·.<THE CANAD IAliJ s·Tt.lE" .QIUl U1.l ; · 11 H .:>ml-t" rs PUBLISRJ<lD @---------~---··-·----=-- · a a _ _ _.___2._llll""!i.-.l!O.~.!_ the errors and indiscret ions of youth, nervous weaknes11, early decay, loss of manhood, &c. , I will send a recipe that ,£VERY FRIDAY MORNING, will cure you FRBB OF CHARGE. This -BYgreat remedy was discovered by a m ission· ary in South America. Send a self· .A'r THE OFEICE addressed envel ope to the REV. J OSEPH 1"01t0m.eeB oek,JUngSt. ,Bowman.vllle,Ont T. INMAN Station D New YOTk Git'IJ. 46y .A C,urn.-To all who ar e suffering from Edie. l:SY .ARCHIE MACli. - · &·- a&& 222CS under gfass, wh ere it onght to be to save br eak (.l,ge. Cooking Recipes. Bou;1rn CARRO'.l'S.-Scrape aRd wash them, then split them in two, if very brge, into four, and cut them iccross ; they require long boiling to make them soft . STE\n:D Y EAJ.. - L ay a. knuck le of ve<tl in . a saucep an with two bbcles of mace, a.n onion, a. small wh ole pep er and some ~,,[t wiLli , two quarts of watei· ; cover it close and l et i t simmer for two hours. B.1;EF IlllO'.m . - T ake a leg of beef, cut it in pieces, put iu two or th1:co blades of m:w e , some parsley mid a crnst of brea·l ; boil it t ill the beef i~ tender, to>Lst bread an<l cnt in to dice, but it in a d ish, lay in the beef and pour 0 11 the brot h. HARICOT MurToN.- Make a. goocl gravy 1 . by lJoiliug the t rimmings, seasoning it wi th pepper and salt. ~tt-ain anc1 ,,dd carrots, pa.r snips '1nd onions previou sly boiled t ender. ~lice t hem in, then l'Cpper and si1lt the mutton, broil it brow u; put i t into the gr avy along with the vegeta.bles, and stew all together ten rniuutos. M:mc;m V EAL.-Cut the meat from the bones, find ha ving minced it very fine with a srn11ll p iece of lemon peel, gmtc over it a. little nntmeg, ancl sprinkle on some pepper tuitl salt. Put the bones into a sauce prtn with it 111rge onion chopped fine and water euough to moisten well; thicken with a littl e flour a.nd butter and serve on buttered tu<e$t. TAPIOCA l'uunnrc.-'l\t1'.c .. six t<tblespoonfnls of t a.pico a.u d soak it in milk for some hours before you intend to use it; when you ai·p, going to mak e your pL1clding, p ut t he tapiocit into a. quart of milk, place it on the fire,' :.nd, as soon as i t boils, sweeten it t o your taste and let it simmer for a (iuarter of an hour. P our it in to a basin am! stir in a little fresh butter and three eggs well beaten, Ba.kc one half hour. M1 A.JAMES, TEB.Jv.[S : Tn a peaceful cou ntry cottage Joy a.ml sunsh ine rC"igned 8Upreme, 1 ..a.11g- hin~ d1ildrem ro untl t he dou rst..ep .Sport ing on the g ra.ss-spot green, Formost of them n.ll in froli c \Vos a nut-brown rnaid of four, Proudly h n.pp y, ga.zed the n1othcr On he r darliug·s, from the d oor. Bnt upon he1' darling Edit,11 ) h\·elt h er eyes more fondly still, And n. throb of clcepcl.' plea.s ure Carn;ed t he mother's h eart to thrill. Tiny was her du.rll ng's ftgllre, More like humming bir L t or b ee Jl'littc<) r.,he a1nongst the others,'Twas a goodly. Sig·ht to see. Edie, pet or all the hou>ohold, Jdol of her pa.rents' hearts, I,ikc a beam of sun1rncr snnshi nc Olenrning lH"ight, ere it <lepa1ts. Merry eyes of (fo..rkest h a?:el, J.Jaughing-, rog· ui~h, !11\l of i;lee, Sklu a..s brown u,s na v berry,·w hat a d implrnl cia.rllng f:.lhe ! there she 5tops awl lingers, . Cast.s a t·ogT1i8h gbll('.C helihid , Coqnettish, yet full of rne[;.11iL1g , Mi ~chievou8, yet oh, so kind ! Happy , merry, little darling, 1Iother's ~ride, the ont·hrown ma.id , Sister'8, pet urn] brother's idol , ll'r.ther'~ j oy, in all al'l'ayi:.c l. From that h" PP.r cottage home, Uroken-ho::it·W<l h; the fe..thor, Sad: oh, sad the mo~b.er'o moa.n ! }"or thcir,l ovecl nrnl cherbhcd dar1i11; J>cath1s Hter n lla.nd ha!:i snatr;he<l away, CJon<l i n ;~: aU t heir happy 8UlJ8billC O'er wit h sorrmv 1s clonds of gray. Da.rk rt.s 1111dni9ht seeEl:! their puthwa..y 1 But n, ~ta.r t;lll11t!