_____,,,_......,. __ ...,...,.._~ ~- ..,,_...-- -- -~--.· ' . <!tauadiau Jtatt~tuau. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1886. STANDARD llEDICAL lVORK l ' Oll RIFT AND SPRAY, OR, LOVE AND VENGEANCE AMONG THE SMUGGLERS, THl; MOST FASCINATING OCEAN ROMANCE SINCE THE DAYS OF CoorER AND MARYATT. YOUNC AND MIDDLE-ACED MEN. Only $1 By lllail, l'ostpai1l. ILUJ!!TltArIVE SAllIPLES l'REJl :NO IS -"- G1·eat ltletlienl lVork On Hanllood. Exhausted Yitahty. Nervous and Physical Deb1l1ty. P remat ure Declme in Mnn .. Errors of Youth. and the untold miseries r esulting f rom m d1 scretion or exce11acs, A book fm· every man. young, middle aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic d1seaees each one of which 1s invaluable So found 6y Au th or. whose experience for 25 years is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any pnysician. 300 pages. bovnd in beautiful Fr ench muslin, emboe3ed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense than any other work sold in this country for $2.50, or the money will be refunde d in every mstance. P rice only $1 by mail, post. baid, Illustratives ~ample free to any body. Send now. Gold medli.I. awarded the a uthor by t he National Medical Association to the PreBldent of which . t lui Hon. P . A . Bissell. a ud a ssociate officers of the Hoard the reader 1 s respectfully r efferred, The Science of L lfe la worth more to th e young and middle aged mon of t his generation Bhan all the gold mines or Calltorma a nd the silver mmea of Nevada combmed.-S. F . Chronicle. The Science of Life points out t he r ocks a nd quicksands on wh ich t hecon3titution and hopes of m any a youu~ man have been ta1tally wrecked,- Manchester M irror. The Science of Li!e ia or g1eater value th11.u 1111 the medical works 'published m this country for the past 50 years.- Atla1ita Constitution. The Science of Life 1s a superb and masterly treatiao on nervous and physical debility.- man.- Argonau;I;. Address the Pe!tbodv Medical !ngtitute, or Dr. W. II, Parker, No. ii Bulfinch Street,Boston Mass., who may be consultecil on all diseases reqmrmg sloll and experience Chronic and obstrnate diseases t hat have baffled the skill ot all other phys101ans a specialty. Such treated auccosstully without a n instance of failure. Mentmn S'I'A'lES~lAN, Bow11111n ville, 17 :y. ·Ontario. Detroit Free Press. 'l'here is no member of society to whom the Science of Life will not be useful, whether ;i>outb. parent, guardian, mstructor or clergy. Prcsei·ve Your Siglit. Use F . LAZARUS' (late or thetlrm ofJ,azarns &; Morris,) Henowned Spectaclee an d Eye· Glasses, 'J'hey are the best m the world. They never tire the eye, and last runny years with· out change. For sale by Kenner &; Co. Bowman v ille. 6-~f. JOH~ SPENCER, VETERINARY SURGEON, of the Spray 111 their .wak e. . ~~tt:ai~ l~~~~lt!~ f~fi~theast l\nd th e slaut, ~UN'DRED WI US · a.lone, we will let h er a.lone " A groan o.f execrn,tmn at t he writer , be he Captain Morton paid 11., attention what- cam e out of cun os1ty to feast t ltea eyes on · "Ay, ity, · shouted the crew. whom he m1ght 1 burst from .every throat; e,rer to t he state of tho w elither The pro- h im. On the n ext clay ho was ~i.llowed to I Captam Dolan had stated that the night and then one cnccl ~mt, ~ru~y: babihty is t hat ho was scarcely aware of it ieturn t o h is fon t where, though ill, he felt Honorary Graduate of the Ontario eterlnary was coming ; but fiom the sudden d arkness "Tell ns ,wh o it 1s, Captam Dolan; and at all. Once 01 t wice ho felt in his waist- more comfort,i.ble. He was guarded, how-1 College. '.l'oronto. Registered member of the that now crept over the scene, 1t would ap- I'll for,~ne, lend ,t hand to pitch lnm over- coat pocket for the fragment of a newspaper ?Ver, by nativ~s. He remamed 111 bed elm·· <( Ontauo Veterinary Association, m accordance with the Veterinary Act. p ear that 1t h ad b een much near er at hand bo;~rd, ,, . that seemed to be t h e moat precious object 111~ t~e f?llowmg clays., ai;icl par t ies of the Ill:::: Is prepared to treat all diseases o! t he Dom· than h e had a ssumed it to be, No, said Dol an ; "you forget. You m !us possesston clncf s wives out of curiosity came d< 11ly to 1 -=::; estlc Ammals. accordmg to t he latest theories. A bank of dense clouds slowly c10pt over promrned mt ; all of you, that such was not And now h e h as n early reached th e see h.11n. He was al~owed to send m~sages ,..,. All calla poraonal!y, by Telegraph or Tele· the sky fi om t he south east and the water to be the case- t h,tt you would let him b each. A few wretched fisheimcn's hut s to fnends, but he b eheved t h ey were m tei - M. phone will r eceive prompt a ttention ate thet e and one in par ticular which is cepted . On the seventh clay h e v;ntes that a'OFFrCE- Main St., Orono, one door north of l ook ed bfack as ink. The wind came in in alone." W . Henry's i::ltore. tensely cold puffs'; and now and then a : : AY,, 11.y, so we did." . ~" m ade entirely from about lmlf ~ large boat the fevei coi~tmued, ~hat at mght the p lace 1,...: CHARGES MODERATE, sl ant shower of half r.J.in, half sleet, b e· vVill you keep that lJromise . set up 011 end on the middle and p atched swarmed with vernnn, that gu ards wc1c tokened the appioach of what sailois call a "v'i'e will- we w ill. " · up in front, so a.s to look hk~ an eccentrw drunk a.nd n oisy and t hat he wa~ unable to "dh ty nig ht." "And will you make him fire the gun at h ouse slee1J: At last h e became deh nous. On '.l'h e white sails of the Spray could b e d is- t he Spray ?" Fro~n t he wimlows of this boat r esidence the eighth day , Sept. 29th, he was consc10us 1 tinctly enough still seen - for she w as not "We will- we will." or from what served as 'windows--bemg His en tdes on this day ~re brief._ "No "Then, shipmates, I will read you the openm gs over which oiled p aper w as pasted n.ews, a hyena h owled. all mght smelling the Your att ention is dir ect ed t o the immense above three-qua1teis of a mile astern of the Rift; and llOW the government vessel b egan name at the: foot of this letter which was m- - there gleamed a fam t , uncertam h gh t ; sick man; hope h e will not hav':' me y et." stock of to foe rockets in couples into the night air, tended to be the d estruct ion of us all. The and Captam Morton thought t h at he heard , This is the final,.entr y. It 18 believed that ' which gave Dola n and the cr ew of the R ift n ame at ~he foot of the letter )s- is-""now some oue reading or praying w ithm t he ' shortly afterwntmg t hat he was taken out ' a good deal of uneasiness- they h ad so mu ch who.t, thmk you?" boat-h ou se. and put to death. the character of signals to some force that "Oh, be bother ed ," g1·owled Jackson. The capt11.in drew closer to the singul ar of ever y d escrip tion at m ight be in shore and which might prove so "Tell us at once, do, and make an end of residence and t h en h e h eard some one cry The Arab Soldier It is the only preparatmn m the worlcl t hat very hazardous to the Rift. it " out . ' · will do what is chmned ror it. It has produced t' 'th ·B h · . Tho Arab looks ver·y well h b ck luxuriant growths of for hair on bald heads where · f l' 011 orse ,i, ' baldness has D o1 an now h eId a b n c consu "" mn WI aug ! came t e r eport of another gun " N o--no- I tell you no ! I never did 1 · existod years. It has restored Martin an<l Ben Bowline ; and then, in a from the Spray , but Martin su cceeded in that. Th ey did itoh, heaven knows; for i though he im~ht not. altog eth?r sUlt the the color 11.nd vigor to numerous crops of gray S h e h as j ust o pe ne d out one of the lar "'eat loud, clear voice, he cried : cho.nging the course of the cutter so quick ly it u sed to look down on us with its million tast e of the shires. His saddle is gen erally and fadtd ]lair. It has relleved hundreds of a nd m ost stylish s t ocks ever brou ght " Cle111 her out- ' N umber Twelve'-elear the ball only grazed h &· side and fell har m - eyes- the stai s they are H eaven knows' 1 ed, peaked befoi e and belund, ,md placed persons o~ dis'J:igreenble ~alldrut:t; and ~~a sated t o t own , consisting of : her ou t, my men, and we will give the Spray lessly in the sea. that they did it, but I did not -I did not 1' u~on several colored felt saddle _cloths; ~he ~a~d; w en