BoWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, Nov. 19. ~POPULAR WEEKLY. The Detr<>it Commercial Advertiser is o n e of the few old eetablis hed weeklies thar. is consta n t ly adding to the value of its columns. T11oken in connection with our own paper, onr readers would hnd a bout every P"esible requireinent in the way of cm·rent rea.dinu. A brie f summary of t he contentij of a. Detroit Commercial Advert is er shows the following at tractions: The lir·t pa<>'o 0 has a column or so of tirstclas3 poetry a nd a.bllut six columns of wollselected matter, mostl y of a humorous character. ?age'twe is the story page,and in t he issue of Nvvamber 19 a continued sto ry b egins, that in point of r eal inte rest is aaid to ontrival &D} pre1,ions serial. I1s anno:mced title ie A JS ever-:Fnrg lltten Sin. Page three is a moet interestin.~ d e part-! ment of the paper, 1'he Sittiog-Hoom, I wherti at the rouud·table a r e found letters I and contributt'd artic!es fro_m all .who de-1 sire to express their ideaa rn pr10t. It fo really the subscriber's own page. Pages four and fi ve ~re the edi1orial aud J news pages 1md give everything of in the world'K doings for the week, whil e the editorial columns ehow a fair and indepe 11dent t r eatment of subjects. Pai;c" eix is the Young People's 1 1age and is quite interestint: to old as to JOUng readers. Pa"tl Beven gives the week's market quotations and must be invaluable t ·· the farmer, producer, me rchant and business man gener a lly. Page eight is the Farmer'a page and gives a. vast, dee.I of practical informatiou on agricul turn, poultry, etc. Well-se lectt'd or 01 ·i1dnal poetry appears on the second, thii:d sixth and eigth pages, a~ we ll as the fi~st, and lovers of veroe will find all they desire in each week'd iesue of the Detro it Commercial Ad vertiser, which , by the way, was establishAd in 1861. The publishers offer a special inducement for 11ubscribers, in their twenty -fourth I Annual Premiums, January 19th, conais· ting uf $40,000 among 100,000 eubscrib· ers, 1md also offer other privileges to eu bscrib.,n all of which can b e learned by sending for a. free s!.Lmple copy. Addre(is Comnwrcial Arlver tiser, D etroit, l\, ich. "Expose of-T hat B· r o s. Mr. F. MASON having decided to go out of the dry B ig on goods business, our premises C IV I NC UP B USI NESS! C/1.a nce at we have made 15th at day arra~gements o f J an uary, will to giye will up sell p osse the ssion w h ol e the and our of of magnificent stock prices that surprise the most out i n c re d ua t B ig lous . Remember the whole So of the stock must be e cleared some g e st · - price before that date: come early _and offered in secur S<?me o f t h e Bargains ever Bowmanv1lle. TER:MS:J C..A.S:S:. SCH OOL BOARD. Th& regular meetiui: of tLe Bo"rd of Educ<ltion of tile Town ot Bowmanvill a, was held in the Council Room, on Fridav evening, the 5th November, 1886. The cliai.rwan, R. Windatt, Esq., in the chair. l\:[1-mbers present,-Mes~n ; Briroa · com be, Burden, Brodie, To cl, Cubit.t, l?airbnirn, Couc h, Horsey, .Belakley, Fogg, Lyle, Minutes oflaat meeting read and con · firmed. '£wo communications were read from Mies Birnie with reterence to the balance of salary dne her, which was re . ·farted to the Finance Comruittee. S everal accounts were presented and referred to the Fina.nee Cemmittee. Mr. Bleakley submit.