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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1886, p. 7

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Here In our every. day life, In the oemMY FAMILY. menplaoe kimfolk, trades-people and eervanta that aurroui:d ua, la material fer DY PBILANDf.R. RUSSErT, E!auitary Precautions, . a.II the power In our bralna er 1oul1, The pre111nt 11 a peonll&r 1eason, The The religion, toe, which will save a man I bad a prejudice against my family frem FRIDAY, SEPTEM~ER 10, 1886. rainfall of the early spring wa.11 abeut the le not a fa.r-off, vlalonr.ry rapture ; _ It fl In the firat, - -a.verage, but May waa exoe11lvely wat, a.nd bis heart and In his mouth whlle he la I oenald~re4 that my father lived In a the rallllall cf the month wu nearly all con· ~beut his dally werk. house muob too amr.11 lor a man of his meanr, fined to one week, The ground at the end An hamble work-woman taught an i.nd that I wall deprived of many adva.ntagea was 111.turated with water, B1it frem the Eogllah ahoemaker the hiippinees ef a to which I we.a jaatly entitled. I often told CATA.RRII.-.A. new treatment has been dis- ·end of May only a. very ema.11 amount of ·pirltual 11f<1, 011 the ahoema.kor's wall my lather of thi~, but It soetned to m~ke DO covered whereby a permanent cure of this water has fallen, and the dry 11eaaev, whlob wa· a. map, a.nd the shoet11aker leokod e.t impreeelen. Has the finest assortment of Silver hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely affect· eften comes between the middle of J 11 Jy e.nd It at t_Imes while at worll:, and it conveyed He waa r.lways wllllng that I 6hould asacfie h h Im I h h l ed in from one to three applications. no matter Plated Ware in town-all new whether standing one year or forty years. This the ht of September, commenced June lat. , 1m t e prea6 on t lilt t e a.rge part olate with mere pretentious peopla, and remedy is only applied <;>nee in. twelve dafS, The effect upen the orepa In all tblii regiei: uf the world was lgnerant of the lnwa.rd when I declared a' alxteen, that I wae going and neat patterns ; also a and does not interfere with busmese, Descrip- 1 8 obvleua, and alr11ady many complain of light and joy that made of his life a psalm, away from home a.nd to a fash!~nable sohool, full line in tive pamphlet sent free on receipt or stamp by languor from the ·ffeot of the dry alr upon rhe map haunted him night and day, It he m11ode no renlatanoe. Indeed as I naw .A.H. Dixon & Son, 305 King at.reet, West, ' Toronto, Canada. · the body, The uaual depreaslen , f dry 1ea· became an inspiration and in the heart of interpret It, he heaped fiery coals upon my sen has been relieved by the ameunt of ~his man Englle.h evr.ngtlloal mlssione bead; fer, besldea paying my reguh.r tal· WHAT IS CATARRH· Ce.tarrh is a dangerous disease which thous- rzane which ha.s been present In the air, and were begun, He ts henored here, but we t!en at sohool, he often sent me, unr ·ollolted, · ands are or uncons<:iouslysuffering as w~ll ·s pur1 ·. aan net doubt that tho poor work-woman p·ckage~ of currency whloh permitted me It consciously is a muco·purnlent d1scharife caused wh!oh stimulates the .bodv 1 w · w from. by the presence of a vegetab'le parasite In the fies the air, for ozone la nature's disinfect. hau her reward In being among those who, (u [ wa11 a. bo-y) to travel far during my lining membrane of th!l nose. 