· " Vv ell on sh ot e ?" ' ' Aye, eaptam ' " Vl' hy- \1 hy- what? A re you mad?' "This " he sa1cl with ,\ deep sigh, "tl-11s fl om the l a.lmouth paper, afte1 all these "Not qmte, Captam Dolan Not qmte, OR, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1886 \I e ·ry years of gnef, the only fam t light but we couldn't stand it, su , and wed1d11 t " "Stand wh,1t ' \.Yhat rn the na me of t he th lt hea,en has vonch·,tfcd should fall upon my blighted h eart m 1elation to t he subject " fiend at o you talkmg of " STillU.RD MEDICAL WOJlK F4* He sighed d eeply " Why, sir, while you was dow n below m The p1eee of n ewspaper was then ca1efully the Coquette lookmg fo1 plunder-and I THE MOST FASCI:NATING OCEAN ROMANCE SINCE TIIE DAYS OF folded up and replaced m Ins pocht , and hope you got somethmg- we g ot up the COOPER AND MARYATT. Only $1 By Mall, Postpaid, he stood m one of the narrow, 111 paved c1ew of the Coquette, and started 'em off m streets of Falmouth, ~ ondermg m '"hat then own boat, and t old em' not to say ,1 ILUJSTJtA.Tll'.t: S.illl'LES FREE NO ALL, CHAPTER V - (CONT!N UP.D "Darn I h op e?" he s,\Jd, sadly- " da.te I piec1se d11eet10n he sh0t ld commence hts wmd fot theu lives' sake-and a.way th ey ri hope ? N o- no- 1t ls s~a1 cely possible , mqun ies rn 1elat10n to the st<·tem<Jut went ' It was the Pro' 1dence of tho moment that and yet how strange it is tl1<tt thet e shoulcl wlnch lrn, 1 a.piicm eel m the paper Captam D ol ;11 bit his lip feroc10usly the tratlmg lope that he had had so much eve1 be it somethmg at my heal t winch "1hen they were not d1owned m the Co difficulty to release hunself from passed o'er j seems to wlusper consolation to me, and 1 ltern was a feelmg on the mmd of C<cp qnctte They chcl not go down wrth h ei ' hrn face and hands, ancl that he was able to thn.t thei e m ty yet be m stoi e foi me a hap tam :\fouou- he J,new not wh y 01 wheiefo1e ::BUFF.A.LO ~ N. Y "Not a Int, captam vYe m e smug¥lelS grnsp it with the h a nd that wa.s dis<Jngaged pmess th,it I shunk ft om contemplatmg - m,t!.rng lnm wish to conduct the mqnmes - we do a b it of puacy, too but Le id t>Je,s To wrnp it by a. movement of that hand lest the hitterncso of clts,\ppomtmcnt should w inch he Ime l crnssed t he wide Atl[l,utic to you, we 1s teude1 h eartecl as so m 111) babbies Orgnnhed with a mu Stntr of eighteen seveial tunes 1ou11d hrs wn:st was the wmk bernme th,m I can bem' 1111ke with as much seu1ocy as possible ExpcrJe11ced and Skillful l'hylllclans wo is So you see, c..ptt1m, we dont want of an mstant , and then Gerald felt hunself 'L'hose were yo un<>" days for the stais ,ind So st10ng was tint fcclrn g that he \rnuld .uiy harm to com e to old Mocquet ' and Snrgcous for the treatment o~ A. Great Jlctlicnl 'Votk Ou Mnnlrnod. and Jus fau ch a1ge d1ag~d through the stupes of the UmtecY Stttcs to iluttet to not res1 s;; it, but JUSt let it lune its way all Chronic l>Jsen scs. Exhausted V1tahty Nervous and Physical 1111 "Now by all t hat s-' Deb1llty Prematme Deohno m Mo.n Errore water m the wake of the Y.1ft English breeze 111 J<Jn"hsh water s ancl t!te f01 he wao a ma,n \tho believed that \\ e am " Hold, eaptam H eave to a hit H1l of Youth, and the untold m1eenes resultrng Then came the cha.Henge of the Spray and slu ouds of tho guatd ship m Falmouth all under the be neficent eye of a wat chful from lndlscret1on or exceaees, A book for the guns that were hre<l at the R ift, and the Roads weie crowded to look at the N,iutil 1'10' idence "Inch does nothmg Ill vam and loa mates 1 \ Vh,tt s,ty you now , clo y ou every man young nnddle aged and old It want C.\ptarn Moc:quct t o be sent to the old " ithout an object Vhronlc Nasal Cntnrrb, Tllront ond contains 125 prescriptions fo1 all acnte and next ,,lterat10n m the turn of the smugg lers' u s as she glided lightly en her wa) .Tones locket before Jus tune, or don t you?" Lung Dleea8 e8 Liver and Kidney chrome diseases, each one of which ts mvalua while it was m p10gress-bncf a.s that p en Then there w,ts a proud look on the fine "Heaven daect me 1 ' he sm<l Disease·, Blnd<i.ir Di·ensc·, Disease11 ble. So found by Author whose expertence The smuggler c1 ew li\athereLI togeth er, His finger s still clutch ed the little piece 'Vomen, Blood Dll!leases aud Nerv· for 2<> years is euoh as probably never