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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1886, p. 3

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· ..... ~auadiau Jtaftsmau. IMaple Grov~Nurseries ==::;:=; FOB.EIGN FLUrT:ERINGS. ·. Honn.le lia.y Pevei. It Is ·an ~utgre" b ef medem cfvlliution, and ooctirt1 onh- In pe:reene who po3&eas a. oertnin epeclal ~ .1~cepilblllty cf the nervonc G ystem, either hfreditary or acq ::ilred. It la more comm:tn An men tha.n women, and prevllllD amGnj! men of lett-ers &nd Intellect· m~l culturv, The direct exciting cause le nflw well ascertained to be pellen of cerh.ln planta, rnch a~ th0 granses,rye, wheat, oats, ragwell:d and Remi:.n w0rmweod. T l:>e pol· leu of clff<'.lrent plant &exoites it in dlfhrant person1, but whatevc;r cause produooo it 11nce wlll produce .i t again in the n' m 3 parson, Bence it appe1m1 eften~imc.~ with etliot regularity year after year, at aeas&ne varying from May to 0 Jt{Jber, The firat aymptema ere thnl!!J ef itoh!Jag ef the eyelidB and n1M111l pll>etm.ge~, fellawed by frequent snoozln~ and the dfacharge of i.. ~ereue fluid. Henry 'Ward Beecher, himself a eufforer, says: " You n11ver befor11 even atu;pectild what It real!y waa to sceeze, If a pane of gl11BB h gone ;!'Oil sneez~. If you !ovk iinte the sunshine yousner. z ~. H yeu ~neeze once ye11- eneeze twenty ttmes. It b 11 riet ef rne,zJa, F ir»t, s fiinglo one, Hke a leader in a flock "f 1hecp, bolts over ; . and then, !n spite of all yon can d.a, th@ whele fi ook daGhbig over In twee, in fives, In bnnohes of twenty." Nex~, therfl is redness and 'Cl'ater .. fog of the eyes, oivelllng d the mncaus mem· br11ioe, of the noee llnd general fob.rile sym· ptems, 83metimo9 the n !Hlo is rntirely closed by the swelling. C(lngh follows, more or leas frequent a.nd vlelent, goDeully wl~h but; little txpeotentlen, In"' oertaiu proportion of caeea ~here are parex!eme of Mthma, more or less s~vere, After l\ varI· able duration th0 enerz:ng coaue·, the din charge becomoa thick and le12 &bnndant, the swelling eubsidu and all the symptome ~bate. '.Ihe only method of preventlllg the diue..ae In suiceptlblu penone ls to avoid ex peaur e to the exJhfog canes, Oertll.ln looalitles ha.ve gained wldo noterlety fr9m the Immunity which they afford from this disease B ~thlehem, N. H , ia one of the moat fameus of these. 0 'here are found amollg the m11nntalns, at the reaiiide and cin lsla.nda. A veyagll l\t Ilea always glvee relief, ··-======== FRil:/A.'Y, cic ro SER s; iss6. WATERLOO, N. Y . WA 'N.TED. MALL . FARM FOR SALE.--30 acres of In.nd having there on good frame Good active r eliable men as canvassing hcHlse, barns, sti>.bles and other .necessary out- Agenis. Liberal inducements to good·' ·. ' \ngs. young orchard or 4 acres. well wat· men. Apply at once to (; and fenced. Situated just outside the clirporationofBowm11.nviJle. Will be sold very cheap for cash. Apply to M. A.. JAMES, J, W, McKAY, S'l'ATES~IAN Office, Bowmanville. 9-tf. ·Gen. Manager. CANADA BRANCH, ST. THOMAS, ONT. RICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALl<J IN BOW:M:ANVILLE.-A very comfortable briok house, nearly now. containing 8 rooms, besides .pantries, closets and summer kitchen, excellent cellar. Hard and soft water: very good fruit garden oft acre. Situat· ed In the most aristrocmtlc part of the town. Will be sold on very reasonable terms. Apply to M. A, JAMES, STA'J?ESMAN Office, · 9·tf. S B " BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Quality; GRA · IN " for all kinda of · ~lORGANS Jno. MclVIurtry& Co:. Are prepared to p~y the l~ighest prices OATALOGUIES FREE. Gr!l'i~/ delivered at the BELL &CO., Gnelp~, Ont. M~ MoRRJSON'S Entire stock to be Wharf or their Store House in town. AGENTS WANTED. St,ca·lY Employment to good anen. · None nec·l be idle. Previous experien.ce not essential. We pay either salaries or commission. 