~ ... TERMS :-11.liO PEB ANNUM. ~ H:W SERIES, NUMBER OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES;EDITORilD PROPRIETOR. 433. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1886. . COURTJCE. BETHESDA. The second quarterly meetin1<was held hero All members of Mt. Car:iwell Divieion 8re last l:iunday. Rev. W. Kenner's sermon fron reqt1es·ed to attend Wednesday next as there Psa. s.1: 11 was enconmgingo to Christians. is very important b11sin<~~e. Sacre.mont WAR Rdmimstered to a lar11e number. We would likfl to ·ee onr Se.llbe.th School TYRUNE. better attended. Parents i>lease send your children. We will try to 1o them good. A. Exciting foot b"'ll match hero next Saturday -tihttnarocks 'VS. Dragoons. Tlme-2i. OSHAWA. What foot ball team will meet the Sham· rocks here on Tha.nksglvin Day ? Turnips 12~ cents e. bushel. Willie McPherson broke his tliil!h, SundtlY· ENFIELD. Boys performed wickedly on Hollow e·en. Capt. Gll.Q'e e.nd wife, or Yorkville, 11re the There was a lar~e turn out at Mr. Jaa. new Salvation Olficer"· Capt. R. L. Worry Gallagher's sale. bas gone to Parl", and . Lieut. Marshall to Ue.rleton. Ple.ce. 'l'hey were treated to a com· A: large load of young folks attended plimentary supper before leaving. the conceit at Enniskillen last Thursday Successful revival meetings are being held evening. In Metce.lf-st Methodist churcli. At the Industrial Exhibition , R. J. Mr. Ed. Niddery P. M. as been repairMackie, or 0 8hawa, Rtands second on th<' lilit, ing his house. lhe amount won b)' him heing $251. Mr. 'fhos. Guy comes tourt.h with $212. Mr. Mackie won No preachin!? last Sunday afternoon, over $500 in prizuo with his Herefords at lhe because of the Quarterly meeting o.t El!a.II ta.lrs. A Lodgo of Knights of Pythias han been dad. organized hero with Mr. J. W. Hie;giubotluun S11veral farmers have their turnips as the chiet officer. out yet. NEJ)JO Mr.. Alex. McMillan is th.e new manager or the Ccdardalo WorkM. jjEW PARK. ~~~- VOLUME XXXII. NUMBER 46. T This is the seasou' for buying stoves. Like everything else yo u buy, you want the best. stove to be got for t he m oney. We 11re a.t your ser vice in making a j udicious selection on thia principle. Do yvu want a Heater'/ If so, we can be of service to y ou with out more ado. Have you Eeen the new Square Radiau t Homa for sale in Bowmo.nv11le only by S . S. Edsa111 It i· n real gem and llf· mistak'l, a model of beauty, un equalled iu design, a.nd heat of all, it is the most powerful h eater in the world. Thia stove has been t horoughly 1est~d and is reco~nmended in t he b t:l ief that ·it is t he best stove that ha~ over been produc~ d of the kind. both a.s to its admira ble working qu,,]ities and its high merits as a work of art. The New Sq11are Radieut H ome hae many points uf excellence to recommi;nd it to l\ll who use stoves for h ea ting porposeB. Would you havens name a fow of these point. ? The combustion ch amber i'I much large r thari a uy other, ensuring perfect coneuropt.ion o f fn e.l. The ga~sea r· ' CLARKE UNION . '.l'he Good Templars have got thllir ball uo compl et ely burned and th ereby u sed Mr. Geo. Kain h1<s gone to Whitby to learn plasterud and repaired. 'rhe ofiicers for as a hea ~ producing power, n ot be ing bakingwl1}1 his father W ho willeat theflt·st thi· quarter ·re: a W . C ., B ro. W . }' · b m; ' ~ >rls , loa.O carried <>ff through tht' pipes to the chim\ i 'furu 'pa are all en the rush now around W. S., Bro. S. Stapl~s; W. 1<'., Bro. D . ney or allowed to tilter through 1he joints Steward; W. 1'., Sia. M . J . Miller; W. here , rop sme.11. of the stove to e nd11.1ti;er the health and Mr. ' , Cobbledick has sold a fl11e1J'our-year· M. · Bro. \V. Thompson ; 'vV. I. G., Bro. lives of the users . The f1 1~es a.re large old colt to Mr. John Jewell, for th.a neat sum D · McCarty · or :~uo. · , W . O . G ., u uro. C . Steward and deep , bi>ing constru cted on th e true A Jlen uine Frenchman was fou1Hl ;n Mr. A. . ... 