~ br ight a.n<l c:lear I-Jjgh a.bove the cloud8 of sorrmv '.i'hat surround their pathway h e1'e. H~l"e :incl McDOUGALL &METCJ\LFJ are offering Coal as f oilows : - ---·-------- -~----·~ · ·- ·LISOlperannum,or ~l. OHCpahll~ advance 'P &Jnlent strictly in advance required from 11111>&or1bers outside o f the conn ty. Orders to 4lsoontln ue the paper mu~t be accompanied by be amount due,orthepaper will not boa topped. Rbllcribera a.re responsibleuntnrul lJlaymentis 'made. . JU.TES OF AUVERTISING s ~;.!'; · Wbole Column one year ............ . $ 60 oo ~:;; ~ " "· li!\lfyear ·....· ·..·. . 36 ()(I· :;;;:; .. " One quarter ... ..... , 20 Ul; ::'-! ·n ;llalfColumn one year .· ··..·.·...·. . 36 00 - " Half year ·.. .·. ·..·.· ·. 20 0( One quarLer ·- . .···.··· 12 5l· ,qu&rterColun.n one yMr . . ..···.··· ~O 00 ·· " llaH yea.r ·.·...·. .. . 12 50 '" One quarter ...... ·. 8 VO 5 . <llxllnes andunder, t'lrst insertion ·. ~ O ~~ .. Each subsequent inser tion...... 0 2o · :wrom si:x: t o ten li·es, first insertion 0 71 ... . Each subsequent insertion...... 0 Sil : _10 ~er tenlines,firstinsertion,perlin e 0 10 _ Each subaequont insertion, " 0 0:0 __ . The number of linea to be reckoned b> Ile space occupled,.measured by a scale o Olid Nonpareii. ~e:::::::=--~--~~~~~~~~~~~=~ DRS, McLA.UGDUN & UEJTll, MoTHER.S.-Are you ilis· tnrbed at night and brnken of your r est. by a sick child suffering aud cryin g ·w ith pain of C utting Teeth 1 If eo send at on ce and get a bottle of "Mr8. Winsl< W'$ Soothing Syrup." For children teet hing, it!! value is incalculable. It will r elieve the poor little su fferer immediately. D epen d upon it, mothers ; ther e is n u mistake ·about it. It cures Dyeentery ancl Diarrhooa, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives to::ie and energy to the whole sy11tem. " Mn. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for childte:n tetithing is -pltiasnnt to the taste a nd is t h e prescription of one of the oldest and best feniale physicians a n d nurses in t h e United States, and is for sal e by a ll druggists through the world. Price 25 cents a bottle . Be sure and ask for "MRs. W1NsLow's SooTHING SYRUP." and take no other kind , . .ADVISE TO Stove and Chestnut,................ .. $ 6.25 Grate and Egg, ... .. ............. ... .. ....... 6.00 Twenty-five cents extra will be cbanrecl when accounts run '--' I I over one month. All the joy ha.snow c1 ep11rtecl l LUM BER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORDWOOD A lways on hand a lowest prices. OFFICE ;-:Monms' BLOCK, BOWMANVILJ.E. Dr~J.W. McLAUGHUN. Dr. A , BEITH. Gradu- of the 'l'oronto · College of Physicians and member cf the Umvers1ty, l hysic1an ltoyal College or Sur· Surgeon, &c. ,goons, Edinburgh. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. M ·omoe and Residence. Enniskillen. I licentiatc of the Royal ate I. , .. HEALTH IS WEALTH. McDOU GALL & METCALF'. ~ - - ~ -· CREAT CLEARINC SALE C>F- - Shines tha.t clear, effu1ge-nt ray, Thuo, unto the gates of Hc<wen, Angel ESie leads the wa,y. High i n hea-vc-t1 1 c:v~h dn.._y mm·c brightly , DR, J, CJ, llll'J:CUELL, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PRYSIOl.A.NS ·-···. ··-----·----- . . 