100 smart men wan ter1 at once to canvasd for the sale of Cana«l "Grown Nursery Stock. Cleared out in30 days The goods will be sold down below cost. Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, LP.ces, Flowers, Feathers, Silks, Satins, Plnshes, Velvets, Don't apply unless you can fnrnish first-class references and want to work. No room for Fringes, Gimps, Cords, Collars, ;JJ'rilling, lazy men, but can employ any number or ener- Aprons, Hose, Wool J acke ts, Berlin getic men who witnt work. Address. Wools, Saxony, Silk Floes, Araeene, l:lTONE & WELLINr..'l'ON, · Tinsel, Embroideries, &c. Nurse1·ymen, 30 '.l'ORONTO Ont. Largest ill c;anmln- Ovcr 400 Acl·cs. The FonthiH Nurseries, .r--.. Oae ef the chief charm11 of Paris la ita cle1Wlinees. The atrellte are thoroughly nvept every night, and was!:led when they need. It, Mid the hl.'!u"e fronts are period· lcully eora.p.e d or aoeured, under he11ivy pen· m1d. alty fw negleot. The T;.:.wn Ce·u12oll of Edinburgh htwe !n· . . ' ijtruct'ed t ba L ard: Provozt of the oitty to cable to M.ll',. A.r:drew Carnegie, ef Pitta· burgh, !;he thanb .,f K:llnburgh fer hhi de1>atlon to it ef $250. 000 to found a free $1 O; library, e.mi il\U l!.ooep(;a.noa vf ·he gift, Abont mldwa.y batween St, P oterebnrg $16; 2.nd Moaoow, Prince Pu &iatln hail ma.de the lmpertant arohaeolOgioal dbcovary of an imlloge ot the orn ~tell11.tien of Ura& .Major e11~n.vod on a grfodiitone ef the Stone Age. (Both in leather and cord.) A similar dlacover7 had alrea.dy been made near \V aimar in Gern11>ny, Whips, Trunks, Valises, School Bags, &c., always m stock. ·£.b.e honer oJ . being the first wcm 111n to m11k.e .-. sncces~ful ascent of the J llngfra:.u in S wllz ~rhnd , mt1~t be iiccorded to l1i~o Aline. Sohoen., 11 young lady ef Dueoeldorf, ·!!Tho, Moompi.mied by two guides, reached tha 1mm1nlt after u. weary jeurney of fcurteen boura. '.l'he descent was 11ooompl!ehed ln abeu t ten heurs. --MANUFACTURER O l l ' - In order to ~ettle the q uentien a.e Im the proper treatment for pereellla who have been frezen, Dr. L~ptchink&ld haa made a sar1ee uf very careful exporiment~ npgn deg·. H e KING STREET, BOWM.A.NVILL faund, that of twenly s.nim~la trea.ted by the method of gradual resusoitat!on in a Bas now on hand a number ol vehicle~ (and is manufacturing a great many more) ot the ne'fl elR patterns and best .finish, which I am offering for sale at the lowest prices consistent cold l'Oom feurteen perinhed ; ef twentywith d.u e regard to workmanahip and quality. 'l'he fJJlovting ia a list ot ~hr-ee placed at cinoe in a we.rm reom, "fght the principal vehicles manntactured by me died, white twenty put immediately into a Double Covered Carriages .................................................... $150 Upwards, het ba'11 recuvered quickly ar.nd whbouu aoSingle Phretons ................. ..... ... ........................... ............. 100 11 cidont. Open Buggy ............................................................. .. :.... 70 11 The womeu ef Teheran, Peub, rcoa:ntly Top Buggy ..................... . .... ........ , ........... , .......... .. ........... ,, 90 eent a deputation to the S b.ah t-0 repre11ent Democrat Wagon................................................ .... . ........... 65 to His htgll Mlghtincee 1iha.t their bu&ba.nd& Lumber W a.gons.,, .· , .·· , ........ , , .................... , ......... , .. ·.... ·· .. ·. · 55 were a.cc i:w~en:ed t11 prelG ng their 1ittlng1 ill tho en.fed of the oapita.l to a very la.te hour, Light Wagon.. .................................................. . ................ 