'l'be children and grand ~hild1·en of principle to ensur<i perfect o eration with ![)a.via' barn the orher morning. He ce.n pick Mr. Joseph Brisbin gave him a surpri8e no sharp corners to ohstruct th 6 draft or turnips like a .F renchman. last Wednesday evening, his 7uth birth· force the current out of ita na turai. course. Mr. L . Fox is working for Mr. .iTolin Parker, day , . by p test>ntin~ htm with an arm The best·ilue is oval or egg-shaped run.succes,.or of Mr. G. Ke.in, · M T chair. . . . r.. hos. Brisbin has b ought a · niug much deeper < Jn the ou 1 er circle Mr. Frank Manning ha.a lflft us soon to com· l If mence his High School sttidies. She is lone- stu':llp mac iine. the frost dont come than the inner therebv causin!! t he hot some now, l~rank. . the ftumps will dis ..ppeur out of this . air to inpinge the oute; wall and ensnring Charley look~ ~ed around lus 'ha.t e.H he rldea neighborhood aa Tom is a champion gn a luad of turmp tops. a vast a mount of direct radia tion. Fro m . Mr.Hugh Mcintosh he.s lee.seol his farm ta stump pulle~ the oma ment on top to the support for the Smith Broe. for an indetlnate time. the basfi there is uothin~ iu this i::ltove to SOLINA. The llrothers are four m number a11d arc· offend t he finest artis ti c t11ste. lt is a very industrious young men. working about 400 acres. ; B · k k h l M Stove that will .gr ow in y o ur estimation Mr Robt. White he.s left 1\fr, w. H. ~noi's nc wor as commencec on r .Jno. the more it is looked at and examined, and 'we mlae his amiliu g face. ' Vice's house .. .. Prof. W. V. Hunt sman's and we introd uce it to your consideration We were agreeably surprised the other morn:· Art Entertai nment was not largely a.tThe En t ertainment was very ing to meet our old friend Mr. J ohn Hulburt, tended. feeling confident it su r passes the highest from tho West (Perth county.) lookinit he.le aud · . enconiums " e can place u pon it . Every he ..rty. He gives a good account o! !tis now /llfl.tr<Jctlve as well es am using..... Mr. stove is fitted with the "Duplex Grate," I home. His gre.in averaged about 40 bus. to t.hc · J a~. Moor e has moved on the farm pre' .t: acre thie yeur. Bo offers a ferm of 50 acres i~ v10usly occupied by Mr. Jas. Stanley . ··· the only per fect devicA for r .:m o ving all our neighborhood cheap for casli. (Advt.) ' ·' F.,TAL ATTJ.CKS . - Among the mo st clinkers a1Jd ashes and leavint: a p.irfectly Mr. w. H. Bennet bougb.t 4 calves e.t a sale Ther e are rumors of m ore weddings in ·for$10 .40. Werethey whey ·ca.lves t.he ne:ir future . . . . The Quarterly n11:1et· prevalent fatal and sudden 11ttacks c,f dis - clean .lire. The Art Treasure is another form of Mr. S. Mercer Is going to ·commence farm· ing here on .Sunday l"st was \'ery well ~ aaes, are those incid ent to tile summ er ing ago.in on hie old hori,.e·stead. He i. an old attended, Rev. S. Salt.:>n prea<,Jhed an and fall, such aa Cholera M o r bus, Rilio us stove that h1\a became very popnl.a:r; and man but can "git the~"Moxm· excelln1t sermon after which th il L ove Colic. Di1>rrhc:ea, Dysentery, etc, that is oue of the beet in be1>uty of design and Fl:laat was held and Sacrament was ad - often prove fatal in a few hours. Th at ornamentation, This stove is alao fitt ed ENNISKIU,FJN. mi11is1 ered ..