air was a mg, rem ~oom ng taste of our quah ty !" "The conclusion of the let ter, t hen, is in Oh. have m ercy! Oh, do h ave mercy I" stirrup broadens out so as t o g1~e a .wide Remember these facts and If :your hair ia lll ii Ii n el' y, D i·e s s Silks, a little "Number 1'welvc," as it was called, wn.s t h ese words. C£:t ain Morton pa.used and listened space for the foot to 1est on; it rs pomted falhng out and becommg thm, get a bottle at V~lvets, & c., a long gun that would carry a twelve·p "l bog to.r emam, · " e t me d' · peaco-m · peo.ce . enabling the rider forever. once a nd save tho g ro" th, or you mar. losn it 1 · G o at t the corners ~ . ound ~ ir Thomas CI',,,, ULOI d, io Ill h '· ,thereby . Ask your druggist tor HAIR MAGIC o.way !- go away ! I tell you to go away, ! to ear~1 ie oi se s n 1 JS even without the aid and take nothing olee. w it h a very fine stock of Feathers and shot w ith great precision and for a gr eat your obedient scrvent, G1rn~LD DoLAN.'" distance. It was of Spanish manufacture A yell b urst from the crew and a half all of you - all of you I" I of a pomted stick or a steel spear like spur A. DOltEN WENO, Sole Manufacturer, To· · F lowers. and had been purch,\Sed Dolan at Cadiz. k ind of r ush was made for the cabin where A successmn of deep groans then came which he oft~n pusl~es in ~ctwee~ his slipper ronto. Call and insp ect this fi n e display, which Once onlyinthe history o the Rift had it Gerald was known to be. from some one apparently in g reat agony,lancl th~ stir~up side. Ihe Ar ~ib sold~er, HIGGINBOT DA.1' 1 & SON, can not fa il to give satisfaction. b een found or consideied necessary to fire "Now "added Oaptian Dolan as he ' pre- and then all was still. w:1th h:s ~hite bumons fluttermg behrntl I A GENTS FOR BOWMANYILLE this piece of ordnane- and then it had b een tended pass the back of ha~d oTCr h!.8 Captain Morton t ,·pped at the door of the h :m, Ins lu gh reel saddle and siiddle clot!1 s, · the means of freeing her from great danger eyes, 11/l though he wer e very much affected boat house. h:s knees ~1gh aml body b ent forw'.1-r~, w1~h of capture. by ho.ving thus to accuse his town sou"No, no !" screamed t he same voice that hth1s lo.ng l1lvk e1 mou l lltedll g un flf uunsldnni;; m It was with the grim looks of men who "now you know all and why I got the h ad before spok en. " No- no more-no~ e n1r, oo s, as ie ga ops ?rwar m a - AT THEare facing a gre11.t clanger, b u t have made up kromise from vou to spare his life You f more. Why do you come to me , I clicl cloud of dust, the very embodiment of the - - -o - - thel ·r mi11ds to do ·o that t h e crew of t he now all now. r,, ' ' ll th e.n, · I saw it · d one, . b ut I d" war spirit of nast ages' The undersigned . n ot k 1 icl not TJ1Cturesc1ue · t b d' exultant b . t 'fi f v bega leave to intimate to the 1own y scten i c ormu1as f<r people o! Bowmanv1l1e R ift prepared to fight the Sprny ; for well "0 boa cl 'th h' 'I'l J h K I k ill them I Go away I Go away !" no so ere c and viclmty that he they knew that the words of Dolan were ver r. wi nn ! . le ona ! i I The ca tain ta eel at t he door a ain . mu1 der, but free tu carry out his own blood- ' 11as opened a ne w Harness Shop on king St. trne, and that one shot fir ed on th e king's him! ~ram hnn ! Fasten h im to t he gun and but this fime no !o~lCe was taken a~d h~ thirsty purposes with as much swagger and opposite Mr. Wm. Glover's Livery StableH: .5 hmen' f send hnn off to t h e Spray 1" f . ' ost entation as possible Aa a hor "einaii I where he will have constantly on hand. and t liem to t he Pllni s h Ip subl ected ·o Such were the shouts that arose from the e1t for some mode of opemug rt , but there b l t h A. b t l . 11 ~ ' mai:e to order, Harnes~ of all kinds, viz.: . . . . w as none. e 1eve e I a o iavo an exce ent seat piratee, Our Fall Stock of By t ho faint stranrre light of the evening m hmatecl crew, but Dolan phwed h unself Tl 8 I _, f · t but an execrahle hand · he loves to keep h rs Hea vy Lumber 1C tauow 0 som e one passm g c1ose a · tiie ' air, · and so lie ceaseF arm, ' that still gleamed a t "' mtervals from beneath by t he ho.tchway ' as h e sai·l · ·. h and seemed for a moment to d eepen the ' b east'll Iiead h ig h m 1 1 . ' h d · I ":Nn· no h e IS my son still " 1 I · l t ti b't I · h h 1 E xpress, l l s, t h csh ip a a spema t h e towe1mg cone "D --.