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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1886, p. 2

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.'---... .-.....,.........- ·THE CANADIAN STATESMAN .. .(R' · and wept child. "She continued M grow worse. A t t physlclan who was summoned ffald that Ill t she had pnenmon!a, .Ab did · not leave f her beda!de, Y was present when she d ied. Ab and I stood a.t t he bedside. A.h's be.by, a orowlng llttle fellow, lay on j the bed catching a.ti the aunbeaws thab .ROBE:RT A.JtH()Uil, ' bll, therengh.ly ~l:ii~ed bi Qlear water before came through the ,window. t t KGISTRAR, WEBT DURR.AM ' Jl!!Btrli:R '1e1ug put lute ·ads, A.b ' ner,' sb ..e said. ' y r ', of Ma.rl"ia.ge Licenses, Barrister and Atter Yes {lrecfoi;vi ; , 11 0 Ohoi()() B@oipes. 8owmanville. · · "'No, Angel.' Then .Ab, whispering EST.ABLISHED IN 1847. TOlil:ATO Cxowmm -One-ha.If a bushel of to me, said : 'Shall I tell her about d. T. FUlLLll'lil ~een toma.t-4les, one dczen onions (9r leave that llmbrella 1' ICBNSED AUV'flONEER tor the Conllt:I' It h&s .no shareholdf..J.os to pe.:r dividends to. them eut ~preferred ), one dezan green pep"· No,' I replied, 'lb would only dlsot Durhem, Sales promptly attended, 691 Managed bi and solely in the interests of pel'B, all chopped fine, Sprinkle ene pint trees her.' Addrese- Hamvton l', 0, ef salt_ over tllla and lat stand all night, ",Abner,' aha said, 'l wanb to tell yo. u . ~ · the Policy hoJders. dr..ln df the brine, cover with good vinegar, OBN :BtJGBES.-Licensed Auctioneer, and oook ene hour, then dra.in and paok In eomet hlng-tell :you wh:y I am sick. Yon Valuator and Arl?~~rator, Fire and Lifo Its Rates are Low. a jar. Ta.ke two pounds brown engit.r, twe won't scold me, will you i' - 11surance, :Notes and Accounts Collected, · " ' N o, darling,' he replied. Mone;v te Len!} on r eason a. ble terms, Aadresij Poltdes nen forfcltablc and uncondttlonal. table11peonful11 of olnnamon, Ene of allspice, one of oloves, one of pepper, half cup of " ·She wae going fasb and It was some Cartwrip;hr, Ont. 472 Cash Honus Fahl every three years, graund mn8tard, one pint grit.ted horee· time before she could speak again. Sev· '\\'ILLIA.M '\VIGllT. radish. V!nega.r to mix, Boll this a.ild eral nights ago,' she said, ' the baby was Joint Life Policies, sick and I went down town to get some tcENSED AUCTIONEER for the Though a double rish but one premium ls pa.Id pour over the contEntfl of the jar, count,y of Du~ham. Orders left at the CREAM PIE.-Llne a pan with pute a.nd medicine for him, lb was raining, bub I for two people. .Amount of policy drawn :>TATESMAN otllce or rorwarded to 'l'yro!le_P.O. pour In the following mixture a.nd ba.ke :- had to go. J uab as I was turning t he ·1111 receive promvt attention, 28.6m on first death. One cup of sugar, three tablespoonfuls of corner of a street somebodJ snatched my s. (), uunUl'iG, fionr, one cup of cream. Stir well befere umbrella. and I had-had--' .. Ab fell heavily to the floor. I sprang ICENSED AUCTIONE:B.:R :FOR Special I nd'Ucements to Tota! .Abstainer,, putting into the paut e, the County of Durham. Salee a.ttended SPIOll: CA.KE.- Two cupa of flour, oae cup to him and attempted to raise hlm. A A s u.sual our ne "" ., 11 shortest notice and lowest rates. .Audrcsil ASSETS OTER $5,eoo,000.1 ef milk, one &nd one-bu.If tupa of brown gurgling sound c!\me from the bed. I OOUR~l'ICE, P . 0. 36!lf stock of IN<!OHE O'VER $1,000, 000 augar, one-h&U onp of butter, two te1upoon· eased Ab down. The woman WaB dead. