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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1886, p. 6

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*he welaht of her oargo feroed a large 1eo'ion of her liottom eut, ahoulda't we have clill· oever1d Hme el the wr.okage fto11ot1n1 1a Pt1BLI8BBD ner"rou1 weakne11, early decay· lou of A Ie&ter l'Nm" lhetP-Iata." Calm. Ntalt.s. Honoa Kept on Grus. abeu· ! I Ieng ap gave up trylng to ntl.I. EYBRI. FRIDA.I MORllIIJG, manboo<i, &c., I will 1end · recipe ·ha· faokrlly 1eln ·he oue." U wa1 with great plea1ure that I read, ID Gr.. may he the natural fffd of the There are m11'4lrie1 ef t;he Ma which fa.101will cure you FRJl:B OJ' OB.A.:&G·. Thla -BYa reoent l11uo of your paper, your 1plendlcl great remedy wail dilconred by a ml.11ion- hene, but h11 talt· to grain with ,,-·nder· nate, ancl there are m11terle1 which appaL artlole in defanae ef tha.a noble and muoh ary in South Amerio·. Send · 11tlf- f1d readlneu, and U fed nothing bat gra111 One cann'et read the reoerd of 1hip1 which Hea.thenism a.t Home. a.bu1ed animal of the oanlne 1peci&f l have whol· IJIMm II relaxed and but a oom· have Hlled forth from the great portl of the AT TBB Dll'BIOB addre111ed tnvelope to the R11T. Jo.ml'B the paratlvely amall a.meant ef work can be en- world te be heard of never again without "' ,11 e you Only " few blooka frem Printing Houae been lntftndlng fer 1ome time to _ .....aeeBteek,1Unsss.,sewmaaYllle,e:a1 T, !NJLAN . Station D New York Oitv. 4.61 dured, Graa1 II 10 waahy tlllld the 1temaoh feeling a mighty awo creep np·n him, Square In New Yerk city ill a hoa·hen my thcughu on that aabjeot, but han been tho her1e ii 10 11m11oll that but a 1ma.ll " I h·d boe11. Ill of fenr a' V r.lparallo fer temple, where the Chlne1e deltiem are " let hltherte." The howl 1ent up by the 'r E R ]).ll: e : ADVISE TO MoTHERS. -Are you di1- of amount of nutriment II oonta.lned In the 1everal weelu," 1ald a eeaman named Wll· wor1hlpped &1 in their own land, Mr. sheep-men all over the oountry, fer the eLIO!·era······re1.tHf··ldl· ad"Van.eo turbed at night and broken of y.our reai 1'6maoh when full, The bewele a.re 10011, !lam Bondwell, " and about tho time.I wa.1 Forman thus de1crlbe1 it: blood of our noble friend, the fqtive our, ia er.;,m.ent strictly ln advance required from by a 11ick child suffering and crying w"Uh the 1tomach i· emptlocl, and the hor1e feel· fit fer duty a Boston bark which had boen Itis not an lmp&1lng-loeldng entrance I trnly terrifying. Have we dog-men and ·beor1bere outside of the oountT · Orders to' pain of Cutting Teeth Y If ao send at weak and fa.int In a very 1hort time when above the equa'°r and wr.s now homeward It open· directly upon a 1teep stairway, doge no right· that aheep-men and aheep tUeoontinue the paper must be accompanied by once and get a bo\tle of "Mra. Win1low'1 at work. The 1weat rolls out a.Imo1t: In bound called In for 1ome alight repalr1, and and the only 1ugge1tive feature la a. atrlp are bound te reapect? Can't a poor, In)18 amount due',orthepaper will not bes topped. , ,, . . · 11beoriben areresponaiblountllfullpa;ymenth Soothmg Syrup. For children teethm11, 1tream1 and a few minute· exertlen cau1ea was a man 1hort. She wa1 a snug ~craft, of red paper over the door-way which loekl nocent dog, In a playful· mood, frolic and made. ita nlue ia incalculable. It will relien him to pu1l and blow aa if ho had been run· well 'ffioered and found, a.nd after a few &11 U It waa a la.bel toni off a package ef caper with a fleok ef worthle11 sheep, with-· a..t..TllS OP ..t..:OTEBTJSIN4h Cil: · the poor little su1ferer immedia.tely. De- nlng · raoe, He may do very well lf he ha1 de.ya we were beomlng down the Pa.olfio on lire· ora.ckera. It bears the name of " J esa," eut creating a great atlr-even to atlrrlng WholoColum11oneyear ............. ooo oo :5::;~ pend upon it, mothers; there i1 no nothing '9 do but run In puture and fight our way to Cape Horn, We were running tlllld tells the devoutly Inclined Celestial out the owner with hla sbot gun on murder ·· " Halfyear ........... _ 3600' :;m mist ake about it. It cures Dyeentery fii011 bu· he 11 not fit '° werk. He oi>n atand the Capo pretty well down to a polot, when that the temple la up etaire. Early Jut deep Intent? What if a few of the worth· 1 " One quarter ......... 