· . · , gloom of the spot and C,tptaiii M orton call- . ess Y J.ogg es a . ie i iqion v; n c e akind of look , and the faces of the crew seem own with hnu to Davy J ones s leek- d t l d ways rides until one wonders how the Goa h a d ed p aler than u sual. The " ind hissed and er t" shouted Jackson. " Only let me get e ou , " ' h 0 th . , ,, wretched lll~utc can put his feet safely ckwn . c ' n 1 at him·" · oa " goes ei e t h d I N 'd L ight Double Harness sigh ed t hrough th e stout r igging of th e cut · ,. N · A man in t h e garb of a fisherman lounged ye ~ oes some row. o one ri . es camels · 0 are now complete. ter ; and rolling and foammg in the trough I no ! You shall all k eep your 0 11' cl this country1 but t he Sultan is said t o r Fine Single Ha · lt of the sea, they could see the schooner, w ith promise, o.nd when w e get back to the cav~, Dar . l: t b .,, have some vert fieet dromcdai ' es capable I rness a specm Y "ff h' h h ll , b k oes your 1onor '!\'an a oat r . . ' ' j ' t h '.l' 11 l 't ' 8 t i t ofdomg marveouS JOtuueys and of course IN .ALL THE LATEST STYLES Any amount of Suits being sold. every inch of canvas t hey could carry, in ernm ec.i - w ic wes a geo ac to "Ab t ~ full pursm t. if you are all true to me and true to your. 1 ~a ·y;;no. c m e w 10 1 1 t k ' re ia in t hose parts of Morocco which :Ucrge int~ j Al '· 1 8 the Sah(lra the camel 1s md1spensable. The u1~:!;s o':..c 11~ 11 ,t.,~r~!~,~~.~~~~d~~~~·:!~" ell Our Cutting is cut by a proper "Hand over h and she comes !" cried Mar- ·se~vos-then we can t hink of what to do re~!I~~ thi:~ld boat our honor?" tin. with !um ; but, at present, we will make "y ,, ' Y · Barbary donkey IS a short-lem>ed long-suf j them m ade to order on shortest n otice. 0 First Class Cutter- one who has " L et h er come !" growled Ben Bowline. him fire ~n the Sp;ay, which h is owi: letter " Oh' th:.St·s old Simms " fering, mdispensable beast . I t ;s easy to .Finest stock or Horse Millinery ever- shown in " n ri ·11 Dolan fire tl1e gun ?" · h as sent 111 pmsmt O! us, an d which has "B t' h ' IL d · " com1J1 eh end t he ass existin" without 'I'an- 1 town mclud1ng · · 1 " Yes- he or his master " b roug ht t iu·s bl00d upon my c h eek ancl would u ea very 1 · p er 1aps y rng - t o conceive o ' · commanded t he salary of one, and " "Lo d bl '1 Th t' h' gier but i t is imp ossible T 111gifr ROBES " Who's h is m11.stet ? \Yh~t do YO'l mean?" blow ns all ont of the water, if it coulrl. " rur d esa ~tour tlo)nor- nH o. h a ha l 1 s ' existm g without the o.ss. !us t '1tient' littl e HLANKXTS, "B t C·1 t · D l " 'd Be B 1. way. n e on mm t 11111. e as ac a r b . · l' LY N ETS earned the reputation Martm 8ignificantly pomtcd belo' v ; and n ' ' 1J am o an, BM n ow me ta ti h I 11 thi k · j ody b ears evel'y possible bun en, from the \ ·~ n '111 some smug- f . M t , if f 1 I VHAP::;, l di with a puzzled look "may I ask one I p on ie eac ' we a I cu. ec t hen D oan out lou y: thi 9 ,, ' l glingaffait, a nd h etl on't '3eem tobo qmte' 01 eig n mis crs "'. e, or ex~mpe, w10 WHIPS, We do not think it advisable to "Mai tin to the h elm 1 Keep a brig ht .~t~rtainl Ben ,, right in h is wits. H e lives h cte, but no- j sits upon the pack with g1eat d1 gm ty, and, BRUS~EOSM, BS iookout and dodge the shot. There she goes ,, y, . · body knows very well how- though t hey d o : preceded by h e.1 ~noo?