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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1886, p. 6

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..... . . . . .... ~ I . ,. - I. f uud him l~oklng ~ore thoughtf~l ucl' de.nghter yon are, ae long n.e you are my own the time, I' would not be long bafeire he : · hely than ninal. I told him 1e. d11orllng Ida?" l said tble.: In a. voioe o! pas· did so, Ht would telegraph to ·e very Mi\tlon, ~~~"y'ee," he aieenteil. u Oontlnn!l'l an:dety alonate tendomeH, I de not remember now and I ehould be a huriteil man again. D ·n'b no .rir 011erver of he11olth or aplrltl." all that paued. I kno:w I eobeated her to yon know a prloe of tb,ree hundred plunda 11 .. ·· t yen should keep your mind balm, reocinaldei: her deolalon, I )laod evory a.rgu· la on my head T" FRIDAY, OC r0BER 8, 1886. 0 'IAPFER JIL.,-AN UNWELCT!ilE VIBITOR and , .. let your anxiety overoome yon." ment to perau;i.do her, I ·promised to a.id I did All I oauld to pr0vail en him to Jfa. 1 .. d one cannot be nn· her fatha.r to eaoa.pe. But all was ef n11 ten to my schemes ;' b11t he we.a ob~tlnate 1 , D 8 c\lir, .wh·t'e · For acveral days after that, I at lib re· STANDAltD :MEDICAL 'VOllK FOK pen.tad wlah, viatted . t his stra.nga ,.mir.n, I done, Sin .Jea.ds to sorro:w, and 1' may new avail. She wept bitterly; but ahe rem11olned I beoam'J angry l'Tltb him a.t l<\St, a.nd told him I did no~· believe he ree.lly leved h!a, soon foUlld him 1fl be very Intelligent, ir.nd le&d to a wone one than hae yet been. l'he firm, . T J esc&pe wenld b'l! a ma..t ter of gren.t dHil as he wsuld not even maka a. final effart to.. capa.ble of talklngeeneibly on moataubj.o'8. lnnooont may snffor for the guilty." I aid not underata.ud him; but I wae snro onlty. Mr. Pun4'. had taken lodgings in the 1v.1ove her. onJy $1 By Jfall, 1·ostpnltl. 8ometlmes I donbted that the oplulon I hr.d · house right oppoelte, and wa.tohed all their H~ le&k-d at me. He r-<Jt leve his rinly formed ef him wa.s oorreot ; and yet every his word· had t.n ominou1 meaning. ILLU~TRATIVE SAJIPLES :nrnE NO A.LL. now &nd then eeme worda ot hl1 would oon· . Ida loeked at him, ancl .then gave a alight movements. He had throa.t1aned that H Ida. oh.lid I Wha.t WM l thinlt!ng? Did I n.ot did not m eet him at the ohuroh at balf·P"·~t . knn.v "l'ha.t ml&ery it Wl).a to him t.o give hor . firm it. Tha· wild 811o8h too ln hie eyaB lnvoluntl.'ry shiver. Be noticed It. "Ida, my child, yea, hve me, don't yen?" ten en ,i,:londa.y, he would gi!I dlr~ly to the up? Sile had in~hted on l.t. To loae hnr wbioh I often eb~erved when he wu exalt· ·· D ·ar papa., you know It." plllce station and ha.ve her father iu:-reet<id. ·father would ba e. doulllo oorrow to hil'(', ed, gave oulonr to my sucpiolon, u Y o\\ would da n. g~eat deal fer mo?" At 000 time, they hs.d tried t u le1.1.ve the Sho hM 3e.ld 110, and ho believed her. H e Of Ida, the more I knew of her, the more u Try me," she s11>icl; quietly .a nd fi rmly. country, and had even t!!ok~in p&aeagea In a knew she would rather a hundred t imes che attraoted ma, aud tihe more 1 · 11uffered. " Even aaorifioe yourself, my treaaura ?" ateimer on the p1irit of <h~rture from m11.rry that oootmdrel tha.n let h0r father Organh:cd "IVHh u fuli Stair. of elgJtteen If 'here WM heredlta.ry madn<>GS in the . family, mlgb.t net she alee be ~fil1ot;ed eome "Yes, I would even norlfice myaelf," Llverp9ol to MMltreal' ; bnt j.at . aa tb4t:V r:mffor death, 1Experle11ee<l nntl Sldllful l'llysicla1u1 day ? Te think tha.t tiUllh a mlufertane _ ·.· R~ther th11on see me die of my own we.r e . ge.l ng en b'oa.rd; thlly h!od ebsorved :M ~. "Thon yoa wen't lot me assist yon?" I and S111·geous f'or the trentment.. ot ohoioe ?" · Puree, thoogh, 11o11 It turned ent, be had not s~id ·On 1ea.v1ng. "You w!ll allew Miia could be reserved far that g11ntle girl, irave ull C:I1ronic Discuses, A Grcnt Jle·Uenl '1' ·H"k On llfanllood. _ "y 8 , yes a. thoueimd timM," She notloed them, And !'.II he Wl'A o-em\ng to C9lahroeks to ouff ·r still m oi:e for vonr oin? ' put 11.n · ond to thh me muon anxl1ity, Te 8 Exhausted 'Vitality, Nervo us and Physical 1 5 Dehility. Premature Decline in Man. ll;rrors painful suspense, I one da.y asked her If my ·poke emphatioau,., but with agitation. : the ship to et.a some friends . CJff', t'b.ey had .. Go!'" be u,ttexod ho11orealy. "L'1i.Ye m l . BUii!