20 00 ~ !i': and Dia.rrhcee., regulates the Stomach and a mederate amennt, b11t be does It with grea.t we ene day fell in with an Englleh whaler- week the new interior fitting· of the temple, leas crea.tare11 yield up their life blood to · · ·· Bt Column one year 36 00 - - B ft th11 exertion and oerre1pondlog exhaustion. If a brig from Porhmouth, I believe, She was the altar, ta.blea and ohalra, arrived here cater to the fo.atldloua appetite of my canine " Ha.If year............... ............ _ 20 00 owe111, cure11 w· m d c or 10, 110 en1 a team 11 to be worked regularly It la betquarteu full Gf oil, and w&1 working from China and were put In place, Now pet? Of what profi t are sheep anyway ? "' " One qua.rter_ ......... 12 50 Gum11, reduce11 Inflammation, and &iTel ter to keep them In the atable "nd feed three down to the aouth to catoll a few more the unpretending third lloer contains aom.e The abomlna.ble stuff that growa on their Quar\erColuu..n one yee.r ........... l't oo tone and energy to the vrhole system. them hay and grain regularly, wltli an eo- whales before heaving the brlokwork ovor- of the fineat specimens of Chinese a.rt In thl1 baoks le net fit to eat, and their oaroa11 " " Half year ......... _ 12 50 , S h' S " f One quarter...... .. 8 oo 6 " Mr~. WinRlow s oot mg yrup or caalenal bite of grau &1 a rellah and a reg- ooard and rqu11.nng aw·y fer the English olty, Tho altar is of carved ebony, won't weigh a thou1and poundP. Why, I 'llxllnes and under. ftrst Insertion_ U 50 children teething is pleasant to the taste ulator of the bowels, This m11.y bo mown Channel. The way I came to knew theae practically a large frame fer the picture of aak, should 1uoh worthless things sotk the :S:ach subsequent insertion...... 0 25 and is the prescription of one of the old- and given them, or they may be permitted things and a good many others wa.s because J oes and hi11 attellda.nt deities, execnted on protootien of the law ? B etter, far better, l'rOm eix to ten lines, first lnee:rtlon 0 70 eat ·a.nd bellt female physicians and nurses to rUll out a mtle while and gather the we evuhauled her one morning about 10 satin In the moot elaborate etyle ef Chinese 11o11 you say, make Olltlaws of them and · Kach subsequent Insertion...... 0 ~ - 10 QYer tenlinea,firstinsertion,perline 0 10 in the United States, and is for sale by grale, Thia mode of keeping a tea.m ef e'oleck, and just at that time the wind art, a.nd a heavy table fer holding the In· throw tho loving and protecting arms of $he Kach subsequent Insertion," OO~ all druggists through the world. Price hor,ea will pay much better ln work than died away anll the two orafta were becalmed oense·burners and votive offerings, As a. law oa.rreeaingly around our friend, What; whelo the oarvlugs represent the unlveree ; a hu11e aatlafaotion dees tho peaseaelon of a The numbel' of lineR to be reckoned bJ 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for permlttlug them to run ·e gra.11. If but a until abeut 1undown. " Some of our men wore permitted te a.Ieng the bottem, under the ta.ble, la the few d~zsn dogs give a man I With what Ile space occupied,.meaeured by a scale o " MRs. WINSLOW'S SooTBING SYRUP." moderate amount ef work ia requlied, the olld Nonpareil, horaes may be permitted io run In the vl1lt the Ben Bolt, and some of her men aea, with fish, acquatio plants, and the huge oomplaoeuoy he views them a11 they prowl and take no other kind, pasture at night, but aheuld be put In the came over te chat with us. They were a tllrtle upon which, acoordiDg to Chinese around hunting for hen1 nests (jast for the DR. ;J, C. MITCHELL, mythology, the earth 111 supposed to rest, fun of It yon know ; they would not suck an 1table dmlni the day, when net at work, hardy, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS From each side rise trees, shrubs, and an 11gg, no, oh no;) or how he er,joye the and given hay and grain regularly, but with JOLLY SET OF FELLOWS, · a.nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. discretion. It dee1 them no good to fight and were making a sucoeuful voyage of It, heavily carved folla.ge, with · birds and dght of a flock of sheep speeding a.cross tho Otlloe and Residence, Enniskillen. 