~ed the report of the Visi ting Committ<' e, and it was move d hy Mr. Pairba irn and ~econdocl by Mr. Cubitt, that Lhe report be laid on tbe table until the r Pport of' the Pro pet·ty C··mmitte e be oonsi,fored, which WllA C:·rl'ied. The report of th0 deputation to the Minist.e r of Education with ref~rence .to High School Gr1mt, was Rubm itted by M r. Windatt, and it was m ovtld by M r. Cnb1tt, and seconded hv Mr. Horsey, tbftt the conside1·a.tion of the matt er of the mnximnm grant to the prcposecl addition; a.urli mprovewent.s to the U nion School Buildings be laid ovor for con · sid era tion afi,e.r furtber information fr,1m the Minister . Carried . Th e report qf the Fm~oce Coromitte was r ead by Mr. Fail'buirn, r~comm eud fn g~tlie payme nt of the following llC· counts : McDollgall & M etcalf, Coal, $69; Tuomas Hoqr, Bluck8mith work, $3 GO ; John \Veeks, work on South Ward School. SIO; Expens es of D epu· tati nn to Toronto, $5.75. Mr. Horsey pre6ented · the r enort of the property committee which on motion waa adopted. Tbe Principal addressed th e Board with refe rence to non-resident pnp1la at· tending tl.10 Uni(lll School, and it waR mov~d by .T. B; Fai b airn,ond sec onded hy Mr. J. Lyle, t hnt non-resi<len t. pupils oe allowed to attend the Union School b y paying tbe fees a.llowed by law. Carried. M oved by Mr. Couch and secon ded by Mr F airbairn that the Report of th e visiting Committee be .now a dopted 11nd that tbe prope rty committee are instructed to look into i;he mat ters r eferred ~o io tlie report and have them carri e d out . Carried . 'file B oard adjourm d. A SPllllDY Cua&. -Ae as peedy cure for Dysentery, Choler a Morbus, Diarrhrea Colic. Cramp~, Sick, Canker of the Sto mach and l:loA\ela, and all orIDB of Summer Complaints, there is no remedy more 1 ·eliahle than Dr. Fowlllr'B Extract of Wild Strawberry, Dealers who sell it, and th<·Stl wh o buy it are o u mutual . + grounds in confirleuc" of its merit + SPECIAL ATTENTION should al waya be g iven to the hair imd scalp . There ie nothing nicer than a. good .hea.d of hair. In case of baldnes s when the roots are n ot all gone, Dr. Doren wend' a Great German Magic. will produce a lux uriant growth of hair ; it will re·tore all grey and faded hair to its original . 11 f 1 1· t color and vigor ; tt stops a a rng OU of the hair and removes all traces of dandrufl'. A little of this g reat preparation used once in a while will keep the scalp \ · in a healthy condition and make the hair soft,pliant and bt'.autiful. A.Dorenwend, ·ror onto. J. Hig!!illBole m anufacturer, u · ·· botham & Son, a gents for Bowman ville. ~ BY-LAW No.- 'l'o raiee by way of loan, t.ho snm or $1,500 for the purp ·se of providing tho nec!lsaary appli· ancea for tho urotection of property from fire, in t he Corporation or the Village of Newcastle, Wheroas the Vil!age of Newcastle is without ad.,qua~e protection a;;-ainst fire and it is deem· 1 ed necessary and expedient and adv.,ntageona to the interests or said Village to provide sult,.ble appliances for such purpose. And the ostlrna.t ed co<t and outlay to eecure such protection is lJil, ~ And whereas to carry the sMd obje<'t into etrect it is neces,ary to rai·e t he said sum of S!.500, by the issue or Debentures of tb.c s Corporation. And whereas it wlJI require the sun> of $3i 3 18, to be raised annus.lly for the payment or inteiest during the currency of tho de benture11 so issued and also for the payment of the debt created by the issue of tho debentures as aforesaid. and such annual e<rn s hall be raisP.d and levied in each yoar