> ·F·~~ n of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting "G·d grant," l obaerved, .. that tbere h11etlly returned to lD.nd bafore he bad, BB I Iiave n ethlng'more te eay." . u~n na.. u u IJJJ octure WllS a right one. from indiscretion or excesses. A book for oeoj " My father ma.d ! Oh Dttctor, what 01.n wlll never be any need for such a 1corlfio~." foey belleved, dlaooverad their preienoe. I le.ft, feeling d bgu$tecl with hlin, In :my Ch1·ottlc N a sal Catarrh, Tliroat aud every man, young, middle-aged and old. It " Thora m11,y be, though," aald Oelebroeke They had then though' It better to oonoee.l deep ser··ow and deupllilr, I oeuld fiad no · ·X Lung Dise a·rn,., Live1· a nd l~ldney contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and irake you think so?" she t.eked in a.stenluh· il!leascs, U l aai<lc 1· ·n1 .. eascs, Diseases 'chronic diseases each one of which is invalua- ment. in a. serious tone, u Dt. Aylmer, I repeat, them1elves In the country for a tlma t1ntil cnse and foel DO pity . for h!a own great D of '\Vomen, Blood D isemies and Nerv· ble. So found 6y Author, whose experience atra.nge though It may 1ound, there may bil, vigllant search should ha.ve abated. T hey grief a t he.vicg to ll-Ocept t he. offered eaod fioe, I t9ld h er that hie own oooaalonal relllllrks OU!! AUectiouH, cuJ"cd hero or at home for 25 years is such as probably never before 11.nd zeen." . ·. were nuw living by maa1111 of money ta t he M'nday 011me, only tao soon, l; was a with or without s~mng the J;>Utient. Come and fell to the lot of any physiciun. 300 pa;;es, llad lad me ta form thie b11l!ef, ~e us, or send t <'n cents m stumps for OUI' bovnd in beautiful French muslin, emb\'ls~ed I glanced at Ida, qulte unable t;i oompre- 11omount of about ll theua11ond pounds, th\l beautiful day I but its aunshino 11eemed ~o "Yon 1AYe~1m.i, Dr. Aylmer. Hla worda Invalids' Gu i de Bool·"' wbich gives covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be aflner work have t9e tra.e a meaning, It would be he.i.d ~hla ulngnlar speeoh i but 1he leoked profi~e of aome artlole~ ef v11olae which they mool.. ma.. I d11, my beautiful, noble I d&, hew all partlculars· in every sense than an,!" other work sold in this N e1·vous Debility, Im po. lla.d Bold. Tiley h a.d not pla.ood t'hie aum 1'1 1 felt iur her; how I felt fei myae~f. 0.1, country for $2.50, or the monay will be refunded droadfu\enough If he had b!len mm11e, bat 11wa.~, app14rently ~hunning my gaze, .toucy, Nocturnal Los1;1es, "Id.a," ·oontlnned her lather, "you~ as- the bank, 1\8 !f they he.d, thera would ha.ve why muBt she, SI> i;rue ·e.n<l g!!<Jd, auffdr for in every instance, Price only $1 by mall, post- ae·lt fa--" S ho atepped, !Ml lf afraid she and all ~.!orbi<l Contlitious baid, Illustratives ~amnle free to any body. had' said tcio mnoh. aertl·.n, then, la dellbera.te and una.ltera.ble ?" been dangor of their whereabDuts beoomlng another's crim~? Why shauJd: she h~ the . ca11sod by V outh[nl FolSend now. Gold med>il awarrled the author by "Nathing os.n change It, papa." known. · Innocent viotlm to SLIVS a. guilty life? Te DISEASES lies · and· P e1·nicious Soll· I would not p11>iu her by aekl11g her mor& ; t he National Medical Association. to the Pre· tary P1·aclicos are speedily H ~ smiled, and a gloa~ of hope, 1noh aa B"t hhw h~ ... Pa·s& -'l·o~v~re·' their bld· aae her agalu for t he le.st time, t11 look once tiident of which. the Hon. P. A. Bissell, and but when she. gave me her hand and &aid - - - - and permanently cured by our ~ u "" ' · " ~ ~ v " more en b.er lxllere ebe w;i,a lost to me fer· associate officers of thtJ Board the reader is good-bye, I oonld net rf4tlat preD11iug it warm· I .h11od never seen en it before, llgh ted ,up his Ing pli.oe? Specialists. Dook, post.pnid, 10 eta. in stamps. It was quite by oi.a,naa, The ever, oa.me t a me :u an iueal~tlbla desftre, 'I ~espectfully refferred. ly ln my ewn, · E u pturo, or Drcacb, radifaoe. He kiaeed· her tenderly. There was house In which they now lived had, as al· would go t,o t he ohm:ch. She should not · The Science of Life Is worth more to the caUy cured, without the knife, .At the.gate, a ma.n 11toppad me, "That no donbt he waa dotingly fond of his rer.dy atated, stood I mg empty, and thel)ro- eee me, I would sit in the g'lllerv, and young and middle-aged men of this generation without dependence upon sban all the gold mines or California and the house i' let, b.n't ·lt ?" trusses, and with very htt le dangbter, and at t~ia no one could wonder. prletor waa .deelrous to dispose of It. With aoheol. myaalf to b~ar the &fgnt, I mu at silver mines of Nevada combined.