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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1886, p. 7

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,__ - of 1unii J.eopold;' ·'· · A young anma.rrled girl ef l. ~ aald. In reply FRIDAY, OCTOBERS, 1886. t9 queatl&111 : "My work in the ooa.lpltll -···- -·- ·-·,., . begma at 5 o'ole.c k in the morning ir.nd end1 -~-=-----=='---. .c:.:.'----"-==-'---~ beween 9 and 11 at nigM. I lead from sixty to il'i!Venty o,a.ra every day, and I .e arn · 2 franc· (20d.) a day. I went regularly to CATARRH.-A new treatment has been dis· soheol frem my olghth to my twolhh year. eoverecl whereby a permanent cure of this I oould read once, but I have fergottan It all hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely affect. now,,, Pit work ecght to be x>rohlb!.ted fer· ed in from one to three applications, no matter whether standing one year or forty years. This girls, · remedy is only applied once in twelve days, Upon being preaaed more chi!ely by t.h e The . astonishing success which has atte'Ilded our new departand does not interfere with business, Descrip· Pr esident ehe s"'!d It ruined t he more.la· Bf . tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by ·every geed ·look!ng gir l. "The overseers ure, has surpassed our most sanguine expectations, we did· A.H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West, '.L'oront o, Canada. bribe the prettiest gb:la by givlug them the . WHAT 18 CATARRrr1 not at first hardly dare to hope for the gratifying results which best paid werk." Catarrh is a dangerous disP.ase which thous· A ·marrled w~man said: " The week be· ands are consciously or unconsciously suffering have so far been obtained, and we trust that the numerous ~ from. It is a muco-purulent discharge caused fore la.et my husba.nd eamed 13 franOI> (Us,) by the presence of a vegetable parasite in the He had never earned a larger 1111m In a week, customers, who have liberally patr<mized us will feel that we . l'ining membrane of the nose, 'l'he predisposIt 111 lmpoeaible for ue te live en euoh a wage, ing causes are a morbid state of the blood., the When I have bought our food and firing 'he have proved conclusively that under the " spot cash " system blighte~ ~orpuscle of tubercle. the germ poison of syph1)!s, mercury, toxomre, from the reten. wbele wage Ir apent; It is no11 enough to tion of the etfete matter of tho skin, suppressed we can and do place our goods at prices that were not pos~ cevor rent and clothing." perspirations, badly ventilated sleeping apart· . Tile mother of a. f11mlly replied ; .. I sible under t he old credit style. ments and the germination o! other poisons in To those who have not yet ·the blood. Irritated by tl1ese, the lining memacaroely dnow the taste of meat." brane of tho nose is ever ready for the recepAnether young girl eald that laex· working favored us with' a call, we would say, . Do so AT oNcE, it will tion of th~ parasite, which .rapidly sprcada;up Stunted A1'.ima.Is Never Reoc,fer. day In the pits beg1 m at 4i or 5 A. M, a.t1 d the uostnls and. down tho !auces, or back of be the means of saving you many a dollar. Very rarely Is an animal worth ·ra.ialng cleaed at 11 P. M., fer whwh she received 1 the throat, cansmg ulcera.t1on of tho throat; up the eustachian tnhes, causing deafness; bu,:. that ia stunted during the growing puled ol franc 80 Oelllt.imea to 2 frano~. A yoUDger r owing in the vocal cords, causing ·hoarseness· it0 life·. The prefih en ralaiDg stock are alet-Or left off W"rk at 6 P . M., but sbe only usurping t)le ~roper structure of the . bronchial tee e.mall