'fhe predlspos. ant, N ow thla condltlen demands some having turned man7 ts righteousness, aummer vaoatlens, and see tho oountry. All kinds of Ing causes are a morbid stat e of the blood,_ the ·peolal care to preP.er.ve tho health, partlou· " shine ae the st ars." . Thie it would seem should have rooonciled blighted corpuscle of toxomce, tubercle, the germ · ntr" Mies A lcott, wheee own llfe baa been verv me, but It did net, It made me worse. The ofsn:hilis mercury, from the poison reten- larly In oeu , hom"B and "t summer re. 1 Jewclle1·y, tlon of the 'efl'ete m atter of t he skin, ~uppressed senti, praotioal and useful In meeting the dutlva family grew mare unpretentieu~ In my ~et Spectacles, 11erspirations, badly ventila.ted sleepml'. apa.r.t· All eheuld foo)i: out . for Impure water. of her home and town, was enoe handed an each auooeedlng year, e.nd the climax wae ments and the germination of othei; J!Oisone ID Meat oeuntry h emes llre supplied with wa- autegraph l>o (}k, and asked to write a sen- reached whsn rr y le.tiler decided to leave the blood. Irritated by these, the lmmg mem· · D h Eye Glasses, &c. brane of the nose Is ever ready tor the r ecep- ter from surface wel111 and springs; that Is, ttment in It, She wrote, " a t e duty the olty, and take up his reaidence ena tion of the parasite, which rapidly spreads;up wells which are filled frem the gro1mds in that ·lle3 nearest you." The thought re. fa,rm. There wag a pretty stream l'Uanln~ A full and complet e line; or the nostrils and down the fauces, or back or · their vloinlty. The water falls, upon the oalla these simple but t elling wor ds ef through the farm, and woods and hllle, and the throat causinl{ nlceration of the throat; Up 8 I t "H fi fi d h h 1 the eustachian tnbes, causing deafuese; bu ,:. ground lmmediatf>ly around, and elmply or P ure,e nt n et as own numerous sleek oattle, whioh our new rowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarsene~s; trickles down through the soil and loose brother Simon." Bot work fer ethers does neighbors pralaed as being ·of t he best blood '118urping the proper structure of the b:onchial earlih !nto the well, Whe:i Hnrroundings net end where it began ; lt la progreeaive ; of any In the country, bd I looked con· tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and 1.1re cleanly, these wells usually oontaln its Influence l/INWs, and ls eternal, t· mptuonsly on all th!~, and only theught death. llf the diffarenoe bet!'Jeen the way we went Many ingenious speiflce for for t_ he cure of pure water ; otherwise th~y became filthy We have put a new L ATHE in our catarrh bave been invented, but w1thou~ sue- a.nd dangeroua. In seaeeDB of drouth like about, alf lu one carriage with father driv· cess until a physician or long standing rhecov· the pres~nt, all su~h wells become low, and· FOREIGN FLUTTBRINGS. . work shop, which enables us t o do Ing lnatead of a ooaohman in livery, as my ered the exact nature of th disea8e and the friend Harry did in the city, I oondesoenC· a.11 kinds of work in our line and guarantee the best of sat isfaction. only appliance which will permanently destroy the danger of lmpur1ty 1s Increased many. Poet Brownin~ has gone te law to obtain the pare.site, no matter how aggravated the fold, The reault Is teo often seen In \he ed to visit my people ooca~iena.lly, and aomecase. Sufferers should send stamp at once great JJumber of zymetlc diseaaea ln thl\ pos1e111lon of a Venetian p111laoe he had oon- tlmes In the exoltement of shooting r.nd fiah· ~Call and get the correct time from the fil}est Regulator in town. traotod to buy, for descriptive pamphlet on catarrh, to the ocuntrv (perhapu better called.filth dlseuos) ing, forgot our dlsgraceful position. Bat 1 bualness mana~ers . .A., H, Dixon & Son, 305 Gespodln Lublmt>ff, the Ruasian tragedian, ·a t night, upon my return from shooting, Kiop; street, west, Toronto. Canada. in every period of drouth, The danger What the R ev. E. B. S teven son, B.A., a Clerov· oannot be exa.ggerated. The writer onoe ex- has been created hereditary honorary citizen we gathered In the 1ltth1g·room, only to man of t he London Conference of the Metlw· a mined the water from a well and found of St. P etersburg, a tit le conferring dlstlno· read the magazines and play whist, It w1uld Y dist Church of Canada , has to say in regard seventeen (IUins of 11r""'nlo matter to a a,.1. tlen and oertaln soolal prlveleges upon its come back to me how we should be attend· To A.H. Dixon & S on's New T reatment for ,." Ing brilliant reocp tlona and mr.k!ng witty Catai·rh. Ion, when the llmlt of safety 111 two I Ty- owner, Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 pheld fever la emphat!oally a disease of tibe The lr.tsat neveltles on English railway speeches In full dre&& In the city, and I Messrs. A . H. D 'i x on & S on: oeuntry in the foll, and it comes beoe. uee of platformo are tbe "Sweetie" posts, by plac- wenld f&ll to upbre.ldlug my father for DEAR Srns.