·. Who was the young mau every reliab'.e remPdy Dr. Fowlor's Ex- with the famo uR " Duplex Grate" and is At the Qul\rterly Official Iloe.rd of the M elh· that 11'/ e.s seeill walk in~ south ou S unday tract of Wild Strawberry, should be 11t ~uaranteerl to be an economical and odi~t church. Hampton Circuit, was held at powerful heater. W e fee l sure that 1his Eldad last tiaturday afternoon· Dr. Mitchell, uight last at the rate of til· knots per band, for u se in emer ge ni;y.::; of Enniskillen, was unanimously elected to th~ hou r 7. ... Mr. W. J. Bray, of Oshawa, E<tove will command a very larii:e sale this important posltion of Recording Steward, m To Omt Ri:ADKitS. -We cannot to season. It may be seen at S.S. Edsall'e. the place o! Mr. ::>tephen Waohington, who Is has ooen visiting h ere .· ·· Business is necea.:_ The Radient Home Stoves, single and removing to Bowman ville. We congratulate boomiug in the village since the cold ;iJtrongly urge upon our rea.qers the _ the Docto1 on his election to this responsible weather set in. :ai;ty of subscribing for a family weekly double h e11ter~, with and witliout ovon s JACK. position. His gentlemanly straightforward newspaper of the fi rst class-such for in· all fittecl with the r en 'lwned Duple~ and buslnesa·like conduct baa won tol' him the esteem ofhisAbrethren. stance, as THr. INDEPENDENT, of New Gra t., (1., uy no other). are so well anp AUCTION SALES. At the above meeting the following resolntiYork_. ~ere we ?bligad to select one favoubly known in this section t hat they bn was unanimously adopted by a standing publication for habitual and careful read- speak for themselves. 'l'he eales of these vote: MR. :&. HUTCHISON'S S.H ES. ing to the exclusion of all oth ers, wu stoves last season was larcrer than ever That this board desires t o place on record 0 its lli!(h appreciation or our recording Steward FRIDAY Nov.. 12.-Under and by v rtu- should· choose. unhesitatingly T HE I~DR · before, consumers r ealizing that it pays Bro.Steoben Washington who is about toremove of a chattel m ortgaga made by Mr. PF.NDENT. It lS a n ewspaper, magazme, to buy a standard article and one that in from this circuit. Bro. Washington he.a been Wm. Potter there will be aold by public and review all in one. I t is a religio us, every case gives per fect satisfaction. Thia enge~ed in actlw work in theMcthodistclmrch in thia township rur over half s. century, and nuction without r eserve un lots 25 and a literary, an educationa.l, a story, an art, stove is massive and substantial not a . wo are pleased to ·1 ·ccord O!tlr,confldcncc in him 27, con. !ii, Darlington. the whole of a scientific, an agricult ural, a financial, "paper sto~ e," and its constrn~tion ie , as e. faithful chr j;1.ilin, a de¥oted Claes Leader l1is va.luahle farm atock, implllments, and a politic11l paper combined. It hai such that e very part of it from top to bass. and a.n untiring 11t.c ward an4 seif-dacrlficin11: local preacher; in 1l1e latter cape.city he has done etc., includin~ 7 horses, 11 cows, 33 :32 folio pages and 21 d epartments. No i11 alive with h eat. In every test t h e · e.n immense amount or wer.k especially in the young 9attle ar,d 9 pigs. Sale at 12 matter w hat a person's religion , politics, "Radiant H ome" has come out victorious . early history of Methodi>m in tbis country. He has alwaJ· exhibited. a willinguoss to o'clock, sharp. See bills for particulars. profession may be, no matter what the and fu lly hears out the high est guar a Atee , work. and could ever be ·depended upon to R. HuTcH1soN, auctioneer. a ge, 11ex, employment o r condition may given it. In fitting, mounting an d high discharge all his duties to.ithlully. ln all financial matters he he.a been a cheerful o.nd AucTioN S.AJLEs.