to allow of keeping and feeding earned I fi'anc ~O centimes (h, 3d ) Nearly tubes. endmg m pulmonat-;f consumption and young l!.nimala thlllt hu.ve for any length (If all the glrl11 volunteered, In almeat the s11me death. ·Many ingenious speiflcs fol' for the cure ot ulme stepped growing. A mature ;,,:u1rn~l worde, the emphatio statement, " G!rla --·o- - catarrh :t;iave bee!' .invented, bnt withou~ suc· m11oy get tb.ln ln cold we&ther or en ahert eught not to be allowed to work In the pits;" cess, until a physician of long s_tanding discov· 11 feed .and. then fatten up again when the . a d thiay were una.nlmon· In their complaint· ered the exact nuLu1·e of th dLSeaee and tho ca~rns only appliance which will pei-manently destroy oondltlens a.re made fa.verD.ble to a gain, of the temptations put I.is lbelr way by bhu the parasite, no matter how aggravated the blli a. month or a. week of lest t!mo lD the overteers. case. Sufferers should send stamp at once The President 1uked ea-0h of them, Ufe of a arewlng animal oan never be re· for descriptive pamphlet on catarrh. to the business mana~ers. Ji, H, Di:><on &; Son, 305 galntd, If the grewlDg per!ed is paet with· "Wh11ot nourish~ent do~ ou have? De you King street. west, Toronto, Canadt>.. out making the growth that is n&tural to often take meat ? What the Rev. E. B. Stevenson, B.A., a ClervY· the Individual that. individual, whether It One girl N plfocl: Cl Three months ago m!'n of the L ondon Conference of ll;e Metho· be 11' oalf u, oolt a pig ohioken or a ohild we had some me&t gn eur table ; I have diet Church of Canada, has to say in rer,ar d To A H. JJixon &: Son's New, Treatment fo ,. mllfli re~111!n under-bl~ ~hl.'ough Iii&, Re· never tiu~d 1U1y since." Ano~hu aaid: "I - - I ' N -Catarrli, · aently while traveling we mat a boy from t11ke a bottle ef watt.1 with t he ~rnit every Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 Non Soo\iia, 1al1) t o Pe 16 y e\\rU Qld1 ~bat morning; I oa.n!lot afford <Kffoe, Messrs. A, R. Dixon di: {3on :. . . wao but t w61lliy-four inches Wgh, and "' elghThe Pteeldent e.sked lln old workman who DEAR Sms,- Yours of tl!e 13th inst. to httnd. ed but eigh~ pnund, . Suoh dwru:fs as these had spent bis lUe In pita why no effort bad It s<':emed almost too goorl to be true that I am cured of Catarrh but I know that I am. I may enjoy !I fe.ir degree ef health, but by no been mad,e by th'm to bring their condition haYe had no retll~n of the diSC!1BO, and never system of feeding ca.n they be grewn te the b6fore the noUce of tile public. ' ' I would relt better ln my life. I have tried so many naturi:.l utanda.rd. r.f&he specie,, The benes, gladly ha.ve given ev!denoe," said he, ' 1 but things for Catarrh, ~u~ered so much. and for though n1all, are matured bone&, e.nd can· I kn.11w that I Bhauld be dismissed If I told so many years, tha t 1t 1a hard to realize that I am really better. et bo mir.de to enla.rge, any 1tory about the works, My oemrades I consider that mino was a very ,bad case; it --.A.T-Tho m~jorlty ef farmore aeEm 'net to be have urged me to spea.k fer them, a.a I ha.~e was aggravated and chronic,'invclving the throat as well 1 as the nasal pas1"mges. and I a.w&re of ihe fact, er to heed It If they know had ao l~~g an expedenoe, B11t I wa.1 afH1d thought it would require the three: t1eatroents, It. The fundament&l rule of growing to do ltl, but I feel fullf cured by the two sent me, and ~took me.y be expressed in these terms : H !aApreuent waee· a.ro 2 fr&nc11 a. day I am thankfo that I was ever induced to send Feed a .