-S. F . "It la." puin. Book sent for ten cents Whe could holp be1n.11 fond of suoh a trea- tills view he wrato t 9 his aolloiter In Lo<1.den steel my aohlng heart te auboolt patiently :In stamps, Chronicle. ·· lt' .i.r hew lGug, de yeu know !" ? aur.e ,, , ,, to. put the prnperty in the .,µis.rket ; and the cl all ·l I ld th·m"h 'fhe Science of Life points out the rocks and l'ILE TUJll(}KS and STRICTURES I 111old I was not oerilain, which wu the . 1 Yoa hear her, he ea.Id proudly ' a1·d 1ol1 "cl·e · r, 1· so oha.noed, emn.leytid for tb!s an snuer I en. Y· wen go, even " treated with the greatest success. Dook sc~t quicksands on which the constitution and hopes h I k ld d thin · " " I knew the eoene would only increr.se my for <Jf many a younll,' man have been !aitally fao' ten cents io stamps. AddreSB WouLD'S It la tr~~· new s e wou e any 8 work the very firm of propartj agent& with pain. I should w&tch her unt il she waa fn· DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, wrecked.-MancJiesttr M?'.rr01·. 663 Main "Yen know the people, don't you?" for me. whfoh Mr. Pur10 wa1 oenneoted. It w11>s h b' d ,Sti:oot, Bulfa!o, N. Y. The Science of Life is of greater value than "'Yee; I do," ··But I da not 'understand what you not however Pnrae wh& firet went to Spa.n· dh8olubly united to the m'Ul I! ea' norre ; 4\11 the medic"! works published in this country The treatment of many 1111 " And their name !" tor the past 50 years.- Atlanta Constitution. mean," I 111old, ". Iu the, I hope, lmprob- ner~ to look 'at the puperty, but another ~;~;:;.:~o~h~n~ent to the oburob, I 1 or ~nses of those 1 SES Of thousands 'l'he Science of Life is a superb and masterly "Oertalnly, If I know them, I know their able event happening ef ;veur life depond!ng r epre!lentative of the firm ; and he, calling wae not very fall,. a~ the oomlng marriage di~eases pecuhnr to DISE~ treatise on nervous and physical 1debility.- name." ou your danghter uaorific1.1111 hen, would v~11 a.t the houae to a.ek about the pmperlly, had net boen m11ode know. I eeatsd myaelf u. 'VU'" 01\1.CE N Detroit b'1-ee Press. WOME11 " \V hat is their na.me ?" at the Invalids' Hotel and There is no member of society to whom the not willingly yield Y~.ura, r11ther tb11on aonept BpGke with the houeekeepee Mee. Thompl!On, ln a quiet corner where I conld see all, with· 11...-...,,_--..,1 Surgical Institute, hus afNet knowing who the person was, 11.nd dh· Science of J...ife will not be useful, whether au~~Han allt,ern!' ~tlve I? I d h "N whem, however, he bad not before seen; ont being Heen, Parse came in em!Uog oom· forded large experience in adapting remedies ~outh. parent; guardian, instructor or clergy. liking hi1 manner, I waived answerina his. 0 :. yen bat he was not allowed late t ha houae, On er 1 e exc a me e, f ld t d Uh for their cure, and man.- Aryonaut. query. I did not think H right t9 anawer don't understand me. I mean her happrneas, h1 "a return, in reporting to Mr. Pane regard- pl..aantly, and seem t> ~~' & en ore w Address the Peabodv Medical In~titute, or h f lab t h d th G d f Mrs. l'hempaon. Tae former wa' dreaeed Dr. Vi". H. Parker, No. 4. Bulfinch Street, Boston Inquiries about my acqaalnta.noe1 from er ,,ree 'W e11-no er ea · · · 0 or- lng the p1operty, be commented upon the ill blaok-fi ~ emblem of her mo11rntng sgul. Mass .. who may be consultee!. on all diseases etrangers In the atreets. l therefore p1u1ed bid I bot ef hie not ha.vb:ui: been admitted Into l d lbl requiring skill and experience. Chronic and en to pay acme prefesslonal vhits, without i1 another matter, Mr. Colebrooke. the house' whloh awakened the ourioalty o1 She waB dee.dly pa.le a!ld. tremb e vis f; <ibstinate diseases that have baffled tLe skill waiting fer him t11 speak again. I 1aw that B "Tha.t t Id t 1 t h d that ' but she k ept up bra.vely, thoug1 I knew the ·Of a ll other physicians a specialty, Such a you we~ ne e er e even · Parati, who pu~ 1oma queatlono as to the ordeal abe was nndergei.ng w...i worse than ·treated sucoeasfully without an instance or he looked angry, a11 he moved 11.way 111 the would yeu? . housekeeper's appeaunoe, and euoh-llke. Th J t l ta th failure. Mention STA1'ESMAN, Bowmanville, op'llll&ite direction. He m~de no anowar. Ba.t I observ.ad tht.t The res.u lt of th,·ee lnqu!des w11oa th!lt Mr, de;;;th. e o ergyma.n was puno ·ua e is the result of this vast experience. ·Ontario. 