7i, flle1 all day in the paature, but torments I don't know &1 the Oaptalne had any un- a.nlmall among the branches. The bra.nohea green pa.tare fer deat llfo, with hia noble and werriee them, The ata.ble may bo dark· derata.n>iing about it, but aa we were beth interlock over the top, a.nd the wholo la dog in hot pursuit-just for the fun of It you 'DK, TA.MBLl'N, ene4. and yet kept so well ventilated and bound the aame way, we kept oompany as backed with heavy plate·&la88 mlrrore re· know-he need11 the exeroiae. I love to Bit HYSICIAN. SURGEON and .A.cCOUCBEtTR. a.lry, If properly cen1truoted, as to avoid the breeze came out of the northeast. The prnemtlng the heavena thlokly studded en my front ga.llery and watoh the noble OtD.ce :-Silver Street, Bowmanville. 7 the annoyance of ftie11, and 11tlll pro10rve a ba.rk we.a a better sailor than the brig, and with golden stare, The ohaiu o.nd iables orea.ture11 a.a they trot to and fr , (I am teo oomferiable tempera.ture-even 111ore ao we were a.leo homeward bound ; but, much are In the aamo atyle of rich Otlente.l oarv· poor '9 own ene of the "valuable critters,") D, BIJJLKE SIMPSON, than that effected by tho ehade ot a tree. to our surprise, our Captain did not crack Ing, and the roem Is lighted by carved Ian· What If thell' ribs do " shine" and their ARRISTEU., SOLICITOR, &c., MOPIUS BLOCK, up eta.Ira, King Street, Bowman en andl,leave.. the Engllabmr.n astErn. On the terns ha.ngin11 from tho oemng, The walls hip bones stick up llke llgnalo of distre1e? 'fllle. Bolicltor tor the Ontario Bank, Turnips as a. !'rofitable Orop. contrary, he kept us under reduoed eail to are hung with Ohlnese mottoe1, tho air i1 What if they are so peer that their bone1 Private Monev8 loaned at the lowest rates, Waldo F. Brown says that fer twenty· allow the brig to lie on eur ·tr.rhea.rd qua.rt- heavy with facense, and it ltis hard te be· rattle In their hldea? A few werthle11 Dr. E. c. West's Nerve and Bra.in Trea.tment, er almost within hailing distance. And lleve that we are In Now York and not In sheep will remedy all that. Here's to the o. guaranteed specific tor Hysteria; Dl.zr.ineBI, fi ololtn Keith GalbraUll., Convulsions. Fit.e. Nervous, ~eura.lgla, Head· ve yeara he has not made a fallure with when night abut dewn what did the old Ca.tho.y, The whole affa.lr ooet the Chinese feative cur; long may he wii.ve-r and totter A RR IS TE R, SOLICI'l'OR, NOTARY ache, :Norvous Prostr11tion," a used by the u11e the turnip orep, and with the exception of ma.n do but give orders that a la.ntern be roddente of New York between $6,000 and a.leng, There ls little doubt aa you sav PUBLIC, &:.c. 01lice- Bonnsall's Bloc;k ot alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental perha.J:ll two years he haa jlrown from. 100 h that he will receive ample protection frem King Street, Bowmanville. .Money to lend, Depre118ion, Softening of the bra.in re1ultln~ in buahela up -_0 aa high aa 1·500 ea.oh year, uug ever the atern, and the brig dropped $8. 000, and ls entirely 1elf·1apportlng, They have queer features In their religion, our salons. Never you fea.r for that, There insanity and leading to misery deoay o.nd dealh Although aome years .he bas not bcon able into our w·ke a.s if we had her tow·rope Premo.turo Old .Age, Barrenness,Loes of Power BOBERT A.B.KOIJB, boakrd. We of the fo' ca.sUo couldn't whloh wa.a quaintly explained to me by the a.re votes in It. .If the poer innocents in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Sperma\- to sell, a.nd 10 has fed them to hie steok, In ma e out what these things meant, but old priest In charge. I notloed that a. large themeelvea have not these vetea, their own:S:GISTR.AR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER orrhoea caused by over-exertion ot the Brain, oth or 1eaeen1 they have paid him °' larger finally agreed that there waa 1omo under- proportion of the worahlpers would oome ers have; and moat of them have an " eye ot Marriage Licenses, Barrister and At tor