- Yours o·r the 13th inst. to hand. danger In the well, There ls ne reason ing a penuy In which a email pleoe ef teffee denying me and my afatere the advantages 1 It seemed almost too good to be t rue that am why, with proper oaro, tha country should er· chocolate b obtained on the automatic of olty life, cured of Catarrh, but I know that I am. I ha.Te had no return o! the disease, and never not be free from all these diseases, F ar principle, The most curious part of all this, as I leek As 11sual our new felt better in my life. I have tried so many '"o often the weary man of s.ffaira leaves be.ck upon it new, la the complacenoy with The Cremation Seoiety of England ha.s things for Catarrh, suffered so m ooh and for the oity for a few days, only to ao to 1ome whloh all my crltlolsms were reoelved by st ock of so many years. that it is hard to realize that oountry res"rt where there Is bO care to ue- forth a statement, oongratula.ting its friends 1 am really better. ft · on the eteady progresa which the society Is my famliy; and the abaence of acrimony, ol I consider that m ine was a .ve~y bad .case; it oure pure water, there to su er from 1ome making. It appean, however, that It has any biokerlngs or strife, on the part of any OANADI A:N? wae aggravated and chronic, m vclvmg the ef these filth dlee111se1, of the ether members. My slaters and my throat as well 1 as the nasal passages. and 1 Then, again, care must be taken to re· only cremated alx oorpaea in the last two mother always agreed that the way I wa1 ENGLISH, thought it would r equire tbe three ;tieatmente, ·move all masse· of deoempeslng mA&·-r. years. but I feel fully oured by the two sent me, and a w .., deprived of what other boys had was out· BOOTOH & In Russia a very . large proportion ef the I am thankful that I was ever induced to send Waste material always accumulates around rageous, bat it aeemed to be tacitly underAMERICAN: *o you. . 1 tt t ti dwellings. Theae refuse heaps feater In the marriages are between boys and girls under stood that having (liven me their aympa,hy, You are at liberty to use this e er s a ng d th th 11 1 theIr twenty years of age, and no leas than from that I have been cnred at two t reatments. and sun, ·n en ey usua Y revea they could do nothing more, and the moat I shall gladly recoL nrn end your remedy to some ·presenoe and the danger tbreu11h the oder, 60 to 70 per cent, of the oonsorlpta, who frlendly and loving relations existed between ofmyfriendswho nr e euiferers. B11t it 11 · net ··alwt.ys 18, Sometimes cannot be twenty-ene yeara of age, are al- ua all ; they spending much of their time Yours, with many thanks. *here Is juali moisture enough to trickle ready married when they oeme to be enroll- manufaotnrlng preaenta with which to anr· REV. El, B, STEVENSON. In d d · h And hundreds ot others down to tne groun an 10 poison t e ed In the army. prlae me, and I constantly sending to them water, The gaae1 which arise from them It is propo!ed to place a marble medal- fruit and novelties from the olty0 Tha.t my are debilitating, though net often directly lien of large size in the Poet's Corner of fathor bore with me so patiently llluatrates deadly. But lt 11 very eaay to remove them Wealmlnater Abbey, aa ~ memorial to Sir a '(IOoulle.rlty of many Canadian · heme1, and other Suitings is oompletely, fer a thin layers ef dry earth Walter Scott, The medalllen, which la to Whether the E11glllh 1traU-jM>ket might Formerly s:nown as the" Soper Mills. ') the large st, most will ab1orb all the products of deoem'(lo11ltlen be ·he