74. DR. TAMBLYN, Dr. E. C . West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, HYSICIAN, ,SURGEON e.nd AccouOHEUR, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria; .Dizziness, Otlice:-Silver Street, Bowmanville. 7 Convulsions. Fits. Nervous, :Neuralgia, Headache, :Ner vons Prostr11tion ,oaused bytheuse "\V, · Oll!IU8l 'ON. L,L. n. of alco~ol or tob11:cco, Wakefu]ness, ~ental 8 Depression, Softemng of the bram resultmfl: m l3arrister, Solicitor, C 'oLveyancer, &·c. M oney insanity and loading to misery decay and death to loan. Office, next door ~o News Office, Bow- f i·emature Old hge , Darrenness, Loss of Power 3n-tf m either sex, I nv olun tary LOS!'"lS and Sperm\\t· Jllanville. orrhoea caused by ovet·-exertion of the Bram, self·abuseor over·indulgence. li:ach box cono . BlJ:RKE sun·so111, tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box. or six A.RRISTEE, SOLICITOR, &;c., MOPRIS boxe~ for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt . BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman of prtee, · ·< J illo. Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank. We Guarantee Six Boxes Private M1>nevs loaned at the lowest rates. To cure any case. With each order received .John Keith Ga lbraUl1, byus forsix boxes.accompanied w ith$5,wo O ARR IS TE R, SOLICl'l'OH., NOTARY will send the pur chaser our wril;ten guarantee to refund the money if the treatmentdo"s not .D PUBLIC, &e. Oftice-Bounsall's Bloc.k effect a cure. Guflrantees lsaued only by J No. &'Ing Street, Bowmanvillo. Muney te len d, Stott & Jury, Druggists. Bowmanville. ROBERT A.Jtlll01Jll, EGISTR.A.R, WEST DURHAM ISSUER · of Marriage Licenses, Barristel' and At tor ,...,. a t Law and Soliclto1· in Chancery. MoncY lo4ned on Real Est ate. Ofilce on King street, dowmanville. ES'rABLISBED IN 1847. SBAlV .. " TOLE, ICENSED AUOTIONEEHS for the It has no shareholders to pay dividends t o. County of Durham. .ldl sales will rec'?ive Managed by and solely int.be interests ot . mpt attention. Address :- Bowmanville, the Policy holders. HOUSEHOLD. Household H ints. DRY GOODS AND CLOTH INC I W e beg t o notify the public tbat we will begin a Gr eat P B · R· L ·.LlCE.N SED the County ot Durham, Sales promptly attended. Address- Hampton P, O. 591 HUG BES.-Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator and Arbitrator . Fire and Lite rnsurance, Notes and Accounts Collected. _ .Money to Lend on reaaonable terms, .A.odrees Cartwri~ht., Ont. 47.2 'tVILLIAlll "t'lGllT. County of Durham. Orders left a t · the L TES'MAN office or forwarded to 'l'yrone P.O. bT.. d.· '.f. PBUJ,IF'S A UUTIONEER tor J OBN ICENSED .A.UC'fIONEER for the receive prompt attention. 28:1im ·UU L the County or.Durham. Sales attended i.u on ~hortcst notice and lowest rates. Address Ooo:RTICI! P . s. C. JltJNIUNG, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR o; u:1.f A GCOD WIFE GUARANTEED every man who buys hi11 License from iKNRY SYLVES'l'ER, Ennillkillen. ·ro tJo Do? Gentlemen ot"Fash ion, not so tas1. -&:Ad all Iha.veto say_ .T hr.t you can :find me still at home, Jam not gone away. ·So all my kind ol d rriendijmay come, · And all they oung ones , too, "&.nd get their gar ments nicely made 'I n fashions t hat are n ew: ftere old and young d eartrlends , may meet A welcome 11reetini/, bv H. PEA'J.' E .x luve written these tew llnell DENTISTR Ym ·W ITH TBETIIo wrreOUT TEI!lTB J. DI. BRillACOMBE, PBA.CJTICA.L DENTIST, 'lVER TWENTY YEARS EXl'ERlENO&, ·l ltreas Oxide Gas Admlnlsiered Cor Pah1les Operation.a. Ol'FICJJI JllCJCJL1JNG'S BJ.OCJ~. c. HARNDEN, L. D. S. 1 Graduate of theRoyal Collegeo !Dent al Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICK80N'S STORE. !OLD FILLING .A SPECIALTY exeooted In the lo.test and m o1t Improved style u! the Den ta! Art, Jl:E'l 'H EX'rRA.CTED WITHOUT PAIN\ ·be uBe of Nitrous Oxide Ga e, wlthou tinjury to the patient. ParUoule.r attention paid to the r egulation c t CHILDREN' S 'l'EE'l'H, ,.;~e Work ,.....ALL WORK W .ARR.ANTED. ..._ MUSIC. S. W. RUSE. EACHER OF ORGAN, PIANO, VOICE and THEORY. Terms on aJJpli· T 28;ly ·c ation at " BIG 20," a DTERTISllR S by addressing GEO. I' .