before od was- brought h er to, and it was m that foce of Captarn Mot ton, aB ho Sl\W an oJhcer and Ben Bo" lme, m !us deep, g1owlmg or buef moment tlMt Geiald \\as able to 1edch on boaid the En<>"llsh fri"ate lift !us cap of n ewspap er , ou wl11ch w,ts chronicled the ous AlfecU01111, <ured bme or a t home. fell to the lot of any physician 300 pages 0 with or without secmg the 1,mtlcnt Come nnd bovnd rn beautiful French muslin, embosoed the little cabm wmdow and, ma supp ressed and he i etmnecl the S[l,lutc com t eously ' na me of one so dear to hnn, and ,is he voice, saal fll0 us, or send t en cents m stamps for our " No, Dolan, no \.Ve won't have it 1 covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work voice, to call upon the Fiench ca.ptam "1Ii Ancltews," he 8 ud to lus sailmg st1olled on, he reached the tcrmm[l.t1on of Inv alids' Gu~de Book," which gives rn every sense than any other work sold In this \Ve don t mmd ste[l,lmg the JC"lienue-we all "Su, sir 1 Help mo 1 O help met ' oaptnm, " tlno the fast tuue tl«tt I have tne street, and the evenmg d epenrng Ill its particulars. 18 country for $Z oO, or the money will be refunded Nervon · Dobillt y Impo. Captani Mocquetntteied ,1 wild, hew1ld been m an En<>hsh toadste,td \.Vhat can ¥loom lie felt the cool rnsh of sea ,\u [l,nd don't nund a little sea p u acy, m th e way of m every tnRtance. Price only $1 by mail, post ten cJ, No ct11 riu1l iosl!les, ba1d, Illustrah ves ·am pie free to any body ered cry as he flew to the cabm wmclow, it we do m the way of a salute ?" t otrnd that he was at tlte upper pm tron of helpmg ourselves to a few stm e~, ftn1l so on, £LIGATE nud all IUorbJcl Conclltious Send now. Clold medal awarrled the author by wo don 't hke the look of murder " caused b~ Yon t bful FoJ. " Eve1 ythKJo-, sir Seven guns will be do~~~:~~1~i1e tb:~~~:s tl101oughfoie that fod hut the National Medical Association to the Pre was a 01y t lMt was no doubt well h eard up " DoIa n's cou ntenance tm n ed a shade IS£1SES Hes and Pcrnlcioua Soli· sident or which tho Hon. P. A Bissell and on the deck of the Rift ' but, fortunately, handsome \Ve hM e four, [l,!lcl by t he t une It was by an m stmct, rnthet than by any bla<::kei, a~ he made a dcspe1 .Lte effor t to tary I'racticcs me speedily associate officers of tht1 Board tho reader is he h acl uttm ecl so many that no attentrnn the fomth does its w01k the others will be · - - - - · · " und porm1m ently cured by our conhol l11s passion anc1 to get up a sn11lerespectfully refferred. was paid to it , and the fog contmucd to be loaded and ready,, reflection, that Captam Mor ton sholled slow Bpeelahsta Book, post~pa1d, 10 eta in stamps 'l he Science ot Llfe Is worth morn to tl1e so thick that unless one of the crew h acl w l11ch, when h e did conto1 t !us face mto " Do it then , ly do\\11 thts nan ow, dun lookmg 1oute to I~upture, or Broach, rnd1young and middle-aged men ot this generation 1t, had a most d1abohcal look a bout 1t It eally cmcd, without the kmfe, ffuan all the gold mmes ot Califorma and the looked carefully ove1 the side of the cutter , Anothe~ few mmutes a.ncl the Nautilus the sea w ithout depe ndence upon silver nunes of Nevada combmed - S F . what wa.s there pa.ssmg at its little ea.bm was enveloped m a cloud of its own smoke Fate was leaclrng lum thiough thick da1k \\its with au affection, then, of wonderful trusses !md with very llttle good fellowslnp tha t he cued out , ness Oh1on>cle. up to the sunshme of h is life l in stamps, pam nook sent fol ten centa and seven sma.1 t1eports from the little ca1 'fhe Science of Life points out the rocks and wmd ow con Id not b e 0 b servec · In fact , t h e attention of the captam ancl wnades had invakened the echoes of Fal "Well, well, my lads, all's 11ght, we sail qmcksands on wh1oh thecon~tltut1 on and hopes PILE TVD:IORS and STRIC T URES together, and we snrngJle togethm, so we t reated with the g1eatcst success Book sent of many a youn'!' man have been fa1tally crew of the Rift was so entirely taken up by mOLith Roacls wieoked - Manchester M>rror. the Spr ,;y, and what would occur m 1egar d 'l'he captam m command of the «natd CHAPTER VII ought to hold togethe1 m such little matters for ten cents m stamps Address 'VORIDl!' The Science of Life Is ot g1eatcr value than DlSPlCNSAliY M EDICAL AsWCL\.TION, 663 Mam .0 , R IN THE CAJ3Ui o~ THE as ) ou mentrnn " all the medical works published m this country to h er , thiit Gerald might almost have slup looJ,ed with a smile at !us firs t ll~uteu WHit>l 1.ms OF 1 Street, Bulfalo, N. Y RIFT "Ay, ay, cap ti;m," added Ben, ' ,md we chmbccl with Maue over th" bulwa.1ks on ant as he s.tid for the past 50 years - Atlanta Oonstit>ttwn. 