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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1886, p. 1

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TERMS :-ti.Im Pu .ANNVK. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 422 . OUR TOWN AN1> COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES, EDITOR.A.ND P!tol'Rll'IOB, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, Ji'RIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1886. VOLUME XXXII. NmrnER 35. NE\N .F IRM I ' · Reply to Dr. Boyle's Letter. ORONO. l\fr. R. Knox an.1 wife are epending their holidays at Chatauqua. Messrs. W. Rolfe and ,J. Hallett took in the excursion to BuJfalo last week, and report a general good time. Call and secure bargains at MrH. Morriso n's, Orono. Mi8s Jennie Rincade and Miss Etta Dunsford have returned from visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. C. B. Borland and.wife have been Yieiting friends at Garden Hill and Peter· borough. Messrs. '\V, Armstrong, Dr. Spencer, R. Hall and '\V. Lyness went to Peterborough, on Saturday last, to attend Forepaugh's show. A coat of paint has made a great improvement in the appearance to the front of Mr. Miller's block. Messrs. A. O'dell and Jas. Newsom were successful at the late examination in obtaininll first and second cla11a certifi· catos, respectfully. Congratulations. Miss Berty Staples is visiting at he aunte, Mrs. Thos. Staples'. Miss Ethtol Hall, of Bowmanville; is visiting friends in and around Orono. Milinery and fancy i;(oods below cost at Mrs. :Morrison's, Orono. SPECIAL TO SOLINA. F .ARMERS AND THRESRERSIf you want a good pair of Harvest Milt! of any length Qr size, call at R. M. Kirkpatrick's. 8olina. I also keep the best quality of M~chine Oil, givo me a call. 31-5w DISTRICT MEETING. McCLUNG,BINCHAM &Co. Having bought"out the entire stock ofMcCLUNG & Co.~ are prepared to give bargains is every department. · · · ds 0 f T ; r1mm1ngs I n Dress G00ds and aII k In we have the largest and nicest assortment in town. A large stock of Jerseys at bottom prices. IN MILLINERY we have all the latest styles, also ii. large stock of Mantles and Mantle Cloths. IS NTI· THE TA ILO RI NC DEPARTNI E m charge of MR. W. . TAIT, a lii.rst-class ·Cutter, f All the 1atest St Y1es .. 0 . · Pantings, Scotch & Irish Tweeds and a large assortment of a.U kinds .o f 0!loth to ch@ose from. 1 Every suit gliaranteed a goodl lflt or m@ sale. As mo~t of these goods were seleeted b~ one of the firm in the Engli~h market, an:l imported dfrect, we are 1 p repared to sell goods cheaper than any b.oose in town. Come and examine our goods before puuchasing. Alarga lot of GARPfTS below : cost to ·cl,ear ·t~em out. MCCLUN, C, BlNCHAM &CO. HARNESS, HARNESS I Now is the time to get a first-class hand made Set of Harness, extremely eheap. vv. :EI. ~.A.~ Is selling Single Harness for $10; Nickel Piated Single Harness, $16; all other goods in proporttion. Call and see the best FLY NET ewer ma<le. (Both in leather and cord.) Whips, Trunks, Valises, School Bags~ &c., al:w.ays m stock. · 11 Farmers, Threshers and MI men Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. L A R D I: T H E B E ST T N T H E NE~ MACHINE OIL. W 0 R L D . · When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for t.he New Oils, i ;~a.Scl;e~:i!:i ff:0~eJ~~;~ ~: ~~~~~ ~~ re!d::Ci:b~f · 't.i:.rs~~h:sT~~r~ i:i;;~ Ty SUNLIGH & T SAFE ILY FAI ·n Coal ·1. 01 Try it once, you WI USe llO 0 th er. HA I NE S ' CARRIAGE "tTTQRKSJ VY .etor, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprl ~,... , ~~= "!" -"" _ '!"'"" . """"!' ~.""'."""".""'. ~ -"" --~ .. "'! --."" -"" ~-""-""~ -"' -="" ··"-"~·"" · ~"!..~~~====.""'.~.""'..~= '! ..,~ -.""'..""'..""'.~.""'."" "ct;OLL BROS. & CO'Y Toronto GARRIACES SLEIGHS .CUTTERS WACO NS &G , ' J KING STREET, BOWMANVILL ' - - -MANUl!'.ACTURER OF- - - l ·' Hasnowonhandanumberotnhloles(andlsmanufaoturingagreatmanymore)otthenewee patterns and best llnlsh, which I am otl.'ering for ealo at tho lowoat price a oonaistent with due regard to workmanship and quality. The following !11 a list ot the principal vehicles manufactured bT mo . 