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO . fuls ol baking powder, euo teaspoonful ef "The wife was burled before t he every man who buys hia r,!Ce!J.~O trom 8100,000.00 deposited with t~eCan~dlanGovem olovee, clnnr.mon, and alhpioe, and the wretched husband rega.lned coneclousnee15. :1.J1;N1'Y SYLVES'l'ER, EnuiekUlen, ment for ben11f!~ qr Qanadian policy holders. Je!kl of two Pgg.a .. . lf 1101; ntllf en11ugh, ir.dd T~ -~ I!t~le-ohll~ 11oon ,foll~ir:e~ lb11 _m ,· llo__.,-~· ·':: -~ lit1;l11 "'~" 6"G1t.r.---i;:~- .- A:'o li.M never been drunk: slncEJ;, -bb.t tb.Gre *o Do? Gennemen o:f"Fasb iNHSTED IN '!:A.N..UU., $000, ooue, LictB'i! CA:ttii.=:f.;.{e th· 'White of two fa no drnnke.rd in the world 110 inlserable i9ll1 ~l,ql liO HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA:-MONTREAL egg1, ene a.nd lllle·half oops ef white ellgir.r, as he. I was ikn his room t];_o other night - ene oup ef milk, one-half onp of butter, twe when the oloc atruck. ue looked up 1 .lh,1,Tewritten these ~ewllnea For partloularuefor to aupa ef fl.our, a.nd twe to1upoonfula of ba.k- and said: Anotb.~r hour ha11 gono, ,AJldalliha.vetoaay_ GSTONE ingpewer. :Afterfla.vorwlthlemoner add thank God.' A gushof wind blew down that youoa.n find lJle liitill at home, E; L. LIVIN ' ourranlB (about a onp); or we railllna, Ot!lll· an umbr':rila bhilt I had brought wlbh me. 1am not gone a. wa.y · GENERAL AGENT, died peet, or· few carawaJ seed a. He ce>veted his face· wlth his hands and WORSTEDS 8oallmykindoldtriendt1ma1 come, POR1' HOPE h dd d " A.nd all they oung one~, too, FoB CmtNG HAM11.-Tho followfn1 mix- s u · · ere · &nd get thettgarments n1eel7 made Or to agente throughout the county, tS-6s e. ture bu been uaed by our family (the oeun_ _ _ _ _,._.,...,_ _ _ _ __ and other S u itin gs is lpfa.shionsthataronew: trlfied en61!) fer a.bout three generatlona, The A&ricultural Fair. the largest, most 1Vhere old and young,dea.rfrlend·.maf' meet The ham· are aure to keop and are nohd " What class do you want to enter :vour A welcomegreetinit. bV R. PEA.TE "' 100 ponnd a complete and most -----------~-'---fer their excll,.ut a aa.ver. "or horse in 7" said the prealdent of the agrl· ef meat take four pounda of fine s11lt, four fashi o nab le to be cult ural fair as he meb the honest farmer euncea ef aa.ltpeter, &11d ene ponnd. ef brewn found inWesfDurharn Pumps Cheaper and Better 11ngsr. Rub t he ham with the mlxtnre at bhe gate. " Enter my ho1s 7" I ain 't gob no hoa1 than ever, eve17 other day, until a.ll la absorbed, Ne to ent er nowhere." more au.It iii rfqnired, " Don't wr.nt to put elther of :vour Fnmo A l'PLEB. ~Wfpe a few nice, smooth· The Subscriber having built a large ne11 1klnned apph·, have ready a spider with a hor1es on bho track ~" "No, air." · Pump Factory in Orono, ls prepared little butter an:d fa.rd In it, let It get hot, " Got a wheel of fortune or any sach We have the goods. To i nspec t is to order. Our prices are r igh t . and alloe the apptes into It, Hprinkl11 a littl.e -to furnisheuga.r over them, and fry Blow to a nloe thing you wanb to set ap i" Our styl es command a dmiration. Our originality is inexhall><Jtible. "N111wl" brown, tllklng great oa.re r.ot to let burn, WITHOUT TEETH. WITH TEETll, Our ent erprise, energy and pluck have no b o unds. -, , " W hab then are you driving In mbh SPL'.llNDm CO'PTAGE PUDDING.