-iiffiolenoy and ef the proper kind of (la, s,, ). When he wa.e younger and stronger to You you.are at liberty to use this letter stating foed to k~p the animals always grewlng aa ho used to earn the sum 2 frauoa 50 centimes that I have been cured at two treatments. and rapidly BB postlble, As long a.1 the. ?Giil.- a day, . I shall gladly recommend you:c remedy to some tive prfoe1 of feed and meat m'1oke atack The Fro.tdent lnquxr~d If the workers of. my friends who are sufferers. growlag prefita.blo at all It will pr.y to feed f(lund regulr.r wages or p1eoewerk men pre· Yours, with many thanks, REv, E, B. STEVENSON. after this rule fitable, And hnndreds or others "Tile day wag·· II mllerable," 1aid the ' eld man, "but piece work I· no bettor, for . Timely 6U4l;e,estiona. if the ovel'1eor1 find that a man earns more An eld farmer eaye he never knew "a by piece work, tho terms are at enoe lower· wh!.tlbg laborer" whe aave any trauble ed. abeut .hli feed, Iod11lag, or 1:iny llnle edra One ef the worklng-ola11 leaden, whe wu weik, Such men are generally kind and ex&mlned ,a.t great 11ngah by the President genilll to children e.nd to animals ef all de- and Oemmluionen, denied that the work E will pay th~ ~bove :Reward for any gree· ; they come around him without folk were Seolalbt revolutlonarlem. They case of Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, fear. Genera.Uy such men have clear ou11· will follow any leader In their de~pa.ir, but · Sick Headache, Indigestion or'C:oetivonesa · - - - ,A T - - aolenoo, clean teJigue1 and merala, and are their own aotno.l demands are very simple. we cannot Cure with WEST'S LXVEB 11afer among young people than the majerity The Prealde1tt aaked him te fem1ulate u PD.Ls, when t:O.o Directions are strictly of atrelllng handa ore, wheue preaenoe ehor tl1 H posclble ihe real pregl'l1mme de· complied with. Large Boxes, containing ameng them, when not guarded, le .pollu· llred by' the workingmen a.nd women In the 80 l"ills, 25 Cents; 6 Eo;r;;ee $1.00. 6014 tlon and pe1ditler1, pit., by all Druggists. Heav011 iii a epeolfio dlwrder arlalng frem Spea.king ef the empleyment of children, indigestion u one prlnoipe.1 oauee, Musty · he ·aid: "We wa.nt the werk da.y fer hay and grain in one of the pred!aposlng children Hmlkd to eight hours, 11nd their ' . oauaea, Among the mere prominent symp· wil.gts fixed as follow! : Children of 12 te Continues to do a General Banking Bnsinese km.I fl a grunting corgh, mere er lell 13 vear.. 1 fr~no 20 centime11 a day of eight eBo wmanville Branch. em&0ia.tien, a atr.rlng ooa.t, and a general dis· houni; from 13 to 15 yeart, 1 franc 60 cen· DEPOSITS a.blllty fer werk, The treatment la to feed tlm5 1; Ii to 17 years, 2 franos, Received in Savings Bank DeIJartmentand nothlDg but the most digestible food, and The Preeldent-Then yen weald net abelcents-r~gular 11111 and interest allowed at current rates. No wUh ae llt\lo hay aa will properly distend lab ohlld la.her? iotioe of withdrawal necessary, ' .All deposltt the 1tema.ch. Give but Uttle water at a. " We weuld not abellah famiUe1, My payable on demand, time, but as often r.a necessa.ry, and never family oenalats of nlDe persona, only three EX(JHA.NGE Immediately afk>r eating, Do net drive of ua earning anything. We have to keep the herae hard, and never within an heur alx who are net eamera, The united yearly !Jonght and sold and Drafts issued upon Europe Jnited States and Cunada, also Gold,Silver and after eating. Grus, any frult1 the horae luo"mo of the three ef u1 who are werkera ii united Sta~es Greenbacks bou11:ht and sold, will eat, aoalded sound eatl, and :bran 1,500 franc1." masho1 w!ll be Indicated. If the bowels a.re The Pre1ldent aaked U they would net [ (JOLLECTIONS oenntiJ)6ied give the following : Five like their children to go to 1eh.ool a.filer the Promptly made at current rates upon all par dre.ma B i rba.doea aleea and 1 dra.m each ef iwelfth lear, ;1 Great Brittain, the United States and Do gentian and ginger ; ma.ke into a. br.11 wttli ~ "Ne,' replied the workman I "1' is net minion of Canada.