by a special rate suffi· cient therefor ou all th"' ratable property in the Municipaltty of the Villl\ge or the New. aMtle. And where.,s the amount or the whole rateable property of the said Municipalhy Ink tn the laat nivised Assessment accordRoil is $193.598. Something New. J OBBING DEPARTME N T --.AT-- T OD in t he r ear end of t he S tore. All Goods in this Department will be sold at HAL F p RIc E regular W' Pr ter,ded Public Investigation of the Qualities of the Baking Powders. a ve e n . o r · lt is none w thing w ith theRoyal 8aliing . J?owderCompauy to publiHh in the news· papers reading notice advertisemei:its the· m e n t w h1 .. c h w e a re sell1 · n g ' Corporation or the Vil1Rl(0 of Newcastle, to ' which have t.he appearance o f emanatmg Best andcheapestHomeandFashion Magazine purchase and procure al<' ire E ngine and Hose · from the editor's pen. pnhliBh<d. and necessar,l' appliances and &l taohmentl! at r ock bott . · Ih most recent effort is an article $t.~O p e l" yea1r in adv.m ce {~~t!.~dP.i\fi~~?~l~~u~~~inst ftrc ot property in C8S. from the Albany Evening Journ al giving Contains month, Fashion and l<'ancy (2) 'fhat in order to raise and oht.. in the saict a pretended investiga.tion as i~ m ade by . It shall Work Ptatee. Fashion notes, Original Illuet.rat· aum of $1,500 ror the purpo11e aforesaid ed Articl11~. Storie , Poems. etc. , Society Notee and may be lawful !oi· said Corporation to · the Jonrna.l of the qualities of tho baking Hints for Farm . Oarden and Honsebold. Send issue debentur11s of not less than $100 each, powde rs. The follo'\ ing from a lat·,, r stamps for circular ~ying lii't O{ and tho 88.llle shall be S('aled with the COrpor· ""eseal of said Corporation, and signed by the issue of the same paper (Aog nst 27, I88G) . J .L . · ..._ · Reeve and counter·signed by the l'reaeurer of FM PR 130 IJh1nly eta mus the wh.,Je thing as ~im G . JI, H OBART, P1&bltsllrr, the said Corporation, and ehall have a ttached ~B OWM A N VILLE~ Jlly an advertising dodge of huge propord thereto coupons for payment or i nterest a t the P . O. Box. 1877. ~2 Broa Wll.~il:w::· rate ot Five per .cent per annum paya~le antions th11t we think the public entitled to .._ . ·-·... ·-· --- ·- __ _,_,,_ nua.lly a.nd the debentures when so 1asued the bene fit of the expose, and accordingly PROSPEC'IlUS ·1 ~hall h~ placed in the hands of the '.l_'reasurer _., of said. Corporation·.ror the purpose a 1 .d wit.h give it b elow: FOR 1887· 1 " the c bJect aboverecned: "Thll Journal has printed analyses and 1·n1t·1; JtED IJUt:U F lt O H $ :1 TO $ · · (3) That said debentllres shall be pay· reports of various bakinll. powde rs as 1 ·e!Mible from time to time, within twenty years ·u . 1.ot11ro1· 1u11l t:ompuny n111un1nee Umt., .a ing notices or adver (isemente. It has from the day heromafter roen t.ioned, tor this . JC· d ing 111 the Jrt:nt IUerary movement lo· By J,,. " to take effect 11t tho office of tho :not un<i ertake n to say of its own knowlw 1·rcl8 l owe1· 11rlceM und larger s111ti<, tll.ey Standard Bank of Ca11ada, in t·he utor.,said The above Mills are now in full running order, and a lun·c uuut e,. with o u t rt~du c l ng c111n.11t tl )' o r ledge which is the best powd!lr in the turning out the best quality of Roller FJour q·. n nlty, and cxtrato 1·clin 1 t ry ·1't"l 11ct1o u I n Villaire of Newcastl<» and the11aia coupons tor market. Consumers must decide for UIC IH'ICC .,.. \l' I D t · A" ,tK·:. tb (l bc·t Illus· interest shall also be payable at office. (4) That the ~aid sum of $i,500 oball be made trated y11 1111 :i: fol ks· 11111g11zlnc (10110 11n nr1.o themselves." tinges uu ol r.oo orlgln:tl 11icl 11rtl· yc inrly). 