'l'he treatment of many 'I.he Science of Life ia a superb and masterly to the dock a.ud scarcely have been noticed " l'hat's well clone ,, don't , yon sec, want to hang toget her " thousantls of cases of those treatise on nervous a nd physwal debihty.Tl1seases pecuhar to Captam Mocquet saw bun "Very well su , Return we to t he Rift, which was battlmg " H,,, l1<L' Of com,e not ' ! hat's all DISEASES OF Det1 ott Free Press. "D1eu, D1e 11 1Dieu '"was all h e said "Retmn it then- only I t!tUlk WQ can its way through the sm gmg sea. with the nght and sl11p sh ape I won't do old ~foe <> l.\l.CE N' There 1s no rnem ber of society t o whom the WOMEN. nt "7V "Pull m '"said Ge1ald. make a little mor e noise ,, Spr ,;y, stu~rng 111 \am thtough the fog to quctany harm, only I happen to hM e a few Science of: Life will not be useful, whether the Invalids Hotel and youth, parent, guatdian, mstruotor or clergy. "My cluld?' ti ace its prng1css 01 its p1c' cucc wotds to say to !um That's all-qmte - - - - - - - · Smg1cal Institute, has af· man - A1 gonaitt. "No- I thmk not" The lieutenant smiled, too, and then t here Capt ·in Dolan had by fat too much expe1 f11enclly Trnst me ' Alls u gh t-all's f orded large e xpeneuce In adaptmg :remedies for thell cm e, and Address the Peo.bodv Medical In~titnte, or "yes, yes 1 Oh, D eu 1 yes 1" was a shnll w histle on hoa1 cl the gu,ird ienee of Channel " eathe1 not to be p e1feetlJ ll" ht " 1 Dr W H Parker, No 4 Bulfinch Street Boston "]for heaven's sake, pull m 1 Now t,tke ship, and a hoa1sely sh otded comm,md, and, sme that the nust rn "h1ch h e w 1s now en °Capt,1111 Dolan p,rnsed w l11le tha h atch Mass. who may be consulted. on all diseases DR. reqmrmg skill and experience Chrome and her ,,, seven of h er great guns boomed m t hunde1 j vcloped was a la.nd one, and t ha,t it " ould way top was i cmoved, ancl t hen he pluudge obstrnate diseases that have baffled tLe sk1ll Capt,un Mocquct pulled at the -rop e and O\ er. the sea not extend m any nnlesont mto the Channel clown to\larcl his cabm ot all other physicians a specialty, Such secl out of the water with The Nautil~is sped then its bud like way His oh1ect, then, was to get so far ahead Befo1e C,\ptam Dola n 1eachcs that cabm treated s uccessfully without an m ate.nee of Gerald w,\S rn1 failure Mention STAIESMAN, Bowmanv1tle, Ma11e on lns left auu. The French captain towa1d tl~e shore, ancl was soon lll I 1almouth of the Spr,ty, befoic emergmg f10m the fog, we will take a gbuce at om t hr ee f11e111ls Ontario 17 y. oanaht h er by the hea.d and then by one h ar bot The little boa t of the y acht landed th,Lt she would not be able to 01 er haul bnn who arc there and 11t the postme of affairs Is the result of this vast experience. am~ a nd the sm all delicate form ea.sily Captam Morton at some stone steps, clown 01 by some one 01 othe1 of those tnol,s' as ieg.tnls the father an<l daughtet and the It is a power ful Rcsto1 atlvc Tonic and Ner' inc, 1mpai ta vigor ll!ld strength pass~d t luough the ~pe1 tme mto the cahm wluch a gentleman, whose hau was as white aucl.ie1ous and dar ing as the) were, bywluch gallant Ge1ald Captam :\focquet was not then ummnd as snow, was slo\\ ly clescendmg Tlns h e Imel licforc succeed ed m cleceivrn a and Mau e sl ept calmly and composedly for to the system nnd cpros us if by magic, Leu· corrllea, or ' exc essive ful of Gerald h e only paused to st1 am to gentleman and Captam Mor ton met on thes<J eluclm " the n g1laucc of ' 0' er ument ct n~sers m ore thau c m h our, elm rnJ \I Inch Cap tam flowing, palnfn l u1011sti nation, UJI· his heatt one~ the body, a.s it seemed, of slippery stone steps \Hth the fir cell w eed to make good lu:s e:scape" ' Mocquet chd not stu h and 0 1 foot, b ut when natural s111·1·r<J,.s1011,., i·rolapsus o r or tllo ntc 1 us, ' ' cak back, his daughter· and then "1th Ins eyes elmg lllg to th em One side oft 10 steps was Little did he ima >me how strange a scene sh e moved a little an(l sho"ed si,sns of falling l "lou, rctr ovcrsloll, b e aring. 