\' ROlVELL d; Clo., 10 Spruce St., New York,. can learn the exnct cost ot any proposed line of A.1JVER'l'ISI111G in American Newspapers, ""1.190-pagcrurupblet, He. T ake some s~ices of Clearing sale oJ Dry Goods and Clothing, on . . b eef, pepper and stclt them well, shce up a T~ie stovep~pe crtn be cleaned by putt.mg couple of onions thin and la.y a. piece ox· t wo a piece of zmc on the ?oals ?fa h ot fire. of the fat of t he steak at the bottom ofa The vapor prod uced carries of! t he soot by clean saucepim then some of onion s and l ·, l d p ·'t' · ' · c icmwrt ecom osi ion. ; on that mor e stc11k, and so on altermitely 1 Au excellen t way <>f cooking eggs is to t ill you lmve put a.11 in; shake and turn it break t hem iuto b oiliu" milk without hc1't - about frequ cntlv to keep it from burning . Durin Q' the time of sale, between the 4th of October and the · C ·0 · l th . en. : · i · ts· own gravy .t ill · the meat be' the 31st '-' of D ec ' mi;. ,ook s1o.w1y, st:rrmg n?w ;enc . let i· t stew m "11 ft 1 t h · when done soft p uu r m to a ch.sh and add a comest . en der; then t .·ake off all tho.· fat from · · emb er, we WI 0 er gooc s a su e prices as little salt mid pepper. the top , mix some flour in two t;ihlespoon- Wlll make It easy for the people to decide who sells the Iron rust is re1'dily removed by equal I fuls of ';.atcr and poLll' it .grat~ually into the h t D G d d CJ l · pa . r ts of common salt a nd cream of tartar, stew ; Sel l' when it h 01ls up good re- 1 c -eapes ry 00 s an .ot u ng in town. moistened with w<tter ancl applied to the move from the fire and ser ve . stained spots and placccl in the snnshine. __ ___ ________...,,,...,._____.___ uc~D P R-~ :Moist en as it becomes dr y , for two or tl1r·ec . · . CA'·TAD 'S TI..irBE 11 A '~ . ._ hours. .i 1 A1 .iu. ,R i . .1:1NDS. St - - and tl1e 'ttlc~tion of every a~ticle will be marked on large tickets, to show the extent of c a 1c b uns m~y J )e mrtc1c t 0. t·11stc »s m· cc1Y I 8t:tt.1.~l lc~ o f uie :Pl·o1luci t.be reductions. We are crowded with new ::.tock from cellar to aarret. rts when f~osh if they are dipped for fc .rno-1 ol' Its Exh:rnsHon. ment or so m cold water, and then put m a I We mean business, t herefor varties asking us for bargains will ~ot be hot oven for five 01· tpn minutes ; they will An Ottaw11 d ~spatch to the New York disappointed. turn out as light and crisp as wh en first j l l eTatd says :--'I here h as beei; i:1~1ch specubak ed. . 1 lat10n of late as to the 1Jos.s1~:nhty of ~he Pour boiling water over the misins let I lumber supply of the Domm1011 becommg t hem sta.ncl le few minut es to soft en, then exlm~1sted in t1 very few years. T he se~·e.r>Ll drain the water off and y ou arc r ctidy to , pro~'mcal g.o vernmcnts have been ,givmg N . ~--:Some Job Lines will be offored at half price. Ex p roceed. No more trouble with stick y 1 t~eir n,ttcntion to t be matJ:er, winch is bargains m Ready-made Clothing. · Jingers. Just pinch the seeds ou t 11t the bke~y to p rove of such v ital n;iporta.1:ce to Bowmanvill'e, October I, 1886. stem ; a. k nife w ill expedite matters R