Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1886, p. 1

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-- TERMS :-$1.50 PER .A.NNuM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD A.FTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOR AND P:&Ol'RillTOR. VoLUME Na:w SERIES, NUMBER 132 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1886. BETHK81JA. SOLINA . 'The tnrn"l p crop 13 nea r ly harvested, and Is n. good crop. Prof. -...v. Y. liul)tsman will give 11n Art Entertaininent in· Solmo. School on ~aturda.y evcninv; next at 7-30 p. m. The Enterta inmen t will consi st-Phonography or writing by sound. a1t·onon1y, m iscell&neous Eubjcct.s, m usic. etc. :-x~-~~-aslon , 15 an d 10 cents, r eserved sen.ts XXXII. NUMBER 45. ~ ~ c:, ~ ~ ~ · ·Our School 'frnst.e11s give out t lrnt. they have ·eniz-aged Miss E . L. Broa.d.t.he ponnll\r teach er <®l Haydon School-at a sala ry of $400 for 1887· . Mr. Sy!. Pot ter and bride, or Dundas. a.nd Mrs. A . J . Charlton, of Toron10, are vi11l lii1g ' ·friends h ere. The Bethesda. cemeteTy has e.lwa ys been !'A· guarded a.s e. bee.ulifll~ burying ground. Ad· vocates of " township cemet ery should p lea.cl for a townslnp bonus to t his one. Ir beau titled and enlar!O!'ed it would m eot n~s and te.stes of all this side orT>111:lmgton. It will be l mpera.tive 'UDon our n ext councilfor to put in re-y,air ·tho rood in trmtt of lots !l HAMPTON CLOTHING HOUSE! FALL ANNOUNCEMENTS. I am prepared with one of the choicest assortments of cloths for Men's and Boys' clothing for the Fall and Wintei· that has ever been shown in H::tmpton. All bought before the advance, for cash, and wit be sold at lowe~t living prices. Q cutting, making and trimming equalled by to rise and explain why the local !!Cnool rates so high o.t the annual m eeting. h~~tonRa ~~~in1~~ bJ~~~~s~;et1~~~~e ~~~~~~7wftr~~~ I Hallow e'en ·passed o ff very quie·.Iy here abouts. .,. Mr· .fas. Stnuley has moved his houeehold ,# ellectti t o BowrnanviJ:e, ".-. ,. · l\fr. W . Van _Nest lost a valuablE colt recen tly . ' s~~s;;0~~';; '_" 00 tini:wm be heldatEldad on o. M. Y. J;alt:' erry, r 1 or Oslawo., has been LE:Y 'K. ARD. · I i :t: '-1..1 8 ~ = ···--· ~ bO = = Im bO I c ., :;a ]Y.[u C:> Hats, Caps and Furs I At the leading establishment of th.e Practical_Furrier, IVIA.-YEJ: <., you can find the la;1~ges t stock in ab0ve lines F ·O R I .... ADIES: In Jackets-Dolmanettes, Capes., Caps and Muffs in great variety. FOR GENTS: A large stock of Fur Coats in Russian Lamb,, Bokarian and Goon, in all prices, Sleigh Robes! ' by the dozen, and Caps of aH descriptions. In Gent's Furnishings- the best stock of Underwear,; · Ties, Braces, Shirts and Rubber Coats. So come along, friends, and bring your cash and decidedly get a bM·gain. All kinds of }fur :M_ ~..A. Y" M~DOUGALL & METCALF, are offering Coal as follows : Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.25 Grate and Egg, .................... ~ Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts ru over one month. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & Salvation Army is std! here . 0. Hill, Orono, rented M. Cole'" farm . '!'hos. Court.ice, blu.cksmith, lhas moved to Brooklin . He'· veT:yhighly regipected here. HA Y DUN. Foot·ball-- Loskard vs l\Ulbr\llok - at Ponty· llobt. Wo.slling ton's bee was w ell attended Ur pool on So.lurdo.y Nov. 6, ! l!ast wCAk and eo was the Moxie. Itevs. Robe1 ts und Dunlol'l ·nreached o.nnl· . Farmers have fiuisbed turni p h arvest-- an versary ser mons h<tre last i:lomdav. Good tea : averege crop. on Monday. Proceeds $80. Speeches by R evs. 1 'J" . We ·.t. l'raser and our own ominfat era. Mosie, 1 is r eported t h o Scott '\ct 1~ not workmg by Orono llt-etltodtst choir. 