-One cup With or without Porcelain Cylinder, cl of white 1uga.r, one egg, butter the size of &n the team and waggon fod" Style, Beauty and CheapneH · "Wh:v, I've got a punkln here four IEB'C:all at the centre the Best Material, on the shorteat notice egg, one cup ef milk, ..two cups (ef Bitted PR..l()TI£A.L DENTIST, feet high, and a lot of big com and aome fleur, and two table~poonfals of ba.klng and at the lowest prices. 'lVER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE, powder. '.. Sance-Ona Jable1poonful ef o' the besb squashes In the whole country, Oistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. fieur, one fourth cnp of augar, make Into a and there's .a two-yoaN>ld 11teer t ied bea1irousoxtdeG1u A..dmtntstered for ratnles smooth paste with milk, and pour en hot hind bhe waggon that beabs a.n:ythlag yon Operations. water till thick enough, iwd let it oeme to ever see, I k now ! " IN.::;;;;lli\> Jll()f!LlJN'G'S BJ.C)()Ji;, 81'Fl()E WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. & The Tailor ~ l tf boll, stirring eonlltantly, E'lavor to taste. "That may be m:v friend, bub thla Is Vanilla 11 the nlce"t, no place for you. If you've got a. horse , that you want to pub on the track or any kind of & confidence game you might come A MARINE PHENOMENON. In, but as It is we have no ·r oom for you. TO GIVE SATISFACTION. <Jome~ move on there, a nd give Colonel The .llyatedeu 'White Waters·« Ni>l'·a Toeweight a ehanee to drive In. Go and koUa. Easily Managed, Ligh t Running, Durable. Orders!by Mail promptly attended to. The Cape fiaherlea have suddenly dwindl- feed your garden truck bo your big steer." ed down te a.lmeet nothing. A shert time Thresh'&s Cl ean and F ast. Separation Unexcelled. age the boats and Inshore or&fta were getting Height of the AtJDosphere. ._ DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, geed oatchoa drolly, One day la.st week the Bv observing how far the sun has to PERFECTLY BEAltDi BARLEY. Removes·allWhite Caps from Wheat. white wr.ter, as It la oelleqillir.lly termed, MOULDINGS, &c.,kept on hand, HARNDEN, L. 0. S., made lta 1t.ppear&1100 on tho groun.d, moving sink beyond tha h orizon before the topGraduate o!the Royal College o 1nent11ol tewarda the weet, Thia ls a plienEmenen most summit of the air fa cnt cff from its tnLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET. Surgeons, Ontario. rarely if ever witneased here, but well known rays, Monoleur Bre.vals,.some yenrs ago, BECAUSE te bank fishermen, who leok upen it a.aa very determined thlil greatest upward limit of OFFICE OVER DICKSON'S STORB. dleoouraglng sign. The fish, thoy m.1y, twlilght !Jo he 378;000 feet, or nearly It lza:. a SMUTTER and SECOND FANNING MILL attached. lOLD IflLI~ING A SPECIALTY either retrel\t before this milky current er aevent7-one mil011 above the sea level. ate Work exeooted in tho lo.test o.nd moat ebe wl!I not bite while it IA p&&eing, From By observing the earth's shadow on the improved atyleoC the Dental A.rt. 18,llt week'e cxper[ence aff t ha 'Cape there moon during eclipses, astronomers had ln~eems te be eom.e reason for such a bcH~f. rll:ETH EX'fRA.CTED WITHOUT PAIN\ The day before t ha white water was ·nGtiuad, for:red that the atmospluire mu~t; be anft! · she use of Nitrous Oxide Gas,wlt.houtinjury the boa.fill fouud tho fish q ui!ie plentafol clently denBe to produce t willizht for all to tho :patrnnt. VETERI N ARY SURGEON, everywhere. The next d~iy few of them l ea.at 240,000 feat away from tho 61\rth 's f'artlon!v.r attention paid to the r~gulatlon o i . oa.ught ever t-weuty, Mld the ecaroi:iy 11tm rmrface CR ILD B.EN'S TEE'fH, prevails, theti.tzl:1 t ha aea h as resumed ' ts usu11.l oleMness, 'One m11u dooorlbea the slght A. C::alf With Two Faces. .