50 Upwardi, Double Covered Carrlages .................................................... $1. 11 Single Phootons .·. .. ·.. ·· .............. · ........................................ 1 00 11 Open Buggy.. ......... .... ... ..... ... ....... ................... ................. 70 11 Top Buggy..... ............................ .. ......................... ........ .... 90 D emocrat Wagon...... ................ . .............................. .. ......... 65 " L~mber Wagons.. . .. ................... ... ................................... ... 66 " Light Wagon.. ........... ........................................................ 40 " 11 E xpress W agou. ·· . . ··. ·· . .... .· . .. . . . ·... . ··... . . .···... ··. ·. . ··· . . ·. . .......... 76 ske l eton... .......................... .... ............... ......... ........... ....... 60 11 11 S ulky .............................................................................. , 40 Possesalng superior facilities tor mannfaotnrlng carriages, I Intend to sell very cheap for o· eh .o"\.\pproved credit, and by so doing I hopo to greatly inoreaeo my number of sale11. WoulG sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies Ironed. l Al l Kinds of Vehicles Repaired .At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. A.· ihe Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning ana Sa.wing with Oirole,Band or!Sor Saws. and prepare all kinds ot lumber for oarpentere nd others tor .building Pll.rPDBeB. Ornamental and Plain Pickets for tenoes In every st7le required, made to order. The Financial meeting of the Bowmanville district of the Methodist church wa~ held at Tyrone on Friday the 20th. There wee a full representation of th members both lay and clerical. The R(.\v. K Roberta, Superintendent of the district was in the chair, The first busiuess 1v E WP .ARK. attended to was the allotment to the cir.· . I rather think that "Straggler's" news cuits of the amount of money t o be rai~18 gettmg scarse. ed by the district for the superanuated One of the enterprising young farmers fuud. No change made in the sums approof this neighborhood, commonly known priated by the superanuated board, and as the ctilebrsted horse-trader, has been although the am ount to be raised is ia adding an addition to his house. advance of last years, each minister aWe hear that Mr. R. Virtue has Kiven greed to do hie bes~ t.o raise it, Last year up counter-skipping and 18 going to try a numb~r o~ th~ mm1st.e rs rather th11~1.refarmiug ouce more. port their c1rcmts defi.ctent, after ratsmg o fi 8h h d fi h" what they could on their circuits1 made 8 erruan as ?ease mg up the amount' out of their own ockats . u~ Mmmes, hte uet to of ' I·h us · 1 ·s 110t f air, · the c1rcm · ·t s h ou lpd stan a· ' t and b has k moved h · one . h th e eas ern rea s w ere 1 ie can 111t mt e b th · · t d t l t h fii shade of the ivy, ·BIG BEAR. ,Y e n~m1s er, an no e IJ?l su e~. Every mmteter pays $12 a year mto th111 ~NFI/JJLD.fond, and when he ha11 to pay in addition from 5 to 20 dollars to make up the defiend of ciency of his circuit, it becomes a <rreat a self- hard11hip. The next business was ar;angmg for missionary meetings. The followashing is the order of the day ; the ing plan was adopted: The ch·trches of Bowmanville and.Oahawa make their own barley turns out very well. Thti hail storm of a week ago, broke arrangments. N ewcastle and Orono meet· several pains of glas9 in this neighborhood ings, Dec. 5th, 6th, 7th and 8 th ; deputaand shelled consid.,rable grain. One tion, Reva. Whitlock, Manning, ~ander· farme~ gave a field of peas to a neighbor son and Mcintyre. Nawtonville meetTYRONE. ings, Nov. 7th, 8th, 9 th and 10th; depu· · ' tation, -Revs. Kenner and Dunlop. TyTlte painter's brush has con11iderablJ rone meetings, Oct. 10th, 11th, 12th and improved tho 1>ppearance of . h the fence n O'Leary 's f arm f or a t erm, al so M r. B . 13th; deputation, Reva. Barrass, Roberts f ront 0 f t he M etl10.d ist, c ur?h _and e Thornton has rented the farm o[ the late Walker and Salton. Hampton meetings, front door. The sprrng doora inside h ve w G"b . · db M M been recovered with green baize and 0 her m. 1 son now .occuprn Y r . oore. Nov. 28th, 29th, 3Clth and Dec . 