, ~aundiau jtatt.\lttu~n. Mapl~GroveNurseries " . .,,,_ . WATERLOO, N~ HOllSEHOLD. I\ tale A CHASE FOR WILD .HORSES. ' · ') ' Y. E'RIDA'·-, OC W BER 15, 1886. S'J'AND,lRD M E Uif:..U, WOBK lmlt WANTED. Good nctive r eliable men as canva~si ng Agents. Liberal inducements to g ood men. Apply at once t o YOUNC AND MIDDLE-ACED MEN. Only $ 1 ny lUall, Po~t.imltl . l' ~S TltATITE S AlUPLll S DUlt] NO A.J.L. J. W. McKA Y,. Gen . .).V.l;ana.ger. CANAJ)A BRANCH, Sx: 'rli:oMAS, '0.NT. BELL" A f:r eut !Ue1llc 1l lVorli: On Mnnl rnod. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility. Premature Decline in Man. Errora. of Youth. and the untold miseries resulting trom indiscretion or exceases, A book for every m11.n. young. middle-aged and old. It conto,ins 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseaees, ea.ch one of which i Bi nvaluable. So found by Au thor. whose experience for 25 yen rs is such as prob'l.bly never before fell to the lot or any physician. 300 pages, b ovnd in beaut1rul French muslin, embos.;ed covere, full gilt, guaranteed to be a :finer w ork in every sense than any other work sold in this country for $2.50, or the money will be refu nded in every instance. Price only $i by mail, postbaid, I llustratives ·ample free t o e.ny body. Send now. Gold med11.l a.war rled the author by t he National ::.vledical Association. to t he Pr esident of which. t h e Hon. P. A . Bissell. and a ssociate officers of tho Boa.rd the reader is respectfully refferred. The Science of Life ls worth more to the young 1 md middle-aged men of this generation shan a.II the gold mines or California and the silver· mines of Nevada combinecf.-S. F. ORGANS Unapproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. BELL &CO., Guelph, Ont. M~ MoRRISON'S Entire stock to b e 'l'he :Ocience or Lite points out the r ocks and quicksands on which theconstitution anrl hopes. of many a youu~ man have been f& itally wrecked.- llfanchester Mfrror. Chronicl~. . . Cleared out in30 days The Science of Life is of greater value than all th..;> m.edico.l wol'ka published in this country The good s will be 2old d own below cost. t or the past 50 y ears.-Atlanta Oonst'il'ution. The Science or Lite is e. super b a nd masterly t reatiae on nervous and physical debility.- Hats, B on n ets, Ribbons, L aces, F lo wers, Detroit F r ee Press. Feathe rs, Silk s, Salios, P lnshes, Velvets, There is no member of apciety to whom th e Gim ps, Co rds, Coll11rs, Frilling , 0 Sclc11ce of Life will not be useful, whether ] ' rin"es, ;)Outh, parent, g;uardian, instructor or clergy. Apro ns, Hose, Wool Jackets, Be rlin man.-Argonaut. · ' Vools, Saxony, Silk F loes, Arasen e , A ddress the Pet1.bodv Medical J n9titute, or T in sel, Embr oid erie s, &c. Dr . W . H. Parker, No. 4 Bulfinch Street, Boston Mass., w ho may be consulted. on all d iseases r equiring skill and experience. Chronic an.d Als o a great variety of F a n cy obstinate diseases that h ave baffled tLe skill Goods . or all other phydlclans a speci..lty. Such t reated successfully without an instance of MILLER'S B L OCK, ORONO. failure. Mention STATESMAN, Bowm anville, Ontario. 17-y. LA.D.IES, Your atten tion is dire cte d to the immense st ock of · MILLINERY of e ve ry description at ·use F. L AZAR US' (late or the tlrm of Lazar· ne & Morris,) Renowned Snectacles e.nd Eye· Glasses, 'l'hey arc the beat in the world, Th ey never tire the eye, and last me.ny years with· out change. For sale by Kenner & Co. Bow· manville. 