40 s.nd tha.t thtij condu· Jt "was contrary to the Express Wagon................. ................................................. 75 devdopmeni of family life and domestic Skeleton..............................................................: ............ 5.0 happineH in general," The S l ah replied Sulky......................................... .................... _ . .. ............... 40 that he would a.dept meo.nQ t~ m11.ke thair P11sseaeing enperloi:: facilities tor m.auuracturlng oarrlagoe, I intend sell very cheap or 0 gbhusbands stay a.t homo, a.nd he la111ed an or approved ored1t, and by so dorng I hope to greatly inoreaae my to number or salee Would llrdor lmmedfately 1Jle1lng all the oafea in sell the wood parts only, Qr the gearings of buggies ironed, · the kiDgdem, HARNESS, ·HARNESS I Set of Harness, extremely cheap. "VV. ~- 1'.4:.A..~ Now is the time to· get a flrst"'.class ha1 d Is selling Single Harness for Nickel Plated Single Harness, all other goods ·p roportion. Call and see the best FLY NET ever made. in HAINES' CARRIAGE W"ORKS, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, OARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O.f. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. «Ja11ltal paid up·, $1,000,000; Rest, $260,00 1 At the Shortest Notice, Painted and TrimmeP, if Desired. Also a great variety of Fancy Apples for the Siok. Ing with her two eons, C:iarlea u1-l Alfonse, At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and. Sawing with Circle Band or !'leroJI Goods. · Dr. WhitmY.t1, ()f Beaufort, .S. C., sa.yu: &gc;d 11 and 9 years, at the watering pla.ce Saws, and prepare all kinds of lumber !or carpenters nd ct.hers for bnildin'g purpoaee. ef Oa~o!.ee, A blsz wavo carried off the two "I find good, ripe, fre~h apples one ef tho very beat artloles of d iet .whcze the p~.Uent wanta a little sornethil'lg to ea.t, and 1111ly a little, I premme there IE mflre at faul\ ln the m:1>nner of givlllg th1;m than In the nrtlole itself, where fanltv digestion results, Your attention is directed to the immense If the attendant w!ll i:·are the 11pple, and stock of · then scrape it with a eplllon er common case knife, and . give tho aoft pulp ef e fresh apple, It will huxt ne cine. Te the oentra.ry the stomach will fffq tlently retain It, llllil the p1'tienli cnj~y it, when nothiDg else a&n of every description at .be' taken. I ha.ve used 'the pulp · of dpe applee · for a rell.ah in fovera, when nllthfng elee w.euld seem to ea.tidy the pa.tlent'r She has jnst opened out one of the largest craving, and wenlcl not like to h!>.ve to dleca.rd It, on ·the acors of ludigestlbillty. and most stylish stocks ever brought Great ohnnka ef half ripe apples a.rs good to town, consisti~g of : for na one, but the eor~pc:id pulp of a good ~lilli11c1·y, Dress Silks, apple will hlu:m co one,". MILLER'S BLOCK, ORONO. The Q· 1oon of Pcirtug11l wears the P&ris life uaver's medal. In· 1874 ahe was bath . All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired ! Ornamental and Plain Pickets tor fences in every at.yle reQuired. made to order. This. Bank 'ts prepared.-to do Legitl· mate Banking in all its branches. · Farmers notes disconnted ; Deposits received and Interest. paid on amounts of 15 upwards in Savings Bank Department, -00>- ... LADI DRAFTS . MILLINERY ohlldrec, and the Q · 1een beldly 1wam out to their relief. The sea. was running high, and t he lll.d y a.ntl her b~ye were nearly loet In tha surf, when the llghtheu2e. kiiepar, oeelng ~heir danger, da..shed into the water and lltlociaeded in bringing a.11 three_te shore in aafoty, Her Majeety wears har medal proudly as the rew..rd of hor bHvery ; but ihere is no