17-y. ~h mlnu~.e, and the tiervloe b<lg;an. Mr. P aroe It is a powerful n.estorntivo Tonic ' d Wneu I returned heme I observed the m11on a. ntrugg1e w.a s go. Ing on w h as min · · e PuHe'e auepllllons we. r e ..r,;umed, and he him· fi I h I e.galn, Ha was watching attentively the contentiene ef self-1nt~rest a.nd self-love on self set llfi at ance for Spamiers. :Bllt Mrs, wan aoked the rat q uastlan n t e ma.rr age and Nervino, imp1trts vi{:l'or and strength to tho system, unu cures, ns i~ magic, LeuwlndowB ef the house in whioh my nelghbar the one h11ond, and aft110tlon fer his child qn Thompson by this tlma lxlb:ig ill, he f;,,lled ~ervice, and answered clearly and laadly. corrbca, or "·..vbitos,' excessive ea.me quest ion was then put to Ida. lived; his hat wa1 very .mnoh dr11own over t h e other. S uoh a b a ttl 8 may aeon h ave .t ., te see her aa he had hoped, He made l.n· Tiu; Ber anawisr seemed to die on he: lips. ·she fl01.Vill1", pain ~u l nHllrntruation, undons, 1·1·ola1·sus or hie eyes, as If Ila did not wleb to be reoog- be deoided, Which force will be vlotorlona? q 11trtes, howov~r, as to the oconp~nte of the ja t mana.ged to whiaper !t, I though~ she natura l s11pp1·es 1 falling o ~ tbo u terus, ·woalt back, 3 niaed, Tho next morning when I waa p11aalearned tna.t & yonng would ha.ve fainted; but uJi.o had a work to nntever s ion, 1·et1·oversion, b oa1·i11g. nouae In question, a.nd lng throug'l eur gate to go next doer, l 1&w do,vn ·s e n sations, chron ic congosh.dy ua.m'd Oal9broeke, with her servant, do-lt wae began, it must ba oomplsted, him enterwg their ga.te, lie maruhed bold- oHAP tioni inflanuuution .aiul. nl cc1:atlon IV.-CoLEBR )ax.:a·s·SEoRET had taken Jt ; tha.t ohe called nowhere, went " Who giveth this woman to ba married of t lO 'vo11uh, inflannnation, pain REY.&.ALED, . ly up the steps before me and knocked. The 1·ncss iu ova1·los, internal out bat seldom, r.nd bad . exalted ourloelty, to this man !" inquired t he reverend gentle- and tende· servant answered the door. heat, n1Hl ·' ion1ale "\vcalnl<lss"' Oa. ths following Monday I went to pa.y . He resolved to watoh the house, and for m·n, It promptly 1·<'lie,·es and cures Nausea " I have osme to · see yenr mlntreaa en Mrs. Thompson came for we.rd and !'aplled. and ' Veali.ness o f ·Stom.acl1, lndi!l'es1ome long promised vl&ita in London, and thia purpa1e .engaged lodgings oppo11ita. buelnees," Was Mr. Colebroeke with them or not? The olergymiln handed the rlug t;o the tion, Dloatin~, Nervou s Prostration, u My mlasus can't see no visitors, and did not return for a week, My first oe.ll on my arrlv11ol was to onr nei2hbora. Mrs. Thie he oould not aeoertaln, and be fo1·bore brldegreom; bu% at the aa.mG moment there aud Slcc1>Icssucss, in either sex. P1·eservc V.oul' Sight. ther~'s Illness In the heuse." " Indeed, B11t nhe will see me. Pleaue te Thompson was now well en9agh to resume t9 Mk an:rene, Ono day, ho·wevar, he ea- wa.a a b\lstle In t lie ohuroh-a mu?mlll' of @n 6 BO'.l'TL'ES Use F. LAZAHUS' (late or the firm of Lazarher uaua.l duties, a.nd. the tempora.ry servant pied Ida a.g silo b11ode me good· bye a.t tho voloea-11ond in anoth&r seoond Mr. Cola· , U, FOR $5.00. us & Morl"iS,) Renowued Spect.acles aud Eye· ebow me te the sittlng·:room ?" when I Oi.\me to the g11.te, a.s &1· br ooke rushed hnrrlediy and braa.tb.taasly to door ; e.nd had been aent away. Ida looked oarewom Glasses, 'l'bey are the best m the world. T!Jey Sold by Dru~gi.sts c 1 .-c1·y1.vh oro. Send "I will 11o:ak her, air. Wh11ot no.me shall I and weary. How I wlahed I oould mfttlg~te re&dy nn.r rated, he 1topped me, donbt!eH the a.lta.r. never tire the eye, and last. many years witht en ceuts in t;l.11 mps for Dr. Pierce's large out change. For sale by Kenner & Co. Bow- HY?" " s lop !" be ct·ler!. . 1· I forbld this ma.r- Treatise on Diseases of Women, illustrated. her nnhapplneaa ! She, S() youug 11.nd inlier· hoping to ascer~ain whether the geutlem::.n manville. 6 ·1f. "0'1, never mind my name," da.