1st, also improvements made reflecting credit ,Some of the v1llager<1 took advantage on Dec, 6th, 6th, 7th and 8th; depnta· the trusteea. ' ~ the excursions to Pcterboro and tion, Nov 28th, &c. Rti ·B. Sanderson ani1 . Kenner, Dec. 5th, Roberts and Hill 0 n T Ui!lflday evemng next , a pu bl. 1c Odilia. tea. is to b~ held in the echool room, in Mrs. Vickery }1as been visiting friends South Darlington meetings, Nov. 28tl and Dec. 23rd; deputation, Revs. Mall · behalfoH!liie funds of the church. Singin<r, in Victoria county. recitations., Pea.dings and speeches are to A young man was seen acting in a ning and Hassard. Cartwright meetings be the order of the day. A good time is 11uspicious manner Sunday evening. Oct, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th. 14th, anu 15th; deputation, Revs. Hill, Mcintyre anticipa· tecl and a general invitation is , What was the matter with him 1 and Morris. extended. NE~IO. By resolution every minister was made Mr. a.Nd Mrs. Gjst, of Bowman ville, · MAPLE GROVE. reeponaible for the holding of educational were the ~ests of Mr. J. T. Welch, fast Mr. C. Power threshed ()00 buehe's of meetings and ta.kio g up the collection for Sabbath. . ; b 1 T d f M this fund on his circuit. The Bay of H Al'rlPTU!v. ar ey on ues ay or r. W. Foley, Quinte Conforance at its last session havMr. · a.nd Mrs. Reid, of St. Catharines., There were four M . D's in Hampton are visiting ·friends here. Mr, .George James who has been ill for ing passed a r esolution requestinl! the one day le.st week at the same hour, on A oouf!le slily went to town one day some time past, appears now to bo s ome- General Cooferance to annex the BowpFofessional calls. · last week, and came home man and wiie. what better. We hope he will continue manville di11trict to that confllrence a. to improve. . " resolution earnestly protesting a"ainat Mr. Fred Mason. of Toronto, was Good for .y<ou, Mr. W. Miss Ida Barher, of Cobourg , paid a any such action by the General C~nfer visiting friends here this week. The dietu-ict meeting was held here !fast Mr..J. ·Phillips, of New York, was also i Firiday. 1 l t waa well represented by visit to her brother in this neighborhood ence received the u nanimous support of the d istrict meeting. viaiting friends here 'recently. : ministers and delegates from all parts of and intends r emaining t ill next week. Mr. Thos. Mason and wife of Toronto Upon mot ion it was r esolved to have a Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott were visiting ; ~lie ·di11trict. A r~vival ser~ioe was held ention i? connection with t~e fr~ends in Port Hope and Cobourg last ' m t~ church at mght at wluch. addr esses are '°iQiting their aunt, Mr~. C. Rundle: S. S. C?nv_ week. ·wete delivered by Rev. Mr. Sanderson, Mr. Mason was poorly in health when he !'fay district m e.,tmg, ~nd t~at ~he mm isters ?f the Bowman ville c1rcu1ts be -a As!RevJE-:.Barra.&Lwas rfl.t.ur:ning foom. of Darlington circuit, and Rev. Mr. came but iB mending fa.st. Mr. Jaeoo Steven~ has a r>ain resumed committee to make arrangeme!l!:s for the . s tBar<r11ss, of 1Efampton. Z l' On, uuda.y evening, being very dark, · his old position as class l~ade r in the iame. . .he .cullided :with a vehicle Qgoing we !t, A . base ball match will be rpla.yed ihere church · · It was resolved to request t he services causing some dam.a ge. 0n Tuesday afternoon, between · t he · . of one of the general superiutendents to 4 Our p&~or wa~ 11~ last Sabbath, b~t assist at tho educational meetings on S everal frori11 here em braced the opp0.r- "Gladstone's " and sowe oGther ·team. tun.ity.of takin!!' a cheap trip to Peterboiro , They have sent a challenge to Ennitikillen succeeded m delivermg a splended cha- the district · - di had ·bu·Eillc<s, of course. Mr. E. fo ,p lay the return match; if not acceIDted, course to ®~s at~entive hearers. Tho~gh Jn the ~fternoon a most interestin[( Hastings had better be r easonable with. ,ifhe second >nine will come to the fro~. th~ preaoinmg ~s exce~len~ the serv1c~s discussion on the work of G od in the dishis wa.ree, as two of the young men were i The new,sign board, on the sili.ed at the would be more. 11npress1ve if a good choir trict was held, the result of which was, seen heading · fur a pump factory. : eaat .end, has a very bashful oeppea.ranee c~iul~ be Grgamzed to take charge of the that it was determined to hold a series., 1\ T fi h ' ... . . : to t he passers by. amgmg. of four days meetings at tbe followintt:; .1l'i o · s mg nor ..uggy ou tmg noticed · last Sunday. ' We would advise the R. 0. 