111111 payable in a uLut>l iostalineuts and for the 'fhis piece of in genious advertising on uill nol1' rt,ceJ\ 'C s u l >i,cr11>t1011s. nt tltc 1'o rJn· purpose of form ing a fund for t.he payment of the p art of the Royal Ba.king P owder said debcvturlS and 1nternst thereon accruing c1· w lw lc,ale i>rlce of on ly $Z.40 n yllnr. due at the times aforesaid as the da.tes the (Jom1Jany may have had its 1 :r1gin in the SERIALS, NEW FE ATURES, ETC. Mid debentures arid tncere3 ts become pay- I am still running my Mill at Tyrone and will kee1 J both Stone and. evident di sappointment of that Com·p any Th e Sto1 ·y of 1· ecd ol\ n1u o·~. By Charles ahle respectively, there shall be ra!s tl and wit,h its ext ra , agant but fruitl ess a dverEgbert Craddock, author of "'l'he Prophet of levied a.nnue.lly bv a special rate on all the Roller Flour in both Mills, for sale or exchange. the Great Smouky l\iountaina," "Down th~ ratah ·e propcrt.y in the said Mnnicipali' y of tis ing e fforts to beguile the· public into Ravine," etc. Illustra tlous by Edmund H. the Village or Ne wcastle. the ·um or i3t3 18, O U R DR & l'llTD l iOl AR v believiug that the cream of tar tar used in in each and every year, for the next ensuing 111'9 ~ ~ Garrett. lfoum l 11s und U cnms. By Charles . Heming. 20 years as being the time limited and spec1t!ed other baking p owde rs contains a large story is not a tale or an ci e~t ton Talbot. 'l'his ror repa yment of the sum so horrowed, p erce n ri1ge of tartrat e of lime , when it _is ,. ' nome. but modern high oomedy. I llus. by F. tog.,thel' with the in terest thercou a fact and well kno wn to the comme rcial 'l'. Merrill. .5) That this By-lo.w shall take effect on from " Jtloutc~.nnm's Gol1 l Mimis. By Fred A. andatterthe world th ,,t all th .. re finers who sup ply lstcJayofDcccmber,intheyear ' Ob" r author of " 'l'he Silver City." A serial of or our Lord 1886. t~iis country with crea m of tartar are ,and romantic r·d veuturo b11.sed OD Mr. Obor's o wn And it is further enacted by the Council " h l).ve b ,~en for a long time, in a. conbina search for the lost mines of Montezuma. Illus. or(6) the sa id Corporation of the Vilhtgl' of New · ' BABYLAND. · by Hy. SancJ ham. 1 tion undt-r an nggreem e nt between the m 1 0 . 1 'hc Sct:J'<'ls nt Jtosclndles. By M. H. Ca lli· 1 0 to prodll ce only strictly pure, or n in ety · e1 ·lire ou the Wab.ish. Illus, by 'NA Rogers. by ballot. pursua.nt to Cct passed rn t.he l'l\OSP ECTUS Ji'OR 1$87. ' · n ine per cent goods. H owH ng \ Vol f nnd Ills l 'rJck·l'o11y. By forty sixth year ofHer Maj esty's rei11n lntif.uled Mrs Liv.zie 'V Clmmpney. '!'he hair-breadth '"l'he Consolidated Municipal Actor 188.3." and A k Babyland will bave t wo enticing new , .,, b . b. d . 11 t h '· t ' ll d 'rh~ ·6 r eal'.n of tartar used in Cleavel and's s you1 grocer 1or a ove ran s or ca a t e a. l an ge t them. features for the oabica and their mammas, ad.vent urcs of au Indian boy. Illl1s. by H F cho.ptered eighteer: ,on Saturday the 20Lhdayof Famy, s.ud trom photographs. Superior Baking P nwder is r efined by a November, A. D .. J88G, at the ' J 'o"'.n II. a ll in E ' ve1·y baCJ guaranteed :first-clas s and full w e i abt· in addition to the perennial pleasures of the ' b ·o · Jllrd·Talk. By Mrs A D 'l';r. A 1hesaidV1llageofNewcs.stle fromnme o clock n e w process wl1ich frees it en 1irely from countless little two-minute ~torie3 and ' ersin tlrn ror.