1 g~od here for old toper! 'f'i'C· their fill In Haydon Leske.rd 11;nd Kilroy toot ball teams p!11yed s.! J stl~I. , good gam-0 lost So.turdry. No g 96 ls won in! . 'I here wo.s a battl~ trou1:.ht on the market an hour ; square on Saturduy last which res ulted m the · . ' lo·s to one of our citizens of hi s bet.t.er hair, e!1 e M~. S. K;e!IY,, ouT neu: m~c li.ant. would don thinking t h at they who tight and run away big uo.do <f !ho Ii advertise >n t:;'l'ATKSMAN. mu.y live to fight anotfhe r de.y . Chickens roo1>t lligh. Bl'!' Ja.ck'a around. Wm. Aunger, ooir celebre.t.ed a rover , is in the nort h country bt~ying ah e"I> a<irl lamb· for "E. the New York market. He has 1hippell two 1 TYRO[ · loads already. · Mrs. R. Jfoaper is dea.d; a.geli. ~, ,1"1 Mios J ennie OolviRlll and Miss P olly Mc'Ne il, ; or Clarke, were visiting riends here Sunday . ·· '-.... R ev. .J. M orris · 1s very 1 iopu 1 a.r. last. J a s. 8ulley'a rarm bui\dingR with con~ts. Woo was the a-;ian who was pro.cticifl g · w ere bttrned tm ttrn 18tlt u.lt. Lantern e:qliood~tehoo ling on Sur.i1ay'" I Haydon i· g:etting noted 43-5w. ed. lnwr.ance, 'flOOO. """' tor this work. ·Shsme, you &'rey heade<l eid '· Hampton, Octobe r, 188ll. Jae, Byers'·onthuildlag· and contents were smners. ~ , ____ _ · - - · · - - _____ .,._....,,..-,...........,,..-.....= .....~ --------=,.....-burne~ (l<ll tlhe:2ith. W . Sproule's (teoan1i)lloss , ·' Mr. s. Waldoclr's new cider m ill is gi\·ing $300; m~111ranee, ·$2Qt. _ . ...- good eatisf&etlion. -sum ho.s proved himself as N EWTONVILLE. OUR HEAVY ADVERTISERS. T. <ko, .M11son ··has ·oel o~ed his branch·'dry jl'ood a cider malliieraosisted by Mr. G. l:lro'ol'ln. Hollow e 'en we.scelebrated here in i mmense goodsstorelhere. (The law for!Wds >the aellinl!' of cicter.- En.1 s tyle. Oh boys! R oBKitTSON & Bmrn'::; BrnV ER Ho wrn. S. M. C lemens Is oing to run a i;r.>nere.l · -·· · ·- - Our Band p la yed on the street to the delight store. . . !fl!rA M"PTU~ · ~ of the citizens Friday night. ltepeat, b oys. If the peopl e of W est Durham do not Our Shamrocks are please d with the ~ndly Mr. William lllliford bought the old Met'h~l>Mr W Andrus i.i the uest of Mr James get cheap dry goods t h is season i t is not tr~atment ~bey rec eived at Ennlsk!lle.,., aud ist church, mI Savurda)', Lockhart: q · will go .agam. .,.. t he fau lt of the merchants. Nut to b e , · Mesers. Clatworlhy o.nd Johns have ·i.e., We l·ear til! wt V.r 1J. S, Doney ho.s bomght a making soD10 i nprovements in rhe li>t>i k outst ripped in t he race, Messrs R obertson big rarm In MJ!dlllese!t Co. ........_ church, the sea' ·a under the gallery have'h~n J Darlington Coun-oit. & Bond :mnounce a ' G igantic Bargain Mrs. R. W.irtoe 1has lost two valuable ihorsel· r aised and e. lllwillng erected a.round Uie~· · Sale, " and to convince the public of their lately. form. Ilegul&r m~ting Saturday la10t.. Me'l\,bere s incerit y t hey quot e prices · for several Y anatoo1e1sll'olle1'1tlowor is pat here. ·· The four dei.yS' mPeting held h""" t'hcis ·v.oeek all pregent. M.'i1mtes r-ee:d a nd canftrme&.. : :e8iiPJ~~~ wtSU attended. and mu.:lt goO<l baa W . Gist and 10 01 tmers 1tsl<ed ~eave ·to · .ell"ee t. a lines of.stapl o goods t h at e vory body k 11ows wire fe11ee a1'Ml11: roa«. 