record of any medal e? &ny other revrnrd having been given ta the light· heuaoma.n. F. H. MA S 0 .Ll7, -DEALER I N - Issued and Collections made in Europe United Sta.tea and Canada. W.J. JONES, ' MRS. DDNIVlELY'S Velvets, &c., Agen ~- TRIMMINGS Good Disinft ctants. . with a very fine stock of Feathers and This la t he ~e.aaen of the year when ditlri· Flowers. feotants u.re ef the greatest sorvfoe, and and invites the Ladies of Bow C.i.11 and inspact this fine display, which should be reiulB.riy employed In · every cannot fail to give satisfaction. :manville and vicinity to call hou6e where there .le an ecoadsn for their nae, Everything wli!ah oan properly be so and see her Pattern dispooed of uheuld be burned. P .. t1t.to par· Inge, remnants of food from the t11.ble, &nd l\ll aorta of garbage can be usually mare and assortment ot :>F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS e&aily disposed of in this way th.ion u.ny other. Snbstii.noes which oannot bo gi\,t ten As thore are many i.iferior goods, corded with jute, rid of la this way enoh ae house shipw, eta., hemp, etc., oJiered and sold ms.y be disinfected by me11.ns of oopper11.s, or as Coro.line by some un- sulphate ofJron, It is w. eU to have a solution principlocl merchants tradSTORE :-Second Door West or ·W lllllims ing 011 tbe rcputi>.tion of of dhlnfeotant al waya· en hand. Dluolve Butcher StaJJ our gcnaaine GJoralit:zr., two poun<1e of copperall in a gallen of hot we warn tho lo.dies ago.inst wator. K eep in a wooden ()l earthen v.ee· such imposition by draw- eel, A quart of this solnt19n wUl thorougll· ing their attention to the necessity of seeing that the Jy dlslnf~ct several g ..llone of deoompwlng name matter ID fhld farm. MISS PAcTAVISH ot Has received her new stock GOODS., BONNETS, HATS BEWARE We 'We ~l[(~~r@lf, VETERINARY SURGEON. Graduate orthe Ontario Veteri?a·Y Co)lege, llegistered member of the Ontario Vetermary Medica1.A.ssoclat1on. . .tlrOflice and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. ·, '\l'ill visit Orono every Tuesday a.nd,S,aturday 1 o t!, ~ hours from 10 a. m., to i p. m.,. at CoWters' H£!tel. C!J-118 by T~legraph receive · 'immediate attention. CHARGES MODER.A.TE. r-.o'JP!J=-r~,;;;: DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY BITTERS I CURES ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION A:ND ALL DI':lEASES ARISING FROM DISARRANGEMENTS ~F THE LIVER AND KIDNEYS. ' " ijtamped on inner side or all Coraline goods, The ce.rving knife la mightier than the Without which none are genuine. sword. Muatard impreves a lobster, but rnlna a ohlcken salad. A gDod digestion 111 mere te be deaired than great riches, - AT THEIt b brut1.1l to drench a.n eyeter with vine· gar or peppsr ~auoe; He la 11. fo.:il who Indulges to excess either in eating or orlnk!ng. Peace at a dinner table reslat.a dlgeatlen, angry weirds stir np bile. The tinkle of the <lll)nar b ell II a pleaaa.nt· Our Fall Stock of er SllUnd than the bllllre of the trumpet Pralle your housekeeper for her aucce111ful di~hes, i.nd reg1ud leniently her failures, Nsver accept the Invitation et a ma.n to S take " pot luck " with him. He degrades the name of dinner, and allo, in1ult1 yciu, are now complete. N l\tur& la a great phydola.n, Don't be ·Any amount of Suits being sold. a.Ira.id to truat her l she looks carefully after the Interests of her patients' atomaohs, Our Cutting is cut by a proper Lit an Invalid have whatever he oa.lle for eat ; it le not he whe crave· It, bui Na· First Class Cutter-one who has to ture, ond ahe will not pe1mlt him to eat to exoeea, commanded the salary of one, and A few apeonfnle ef soup, po1&es1ing bod:J, taken on an en1pty 111iemacb, gives It tone earned the reputation. and