- R. Hutchi son, Licen - !be, Tm: INDEI'ENDEN1' will prove a h elp, . finish it is without n rival. The "Radiant . liberal contributor. HiHuntiring zee.I and his deep interest in the prosperity of Goo'11 Zion sed Auctioneer for the Townships of an in~tructor an educator. Our readers H ome" double h eater i~ unquest.ionably · you can find the largest stock in above lines in this county. J1ave especially distinguisl1ed ,his career wl1ile Clarke, Manvers, Cartwright, Darlington <Jan do no l ess than to send a post al for a t he most powerful eYer invented it is the on this circuit. We t.rnst, o:n his removal he free specim en copy, or for thirty cents only double heater in Cauada that can be· , will find a contiaued field .o t .usefulnesa that . and Whitby. All sales attended to promptly will be con11enial to the church. 'l 'hat the and at r easonable rates. \\There it is n ot the paper will be sent a month, enabling fully guaranteed, those who h ave the~ in. .one to judge of its merits more critically. use being ·j,1dge. Divine blessing may ever r est on him and his family durmg tllo rest or tti.elr de.y11, is the convenient to see me, arrangements for Its yearly subscription is $3.00, or two The old. time wood stove is fast givin " · sal es can be made with t h e Editor or by .eurnest prayer of this otllcial beard. t·e°(Signed,) J . c. l\irrca=r., Rec. St. addressing me at Enniskillen, P. 0. years for $5.00. Address, THE INDHPEN· way to the range. L ast season E . BARHASS, Supt, commended the Happy Thought Ranae N . B.- I have no agents out begging for Illl?>rn:, 251 Broadway, New York City. The Sabbath School a.nni:versary or the very highly after a thorough test, and'"'it tf. Methodist church here, will be held noxt sales for me. R. H UTCHISON. IN GooD REPUTE.- James McMurdock, was sold with the strongest possible <>uar T,JlUrade.y-'l'ban sgiving Da.y. '.Pea will be served in the .basement or thA church MR. s. C. JIU.NKINO'S SALES. writing from Kinssle; says : "B . B. B. as sntees, every on e of which it has ~ore from 5 te 7 p.m. After tea, there will h11 singing and recitations by the children. also ad- TuBSDAY Nov·.16. - Mr. Digory Fitze a re medy for diseases of the blood, liver than sustained. We believe no H.an"e ,dresses from the Revds. J. 'l'. Morris, · w, will sell his farm stock, i mpfome nts and kldneys, has an excellent reputation has ever given such unboundocl satisf:cKenner , '.l'., P hilips, Columbus and resident .mini8ters. Special sermons will be preached etc., on l ot :J, con. G, D arlington, east ia this locality. I have used it, and speak tion, and as a consequence every body Robe~ ' .J.as. next Sunday morning and evening by the J:tev. of Bethesda church . The stock is good from experience, as well a.s observat ion. who h ad one r ecommends it to friends ollock, of Kendal. and Hev. E. Barra~s. 111d n eighbors and it is ho.ving a tremenda.nd implements nearly :aew. Se.le at 1 It is t he only medicine I want, and I ad - 1 M . A. Collections in aid of S. l:l. fund. vise others affiiethe to trv it."! ous sale. S. _S. Edsall h as s0ld over a l '.HILOS. p . m. S. C. Hu1uuNG, auctioneer. i hundred of these stoves and h us ordered very largely for this season's trad0. Its CLARKE COUNCIL. T UESDAY, Nov. 16.- Mr. E. E . B illings, OR ONO . d esign .and or~am.entation ia p leasing and lot 26, con. 5, Clarke, will sell his Ilegular meeting Nov. 2. Reeve in the chalr. attractive, wlule its con~ t ruction ensures 'Villiam Rolf who has retired from So--come along, friends, and bring your cash and you will · Mr. va:luable farm stock, implements, etc., Members all present. Minutes read and conf t t" · trmirg. has purchased a house in the north decidedly get a bargain. All kinds of Fur altered and repaired. without r eserve. F ull particulars in firmed. On pct iti ·II of Jae. Colville, Jno Davey, per ec opera ion every lime. Its arr.... ngeart cf ,01e villege fro m Mr. D. McCullough. o.nd others. $2 a.id monthly w11s