· soap or drup a.nd give, As a tenlo te be peaalble for ·he p11orent11 to wait until a long ' 'Telegra.pll Transrert1 given in soft feed the fellowing wlll be aoboal term 11 ended, a1 the family needa good : One-hall ounce sulphate of iron, l the wage· of the elder children, We have Made for largo or small sums on all parts of ounce nitrr.te of potaah, 2 dram1 fenagreek nell en1y to keep our young obildren, but Canada. Thia le especially advantageous to seed, 2 ouncea linseed mea.l; pewder, mix. al1e eur old peeple, After hu fiftieth year persona living in Mamtoba or tho North·west as it malces the fonds u.yailable at onoe at ·he and give a ten}}eenful morning and nJght. a man can earn little In the pita, and Is place of payment. Let the herae ooel slowly and then groom usually diamland." For further particulars call at the Bankln11 him quite dry, first with a. wisp ef ·straw, Thi· 1peaker-wh11m the workers wtre ,,_;:;:..BOWMANVILLE~-House. then with a bxnsh. This removes duet, dirt, particularly anxlou1 to have examined, as T. BRODIE, GEO. McGIT, L, a.n.d aweat, and allows time for the atomaoh he le ID good repute beth as a werkman and Accountant, Managet to reoover Itself and the appetite to return. an orator-told the OemmlBBleners tha· the -lv Aho let his legs bo well rnbbed by the average weekly wages ef the head of a house· hand. Nothing so soon removes a strain. hold In fnll werk 11 from twelve te fourteen KING STREET E AST, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. It ir.lae detects thorns or eplintera, soothea frano1. " l need not ea:y 'hat a family can· the anlm&lls, and enablea him ·e feel oem· nou live upon that ; the wife must work fortab!e. when 111he can, the children a1 1oen u 'hey We are now £nishing 30 of the best Cu.rriages and Buggies ever made in t his establishment, wit h best g rade of Wheels, Steel Axles and best S t eel Springs, Snocees In the dairy depend11 entirely oaa. ~ upon the dafJyme.n. A good 1 dairyman, A married woma.n, who had been a worker trimmed wit h t he best stock and well. paint ed. We are getting ou t first of all, wlll see that he haa ho neoes- In the oeal pit, 1a.ld : " I o.m the mother of We are very peer ; but I CENSUS OF THE CITY OF WU·MING· IISIE.N, 811 ry applla.noea te lneure suooess-geod aix ohildreu, cows, suitable feed and buildings, and the would rather etarve than that one of m·y In the Province of Mei·yu-/u, proper utenalls and knowledge fer turning girls should go t o work in the pita, The E very Boa.rd warran ted to be made of the best Steel a nd well tempered. Men-11one. out a first·olaes product, In fact, the in- oveneera use all mea.ns in their pewcr to ruin Women-none. talligent and enterprising dai.ryman wonld the girls, If nething else auooeeda1 ·hey We are also getting ready a stock of MOWERS, improved and second Ohildren under H, ol both EexeE-none. be aatlsfied with 1i1Qthlng elie, will put a. timid young girl to werk In a sol· to none in the ~arket . They will be r eady in good season and warranted to do good Grand total- none. l have a farm well tiled that waa wet itary place until she ie terrified." work. We a.re also making a number of HAY TEDDERS, which will also be ready -:e-Y-. The beat tea. of China oome1 