6-lt. P1·ese1·ve Your Sight. MRS. DONNELV'S She has just ope ned o ut one of th e largest a nd m ost stylish s t ocks ever brou~ht t o town, consisting of: DUNN~S J :Uillinery, D1·ess Vdvets, &c., Silks~ BAKINC POWDER BEWARE - - -- - - - ----·---- - - ---- ···-- . w ith a very fine stock of Feathers a n d F lowers. C iill and in spect t his fin e d isplay, which cann o t fail to give satisfaction. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND ) F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS As there are many c·a fodor goods, col'ded with jute, hemp, etc., oJJered and sold as Coraline by some unprincipled merchants tm.ding on the l'eputation of our genuine CJo raliu <t>, we wir;n tho ladies against such imposition by drawing their at ten ti on to the necessity ot seeing that the no.me JOH"N SPENCER, '·stamped on inner side of all Coraline goods, Without which none are genuine. BUSINESS BOOMING -.AT '.l' IIE- H onorary Graduate of the Ontario eterinary College, 'l'oronto. Regist ered member or the Ontario Veterina ry Association, in accordance w ith the V eterlnnry Act, I s prepared to treat all d iseases of the Dom· estic Animals, according to the le.test theories. All calla per sonally, by Telegraph or Telephone w ill recei ve prompt attention , U-OF~ 'ICE-Main St., Orono, one door nort'h of W. lienry's !:!tore. CHA RGES MODERATE, ECLIPSE HOUSE. Our Fall Stock of CLOTHS and Men's Furnishing's are now complete. of Suits being sold. Our Cutting is cut by a. proper First Class Cutter-one who has commanded the sa.la.ry of one, a.nd earned the reputation. We do not think it advisable to employ journeymen tailors like some houses do and i nt roduce them t~ the public as first class cutte1·s. So call and get your clothing well cut at the Eclipse House. WORLD'S BESTI Any amount · - : POSITIVELY CURES : - 'J 'rmy 'w< c's a pbin smau who w.·erl on the A great deal uf brea,d is .t hrown aw<i..Y by plai11s near the famous Sa.~katclwwanJ~b·er., '· ~ those who can itl aflor d it, from hick of One day, while follo)ving som e t hiev:IBh .. Inknowleclge how t.1 use it. On the fai:m, in dians, he di.scovere<l a herd of wild horses , l no less <H1 miderb1kin1:t thau the most instances, 11f course, shclc bread i s not and p]a11ne1 wholly los t, for 11 wet a little, it m11kes good cap t1ire of the wh1)le herd. · ~ food for the pot~l try, or may be given to the He toltl h is clisco,;cry to a number of pigs, b~1t this 1s not t he best way to mllke I friends, men who'se li,'es were spent i.11 the use of it eYen by those wlH> h ave p oultry saddle· tendincr h·'>rses ltnrl cattle aud who a,ncl pigs. Thei'.e are many .'~:ays to t.1t ilize ali owned tough, wiry "brrmcl1<;5," as t h e stale . b1 :ead. It make deh c10ns grn'ldle- native horse is flailed, id a sot·t of h a lf-Mexicak es· when so_aked _in cold water. Three c<J.n ton gue, aud i t was fegrecd upon by all The astonishing success which has ~ttendyd our n ew departsmall slices wdh water enou gh to <:OYCr that 11n extended eft'ort should he made to them sh ou ld be sufficient, when the milk try ,~.rnl secure them for the money they ure, has surpassed our most sanguin~ ' e~pectations, we did m1d flvur are addc<'l, to ma,ke two quarts of '1·oultl bring in t he local market~. not at first hardly dare to hope for, the ·g~at1f,ying results which baUer. Some p 1'Cfer to put in one egg, . T he men .were gotten t ogether on a cerwlule others like _them fully <\S well wi~ho,ut. tai.n day at an r..ppointed rendc7.vou.>, and have so far been obtained, and -\ve 't!