7Jus own c,\bm T o be aiwakemng, Mocgn e t , m a low tone that auteve bloodshot ancl' p erfectly d1'y rtnd h ot now- open to these,\ ,ind the other pi otcct od by was t,\kmg plac:c u do,vn selHl<lliOns, C)Jl ouic COlll!:'Cl!I· fot lus gnef was too gien.t for tears- he the w,ill of that portwn of the h arbor snrn, h e '1as JU :st " litt le smpusecl at tho could scar cely be hea1d a t all, but wluch, no tl o n! l nfJnnnn ation and ulce ratio11 of the ·von1b, infln1n1nation, pain h elped (;re1ald mto t he cab111 an d finn " lns C,\pt,·m Moiton, with a comteous gc~tme, q uieseeut cond1t10n of t h e F 1ench captam doubt, uungled with th e slumheis of the and tcnctc1 n oss 111 ova1 i m1, internal .·rms [I.bout hun and kissed ]urn tend~rly went sea.ward, ,md then t he gentlem,in with hut h e w ,1s by fa i too busy on deck to g11 ~ young gul, S:J.ug ,1 little pastoral au of the b e at, a nd "rein .1 lc 'vcakn oss... It promptly r cllci cs and cm cs Nn1111ea But he did not speak the wlute han lifted Ins hat and srmled sad rno1e th,m a passrng thought to huu 01 his sunny i)Iams of Languedoc and 1\hen she "'I e ll me, " sa.1d G eraId , " is tlns your-?" ly ",\s he s,11cl ailau s ' sad smile upon and 'Voakncss of Sto1nacl·, JudJl{esopenec1 1 1e1 eye· it was with a tio n, Blonttng , Ne rvou" Prostlatfon, P1·eserve Your Sigllt. "Hush , my Ma n e sleep ' She shall sleep I t hank you, s 1 !,· but I am tole1,tbly Dolan \llu spe1ecl his 01de1s to B en Bow h er face that she said and Slce1·Ie .. sness , in e itllo1 sex. us?~ to t hese steps ,, lme and 1Vfa1trn, and they at once set about "Ah, I d1c,1rnecl of home '-of dear home Use F. LAZARUS' (late or the lirm of Lazar· one long sleep 1 Ma.u e ' Mane' Mane'" O:R 6 BOTTLES ns &:: Morna ) Renowned Spectacles and Eye· He kn elt by he1 and i estecl the fair head I am a ped eet st1auge1 to them, re the ca11y111g them out - and the vmes I dien,mccl of home '" , r FOR $5.00. GlasHeB, They are the best in the world. 'l'hey upon !us knees ancl bowed lrnd1ead O\e1 her plied Ciipfam Morton "but- but- " 'l'hej we1e ·ery cm10us 111 the n resul ts Captam Mocquet folded his auns 11Jo n o' or tire the cyu, and last many years with· Sold byDrnggi"t" evorywhe re. Send ".Ah I I see what you would s,iy. Youth 'l'he long t hm, y ello\1 sti eak tha,t was hei a nd h eld h et to Ins h eart and Gei alll got out change Fo1 sale by Kenne1 & Co. Bow aud shook ,1s with a strong convuls1011, but en cents Ill stamps im Dr l>ierce s large manv1lle. 6 ir. he did not weep and cl<Liigcrn that appal age and decrep1 JUst belo·' th e bu!w,uks of the cutter was 1 ,is fai awn,y as possible for be h eard. that t '.L'reataso on Diseases ot \Vomcn, illustrated. 1 "Lot u s try to i ecovor her," said Ger tucle, but it ts the suffer mg of the soul, sn , slowly peeled off, and pto\ed to bu nothmg M ocquet was wlaspeun ; r.cpidly to her trntl aid "I have seen many \\ho have b een tho.t has bl.mched these looks, not age ' hut a. p iece of pamted lrnthcr , wlu ch could h e saw that sh e start~l se"li et al tnnos and World's Dispensary Medical Association, 11pparently drowned, on the C Ot\St wh oie I As ho spoke t bc gontlcman with the "lute be g lued on at pleasur e, 1111c1 at pleasure r e that h er eyes weIC slowly bca uuuno- to be 0 0 663 Mam Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. h ave lived so long She may not be dead " hau chew hnnself up ei ect, and Captam mo1 ed Beneath t hat the Rift was all of a t urned tow a t els Jam VETERINARY SURGEON, C[l,ptam Mocquet looked at 111111, and the Mo1ton sMv that there was a latent fil e m co~oi, namely black 'l'hat the French captam ,\ as iefatm " to gn ef m tht\t look Gerald t honght he wonld his eyes, and an expression of r csolut10n, as l'he next t lnng thn.t 1\ as done \ \aS to bnng l i cl l t 1 tl 1 t f d "' d liet l bangei ancl nevc1 fo1gct But without a.nother wo1d h e well as of suffeu ng, that deer)ly mterestecl up fiom b elow some long pieces cf parnt<Jll J 01fstlieau1g ~ 11c 1 e le ns h or ly 0 1 11" d cl il l l lll w ie l s 1 l e l1l een St\VC BUJous Headache, \\ ent to the locke1 of the C[l,blll and with the ]um a.n covei e 1a mg w luch wete gmckly fiorn d eath Gei ald could not doubt and a Dizziness, Constipa. blade of lns hatchet h e wrenched u drnwer H e, too, had suffer ed, and thet e hatl fix:cd aft on the bulwMks about t he stern so brwht flus h CD.me to lus cheek a s he f~lt con t·on, lndi ge"'U~Jh open- for it was lock ed, and the1e h e found passed ov01 Ins h eart on e of those stou ns as to give t hat po1t10n of the cu tter qmte a sct~us how the guttelul heait of the father and Bilious A ttacks, p1ornptly cnreu uy Dr, wh.