self-abuse or over·indulgence. Each box con- net profit than any crop l{rown on the farm, di · ner at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. MoneY to.ins one month's treatment, fl.00 a. box, or six and, taking the yeara ene with anothl\r, he stan ng between the Captains, There Wall in, make their obeisance to the altar, burn to the ma.In chance." Ent we want thla loaned on Real Estate. OtD.oe on King street. boxes tor $5.00, sent by mall prepaid on receipt has found an acre or two ef turnips to pay a atlfflsh breu:3 through the night, and a few prayer sticks, and go out. Some, aheep nulsanoe a.l:ated. It Is oestlng us toe Bowman ville. of prioe, be'1;er than moat fa.rm crops. He remem· when morning oame the Ben Bolt was net however, remained a longer time and &ave many dog11, for an lnferna.l fool whe ow1111 - - -- -- - - - - - - · We Guarantee Six Boxes here ene year thai he ield a carloa.d of 400 ever a mile a.atern. She ahowed her oelors the prleat 1uma varying from twenty-five sheep will kill a dog with a good rell11b, d. T. PDILl.ll'S and the compliment waa returned. I am cents to a dollar, In rerponso to my in· So we demand the paeaage of a law making To cure any case. With ea.oh order reoeh·ed ICENSED AUCTIONEER tor the Counq by it a crime te own eheep In this country, us tor six boxes, accompanied with $5, we buahela at 33a cents a buabel on the traok 1atl1fied thali we could have run her hull qulry he said : ot Durhpm, Sales promptlT attended. will send the purchaser our written guaTantee ali hl1 station, and, aa he was loading the down In twe houra, but we made no more " A man can say all he wants to In three Doggedly youra,-:SnEKP-HATEB, Address- Hampton P, O. . 59, to refund the mone;y if the treatment does not oir.r, WU frEquently asked by farmers the aall than we had carried threugh the mlnute1, so he have three mloute1 for no· ' ~ effect a. cnre. Gua.ra.nteee Issued only by Jzrn. prloe, and aever.l times when he told It night, OHN· RUGRES.-Liceneed Auctioneer; thing; If ho have good deal to 11ay1 he pay Stott &; Jury, Dru11:11lsts, BowmanTille, Row to Tell When a Person is Dead. they ·aid : " Can you ma.ke anything grow" Tho breeze began to die out toward Valuator and Arbitrator. Fire and Lite twenty.five oenta for ,next three minutes, rll8urance, Notes and Accounts Collected. Ing turnip· at that price?" It ae ho.ppened noon, but it was 4 o'clock in tho afternoon fifty for next threo and ao on, No good to While we are decidedly In favor of cremaMoney to Lend on reaaona.ble terms, .Aodre111 tha.t oern wa1 selling at the ,!"'me prloe, befere it left us entirely. Then the brig pray too long." tion, we do not admit that the fear of being Cartwright, Ont. 4.72 and Mr. Brown aai4 to them: You grew waa a full mile away ud d!fa.d te Th 1'hen he added, after a momeAt'1 re· buried a.live should be. a reuon to cause ua 1 on an average lesa than fifty buehel· of oern weathor was e fiectlon: · u . "'· GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO to nject burial and to adopt cremation, 'o 'he aore and gave It the entire 1oason and every man who buy11 hie Lloenee from " In Mellcan churoh man talks an hour There are two simple te1t1 by which we oan several thereugh workings; I grew an av. . . INTOLlllU.BLY HoT, ESTABLISHED IN 1847. flll:NRY SYLVESTER, Enniakillen. and every bedy prav two houre er two alwaya convince ouraolvea whether a peraen erage of 200 buehela ef turnlp11 to the aore and porh1p1 that wu the rea.aon why hours and a. half, then make oclleotlon berc la really dead er not. One te11t 11 the '. aame ONEY I MONEY !