11:1low.1 1;ree betw.ecn lots t!ie p r ice ot. T l, ey are determined to reIE':NFIELD. Wewere;p!e&dedtohearthe sw<?<et v<itoo of 12 and 13, ·o~. :3, G<mnted. duce t heir immense s t ock and "gigantic" M ellilllDeire ·Of l!10 ..Whitby J're.yinp; !Band as Mias Helena (Cif!'yderman in the elbO<ir Sttnday. PhilliT> :Rewe wrobo res'flectilng·Clltch ·nea.r his is o nly a m ild term fol' the i nducement s fisted iJ, -oonduo(jng ;1 he services here last Sun Come back ·o.!ten. You will a rvpreciare the farm. 1 cay weelk 10ll.o~noon and eveninK· 'lJhey are drive . Mr· ..Jo'hn Penfouad ·app1i00. to ;purdha.se 180 hdd out to cash buyers. Yon will be sa talways w.eloome.at E nfield. Rev. S. ~alton preac~"d h er e laf!t Si>nllay to of the soubh ·<md ·of 'Ja.oad a.Jlo wance be· isfied of this fact w hen you read their M.r· .J. (J':I,eiiry w.illl worlt l\lr. John IVirtuea' . l arge e.ud~en cAs_. rhe d16c_ourses we'l'e interest- rocts t.weeu nots:ilil o.nd:Si>,·con . '2. 'Cl«iike, mstructed t hree column advertisA meut on another farm lnfltco.d or >lllr. Fitze o.s reported 1>ome m g a.n~ met'l'uetive and hstended to <w>I~ rapt to 11:1.,.e ~.he nece1111ary ·notlct>.. t ime ago, . <l.tl<'ntion. The ·following sums w.v.e ·naid ~or Rheep page of the STATESMAN. The sooner you Mr. D. l}ypr hl!.11.8 taken a prospectilng t our Mi:. W""!· <Qre"naway_ ond wire., otffa.!IO w ere. kHled 'by do~: iF8t111air,>Slt;_ 1\lar k l'rout, $211.82; v is it their store, tbo bette r selccti,m you W:eet. vl11tmg r:1en.d8;llere tlt 1R week. . t hrough tihle· 1 W n.;,,ar.:Jll: SA'l~.n.1Si 6U; ·Rich. 8011ch . $3.3:1; will fiud, for t heir c·ustomers a r e goicg Mr.fl. Lo.oe's een<lces as tescher PllSYe been Mr._ M1ellael Cryderman a nd f8J<»i!T will · .Tokn Wi<;cbt.,. ::&P;J; Joh n ;J~lford. " $ 9,:13; 'f ~ re·eng..,..od tor anoth er year at an increased m uye to Bowmanvllle next week; w.e re&r!!L- Hour. ;m; ·r 11 hos w 09dle}:. :;)llcGG; 'W m Col will, out laden wit h bundles in a p r o cession. salary, their removiWl. _..,, S ~; :}'u... 1.nk - ~llin, :·. e'l;n"J;: J ><B' Cnlbcotr., $8.116; THE S TAR Rous:E HOUJ o uT. 1u1 iJ_11111~ie, $:\116; !Geo ·Pearce. $5.33; Jae M r. Bo.ynl1ion is visiting a.t l\ir, Benj. Powells. ~'armer& a.w ·very busy taking i~ thei::' roota,. .fo Pe&11ce, ~110. ·Wr .n ·Climui, printlll]:{, ~.n . Prepa.9'8Mona tlia v e commenced for .sn enter - Yield , good. SLO<W- Hoy. The facts of the case :n·e n ot quite as tainment 1'<il ,\mll\&ld later on. The!foHowlnJC a ·counto:J were a:-dered to be paid: .(loseph 11:.nngmaid, doi? ta:«:1remitted, $1; b a d aR th~ h .. a d ing would indicate, though Pro. li·mtsman.gave an entertainment in the !ENNISKILL.EN. .\I.rs -Gulley ·.Oo.loa d s 1mwel, .$!; 15; John Heard, it is u £..,.,ti, Mr. 'l'. Ceo. :Mason assures us, school lwc.lse lastdfriday night. :ilt .Joatl<J ·of grnvel.~1; ·D re Md;L..ugblin and Mr. .A.~d. Montp:omery dug :;o busbls gJ The w edd i ng.season ha3 commenced again. pot&toos .l:ldl!l1,·111.edlcinc and atoonllance.~19.50: Henry that h e h as dispoe1.;<l of his business to rn :!l <h:20 min. Age, upwards ot;J,O.