$le. S.ie sh.all not mury him. " " l will tell her, Bir, if yon will wa.lt eating, to b0 rendered miaera.bla through ne l!v~d in tho house, World'o Dispensary ff1edical Association, fault of her own. And. wha.t waB ~ne cause t n11ot led to the T he olerg)lman nti.n1~d a t him in bhnk here," 663 Main Street, BUFF.A.LO, N, Y. ··Show m g to the parlour or drawing. ' "D ~11or Mies Oolebreeke," I said, taking dreadful crime? It was the old story of bu· amazement, · Mr, C 11lebreek.i'· objeotion room, then, w.hil.e yen go, , Yen oa.n si;y, If her band gently, " I know you hav3 been m an a.nger unonntrolled. Mr. Colebreoke- wae demanded, fretting. You arE. In trouble, Are yen eure whoe..i rei:.l name was Wayne, b11t who had . "I declare," he .r eplled wi~h dellbara.te you like, tba.t.I am from the house-agent." sum·H~ADACHE, . asenmed a fahe name .for obvieus reasons- dhtlno~ness, " tha.t thl$ h mv r<:a.ae.n. Mt As he said this, I noticed a sinister smile en I oannet help yon r· ·· Y~n are very kind to efler to help," had been me.de t1ie dupe of a wicked ~che mer daughter only oonsented t o ma.rry tba.t man :Bilious Headache, bl1 f11ooe-whloh.wa1 an lll-lookhig one-that Dizziness, C:onstipa. ma.de me think he was uttering an untruth, eho repUed, snilllng sadly ; " but no one, I of the nam1 ef Hiokarde, by whem he had to save my life.. I give mye-alf up to j ;i~tioe. tion, Indigestion, been lndnaed to pa.rt with hie rnensy to pur· My daughter wished te sa.ve me ; I am here I eeemed Instinctively to distrust him. I am aorry to say, no one can help 1J1e/' and Bilious Attacks, "I1 it ao ba.d a.a that ? Ia it 11o new oh11oue shares in alea.d-mine opeculatien, The to aave her," · followed him int9 the house ; bnt he lookeit promptly cured by Dr. mine~ . proved to ·be myths ; b11t the gold " Is this sta.tement .osrreot ?" asked the Pierce's Pl e asa11t displeased as I entered the room, Into whloh tronble ?" Ptugat i'Ve Pellets. 25 "A new trouble that wlll eoon oemo," she be bad oelleoted from Mr. Colebrooke 11ond olergyman of Ida. · he hi>d been conducted. cents a via!, by Drnggista. She did not speak I 1he only hid her fsoa ._ -·- ----"You're af1lend, and 11o privileged one, I r eplied, in a tone eo ·despairing, that my othera who he.d trusted him, went to enrioh heart ached te hear her. Mr, Hickud ~, whe, as alreJ.dy stated, wa.u In h er hands ln an ag~QY of emotion, H~r snppoae ?" he asked, 11 I wish I could take It away," I aald Parso's partner. .l.!.n aotlon waa inst!tuted father took her gently by the hand and. lad .. Whose friend ?" e111orne1tly, aga.lnet Hickards J bat tha fraud, tb.!lngh her into the veetry, followed by Mr~. u Tho young Io.dy's. " CONCERN I NG Sb.e r11olee! her eyes tomlne for &moment, few donbted it, could not be e~t11obHehe:i Thompson and tbo olergym!l.n, I j ~ined VETERINARY SURGEor;, 11 Yen seem not te have yet ascertained her name," I observed. ·· If you do 011me and then a deep blush 011me over her aweet aga.bist him with evidence suffiolent for them there. Oolebroeke seemed ple1>s&d to . · frem the honae-agent, I 1bo11ld have thought faoe, My look had expre111ed more tha.n my obnvictlon. Hlokard11 had OArrled out the 1ee me. words he.d. swindle toe ingenloue!y. ant\' rendered de· ' ' I have dene It," be said; "I am not yen wenld ha.ve known It?" " Dear Ida," I oJntlnued, " If I cannot teotien impoe1ible, He wa.s acquitted l a.nd suoh 1411 nnhel!11.g pllent aa you theught mo, u I do know their name, air, and perhapa better than you do, theugh you bad th11 in· relieve your oouow, at leaat let me e!l·re Mr. Oolebrooke, a ruined man, une.ble to I 1hall die, and you and my Jhild wlU be olv.llity to refo11e to answer my question 1' ;" and then I told her all my love, As I obt11oin redress, happened to b e In town ono happy when I'm gene," apr.ke, a gl ,.iom of j 1y shone for a moment in d11oy on sems bueme11, when he had occa.ufan · · O f1.ther, father," ohe sobbed desp&lt· when I pelltely a~ked you yeeterda.y," )> " It la no bualneBB of mine," I returned, her face, Is seemed as l! the return of hap· to call at his enemy's effice, Mr. Hlckards ingly. "Don't, don't speak ee." plneH was not ae very dist ant. The lnstn.nt was 1':1 l and un!ertunately 11omG a.lmest There were tears of pity In the mlnl11ter'11 " $0 tell my frieiida' name1 te 11.ny ehauger aher, it was gone ; bat 111Jt before it had nne.V9ld&ble referenoea to what had alrel.'