-The &ubscriber It hu no shareholders to pa7 dividend· te, and grew them u a second orop, and gave neither Captain lowered a boa.t for another to pay minister. Chlneae wa.y, 500 or 600 that ha.a beeu orewned with a prize by the receives money on depoait tor theOntario Managed by and solely In the intere1ta of them n11 oulUvatlon ·a t all." Mr. Brown 'yarn,·· It was evident from the looks of people pra.y two hours ; wo make two or Frenoh Government, whloh hae for year1 Loan and Savings Company, and pa.ya inteTeet 1ay1 that 200 bu,hel1 i1 a very moderate the aky a.nd the run of the 1ea that we need three thousand dollar." the Polict holder11. offered a large reward for the dlsoovery of at the rate or 4 and 5 per cent. No notice .ot crop and tha· be haa grown 500 bu1hel1 on expeot no change of weather before 1untlle ·withdra.wl\l required, .Al110 loans moneT on With lta dingy exterior the Chlne1e of any method, alway· applloable, a.lwaya rean a.ore ef highly manured land that had next morning, J a1t at dusk a lighted Ian· New Y ork have now one of the moat rlohly liable, and one that may be praotfled by the morti;<ages at lowest rates. No commission Its Rates are Low. oh1uaeo. w. F. ~l<L,lC:-<, lloww.11-llvillo. 8·ly. grown two orepa besidoa the nme aeaeon, tern appeared on the hew ef the brig, ·nd rolletea no· rorrettable and une···Uleaal, the fint crop being early pen that were one wa.111uspended over our .tern In answer, furnished places of worship In the city. moat Ignorant. The method of determlnlrg actual death which wa.a conaldored by the Cull. Bonas .Paid every lbree yean, marketed June 11, and the aeoond orop I waa at the wheel, though we bad lost ;So Bo? Gentlemen o:CFash ,French Government as being worthy of the plckl11, and the turnlpa were 1own a.bout steerage wa.y, and the Captain ateod near He Oould Oa.toh. reward le the fellowing : · ion, not 110 :Cast. the lit of Augu1t at the laat working of me and surveyed the brig fer a long time Bue ball eaptaln-" Y eu say that you Joint Lif'e Policies. '\Vhon the fi11gers of a persen who la 1up· tho cuoumbera. He believe· that It la thro' his glau. All he abut tho glae1 a.nd oatoh ?" poaod to be dead a.re fully ext.ended, but Though a. double rlsh but one premium !JI pa.id eaeier to grew 1,000 bu1hel1 of turnips on turned a.way he 1heok hie head and mut. a..-e -w'Htte:V. ~!I.:~~~ ~~w ll!J.41s Tramp-·.· Yla, terr." kept near together, and If placed. In £rent of tor two people, Amount ot policy draw· And all I have to HYan aore than 100 bu1JJ.el1 ef oorn. tered under his bres.tb, but I cou.l d not B. B. Capt.- " Y eu don't leek llke It. a candle light In a datk room, a peculiar on firs~ death, .that 7ouo11on ftnd me llUll&t home, oatoh any of the wor ds, It was a.a q ulet a What kind of a catcher are you ?" bright color, due to the cir.pillary clroulat/""'11 Jam not gone a way. night as a 1aller ever saw at aea, There Tramp- " Rat· oatoher, yer honor." will be vlaible where the fingers touoh ~·Ii Se &11 my kind old t riends maT come, Timely Sugoe:eation11. waa a. long, glaSBy run to the ground swell, . ·And all they oung ones, too, other, If there Is any life left, 8peoial Inauotmenta to Total .Ab1tatnet-,, In answer to queation hew te knew· when ·nd as we rose and fell to It, there .was the ,l.nd get thetr11arments nicely made The other le ba.1ed upon the well-known Mr, Average- " My dear, I never refused fact that the mu1cle1 of a human being will wa.termelena a.re ripe, anap the melon with oreaklng and cheeping &l!d groaning from lnfashtonsthat are new; lfhere old a.nd young,deai-trlende,may meet A88ET8 OVEB $5,t00,000.I the fingen and if It ha1 a dull, hollow hull and aloft, which always gives a aa.llor you money In my life, What do you go never respond fer a longer time te the strongA welcome !ll'eetlnir. bv R. PE.A.TE INCOHB OYER $1,. . ., . . . sound it 11 ripe. Anether wa1 11 to pre11 the bluea, 0Ae of the la1t thin"· I saw through my pooketa that way fer ?" Mr1. e1t electrlca.1 current than for one hour and en It, and U it ora.ok1 ltll ripe, but presalng before my watch turned In wa.1 the lantern Average-" Ble11 you, love, I do not look 0100,000.00 deposited with theCa.nadlanGovol"JI on It a few time· baa a tendency to 1poll it, on \be Ben Bolt rlalng and falling u regular- t brou&h your pockets In search of money." a. ha.If after dea.th; while ae long a.a life la.stl, may lta evidence be ever 10 lhtle, the oon· men t tor benefit of Cana.dian polloT holden. The atem deylng and turning black II one ly u clook work. .As " What then ?" ., . The letter· I gave you traotllity ef the musoles, if not affeoted by '°mall," Common whltewaah, sign of ripeness, I 'l'URJ:!Eb OU!I AT DATLIGB'l! 1ome forms of paralyail-and In c11o11e11 thu1 which oon1l1te of lime and water only, la1t1 neither lllllltern Iler the allghtest 1lgn of the ll'l'YESTE:D 11' CA.NA.:DA., efft,....... If a plea.rnre boat capaizllll, 1' 11 safety affected, when death 1oem1 to eoour, it albut a ahort time whrn expo1ed to tho brig could be aeon, The firall m·te had jnst Itself to let the water 1oppor1; ninety-nine waya la real-remalna,-Medical and Sur-. HJU.D OFFic:B IN C.A.N.A.DA:- MONTREAL weather, benoe vir.rlou1 article· are added gone te arou1e the Captain, and In a few hundredth· of the weliht of the body, and gic<d Reporter. to lnoreue itll durability. 