prepim;e It io receive aoccpta.bly more 11nbsta.ntia.l fare. We do not think it advisable to In the progrllBa cif olvlllzatlon the frying· p~n diaappeued with the &dvent of the employ journeymen tailors like grilliron; whioh In turn haa been 11npar· by the wire-boiler. some houses do and introduce them oeded A drep or two of lemon-jnioe and" daeh to the public as first class cutters. ef o&yeDI1e on an oyster may be telerated, but It ls best eaten directly from the ehell So call and get your clothing well fl.svered with Us ewn juice. A dyspeptio ha.a no rlghli to dine among cut at th e Eclipse H ouse. civilized beings. He ehonld take a 2"u. veya.ge, er ge Into the wilderness ri.nd live for a. while, like John the Baptist, en locunts o.nd wild honey, The Arab In the deaert dividing his la.Ht K~Y JO·,:H~LTH. ha.ndful of dried date11, and his few remalnhtg dreps of w&ter with a wandering brother represen's the hlghost t1pe of hospitality, 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' Hints on !'ea.sting. BUSINESS BOOMING ECLIPSE HOUSE. CLOTHS and h Men's Furnis ing, In C<lnt&n Neuchatel, Swlturland, o. good h1u1d wraft ls taught to every prieoner, 11nd all whoo.re well beha.ved are after a porled placed with a. maatu ef the trade "7hlch they have eeveru.By learned, under tho over· sight of the pel!e~ .and a member of a vol· unt11ry committee, In thh woy1 If hh oondnot rema.ine g1iorJ, the man's : liberty la gra'd \ally restored, and ha r0galxu1 4io pod· tien in eoofaty, wl~h tho 11.ddltlon11ol 11dvii.n· t a.gee of expedenoe, of discipline, a.nd know. ledge of a irade, 'l1he Psitil.amiintof Cape Tewn, A 1 rica; Is a.queer body. N~t long ago a. bill was in· troduoed pla.clni1 reatrlo11ioD1 on tho Ba.lo of brand)' I 81' U c~pe S :J10ke" tO the D~tlVeR, But the farmurs & t:11n11ly obj ~cted. If, s:rJd tht.y 1 the Dllt[vel! are ta be treated a» children, they are not fit to reoelv. e the franoh!sa ; if, on the other hand, th11y a.re really men, let them drink all the brandy the~ want. As aeon as the realirioUve blll was dda&ted by this argument, a bill wa.a introduced giving the na.t!vae the franchise. It was at once opposed aud defeated by t he air.me membera, en the srounil that the n~tivaa had become drunken 11ota and wero net fit to ba citiz3ns. It ma.y be added t.ha.t the brandy ls 6Upplled te tha natives by thcso high-minded leglslaters, m~si llf whom llre In · ens bus '.ness of m&kln1:1 it, and all of whem 11ra ve'r y noisy in tholr professlens ef C aristl&nlty. The Lo11don correhpondent ef the Newo,.atle Chrenicle wri~oa :-" M-0mber11 of P ..rli&mant are oompa?fng amongst themuelvca tho ooat ef tho twe hut electien11, and thc;y find that, directly and Indirectly, the average of mederata tized cenatituenole1 la abant £500 to £700, nnd of the larger ene1 Having purchased the Harness business lately carried on by Mrd. HUMPHREY, hope by careful attention to business, good workmanship, aiid first clas~ from £1,000 to £1.200. When men nQt material, to secure a. s.hare of public patronage. We have i~ overbnrdenad with aa.oh havo to Pl\Y auoh a stock and are manufacturing a large amount of 1um twlae In six m&ntha0 besides submitting te the trouble !lnd anxie·y, It i~ co~ a very pleae&nt experience, I knew of ene member who fought a Sauth-oountry constl· tnency and beat hia cpponDnt handsomely, who had ne ngent, 11nd whose eleotion Colle.rs a. specialty. We intend that the reputat ion Humphrey's Collars have gained 1ecrotarlal work was done entirely by hie shall be fully sustained. We a.re prepared to ful'nish responsible parties daughter. Sile wrote the letter1, addressed Collars on approbation . We guarantee satisfaction or n o sale. the oirculara, and generally &uperintended We also keep in stock a full line of goods usually found tho arrangemento, while her fa.ther made in a first class harness shop, comprising speeches, '.L'he expenditure In th!11 election is relatively the least that hu been re\nmed." ·Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D. S.' Engines, . 