-.ALL WOUK W.ARR.ANPED.""®tit Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary a.a a. meet llingu!IJ,r 11nd un!lcoountable cir· M J M F h t l k · f College, will attend to all diseases cumstance, Tho white wa.t~ll", which ahovvr. · · er~uaon, a 0 e eeper"o ed a long dlste.noo on t he eurface and seemed Greenwich, haa a live curiosity. It is a of domestie animals. fu.11 ef minute fibreBof curd-like omnslstenoy, calf with bwo faces almost perfectly formwes on its western edge as perp~ndlcal!!.r a.a ed. Below the eyes, on either side of the .wu.ll of a. houEe.".and apparently rea.ohed the fronb, the features a11e well outlined. RUSE. the be~tem in thirty f&thems, It ·wae mov· Thero is only one nose bi the centre, bub A SPE CI.ALTY. EACHE R OF ORGAN, PIANO, fng slowly ; not ao ·bet, ho theught, e,s the thero are two m ouths, wltlh beeth and a VOICE and THEORY. Terms on appliTHE MORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER. tide generu.lly rune In that pl11co, !mt, strange tongue In one of them. Mr. Fargmmn 28;ly . cation at" Bm 20," Calls and Orders by mail or telegraph to Hy, the ebb iide did not aeem to carry will keep l.b as a ouriosihy. T he double Great Improvements in r886 Machines.,_ Write post card for Illustrated P amphlet· JH'ER'l'IS JHtS by addressing mm. l" will receive prompt attention. It backward. lt wauld be Knterestlnll to head is juat twice the slze of a, 8 tngle one. ncnn~LJ, RI (Jo., 10 Spruce St., New York,. CHARGES Momm.A.TE. ~tudwtb!e phenomenon, both a.a to its oauscs _ ---~~~ can learn the exact cost of any propesed line of ~ -~·~v- -.ADVER'l'ISING in Amcriaun NeW 1?Pl1pers. OF F IC-E HOURS, 8 ·ro 10 .A. M. autl ltseffoctenthefiahery, "Papa," said a little five-year-old, .A flret-claae stock of Medicines always ~ pointing to a turkey gobbler sbruttlng lrn.ltlO·pagcl':miph!ct, lOe. Also supply T hreshing E ngines at Maker's P rices and Terms. to $8 a day. samples and duty FREE on hand. We've :just ceunted up that we h111ve around In a neighbor's yard; " afn'b'than Lin~s n~t up.der the horse's feet. Write N. B .-Will visit Williamsburg every eaved ueveral ·hundred dollars by emoklng red-nosed "' chicken got an awful ,, big ~g~'i[~1&"Jn~~~ETY Rmx HoLDm:R Sat urday of each week, 16-I;y _ the .pipe Instead of oiga.II!; .b ut where ls it? · bustle 1" · l'B give a blllok celer to the wlllew used for buketa and ether woven ware the fol· lowing preceH has been recommended : Let ~he material remain from· twelve to twentyfour houn.lnl11kewarm water, ir.nd then dip it .asoffiofent lengbh of tlmo In a dye comT E R lY-C S : ADVISE TO M OTHERJ:J.-Are you ilis· posed of five pa.rte of greund fustlo, three of ·uoJ perannum,orJfH,OCJirpaldln advance turbed a.t niaht and broken · of your rest aulp1:tate of copper, five ef_ Bulphs.te of Iron, d · "·h and feur ef cream of t!lrt a.r, The dve should · k h"Id fti · Payment strictly in advance required Crom b Y, a sic c 1 · su ermg 0an cryrn g wi. , be kept at a boll!.og hea' tor half an hour, s end a.,t to extra.ct lh1 oelor from th~ fust1·a n- d d1"s · nbeor1bers outside o! the county. Orders to pam of Cuttmg T eeth,', If so _ 41eoontlnue the pa.per must be accompanied b;r d b 1 f M W 1 .. ~ Jleamount due,or thepa.perwillno& bestopped. once ~n ~et a ~tt e 0 · · rs. ms <?W 8 solve the other