granted to J no men t for h eating water is moat powerful bills. S ale at 1 o'clock, sharp. JAMES Mr· .John L. Powe is on the stck list. M ay Hancock, inaigent· Trueman Hall we.s releas· in fac t if we were to state the amount of KERR, Au ctioneer . he soon recover so that his business may not J:\L[ _ l\{[ ed by request from omce of pound keeper. · · · h · sutrer. Counmlors Hall and Stanton .were deputed to pipes it i a eat.mg in certain dwellin"' The Practical Furrier. examine roads and report: con. !l, lot 9; con. 10 houses at the present time Hrn s tatement Our geBiat barber "caned" Robt, Fenton last ~ -~~~~,,,...-~ -~-~""'""""""~~~~ _,,,~~"'-~ ,..-~ - """""""""....,""'""""""!!!'""""""'""""""",....."""'"""""""""'""'"""""'"" week and a.fterward3 w~nt before Mr. H aines, OCTOBER SCHOOL REPORTS . lots IO and 11; side line con. 9, lots 1 and 5, would hardly be cr edited. It is fitted l::l'>me compl!Llnt (nature not stated) from of Dowm=ville, and pu.id hls fine like a little Alfred Brown was laicl over. Ingide nt a.id ·with the celebrated Duple:x. Gr;it e, a device man. Willtam is no coward. NAMES IN ORDER OF MERIT. d l '-· f tl granted. $58. Accounts were pas3ed ae follows: that renders poking 'l'lte l::ls.Jvation Army do not seem to nake " an 8 l lJ.urng o le J,eskard Public School,- tthCle.sg- A. Davey .Tas Graham, repairing bridge, $1.25; A Lock· any advancement here. There is only two or hart. Material a.nd work $6; :::; Maglicr, repair· fire unnecessary, pravenld rul escaµe of B Robbins, Ada Trull, 8opble. Trull, B Davie three soldiers now in the r~ nks. but the f!lith~rd Qla.ss,-~ertie Hancock. Mary J,,awaon and ing scraper. 25c; A Garret, work $1; A Wright dust and aa,ves fuJly fifteen per cent of ful otftcm·s still fight viallently. repairing r~ad $10; 8 ]"iuley, bnildin" bridge fu ) Th k fth "H Th · e Davie, same. W Mercer, A Hobbins. The an11u1J.l meeting or the Orono Bt·ancll of Bert· e · e ma erso e appy . o ught' 2nd Clasa- Locv \Yri~ht , Nellie Hancock $10; G Finley. repairs line. $10; W m 1,itlle, re'. the Billie fio<Jiety was held in the Methodist Sr. pairing cul bert and grading. $8; Job Cobblea ncl the other stoves mentioned i;bove J,,aurie Samis, l<Jusebia Wa lker, Bert.ie Moyse' clrnrch on I!' l"iday evening JR.st.. 'l 'he attend· J'r. 2nd .cis.sij,- B Simpson, E Davey, E Robbins dick, work on grrvel road and atde road $2J: A control th e exclusive n oht to make this auco was of coc u se small. l\Ir. Smith, or NewStalker, lumber, ::';il.17; G Morrow. ditchi ng$12; <T t · C d A . Davie. F Walker' m arket. agent of the Society addres·ed tho Albert Jaclrnon, Maggie ana a now and vory fine J no Dobson, work, :jill.25; A Lnckhart, gravel, , ,,r. e m 'l', A; BROWN, 'l 'eacher mcet inl". Mr l\foment was r e·elccted presi· $4; W Britten; .werk. $8.12; S Cuttle., advt. Wood Cooking stove is t h e "Keystono" Mt.- Carswell. - 4th Class-Minnie Morrow. dcn( aud 1\lr. G. M. Long. secretary. Co~rt of Rev1s1on, Newcastle, ~2; Wright & w hich is sure to have a very la. I Besste Brooks, F rank Gay. SJ'. 3rd Class- L Wright, advice to Reeve m 18&1, $2; n. . rge sa e. The 5t.h of November was celebrated here as .Rnnclle. Wesley Hancock, Arthur Short. J r. J Rowe, legal This stove may also b e see11 at S . S. selecting of .Jurors, $8; John Cuttle, usunl IJy the boys carrying everytlung they 3rd ClassMaud Oke. A.t·thur Gay Lizzie on printing a.ccount, $26; J ohn Hoskin for loss Edsall's et in the shape of boxes and barrels to Nichols. 2nd Class- H Lingle. C Cornish, ::; or one sheep, killed by dogs, $3. Council adI am prepared with one of the choicest assortments of cloths couH · the JJ'air Ground e.nd building a rousmg fire. Balson. Pal't 2nd- G Folley, M Hancock E journed to Uec. 7th. - - - - ----..