'Peerless' and 'Grain Saver' Separators, Watson's Deering Binders, . . Iron Clad Mowers, Sulky Rakes, ·Bain Wagons, · Cultivators, Harrow~, . Seeders, Scuffle rs, Single Sulky and Gang Plows, Honey Fanning Mills, Chaff ·Cutters, Turnip Slicers, · Root Pulpers, Hay Loaders, Crushers, Grinders,. Tedders & Forks, Warerooms-King St., Bowmanv111e. Repairs for L. D. Sawyer and Noxon. LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. BLANKETS, ROBES, RUCS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, ETC. See onr Bull llone Whips-somethiog new. We have also in stock NOB.THE.RH ALBERTA, The laducement Oft"ered Beneath the Shad· ow or.the (;a11&dlaaa Rockl~s. W. H. IVES. THE .. ~ The Clerk Gould Go To Bed. A conntrym&n a.nd his eon " put up " at a hotel during the Toronto fair. Son out eeelng the town. Old gent comes down from hh roem at midnight and says to the night clerk" Has my son come In yet ? ' NigM Clerk-" GLleEs net. H1.1oven't seen him." Old Gent-" ·weu, yen needn't llflt up for him any loni:ier." ~ The Greatest Blood Puri, fie_r in the World. E . MORRIS, Proprietor, Toronto. SOLD BY ,~ the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen- : of the filtin, Dropsy, Dimness of ',;.' Vision, Jaundice, SCLlt Rheum, f', Bry1Sipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of Unlooks all the clo.gged avenues of the Dowels, Kidneys and Liver, carryc , ing off gradu111lly without w4'Jrening the :; system, all the impurities and foul : ·:;humors 0£ the secretions; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach. curing lliliousness, Dys~ :pepsia, · Headaches, Dizziness, ·. lleartburn, Constipation, ;Dryness ··.. ·-to··- ' eral Debility; all these and many BLOOD :BITTERS. ~. D:!IUlUil~ HIGGINBOTHA.lU & SON, BOWMANVILLE. other similuJ.· Complnints yield to the J111ppy influence of l3URDOCX A ()Q,, ProprletAmJ, Taront..,; Unfo1tnnate Esca e. Mand-" What a queer &ectdent. "A veung lady'a horse, frightened by a dog, reared and plunged In. euoh a manner as to get the riding habit fast in the aaddle and then threw her out of her dress Into the f!tre11t," Edith-" Dear me J Wa.1o Mhe killed. ··No,u " How she m1111t h&ve wllhed ah11 was," It la adviaable to point out and strongly omphasiza the fa.ct that while In the Ualted Siatee In the whole of the va1t region over for Horses and 0a.ttle, a sure cure for bruises, sprains, cuts and sores of all kinds. Shop-Sign 0£ the Big Collar. ' 17-3m which the drought prevails there h not a dngle oauls, hero in the c~na.dian Narthweat a. verr large proportion ef the t otal Anniversary of a Bell. J Pianos Tuned and Repaired.I agrloultura.l and grazin:i area. h~a Dot Ileen The busy oity of Breelan, In Prna·fa, __ eerlonely affeoted, Tut while on the ranges of Kansas &nd T~xnu, ca.tile s.re fellnd time recently to celebrate the five PARTIES WISHING 'l'HErnPIANOS btilng driven hundreds of miles tll pe1·m11· bund1edth l>l~thday of a llhnroh b~ll. A J Tuned or repaired canhaTethom attende nent wa.ter, and actually dl" on the way for tre.gio utory o~ the 021atlng of thlij belt has o by lea.ving word , at the DOMINION OBGAN kept It falllOU& 'llhrenghout Garmany for a \ Co's OFFICE, Bowmanvlllo .A. 11.rst-clae man look of grase, ln tile grazlai diatrlct of I I Alberti\, the numerous streams will.oh fl 1w lenger perled th&n b11o11 elap!sd duce the dls· 111ow beinR In their mvlo r. from ·t he R :>ok!eB and their foot hllls put