from South· befere tiling ; now it la a fine tame-grass When nhe was a.aked what wage her in good season. They have b een t ried by some of our best farmers, to wh om we ern Yun-nan, whioh Is mostly Inhabited by , land, About three to three and a half rods family earned, ahe replied that her huaband refer i ntending purchasers. We are also Shan peeple and from the Shan Staha each side of the tiling the olonr hae grown ha.d thirteen francs a week, and one of her W I am fully prepared t o attend Funerals on themselves, 1 The English traveller, Mr. ·a geed aeoond crop, wblle the Ia.nd on tihe aona eighty centimes a day, the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates 11 To the question ae to the foo1I of the Caskets and Burial Cases ready en short notice Oelquhoun, says that tho Shane are pe,oe" eutalde, mowed the ~ame day, hall hardly iret-class hearse on very moderate terms able, induatrious, civilized and lettend, i;.nd &tarted at all. My neighbor ha.a a. corn- family, ahe nid : " Every Sunday and which has gained a. good reputation in this localit y. Shrouds and C.offius constantly on hand. Fun seem tio be by nature a raoe of )!eddlers, field whloh show 11 ~he same thing. No 'l'htusday I buy a pound Gf meat; on all ral oa.rde 11upplied at once, Furniture Shop&; There Is an English scheme lor a railway wa.ter ha.a run through the tiling since aboui ether daye we live en peta.·001 and bread,' Plow Points of every descripti on by the ton, and m ade from steel, wrought iron, &c how Rooms-Bounsall'sNew Block. from Burmah lnta the Shan Siato1, June 25. We are also getting ready a stock of WAGONS . Mill and Engi no ·wor k a. specialtJ All of wh ich will be sold on the m ost reason able terms . Be was Surprised. Promoting Oivilization. Ha.rd Work. BOWMANYILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAG E Co, Wlrlen it comee to 17ing the Soabb.ern The oampa.lgn of tbe English In Abynlnla, negro has few equals and no superiors; Mr, Smiles aaye that many more men die 14-3m. Cash PJ!:id for any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron. ef P.elfi,hnee·, Indulgence and idlene111 than some ten )'eara 111101 and tho i&ter lnvaaien " Whab do you mean by 11elng such die of overwork, E ven these whe aoi;m to of lihe country by for ces sent to the relief of vlolenoe ~owarde your wife 7" a11ked the break down by overwork generally fall to Gen. Gordon, have led to aome unaan&I. order their lives rightly, a.nd negleot the corrt11pandonce between the two uevern· Austin recorder of Sam J ohnalng. " I didn't aae no violence, boso." mentll. Dlplomatlo netea ha're b0en sent, erdina.ry condltlone of physical health, " Bub you did ; her face la all swolen · Mr. Smlioo quoteq Lord Stanley aq saying and aokMwfoci'g ed with the usual fermall· to the atuclenta ef Glaugow, that he doubt. t ies. TG emphasl~9 the more, ,Tongly the up from the blow. Didn't you strike e6\ whether" hard work, ste11odlly and regn· expreealens of mutu <1.l respect; mlU!y pre- heri" sents h:(!,ve been mil.de on beth &ides, Seme la.rly 0:1.rr ied en, ever yet hurt anybody," "Yes, boss, but hlb waa an accerdent· tanded with I se n6ah·slghted." .The 111.me !!.ufihor alqo attompt11 to prove .ef theee .ieurie~ea were amusing re~ults , according t , a recent Eng· that those . l':mthor~ whe hr.\1e won the " Wha.t'n th&t gob to do with it 1" Aro pleasant to tua. Contu!n their O\VI,. hlgheat sucooos in literature, have not been llah writer: Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the "Heaps, b oes:beapo. Yer see I wa11 at Purgn.tivo. Io n. sn.:fc, D'! JTo, nnc.l ei:focta.