~ Some ot. · t he Endeld ~ye won prizes .at both Argt1e, :Ll.6 loads gMVel, ~2:00; Selectors of Mr. Geo. L aing, of Lomlou, Ont., who is 'l' he foot·mall match-Tryone Shamrecks v a the E&t!t W111inby .and the Ree.ch a>lowing 1>11r .J·nors. l$9; ·R. ·Windatt. servrces on appeals Dragoons- Saturday ~rd ult. w ..s a d~aw· to come iuto possession ou Feb. 1, 1887. matches. Fine plaving tby. bot h c lubs. M~. D. Cryder:· .against Votere J,tste, -c$10; Wilson Power, a.t. Enfidd ought·to ·. J:ave a dally mail. Why tnnn ~iliag Corrrt<'!l.gainst · t ' oters·Liat, $ 1 .iill. Mr. Mason is a pnshiog bu~i.ness man and makes a ocapita.1 refor eo. John Miflyse of' don, t somebody a.gitate7 londilll!!:lnts--41.lls'WlOrtl!.,·$6; Weller $5; Ca.mp. h as worked ap a big tra.<lo in a few years, e Ocoldea~al -aerved e. tine oyster Slill!lfler and . Hellowe·en ,passed oft· quielly. It being a th IJl.e;)l, !Mallett, ·R Lutr. Ma'l'y :,1;,ulf, Kermlck:, t-hu boys spont t-wo hours very ·ocially, wituout J1allowed. e'elll, N:s:Mo, Mox e. too. · C<trnil!lli, "nd ·Coortis, '.$! e.aeh; L1>nd, Heard. and earned a well d eserved r e laxation Mr. CallendeT, from the Weit, is te be o ' W iillson, :n.oemsot1, 'l'rick, Dell. Orchard and from active busi ness f.ir a time. He ha~ teacher tor t8i!7. :StaceY 1 -$3 ell.<lh; Grestgory, .De an, $Z each; on hand a very w ell assorted stock of dry :St81Ples,:;:$J; ' Bradly:~11J. Visit.ors:-JJaaies Brisbin, Peterbar<> ; J ohn < OlWNO. goods and in order t o r edu ce i t is offerin g~ A ·<W<llm!Lt&a <if t.lro whole· <l<>ancil will meet Raglan:; '8olo1non Jelfe1y, N:lnsa!P; Jas . . There was no. -iichool on Thursday &nd.Fri· Odell, .at the Glellll'-s oftice, .11ow·1a1r.ville, on Nov. unpara lleled. inducements to cash buyers, Moase, Marl(\)paa: Jacob Mitchell, Cla nke, day last ae "II onr teachers attended CJS1e Con· '!5th, to re·& ·ro.nge the r oo.di Cea.ts in the town- or a.pproved notes. Head his advt . then_ Athletic A..ilsEJciation concert in Kennedy's : '3lm v er.tion 11.t Fert IH~po. ip. rush to the Star House and secur e som&Mr. A.. J>owars left lir.r e on Thursdl1<r ror hall this 'l'huraday evenin~. good. · floimc il.a.\JjuornOO. w -Bat11rtfoy Nov , 27th. at The boys were up to their usual HaJ!ow e'en 'l'olera. Ohio, to·travel for a Cabinet M1inu· of t he great .bar gains oftered. R. ·W~Nl>ATT, '1'. c. pranks last S1·t urday night. No 11;reM; ha.rm. 10 .... m. facturing Co. ·'iklccees .Arthur. was done L hH! :.y ear. The met.hodiela are end eavoring to provide MAroN BRos' GIVINn up B USINESS SAtF.; Rev. M. P. Tailing, ot Knox College, ll.'oronto m ore seating room intheir ch urch, bylll!lcilding preached an .excellent discourse in the <Presbya gallery and. Ol'dlrn~tro., W hat will the etorekeepe rs ou t side of in~ terian church !here le.st Sabbath mornmg. We learn wNih ;;pleasure ll1at lhe nnoted I B owmanvi!!e do now7 Such great indu ce'l'he Methodist church was crowdetl t o the lecturer . John iR.' Clarke Is to give llie A.1 . :M R . ·ilt. 'HOT°,llISON~ :SALES. . ments ~re ooing made by the dry g oods lecture "'l'o and !Fro in London" in the'i'fem - !1-oors on S"1ntlay evening. .All w ere -d eeply \ p erance Ha.II in a el1ort t ime· .All who wish a mterested Ira. the Impr essive sermon 1by Hev. : Fli!l1li""Y :Ncr ..:. ,12 ,~Und~r >&nd by v 1rtu- houses m tlus t own that t h e whole conn· F~. Barra es in commemora.tion at the Cleath ot rare treat shoul<lihee.rl.him . 