEZEit RoY, Bceanquet. thousands of old and young men and thorous:hly in five days by the latter 10 cents. some ladies may be seen with their means a.nd shall Jerwe for London to-day decanters and glasses before them, sitting exceedingly well pleased with our sojourn M . A . .T. chatting .,;lnd smoking cigarettes. It here. seems as though the men all smoke here too. Another attractioa here for the Bound to Enforce the Act. ~ht ~nnadian ~tattt'tunn. populace a.re the theatres of which there are no lees t han 58 in the city, at which may be seen every description of histriThe followiug letter to the Forest Bow11rANVILLE, FRIDAY, Aua. 20. onic art from grand opera down to low Fr.ee " Pre.is· from an old Darlington boy, farce or melodrama. '!'he performances wellknown to many of onr readers, will be To the 'Ectitor of the State~ntan : begin about 8 o 'clock and last till mid- read with interest. Mr. Roy h as taken Srns.-Wilh reference lo the recent charge nil(ht . There is no enumerat ion of the a prominent part in t.ha temperance cam~ brought ag&jnst me for violating the other places of amusement, so great is paign tn L'lmbton County. In his catheir number and varied is their character. pacity of Magistrate he has h ~,] to deal "Canada Temperance Act," permit me Paris abounds in fine public gardens or with several offenders a:.ainst t he Scott. throt.gh your columns to dr&w the attention parks which m·e open from daylight till 9 Act. In consequence he has been threatof your renders too e or two facts whieh p. m., and in fine weather are literally ened with shooting, dynamite and burntho evidence discloses: · thronged with women a nd children and ing, so that for many weeks an armed ln the first place, not a single little of many men . Comfort.able chairs and seats watch has kept. sentry on his premi~es evidence was a<ldnced to show hat any onu are provided for which a smiill fee is each night. demanded in snme cases. The beauty "Ye t empera.nee men of Lambton, had beoome intoxicated, either ith_Jiquor and extent of the flower beds in thes e rally round your colors, and nail them to obtained upon au order from me, 'or "wi-1.h public r esorts strike a Canadian with the mast. any thing obt11ined at my office. Agai ,no wonder and amazement-- they aro bPautiAfter ~ome delay we have obtained tho evidence was aiduced to show that I ev~ ful beyond our power to describe. There appointment of a Police Magistrate for ·old &single drvp of liquor, or that any had are onds or reservoirs with . beautiful· this county, one whom we hope and be · fountaius playing and differ ent species of' l ieve, will impartb lly adcninis1er the Jaw, been drank on my premises. None of the water fowl swj_mming leisurely about. witho ut fear of dy namite or threat. Now wilnesses partook of 1my mixture I gave Marble statues and groups, chiefly the is · i: ' b e t 1me " t " crnmmcnce th e ba ttlo 111 · them as a bavemge. but all of them swore work of famous sculptors, are also quite earn est, and pass the word aloni;( the t hat they took wb11.t lhev got as B medicine, numerous. line, :·Gird on yonr armour and be in the ·lo~i!e, and at th11 timef, I ordered Paris abounds too in fine horses. \Ve marclung along." Let" us have the q nesThie powder never varies. A marvel ol &hem t<'doso. have heard that good horse~ are al ways tion tested a~ soon as we can, wh~t,her purity, strent.l'th and wbolesomeness. More The evidence of the witness Barnhart is found where refiliement and intelligence th e t.empeiance maj ority of this c.,unt.y ticonomimil than the ordinary Kind·, and can· not be sold in competition with tho multitude reign. We believe there is some truth in shall rule, Ol' SfLtan's death-cte11l.