work of Sir J ebn Steell, la to oe1t net have been better, I leave you to debate complete and most HIS MILL HAS BEEN THOR· and the danger i1 gone, Dry earth II the £157, and lt will scarcely credited that the with youraelvea, Semetlmes he would l nceotant fer oeunllry uae, and It fees to the Dean and Ohapter fer the alte gently reprove me fer being 10 fiery and fashionable to be OUGHLYrenovated and put in order.under proper dls. their own special supervieion,for the purpose of ii always at ht.nd when meet needed-In ameunfl te the 1oandaleusl7 large sum ef Impertinent, bat as a rnle he allowed me '9 found inWestDurha.m grlsting and manufacturing Oat Meal and Pol eeasone ·of drenth, £ 101. do all the talking, and 11eemed aatlafied that Barley, and we are now prepared to receive Then there le one more caution whloh At Madras the other day a European em. I ahoald think what I pleased, 10 Ieng as I orders from all our old ouotomers and others, tor work, and we gurantee to 1Slve tJ;iem who applies to olty and country alike, It la to ployed on the rallwr.y, previous te oommlt- did well at the school, and ·kept In good lntrust us with the same entue satistaotlon. avoid all unhealthy feed. There ia much tlng sulolde, posted letters to two of the of· health. Oats and other grains taken in exchange for fruit in the market which was good feed fioiab aaylng that he had been on the lookIf he proceeded on the theory that enl7 Flour Oat Meal, &;o. H. &; J. TOWNS, Bow· once, but la always on the point of deoempe· out te take their !Ives, but, 1lnoe that "oould time and. 6Xperlence were needed to convince manville 227, altlen. Frequently dangerous 1ubatances net be managed, be waa resolved to take his me of my folly and bl& whdom, he would are produoed b7 suoh change1, and danger own, Hh oerreapondentll muet have been be eminently satisfied lf he oould talk with We have the goods. To inspect is t o order. Our prices are right. lnrb in all decomposing food, This source rather glad that he ohanged his mind at the me now : A deoade ha1 pa&1ed1 and the Im· Our styles command admiration. · Our originality is inexhaustible, ef danger 1heuld be 1hunned. All ahould Jut moment, petuoa "-nd ambltleua youth hae lived Our enterprise, energy and pluck have no bounds. Continues to do a General Banking Business keep the body woll, It is a aaored trust. A A great numb6r ef polloemen ·t Amster· among the fashionable and pretentloua peo· sBo wmanville Br anch. J.Ittle care at this Beason will enable the1e of dam have tendered their realgnatloWI In pie wbom he used 10 lhuah te envy, lvlere· Call at the centre or Style, Beauty and Cheapness·. ordinary vigor to pau the aeasen In health <1en1eqnenoe ef their functions having be· ever his profet11len haa brought him In oonDEPOSITS ·nd eomparative oomfort, come too onerous and dlsagree11oble. No· taot with their family 1eore'8, family jars, Re;;lved In Savings Bank Departmentand call and interest allowed at current rates. No where, perhaps, does there exist a mere and faml17 grlef1, How often b111s he found notice o! withdrawal necessary. All deposit· stnpld hatred ef the police, aa _ the guard. beneath the honeyed words and liveried payable on demand, The Germ Thoery of Disease, lane of publlc order and safety, thau among servant~, which atrauger11 admire, an exla· It reall7 seems aa if there 11 noth§ng new the populr.ce ef Amaterdam and the other tonoe of selfiahnesa and greed and hypocrisy 1 tf Tile Tall or. under the sun. We have all along been large towna of H ol land. In fact, the halt- of whioh he never drer.med I Boughtand sold and Drafts issued upon Europe, 1uppo1l11g that to Pasteur and his con'6m· ing ef policeman 1eems to be ceneldered by If any youth frem farm er 11hop, with unUnited States and Canada., also Gold,Sllverand porariee belong the credit of first e1tabllsh- the Dutoh rabble aa even · mere Innocent preten'1eu1 heme 1hall read this sketch, I United Sta~es Greenbacks bou11:ht and sold. lng the fact tha.t the