8. Iii . .club 4 Bl~ of Marrieu Expenence. places: Orono, Hampton, Tyron e a:ndli · when .they get a pitcher from t".aie '· ·Glad. . . Williamsburg. Se . veral visitors this week whose na mes' Btoae " club ,e,aain th y had b tt ,,,. I marriett my wi!ce abou.t t hirty-five 1euIn the evening a public meeting was... I di.cl not learn SLow & I .. · e e er g.,., a · Y. i .ratoher ·to .accompany him, and then their ~o. The -ceremony was performed abouii held, when profitable and inspiritin~ ad1even o'clock in the morning. Before re- dresses were delivered by Revs.Sanderson : EN'NJSKILLEN. ! would ·Rot-get.co badly beaten. tiring th&t -eveming we had a tnlk with and l3arrass. oCJUMAX. each otheT, nnd the result has sweetened ReY. G. Reynolds preached an excellIt was resolved to hold the May district;. o·ur entire lives. We agreed with ea.ch ent sermon in 'G!. l ie Presbyterian cl1ureb meeting in the Queen St . Methodist; NE·WTONVILLE. other that each should be watchful and last ::i;unday. careful ueve!!', lby act or word, to hurt the church, Bowmanville. Rev.,A. McLaren is spendiag his vaca· 'l'hefiund_ ay School in conneettea wiillh feelings of tiheiGther. We were both young tio n on the back: lakes ; he is expected t~e Method1st.clmrch will hold their anwth hot-tempered, both positive in our home l\o fill his pulpit ou Sabbath next. I ootversary '~n ·the 5th and 6th September. likes and disiikes, and both somewhat ex· HOME AFl!'ECTIONS. The Methodiste of this circuit are: Sermons;w1ll be1p>reached on Sunday., 5th, ' i.cting and :flexible- ju.st the material for a farge tea and gardeu ; at 10:~0 .a. m. and 6:30 .!?· m, by 'Rev.· F. : life of conjuga;l warfare. Well, for a few prepal'ing for a · 'l'JIB heart has memories that never die. :m:a it hard work t o al.ways live party in the parsonage grounds h Eire, on lllL Wh1tlook,p~storoflrw~n etreet c h,u rch, 1 yea.rs we fo1 Th1' rough rubs of the world caJlllot oblii· by our agreement. Occasionally (not often) the a~ornoon of "Vednesda.y Sept. lst. Cleveland, Oh10. Tea will ~ served on I word or a l@G>k would slip off the tongue er..te t he111. They are memories of lwme. Speecbeii and music 1-i n the church in the Ma.n day, iC'iith, from . 5 to 7 oclock, after n or face before it coul~ be caught or sup· early home. There is magic in the very evening. Proceeds in aid of parsonage whl~h a progran~ w ,,111 be rendered by .t he ;ire!'lled ; we y.i.ever allowed the sun t o go ~01md. There is.the old tree under which the light-hearted boy swung in many 11o furnittt.ie. An eng~able time may be c~o~r and the ~h1l~e~ of the .sch.00J, con~lown upon ou.r wrath, Before retiring at expec ' · s 11!11iwg of music, 11mgmg, reo1tattons, .&c. night, on such ·Occasions, there was al· summer day , yonder, the river in which he rnh ... ~ l f h . Addresses wall be delivered by ministers wR::;s confession and forgiveness and the learned to swim, there the honse in which /.-':J e l'JoL.(lep e o t 6 M eth?d1st .church, from other oircuits. Miss Rhoda H-ol.man <> "Ulprit would! become more .careful, in the ~e knew a parent's protection- nay thel8 ,wh~ch was dama~e4l br. hghtnmg la11t is preparing the pNigram, and fr@ m her !aturc. Our tempers and dispositions he· 1s the re.om in.which he romped with' brotJt,. ~pr1~g, hail been undergom!{ a course of former efforts we ane ex pecting a N eal cune gradually more and more congenial ; er or. s1St~r, 1ong since, alas! laid in t h9 so that after a few yea.rs we became one in ya.rd m which he must soon be gathered, i~pai~s. t 'irhe wforkHwiu tdone by M r. A. and musical treat. · · "' en"mg Ol\, o amp on. 1t 1ooks . roolity, as the ranrital ceremony had pro- o~ersha~owed by yon old church, whcthw 0 l'IOllnced ua· nomimtlly. In thinking back. w~th ~ Joyous troop 1-i.ke himself he h::.