0Ao of the minutes everybody a.board had heard the let the upturned beat auppert the remain· l!'or partlcn.lara refer to limpl11t of theH wa.ahes 111 made by 1laking newa. Frem our deok we oould hav., seen Ing one-hundredth by merely bearlntt the half a buahol of lime with bolling water. the hull of the brig mUe1 away, F rom a bands. An overturned buoket, a chair or · E· L. LIVINGSTONFJ, Sevon tramp· were recently ta.ken forof· When thereughly 1laked dl11elvo In water perch a.left, with a good glaaa, her upper plank, If required to bear but a portlen of bly from the j"ll at Salida., Ool., by memG&l'llIB.lL AGE?rl', add to the lime two poUlldl of 1ulphate oould be aeen for twenty miles er mere. one'1 weight wlll keep Jbe hea.d abeve beu of the Oitlzena' League, flogged, ancl WU'B TICICTB. WITHOUT TEETH. POR1.' HOPB and ef zlno (white vitriol) and one pound of 1all1 1then aet free. We looked for her from the deok, and we water, ortoagentlthroUIJhOutthe' oounty. 48-ts e. oemmon aalt. Thia wash 11 veey white. If leoked from a.Ion, but neither eye nor gla111 desired of a beautiful oream color add three oould find the faintest trace, PBA.CTICA.L DENTIST, · pound· of yellow oohre, The exoillement ef the men waa shared I am not disparaging ma.nure when I say bJ the ellicers, The Capflaln hurried te tho ~VlllB T WENTY YEARS BXPl:RIBNOB, that the chea.peet way of fertilizing land ·1troa110xtdeGas A.dmtnt1nored Cer Palnle· oabln te look all hla laat observation and for whe·t la to plow early and then atlr tho conault the aha.rt, Thero were no ourrenta Pumps Cheaper a.nd Better Operations. soil after every rain ao aa to keep It open GITl«JE to drift the brig away frem us, If ahe had MCCI.ITNG'S BLOCK. than ever, KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. te atme1pherio action, I think I can safely drifted we must have gone too. Fr()m dusk aay that I have seen ten buehela per aore te dayllghtthore had net been wind enough The Subscriber having built a large nn added to the yield ef a field by this means, to ft.a.re ·a oa.ndle. Her lantern had been We are now finishing 30 of the best O"rriages and Buggies ever made I think the "coming farmer" wlll pnlverlze noticed by the watch up te 2 o'cleck. Then in this establishment, wit h best grade of Wheels, Steel Axles and b est Steel Springs, Pump Factory in Orono, 11 prepared hia aoll more and better than we now do. trimmed with the b est stock and well painted. We are getting out wbat ha.d become ef :her? I tell you, Bir, - to furnif!hevery man felt aa If a ha.nd wa.1 clutching The Land of Snow and Ice, throat &1 hl11 eyea surveyed t hr.t glae~y DESCRIPTIO~ Colonel Wlllla.m H . Gilder and William hia eea ·nd failed to find a trace of tho brig. Every Board warranted to be me.de of the beat Steel a nd well t empered. With or without Porcelain Cylinder, o! Gri ffiths at la.at accounts were getting rea.dy We heard the offioer11 talking among themsail for Cumberland inlet en their way to 1olve1, and It w1u tho C11opta.l.n who aa.ld : the Best Material, on the shortest notb te We are also getting ready a st ock of MOWERS, improved and second " ' T b.ore's no other wav to acoeunt for it the North Pole aa their nltlma.te destlna.tion, to n one in t he market. They will be ready in good season e.nd warranted t o do good and at the lowest pricee. These gentlemen prepoae to travel on foot -she'· gene to the bottem I' HARNDEN, L. D.S., Oistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. and with dega, availing themeelve1 of the " As aeon as the breeze came up we work. W e are also ma.king a. number of H AY TEDDERS, which will also be ready looal knowledge