·t h e knew was there rea dy- a case of of g11cf t hat leave then impress fore\ et on no' cl appea1auce would praise and speak of hIB sh tie of the Pi.ercc·s Pleasau1 bottles contammg vanous spirits and cor t h e ontw ncl m1t11 Then "general sluft of the ball,i st took trans iction Purgat.ve PcllctSI. 25 dials- winch Dolan kept for !us own specia.l An eight oai ecl galley at t lns moment plaee, w hwh ,, Jtogethcr altm eel the trnn of 'l he,~ lnspen ng ceased and Mane sh U" rletl cents ll Vllll, uy Druggists consnmpt10n t eacbed the foot of the stone steps, a nd by I t he' essel aucl clrnnged the ral'.e of the masts t o hei feet ,md then she appeared to ;: col It w:as more by signs now, than by worcls t he resp ectful 11111111m m winch the oai s A coup~e of fresh sa.!ls w ere bent, one of lect that she had 011 but the mght clteilS m that Ge1<tlcl m tnna.ted to Cap tam Moequct were held aloft and the whole turn of t he whteh \I as of tt pecuha 1 bhnsh coloi ' arid luch, b y a muacle, sh e h..c1 fioatctl £1om tha t he m eant to make ,rn 1ttcmpt a t the affau , Captain Motton could see that the t ak e it fot all Ill all, nothmg could "Very the smkrng luggei, ,ind ,, soft, " mm blush CONCERNING restorat 1011 of Muue from het state of appal white hau ecl gentleman wa.s somebody of " ell. look so dissuml,u to the Rift, as it" as 1mantled h er cheet and br<rn I t w t·s t hen importan ce t ·bout half a n ho ll b eforn, as the R ift at 1qmte a plo,tsant t luug to see how M ocqn et en:, d eath Ihe fathet pr essed lus hand for a. moment 'l'hey passed ea h other com tcously anc l t he then present tu ne !auangcd about het t he coverlet that Gerald [l,!ld lu sscd !nm on the cheel,, and then l et t hen t he captarn of th e N,wt1lu~ h ear (!' E ' eiy one of the cic v m,vle some change had brought from the b erth 111 th e ctbm , 1 111 do as h e pleased the white haned gentlem m say 1 h IB attire and C.\ptam D olan }>lit on a and h ow p1ctmesqu e and like some litt le H on orn1y Graduate of the Ontario etermary hnn Oei,ild raised the h ead of the young gnl " Mi s Ha,ocl,s, wlt,tt was the salute w lu te n eckcloth thJ.t h e took from !us SM ao-e queen of some hu island of t !tc I .,,,,. College, Toronto Reg1ste10d member of the r pocket and a black frnck coat that was Soutliei n Se1,1, 8 he looketl with such cliapery Onta110 Vetermary Assoc1at1on, m accordanoe on hrn aim and gently ch afed her neck a11cl ahont ,,, with the Vctcnnary Act, t hro[l.t, .u1d then h e placed on the pale lips "Au Amen can yacht, sn , ~.tluted the b1ought to !um frnm the forecastle ,,bout h ei I~ Is prepa10d to treat all diseases of the Dom· some of t he mdent ·pints hom one of the guaulslnp o,nd 1t was i ct urned " A p iece of p amtecl c Lm as was hstcned Ard C:: est1c Ammals accordmg to the latest theories. liquor bottles 1 t1 1 p1etty, stately walk, she 10.u, w1t1 "Qmtc 'ught-cimte u g ht ' JUSt belo11 the st ein .mlm gs on which was AJ I calls personally, by 'l'elegraph or Tele Geialcl then l ooked m the eyes of Captfl.m "And that is" p am ted "'Ihe Susan, Plymouth " went up to Gcraltl, and for ,\ moment he phone will r eceive prompt attention, 811 .iaro~ FIOE- Mam St , Orono, one door north o! Mocquet and gent ly r emoved some port1011 The last w~uls ~et e lost to Captam Mot "That will do," said Dola n "Keep all forgot the Rift, the Spiay, the Coquett e, W . Henry's l5tore of t h e light m ght chess tlMt the gu l wore t on but by wh,\t followell he guessed that cle,u and" e sh .JI soon be out of the fog ' t he sea, tl~e clear ok~ ca.vern whe1e he had 1 u s s1Btcr ,iacc for mauy a cfoy CHARGES MODERA'l'E, and gently cliafed the r eg1011 of the heart they ,,llnded to hnn, fm the white h a.ued "Ay, ay, captam ' ' said Ben Bow lme sa.t wit 1 It was for p crm1ss10n to do t ins tlh>t he had gentlcm,tn t urned upon the loweunost of the "And 1f auy one is sh ar p enough to