.dy oyea ; my own were moist . Such a soem1 a.a In the reo.d who may ohoe1e to aak me," t11oken place between them, oo enraged t he t h at weuld affact the h!l>rdest nature, T.vo "You a.Ye, I aup,Poee, the doctor who livea told ma what I longed to know. " Dear D,·, Aylmer, yon do not know, two men, t.ha.t open vl11lenoe wa.s th1> result, polloe:nan who hr.d been 6 cnt for by Puree next doer?" What you a sk may not be, It oan never Hiokards had lifted a knife that by on the now enter~d the veatry ta arreat C9lebroGke'. I bowed coldly. · be. I-I The doer opened, and I da. came fo., ,, 11m engagad ts be married te- table ; bnt thfo Mr. Oolebrooke wrestsd Ida clung to him oonvuleively. Ba tried to frem him, and In the affray th:i.t ensued, the soothiB h<ir, anil k ia.acd her with p a.salima.te "Oh, is It yon, Doctor ? I thenght it te . If I had touched a powerful eleot1'lo bat· we~pon pierced ~he breast of the wretched a.:llectieµ., I knew now hew I had wroi1 ged )> was~--" She stopped auddenly, aa the tery, the ehMk her wo tds ga.ve me could not swmdler. Ht1 died inetantly. Hlu p11.rtner, the maon. 'Hi.a devotleon to hla child ha.d o~n· <( ycuug mt.n atandlug behind me met her C,) have been greate~. I had' not thought of Mr. Parse, who at that m amant entered quered hia fear of death, I felt an admir· · Honorary G·raduate of the Ontario eterlnary alght . She turned very pale, and looked on 1 1 College. Toronto. Hegistered memlier of the him with an 'expree·hn of disgust, mingled her bavlng any lever, and I felt sure she from an a.tlj alnlng reom, rushed forward te ation for him, The sense of right had gdn· LW Ontal·io Veterinary Association, in accordance with fear. I oa.nnot call I' any other name; oared for me. .t'resently, I asked her if eel~ i Mr, Coteb:ooke ; but tho latter man· ed t he day, CC with the Y .,terinary .A.ct. u Oome and eee me in prleen, my dl'lrllng," it waa fear. Ho wao, I perceived, an un- she loved the man to whom ahe wa11 en· aged IG elude him, and m11ode his es~ape. 1 Is prepared to treat all diseases of the Dom· Mr. Parse, dre11odlng _ leat sneplolen might he said. 11.s be was being led 6ff, acoomp11.n· estic Animals, according t o the latest theories. welcome vlaltor. Hb held out hi1 hand to gaged, " I must try hard," ·he replied, " to do psrhaps be directed ag&m 1 All calls personally, by Telegraph or Tele· her; but &he refused to tench It, Sbe t hlmaelf, report· led by Parse; "and yen t oe," ho l!idded, phone will receive prompt attention, so-if I de net now, We mu1t all do hard ed ee the police that Mr. Colebrooke h11od tumlng to me, It is the only Jll'epara.tion in the wo1·ld that ~OFFICE-Main St., Orono, one door north of simply bowed stlll mere coldly than I had will do what is chiiwed for it. It has produced thlnga sometlmea." done.the dead, A warrant for bis appreI promised willingly, The next minute luxuriant IN. Henry's ::Store. denu. growths of hair on bald heads where .. N 91; !lite him I exola.i med, · I And yet 11 I was beginning to fear aome of yon hen1ien wae obtained ; but Mr. Colebreeke he w11o1 gone leaving Ida In speechless baldness has exi~ l,ed for years. It has r estored CHAHGES MODERATE, had fled, di1guhed, with his daughter and grief, 1 erd:r ed a Oilb for ;her, a.nd toak the color and vigor to numerous crops of gray were lll," he Hid, with a hasty amlle, ·· aee· yen n.re engaged te marry him." ·· DJ not judge me harehly," 1he 1ald al· housekeeper, and 11.s yet had blffl1d her home. My dear a.uni eta.yed with her and faded hair. It has relieved hundreds of ~:~h:a:pooterhere. Ihopeitlsnot yo~r me1t pleadingly. "You do not understand the of disagreeable Dandruff and has saved discovery. The all-lmporte.nt bot remain· the whole day a mlnisterlni angel of com· persons many when hair was falling, from becoming to be told that Parse, who had formerly fort. · I never saw 1noh a look of contempt aa what compels me to--" bald. , , u To saorifioe ·your 11.fe," I oonolnded, been a trusted aoqna.lnt11onoe of the man he Two month· pa.ased away, and the trial l:E Uemeruber these facts and if your hair JS that with which the aurveyad him. falling out and becoming thin , get a bottle " Ah, I knew now what your l11other meant aft:e.r wards, wi.th hla partner, ho~ped to took place, At one time ·t;he evidenoo seem· once and save the growth, or you may loSA at He moved around and stared at me, which it I toflk as a hint that he wished te be rellev· when be asked yon the ether day what yoa rum, wa.e a reiaoted lovor of Id& s J his ed oimolnlive of the guilt cf Mr. Oolabre&ke forover. Ask :vonr druggist for HAIR MAGIC ed of my preaence, Thinking ehe might would do for him. B11t in what way yonr e.ffactlon for her b eing the redeemiDg point - that the deed was int entlona.l a.nd design· and take nothing else. menta.ry passion, A. DOHE~'l'WEND, Sole ManufactUl·er, 'l'onot like 1peaklng openly to blm when