little, tho .u.1tcrests of t he country, ~1th a _ view to 40-3m. though not essential. ~levismg some rnean s by wh ich t h!s great Its Rates a1·e ow. Rusty black lace can be freshen.eel by rnd~st~-y mu! he p:.esor vcd._ W ard, rolletesnou rorfeltable tmd u11eo11dltional. wrtshing it in borax wrtter . After it is ar- acc1e.dited a.nthoot~, estm~ates that the Clash Bonus l'ald evel'y three :real'8, ti . ally dry < l"p i "t in · wat er in · w Iuc ·1 ce of 0 . ntc·r10 furmshcs 4,474,000 i l anpold - Pl'ovm · . ·. k id glove has been boilecl and some indigo . p ieces, equa.1 to 3,U00,000 of sta~clard pme blue added. '];hen stretch the lace out well logs of 200 feet o~ch, produch;g o20,000,~00 Joint Life Policies. a.nd ·eit heriron it on t he wrong side or press feet of lmn~er, 6, 790,000 cubic feet of white and r eel pm.a, or . 81,()(~0,000 feet, board Though a double rieh but one premium l e paid till dry with a heavy weight. m easure ; cl11ncns10n timber, 23,000,000 !or two people, Amount of policy drawn If yuu have any old cane-bottomed chairs feet, board mc.,,surc; hardwood, cedar, etc., We place our e~ egant new good:"· cor:i-pl ete in ai;;:,;ortment, splendid hl on first death. which wa.nt reeaning, you may make the equal to _Q,000,j_JOO feet, m aking in tho !cggrequality and overflowmg with generous bargains in · seat s useful with thick colored wool t wine. -gate 635,500,000 feet , bOLtrd measure, paySpecial Inducements to Total .Abstainen. Out a,way the old cane first, and tht m·d >t ing to the P roviuefal Government for timber long, s tout clarning-neeclle with the twine. dncs nnnmtlly $501,000, and gr ound rents ASSETS OTER $1',000,ooo.t Kn ot the ends , loop it through t he holes $46,000, with 28,000 squarc m iles under INCJOHE OVER $1,000,080 backwar d timl forw11rd, crosswise from s ide licen se. The Province of Quebec has under lfcense t o side, r ight and left, and , every hole being 5100,000.00deposlted with theCanadlanGovern filled, work t hem back again, weaving as ! 8,1500 sq1 un·c miles, producing 2f400,000 ment for benefit of C1.na.dian policy holders. you would for c~oth, so you must bo careful sqrnwe p iue logs, equal to 386,000,000 feet, not ·to draw t he thr e»ds very tiglit the board measiu ·e, and l , ll08,000 spruce logs, first time over, or it is m ore diffi cult to , p roducing 106,600,000 feet, board measure; INT.ESTEB IN CJANA.DA., !1'600,000.oo. we<cve. Fi11ally, press the pair of threads white an.cl r ed p . ine t imber, 3,110,000 cubic before you at prices that must lead to a speedy sale. HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA:-MONTRE.AL tog11ther. feet, eqtrnl to 37,320,000 feet, boa.rd meaIn buying table linen, the finer, smaller sure; hardwood, 51,000 cbbic feet,_ or 611,For particulars refer to the pattern t he longer i t will last. ·w hen I 000 f~et board measure ; ra.1lw.ay ties, 143,table-cloths are half-wor n, or past use as I 000 p ieces, 32 feet each, mt.tkmg 4,575,000 such, t he best l)ar ts ni;1y be cu t into k tble feet boa.rd measure ; tamarac, 165,000 feet, GENERAL AGENT, napkins, and if n eatly hemmed few will board measure; hemlock, 34,000 feet ; cordPOR'l' HOPE notice that they ~re not of .,, regular pat - :-ood~ecpial to 5,00,0._00() feet, making in all Or to agents throughout the county. t8-6s e. t ern ; or these pieces may be used to lay 049, 9, G,000 feet~.. ? 