~sh .solchcr, IMYS calls and everythln Jn season. employ journeymen tailors like it aaain." w·ell capt,un, and you, messmates ! how say b e get s kept bv the runners " upon othet Mmi, tern wive~, tu t he latest , g i Fiash came a stream of light from the comes it, if this h ere letter, villainous as it "The wlw ?" r thmg m iron bedsteads tu be sold in th e r~ T some houses do and introduce them side of the schoon er; and, then with a sharp is , was sent to ~drmrnl Sir T!1omas Clifford, " Oh, the lads t hat run a cargo now and p ub lic mm ket . .l"« came t he report o! t he g un, ancl the that our.own skipper h ere Captam Dolan, t hen without asking leave of t he custom l - - P ROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. to the public as first class cu tters. clap, 9 " "The Three R's ' " t 1h cutter h eaved heavily in the sea, as the has got rt " · cl I · l D 1 ] · k d ·lf ' onse. ~ Satis faction guaranteed. Intendmg purch11.Bers o 11.11 oo e s ...ggerec ?r an1 ?ment, am1 1 "Oh, t he smugglei s !" "iYhat makes that lit tle boy move so un· will do well to give me a ci<ll. Having bought So call and get your clothing well sI10t agam passe tel m most c angerous proximity. one of t he cre;v, as h e pu t 111to his ~heck an "Y.ou m ay c,\ll them that, sir. And if a easily in his SP.at'?" asked a visitor of tte nll goods of the lates1 t sti le and hest qual:·y. ~~~~~?· I w.ll be ab.e to gi ve cuacom.ira . he T he cr ew h ad b con busy with "Number en~,rmous extra lump of tobacco, said : cut at the Eclipse House. 1:plain m~u may say ,\ plam thing I would ' pretty sch oolnus t iess. T welve," as the long corron ade was called, My eye ! hut that Ben is an out-and-out Ju st ,1dv1se you, as you aie ~ new one and a 1 " Oh , h e 1s studymg reading , writhing, \ . and it s dark muzzle now p omtcd threaten- sea lawyer. I n ever thought of that now," rnw one, to keep a. whole skm and go 11ome ; and a dthmetic mid h e is prnctISlll"' writhhig · , ' ingly to1rnrd the Spray. ' ' H t w comes it that I have t he letter ad· that's ,ill I'd S<\Y to you !' now." ' " Bowmanville, May 6. 1886. l S·lw CHAPTER IX. THERE A TRAITOR AMONG THE SMUGGLJ:Rs' ,, . Ihe ba,Jeful look was 111 and al,out the eyes. of Dohm as l~e glanced from face. to face of his crew, (Ind rn a low, deep vowe, addr~.sscd them : ~ I told you, my men , that t he ._,pray you sec yonder was commiss10ned tu hunt us do wa , Lut I did not tell w hy, exactly, a11_d ~vho gave the mfor mat1on that brought it m to the narrow sea, 1101 ~o I , mean to te~l you now. If can get clea~ away, I don,~ wan t ~o make ill blood by telling you ,tt all. " "I e 11 us a t once, " gr·owled on e of t i1c crew. "No, J ackson- no. But I cannot h elp saymg that we are m danger. "Oh,weknow t hat. " "I'm glad you do B ut if ye go on, Jack son, putt ing m your oar w1t l· mt being asked, wlulc I am speaking to f 'le ship's eomp any, I'll knock yom lubber y bra111s out." Jackson looked indignant, but iiaicl noth ing. "As I was s11.ying, then," continued DoIan, "we o.re m danger, t hough not exactly and d irectly from the Spray, because we can outsa1l l1er yet. " "Ay, ay," growled Ben Bowline. "But wh en sh e chases us a little further inshorc- tho.t we come to coast the cliffs of old England-she will signal to cross lJB to every craft she sees; ttnd then we shall have a foe in both ways. " ' Ay, ay," growled Ben, again. "So my opnuon is," added Dolan, " that we ough t to t ry and shake her off now, that we are 111 rrnd·channel. " T h e crew looked at each oth er dubiously. "You know what I me<m, all of y ou, as well as if I had said it. You all know that ii we are taken w ithout firmg a shot, the utmost t hey can say ot us is that we are smugglers; hut -bu t--" (here the baleful 11 ;>0k abou t t h e eyes of Dolan deepened) "but if we as much as fo e one shot against t he kmg's aln p- th ongh 1t flew as wide of ·its mark as west is from north- it's a yardarm affai r " "We dicl fire one, " growled Jack son. " But if we did, you lubberly swab," said M11.rtin, "wasn't 1t m t h e fog- and w h o is to say or prove it c,une from us 1" "Oh well 1" "Be ' quiet, w ill you, w ith your shore· going .Palaver ?" "\Vhat say you all 'I" added Dofon. " W ould you iather be taken as smugglcis than escape as- as-" " P n·ates !"cried Ben Bowline. "Well, you may call it that, becallse such is the name they will give to it. In t he one case, )OU w ill be put m prison for twelve months or so, and then be drafted on bOltl d a frigate. In the other, you will get cle,tt off ; aml as tlus is to be the last ventm c m t hese waters, why , I am for risking all, and making a fight for it. What say you? A r e you fond of nn1msonment, and then berng carried in handcuffs for five years