I was marrying against your own wlahea oa.n bene· In hie character, H e determined, as seen ed, net the reault of a mG AS he dleoovered their hldlng-pla..c~, to make or accident, Hie known enmity to the dead ronto. In the roem, I proceeded up stair· te eee Inf fit him, I am nnable to nndersts.nd," "S11all I tell yon?' use of his power, and by prommng to aid man was certainly a strong fe.ot air~inet BIGGINBOTHAlU & SON, pat.lent, who wa1 now pregreaslng favour"Yes." 9olobreoke In e1011oplng from the country, him; while ·ha evidence of the man P Jree ably, and waa en the fair road teward reA GENTS F OR BowuANVILLE. " It might eave his life." induce Id& ta !lll'rry him, H 9W he snooeed· seemed 'e make the link· of olroumstac.tia.l oevery, I did not &ee Ida again before I " SAve his life ? ' ·left, a1 she waa still with her vialtor, I ob· ed in ge\tlng her oe,n aent, has alre&dy been proof complete and dea1ly. Bat w hen Id~ u Yea." t9ld, wa.1 pI&eed in the wlt11eee ·b ox, and told the served the following day that ehe looked "How?" atory of P urae'a vll!ir.lny, 11o ohanga came over weary and harassed. " Well, i t im right you ahould have the · 1 Y en have been sitting np too late," I the jary; moru e11peofally when the prison· CB:APTE& v . -AT TH E .Avru. re1<11on, He has several tlmea oa.ld he would sa.\d, taking her band. er'a coun1el po!n!.ed out how P.usa h11.d need The undersigncil begs leave to intimate to the not mind y01J.r knowing. I trust to y our The next day I called on Mr. Oolebreeke, "'No, indeed, Doctor, B;it it ls true I his knewledge to cce:oe the daughter and people of Bow1nanvil1e and vicinity, t hat he told him that I ha.d proposed to bla I for me not to dlvalge a terrible f1lendQhip fa.the? in'° 11 o·mpaot t\ll diataatefnl to them has opened a now Harness Shop on K ing St., have net slopt 11.t all 11lnoe yesterday mornd11.ughter, secret, Do not stop me. I would tather and that the rea.;c.n she had re· ..8 It W6B, 011 Pane'a p;1.rt, opnoae<l te the opposite Mr. Wm. Glover's Livery Stables, ing." ~ ~ " where be w ill h1.ve constantly on hand, and - : POSITIVELY CURES : · · Mr1, T hempaon does net require auoh tell yen new. My poor fir.ther had the fused m11 Wl.\B beoanoe sbe h11od pro111lsod to 111.we of t he oeuntry. Pane h11>d Indeed mad.e to order, Harness of all kinds, viz.: marry Mr, Perie to aa.ve her h.tber belng dreadful mlufortuno to deprive a fellowolose watching now," I continued. "Yon been g11llty of an endeavour, fer peraone.l L arreeted on a charge of murder, orel\ture of his life. Y ou have heard ef wha.t and selfi$h ends, to oomIJo m:id "'felony, iond Heavy umber, ehonld have gone to rest aa usual." " Y eu lave Ida I" be exoblm;id, "Y $ U l1 termed the Hlokards murder ~·· u Se I did; bat my thenghts kept ine this wai itself a orimo. Tha epeeoh w11oa Farm, I nodded r.ffi. cma.tlvely, have llflored her marriage : and she has mnooessflll, The jury ret11rned a verdict Express, awake." " never The only witness to t he aot was Mr, told me,. I theugh~ t here was na one Coach, and " Thon you mu11t try &nd not think to· t hat the prlq9ner h11d n;:it been guilty el night; that's your D1otor'e c1mmand re· Pune-H!ck11ord11' fellow-partner~the m&n that she pl\rtioula.rly O!lo?ad for. It will murder ; and no alt~rna.lliva charge of man· Light Double Harness. you saw here some da.y1 rlnoe, 11.nd who 11t make it tho worJe far her, my poor, peeI ulaughter having been mads- the prose· m"mber, and y11u mnatebey it." She tried to smile, but with very p111H" one time wll.B an a<11 'lalntanoe of eurs in child!" outor having relied up9n Parea'a evidence "And you, sir, have consented to ea.!lrifloe as ~uffi ofant to prove the on.pltal oharge- Fine SingleHarness a specialty success, and t!J.e tearn o'me to her eyoa In· London. With a view to turning t he mleer· IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. stead, How I longed to be able to oomf1>rt able b112lne11S to his own advantage, he h11oa her ?" the "(ltloon!!r was thereupen acq11!tted , " D octor, baa ehe teld yon t he dreMlf'al 1wem to my father tha' he will 11.id him her, B Jt Mr. CJlebrooke dld na'ii long e.nrvive A large s tocl('ofCollars of every clescrl1>tloa " I am afraid," I Hid, " that your visitor In qul,ting the country, even at hie own reM9D t I tho ehook wbfoh h e had snsta!ned, a.nd In nlwnys on 111111<1, or cust.ournrs can have " She has, I grieve extramely for her, 11 few weeks we etoed by t he bad where )le tl1em