·ust ti1at tbo numei;ous '\'\'. h en t he hre,id 1 s s?aked_ soft nmke !t _ tine. \F i th six or seYen days' rntiom for the 1>arty, with" spoo_n, t1d<l tne milk ancl su,fficient anr.1 an eqnal amoirnt of for a"e for their customers, who have liberally. p~ti:0~i~ed us feel that we flour t? stiffen cnou$h so tha~ th~ caJ{es can ho1:scs, in a wagon they h ad Y1ircd, they 1er.. the " spot cash ,, system he easily tunwcl. if sour 1.mlk i;; u~~d atlcl st iutcd for the Bl ue \Yater , which they have proved conclusively that unc W, the batter 0110 eYe11 tal~losp~onful. ot sod.a . rc;iched in a r.l ay's lcmg march. Some twelYe we can and do place our goods , at ' 'p rices that were not posl ·rench toa.st, always a farnnte w1+h chil· 1or fifteen rniles sout h of the mouth of the dren, cm: be irmd_' of t hii_ i s! i~es cut f~om a ]',Jue VVl\ter, ·across the S<1skatchewall R iver, sible under the old credit. style. T o those who have not yet stale loaf arnl nv11 ste!1e<1 n1 nulk and egg~-- 1 inw which it emptied, was a m ilrotcd station two eggs to a pJ11t or milk-and then fried ! 011 the Canatl a l'acific a nd here h ad been favored US With call, we would say; D O SO A T <JNCE, it will on < t g riL ldle wit h a mixtu_ r e ?f butter and con.'ltructe<1 a hnge e n~losure to assist the lard or but.ter a11<l beef dnppmij:>, an~ may railroad ham.ls in shipping cattle, and this. entl,r13 means of saving you many a d ollar. be eatcu with sug:or or syrup, l ike gnddle- closure enters into our story. cakes. Pieces o[ b.rea1l which ar e not too · The fi1·At d ay at their camp on t he stream hard canbcmarlc mto arescmblan ceoftur- wasgiventothe it·riding horses for ti goud '.'ey dressrng. Cut ~he hreitrl mto d ice, ":nd i.·est and to be for! up, while with the two 1f you have a 11uant1ty of gr,wy fn mt wluch h01·3cs from the wagon fat can be taken, left from (1.llY kind of ro<ist- though a piece of butter w ill do as Ti r;, y RODll Ul' THE ~-Af,Lf;y well- thoroughly grease t he bottom of a to "lot:aLe the herd, " for it was nut improa sp ider,Jrnt in t he breu.d, with some little h'1.ble that the seeing of th e men might have chunks o butter anrl plenty of seasoning ; frigh tened them over to some stream n ear t hen pour enou~h boiling water 011 to mois- the mue Water, in wh ich case the camp ten it , coYer tightly, and, in ·;i, moment, it woulr1 have to he moved t here. Alt h ough will steam t h rough and you can stir lt, aur.l the horses were n ot seen, their fresh h'acks either brown a little or luwe it moist lik e were, and t he t wo men retmned to camp to chdsin". It should he eaten wit h gravy report the fact. 0 over it, anrl is a good substitute for potatoes. 1 Before the sun h ad set tlmt day, four of --IlN-The little dry, hanl pieces and crusts which ·the horsemen, with their blan kets t ied bealways accumulate can be put on ·a pill-tin in himl their. 3<ir.lclles, left camp and ascended au oven that is ;just hot enough to dry and the valley t o where the tracks of the wild mak e them a liah t hrown, then roll them fine horses were thickest. in t he creek bottom, and put away t o use in making croquet tes, which indicated where t ltcy came to drink frying fi sh, etc. E ven these slightly brown- in t he morning and cool of t he evening, and ed crurn b" make excellent griflrlle-cakes posting one man wit hin sight of the spr ing with the addit ion of one egf' and a handful a t the he<td, the oth ers were st retched down of flour imd milk to a batt~r. Stale bread the stream about a m ile a.part, but