-;i we find that for more than twenty yean of ten followed his parents lo worship with Tyro~ land .Place, ~~e! t? mtness the marriage our little ai,rreemeat has beeo. unbroke:a aud hear the good oJcl mr..n who gave ~ to God iu baptism. Why even the very . J ~ , ofM1ssJenmeMilhr to Mr. · T. CummingR and 1 there has beel!I no occasion for confe~ Dr. J. · !Brown.and Mr.~· L.Stai:>l.es, of Buuk:iogham,.Que. After t he ceremony ion .c· r forgiven.etis. In busineu we hav\ sc.hool-house, associated in' youthful days teacher, are ~ack m . 011:.I." midst lookmg the coapany sat down to a aumptao.Us H hnd 4:>ur adversity ~d prosperity and l!t"A\ with thoughts of ferule and tasks now rn_ u ch better for their tour through the dejenuel'. The presents were valuable cess. We have raisoo a family of children. comeA back to bring pleasant rememb:ances wilds of our ooautlful Mwik.oka. and also useful. Rev. Mr. Dox ee -0f and mow have our grand-children about us; of mnu y nn occasion that called forth soma -Our Schoo.I was Yisited one day thi11. Oanton cir-(!uit, performed t he cerem~ny. we aire simple enough to believe that we geu.,rous trai~s of human nature. There it \\"UM thnt he lo:.trned t o feel some of his best week by the IBSjpector Mr. W. E . Tilley, The happy couple left by the c. P.R . for "lnve metter children and grand-children emotious. There, perchance, he first m et; :1er ~11.uoo of our .Jit tle agreement. Un.der Mr. Barber, M.odel Schoo. '\ Master, Co- Ottawa, mid showers of rice and old shoes. ~Il e ?etug wltu by her love and tendernesa bowrg-, Mr.. G. Malcom, High School The bride leaves a farge number of warm s11N1 ' l oeontract, religiously k ept, no ill-na· rn :Liter li fe h as ma<le a hon1e for himself t urea .:hildnm will be reared, and i:.o boy11 .Teae..her, M1t.cheU, and the professional and 4;1ting friends behind her. will f!Ld vl".n B treeta and bar-rooms more happier even thau that which his childhood men of our n llage. We ha·e again to record the death of pleasant t han home. To make a good wife ' lme'~· There are ee1tain feelings of huA;DIQng the visitors t o our village we another of our old residents, Mr. James or n good husbnnd requires the co-opemtio11 mam.ty, :rnd tllosc t?o among the best, tha~ can. hr:.d :Ln appropnate place for their exnotice Mr. and Mrs. Booth, and th McMurtry, who after a long 11.nd painful of both. erci"c" only uy one's ow.c fireside. T here Mis~es Bennett, 'l' oront?, Miss Martin illnen, passed a way on Friday last. He ·· ' . "acre<lnes:; in t he privacy uf t hat spot Collmgwood, Mr .. \V. Atkmson! Ingersoll leaves one son and three daughters to It may not be known to many readers " :meh 1t were a species of desecration to M;. and ~rs. G. Malcom, ~itchell, .th mourn the loss of a loving parent. The of this journaL that we have in this to'Vn v1o!at c . . He who seeks wantonly to invade Misses Mu Lrh ead , Uncle Sams Domam. deceased was 72 years old, and was highly an iDBtitution bearing the name of "The :G , is neither more no1 · less that a villain · Miss K ennedy leaves tliis week for ~spected by all who k new him. Bowmanville Electro Plating Works" ·lll<l hence there exists no surer t est of th~ 0 h · .....- , s a wa. . e a ies Aid in connection with the which guarantees to do plating in gold, deba~emen~ of morals in community. than M r.. F . A. Jones, Y. S., had been visit- M ethodist church have appointed Mies silver or nickle ao that old articles are ttc d1spo. ; 1tim1 to tolerate in any mode the ing Pickering this week. Annie Whitlock their secretary. They made to look quite as good or even bet. m:m w!10 disregar ds the snnctities of pri· vate h fo. In the t urmoil of the world, Je~ M r. Jno. Avery has been away to are also renovating t he parsonage; the ter than new, and the proprietor agre0s Toronto leaving hie order tor an artificial down stair rooms have been painted and to plate heavier than the platin~ 'to be there bte at, le11st one ;;vot where the poor limb. papered, and t he 'outside of the building found on any ne w article. All kinds of ma1: may find affection ~hat