-ra of the importaul, as Mr. Climie called him into of low test, short weight, 11.lum or phosphate · his private oflica a ft\w d~ys before the trial the remark. Among t.he thousands of liquor traffic. L on l[ e nough J1as the sor- powders. Sold only in cans. UO.YAL BAKhorses ;we have seen here scarcely a poor r owful wail of weepinl( m others, wi"es, INl>· POWDER CU., 106 WallSt...N . Y. and told him if I was fiaed he wonld get one has been noticed. On the buses rind and sisters and famishing little ones ashim five dollars. Oa r. of the whole number tram-cars entire horses are uslfd, the real cended up t o Heaven. Let us hope and of witnesses examined , Barn h11.rt was lhe French horse with large round l:)cidy and strive earnestly for the coming, in i1s full only one who was of ibe opinion that the heavy m '\in and tail. They are very l igh t and glory, of what now appears tu Your attention is directed ~o the immense medicine he got at my office ~:in lained gentle and easily handled. The only , be the dawning of a better day. It is stock of liquor, bnl even he would not s1Vear posi- ordinary horses we have seen at all are on true there are many dittfoulties in 1he lower class of hacks. Some very stylish way, and t hat the Jaw is not all that we ·tively that it did. As I ha.,.e instructed my saddle and carriage horses are seen on the desire it to be ; t.Jrnt dynamite and murOne Door \'Vest of Post Office, Bowmanville. co11nsel lo lake elepa I.) have the conviction fashionable through fares. We witnessed d erous threats and burnings are some of of every d escription at against me quashed, perhaps ii would be a high class wedding tum-out yesterday t ho means used by the liquor party, out out of pl11ce lo oharACterize tho proceedings and it se t eY.!?D'thino- we had previouslv we ~lt~ remember t h.st n o gr~at m')ral seen of the kine far'"iuto tlw ah.a<,l h~ .J'~"rlll1 hii!"seldo ui . ? e"u- irccv~il'. liJi' ie(l 110 br aa lhev deserve. [ lherefore ask an lt1ly t.l1ing hfw 1.l aescc1p tion would occupy w1tho1~t gi·eat opposit10n and d1fi!nu~iy . She has just opened out one of the largest inielli.1tenl public at preeeus ;o look ~he too much room. It t ook long years of. weary strug~lm~\ by and most stylieh stocks ever brought charge brought aii;ainsl me, in the ligbl of . . . means of moral SUl!SIOn, aud at last rivers to town, consisting of: We have VISlted m?st ~f . the big of blood and millions of treasnre had' t o the sworn lestimony, and noi to adindge me guilty un~il a higher authority ihan the churches, and other pubhc lm1ld1.ngs, the be shed and expended befor e the. curse lllillinery, D1·es s Silks tomb of Nap?leon at the Invalids, the of i<lavery was wiped from the domain of magistra1~ of Bowmanville decides U1at I Louvre or. National Museum wh ere _are to the United States. The question of the am. AA for l'dr. Cliwie, I wish to inform be. B?cn one of the b est ~ollect10n of day is : Shall the temperance m eu of with a very fine stock nf Feathers Velvets, &c., . and' him that I can afl'ord to treat wilh ineif111Jle po.mtmgs by the Old Masters m the wor!d, Lamb ton be such cowa rds no IV as to l ose con emp1 the eilly vaporings which weekly the great Boul~vards, the Bourse or Ex- their years ·o f weary Ja.bor in a rii;:hteoua C11ll and diepla.y, which . I ch_ a nge, the _ trrnmp_ha.l arches, Hotel de C!l.nse for fear of what a few enraged &ppear irt hiff paper. canno~~i~ to_ give satisfac~~on. V1~le (the _ fines t m Eurove). :~re de liquor men can do ? We hope and b!:l· In conolu·ion I desire to llcknowledge the Tr10mph, Hippodrom e, the 'Imleues. sa.w lieve that t here is be ttel" stuff in Lambvery ab IA nor! "'"isfllotory manner in whi.ob the Grand Opera the largest t!10.atre m ton m<ln than that. 'fhe practical queemy couos{ll. Mr. Loscombe, conduct.,J D.tY the world wlnch ?o~t nearly a m1lh_on and tion is : . Wha.t are the best means of acCONCERNING defence; arid to ,ny many friends who gave a half pounds stirlmg, and f?r win ch 400 complishm" the obi'3ct in view 1 Some me thP-ir ·VmpQthy and support during the o~ 500 ho~ses were demolished t? pro- will say, you have' got a Police Magisrecenl. ioveRtig@tion, I return my sincere v1de. the sit~, the Pantheon, Pala1s de ti;ate now. what m or e d o you want 1 We J ust1ce, Palaia de Lux~m?ourg and gar- ans wer, tl1at is the full complement of Truly yours t hanks. dens nnd many other b_ uildmgs and places the machiner y the Jaw of the land pro· Wm. S. BOYLE. too nume~ous to m ention . vid es, and it simpl y re mains now for