6'f a -chllttel m ortgage made by Mr. try aide will be flocki ng here for bundles t he late Mr . .J.ehn Mallory. Dr. J ; P. Sha·w ·wU·t ile p! a.yintt foot &Jail at Wim. iFotiter t lte?re: will be sold b y public of winter goods. Mas on Bros. h a ve sold Leskard on Sat11Fc'14y,]Jia d h ia band sovcrely 'l'ho l\lethodists Intend h av ing t h oir .lllabbath br uised. School .Anniv<01'filtlrYon Thanksgiving D11.v. a.uotion ~thou t;reserve. oi:i. l ots 25 and their busi~ess to an e!1terpriz ing young That most w eleoma or all callers-th e collect. Ona or th e olt! residents o! Ha.ydon died last 21., c JOn. '.9, Turllington, ·the whole of man of tlus town and m order to clean or of '!'axes is 141:aiiJ1 goi11g Jiia rounds. Saturday- Mm. Kernwiok, aged 83 yeare. The his .valuable facm s toek, implements, out the bulk of the stock by Jan. 15, 1887 Mr. S t a lker's new :liouao j u st north Olfthere !unerul Look 11>laoe on Sunday to Bethesda etc ", inllhtdin£t 7l hor~es, .i.l cows, 33 are gomg to sell goods in all lines at unis approa.ehing 1Jompletion, a nd will when cemetery. finished be a very .b eautiful farm r esidence. Mr. J. W. Virtue, r ·. l'eturned fr-0m Me.n'1 here is no h umbu(}' y-eimg ,OOJttle anli 9 p igs. S ale at 12 heard of prices. 'f h ey ao.y that Mr. Almanaor Gamsby tba.s itoba last Monday,. looking hale an hear.~y. o'dock , sharp. See bills for particu lars. abo ut t his salo, trelllendous reduction~ Jeo.iied Mr. H enr:Y's mew house in t he north 'l'he Sun Cor.., Continues 011 It.i s old line. Ho from :regular pri ces are made as all who R. IH.uxcmso:!(, a uctioneer:. end. Query- what willlhe do with i t1 appears to de1ight in misreprnsent.ing &lid attributing to !lll·S language wo never mo.de u se cal.I may .learn. ' r ell all your fri ends and Hallow eve passed -very quietly, A ·fow of. We are not a ccountable for what other A tl't:mlON .-SALES. - R. Hutck.ison, Licensmall boys or olJocers with smaller mi.rule, correspondents ,m ay sa y under tke ib.ee.ii of ;aed kuctiQneer for the Town ships of n eighbors t o come to B owmauville and carried otf a few gates,.etc. EnDis&lllen, eitliler.in this or other loco.I PaJOUJrs , share in the bargains no1v a waiting 11.ll .., Man. : vers, CJartwright, Darlington comers. Mr. John R owe, o! ;Da1'1ington, fell !rot0Ul.is nor for what a.ny-one may eay we do. W e ·Clarke bUP!'!!.'Y here on Moli}day night. H e escap Ed have not a legion of writers to ltetp u s, !or 2m d Wrhltby ..All sal es.attended,to p r omptly .w ithout much injury. we have never ~ed any one t o write a U.ne a.nd at .r.eascn.able raw s. Where it.is not Ton B1ws. ' NEw P1.AN. Prof· B ullock hae aeMor,o.l colts now in conn« m our behalf, as we a.re perfectly a ble to of training. H e is .a ,mo.ster-llan d Jn lbi.s de~end ouraely<le.. .F urther more, we ar~ .aot oonvemeillt >to see m e., arrangements for For the short time th ey have been in the t.iusin e~s gmlty of actions 1 that would place u.s m a s ales om. b.e it12ade wit...~ the Edi.tor or by you. d r y good business on thciir own account · " tigh t corner" . &ome day tlle Sun Cor., :will .A. steam fire engine. ·'Elr .this village is bei11. q probably Kllow us ,better and understand .:d;.e addressfi.qg cme at Ermiskillen, P. 0 . no firm in town has done a bett er and altered and i·epa.ire<l. talked abou t. .motives that actuate .us. N . B.- 1 hare no agents QUt begging for more satisfactory trade t han Tod Bros. sales for me. R . H u·r.eJIISON. tf. Now t hey a nnounce somethin g new i n the OOUR'J'JIOiE. sh~pe of~ Jobbin g n .,partment which .vill Mll , W. ~EZZLEWOOD's SA.Lll\1!. The P ractical Fmvier. MIDS. L. M. Courtice aud daughter, ha.v.s: ?e.fo~nd m therea:r of their shop, all ~oods returned from e. vi3it_to l'y·vone. . .GRNErUL CoRm!:s.?QNDE:«CE.