i:; d isintere~ted be nrny indulge a conlidence which is no'! being painted, and a porch is to silverware, old watch cases gold or silver , :ovt.crc A number of young men .visited Peter- be bmlt at .t he fron t entrance, which will and indeed all kinds of tableware are re- ts net hk elv to be <tbused. boro h last ,, Saturday Th .and took in " Fore· very much improve the ap pearan ce ..,.ener - paired, cleaned, and polished. Any of paug ey the day'a "' h11s our readel:'s having ar ticles t hat require d s. t b en1oyed d M outing a 11y . o ur pastor , R~v. J . Whitlock an repor a un a.nee of " oxie " in· fairy · 1 eettIed d own in · his new field ' of plating can rely on getting a superior job · 0 GR M ILT.ION..tll!ES do not find all their that festivean town. labor· ·W e hope that h'J and his amiable done at a reasonable pr ice, and a single mv~st1J1ents golden, by any means. But We congratulate Mr. Wm . McLaren,of family will ever enj oy our social com· trial will convince you that this is conect. an ii:ivestment in Dr. Pierce's " Golden this village, on successfully passing the munity. The Misses Whitlock are great T he foreman is Mr. John Wright, late of Medical Discovery " is certain to proTe a 2nd class examinat ion for teacher's cer· acquisitions to our church work, bot h in Glasgow, Scotland, and the proprietor good oi:i~· I~ cures cough, consumption , tificate in this year of indifinate questions the choir a nd Sunday school. . is Mr. F . N. Ham. Call at Reid's bronch1t1s, sICk· headache 11kin diseases Mr. George Malcom, Mathematical B lock and see sampled of the work they dyspepsia, costiveness, ~crofulons Ji·: and cranky examination papers. e ases, chills and fever, and dumb agu it. Mast er of M itchelH ighSchool, Mrs. Mal- are t urning out . ALWATS ltE(llJIJCE D- A. good cnHrnr tlc It riiaches the blood, and thr ough· i t t he DB, LOW'S PLEA.SANT ' W ORll SllltlJP Is n medJclne. National Plll s will not tU·:lP· com and sou are viaiting at Mra .William ore worm remedy i·o r worm~ adltcUng whole s;rsl~m. Agreeable t o t ake, J:Je ··.. point 7 e11, Milligan' a. ehlldren or atlnlts; mauent m 1ht result. By druggists. To the Ed-itor of the Statesman, Srn,-The chamcteristic impude11ce ex· hibited by Dr. Boyle in his letter which appeared in the ST.ATESMAN of last week is an insult to the intelligent people of BowmanviUe, who have long known him well. His attempt to pose as an abused person an·d a martyr is ludicrous in the extreme. That the decision of the Police l.\fagistr&te does not please Dr. Boyle is not surprising. Nobody . expected it would please him. A man prevented from CMrrymg on a nefurious business, out of which he makes money, is not usually enamoured of the instruments which take him in ha'llld and administer fitting punishment. Dr. Boyle claims that he is regularly licensed to practice Phyaoi.c. This act, l~ewever much it may be regretted, is not · disputed, but it only makes the Dr's. ca11e worse. He has not only broken the l-8.w but he has violated the ttrust reposed in him as a member of an honorable prdfession . It is to be hoped that the medical men of the town and of the province will have the decency, the manliness, and honor to put down as far as lies ~u their power such aofilons as wmskey selling and (when that is stopped~ · indiscriminate granting of orders for liquo1· to any and every one who may apply ifor them. If they as ·a pr@fessional body do not unite in repudi· ati11g such conduct by one ef tl1eir number, a scandalized ·public may well doubt wl1ether they are the disinterested well· wiahers of humanity they so often claim to be .. Dr. 13oyle says that he will appeal t o a higher ceurt; though he may through some legal ·quibble quash the Police Magistrate's decision, · it will not raise him in the estimation of those who know the facts. '!Bowmanville is n()t 'p 9rhaps tke must moral place in the world but it still has some regard for law and order. !In conclusion Dr. Boyle is respectfully :reminded of that proverbial mixture. which the m@re i t was stirred the worse was its st eno<h. Yours, etc., ANTI - ScoTT Acr. I

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