in such a - -AT-ma.y he u t il ized in n111king a cnstar1 l pud- position that the hor~e coult1 not drink from d iug also. The fact is, that where economy it withcmt l>e ing seen. is the rule Lread will not qe thrnwn fiwn.y. In fact , the whole object was to prmrent their gettiug a clrink t hat evening or next morning, so that 011 t he mo1Tow's run they F avourite Recipes. w ould be at a great disadvanbge compared FoA:MlNC S.rn<i~:. ---Onc-half cup of butte1·, with their own horses. one cup of boiling water, one cup of granuOne of th e men S<tW them k ooping clown lated sugar. Be'1.t the butter to a cream, as dusk was coming on ; letting them get add the sugar and heat uuti.l i t is white and very near .t he wat er, he fr ightened t hem foaming. J u st before se rving pom· on the back ; not violcntlv, but just e11ough to boiling water and st ir tt minute. M AKE Tl!E)I 'l'AKE TO 'l'JIJ;; HILLS, l'litNUTE P uDDllm.- One pin t of milk, one 1spoonful of s;clt and· one p int ·Of flour. and watch him carefully from th e dist an hnlf t e1 Boil the m ilk after addiug t he salt ; when crest. H e passer! along arou11d the next the milk begins to rise, stir in the flour, and point out of th eir sight, a11d from here as soon as it is well mixed t h e pudding is watcherl t h eir movements. In ahout a half done. It should not he made until afteT of <\11 ho~q: t h ey came cautiously back, stopthe sauce, as i t sh ould be eaten as soon <ts ping e,·ery minute or t wo, anr.l with ears pricked forward, to survey the scene, and made. cspeci<tlly that pu.rt of it where the horse· · - - -AT-- CoTTAOf: PuDnINo. -Sift with one and n1an had disa1 )pcarcd. Again h e allowed one· half cups of flour one teasp oonful of t hem to get nei11' to t he · water, w hen, cream , tal'tar and onc-bf1lf teaspoonful of mounting, h e ~rnlkcd t o\1 -ards tbcm, aur.1 soda. M ix with this one cup of sweet milk, they trotted rapirlly uway, as heforc, and one cnp of sugar and two eggs well beaten. a.gain he cnn eealed lti1nsclf from the ir vievr. Bake ti ll done in a quick oven. This is a In a l ittle while longer, darkn ess hii><l set Yery good } Jm ldiug and ~hould be served in, t111cl '1.S these animals ncYer trtwel at with a liquid sMtce flavored to suit . n igbt, it was fa\r to pres ume they had pick· SAUCE.-One coffee cup of sugar, one cd Ont some cosey little grnss spot at the scant h alf ~ up of butter, one egg, one lemon, head of the vttlley, and lti id tlown fo r the one-half of a s mall nutmeg , three tablesp oon- night, but withou t their e\·euing drink, a de· fuls of boiling water. C.:rearn the butter and priYation, howeYer , to which t hey were n~ t sugar together, ad,l t he egg, well beaten, all altogether unaccu::rtomed, so nmny suspithe juice a.nrl h alf the grated rind of t he cions eleine1i.ts of r[,inger did they observe. l emon and the 11ut111eg ; beat ten minutes and Having satisfied th emselves where the wild then add the boiling water, a tab lespoonful horses came to drink, even to the elGict spot, at a t ime. Keep the sauce hot over steam the scat tering line of men drew together at or in the top of the tea k ettle, but do not this point at a cold supper t hey had brought allow it to boil. w ith them, p icketed their horses out on t he SroNGE P UDDJNG. :--T hree eg&s, one cup h cst }latches of gmss ne< tr by, and sprc,1d· of sugar, one cup of Hour, two tal)lcspoonfuls iug t heir blankets on the ground, went to of wa ter, one-half teaspoon:'nl oi soda, one sleep. · and one-h<llf teaspoonfuls of crearn-ta.rtm._ At the ,·cry first hrmik of daylight t hey Beat the egg thoroughly, mix the cream- were np, their break fast taken cold, as be· tartar with th e flonr and add the soda ia~ t, fore, and th eir blankets rolled up m1d p lacd d issol ;·cd in the colLl Wt\ter. Bake iu ii large in a posit ion w here they could rear.lily find dripping pan ; sp1cad t he batter thinly and them again, a ml, ·with t heir horses saddled, b ake te1~ minutes. When clone, sp read ".