propagation of dleea1e1 and legitimate game than eel-baiting, beg to remind him that, as the human body l {)OLL EUTIO:NS in animal syatem wae due to lthe repreduo. A &lance through the laat report of the oh111nge1 every 1even years, 10 doe1 the mind, tlon of invlaible bacteria within the organlam; Brltbh Regla111:ar·General reveals 1eme very Let none of us imagine that what to· day Promptly made at current rates upon all pat ot Great Brittain, the United States and Do but; a DJoter Guitfon, who publlahed a work lntereattng Information. For inatanoe, ac- late 01 all Important, will be next year or en the" Origin of the Plague," in 1721 anminion of Cana.da. 1 cording to thll authority, the E ngllah are a the year after. The molll Intelligent and ticipated Pasteur and hla &Hoolr.'611 by over people ver7 muoh ilven to matrimony, the me1t auooeaful men of all agee have Telegraph Tra111rer11 one hundred and fifty 7ear1, His 1ta'8ment Nou· enly h their average annual marriage· reoerded their cunvlctlon1 that no ambltien, :Made tor lar~e or small sums on all parta of of the theory is 1e p ·eoiae that It i1 werth rate higher than tho1e of all ether European no 1uooe111 gives the laatlng 1atl1faotlon of Canad111. This Ia especially advantageous to reproduction here, He saya : " Minute lnJIO'l'Sons living In Manitoba or the North·'ive1t 1e1ts er werma alone oan explain ihese di·· oeuntries, with the exceptlen of the German a pe11oeful home and a loving famlly, and Austro-Hun(larian Empire·, but they And a1 I review with familiarity the pal· ult m.akes the funds available at once ai ihe ea~es, .lt II true they are not vblble1 butlt alee marry at an earlier age than I· the cue atlal hemes In the great city where I now 11lace ot payment. deu notheu,fore follow tha.t{thty are.non- In any other Eurepean oountr7, excepting live, and witness the relations of the mem· For further particulars call at the BanklnR exletent, It la only that our mloreaoepe1 RuHla, ben of each family a1 they move about and House. are not at present powerful enough to show addre11 each ether, I remember with gre..t T. BRODIE, GEO. McGIJ...L, Aristocratic seolety In Lendon Is rejoicing gratitude tho happy relation· which existed A.ocounta. nt. Manager them. We can easily Imagine the existence of creatures whloh be111r the same propor- over the faet that the arleteoracy had no re- (with the exoeptlon mentioned) at the old ·lv tion to mitea 'tba.t mites· bear to Blephants, presentatives ln the Cra.wferd·Dllke affair heme farm, No ether hypetheela oan ex plain the bots. at all, Mrs, Crawford's father WH a merAnd if you ask me to-da.y where and how Nolther the malign Influence of str.n, not chant and shipowner; her mother, the I best en j eyed myself, I must admit that no terrestrial exhalaHenP, nor mlaam&ta, nor daughter of a gentleman In the E a.et India a.mbltlon achieved, no wealth aoqulred, atoms, whether biting er burning, acid or Company's service, Ae for Sir Charles gives me the pleasure that the oontemplr.bitter, cauld regaln their vitality once the7 Dllke, although he oomu of a highly rea- tlon glvee me of t he return services which I had lest it. If, en the ether hand, we ad- peotable fe.mlly, there is not t he slightest e.fterwards rendered (as partial retlibution) mit t he existence of minute living creatures, tinge of blue blood In hie velnu. Hla mother to my kind old father and the happy and we understand how lnfectlen oan be convey· wr.s the daughter of a captain In the Mad- unselfish relation~ that have alway a existed, ed ·in a. latent oondltlon from one place to rau A rmy, while h!s father owed his bar on· by reason of my father's early Influence, break out afresh in another," Yet this et ay to the Q11ocm'a favor, between my aisters and myself, acute and wise antloipat or In medical Lovers of art have been long puzzled to Suah of you as ar e phlleaophers can take eclence was not enly Ignored In his day, but account for the disappearance of several up the thought wher e I