of the native Esquima11x, worked the ba.r.k.down to the locality where in &ood season. They have been tried by some of our b est farmers, to whom we Graduate oftheRoyal Collegeo IDental r efer intending purchasers. We are also The re8' of thla seir.aon will be apent ID oel- th e brig had lut been aeeu, a.nd we ran Surgeons. Ontario. lectlng the dogs and provlaiena and picking ha.ck and ferth and cll'cled around for hours, WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRJID. OFFlCB OVER DICKSON'S STORE. to coek, keeping every man, from Oaptaln up ·he natives who are to aocompMy them, Tbere will be plenty of game te live upon hi· eyes epen for wreckage, She could not lOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. which has gained a good reputation in this locality. for many m~ ntha. The explorers expect to have fleated a.way from ue1 and if aha had ate Work exeoo.ted in tho la.test and moai reach Fort Conger, where there are ahund· gone down there would be Improved Btyle of the Dental.A.rt. P lovr Points of every description by the t on, and ma.de from steel, wrought iron, &o WRECKAGE PLOATING A.BOUT ant stores loft by Lieutenant Greely, At BETH EXTR.A.OTED WITHOUT PAIN~ We are also getting ready a stock of W.&GONS. Mill and Engine Work a specially TO GIVE SATISFACTION. the end of the third er fourth aeaHn Col· -a bo·t, a 1par. ropee, belaying plna, buckihe uH of Nitrous Oxide Gae, wlthoutlnjury .All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. think· ho may reaoh a Wah onel Gilder to the patient. ete-1omethlog from the lit~er of a 1hip'1 la.tltude, from whence he oan make a dash decks, We found nothing, a.b1elut~ly ne· BOWMANYILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE C o. Particular attention paid to theregulaUon 0 f Orderalby llail promptly attended to. a.t the pole, There ill not one ohanoe In a thlug, Oar OaptalD didn't give up In an CHILDREN'S TEETH. 14-3m. thouHnd that Colene! Gilder and hi1 friend hGur, ner ha.If a day, nor until It wa.1 dead Ca.sh paid for any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron. ,...ALL WORK W.ARRANTJID.-._ DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PIOKETS, will auooeod, for the diffioultloe are appar· certain that we ha.d boa.ten ba.ok and forth ently ln1urmount&ble. 'l'bey wlll enoounter acre11 a apace at lea1t ten miles wide, and MOULDINGS, &o., kepi on hand.· the Ice ef the Paleocryatlo Sea. ; the.t la, ice we had failed '9 discover even a flea.ting whloh ha.a remained auoh from genera.tlon chip. Toward night it came on to blow to generation, a1 it 11 formed In a region pretty atift', and we squared away for the where the temperature Is always below the Cape, leaving behind a1, an unaelved, ene free~ing paint. Aooordlng to the·testlmony of the grea.'811t mysterle1 d the 1ea, of Naree, Payer, and Weypreoht, who have " It came eut before we had finl1hod our conducted sledge parties in theae high altl· veyagfl tha' the C&ptaln of the brig had VETERINARY SURGEON, TH~ K~Y..J lO ,lH~LTH~ tudes, month1 are of~a pa11ed in accem- been ailing for aeme time when we overplhhlng o. oouple of miles, fer the ioo piles hauled him, and he was what you might Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the up hundreda of feet high In front of the ex- call a. bit Dabylsh. Our old man had given 'Honorary Graduate of Ontario V eterinary plorer. While Colonel Gilder will doubt- him aeme medicines frem his chest, and LIVER, S TOlllACD, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS. College, will attend t o all diseases leus fa.II, the secret of the poles north and some delicacies from his pantry, and had of domeatie animals. south wlll eventnally be revealed, for man atrnd by him a.a related to cheer him up a They invigorate and rest ore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and will never rest satisfied until he oont rele all bit. We spoke te two whalen before wo are Invaluable in a.11 Oomple.tnts Incidental io Females of all .Ages. F or pa.rt1 of the planet he Inhabits. But we de rounded the Cape, and gave to both the Ohildren e.nd the aged they ar& pricelees. net believe that t his end wilt be accempllsh· particulars about tho mysterious disappeared until aerial navllliatlen will be 1ucoeuful· ance. We a.110 reported the oase te a homeUnlocks a.Uthe clogged a.venues of the A SPECIALTY. ly achieved, · Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carryward-bound Eoglleh 1hip. The affair hap- Is a.n infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breast s, Old Wounds, Sores ing off gradually without weakening the pened over twenty y ears ago. Since that and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For disorder.'