b efore the mast of '~ ftigaLe? If you hke them, say so ; hut if you are men- if you want to keep your lit tle hoards t hat you h aYe a ll sa\ ed- if you want to lead free lives and meiry ones- " Captain Dolall only got t hu s fa1 in his 01 at10n when he w1is stopped by a ringmg chee1 from his men : and then a noISy do termination to fight the schooner. ,, Well," he said, "that'snMn-h ke. Now, mind yon, I don't want to fight quarter to qt1<tr ter- that's not the thing; but I do I :ve "All re<tely " .tskcd Nolan "Ay, ay, sir; all ready." . · Then, my men, I have somethrng to tell j you before the gun does I hope, ita wotk for us.,, ' He spraIJC' upon a p01 tion of the aun-carn ago as he ~poke, <1.nd m tho smgul~ mghthg ht th at was aLout and upon lum, Dol<tn looked perfectly fieud-hke. "You ,1ll thrnk 1t somethin" out of the way tha,t the govet nment shoula coinmission a schooner 011 pm pose to hnnt us down , b ut there is a reason rn ,tll thrngs. \ Ve J1<we b b t ayed '" een r There e was a visible commotion amo1w the Clew "' "Yes, betrayed 1 But Lefore I ask you to t hink of t h1s,-befo1e I ask 'JOU to act up on it-and b efot e I tell you )\ho the traitor is-I have one request to make of you, one and all." ""What is it?" said Jackson. " It is, that you will spare the life of the tritor- it rs, t h o.t you w ill let h im be to wh at pumshmen t may overtake hnn for his t 1eachery-1t 1s, t h at you will make him, an d hnn only , fire t his gun; so t hat, come what may, he will be committed to the act." A genc1al shout of acquiescence to t his propos1t10n, or r ather to these several pro posit10ns, followed Dolan's speech ; and then wavrng his anus for silence, he added : " Very well 1 vV e will umlci stand each other and I will i ead you a letter. " Bang ' went another gun from the Spray and"' portion of the oinameutal bulwark t h at had been ];>laced nt the stern of the etern of t he Rut by way of disguising her was tout away, a spl111ter from rt graY-ing the cheek of Dolan and infhctmg a slight wound, but still one fiom which t he blood st arted 111 a row of drops like red rain. , "Only it touch," be said, "only a touch. It is part of the wh ole affair. You sh,ill hea1, slnpmates- you shall hear who it is that I have to thank fo1 this." There was a wild, u nnatural , sneermg tone in the latter portion of these words, a.ncl t h en, holding before his eyes the papei h e had taken from his pocket, but evident ly ,tt the same tune repeatmg the words h e uttered either from m emory or concoctmg them at the moment, h e spoke as follows, while you imght, to u se a p opular expr essmn, have heard a pin drnp on board the Rift : "To Sm THOMAS CLIFFORD, roRT ADMIRAL, FAUIIOU'l'.ll: "Sni Tnol'IIAs- H you w ish to put an end, once and for all, t o the worst gang of smugglers on this coast, you will look out for ,i cutter named the Rift. It IS ver y ciank built and its mast rakes out of all custom. Ther e 1s a semet ,ilJout the mattci· in which it embays it self that I will n ot d1scloso, as 1t might enclangc1 the su.fety of one I wJSh to preserve ; but if you choose to take t he Rift iu the open channel, you may find her on t he fifteenth of this month anywhere bc~ween Falmouth and the French coast. Keep my name a secret. I will c,~n on you after you have captmed t he R ift " Probably to any persons but sailors who have so little t o do with letters and who know so little of thell' ordmary style, or of shore life this pretended epistle would at once, 011 its smface, lMve resented aUl )le endences of concoction f~r smister p~u P · 1 ut to the crew of the R ift 1 't ap oses' aJ diabolical production, e:i..'"Prcssly peared wntten and lanned for their rum ancl quite sufficieiR to accuuut for the presence I ~~l~~ t:1~~~~;~~1..