·noon nntil five o' . clock i!J the after · J Chop ground in either Mill an"" day of the week --ei=delicious i.;roup of twelve P.o ems,:l escr1ot1v~ <J~ noon and that George Curtis, Esqmre, clerk ot 1 · · · ~ · 'tartrate of lime and ever im pu r ity, and is ea with which the magazine al wayE has · · · a bird and its haunts, and mcludmg a metrical the eaid Corporal.ion shall be r eturning officer ~Farmers Gnstmg especially soh01ted. obtained iu the pure crystals and ground abounded . renderin g of the bir d's song. for taking the said votes BL 6aid polling place. · · · C h · Especially calculated to mel'rily occupy in our own fact ory ; the bicllrbonate of Jn \ Var-T i mes nt J,n Jlos e Blanche. By (7) That s aturday the 20tb day or November. . I am pre pare d to pay the highes t pnc e m as for Wh d e hvered the eyes and rnrs of th e little ones are the M E .M JJavis. Twelve stories relating s oda. is p reparod expressly for ns; end monthly pictori!ll pai.:es called " l'uzz.les Mrs A. o., 1~86. a t 5 o'clock in the . aftc~noon shf!ll I a t either Mill · als o for Barle y and othe r coarse O'J:a.ins d elivere d at, tbe adventures or a great Southern sugar-plan. ' · . . . o , . t o en rnre u n i form and a b; olute puri ty of abcut f'ot ·r and P atty," text and pictures tatiOn household from the beginnin g to the bA the tune and the 'l'own Ha ll 10 the eaid Villaire the place where the cler k or the Coun· D a rlmg t o n Harbor. P os1t1v ely no crerl1t a t eith e r Mill, our b akin g p ol'l"de r all the ingre die nts a rc by Margaret Johnson ; "nd especially calru- end ot the Civ il W ar . Illus. by·E W K 'lmblc. ell of Corporati on sh11.ll sum uo the num· Unllnch nbout Old·l'inic Ant!·ors. By ber or votes gi ven for and against the By-law ; s u b jected t o searchii:ig chemical analyseR, l~ted to sweetly t each a.nd ch arm ar e the 43:3m VANSTO~E. Ilarri~ t Prescott Spoftord. 'l'wPlve p1crnresq ue autl Saturday tbe 20thdt>y of November , A . D., Bowmanville, October l1ome kindergarten deJights, called "Nursery :an c l n on e used unl rns provecl to be per· story poems. Hichly and authentically illua- l~ll. at nine o'clock in the forenoon slrn.11 be l~inger- pl ays." by .Emilie Poulsson, with · fectly p u re . t time and the 'l'ownHall in the sa id Vills.11:e do?.ms a nd d.ozens of bewitching picture-JO.. strated by Edmund H Gt>tTett. l'amous 1·c1s. By Eleanor Lewis. A series the place for the appointment of persons to A pp rcciat ing th e fact that con sumers structions by L. J . h1·1dgman. E very one attend at th· polling place, 1\nd that tho fi nal of papers com pri·ing riah contr lbutloos of fa cts lmve a r igh t to kn ow what they a r e 'usin g who has the care of little nursery t oddlers anecdotes. descriptions, engravings and· photo- summin '<' up of the votes by the clerk. respect · ' as fo< 1, we h ave for m any y ears mad e will bless Baby land for these features. B ig graphs from notd people. ively, on behalf ot the pernoos inter est ed in and prQ 111oting oi· opposin g the passage of this k n own t o the p u bli c all t h e ingr edients bright pictures, large print, strong pa pct" l 'afr:Y )foll{ Ali. By Louise I mogen respectively. gay cover, Only 50 cts. !I year. Guiney. 