&1 Aftar t he war wlth Abysliiinla, an E~g· men of leirmre, who dGv9ted the!:r whole d etJtros"'" oi: w·orma in CiiiP. ,.,., m· Adult~ de gate and was gwinte:r go down t ewn, llshmim a11ked u. oMef whl!.t gilt he would time to letters, \!Jut men active In public LIVER, STOJJIA.tJD, KIDNEYS AND 110"\VELS. 1 ome a.saista.noe he and I jlea kissed my han' ter Ma.tlldy." .. 11'*1i'lmll lll!MU··ll!!·Wl!lliildil·B!illll'l·ll!lMl!l!llRIZIW !llRlll·lli:-lliiilZ!l'Pll'llM!ID'llllM!ll'ltl"'WIHllli ·' -1\li!lll" affalre or In prival;a life, who hr.d Gn ly most mrn In r eturn fo~ 1 " K fa!led y onll' hand . to her ~" They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and ha.d rendered, 11>nd tha Ebhtopfo.n. at once re· fipare houm for wrhicg, "Yea, boas, kieaed my h11.n' to he:r, but DD,nte, P etrarch, Recoafo a.nd Araeote, !n plfo& th&.~ there wau one thing abeve all are invaluable in all Oomplatnts Incidental to Fema.les of all Ages. Foll' _, Italy, wore all men ef aJfairu : Baoim, ethera that hia hell.rt cove!Nd, ~ntl th'1.t w~,~ owing ter de defocb l.n my eyes, I spoeed Oh ildren and the aged t hey are priceless. Spenser and Milt on, iln E nglani', wera also --net a rifte, or a telesoepe, or even a cau· Bhe m~a mor'n twenty feeb off, bun ahe OINTM EN T ~ in p11bllo me, Shake~pe1.1re WTMI mir.ni;iger mm-but the full d1·eam vf A British genera.I wae:n' t . She WM so elus ber m e dab de back ob my han, 1 hit her smack In de of the drama, to \'fhioh work: he Heme to eflber. h11.ve given mere time tbu.?1. to hl8 lmmarba.I mouf. I nebbar was ao 11prised In my Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is fa.moue for G out and Rheumatism, For disorders of the Mrs. M!\ckay, who has been so BUOCMsfnl llfo." . oompositlena. Lord Macaulay wu prep?.r· -Cheat it has no equal.ed to write h!etery by his experience In In Lendon soo~e~y, and whose ent<art1.1 in· " Well there Is 1mobher sur prise In Parliament and bi lndfa, and John Stuart: ments at Oowes hi:.ve been t he t11lk of Eng. 11to.re for you. You pay twenty dollara For Sore Tln·oats, Bronchitis, Couglts, C:olds, Mill wrote many of his earlier worke, lfah pea11le, will In I.\ week or ~e leave ~he and costa or you go to the country ja.1.l." whUa In the employ ef tha Eaet Indli.\ Ide of Wight fer Swntzer land, Gl~ndula1· Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for Compimy, · A. Brooklyn le.dy at Greenwood La.ke put contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. - - - - - · - ,_,__ her bioby on i:. bed to Eleep, iwd, feadng A Oordial Invitation. When a clergymBn reme.rked there would that It might rel! off, placed an epen Manufactured only at THOMAS HoLLOWAY's Establishment, Scene, front doat, Time, 12 o'oloak Sun· be a nave in the ohnroh the sooiety was trunk half full of clothing by tho bedside building, an old b.dy whispered that she that the child might fall into It if it fell d11.y nlghil. '18, NEW OXFORD STREET, (lata 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON1 She: Say, G:aorge, whein u.r e you coming knew the party te whom he referred, from the bed. The ohild d!d fall from the And are eold at ls. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., Us. , 22s., and 33a. ea.011 Box or Pot, an d! A new book, " Hlnta te Poets," Is j11st bad, a.nd did fall Into the trunk, but when 11gain? may be had from all Medicine Vendors throughout tho World. He : Oh, I'il be here Monday night. N e wspap&r< Advertising Bureau , a11t, It will be fellowed by a sequel, the mother found ib it was dead, It h111d Sha: S11oy, Gearge, u1111't yeu oome ba· WPurchase:rs shoul d look at the Label en the l'ets and Boxes. u the rddre 10 Spruce st., Nevv York. "There'a the Deer," for uae in editorfal !;angled ,1Js he11>d in the clething and11methfore Moo.iir>'f? iii ;u li33, O;U"ord IS~reet, J.ondon, they Me llJPl&rloq··I Send ;1.ocw. tor ;OO.Pa11c Ptl\mpblet1 foew11, ered. ·~anadiatt. J)~~~Stt,l_~µ~. I. &AU Wli!QWWF = =========·==··=-== · == · ·=:::::: .