m:ule lo 01·1le1· O'll shortest notice, risk, if I consent to ma7"1'11 him. If I do not yeeterday on.used yon annoyance." Finest stock of Borse Millinery ever.shown i n " Dgn't speak of him; he la one of the oonamt, tb.en he wlll give my fath11r Into fer you beth ; but if you promise to free lay tiylng, Ha took hie d11.ughte1·'1 hand. A few Boxe· will cure any case of Dys· town, inoluding: chief cauiiea of eur unhapplnelll, If-- custody and p11Bltlvely swear he aa.w him her frem thia man, I will h elp yen to es· "I give my child to yau," he said, a.u be pepsia, s!Jnply by taking Ono J:'ill every murder the man I I h!.ve, ef oourlt', no al- 011ope- -" B11t ifs ue ef no nae." :t>la.oed it in mine, u She b t.llo only legacy ROBES, DLANKE'l'S, ·lght on retiring. They do not lose theu " O h, lmp ~sslble, lmpo~slble 1., he Inter· l have 1lo le11va, but you will have a prlcaI told her tha.t he had asked me t he day ternative, and the wedding la fixed for next FLY NETS, <eilfect like other J.>Ull5. before what their name waa, and that I h 11.d Monday," ra}?ted. " That man"-a.nd hla faoa beaame lesa 'rel\Bare In her. I am cert.in ahe will WRAPS, Thia was alread Thursd11>y, WHIPS cl.ended with a look of fi aroe hn.te- " la prave to you a.a true and i;ffeotlonate a wife, refnaed to sa.y. I lllqulred if her father BRUSHES, knew he had op,Jlod ; she replied that he did. " Next M11nda.y ?" I cried In a tone of lynx-eyed, Till Monday, h e has tgld me, a1 she h 111s been a t r ae and aff'ootlenate COM.BS .2.5 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1.00. After a few minutes' O'>nversatlon, I pro- pain. " Oh Ida., your fe.sher oannet allow he eh14ll ln tch night and day from his win· daughter to me," and everything iu season. dew opp asifle, and take care I 11h11ll not esceeded te thehen!ekeeper'a room, She was this." TH I RTY !'ILLS IN A SOX. For many weekn after that, Ida waa vary 111 very mnoh better, thr.11 I told her she "Doa't bla.me him. He has not urgad me oa.pe hlm. He will de It-I know him- ill. We thought we shQnld have !oat her ( might 11;et up-which she mnoh whhed te do In the leut. I ha.vu told hl111 \bat I 1.11ill do theugb he p&BBet the whele time without alse, but God mercifully epa.red her to me. SQLD BY ALL DRl)GGISiS. bat that she was not to go farther than the It, I am quite determined, Why, I should sleep." I left Sp1t.nneru, and ea.me to London, where PllOMPTLY ATTENDED '1'0. ne:x:t roem, as 1he mul\t B vold the 1llghte11I be my eWJJ father's murderer, If I refused o&me over your baok· I hava 1inoe obtained a oonsldere.ble prao" Bnli you ean o. . . . oold f9r some time to oem~ When I foft thi11 man, 11 garden pa.1inge," I per11lebed, "You oan tloe and where we were quietlv married. Satisfact10n gua~nteed. Jn,endmg purchasers ' · k I will do well to give mo a call. Havrng bought "A~ l~ ls, " I aa~d. "you murder yenr pens ou' threngh my gate a.t night, He will Ml'I!, Tllomp1on, Ida 11i11kud me If ! weuld go My darlmg IB lois Ing over me now, &B all goods of the latest style nnd best qualicy, t hink you are m~, 11.11.d th.a.t your dr.ughter write, and I kills the white hand that reate . for oash, I will bo able to give cuotomors t he up to her father, ae be 1111..Cl. expre1sed a de- own p1i>lilae, and mine," ~lre ta see me. Before going to him, hew· "In 1plte ef what I have told you, Is my Aunt. Oh, I a.m sure we or.n wanage on my Ehoulder. benefit. ever, ahe m"de mo promhe not to say ·ny- DJO,or, would yen stlll oheo1e to ma.rry me, It." Ab, who In the warld h11oe a wife morel· " Ah, D6otor, there will be ns 11noh good fondly hiving, more dee.rly beloved ? thlng a.b~ut the gm1ilem11on I had 1een, &11 the daughter of'- .' · ' [THE END,] Bowm~nville, .M:o.;r 6, 1886. 19-iw Mr, Calebreoke did not like hl.11., " What dee11 It 11lgnlfy to me whose luok, If he did not dl$oover the t?lok at .I (!tauadiau Jtati~mau. Shall Sha Be Sacrificed? YO UNG AHO MIDDLE·ACED MEN·· lnvalids'Hotel ~Surgical Institute I iflF succESS. ELICATE D Favorite Prescription ur ma . RICE $I on P OUNN~S BAKINC THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND ·· ~·. POWDER JOHN SPENCER, FACrrs j Dr. DORENWEND'S j :c .. -- -- 1- 3: C!J 0.. ... - r· WORLD'S BESJI WEST'S ~LIVER - N. EW HARNESS SHOP ---o --- PILLS DYSPEPSIA? -SICK .HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. R £ p A I R I NG John C.West & Co. PROPRIETORS, wm I J R BRADLEY TORONTO.

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