k now and year- all that befoie was trnasm eel a.s 1 lookecl m the C) es of the father, ,md then stone st ops and cued out t he l{,ift m he1 piesen t tum why, a ll I cau the fondest 1eco1ds of lus mmd and fon c) the hps of the l'rench ca.pto.m quivered, and " say is, that h e almost clese1 ves to h a' e h et "1 - for the soft Mms of the y on 11 g gn l wer c Sir, will you pardon me for callmg you " I tl11nk she " tll do ' about 1 11111 a nd h e1 hesse~ "c1 e upou !u s <( he gave t h e p e11rnss1011- 11ot by wo1ds but C) rtatid com, "Smc of it, sn I suppose t lMt- that- " chpeek G llJ Your attent10u 1s directed to the immense by a gentle lnss on Gernlcl's cheek, and then backl but ~h tok\rot~ ~~: <mneh 1 one ou l11s hand mttm er o c pre y l e yac youc c1 ' ' T hat" h at · ' 004. eralcl I stock of Gerald was deeply a,ffected For a mo w hich so courteou sly saluted our flag May "It \till be shate an d shaie ahl,e w it h (to BE CONTINUED l 0:: mont or two h e could scarcely see the face I hop~ fo{ the fav~f ,,nd l~onor ~f?oti~,,com the F renchman's money box" - · · - -- -t'l'I: 1 1 0 of Mane for !us t ears. They w er e as a mist pa~~Vot~ uTcr " " Yes, t\\ o shams fot me and one fo r the \J me,, n, six: c oc ' b efore !u rn " A1 iatll e, ~11 Rift." MOTH:ERL Y FIRMNESS. of every description at 1 1t H the only prepar at1on in the world that Yet, what 1s that h e hears ' I s it a sigh~ "C n \ ac Mes~ U t d "t t ' Aji, ay, su ' That's a ll 11ght " will do what is claunod for it I t ha.a produced alh,Ull - 0\ on, ~1 \e ?'~, a es Navy "And all expenses of the voyage p tid out A Trutltlul Little Sk etelt '1.1kc11 l'rom Rc·.11 luxuriant Y cs 'l'he1e is a famt rnovcmi nt , too,"of I l growths o r hair on bald heads w here 0 baldness lrns existed for rear s It has rest ored t he youns" hmbs- 1 \ s lrndde1- sh.e sm~ly ~~vSe 'I~l ionoi °Clsif~ea ~ A of the common stock, of comse, tit st" I,lte. 1' < 1m n a1 of the · u ,, 10m as 101 c " y es, captam, tliat ' s onIy 11gI1t I may T1"0 boys 111 b ed J11 11 (t o T om )- " T a k e the color and vigor to numerous crops of ~a-y Ill t I w auus o f one w I 10 t t · · 1 1e is moves I She has JUst opened out one of the largest loves het and faded halt, It has reheved hundreds of Sh e lives- sh e lives ' God of 8 a ion t ell them that i· your old feet away, n ow " persons of d1sngteealilu Dand1 uff and has saved and most stylish stocks ever btought heaven, sh e lives ' A bow fl om each, and t h e two gentlemen "You may Ah I t ha t is sudden ,, Jim- " Amt hm tiu' you ,, many "When h a ir was fatlmg, 1rom becommg to town, cons1stmg of. '['hen the father- oh, that poor, poor ~leif 1 t;cl, ,\~C6th en th ;I s~cl look f~f10 p ack The slup sailed ont of the fo,; as suddenly 1om- " You cl c gcttm 01 er on my p!Lce " bald 0 1 0 tE" Remember these facts and if your hair is '- with short screams a nd frantic cries, i~tl f ·pta~n or on, ' n~h fe g m and as qmckly as ii it h ad passed f1om [l,II J 1111- " Am't " JJI i i Ii n e 1· y, D 1·e s s Silks, father falhng out and becou11ng thm, get a bottle at h e st1ams h e1 to !u s h ca.rt, and then Ger to se f eS g rT wh c:i ep c"'i~~ndover e 1116 ea to wate1, and althou3 h t he ligh t of tlrnt '[ om- " At e ' once a nd save th e gi owtb, or you may 108" it es o n omas lllOI d 1m an c l \HU t t y season w,ts 11e1tlie1 s t 1011g ,J un- " Sto1y ' Velvets, &c., forever Ask your ctruggist for HAIR MAGIC al d - hnn, too, llC c1asps, ancl l10Id s to Ius m 1 Ca)t < 0 ~e 0 f tlle shameu w1~o 1mel 1 and take nothing elRe bi eastth en !us d ear cluld agam She hn.s M \!11 n or b11ght, yet the senoe of ch ange to actual Motho1 " Clulth en , go to sleep" with a very fine stock of F ea.the1s and 0 1 A DOHKN\\'1£~D . Sol e Manufacturer, 'Io· t mned toward Gerald, :i.ml she has fiung ~gci oc or °H eis, d,\yh ght w,ts 'c1y ma1 keel ancl st1 ong Tom " J 1111 keep s on a puttm h is old feet ron { t~n on ~ or~ now to Flowers. 