Ingredients, a.fter which It "Sbsoribers arereeponsibleuntil!ul!paymentis Sootlung Syrup. For children teethmg, may be allowed to ceel, A email quantity its value is incalculable. It will r elieve of logwood 11dde'.i will aomctimea improve -tnade. BA.TES 011 ADTEJtTISIN'G1 ~ii; the poor little sufferer immediately. D e- tile oofor, The same preceaa may bo naed WholeColumnoneyear ... :......... $60 00~::;~ pend upon it, mothers ; t her e is n o feroolorl11gva.rirmsfabrlo11 of which aumHalt year ......... ,_ il6 00 · ~:;: mistake about it. It cures Dysentery me: hats are m&de, such u 9tra.w, palm-le11f, " " P " · One qu&rter ....... .. 20 OO ~... and Diarrhrea, r egulates the Stomach and 11rr.&$1 eto, S..lf Column on· e year ............... 36 00 - " Hlloltyear ............ - 20 00 Bowels, cures W ind Colic, softens the " One quarter .. ... . ..... 12 50 Gums, reduces Infla.~mation, and gives lioueehold Hints. t o::ie a.nd energy to the whole system. .Qna,rter Colun.n one year·· ......... ~O oo ~· " lialtyear ......... _ 12 50 Where 111 filter la unatta!na.bfo, & very " One quarter ........ 8 00 Ii " Mr'3, Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for '.J lxilneundunder.fl:st ins_ertlon_ 5~ children teething is ple!!_~Q,nt to the taste little alum wm purify foul water. .An fJUDOe ~a.chsubseq~ent inser.tion ...... O 2b .... -- I and is tl-e prescription of one of the old- ~f alti ~ will pufift a whole heg~head ef foul water. ~om elx to ten lm1>~,firntrn~(lrtlon 0 7t "" · .· Each subsequent insertion...... 0 3£ - 10 est and best female physrntans and n urses Chloride of lime Is an lnfalllbfo pre:venD>rer tenlines,firetinsertion,perllne 0 10-::-in the United States, and is for s!l.le by lilve fer re.ts, 1u they fi.~e fram itll edor a.~ Ea.chsubeequentinsertion," O OB all druggists through the world. Price from a pest ilenoei lt Rhould be thrown The number <?f lines to be reckoned by 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for down their holes, a.ud spread a.bout where. he epaceoco1!-P16d,.mea.eured byaeoa.leo "Mns WINSLOW'S SooTHING SYRUP " ever they aro likely t11 come, and ahenld bo olid Nonpareil, · · renewed once a fortnight, - -- - -----" and take no o.t her kind, · ___ _ l'o. extingubh kereaen . e fiamei, tf no cloth ons. lllcLA.1JGHLIN '. .t BEITll. le e.t h1U1d, threw fienr on the flames. Fiour {)Jl'FICE!-MORRIS' BLOCK, DOWMANVILLE. rit.pldlJ a.b5orba the fluid and deadens the Dr.J.W.McL.AtrOIJLIN, , Dr. A. BEITll, Gra\iuflame, licentiate of the H?yal a.te of the Toronto Tin canned geods, when epened, sho'llld College of Physicmns and member of the \ Unbrersity · Physician be lmmedle.tely trllnefem>d to gl~oo er }{oyal College of Sur- Surgeon, &o. earthenware rece11t11oles, R.eoent hued!· g eons, E\iinbnrgh. _. git.tiona ahow that oa.ses of poiumbig from ea.ting 01U1ned geode ha.ve .a.risen frllm the DR. J. (), Ml'rf!HELL, ~oid "f the onnned feqd a.ttaokb1 g the soldei· EMBER OF COLLEGE.OF PHYSICIANS (If t he tinP, and sometimes from decempesi· · and Surgeons, Ontario, Co,.oner, etc. 74. Otlloe and Residence, Enniskillen. tlen 111ccelerated by an.e!O(itrioal action btiDr. E. C. West's Nerve a.nd Brain Treatment, tweon t he selder 1tnd the Iron of t ba tin. DR, TXMBJ,l{N', guaranteed specific for Hysteria; Dizziness. Never leave O&llllfld huJ.ts, meatlJ, or fiiih In HYSICIAN, SURGEON and ACCOUOHEU:R, a Convulsions. ]fits. Nervous, J'-leuralgia, Head· 1>pamid tin oan~. Oflice :-Silver Street, Bowmanville. 