·ith waited for t heir prey. They strung along currant .1elly, roll wlu le warm aud lay rn a the stream but not so fa1· apat·t as ·befor e eau towel. Sel'l'e cut in s~ic_es wit!1 a pull- I for when ti1e wild horses put iu an ;ippear'. cl_ dmg saL we ; or en.ten cold it is a mce cake. I ance agam , t hey wanted to be nciir enough CocoANU'l' PUDDING. - Soo.k t hree ti1hle- 1for action together. They had n ot waited Rpoonfuls tapioca in cohl wate1· oYer night, Yery long , boil one quar t of milk, ;idd the tapiocf1 lind j wHES Tlrn w1Ln HORSES CA~rn boil five minut es; then add t he yolks of four 1over. the h ills and dow:n into the valley, eggs, four to,blespoonfuls of sugar, three J ma.kmg for the stre'."m with au ~ssurcrl wal k , tablespoonfuls of d~ssicatec'. <;ocoa1rnt ; ]Joi! as if th1;y f~lt ccrt"'m tlmt theu- aunoyan ce KING STREE'f EAS'l', BOWM.ANVILLE, ONTARIO. ' t en mmutes ; turn m to a d ish to cool ; beat of t h e evemng before must have h ad aniple the whites· and two ta blespoonfuls of s llO'ar t ime to get away, and lrn.<l clone so. to a foam. Spread over the top and sprinkle· Two of t he mcu came together, arnl when We are now finishing 30 of the best Cl$rriages and Buggies ever made over a little more cocoanu t. Set iu the t he horses were about to drin k , showc:d in thi11 establishment, with best grade of Wheels, Steel A x lea and best Steel Springs, trimmed with the beet atock and well painted. We are g etting out t hemsel ves, mounted, anrl as th ey tor e a way O\'en to brown slightly. .. . ·. , . , , .. over t he hills, followed th em slowly at a ~PPL~. ~R 1'.ll:"~l! MERIN'GUr,:--Ste\I and I t rot . T he other two men, apprised of this s~ cct c_n upe _Jlll~Y _a11ples. M~sh smooth star t by the sig11 iils of t he first two, now ai~d se'."son with '.i httl~ nutme,, or lcm~n. mounteil and walk ed t heir h orses to t he top Every Board warranted to be made of the beet Stee l and well t e mpered . Lme p ie plates with a m~e crust a nd bake. 1 , of the n earest h igh hill overlook ing t h e As soon l\ S don e flll w_1th the ?-PPle, and count ry for m iles, and t here sat down to We a.re also getting ready a. stock of MOWERS, improved and second spread ? ver the tr?~ t\ tlnck meri;igue made r est t hemselves an d horses. The two horse- to none in the market. They will be ready in good seaaon and warranted t o do good by bca~mg to a still froth t he whites of two ! men after tlie herd r ode to t he crest of th e work. We are alao makin g a number of HAY TEDDERS, which will also be ready e_ g gs with .t~o tablc·poonf:1ls. of sugar a nd a 1 hills! where they h ad seen them disappear , in good eeaaon. They have been tried by some of our beat farmers, to w hom we litt~e fl avor mg. . Se~. back m to t he oven k eeping up t heir trot, and from this point refer intending purchaeera. We ar6 also until the . t op ts s 1g~1tly . colored. Ser~e aaw them on a d istant ridge, probably a mile co~d. Peaches us.:d m ate,id o~ apples ~ ' away, and t ur11ed towards t hem. t1:1s manner make a very delicate frmt A gain they were spied beyond aml fol· · ' which has gai11ed a good reputation in this locality. p ie. 1lo'we~l a t a t rot, the intention b e ing not t o CAnBAGE PUDDING. -Take a l~ rge. head give.t hem time t o graze or feed themselves, of t:abbage, trim it a little, and boil it five T his desultory and long distance ch ase was Plow Point:.s of every deecription by the ton, e.nd m"de from ateel, wrought iron , &o minutes, then tak e it off e.nd strip off eigh t k ep t u p u11til t he wi ld horses ha.