1 h et auns a.bout hun, and is restmg h e1 an;, y e cap Um, mnmg cl0 f~n, sai~ 'l'he sea w is rathe1 111 [I, commotwn, a nd on me " Call and inspect this fi ne display, which ch eek upon Ins breast J~1fe's ensign unfolds HIGGl:NBO'J.'llAlll & SON, ou wi 6° seawai a 1 ma m g an had the ,\ppearance t hat it wears "hen wm c l J uu- " Ain't, maw ' cannot fall to g1 ve aat1sfaction. itself upon her cheek She h ves-sh e lives ' ihqmry for ~l!tttle hay ~atlef1 St J usts, a nd is conuu cr 01 oomg T hme were dalk Motlier - " Jnnmio, tal,c ) OUI feet away " AGEN'.lS :i,01t BowMANVILLE. And now the fount[l,Ul ct her fath e1 's te,ws t en you wi put m a n ° 0 out for me, ,\ s patch es t~o oi t~ules m extent on the sm J un- " Ouch 1 :i)1aw, 'l om pmchecl n1c ' 1s tmsealecl agam, and h e sobs like a ch1ld, m dill piobJ't'hhes I sh~lll mak~ ~~ by land, face of tlte \~1Lter -shadows wer'e they of t he Mother-" If :> ou don t go to sleep Ill an d a deep sleep comes o'er Mane au you wt see m e ou 10 co,·s chm clouds sm chn.10-cd \nt h ram or sno\\ come t hcrn ,m \\ lnp you hot h ' " ] ake h er sn " saul Ge1n.lc1 softlyThe Aineucan captam then took his soh t hat s Hept between°cart h and h ea.ven Jun- " I amt c1one- cimt tl11t uow 1 - A'.l:'.l:HE"t[l,ke her She h~cl b ettc1 sleep ' She will tal Y way mto town 'Ihc Rift w 1th a su1 " lll<"' clip " ent on its Maw, make 'l'om qm t trym to ct t mo with - - -o--b e qmte well wh en she awakes Uod b e It was gottmg I,tte m the clay, imc1 h e had w1y r 01 1t w >s crns~w~ rn a choppuw !us old to e 11,ul" The und er81gned begs leave to rnttmato to the m d v1c1111ty that he people of Bowman ville 1 thaukud for all t his t' not mnch time t o spare beh 1oen then [l,nd I faslu~n tlnt , 1 isluu , h ea,"nw sea w in ch set~ :Mother - ' ~'omnue, heha1 c ~om self " has opened a new H arness Shop on Kmg St , Captam Mocquet sn.t upon the fioo1 of the t h e h out of Ins appomtmen t .v1th A dmual across it:s c< ui se "" " Tom- " A1u't tlom nothm ', 111<1\\ oppost1e Mr w m Glover a Livery Stables little cabm of t h e Rift and Gerald placed Su 'rhomM Chffo1d' but still h e thou_Jh t Not" soul ·ms to be sec11 Jun- " A1 c too, m n,1\ " wher e he 1\ 111 ha· e constantly on h and and Man e m his anus ancl'Iienur sed h ercrently that h e ;iould be able t o m,\]·c tlie m qm i) "'\Vo ,tie alone a s ) Ot ' 'JMd Cantam Tom- " Am't-ouch 1faw, J un's p mch rna,;e to 01 der Harn ess of all kmds, viz . r oekrng her to a1 {cl fro wlnle Jn s te~rs fell t h tt he came to m ak e, ,\nd t,tkmti fi om lns 1Dolan 'th[l,uks to th e fo 0' ' Keep ai{ eye m ' m e " Om Fall Stock of And Gci,\lcl then wcut pocke t a scrap of ti1 old ncwspap e1, the soutll'~id M.aitm" Motlter - "Gotosleeptlns m mntc 01 Ill H eavy Lumber, softly upon hei Farm, m to t h e Jtttle berth that opened from the w ell "\\ ot n con d1t10n of which s howed th ,t t "Aye , 11 "'e shall ha \ e her soon " com e the1 e aml w ln pyoit both N ot .mothci Express, cahm and brou«ht some of the bed clothes it had been frequently consulted, he slowly "The'Sprny ~" \\Old out of you Just tinotlter w01 d if you 0 Coach, and that ~vere t here a ul help ed t o wrap t hem ie.id i ts c:ontcnts "Yes sn But she won't kuo\\ u s and dai e" ' ' seen J a.bout h m and Captam 1vlocquct looked up PossIBLY h r 1 HF.STING- An uneasy sensa we sh,~ll' be ,;sked, lll 1) l1<Lp, 1f we h,t\ e , un- "G " ~~mmc my P11101\ " Lig ht Double Harness. at hnn and smiled tion has been created m 0111 town by the t he R ift I should hca\ c to su i f she «1ves TomLLke yom 011! pillow Ouclt 1 are now complete. w bat was slup cat go f1 an cs- what was death of ,i \'\iOllMn nam ed Cole, who has re the 01 der " ' ' "' M,\\\' J un's ,\ J,icbn ' me ,, IFine Sin 0 O'le If arness a specialty all to ltnn-comp~1ecl w~th that young h fe sulcd for a cons1dm,iblc time m t h e n e1ghbo1 h er as she is Mothc1- " Didn't I t ell Jon I cl w l11p yon? I' " v\ e w 1ll- w e ,1111 Koen 1 N c, c1 mmd, you :slmn't go clown town wi th IN ALL 'l'HE LATEST STYLES ' A11y amount of Suits berng sold. t hat had been 1escu ecl fiom t h e wild se[l, ? " hood, close by the sea, and whose mode of while I o-o dow n below " life was my st cuous tmd secr et W 1th no Th et e"' " as one of those a11 ful smrnte1 m e to mon ow " A hn·ge s tock o£Coll u s of· ve1yclcsc1 !1·11011 ostensible mc,ms of ln ehhood , she was look111<1 glaies ,Lbout the eyes of Dol,111 a s he , , 1 .. uh· ays on Ja.mcl, ni c n stcmacr s c.111 l1o1>c Om Cutting is cut by a proper "< t i cl h l 11 thc1111undc to 01 tlc 1 oa sllodcst notice. CHAPTER VI n e1 ,e1 known to clo ,tny " 01k 01 to solw1t u tt erect i ese wot s, w ic 1 gen e1a y pre £ Per ormance and P ie ten s10n. Frneststock or Ho1se Millmery ever, sh own