- "\Ve in vite ovr SATURDAY NoY. 6.- Mr:. W. H. May m tlus ~ranch will positivl y be sold at Mrs. James Coyne 1· blO<>k ,from o. two weeklir ,subscribers to uoo om:-.colu mns for discu~singhaving sold his business to Messrs'. Half Price. ~eople w .i th large fa milies visit Ln Toronto. . .all questions or general interest, but do not Thornps~m & Co., and in tends leavina c a n h ere provide clothio.i;: for the winter In s~ctor Tilley visited .a~>r .school on Frida.y 'send as lengtlw e ommunici1tions. l:le.v what elt. ·~ou 'hnve to say in as 1:0.w wordo as possible o.n.Q. town m a few days, will .sell 36 sets of at a very s mall cost. ln t heir shop propMr. Robert Morrow hs,.s been obllged by <l'\le shall take ple1.1.B11re .in publlshing you!." pronew h a nd m a de harness, made foit' his er they h ave a splendid assortment of 1 continued ill· h ealth to give "l· ! l lh i· school. His .C.uctions.- EmTOR S1'.&l'.'C!lSMAN. own cu stomers. T he stuck comp;rises 11_easonable dry goods which they are sell!Jace is tto be taken by Mr, D. L . Sandei·aou. ~ads and St ree:ts Controversy.. Double Team Harness, Double Carriage ling at b ottom prices. . t i ;w days ugo we h ad Ute !Ii) lea.sure of look· · · ing th rough th e new stable of Mr. John Wil~on , Harness .and Single Hariwss. S ale at at Oshawi;.. It is u model of oon.venlence a nd Ms. EDITOR,- 1 wond<'.r ff _ t he writers on this 1 p. m. See p osters. W. BAZZEL· was d esigned and built by Mr tlilenry Ga~· of Roads and Screets qu.estrn,u. m the Locall'apers th is plac·'· · ' &re _ .doing it p urely fr<ilm o. philanthropic wooD, auctioneer. November- Ind ian Summer. "' . l mo~t-:\1(~, or a re L hey rapp1o0g en.ch other over 'eveu O·f our Y!JU!1g men wen t to Toron t o the knuckles .from personal _spleen and iona.te l-V. Hazzlewood, Raglan, O n t . Licensto h cur tbe evangeltsti~ Sams-, . c usse<il.ness. Let up on s1'eh cond uct, gentle- ed. .Auction eer for the township of Dar. November is from t h e Latin no'!:mn,, Mr. Adam V. Scott died a t h1s own residence men; <0or roads and streets were never in All orders for sales in this m n e, and was b efor e t he change in the h ere on the l!lth ult. He h ad heen s icl' dnring better .condition ot t his seaoon, nor were t hey lington. '· lt tbe w hol e summer. H e leaves lileh ind him ever better look ed a fter t!1a.ir. they h a ve heen vicinity , l eft w ith F. H. Mason, Bow- !toman calendar t he ninth month . considerable properr.y accumulated by thrift t his YeJ>.r. Mr. Morris haa w orked f or t h e mauville, will receive p rompt a t t ention. is usuall~ b l eak and dismal, but is r eand frugality. 'l'RIM. general g ood and thon1th he .!J.as not built e. deem ed m par t by what is known as crossing o r piece of n e w sidewalk at the door 34-tf. Mr. J·ewett, of Port P erry, spent a day or two of every "'116 whose vote he is a little doubtful Indian Summer, when for clays or weeks at the parsonage last week. o f, h e has worked well i n the interest of the MR. S. C. HUNKING'S SALES. the sun p ours his r ays mildly t hrough a Mr.N. Y. Huntsman w ill give a n art en ter· town us a whole, and w ill be etected a ge.in to.inmont in the School H ouse on .l!'rida.y even over all·comcrs. Soi;-r11 W Ann: L. . . . . . . . . . T UESDAY, Nov. 9.