-':::'·:::: ·cc ' =·· =-. CATARRH ! ssoo.oo \I EWARD·! N THE ONTARIO BANK rhore _ that exiplorers, adventurer11 or trader1 ha.ve not viBhed, &nd, fer tha.' very reast n, .no doubt, people are muoh Interested In finding out wha.t may be known abeut the few remain· big un~xplorod pertlona, To . say uetblng & bout the Polar regions, abaut which there is, wo m&1y suppose, little that 11 intereatlr g e:rnept th11.t tbey are lna.coeaslble l nor a.bout Thlbet, whose people will !lot permit fer· elgneu to vl~lt them I there are still a few ceuntr!e11 about whioh we are just beginning to kuow through the vidh of ebservant · I" l h toient ·lC exp.orers,. 'W ese stories are cert1<lnly very Interesting, Tbera Iii New Galne~, for b:rnbnoe, a great · 1anu. -> · ie north-east'of .Aust ralia., whioh, theuitli m1.rn1 ahips have p111nsed by lte llhores, has eng been marked "unexplored" on the map·.. It ia now not only prettu well ex· ,, plor.-rl, but Is being celoniz~d by Europeans, Dr. M!klucho MM!a y, 11 RuSBlan ms.n of soi· enoe, wlll soon leave Russia with a. parh. ef tw 0 ' .. .· , fif I ·J nunureu 11.:m ty em 2rantl! to start a. Pettl~meut at .A~trolabe '&y, '" t· h R ·f· lhh (· now a A"ange t at use 111, w t e' m· manse demaln In Asia, should set a~ent ea.· tabllahlng IA colony In Polyne-lu.1 When Dr. M11olay d ecided to txplere north·eaut N G I . h ew u nea, Boven ~ears ago, o had himaelf put on ahere In the dir.rk at Aotr1ll'lba Be.y, and wma lefi; alone. There the natl.ven found him In the ·mornblg sitting on hie ' portmanteau en the beach, They d!d not know that there ware any white men In the werJd and they though~ ·. he had descended frem the sky. He enOGUr11ged them In the.ti belief ; but they set a.bout m 11king 6Xporlments to find out h th h f . I I · bi h W e er o WP.a o div ne Gr gm, W c nea.r ly killed him. They ehot arrows at him; If he was a god, they said, these could net hu.rt hfqi, Twe ef the arrows wounded him T severely. hey t[ed h!m to a. tree and preu·ed their spoara 11gaind hlu teeth till they made him open h ls mouth. T4ey Pt~rved him, balleving a ged 11cedcd ne foo& "'h' ,,__ 11 · d - 'd d . · h f .L ey lllla Y ec1 c tha.t e came rQm the moen, and treated him well, beca115e. whet.her he· Wl.\9 a god or not, he did !;hem muoh 11ervfoa wlth hf.a medlolno Dr Macfo.y . . ' · remain ed there twe years.' Other Europeans have followed him, and dfolare the oea.st to be ene of the most beautiful reglom in thu p · wor ·· · The W estern Soudan, In Afrioa, Is an· other gre!l.t a.nd populout regton which le · · te. the knowledge · f h JU·t oponmg 9 t . e world. lt la for the moot pa.it 11 ra.ther lev&l conn· try, fertile, with 11oa.t·ered bllls like our Western butteq, ::Che bla.ok Malinka. a.nd Ba.mbarre. races, pagan·, pos1es11Gd thl1 re· gion 11ntll El Hadj Om1u, whose aen11 new rule ever the greater part o( the weatern Souda.111 and whe belong te the Foulah raoe, alao black, but Mehammedane, came, wield· ing the awerd of Islam, · The Feulahe 1pread deatrttotlen over the oounl;ry ; and El Ridj Omar aet np a. great Muasulman empire, He did aeme good, fer ho planted trees over a wide ext;;nt of oonntry, 10 that many towns ha.ve woods and thickets around them where no vegeb· tlon existed before, But the Feufahq have fallen into disunion and strife ei11oe El Hadj Omar