~ss~~;;. s~sth~~e sr:t:i?s dressed to Admiral Sir Thomas Clifford?" "A new one aml a ntw one? I don't said Dolan. under stand you. I am cap tam and owner of the Nautilus, out yonder." " A y ay, sir ; that's it." "What' that tidy h ttle craft w ith the " >Vhy, it's a copy of it. It says at the top of it 'A copy of a letter th,tt I sent to 'Merican fla<Y ?" "1'he sar~e. " Su Thomas Clifford about the Rift '" "Then, I beg yom pardon, sir . I thought A g1oan came ft om the c1 ew. you was iJ. custom house officer on the spy." "Does it'" said Ben. A st,i1tlmgy ell at this moment fr om with"It does " "It w ill settle the matter, Capta.in Dolan, lll the boat-house testified to the fact that if I i cads that c1e bit of 1t to t he crew " old Sunms, as the fishe1 men Cl1lled !nm, had hy no means fimsbetl his alauns for t he "Ay, ay-Hen reacl it-Ben i ead it" ".My C) c "' su.id the sailor, who l1<tcl he- night. "Vi'ell," said the fisherman, "he do seem foie cxp1cssetl Ins adnurat10n of llo\·lmc" lf t h8t Ben oughtout to be thc-tlw.t's his a bit worne nor usna.l, su . H1lloa ! lnlloa I name-the L ord Ehgh Admiral Chanccllo1. " S11nms, ,droy 1 H 1llo,t '" "Keep them away ; I d on't like to see "'.l\.tkc it, Beu T,ikc it," said D olan, as he stretched out h is hand and let go the pa t hem, with a ll then d iov; ned faces, keep per before Beu cculd ro<>eh 1t ; and the wmd them away, will you'" " The1 o he goes ; you see, B ir H e betaking it, whirled it at once far away to sea, ~vhei e no moital eyes would ever look upon longed to the 1unne1, about St. J ust's Bay" "St. J ust's ?" it ag,un. "Oh !" sttid Ben, "that's unlucky. " " Yes, your honor; and a t times he seems "How provokrng r" said Dolan. "I to dream about t bmgs · ~ would be all as " ell thought you had hold of 1t." h e could forget ." I should " Pei h aps not---p ei haps not. " Oh, elem, no 1" Dolan suspected that the " oh, dea1, no !" like to speak to hhu. Can I get into his was a contradiction to his statement of what lvJvcl ?" he t hought; but he affected to take 1t rn its " Not a bit of 1t, your honor He shuts other sense-namely, that Bcnhad not got himself up pret ty safe, unless one chooses hold of the p aper. to bi oak in.~aud t hat would be ewsy 01101 1gh." " vY ell," he said, " it can't be helped " So I shoul~ tlunk," said Captain Mornow. It's gone; but, just as I r ead it to ton, as h e set h lS shoulder to the frail d oor, you, my m en, t here 1t was as this blood and w1th a crash it fell m war d. " That now t n cklmg down my che;k can t estify." will do " Now t he blood upon t he cheek of Captain Calmly and collectedly, to all out\rn1d apDolan did n ot testify to anythlll" of the pea.ranee, Ca ptam Morton entered the dwellsort ; but t hcie was the matenal bk>od, and mg of old Simms ; and by the h ght ot a cotthc thmg sou!llled like an a1gument , and to ton wick, tlmtJust proj ected. fro1i; the spout tho illogwal sailors 1t was r eceived as such. of an earthen pan of coarse fish 011, hP saw, T here is many an affected truth- and lying on a miserable t rnndlc bed, au old many a hoary inqmry , m tins world, that is mv11, whose bloodshot, .staung c)eS we1e suppoited upon n o sounder a lou1cal basis fixed on vacitncy. He did not seem to h ave than '\las rnvolved m tlus atatem~nt on the' observed tho entmnce of Captain Mor ton, or p1i1 t of Captam Dolan ! to have notwed lJ.e breakmg down o flus A las, poor Gerald ! D,i.w~er t l11ckens door ; bnt with l' lips rap1clly movilig , he 0 about Jum seemed to be comm1.ning m agitat ed w his vVb,tt IS it that he is beloved and caressed , p ers with a somethmg that 110 one saw but by those wh o k now lns worth and bis true : h11nself. n obility of soul, if that btind of desperadoes , "Go away-go away-go away !" w as on board the Rift, believe !um to be their what he k ept on S>tymg , and Cltc h time t ha.t 11101 tal foe and treitcherous enemy ' '\\That ~o uttered t he words they seemed to mcrease now can save him? m agony of exp1ess1ou. " Make him fu e the gun," aa1d Captain Capt,tin Morton advancecl close to the Dolan. " H e shall fire the g un !" bedside and placed h is hand on the wnst of "He shall I he shall !" shouted the crew ; the old man, saymg, with a deep, solemn and they m1ide a r u.sh toward the eal.Jrn voice · where Gerald was a prisoner. " Snnms, I \\ ant to quest10u you about St. Just's Bay." The old man uttered a. scream and started CHAPTER X . up m his bed and looked wildly at tbe cap CAPTAIN MORTON Makes AN UNEXPECTED tam. DISCOVERY "You- you-you are not--n ot-" " Not what ?" We left Captain Morton, of