7 ache, :Nervoua Prostr>'\tion,"' aused by the use At this ser.,Den ef the 700.r 1111.phlns, tr.hleof alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, :Mental '\V, ; S, OJlltJIS'fON. L,L, R, Depression, Softening of the brain resultin~ in cloths and often handkerchiefs and chlid· Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money Insanity and leading to misery decay a.nd death to loan. Office, next door to News Office, Bow- Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Losa of Power re n's ole,hing are lh.ble to be stained with '.ma.nville. 39-tf in either sex, Involunta.ry Losses and Spermat- fruit. It Is a. good pltt.n to keep a bct\le of orrhoea caused by over-exertion of the Brain, Javelle wa.ler hud7 and we~ the st11lned D. B1JRKE SIHrSON, selr·abuse or over-indulgence. Each box con- artlolea with this before thty are put into one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six ARRISTEB., SOLICITOR, &o., M()PB.18 tains boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt ~::i;i:~iy ;~!!1!!!:.d0n( t:::t~~~n:~11 :~ BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, .Bowman of price, r tlle, Solicitor !or the Ontario Bank, ! the Javello wa.ter, the next beat thing is 11 We Guarantee Six Doxe$ aolutlenef J"rtvate !16~1eys l~aned at the lowest re.tee, chloride of lime put Into ane To cure any case. With each order recelve<l quart ef wa.ter; llh11ke It thor enghly, and .John Keith Galbraith, by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5, wo 11ollewb1g It to uettle, peur off the cleo.r fluid ARR IS T Bl R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY will send the purchaser our written guarantee PUBLIC, "&c. Oj:!ice- Bounea.ll's Bloo,k to refund the lllone1 if the treatment does not and bebtle for uBB. Thia is u1ed t he same Ktng Street, 80Wlll~llVilltl. ,Money to lend, effect e. cure. Guarantees issued only by JNo. aa Javslle water, e::ircept tha~ t he articles Stott & Jury, Drugg!sts. Bowmanvllle. to whloh this aelutfen baa been a.pplied muot A CARD.- To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, 18 PUBLISHED nervous weakQeaa, · early deoay, loa15 of manhood, &c., I will send a r ecipe that BTERI'. FRIDAY MORNING, will oure you FREE Ol!' CHARG.e . This -BYgreat remedy was discovered by a missionM, A.JAMES, ary in ·South America. Send a salfA.T THE OFEICE addressed envelope to the REv. JosE:PH l'0110ftleeB1ock,K1ngSt.,BowmanTllle,oiit T. INMAN Station D New York Oit11. 46y - = ;m rlIE HOUSEHOLD. 9oloring Baskets. A Fatal 1Jmbrella. "That's old Ab. Morrla. Look11 miserable, you say 1 \Vell, I don't suppose there ia a more wretched man in the world." The speaker, a well-known cltirzan, had in answer to an Inquiry, ape>ken of a white.haired man, who, apparently under a heavy load of bitter re()ol!ection, tottere~ &long the street. . "He's not as old as ha looks, " t he well-known cltlzen continued. "I can remember when he wi;.s the finest- looking and moat promising man ln town. · W hiskey 1 Well, yes, but lt is not the ea.me old etory. Aa I aald, h e was t,h e mosb promising man In town. He had an excel· lent buslnesa, a wholesale hardwars etore. No one had gentler manners, no one was more acoommoda.ting; that Is, whe1' he was l!obar . Re did nob drlnk often, got drunk pzobabl.v aboub once a vear, l:.ub no one thought the less of him, for in this country, especially at thls time, an occasional spree was not looked upon witih dlafa.vor. While drinking, Morrill was another man. Ho wa~ rode, and v as acbually