'l'welve pdpers. The nat~1ral history By-law ·of ou r powder . Cle vela.nd'e S np er ior dainty TAKE NOTICE L hat the above is a tr ue copy ~t:ipeci m ens free t o intending subscriall known races of the little vamshmg folks of 11 propoesd By-:a w wl1ich has been taken B akin g Powd er is made orily of strictly bers . A-ld1·ees crdei·s +o D. LOTHR OP & or with be witching pictures. into considera.tion and which will . be finally p ur e gra pe cream of t artar, bicarbonat e Co ., P ublishers, Boston, Ma·s., U. S . A . A N<ow ne1iart.mcu1., called lhe Contributors passed by the Council of the Corporation of and th e Children, it is to be th e fireside and of so<lu., :m d a small portion of flo ur u sed t he Village of Newcastle, in 1he event the round-t able chrnor of the magaziu e. At Christ - assent or the electors of said Village of being 1 r a~ a preserva tir e, and d oes no t, conta' ~ t OU R LITTLE MEN AN~ WOMEN. mas the youog folks a1:e to meet Mrs J ~!nM 'l' obtained the reto, after one monlh fr om public· Fields Mrs A D 'l' Wbit.ney, Marga!'et Sidney, ation t h ereof in the " CaeacJ ian Statesman " ~ . teal l i!IBIUOili \', i\1 lllll, limi:i, !>~irl pbospha Susan 'collitlgc and Sarah Orne J ewett. 1' nosr KCIU S FOR 18G7. newspaper, the date of wllich firs t publication 'bl' .WtV r.L1u1ter}itlon wh at evc1 ". c:;oucor1l: Its 1V nys aucl l~y·'1'." Y~: Dy was J!'ri<lay tl1e 5th day of November, A . D., J-l t h o R oyal B P.k ing P owder Com')'he Seri al story for the year, by. t hat l\_Jargaret Sidney. P aper s a bo.ut tlu s h1s\or10 i886. > in<l the poll will b~ held a mt the votes of \ the quali(lerl elect.ors l\\lrnu. t heroo11 at the pany, with it s m nch ad vertising, ever in- charming writer for ·chi ldren , Mrs. ~l.. F. anrl literary l\iecca . Liberally 1lluslrntcd f rom 'l'own Hall rn the aforesaid V11lagc of Newcas· Butt~ .. will be entitled, " Wanderers ph otogrn.pils by Mr A W Hosmer . 111 llo: form ed the housek eepers of t he country .rc foy the 20th day or November. A.D ::> · W 11 " I t 'JI b I anied Jon :i; lello"'~ Jfoyboocl. Also, Longfellow tic on Sato . w1 ". accom ' ., . a nd th e Uhild red. Two ar ticles . by Hev Sam 1886, trorn nine o'clock in the forenoon until all t h,,,t en ters into the composition of i ls .r eep s or l . ve full-page d rawings by E l ·zaLongfellow. Hitherto unpublish ed letter~. &c. with t wel live o'clock in t he a1ternoon. po w<ler? Or h a.s it e ve r p u bl ished a ~o~d bath S. 'l'uck er. 'l'he author of " L ittle Dated " t Newcastle this 3rd da y of ::ol"ovember CJh:·istm ns-'l 'lclc St<>rie· . A Pr etty Scarc· 01)enly in d efence of t he uae. of a mon: a m Talks nb'1ut Insect.a," gives an amusrngcrow by .tt:l iza.ber,lt Stuart P helps. Taffy antl A. lJ., 1886. GEORGE CURTiS, Clerk. baking rowd e r'I Infornrnt 1on on tries~ serieRabou t ' "L'inv F olk in R ed and l:3lack, " :B nsl~i-. two st ories by Mrs J essie Henton .!fro· .~~~-----------~~~- I in which she t P,lh abont ants and th eir m an e. A Cl1 rietm!l.S Masq uerade. by Mary E points mi g ht enable the p u blic to form an nnd curious wavs- how they woi·k , h-~w vVilkins. A Ohrfatmas Guest by Orne J ewett. in telligent o pinion i n rngard t~ the wise t hey barveat their grain.haw they rui1k t heir A Wee Wedding, by Sophie May; m o1it s of t his muc h moot ed question of ~ows. "Ten L ittle Indians," by Mre. H elen A 1.c ml-li·lf11111l G rou p ; A helping hand. by ·l ' ' ' baking powd ~r .s upremacy, an d we would\ K :3weet ,tells many int eresting things abcc:t Mrs .James T E'ielila. A Liveliho~~l f?" Girls, u~:1r ~~~. ~u"ih'c'g~~~~~ ii1~~h1:.