- M r. ,T. Harnden haze a nd t he soft and genial air invites us iog the 5th ins t. will sell by public auction on lot 22 a b road to enjoy a s econd edition of sumMraLent gave 11 pe.rty on Wednesday the 27th con.2 , Darlington, on Kingston Road; m er before winte~ sets in. The early u lt. in honor of her brothe, l\ir· Bvans, of Otta- WORDS OF APPRECIATION. a.,a nd hi s bride. 30 hea d cattle,several horses, pigs,atc. , part of the:: m onth_is !I. very g ood t ime to As Mr and Mrs. Richard Short, jr., were reEni·1·01~ STATES~IJ.N.-DEA:& SIR.- Many of a self Bin der, a lo t of Cedar ·Post and purchase your wm t cr foot -w ea r and as turning from Zien la.st S unday evening their your readers outside of town perused with some other thing s. Sale at one o ' clock M . Treleven, sig n of big boot d~awn by horse took: fristh t a nd threw them into the ditch plea sure the ex cellent fo.rreaching sermon sharp. See large posters, S . C. two horses, has got in his win ter stock of Only tho buggyjreceived any injury' preached by Rev. C. E. Mcintyre on"Dancing '· men's, women's . boys' and misses' boota, e beg leave to suggest the following t ex t a nd not a. few would feel deeply iud eb ted if HUNKING, auctioneer. or the benefit or som e or our residents: A. mer· t h rough t he columns ot your valuable pa per shoes, slippers, rubbers and overshoes. cilul man is merciful to his beast· you publis h lus subsequent sermons 011 Card W EDNESD'AY Nov . 10. - 'l'h e old B. C. You are invited to call and iospect while '!'here was a. large attendan ce at the Eben- plo.¥ing, J;toller-Skating, Tobacco and kindred Chnrch building at Taunton will be the s t ock is perfect, fresh and now. ·· ezer Y. P . A . on Tuesday n ight w.hen th e rol· 1 cr ym g ev1ls of the age. sold at 2 p. m . S.C. HUNKING, auct ion)owin g subject was a bly and skilfully debated. 1 Truly we can not over-est imate the power at eer. Resolved t h at the Cow is more protltuble to the Press i n givi ngwholesome intellectualfood Bed Quilts an d .B lankets, rare value. the farmer than Poultry. T he question wae de-,- to the -vu.at outer congr egation; and we feel TUESDAY Nov. 16. - Mr. Digory Fitze cided in favor of the affirmative. 'l'RIM. we bespeak the wishes of many in wish ing Ellison & Co. will sell his farm s t ock, ~mplement~, future interesting accounts of t ho R ev. gentle· man 's views on the vices and q uestionable etc., o n l ot 3, con . 6, Darlington, east People are coming 20 miles for the cOll· PltO}' LO\V'S JllAGIC SIJLPIHJlt SOAP, --; am11seme11ts of o:ir day. of Bethesda. church. Tl1e stock is good t n me Dress Goods. E llison & Co. ll~nlln :i, soothing anti dcau sln~ t'or a ll H opin g t his item may be deemed worthy and implements nearly new. S a.le at l eruptive tllsea seMof t11.e skin. J>ellgb lful of space. A CoUN'.l'RY READ:io:R. You ought to see Ellison & Co's Gr~y fo1· tolld 11sc. DM"lington, Noy, 2nd, 1880. p. m. S, C. H u NKrnu, auctioneer. Ffannels at present price:i. l 'nspccfor T illey waa well pleased wi1h t he so>t0o l on his r ecent visit. Qluite a. 11nmher at.tended t.he Reform Conven tion o.t l:lowmanville on Monday. JACK. ew and surpassed by none. Full lines, in very latest styles, of Gents' Furnishings, Underclothing, etc. Don't fail to call and inspect my goods in t hese branches before placing- your orders. am sure I can please you in style and price. '°' F. A. COLE. I ..,,,..r I ,comity· will I E R el CORRESPONDENCK I 6.00 ·w. METCA~F.

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