oevery of America, The f i:iv.nder of tho boll, en the eeven· beyend poa11lblllty a faUurs of the wMo? supply, and at the aame t ime gu11.r<1>ntee a tGenth of J aly 1386, when the molt-011 me· E~ 1 I~ growth of gra11 whether rain falh or net. ta.I was j · l at ready to rnn inta the mould, left the roundry for t1 fow momenta In cho1rg~ . And that while ln the agrloultur11ol (\btricte at the territories ·a nd 1tate11 from Saqke.t· of a bey, warnlnR him not to meddie with 1 ohewan to T(·X~a the grain haa either net the app1m1.tu1, Tho bey diaob ayed the ln· For cost of ndvcrtisingin any p aper or j 11notlen, and eot the metal running, T<~r come up, or havln11: come up ha~ been par· of papers pullli sl1ecl in the Cnited allzed by droutb, eaten by gophers, baoked r!.fi.ad, he oalled the fouuder, who, on aeeing list States or Ca1 mda, seml to th e ADVE1nrsby exooeslve 1\eat, beaten inte tb.e ground ihe ml!!ohisf, snppsslng the b all ruined, ING AGENCY of E.D WIN AL[)E.N cl) JJRO., bv hailstorms or torn out of rcot by oyclonee etruck the boy te the e:u-~h and killed him. \Vhen ·he m etal cooled and the bell wa.s a.nd gr&ss for nnmmer p!Ulinnge Is aleo in f a.dmirable tsno poor shape; ln Nartbem Alberta., the tried, it wa.1 found to be G ·""*Our·~ Nc·.vspa.pe r C")mblnations," n book oi traveller may pass through hundreds of and,( finlah -the feu11de1'a m11aterpfooe. 150 pag-es, t:Ontarn i ng- prkc:-; of adverti~i n g fu.l.1 miles of gm~a ie~ohin11: to his waist, the Strloken with remoree, he ga.ve hlmeolf up in struction !-l, ct<.: ., !::t:!li. ou ;·eceipt of1oc. Ou r ~ 2 Am. cwsoaper Cat:dot..rn l~, , ccmt:tining names of every cultlvatod fields a.re akndio'g fence full of to the m~gi~trate, and wa.a oondemned to N nG: wsi)a.pcr pu biis h t;d in the U . S . a.nd Canada, rlpe grllln of the beat qu!l}~ty, farmst ook I~ expiate hi~ crime by d0a.th. He walked ge sent on rcct.:i pt of price, ~i.50 . Estimates f ree. rolling fat, and water for man and beast i~ th& place ef ueontlon be 1ihe ~lling ef hlu plentiful and good, When it is remembered 011·n bell, o·lling upon all the peo'Plo to puy tba.t the average ~ummer and yearly tem- for "the poor slnnllr," The bt-ll baa ever per&ture of Northern Alberta as e3ta.blhhed since berne the name cif the Peor Sinner's by ot\?eful meteorological observatfon and Billi, At that early period Bresla.u wa.1 a. oeun· loniz cont.lnucd agrloultural experiment, I& equal te th&t of the Red P.iver valley, thi.t try village of little note, It hllol now grown the sr.ll is ef tq11al depth and grea;ter rioh- to be the 2cat of the linen mlW.:daotnre of A hit In time eave· the nine on many a no111 a1 evldeuced by t he lnxud.1u;oo of th~) Eile~la, and next h :Se7<llu, tb.e IMgeet ci!iy wild vegetatlen1 and that be1idea It hlll~ 1u1 of Pru~si>.1, The anutver~ruy of the fe1rn.d- br.ll field. Mlle Dalore.1 Laonart-y-Oasa.non& bu reabundance of wood and ooal for all pur· lni;: of thti Poor Sinner's Ball was net; for· po·oa ; lt will be aeen that'this region affera getten, howevllr, The bell was rung morn· oelved tb.e degree efM, D. frem 'he Uni· Inducement· to agricultural settlement auQh mg and evening, and the pa.stor of the veraity of Baroelona, after eleven yeara of as are not, and cannot be offered b;y any ohuroh preached & eermen in honer ef ihe 11·udy, many prizes, a.nd the fir·t henor1 111 rel{ion of eq aal eitont In . tho W e1tern occaalon, In whloh he told once more tha all her ex&mina,lena, She entered the well-remembered tale, uulvenlty a\ eight aud I· uew Dlneteen.. States. ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION w In A en &B ro £~. ~if,! ft!?~.~!' ~/"i.~J!ss! ~X!£? Mvertising Agency.

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