us .lt may m terest some of our read ers ~o to ca.rry out the best means of workin~ k!1nw what \~e g?t, to eat h ere, so we w1~l that machinery t o the best p ossible adg1ve a days ~Ill of fare. Breakfas~ is van rnge. L et · every friend of the cause 0: 6!) Rtm DRS l\fATIIURINs, } usually served m our r oom and consists feel and act as if ho had a work to do l1 PARIS, FltANCE, July 31, 1886. simply of t ea, coffee or chocolate, with and that he alone can d o it. In the -first LI.I After n~a rly a week's Mojourn i n this bread and butter . '.J'he bread_ is in t he place we want our organization to ·b e a city we are di·sperately in Jove with it . shape of a roll two mc~es thick and a little mor e complet'J ; we want the n ame We have visi·ed nine or ten of the largest foot long. Luncheon is servec~ at 12 of ever y man who is known or s uspected )> cities of the United States, all th e largest o'clock a n_ d yesterday ours consisted. of of purchasin g or drinking intoxicatiug ir own beloved Canada, London th~ follo wmg ~ourses: fish 11nd steak w1Gh liq11or t o be handed over t o som9 p erson <( cities of 01 the metrt> poliR of the world and principal r el!shes, pudd ~ng, desert, cheese_, peaches who it is know n will p ut a case in p roper cities of bounfo Scotland, but Paris had 11;nd plums, wm~ ~r water_. Darner a t shape and send it t o tl·.e Inspector. N eith I.LI g reater a~tmctions than :my of th em in 6:30 P·!B-.· consistmg_ of six courses--1, er Inspectors or P olice Magistrates are of tke direction of t he beautiful. W ehwe seen V ermec1lh so up; _2. boiled sal mon; 3. veal a ny us.., ·mless t hey are strongly assisted. COMMENCING TRIS WEEK it thorou,!,(hly, lu:w e made a. circle com- cuttlets and rmnt sauce; 4: steak and Further, in view of t he general belief and pletely a1·ouncl the city proper, climbed wa~er-cress; 5: C "Ustard puddmg; a n.d, G. conviction that in all the cases recently -WITHIt is the onl y preparation in the world that towers und arche~ for extended views, frmts: For dmner and lunch eon, differ- tried before the justices in this cou nty a w ill do what is claimed ror it. It has produced lllR. CHARLES Cil\V'rIIOltNE C UtTJlR, luxuriant growths of hair ou bald beads where travelled east au-! west, nor:th and south , ent bills of fare have been prosenti:d every fearful amount of perjury lms been corn- bo.ldnesa hvs existed for years. It ho.a restored organist of St. Peter's, Cohourg, late of E ngand in every other dire"ction, an<l go clay !or the week ~nd the ~ookmg and mittecl, rnen of supposed respectability the color and vigor to numerous crops of grny land, tea.che1· of Piano, Oi·gan> Singing a nd where we will we fiud the ~treats paved service h ave been brat -class m every re- who were well known by th eir neighbol'g and faded hair. It has relieved hundreds of Theory. Pupils desiring lessons can lea vu their of disagreeable Di.ndruff and has saved name and obtain terms. at Mr. Trebilcock'a with ston.; or concrete, almost as scrupU·· spect. \'.7~ ?an hon~stly reco!Ilmen~ any to have purchased and drank intoxicati ng persons many when ha.ir was fallin g, from becoming Store. 23-tf l ously clean a.s a pi1lace courtyard, good pers?n V1Sitmg Pans or lrnvm~ frwnds liq uor, have solenrnly eworn iu the pres- bald. Jtll'"' Remember these facts and H your hair is S. W. RUSE. buildings mn~tly l>f free stone- white, commg h ere to Madame Faron s at the ence of their fello w men and their Maker ---o--falling out and becoming thin, get a bottle ~t A C HE R OF ORGAN PIANO clean and archi ·ecturally magnificent. above addres~ for a comfortable home at that they did not, such a s tate of things once and save t he growth, or you n1ay losA 1t ~ , , VOICE and THEORY. Terms on appll· We offer an eight rib Parasol for ])'lowers, .. reepin,i vines, shade and or na- f:easo nable price. is frigh t fu l t'o con template. This mus ~ forever. Ask your druggist for HAIR MAGIC' cation at" DIG 20." 28;l y and tak·l nothing else. mental trees are to l1e seen in every To-day we visitPd Ver sailles, a noted be put down as far as possible . L et there ro!to~OHENWENO, Solo Manufu.cturer, 'l'o· twenty cents, DltS, UcLUJGllLIN .