<l b een fol . We are also getting really a stock of WAG.ONS. Mill e.n,d Engme Work a specialty or ten of the out er l eaves ; put the i·est lowed somo twelve or fifteen miles to the All of which will be sold ou the m oai reaso nable term1. b.\J'ek in .the p ot and boil ~wenty minutes, ' north-W.est , when t he two horsemei;.i, by BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE Co. t licn ·dram and chop fine with half a pound making a detour, got around t hem and stl\r t of baoon, half a pourni of fresh beef or other ed them back. 14·3m. Cash paid for any ·qnantlty of Cast Scrap Iron. meat, the yolk of one egg, one on ion, h alf a I N ow the chase was mad e much mor e en1 - ==================-=========,...=-========~ loil'f of crnmbled b read, a piece of bu tt er the ergetic, and t h e whole caravan wa s kep t at !!" size of a walnut, one t easpoonful of salt, one a good swing gallop, t ill th e two horsemen , Q T t~aspoon~nl of pepper-blac~ or red as you from t he lay of the co untry, recognised tha.t ' · I Bread, -:.._.,...:~...... A n h l <:ldcut: of. tJfo J'lnln s:' ,.' ·· · .. C · A8lt .TatUMt>ltANt ! ! will I I a he MASON BROS. THE BAZAAR. ---o--- A large number of packing cases to be almost given away. GREAT BARGAIN·S FOR 30 DAYS Boots and Shoes Da · ·· D-A-V-I S'. 5 - PLUJ.M:S TOD BROS. '- 500 yds. of Grey Flannel, all wool, at 20 cents- regular price, 25 ct~. 500 yds. of Grey Flannel, all wool, at 30 cents-regular price. 35 cts. 3 dozen Comforters at right prices. 40 pair Blankets, below regular prices. 25 Spindles Baldwin Fingering, at 9c. skein. TOD BROS. THE BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE CO. 300 of our Ce I e b rated Champion Plows I I AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER DYSPEPSIA, SICK ,HEADACHE, LIVER . COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. A few Boxe·. wtU o:un any oaee of :Dyapeptda, ·imply by taking One l1'1ll every · mght on. :retirlDg. They do aot loH 1heu effoot like othor l"il1&. ~~~ippe~~ff, ~i~L a;·thi~u~l~~ a1~~ bolt~':~ ! ~~l ~~t'~~~~ ;~~d~h!h~a~~t:g '~if;{1' ~~~!~~ at a fast run , a lthough not a.l)le t o get closer W . H. IV:E;:S. hours. pr;,~~r;:&~;~:t~;:1 ~~~z:a~ t~~~~~!~ ~t~! th~,iii!0t~~,:~,~~: ~l~'.~11~~~:c~~;~~ ~~~~~~.~~~~~~~ 0 0 WILL CURE OR RELIEVf 25 Cents per Box. I Five Boxes for $1.00. SIL!OUSNE8ii, DIZZINESS. . THIRTY l'ILL8 IN A BOX, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGE9'/0,Y, JAllNDICE. DROPSY, FLUTTER/NO OF THE HEA,'it, SQLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. John C. West &Co. PROPRIETORS, ERY81PELA8, 8ALT RHEUM, HEAHTBVRN, HEADACHE, ACIDITY OF THE 8TOM!tCI( ORYNE88 OF TH! JJKlfl,. dh1ordored LIVER, K IDNEYS. STOMACH, BOWELS .;F ; BLOOD, And every apecles of dlsea9' arlalng _f ro111 TORONTO. T . IJLBURN &: 60., Propr~~· look natural <Jithor sin ,-,le or in bouqu ets ed to camp down the Blue \.Vater, leavmg p d issolve by ' a"itat ion a~1d divest ioni in ~ the fresh et at this fllltem ating pursuit; and closely -stopped° bottle