1 vmg. t\ gross r evenue t o under boiled fish for serving, or t h ey will the p rovmce of :iii66S,596. Try ou r best be fournl very convenient for wrapping cake The cut in N ew Brunswick is estilmtted ~)eforeputting itaw11y in a t in box, for cover- , at 160,000,000 feet of all classes. principally mg bre11d , a.ml a score of other uses in the spruce. T he pine, once so plentiful in this kitchen ; for it is never w ell to le11ve foo d, proYince, h as become n early exhausted. none bet ter made. a'.ter it is cold, . u ncovered and exposed to I T he above figures regarcliug New Brnnswick, Pumps Cheaper and Better 0111-, dust , <tnd thes. however; ,o nly i:efer to the cut on Gove1·n~nent than ever. Fruits, which rtre so healthful and cool lands. I here is a. lar g.e extcn! of private iug, m;~ke clire sticins on t able linen rtncl fa~tds held m the pr ovm ce w lnch . p~ys no The S ubs criber having built a largo n e "' c;lothin". Such st< dns can be remcwecl from! tnbute to the treasury. Thesc _bnnt s are I , w hite goods by pouring boiling water ~stnnated to p.roclu ce. an~~ually. ~00,~0',000 Pump F r.ef;ory iu Orono, le prepared t hrough them pro,·ided that the spots J · fee~ of .lumbel and tnnbe1, thr ce-!omths .of - t o furnishnot been first' w et in cold water. If ~]~~; w.hrcl'. is exported, the ~ahu1ce lJemg requu·EVE~Y DES~RIPTfOii.~ have, or a.re of loiw starnlin 11 aml r efuse to eel for home . consumpt ion. The extent of . . . li . i\l d isappear befor e t his simpl etreatment, dip tl;e t ei:nto:·y is ~ 7,500,000 acres. 10,000,~00 18 With or without Porcelain C Ii nder them in w itter to which has been added of wluch .gr<H:ted and l<Jctited,. l~avmg . Y ' chloride ef limo in t he proportion of one 7,500,?<JO acres still vacant , ancl gi vmg to the Beat Material, on the shortest notie<.· t ·1 blespoonful of the chlori le to . cl1 ·t the (,·oyernment an a.mrnal revenue for ' c e<t qua.I t imber " l'ound rent ' f $1-9 000 e.n d at the lowest prices. of wate:. If the. st:i,ins M·e very deep let 1 -~"'-·- __ ----·~~-~.~-~::_:. Cistern Tuba and Pumps aupplieO!. t he artic~e remam m the . water fifteen or twenty mmntos, t hen h ang m the sun w ithFORTY YEA.RS AGO. ACll~ NT out wril1ging. F r uit stains on colored WELLS CLEA.NED & RERAIRED. goods are m ore serious matter. Boilirw '.!.' here wa.s t ime t o live. water is the best thing to u se, for it w ill Men slep t yet in their beds. not injure the m ost delicate color or fabric. The epoch of haste not come. Other remedies t ake out the color , so it is The saddle wa.s the emblem of speed. well t o p,ttcncl t o all such stains while they . Brawn an d lJrai11s went hrtnd in hand. are fresh. TO GIVE SATISFACTION, There is generally too much t ime spent in A df.ty's journey was a serious matter. .,.. Q) he daily d usting of the house. Many 01cl\Ve were still a nation of h andworkcrs. (l) OJl-ri Orderstby Mail promptly attended to. 1"ise t lrnt all things be carefully gone over The h ighways were d usty and populous. ~ with a c luster or dampened cloth, t o t ake up every p<tr ticle of dust. Now a. damp cloth No house contained a sewing machine. ~ Tf1e c:mva.s-covered wtigon wa.s the ark of "' DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, cannot b e used either on varnished or oil ed furniture withou t t aking off the gloss. A trade. <D G\) r l MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand . chamois sk in, d 11mpcnec l, is som etimes med The t urnpike was still the gre11t artery of lo-I with excellent effect on va,rnished furniture, trade. r l ~ . ....... and that only should. b e usccl at rcgultlr in'£here was not a mower or h a.rvester in exl--1 U tervi1ls. The best pla,n is to open the w in - istence. G\) ~ ~ dows, and, if necessary, the doors, so a3 to U make as much draft a.s p ossible. Have a T h e land w11s lighted with candles after .._ ~ (1) stiffbrnsh (theJ'. m·c sh1 tpcd like a prtint nightfall. (]) <' . brush, allll a.re rntcnderl for stuffed furn i Butter WM unmarkct11ble 100 miles from ~ Q .