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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1886, p. 2

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---.....----·~ <!tauadiau Jtatesuiau. FRIDAY , OCIOBER lv 1886 SPRAY; RIFT AND OR LOVE AND VENGEANCE AMONG THE '.l rrn MosT Ft1.scrnarING Oc< '.N Rl MANCE SINCE :fHJ 0 001 ER A:SD M AI 'I: UT DAYS OF CATARRH. CATARRH - .A. n ew t1eatm ent h as been dis covered wherebl a per manent cure of t his h Ltberto incurable d is ea se ts absolutely a ffect · ed tn rroin one to three a pplicat10ns n o rontter whet her standing one yee.ror fort~ }ee.1 s Ih1e remedy ts only applied once m tv;eh e days and does not rnte1 rare with business Desc11P tive pamph let sent f1ee on receipt of stamp by A. H D x on & Son 30a Kmg Btl eet \\ est Tlronto Canada Catarrh is ade.ngerous d1sE'1ase which t hous 1tn.de are consctously or unconsc1ously sufferm~ from I t is a muco purule nt discharge cause l by t he presence of a vegetable paraSlte m the Im n g membr ane or t he nose rhe predtspo~ mg causes m e a morbid s tat e of the blood the blighted corpuscle or t ubercle the g er m poison o r syr h1h.s m ercury toxomce from the reten tlOn of tho e ffete matter of the sk n suppressed perspitatlons badly v entilated sleep u11: a part ments an,d the germination ot other poisons in the blood I 1ntated by the·e tne hmng mmn br a ne of the noso 1s ever ready t or the r ecep tfon or the parasite which r a pid Y spreads up th e nost r ls and down t h o rauce, or b ack or the th1oat cauam"" ulcerat on or t h e t lu oat up the eustacb an t ubes causmg de1 fne ss bu ... ro·wm g m the yocal cords causmg h oarseness nsurpmg tbe pr oper s truct ure of t he bronchia l t ubes endmg m pulmonary consumption anel deatl1 1 \fany ingenious apeltlcs for for the cur e of cata rrh have been mHnted l>llt w tho ut sue cea· u ntil a physician o r long standrng cl scov e red the ex act nature or t h d 1s.,a·e and the only a ppliance which v; 111 perm anently destroy the paramte no ma tter how aggra-va t ed the case Suffer ers s bould send stamp at 01 ue for descnphve pamphlet on catar rh to t he b usiness m1tna.11er s A H Dix on & Son 30" Km11: s treet w est I oronto Canad· rnan oj tlte Londo" <Jonf e1 ence of t i e M etlw d t ·t Church of Canada has to say ni · ega1 d 'l'o A JL Dixon &: Sons N ew T reat1nent fo r Cata1-rh Oaklans Ont Canada March l" 1883 A£e B8'1'8 A H D ixon &: Son D EAR ::;rns -Yours ofthe 13thlnst to h 1tnd lt seemed almost too good to be t r ue that I am ~ured of Catarrh but I know tha t I a.m I !1b.a ve h &d no return of the disea se a nd n eve1 (elt better n my life I have tr ied so many t hmgs for Catan h suffered s o much and tor oo many yea.rs that it is h a rd to rea.hze that l ~~0~~~~%r ~~~~~lme was a very bad case It l!VaB aggra vated a nd c hrome inv cl vmg the t hroat a s w ell e.s the nasal passages an.:l I thou11:h t It would r equire th e thre e tteatments but I reel f nlly cured by the t v; o sent me and I am thankful t hat I was ever mduced to s end to you You a.re at liberty t<i use this letter st ating that I h ave bee n cured a t t¥'1 o treatments and I shall gladly recom mend y our re medy to s ome at m y rnends who are sufferers Yours with me.ny thanks R EV ' VHAT IS CAL~BRH'l Wll at tl e R e" E B Stevenson B A a Clergy And hundreds ot oth ers E B STEVE NSON s s o o . oo Propr10to1s 663 Mam St BUFFALO N y QEWARD ! the a bove :Reward f or a ny IV oa.se of :Dy spepsia., L iver Complaint, S ick H eadache, Indigestion or Costiven ess w e cann ot Cure with WEST' S LIVE:R PILLS, when the Directions are a trictly compllecl with. L arge :Bosea, c:ontainlng 80 J:'Ul&, 26 Centi!, & Do:sea $ 1 00. S old by all :Druggists. .AID will pay \~~ce"'s L ITTLE '\e as a " "" LIVER u ~ f!,,a \ \ " o e'\.\.01.5 PIL LS. THE ONTARIO BANK C ont m ues to do a General B a nk10g Bu s rness eB o...wme.nv1lle Branc h D E PO!§I TS Re<Jeive d In Sa vings Ba.nk Depar tmen t a n d l&ll and mteres t allowed at curr en t r e.tee No 1ot 1ce of wi thdraw a l necessary All deposltJ payable on d emand E X CHA.N GE 3oughtand s old e.nd Dr e.fts lssued u pon E urope J nLted S tate s a nd Ca.no.de. also Gold Silver e.i: cl Juited S ta. es Greenbacks bou1rht a nd sold FAC,.r - s CON CERNING- C O L L ECTIONS P r omp t ly ma de e.t cu rrent r a t es upon a ll pl\r .:if Gr ee.t B rittain t h e Umted S tates a n d De minion of Canada DORE NWEND'S Tel egratlll T 1·a n srer.i Made t or lar~e or small sums o n a.II pa r t s of Canada This 1s esp ecially a d v anta.geous to persons Hv mg In M anitoba o r the Not th w eal as It 'lll\kes the funds a va1le.ble a t once a t the place of payment For farthe r part10ulars call at the Bankln~ House GEO McGILL T BRODIE M anag<11 Accounta nt Iv UNDERTA Kl NC - E I Y '- L EV 1 MORRIS· ..- 1 am fully p r epared to a ttend Funer als on the shor test notice at the lowe st possible ratee Co.aketll and Burial Case s ready on Bhort notice 1 n t -cla s s h earse on ver y moderate ter ms Shrouds and Coftlns conetantly on hand Fun n.l cards supplied at once Furnit ure S hop &:: how Rooma-Bounsall sNew B lock ~N'S WO R M POWDER S .. Are :plo...,o.nt to t ake Contll.in their ow:.. l'ur;:at1 o Is a 1ato 1ure &1 u <!lle ctP I dNtron,. o l .,....,..... ill Cl.11ld nor AduUt ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of adTertising in American papers by addressing G eo. P. R owell & Co., N e w s papel' Ad'Vert1s 1ng B ure a u 10 S pru c e S t, N ew Yot"k $end i Oc t !I t or !UO-P,.ge Pam.phlet.

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