~;'.F':i'.~~~e~-~ j 1 A :t5>~ Iodia.n boys and gid s. their sv1~ts and t heir by Marl{aret Sidney, The Boe1.on Girls F .1end· dece> h ave n o mi sg1vrn gs ns to t he resu lt. tsed, \ . ~JI ' ' i,,.. ~!fl\ ~, ~ · strange ways of living . The Histol'y Chap· ly Society, by Mrs R<'11ry Wh itman. etc. Notico is her ohy given p nrsuant t o Section ' CLEVJlLAJ\1 11 BRQTllEl!S, t ers tor the year wil 1cG nsist of " Ad vevtuws !'Jowers ) lm vc 1i e t . By Gr 1111 t Allen. Ob· :H cl Chapter 107, I t. S . .o ., as ameniled by I A lban y, N. Y. " e ,,.., .ly Discoverer~. " by Mrs Frances ser vtttions up on plan ts and tlowers alonl{ New Chap. G or 4r, Vic .. Ont.ario, t h:1t all cred ttors Of t ~ "'~1 ( Rn.,.land imd Canadia n roadsides a nd !lclds, a nd ot her s ha,·ing cluims m;a inst ~he est ate "'h A . Humphry, following :m from the voyagtS ,,. W WnA'I .'f1rn1< M EitI'r WILL Do. -.L e of Columb1ts given l:>st year, and r elatrng 1'Y'as11i11:i;tun :mtl hi~ P laym ntcs. By m of John E wart la te or nJe To wnsJnp of Dar· lington, in the County or Dnl'ham. J<' armer, erlt'··d s· le of B osch"e' ·· German t he story of p. once c F Corne. New material from V1rgmrn recor<l~. 1e 1.,eon an d h' Unp ·"ec~<·' u"' '· u ·is searc1 l letters and recollectionsl ied on or about the second day deaeasetl, who r 'ID 'i\Ti'A 'ft?J?c~il?Vrri'~il'~ m-I'\Dl ~ .Sy mp which in a fe w year H ha s astcm shed for the ~xploito of Capt. ,Tohn Smith in Vir- l'fot.u rc~ of Alllt)r iNm rastlmc ~. By ]' Child of October, .188G, aro r~9uired to send to .t he eJ~'llJ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ -~~--~~ ~e 1le, t he world. I t is without d ou ht the ginia., t> tC. Ha88 ,.m, St irring tull-pnge picrurea ot A m erI- nndcrsigned , D. Bnrko Sw1 pson, Bowmanv1 Ont Solicitor for Ar.drew Smi th, Esq .. esfes t. and b est r emedy e ver d iscovered All t hese wili be profusely illustmtP .d , as ca n ga mes, including 'l'enni.~. Flockey, Quoits, Bxe~utor and Tr ustee or the last Will and h als'> w\11 be the verses aud short st ories by Archery, Croquet, P olo, J, ncrosse. etc. of the J ohn Ewart deceR.seil , for t h e speed an d effectual cure of Coug s, l\1rs. Clara Doty Bates. Sara E , J<' arman, Succcssl'H I Amc1·i ca n Women. Dy Sarah Testament par ticular s in writin g of t heir claims 1 tnd the Col d s a a d t he a0ve rest I,u ng troub le s. M rs. Olive H oward, Charles E . Skinner, K Bolton. 'l'wel ve inspiring pa pe1·s. with nature of the securities (if a ny) held by t hem, It act s on an entirely d ifil:lr eut p rinciple Besqie C h ~ndler, H . R. H udson, etc. port raHs. n.ncl t heir Christian Surnames. addresses is f rom the usu al prescrip:i'JnB given by 'l'be yearly n umbers will h ave seven ty"Y'ontlc r·\Vi.n gs..i'IJeJ.l:mgo~:::s. t.:olossU :met and descriptions, on or before t he 8th day of h fi ve full-page pictures. Only $LO O a yea.r. OL hcrs. J:lY. C · F Holder ... Twelve m ai·vol· 1Jeccu1 bcr, 188G . . t a· b ·t clia ptcrs of a nimal Jifo. Illus. by J Carter P h ysicians, as it does n o_t d .r y u p a C oug And notice is hereby given thnt at the ex· ve t l1e d i · sease ~t ill m the S" Stem , ¢:<rSpecimer1 s fre e to in en m g su sen > ers. Bc ·ard. piration or that time the said Executor w\11 an(l le ", " J Addres;; orders t o D . L 01'fUW P & Co " proceed to d istribute t he . assets. of the sa id E t d' 1 · M ti Cl t h but on the C(}n trary r em oves t he cause of l' ublish era, Roston, Mas~.