--- - -- \Ve note that one or our would-lle·lea.ding Cornish. J . H. ALLIN, '.!'cacher. ' for Men's and Boys' clothing for the Fall and Winter that public men is making a great sproad treading A MODERN MIRACU:. - In a recent Enniskillen School.- Hb Class- Rosa Brown on a.n absent one. It would be well t or him to I N A DA NGEROUS P n rnoN. --A ny man, letter from R. W. Dowton , of D elorame, remember that tho "clique" ia not yet dead A lfio Mitchell, Mary Virtue, J'ennie McLaren· has ever been shown in H:impton. All bought before the though one may have left the pe.rta to e1trn M Rogers, C Hogcrs. 3rd Class- }<; Gilbert j woman or child is in a dangerous condi- Ont., he states tliat h e has recovered an honest living, a.:id at the same time mind :vm1e, E Stainton, C Rogers. Sr. 2nd Class- t i on when n eglecting a constipated state from the worat orm of Dyspepsia after advance, for cash, and will be sold at lowest living prices. his )<] J,ewis, G Thompson · .M Martfn. A Moyse. own att"airs· Jr, 2nd Class- W Virtue. J, Hutchison, Harold of'the bowels. There can b e no perfect suffering for fift een y ears ; a nd when a 1\irs. John McCombe is very ill. Mitchell, G L9W 1 s, M Brown, 1'. L. S·1'APLE6, health without a r egular act ion d thfr1 council of dootore pron ounced l:Mm incuraSeveral new industries are startiug in our r1,oaoh or. function. Burdock Blood Bit ters curo w idst. We notice James McGill leaving the Osborne's, S. S. No.· 4.- Hh Class- \Valter constipation by impa.rting a h ealthy tone ble he tried B urdock Illoocl B it ters, six village weekly with a ·load of goods which Osborne, b ottles of which restored his h<Jalt h.:J: Mand Squires, Minnie Everson. 3rd he sells from honse to house. Mr. Brentwell, Class;-Dolly Oke. l!'lora Annis. Allie Worden. to all the secretious,:t: too, ha,s started a. wagon on the road with all 2nd Class-Arth Messre . Gould & Morgan, of Osliawa, ur Osborne, Mable Perkin, .A kinds of coal oil. vVe wish botli success. Worden. Il, J. Monnow. Teacher. COSSllMl'TIUN CJIJllllJl.- an oia nhysicie.n h av ti purchased 140 h ead of fine cattle Mr. E. C. 'l'hornton has t.aken charge of s. S. No. q, Cle.rke,-5th Cle.ss,- Mary lten· retired from practice. havin~ ha.d placed in his for shipmen t t o G lascow, Scotland. M r. Salem school as Miss Aunie Squair ha9 been '~1ck, Col ville, Kate Colville, 4t.h h11nde by a.n Ea.st India miss10n11ry the formula. for ced ou account of ill bee.It to give up work Ulass,- Ma~t1e l to :mper intend Ahce Hamm, Mary Wilson Dora ofa simple vegetable remedy for the speedy Morg an will goto Scotlanc for a timo. J?ick.son. ~r. 3rd Class- E ttie Colville', Vesta and permanen toure ofConsumption,Bronchitis, t he sale of the stoek. The Howe.rel Clifton Co., gave two enter· Sam1s, Ettie Buckley. Jr. 3rd Class- Milton Catarrh, Asthma and all throat e.nd Lung Af· Don't fail to call and inspect my goods in these branches tainments in the 'l'own Hall on ·ruesda.y an A SJ? EEDY Cum!:. - Ae as peedy"cure for Pollard. P h?ebe Gibson, Joh11 Mason. Sr. 2nd fections, also a positive and radical cure ror evenings. Clf!-ss- Nelhe Colville, Charlie McDonald. E. Ner vous Debility and all nervous Complaints, D ysentery, Chole ra M arbus, Diarrhcea before placing your orders. I am sure I can please you m Wednesday Rumor says the Methodist church improve· Wilson. Jr. 2nd Cla.ss- Eva. 