~ ! t ure ) anc·1 . l:irn~I1 .aml c1e'.1,n w~ll a· b ou_ hdry. U t.I U <I ~ . . I t the the < · · ' ' , crndzs :·r nd tolns, if there 1s stutted fnrmture . . 'Che steam saw-mill lrncl jnst begun to derl J:; . (for a fl meting Huff t h; 1 t _seems to come fron~ vour the forest . n-!. ~ V ETERINARY SURGEON myst erious d istances 1s fouul:l ;cbout most T he lord of 1,000 acres sat with his h ar- \J\J · ,...... G\) ' houses, especially t hose in towns m1d cities . vesters 01t dinn er. rr' ........, · ..-1 'l'hen fo~· tine fumiture use t h e tinest and 'fhe cfay began with the dawn and not J-l-1 H f i ' softest feather brush you can get, fli pping with t he tra.in ·s arriva l. '- H Honorary Graduate of Ontatio Veterin al'y up the dust, so <es to force it in the d irecti on ,....-; College, will attend to all diseases of t h e w indows. H ave co11rscr feather dusThe spinning-wh eel and shuttle soundecl (]) r n · t" · >t P.rs f or r.oarsAr f nr nitnrP., n.ncl t.ry to force in e,re1-v fanner's house. V1 o f d oruea ie an1maw, ·J the dust up into t he centre of t he room, so H e who counted his possessions by t he ;;> <LS to reach th e <lrnnght tind Hoat out. In sq1 rnre mile kept open house for the waythis way a room may be dusted in ten min - farer. (]) A Sp EC I A LT y n tes that ~vonl cl oth,;1·wiRe take from threeri;he r ich were lavish .in an abundance 1--u · qtmrters 01 01n ho'.tr to one hom · to 1lnstwi t h which was not yet coveted by the k een ey e c.ilot hs. lf tl1ere is a.ny <lnnl,J· ··' 1 t dm-. ~ be- . of commerce. Calla 11:nd Or~ers by mail or t~legraph 1ing left, pin a l;irge (l1~mp c: _ '. · · '.,roo.m j l!rom e~,st to west w as .t he pilgrimage of . Galvanized Iron Eaves·trough ing, in si fee t lengths, is will receive prompt attention. aud go over .tnc car pe-0 w. t.J; . it. .T hw will , a. .l ife; from north to south w as a voyage of ' Our CHARGES MODERATE. trcke np 1\ll ~h;i clust that fal ls, mid prcveut di scovery. the best and cheapebt to be ound. Try it, OFF I E Ho Un, S g TO IO A M more from .nsrng. n . takes but a. few min· ·· · Al l o rdered work guarnnteecl. ' · · utes for t ins process, if once practic~d in i t. " I lmve a hear t big enough for two, " A first-class sto~~g~n~~dicines alw ays All modes tlmt shor ten t he d ust mg of a. :-cmarked Browne_ "Yes · b ut that will do N B large house ~re a pos!.tive gain of time. you no good uuless you cat~ drive w il h yom· · .-Will visit Williamsburg every :W.here t~ere is much br ic-a-byac t he process teeth," r eplied Miss Belle, and then Browne BOWMANVILLH. 39-3m. Saturday of each week. , 16-ly is mtermmable unless the delicate portion is took au ex Lrn g rip ou Jrnr waist. . ·I I I S ·I'EWED STEAK. - MONDAY, OCTOBER, 4th. I well~nd The R· ~JU ICES '· BRITISH EMPIBE I ... MUTUAL LIFE A SSURANCE CO., I I ELLISOJSr & co_ .r. . _Mr. m1 RICHT TO THE FRONT BOOTS AND SHOES; I Sl i ppers, Rub b e r s, Overs ho e s, T ru nks and Valises E,L.LIVINGSTONE, The Latest, Newest and Best Fall and Winter Styles at the Lowest Prices consistent with Good Quality. Orono Pump Factory. ·-- FRENCH P OL~SH AND BLACKING, ! I Jo h 1i He ll PUM PS Of I Boot and Shoe Emporium. er rrHE ART GARLANDS FOR186 are still· ahead of all in1itat ions. FOR- ALL WORK GUARANTEED r /1 c .o · N. R. FERG Us bJ OJI'\"" J 0NE S !:1 '""'°" s[ 0 E N N I SK I LL E N +.:> :> &D · entistry 0 p eratlOllS I EVERY STOVE CUARANTIE£D. L. G. QUICK.