died. One branch of them, the Ton<Jouleure, have min· glad with the pag&n population te such im extent tha.t the Frenoh, who are trying te get poileeesion of ·he ceuntty, hope to make use of thim to overoomo the fieroe &nd warlike Fenlah nlt&na. The G?eat Shan Sta.tee, In the Interior of Farther India, ea.st ef Burmah and west t f · Ana.m and south of China, have until lately been almost as mu ah &n unknown reglen as Thlbet, They ha.ve, rdto1ether, an estf. mated population of thirty million, although the Independent Shan States ha.ve but three million. The rest of the country belon11s to the surrounding klngdemB. The olty of Z!mme, or T1oherg· mal, the oapltal of the portion of the Shan country ~hat beloni· to Slam, ha1 ltBelf a pepulation 1even hundred theusand, It ia rather diffi· oult, however, to make quite 1ure wha.t the population of these towns really la, a1 a Ohlneee oenaus ,ffioial once found out. He was sent; to enumerate the people of Wu-mmg-halen, Hmewhere In thla region, .Be deputed the work te two &11oletant111 who retumed suoh widely dUlerent figures that he dlsoharged them after punlshlnir them 1ovorely, He then sent two more l>ffiolala, who got tegether and agreed to retum the same numbtr, twenty thousand feur , hundred and one, Tho oeneuo c;f!Wlal shut them up separate· ly, o.tked ea.oh whether the odd ene waE a male er a female, and, reoelvlng cenll!otlng replies, reported beth mel' fer puniahment, He then tried to take the cenaus hlm1elf, bnf.i the people fled to the woods, and he hGnged himself In despair, On his person wae foun_ d the followillg : . ;:~!:1e~!t:~:::,:~::;;~ace T dE F Al,\l):t. ...,_, . . ·-.>;. ' : ~ ·. ·. It ·iilakes a Man of Him. GIRL WORKE~~~ OOAL F~. :a. Pictarc; !inTndercrtiiillifire Iii ·11e Eeahll It b net f went thing th1ot might hap· pen to a 00, to be born on a. 11tony farm, It WMI the rec!o Ba.nd the ~tumpa that were In tbe wa.y, anll which h11>d to be cl~ared out to ma.ke smooth land fit fer onltivatfen, that developed the energy and perelstenoe that have ma.de eome of our grsn.t men what they a.re, A bey that ca.n ·undertake tbo job of ploklng ama.ll atonoe from a four-acre lield and carry it thr·mgb without oom· plaining, ha.e 11.rqufred a training that will CAUY him throngll. almoat a.ny difficulty be may bo ou.llcd upon to overcomo In a.fler life. The men who prcjeot tunnels through mounta.lns and under :dvern, who dig canio!· &nd build rallrcado 11.cro·s oontine1;!s, a.re not wen wha llheri boys bad everJ thlng done for them. but they are men who when boys had fie do for themselves or go with· out.: whe had to bee their own row, cut their own aw11th 1 and tl\ke their fl\fr ahare of the disagreeable work that eom~body w.11ot de In thb bnBy world, The B8-Zd.11.R· m · !! CA8U TatUMt»ttANT MASON BROS. THE BAZAAR. to be almost A large number of packing given away. GREAT BARGAINS FOR 30 DAYS Boots and Shoes D .. ·. D~A-V-I S'. 5 PLUJM:S - TOD BROS. '- 500 yds. of Grey Flannel, all wool, at 20 price, 25 cts.-· 500 yds. of Grey Flannel, all wool, at 30 cents-regular price, 35 cts. 3 dozen Comforters at right,prices. 40 pair;Blankets, below regular prices. 25 Spindles Baldwin Fingering, at 9c. skein. TOD BROS. ___..... AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE ·co.J 300 of our THE ____ ·ce I e b rated Champion Plows _I UN DE RTA Kl NC LEVI MORRIS. AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER .. ..... - HEALTH F OR ALL! THE PILLS THE ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in An1erican papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co.,

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