& BEITH. q uartar. The·e are also a great mauy city of abou t 50,000 souls, some 15 miles be a full a ttendance of th!' f riends of OFFICE : MORRIS' BLOCK, IlOWMANVIL J, E. An extra large eight rib Black Parfruit and vegetiihle gardens, all looking out of Paris. H istoric events connected temperan ce at the tr ials; carefully note DIGGINBOTHAlU & SON, Dr.J .W.McT,AUGHLfN. , Dr. A. BEITH, Gradutlourishin -1 nd well attended to, in those with t he Palace of Versailles would alone d own e very case of clear perju ry, and asol for forty C t:nts. A GENTS FOR BowivrANVIU'E. !°t?Yal ate of the Toronto licentiate of the par ts where the middle cla&ses reside and fill hundreds of pages. Louis X IV. diecl prosecute us soon as possible according to College of Physu'1aua and member of the University, Physician, Ten rib Black Zenella Parasol for wh ere business i < carried on less exten- there; Louis X Y . was born and died ou r Dominion s tatutes. P erj ury or snb- NATURE'S AICellatbleRemetly ltoyal College of Sm.-- Surgeon, &o. .For Sick Stomuclt, sively. Paris is very differen t to other there; L ouis XVI. was forcibly carried ordination of pe rjury is a mia:le weanour sixty cents. RE FOR Cu g"..°._~S, Edinburgh. ·ron1ht Liver, large citi. s , too, in r espect t o thd appear- a way from th e Palace in 1780. In 1795 and a ny y , erson guilty t her eof sh!!-11 be lllJJious Ucatlnche, Black satin lined Parasol selling U CTION SALES.-As t he a uction a.nee of t.he people Cleanliness is one of _ t he Pa1ace was con verted into a manufac- liable to be imprisoned in the penitenCostl vcueY)i. season is again about upon us, I for seventy-five cen ts. their cardinal vit-t ues . Men, women and tory of arms. In 1815 it was pillaged by tiu.ry for :my t erm not exceeding fourf 'l'arrant's Effervescent wouldeering take this means of thanking the farmers children a re w1·li dressed, few idlers are the Prussians. After the fall of Napoleon· t een years, a nd not less than t wo years, SEI!l 'Ztat Al'JmIENl'· of .the Townships of Clarke, l\fanvers, CartA b eautiful large extra quality Stie n, an ·; the labor ing m en do not work it was occupied in succession by 'L ouis or t o be imprisoned in any oth er goal or It Is certain in its ef- wright !'nd Darlington tor w hat p>Ltronage they fects. It Is gentle lo its h_ave given me 10, the past, and at the same Satin Parasols for one seventyin their . hirt s leeves but wear what they XVIII., Charles V ., and L ouis Philippe. 1 place of confi nement for an y term less action. It is palatable time say I am stlll m the field aa an auctioneer. fi ve. call smoc cs, garments very much like In 1855 Queen Victoria was a guest of t han two years, and to pay such fine as to the taste. lt can be and any sales you may favour me with w ill · relied upon to cure, and receivo my very best attention and charges shil'ts worn loose, and most commonly N a poleon JU ., at the P alace., when a the cC'urt may award. The friends of ·~ ~ lt cares by ttssi~tin{I, not will be reasonable. .A.II that have employed · An elegam gold rib Satin Pai-asol made of blue drill, some of white. 'l'he great banquet was given in her honor. In the liquor sellers as a rule seem deter · by outraging,nature. Do me have expressed themselves as well satisfied. selling for two dollars. women are fi .,e specimens of their sex. 1871 it was occupied by German forc <is, nined to perjure themselves in those not tnke violen t purga- lS1l. \Vhere it is not convenient to see me pertives yourselves,or allow sono.lly, arrangements can be made for sales They are not brnn et.tes as we had suppos- ·a nd on the 18th of January K ing William cases. L et us t each them that such canin Bowman ville; Handsome lace trimmed Parasols your child1·en to take with either or the :!J;ditorsR. e'1, btJt chi fly blondes, and though many of Prussia was t here proclaim ed Emperor not a Gleast be doue in t his county with f them, always use this HUTCHINSON_ in blue, beige, cream and cardinal . 27tt AND elegant pharmaceutical Enniskillen, June 30th, t88G of thtml go about the streets witl1 small of Germany. On the d eparture of the impunity. 