vlolent. Re didn't aeem to care what he did. · I once saw hlm while drunk enabch a piece Qf PrEJllQ. from a hnugr;;" man'11 himd throw it aw·y, -·and then, ~ter getting' sober, look for him and no bonly abJ" ectly apolo· g!ze but inslsb upon hfa acceptiing money, "One dark, ralnv nlghb, while drunk, ~ Ab met a woman on the street. She carried an umbrella and he, wlthout speaking, snatched lb from her. Without uttering a word the woman hurried on. The nexb morning, after spendl:og the night In the streets, Ab ca.me to me a.nd se.id: i· " ·John, I vi'leh that somebodv would kill ma. When I think of how I treated thab woman I am tempted to shoot my· self. If I knew who ahe le I would go t o :her, get down on my k nees and pray for hec forgivenesa. I have taken my lasb drink and I am going ht)me, put my hands on the Bible, and In the presence of my wife, take an oath to t hab dfoct .' . " When ha reached h ome ho found hlli wife in bed seriously ill. He took the o.at h . an.d llhe put he!,' 3rms 9,bot1h his neck Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. S T.A.ND :-Town Hall B u ilding, one door east Ont. Bank~ A complete s tock a 1ways on We have all the best grades of that is manu factured . har~~i. _ / ~QJ~L~B; '1llf~ ~~Qlf~ ~~Q>W~ We have in stock all kinds of General G roceries C oarse and F ine S a lt A mer ican a nd Canadian C oal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Cbicker: Feed, C roc_kery and G la ssware, Fresh and C ured JI.feats, Sausages and Lard of his o w n make a nd d · L"" t" · · h ren ermg, lie- im~ experience m t e Meat Department enab l es u s to s upply a qualit y uneq ualled. T h e Grocery D epartment, under t he supervision of Mr. J ohn Allin, is of the very best quality. No trash or p oor g ood k t . t k d l l · th b t d h' . . · s ep m s . oc · ~a 8 on Y m e es goo s, W ich w~ll b e sold at the lowest possible prices. You r pat ronage will be thankfully recei ved. G d d 1' d t .1 1 t £' h t . . oo s e ivere o a par s o . ~· e own on s hort n o tice. A call solicited. ,0 =. I -HEAL TH IS WEALTH. Cash tor Butter' Eggs ' Hides Tai lo'·' Dee# Po1·k and ·' '· ' J11JP .11., · a .111 Farm Produce. 0 . M. CAW KER, JOHN ALLIN. M J. HIGGINBOTHA PURE DRUGS. SON, P PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, K eep_all the requisites of a first-class Drug Store, B B 1 8 Hke a It is our aim to buy the purest and best Drugsth a Can b e h a d ' h e mark e , and to sell at reasonable prices. I r BRITISH ' EMPIRE' . . - ' ' · ' -- · ' ' ' =:~=~~:~::1dii!i!~~: ~~c~~~ :iZir~:r. MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE . . co.,, ' --- I.. ,, ' w· k I e eep near p ATE NT MED ..ICIN ES·. TOILET ARTICLES. 11 d. . d t" d a pa en me 1C1nes a ver 1S "'1'."c;wlllMte~ breakyourproml1e.' . L J I . We have a large stock of English, French and. German Perfumes, Powders, Pomades, and big assortm ent of Hair Brushes. Thorley's Food, Prairie Flower, Condition Powder and Ground Oil Cake always on hand. L . L A I ' :ta,t. I TWEEDS, D E NT I S T . . R y .· Orono .Pump Factor ·y. We Never Get left. :r. M. BR IMA COMBE, PUMPS OF EVEJ?Y DESCRIPTIOR or Gent's Furnishings a specialty. JOSEPH JEFFERY, ALL WORK GUARANTEED ... _..... lfleMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER ·c . R. FERGUSON. F. A. JONES, ENNISKILLEN, MUSIC. s. _ w. Operations & Dentistry T A - MORl~I S & 1vVA1~'TS,' BRANTFORD, ONT~ $5 l William. Pooley, ,Agent, Box 5 0, Bowma..nville':

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