the Amed can " Tho- no, no- n ot lik e you ' Oh, what a yacht :t.aut1lus, about to take his way clown t he narrow turnmg that led to the sea, n ear soul-wh,tt ,\soul ! H ush, hush 1 W ere you on board?" to t he town of Falmouth. " On board what ?" It seemed to h im as if, from t h e first mo " '.l'he Sarah Ann. " ment t hat h e had lauded on the sh01 es of England , he ha.d been sun onnded by my('l'O DE COS'.l'INUED. ) sterious mJ.lucnccs wluch had du ccted his movements, and wit h a feeling at his heart SLAIN BY SAVAGES. - that hc.trt so IJurcleuecl with sor row-he b elieved that yet before he closecl his eyes that m ght m sl eep h e should h.:ar oi d is- A. :C i ~llo11 's Torlm·1· IU1ttrns Spo>'t f'o r an cove1 · something on the subJCCt wh i-h n ow, .African und Ills ~'l'he;. fol' ten years past, harl engaged all !11s wak The diary of Bishop Hannmgton, who mg and much of hrs sleepmg thoughts. was put to death by order of King Mwanga, 'l'he tm mug was very nan ow, and on the of U gun c h , m Afric,,, has been published . little pl,tt eau, 01 ,slope on either si~e of it'. 1In givmg the deta.1ls of the last week of )118 coarse shr ubs and some of the wildest of life he d csc11bes t he allival of his party at wil~ flowers had grown. ILubwas, where a chid at t he h ead of a l< rom the top two slips of chalk and loam t hous,md troops demanded t en guns and had pa1t1a.lly taken place, brmgrng with , t en b auels of powder . The chief asked them the huge, .gnarled roots of old t rees, Bishop I-fannrngton to rem,nn with them from winch spunous . suckei s h ttd shot for th I for a day aud t h e latt er complied Wlnle wit h a strange luxunan~c. . taking a walk the 131shop IV<tS .tttackecl by . The place was dai It, m some ~ort10ns of ttbout twenty nat ives ·md stt1rggled w ith 1t, as a cavern, and it wn.s not unt il Captam !us assail.tuts but became weak and fa.mt Mor ton actually cam e witln~1 sight of the aud w as dragged, iolcntly a long dist<tnce by sea that he could :i;>ersuade lnmself the na1- t h e legs. vVhcn lus persecutei s h ,ilt cd t hey row, t ortuous turnmg tictually led to it ancl stnpped and robbed Jum an d impusonod to the beach· · a n01some .· IUIt fu 11 of vermm · arn:l . " h 1111 r.n It was now p~st that period of t!i cevenm g decay rng bananas. vVhile he w 115 lyrng wh en all the dun clouds had piled them- there 1 11 and helpless t h e clnef and lnvalids'Hotel§SurgicalInstitute l3 UPFAL O~ J::·L -Y-Crgnn ~:i:ed \Tith a run St1111' of elgll&een. Expcl'lenced and Skillful t·hysiclall!l< a n d Surgeons fo r t ile t l'ea t m e u t of' 1111 (!J1ronlc Diseases. O U R FIE LD OF SUCCESS. ..,, fJh r o nfc Nal!lal Cata ..r h, T h roat and JUUllg Dise ~ es, Liver a nd Kidney of W omen, lllll ood Diseases a nd Ner v · o u s Af.iccti o n s, cmcd here or at home with or without seemg the ~at1ent. Como and ~2"' us, or send ten cen ts m stamps for our .n:nv n !ld11· G u i d e Book," which gives all particulars. Ner v ous D cblll t y1_Im p o . " E and teue!y, Noct11 r11a l LOSBes, nil Mo1·bid Con ditions DELluAT caused lJy Y o u t h fu l l!' o J. 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Favorite P rescription -.... - It is a powerful Restorative Tonic and Ne 1 ·v i ne, imparts vigor nud strength to t he system, and cur es, as 1f by magic, L e u . corrhea, o r ""vltUes"' excessive li'lo,vin g, 1>a infnl 1neustrnotion, u u. n a tural snp1>1 e »sio1rn, l" 0Ia1·sus or fal ling of tllO uteru s , ' vealt back, aut evorsiou , i·ctrovorslou, boarlng. ,10,vn sensat io n s , chronic conge!!I· tioni iuflannu u tio u a11<l ulceration of t 10 wo>.nb, l 11fla1nmation, pain a n d t eudor ucs;;i in ovaries, llneruall heat, nud "fclu ttlc 've akncss." It p1omptly re!H1ves o.nd cmes Nau sea and 'Vo11kn m1s or Sto1nac11, Indigestion, B l oating, Nervou s Prost1·at!o11, and Sleeples·n10,.s, iu either .s ex. Dl~E P n" $ n. d 00 ~n G , 1:on. BO'!Tl. ES $a.oo. Sol d l>Y B ruggist s cvel'YW'ltcre . Send ten cents m sta111p3 f ol:' D ~'. Pierce's large Treatise on D1 setlSCS of 'V omen, illustrated. World's Dis11ensary M e dical associatio n, 663 Mam Street, B UFFALO, N. 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