three-q~arteni of an w hen the wild horoes, thoroughly tired out Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the ounce of elem·, pale 'gum copal, coarsely a nd _tamed tlown, cou~d be driYen in any di. LIVER, 8TO!ll A()D, KID~EY8 A.ND BOWELS. powdered and mixed with a n equ a l weight r ect1011_whatever, as if t hey wer e so man y of broken glass , in one pint of pure sul- domestlc;ctcd cattle? t hese two starte<'. t h em · · 1 h D b"l' dC t· t· d phuric ether:--et hylic e ther, Dip the for camp also, k eepmg them at a gait that They 1nv1gorate and restore to hea t e l 1ta.te ODS 1tu ions, an flowers in this liquid, r emove q ttickly, ex- gu.ve them rw i:est. are Invaluable lo all Oomplatnb tnoidental Ml Femalea of all Agee. For pose to t he air ten minutes, dip again, and '\\' hen t he w ild horses passed t he cam!?, Children and the aged they are pricele111. expose as before. Rcpe;it clipping and clry- the oth er horsemen had exch anged t h eu· 1 : ing four or fiye times. :Most flowers t h us animals for fl.. completely fresh mo~ut, a nd tr eated will r emain unalter ed for some time tal~rng t hem m h and , d rove them_ mto the I · ~ llibl d for Ba.d Leg·s Ba.d Breasts Old Wounds Sore~ if not lumdled. qm cksands of t he Saskatchewan R iver, a ncl. Ban tn1& e re_me Y · . · ' cl r h If 1across that wid e ~trei~m, so fast they could and Ulcer11. It ta famou1 for Gout and Rheumatism. For diaordera of the _ p , . p 0 RAl'I GE UDDING. - . cc1 an s tee a <I t .. k f d ti t'. , -Chea\ ii baa no equal.dozen small oranges and lay in a deep d ish, 11 ~ l1r m ' 0 11owe . 1 JY le en 11. 1; cam p, . · , and scatter .. sugar plentifu lly on as if they w 11wm 'a . ncl . al_ l ,_ ·foi t h e f~stest they con~ For Sore Tlrroats,.Bron~l11tb1, Coughs, Coldt1, were to be eaten raw. lVfake a soft custar d posstbl) mam t.am.11ow was only a good. clo0 , · , · , of one pint of milk, and tablespoonful of rice t~·ot, an d .a~ mnlnigh~ they had the satis~ac- Gl4.ndular Swellmgs, and all Skin Diseases it ha.s no rival ; and f Ot flour, four t ii])lespoonfuls of sugar (heaped)', tiou .?~ ~nvmg t~·i em mto the c~ttle C<rra, a t . contracted and atiff joints it acta like a charm, and the yolks of three ericrs . cook it iu a t he 1,i1h oad station , and hefot~ the sun h a.fl 1 J 1 b il . cl I ""' 1' h' k l set uext day had gotten thell' mon ey for , _ cou)~ oet,an w 1cn it ias ~ ic- enec tl . h· . 0 ll tl t lth . Me.nufacturedonlvatTHOMAS BOLLOWA.YSE11tabllshment, take it from the fire ; fi<Lvor w 1th lemon iem,, ,avm,,, soc icm o a wea y tanc1l . " . 1 mid pour over the oranges · pu t the cJis h in :rnn, wn?se horse-fold had been depleted_ a 78 NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON the oven and hak e fifteen' or twenty min· hftt!~ wlnile h.efore by a most successful ra id I A d · ld ai la I.ld 2 11 9d ~ 8 6d lls 22a and 33s e a ch Box o r Pot anc · t tl . ·, · f t d o ioux nc11ans n are eo . 2 ·, ·, ·, ·' · , u t es_, tiien d raw lt n ie ron" an · put a . ~ b ha.d from all Medicine Vendorathroug hout tlle World, mcnng ue over the top, made or t he beaten l ·may e whites of the eggs ti nd a h ca1 Corsage bonq uets are n ow w vrn in the Wl"arehasera should loo'k at the :Label on the l"ols and Boxe11. I f the r4clre >ing teaspoon· ful of su;r<tr. centre of the bosom or W(l.ist. J ta · 533, Oxford 81reei. Londo·· Iller are 1parlo111. IIJr1]l IJb .' · S ~ 1; ·A H E ALT H 1 F R A L L l~I Z!~ :fAh· 111 · THE 1 , ILLS d RII]I~ M iijlj;j~jjlji~ij~ji-iijljl ' ~ ~ N I T H E 0 I N T M E N T I 3 !