.' of ihe Ca)Js and Orders by mail or t elegraph system, all the impurities and foul time I ha.ve sailed from several E nglish ··Ob, hum I I feel breke up te-da.y," said - Chest it has no equal.,..., will receive p rompt attention. humors of the secretions ; at the same Mr, Younghu1band1 ruefullyloeklng at him· port1, and met English aa.llora who knew Cll.AJWES M ODER.A.TE. time C orrecting A cidity o f the the Ben Belt and her Captain. After ·bout aelf In the mirror. " Yea, dear," said t he For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, ()olds, OF FI C E HOURS, 8 TO 10 .A. M. S tomach, curing '.Biliousn ess, Dys~ young bride tenderly, " I know aU about a year she w11o1 given up aa lost, and from p epsia, ' H eadach es, Dizziness, Gl~dular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for that day to t liia net the 1llghte1t tr·oe of It, I read It In the paper thla morning," A first·olass stock of Medicines always Heartburn, Constipation, Drynes s on hand. contracted and stiff joints it aota llke a cha.rm . "You did, eh?" yelled Mr. Younghusba.nd, 11hip or crew hu ever been tnmed up, No the S.ltin, Dropsyt Dimness o f brea.king off in the middle ef a yawn and lellger than two yeare ago I sa.w the oase N . B .- Will visit W illiamsburg every of Vision, .Jaundice, Salt Rheum, making an excited dash for the paper, mentioned in a. London paper, and reference Saturday of each week . 16-l y Manufactured only a.t THOMAS HOLLOW.A.Y's Establishment, ltlrysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of " Wh-whero Is It ? Wh-wha.t does It 1ay ?" was made to onr bark and Oaptaln. What t he H eart, Nervou sness, and Gen. 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON1 do I think? Well, that case has been talk· "Why da.rling how nervous you are I It In order to introduce our · catalogue ot o.ll kinds of eral Debility ; nll these and me.ny doesn't aay muoh. Only tb,at the Knfghtl! ed over by sailor men In more than one And a.re sold at le. l !d. , 2s. 9d. , 4s. 6d., lls., 22s. , and 3 3s. each Box or Pot, 1111.t\ Books, and agents' :goods, we will send 100 other similar Compla.ints yield to the of Leisure held their annual reunion last fo'o11.stle, and has always been 11o. stunner. m ay be ha.d from a ll M edlolne Vendors throughoui the Wor ld, 111.vorite comic and sentimental songs and bal· happy influenc> ,,e of J3URDOCit night and that t he party broke up at an ear- She couldn't ha.ve burned, beca.nse we 1111.w lads, a vast collection, for only !Oo or !& Sc. B LOOD BITTERS. · rurc:h.asers should look Rt the LRbcl on the Pots and Boxes. U the rddre ly hour. I 11uppose they wore all broken up no fire, She oouldn't; have floo.ted away, stamps and this slip A. W. !KINNEY, Yar· mouth,N. S. u a 533, Oxrord Street, J.ondon, they a r c spurtou1, . becaus!l there Wl\B n e current, Suppe11e that just the same 111 you dear, weren't they?" 1. lllUJllJR:N 8; CO.. Pro11rlet-0m. Toront~ 1'1'11&& · e - e ef _ Uae Bea . .l& ·· &ha& Dead ·"THE CANADIAN STATESMAN . the A O.um.. -To ·ll 11'.bo ar~ aulfering fro· error· and ind11cret1on1 of 1011~. M. A.JAMES,_ THE FARM. A MYSTERY OF THE SBA. =- M HEAL TH ISUWEALTH. P B B R L J ..... .. .... BRITISH EMPIRE A MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., I M DENTISTRY. J. It. BRiltACOMBE, Orono Pump Factory. THE BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE CO. J PUMPS OF EVERY 300 of our Celebrated Champion Plows I 0 AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER, ALL WORK GUARANTEED F. !. JONES, R. FERG USON. ENNISKILLEN, Operations & Dentistry HEALTH FOR ALL! THE PILLS ---------- THE OINTMENT J So NG S

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