In Fn st Class Cntter- one who has THE AM~ l tl CA N )ACJ IT IN POET- A MYS cha11ty, but yet h as resided for morn than luded the wick ccl thonght 01 t h e \Hcked act to1\n 1noludmg. T ~ JW t en yeatS rn a eott,,,gu fo1 wluch sh e paid a of t h e man An E nglish wnte1 pertm ently puts th e ROBES. co·nmanded th e salary of one, and vVlule t hese events were takmg p lace off I egul,u 1ent m ost p unctually ,\$ the day The ol d seaman s,nv it question, " ' 7\T ould not the woilcl be ) BLANKE'I s the coast of Fiaucc, t h e Nautilus, \I Ith its ell.me rnuu cl On h er death bed this woman "Captam Dolan 1 h e said much w1se1 and happier rf we wm e to lay it l!' LY N.IJ, LS, earned the rnputat10n Ammlcan H ag fiutteu ng t o t h e b1eczc, " as accused h er self of b emg, with a nMn named The1e " a,s a sometlnng so n ew Mld str w ge clown as a gen eral rule that performance 1 ' VRAPS, 5 be<1tmg up t he Channel , makmg for the port HutchlllS, m st rumcntal m t he w rnck of an about the tone m \\Inch t he old 111<\ll spok e nnersely p10port10ued to p1eten s10n i" Ucr WHI~SRUSHES We <1o not thmk rt advisable to of F a.lmont h, and ca1cfnlly fcclmg its "ay Amc11ca11 lmrk named t he Sarah Ann, and that Dolan sta1tecl an d look ed a nxiously at ti1mly to b e com meed of this, and to kmrn c l'.JlkB s tln ough the fog wluch hung over the coast she d1ecl Ill a s,td state of m ent,tl pt ost1 ,tt1on !nm that others also wern convm cee1 of it, would and everythm g m season employ JOUrneymen tailors like near 1~1a11cc a.ltll ext cnc1cd for many a, nule It was impossible f1 om t h e m cohe1 ent char " \Vlmt is it, Mm t m "' be a most salutar y l esson to · those who now over the sea ctei of hct r,wmgs to make ou t what exact " I don't l-11ow, Capb.m Dolan," h at you 1 w,·ste so much of then en e1gy and life m some houses do and introduce them T he d ,iy was consiclera1Jly advanced when a ly she mc,mt, but urneh of hei self accus,\ may b e t lnnl,rng of, b nt if I was you, su, I tiyrng to appeai wh at they at e 11ot Insm s PROMPTLY ATI El, lJE D 'IO. the Nautilus left t he L1z u d P o1ut on its t 1011s seem ed to i elate t o a Mis Motton an d wouldn't hmt so much ,1s a !t,m of the h ead ccn ty of tlus kmcl 1s n ot only wr ong, 1t 1 to t he public as fhst class cutteJS. poi t a11cl b eat up the roMls to F tlmouth also so foolish , so 11npote11t, so s!toi t sigh i;~ c1 1 Satisfac tion12:·w· nnt eP.1 Intend mi;: pu·cha9crs a clulcl named J essie,\ 01 J ess1e Om wo1thy of Ca.pt m1 M.ocquet ' 1 1 h en 11 w,is th ~t ( aptam Mm ton, her co1 one1 chcl not tlnnk t hat rtn mqu ost on the " A It ' ' a policy t hat we wonder ho" any re tSOlktlilc vn ll clo "ell 1o g ive 1110 l\ call Rmiln;< bcu,, ht So call and get yom clothing well own ' f ,i,ccusm!( CI C<.\t m e w~s "No, sn, I ·l I ,uH1 1 ll goods of the latent stylo and beat qui.hty, er ,rncl comnmndct came from !u s c[l,bl!l remam s of t l u s se, llm Tl11e rs enOU J 1i :i.ncl mte ll1 gent rn an 01 wom tu can a(l opt rt ll for <;UMh , I will be able to give customers t he [l.lld looked paler m1cl mor e an xious t han i equu ed on tt!l om rnm cl" alr cwl) Not a snnl of t !te It d e<0en cs ve1;)' fow, and those fo w oulj for benefit cut at the Eclipse H ouse. any of !us c1cw had evm seen lnm, p laced a Su ch was th e newsuaper p f11ag1 Lph \\h!Ch c1c11 hut ts full ol tltc glo01m a.bout the' a short tune It pieJucl1ce, p erso11 s agarnst j glass to !u s ey e and too], o, long sm vey of the captam re,1cl t o himself ma lo" ea111est c1c w of the Coquette, tor feM the) sl' ouldn t theo11e w ho practices rt, so t hat t hey arc the COc 1st hue befoi e !um ton e get \I el l on sho1 c ' ' um\ illm g to aclnut 1110 actual me i it, Bowmanv11le, May G, 1886. lM w (!!;auadiau Jtattstuau. RIFT AND SPRAY, I A lfts' how often he had 1e,\d it to lnmself m the s,uue low, eai nest tone LOVE AND VENGEANCE AMONG THE SMUGGLERS, YOUNG AND MIDDLE-ACED MEN. Invalids 'Hotel §Surgical Institute OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. D D Favorite Prescription "'hit·'"'"' I PRICE $I 00 JOHN SPENCER, I I I" FAcr_rs 0 Dr. DORENWEND'S I"""' I f- Z l I £X: > ... J: C LIJ LADIES, s: > J MILLINERY VJ 0.. .. MRS. DDNNELY'S £ ,iJc £ l"£6c BUSINESS BOOMING I 'I NEW HARNESS SHOP ECLIPSE HOUSE. I I CLOTHS and Men's Furnishing's REPAIRING W H, IVES. J. R. BRADLEY,