'l'here are a number m this prep1uation, which has from fi fty cents and up. white caps · r heo.d dresses or ba.r e h eaded Germans it became the scat of the Gov- corner of tho county who have miido up been for mor!'. than forty they are uot RU .bnrnt. They are adepts ernment, under .the presidency _ of M. tlu~ir minds t o prosecute every clear · years a pubhc favorite. iu h air dressing, but the lunatic style of . Thiers, and remained so t ill 1880. The case t hey know of, and we b elieve that i::iold by drtt(!{Jists e·ver11where. w ATERLOO, N. Y . w·eiu·ing b ugs is fortunately wanting P alace is nearly a quarter of a mile long one or two cases of th is k inrl followed up hei·e - they htwe n:1tich b etter styles. We and th e picture galleries arc said to ce>n- will h ave more effect t han a number of ---------~1 must be pardone·t tor one m ore r eference ta.i n ten miles of rare paintings. This fines will h ave. · L et all those false feel· ST. TllOJIAS, ONT_ 1 fa the ladies and our modesty is h eavily gallery presents an unrivalled collection ings of shame at being ~ailed whiskey in15 Professors and 'Teachers. A.ttende.nce last taxcd to even write the stat ement three of historical pictures which have cos t over formers, and so on, be thrown aside and yet1.r I SO Unexcelled ad vnntnges in LUcra· Good nctive r eliable men as canvassing OME of th e most valuable and eligible tlwusand miles from the ladies who will £ 6Q0,000. We were shown through the let us go at work in earuest, with t he full lnrti, Lau11:uug;cs, Music, 1·1ne Arts and Com· Liberal inducements to good m the Town of Bowmanvllle. Terms easy. IllCl'Cilll 11ie . . RJ1;·UPJ<JN"S 8 EP1'. 9th. Agents. read it, but· we must m ention it. We R oyal apartment s by an attendant who conviction t hat we a re engaged in aright - :For 66-pp.8cic1 J<'o r particulars and plans apply at the office or Announcement, address. men. Apply at once to c&nnot tell how . much of t he artifi cial narrated to us sever al e vents connected eons .work ; t hat with a proper uee of the R. RusSE J, L LOSCOM BE, Principal AUSTIN, B. D. McClungs' Buildings, llowmanv!Ile, e!lters into 1 he make-up of Parsian ladies, with each room. The splendor .of th e means within our r each and the h elp of . 2fl-4w 0th, 1886. J. W. M cKAY, but Nature has been exceedingly generous rooms and furnishings exceed a nything t he Lord tha.t we shall succeed in rescuto $8 a. uay. Samples and duty FREli: Gen. Manager. Lines not under the horse's reet. Write in pro11idi11g them with good shapes and we have yet seen . The garclc11s which ing the tho ueands of h elpless women and See those beaut iful Fancy Window BR-r.:wsTER's Sn'E'r Y Ri.:rN HoLDEII large busts, for these are very prominent with the buildings and Court yard have a children from t he untold miseries of the CAN ADA BRANCH, ST. THOM.A.S, ONT, Shades at T ait & Morriaon'a. Co,. Holly, Mioh, SCHOOL 0PENS MAS 0 N BROS I · Sh t 0 t ranS.lOrm a 11 ·the1r · W1 Noiseless Slate. :Summer goods into Cash to 5(}. 200 PACE SCRIBBLIN C8OOK· help pay for their extensive fall purchases, which are now rapidly coming lll. HISTORY, P. TREBILCOCK. GREAT BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN. Room W-anted. To make room for our FALL IMPORTATIONS --we shall sell-- DURING JULY&AUCUST A.LL SUMMER GOODS at Greatly Reduced Prices. PARAIC~~ COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, L_ A DIES, Will be sold at cost, and several lines of Dr·ess Goods at and under cost price. M I L L I N E RY : MR3. -:DDNNELY'S,r I inspectF:~~e~~e DRY .-GOODS. OLEA RINB SA LE EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. In order to make room for our Dr. DORENWEND'S .. .. Fall Goods, we will offer · the z :::c <C l> balance of our Summer Goods :E FAC,--1,S CJ at ver:y close prices. .... a: 3: ... .. CJ 0 Cl TOD BROS· PARASOLS. TF. I CaN. STIPATiaN A ·ick·Headache S 0YSPEPSI A Maple GroveNurseries WANTED. Alma Ladies' College, I ROBERTSON & BOND. Building Lots for Sal~. S $5 ·

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