· 'U. s. A . A l'ou)·· g 1·1·incc ·of ()o1nm.,r ce. By Seld~n deceased, W m u st have a t horough sale a t any among t ho par ties ,entitled n iereto, x raor · mary vit u e in - an e o s. d R Hopkins, Comn1erci1'1 Counsel. . .A. serial - "' t d the tro able, he!L1s t h e p ·~rt,e L UleC e a n - -·- · story oJ' a boy·~ career., from a penniless youth ha vmg r egard only to the claun s of which he E llison & Oo. cost. Ellison & Uo. ' leaves the m in a p nrely health y condition . A M ODERN MtR.A.C:LE. -- ln a "?ocen"t to a young millionl).ire. With forms, laws and shall thou bave notice, tind that he will not be S . ..f Ell ' "- C · liable for the usscLe or any pa l' t there< ·f. to u.ny ee presen t pnces o tson ~X; o s A boLtle kept in t he house for u~e when letter from R . W. D o wton, of D elor am e, usages. , . . . 1 person or persons of whpse claims h e shall not bluo ser ge su it s. B lack an tl Col ored S urah S atin s, e:X.· t ·t that 1te has r ecovered \ '1' ·1ys 10 Do 'H·lngs. By various aut>ors. · ·11 O · l t h e d i:!eases m ake t h eir ap ponrance, Wl nt., lO s a es . . Pra~tical · handiwork for ~ou ng fol.ks . Will then have had notice. D. B u H KE 81M PS ON. J · tremely low . Eliiaon & Co. D ecided ly the cheap est eneys m town Solicitor for J£xecutor. sa ve doctor 'd b ills an d a long spell of I from t h e wors~ orm of D yspepsia a fter \ open with £laby's Shoes, by Mr~ J essie Benton 4 .6·!W Ellison a n< l Co. rnrio tll! Jl lnei!s. A t riarn will conv ince you f sufferi ng for ti ftee n years ; 'an d wh e n a \ Frcmonlt. " ·1 ·1 · "rAek Jl i· t·iry Wi ' th Bowmauvillc, llth Nov., 188fi. FJtE l !iUAN'S \l'O R~l G "O W !"l:}.;>Jll S ltre saf e ·1 f 'I t · ' ,1 ; · c ra- 1 S1 mr c , .,. ucs . on~ 111 " ~ . , " · Pouplc are colllmg '.JU miles fo r the oos-1 E llison & Co , are willln~ to s ell ab coat In nll ca·c~. 'l'hey t!.ed l'oy :nul r e move of these facts. It is positi_ vely sold by counct o ~ co ~ or~ pr onon nceu 1.;m lD u . Momhly P rizes of Books B; Oac1ir irav Ada]ns. worn ·&in c kildr···l 01· ttd11.J1s . a ll dl'Ugg ists and deal1 irs 111 t h e land. Ib le 110 tried ~urd'Clck Dlo ~d Bitt.e r~, M X \ ,Address order~ to D LOT UH-OP & CO.. ~ uh- tnrn e Drel!s Goods. E llison & Co. for one season. Price, 75 cts, large bottles. 41 bottles of wh i ch r Enitor.e<l '·liti! 'haalth.t · hshers, Boston, Ma11s., U.S . A. !6 w To get 8 First·Class Illustrated Magazine, with I Be it therefore enacted by t he Municip'\l a Premium to every subscriber. This offor ls Conncil or the Corporation of t.he of w e made by the Publisher ot Ne wcastle, and it is hereby enacted by the A -Ft"ARECHANCE 1~~;i~~t;uii~i~:e::~1~:i:;~~;~fr~:e~·e~r:i In LEISURE HOURS. a~~~;~!~~~:~i::t:':d;_rn_aybe lawfulror . . - _ . .. .. .. .. . .._.. - 1 And whereas there i6 no debenture debt t h h e. a sp 1 Dry d1 ·d a ss G oods t Offi ·prl TOD BR OS IUMB WIDE A W AK E J: <.OLLER ' TYRONE MILLS. ~~iJ c~~;~:~i ';, ~r,~ 1fb~h~ai~~ ~~~h'~eB~~~!~: I "ECLIPSE " be. St Patent Roll er Fl our. VICTQRIA " Ch01C0 · R0 }}er f} our. GL EcQE " XXX Ba kers' R0 } } er Fl our· "EXCELSIOR " Cho1·ce Stone Flour I I l J . C. West End House FOR- ;;s IMANT L.E I CLOTHS, DRESS COOOS, N otice to Creditors 0 FLA NNELS, BLANK ETS, ~C. !TWEEDS UNDERCLOTHINC ,...ln VES TIES C0l -<>..:C Call and see prices, they will be right. 0 " . 0 P .S .- Now is the time to lay in a good su pply of F actory Cotton, the price going up;; still selling at old prices at West End H ouse.L I . . · · " .. I 0