'l'oms Annie Beel after having tested its wonderful curative Colic, Cramps, Sick S tomach. Canker of Ruthella.Hamm. Sr. lstelass-Fr~ddie BowcZ: powers in thousands of cases, hs.s felt it his ment is to be begun at once. style and price. Kellwood, Alice Buckley. Tablet dt1ty to make it known to his suffering fellows. the Stomach and 8 0.M.els, and all orms / A meeting was held on Monday night to Ji'lo1ence Cle.sses,- Dertie Bowen. Lena I ton wick Willie Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve of Summ er Complaints, there is no r emconsider the propriety of purchasing e. steam Buckl!lY · every school day:-Mary bum an suffering, I will send fr ee or charge, to fire engine. No definite conclusion was arrived Renwick, AP'!esent edy more reliabla than Dr. Fowler's Exlice Hamm, Mary Wilson Charlie all who desire it. this r ecipe, in German,J!'roncb, " at. McDonald, Nellie Colville. Annie Beel. l<' lor· or Enii;lish, with full directions for prel)Qjl·Jng t ract of Wild Strawberry, Dealer11 who sell l\fr. H. Moulton still ranges the frozen North ence Bellwood, l!'reddic Bowen, Bertie Bowen usina. Sent by mail by a.ddressiJ> i:.with in quest of deer, etc. He, so far baa met with and Ernesb Hamm. Average attendance tor and Hampton, October, 1886. stamp, no.mini(' thle po.per, W. A. NO'l'lil'I U9 it, and those who buy it are on mutu&l 43-5w. good succese. thei Month, 32: K. R. SQUAIR, 'reacher. grounds in confide uoe of it11 m erit. t Power's BlockRocllester N. Y . !6 The Little Maxwell Binder has no Equal in Canada. TALK ABOUT STOVES ) ... ~~~- I The L ittle Maxwell Binder, mi0e by David Maxwell, of Paris, 011t., 1\s a farmers machin e, has no equal in Canada. Three great ends are kept in view by the makers of this machine-first, lightnPs· ; secorid, simplicity of construction ; thitd, ease of managPment. Jn these very im· por tant eeeeutials it is perfect. It is the only right lrnnd cut mad e. It has the regular width of cut, and will 1iass through all elo··en fou t ~ale with ease. The oinder proper has been greatly aimplified, and now ties the sheaf with the wheel and µinion, doing away with all intermediate ~ear, takini;: the plunger l:>olt from the kn ot ter and t.yinii: t.he knot with the earn alone, turned with a belt crank. They h:n ·e also three packers and a butter, thus making the sheaves uniform in tightneea and with equare butts. All gearing is taken from the wheel, and the driving is done by chain gearin g alone, this machiu.e be in~ the only reliable chain driver built. The seat, tilt, r oe! anJ binder are carried from the sills of the harvester, arid by this means the surging and swaying of t he top is avoided in passing over furrows while at wc,rk. So easily is it managed that a.ny b oy whfl can h andl e a te>\m of h orses can handle the binder. All the important pans are built of malleable iron or steel. and every shaft is steel. The Little Max well B ind· er ia very favorably known in thi s neighborhood, as they were seen working in the harvest tielrle all around last season. From actua.l observation the writer can testify to 1he wonderful lightn ess of draft and easy management of these machines. A pair of m edium sized horses can walk off with it throu gh quite a heavy crop of grain with scarcely an effort, and the unifol'm size and regularity of the sheaves cannot b e excelled by the beat hand binding. So far as workmanship sud material used 'I.re concernl'rl, the high r eputati·m of the Maxwell Works is bound to be ·sustained. a Hats, Caps and Furs I At the leading establishment of ~~ ::M:A YE:E <., the Practical Furrier, · FOR LADIES: In Jackets-Dolmanettes, Capes, Caps and Muffs in great variety. FOR GEN TS: wo A large stock of Fur Coats in Russian Lamb ; Bokarian and Coon, in all prices, Sleigh by ..the dozen, and Caps of all descriptions. In ; G ent's Furnishings- the b est stock of Underwear Ties, Braces, Shirts and Rubber Coats. ' ..A..Y- E R=1 HAMPTON CLOTHING HOUSE! FALL ANNOUNCEMENTS. 0 Our cutting, making and trimming equalled by few and surpassed by none. Full lines, in very Jatest styles, of Gents' Furnishings, Underclothing, etc. F. A. COLE.