leavo efJ 1md make wae reQ;arded as a orank, free::ieea and other decorative p111lntings dee· muoh more of It, T hat aoerea of such home1, orlbed by J aoob Vea in his 11coount of the as mine was, exist all around us I have ne - :e"YMuseum at Amsterdam. They were net '9 deubt. If aome of the dlHa.thtied members Near lilot Hand. be foun i any longer, and t here waa no re· wlll be brought to reflect that experience It le stated t hat Howard spent his youth cor d ef their fate, Semo 1 ears ago M. only, as a rule, brings wisdom, and that WI am fully prepared to attend Funerals on the shortest notice, at the lowest possible r ates in dre&ms of heroio deeds and lmposafLle Greeve, the Curator of the Academy of toleration and uuaelth hnesa are, aftt>r all, Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. Caskets and Bur ial Casesrea.dy on short notloe ventures for the help and elevation of un. Science, discovered a fresco ou a ceiling In the badges of a etrong mind s.nd a good 85. i rat-class hearse on very moderate terms the muaoum which had been pa.luted over. Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand, Fun civilized nations, Being oa ptnred while at Tble fresoe was by Nlklaaa Held Stoke.de, heart, I shall be paid for my t rouble in writing. After many yea111 ot ebserv11.tlon r&J. oa.rds supplied at once. F urniture Shop & sea by a Frenoh ptiva.t eer, his attention how Rooms- Bounsall'sNew Block. wr.s dravrn to the cruelties praot l11ed en acoordlng t o Vos. H e has again lately, In yeu may conclude, as I have done, that prisoners, and en his release he began an the hall In which R embrandt'a " Night your unpretentloaa family, honest, simple Inspect ion of the je.11 In his native village. w ·atoh" Is placed, di&oevered a serles of and affeotienate, In all their dealings with The reform he lnaugura.t ed spread through· frescoes, wh!oh seem t o be nearly ae old iiaon other, la, oompared with the m11.jorlt y a.s the building, T hey were an oever ed eI the mere pre'6ntlous ones, a shining monout 1111! the pr laona in Europe. Charles Dlakena, while .a boy In Jonea's ever with a thick paper, which had been ument to be proud of,.-a veritable arlatoo Easily M anaged, Lig4 t R unning, Du rable. school, waa In the habit of wr. l ting romances painted and grained to imitate walnut weed, racy to which you are glad to belon&, for the amusement of his companions of It Is conject ured t hat this was done abeut Threshes Clean and Fast. Separation Unexcelled. of the meet vague and lefty chara.oter. the time vf the F renoh lnvasloJJ, 90 years ago, to protect the ploturea from appropriaHis gi·eat fa.me ca.me t o him t hr ough his " Ia It true," asked the prefeaser "that a PERFECTLY BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Wheat. plot urea of Mrs, Minnis over the way, of t ion by t he F rench genera.la, On the whale trembono play.ir aavod the life of Froderlok they aro In a fa.ii atat e of pr~servatlon, t he policemen, shop· beys, batohera and the Great ?" "It la," replied the atudent, ~LEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET, coeke who camo In his way In his dally - "How?"-" Frederick killed him." :FREEMAN'S wr.lke In t he streeta of London, BECAUSE Farce of habit,-Customer-" What have Ao11or lllng t o W right, many ef t he finer ' WORM POWDERS~ A middle·aged merchant In one of our you this mornlna ?" Waiter- " Beefst.eak gra.des ef t ransparent soap aold In E ngland It has a SMUTTER and SECOND FANNING ftf/LL affached. large cities complained a ceuple of years ago avd shad ; sha.d e.11 gone, Whlch'll you de not contain glycerine, ae advertised, but Are p leasant t o t n.ke. Contn.ln thoir owt. t hat he had been thwar ted In his tr ue work have?" · sugar. Sugar seemMjust ae well adapted to In llh , ' l'urg11tl>O, Is a sato, sure, and eUectaJJJ Count Sia.go, minister of marine of Japan ma.king transparant soap as glycerine. As " My hope was to carry Christianity and destro:rer oi 'Worms in Childr"n or Adnltl and comma n der In ohlef of the Japa.n navy, sugar Is admitted Into E ngland free of duty, o!vlliz:i.tlen to some heathen nation, Then c ttmaw I should not have lived in vain, But I Is at Niagara F alls with a suite of eleven. imd is henoe very ohe!lp1 thfa 1>ppllcat ion of s L!ke all other educated J a.panene, he ep~ks it becomes poseiblo. have been anchored here Inexorably." lngUsh almost perfectly. The pby~iolans at Pennsylvania. Hoeplta.11 " The heathen have come to )"en," said F The secret of M. de L oaseps saoceas In at P hiladelphia, have fitted up a pret ty tent his friend, nodding to the Chlneae laundryman, with his weoden shoes and pig-tall, r!llsing the Pana.ma Canal loan Is his persua- of snowy or.nvae en t he hospit al grounds, and sive power with ladles, He ha11 Inveigled ne provided it wit h oouohes, douche batns, &a., who was paaalng, ' i'he hint wao ta.ken, Mr. Bl1tonk went lees t han 16. 000 ef the gentller sex Into his fer the purpose of t reating sunstroke cases, A oorpe ef prefesBienal men are oonetr.n6ly ·tJme. t o Ah Slug's laundr y and me.de a friend of soheme, ano. still they C on duty, ready to reatore all brought In who him, peruaaded him t o come with four of i· S11oy, stranger, why don't they put a are suffering from heat er exhauation, his frlenda to his · house, t wice a week, to algn ' dangerous' down here at this ford. I The following, though old t o s'e me, may learn " Melioa.n 'lig!on." There are new dr ov6 through there Just now and came nearly seventy Chinese men in a Bible olaes neo.r getting d rowned." " ·wall, now, I be new to other a, and wlll enable i he latter taught b7 Mr. Blank, of whom a large guess ever ybody that goes a.cross findB ou t to make a simple barometer for t hemselvea: Two drams of camphor, h1111f-d1am ef pure ( percentage a.re elnl1ere Christiane. It's dang'r eus, so we den't need no algn," THE MORRIS DOUBLE DE.ESSER. salt petre, h111lf-dram of muda.te of ammonia It fa the habit of young and lme.glnatrlve .!fashionable Lady : " Don't you t hink , rnd two ounces of proof spirits, In a glass G reat Improvements in t886 Machines. ~ Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet. people to search the fa.r horizon for t heir Deeter, that my husband ought to send me t ube er narrow phial, will make a very good 011.reer, t heir work and rewards In life. OI eno fact t hey mr.y be sure, t ha.t when to som.e fasbiono.ble watering-place for my weather guide, In dry weather t he solution God has work for a man to do In the world, health 7" Doct or: "Why, ma.dam, yon will remr.ln clear. On the anpre&oh of have a pbenemenonally robust physique. ohange minute stare wlll rise up In the lfquld, He putll lt within hl1 reach, Also supply T hreshing Engines at Maker's Prices and Terms. t her ,.,m be Indicated by The great authors and painters ef 11111 Faehiona.blo Lady : " I knew there wa.1 while stormy we& New spaper Advor-tising B u r sau, ages have earned success by deplotlng that something the matt tlr wlth me, Where ;~~~erydlstarbed oondltlon oftheoemblna10 S p ruce S t ., N e w York. have I tog~ to get r id of it,",.... Send 10c te. for 100·PAliJe P atnphlet, which wa1 meet familiar to them, ~auadiau "',\-'-- Jtatrsmau. -~ -·=x ··~ . HEALTH. LOOK HEREI the Jeweller, CATARRH. MAYNARD WAT CHElS. Gold and Silver y A u American Clocks. MAYNARD The Jeweller. ' · TWEEDS, WORSTEDS- Caledonian Mills. r We Never Get Leff. THE ONTARIO BANK w Gent's Furnishings a specialty. EXCHANGE JOSEPH JEFFERY, CO.AL! CO.AL! UNDERTAKING L EV I MORRIS. - ...-- Messrs. McDOUGALL & METCALF beg to announce that they have received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEsT PRICES. "We intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. llleMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any, proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., MORRIS& WATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT. William. Pooley, Agent, Box 50, BowmanvHle

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