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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1886, p. 2

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I !spray W t\s that the Rift should allow h er · "Now !"he said. self to be chased right in shore in the way "Help ! help ! Schooner, ahoy!" shoutshe did. ed Gerald. They did not expect a fight. " Gag him !" roared Captain Dolan. OR , But Dohi.n h11d 5pccial objects to ca.rry "Schooner, ahoy ! Help !" FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1886. A twistecl handkerchief was on t he inout and in every one of his rtctions on that · eventful uight those special objects wei'e stant thrust into his month, and tied behind STANDARD MEDICAL ' VORK J!OR r emembered. What they were in their en- his head. The port-fire was securely fastentirety-and, we may add , in their villainy ed to his right arm , and by mai n force that TilE MOST FASCINATING OCEAN ROMANCE l::lINCE THE DAYS OF - will but too soon become painfully ap · arm was depressed toward the touch-hole "parent. cf the gun. Only $1 Ry Hall, Postpahl. COOPER AND MARVATT. ·watching closely the Spray he was re"Now for it !"said Dolan. "Make him ILLIJi!TltATO'J] SA11ll'LJ:s J'Rm·] NO ALL. solved t h at the distance between it and the -make him fire it ! Steady there ; no "I do. I thought I was capt.tin of the Rift should not be so great as to prevent the m atter if it hit or not, he still will haYe CHAPTER XII. watches on the Ril t. I thought I was fast conflict from taking place, on which he re- fired the first g1m." 'l'TIE SH OT ·rHAT MAD)<; THI': R[]'T A PIRATE. oilicer; but I don't want to be, I say I don't lied for one of his purposes, which was G erald felt his foce cbshed for ward, >tlSome portion of the stmuge and exciting want to he, but while I am, I will do my thoroughly to commit Gerald to all the p ains most to touching the glll1, but he still kept :SUPPA.LO,. N . Ydialogue that was taking place on the d eck duty. Part of l11at 1luty·is t~ cha11.ge the and penalties of bciug one of t he crew of the the port-fire from touching the priming of the Rift could n ot fail to reach the ein·s of watches-part of that duty is to give the Rift and of !iring on a king's ship. with his utmost strength. T he gag that Organized 'wlth n l'nll Stafr or eighteen Gerald and of Captain M?cque_ t , . although proper men. sp?ll ar;d spell. ab~ut at the The ghastly body of the man who had was in his mouth prevented him uow from !Experienced amt Skillful 1·Jaysletans probably, it was not very mtelhg1ble to the J wheel, and I will do it. I did g1Ye the or- been killed a t the wheel was flung, without crying out fo1· help, and no doubt, in itnnnd Surgeons for the treatn1en& of A Great Ue<llc11l 'VorJ[ ctn lllan11ood. fatte1-. der, Captain Dohtn. And what then"?" any ceremony, into the sea. and then Dohm other moment, he would lrnve been comall Cl1ronle Dlseascs. From the tones of the crew and from the This bold dcfianee seemed to search up cried out : Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical pelled to fire the gun, when, with a loml Debillty. Premature Decline In Man. Errors high, artificial v~ice in which J:?olan spoke, the very lifc-bl~o~ of. Dolan, and his face " My men, you kno\v as well as I do voice, Martin callerl out: of Youth. and the untold miseries resulting " A boat on the starboard bow !-an from indiscretion or excesses. A book for Gerald felt certam that some cu-cumst ances turned ahuost livid with rage. Ho plunged what we are about to do, but it won't hurt every man, young, middle-aged and old. It were on foot that were out of the common hi s hand into the breast of his apparel to us now, as we are ab out to bid a long goocl- armed boat from the Spray on the stat·board ()bron lc Nnsnl Catnrrlt, Throat ancl contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and course and h e made his way up the seek for the hidden weapons tha t h e had by e to this coast and I, for one, would fain bow!" Lung D l11en..cs Liver nud Klduoy chronic diseases, each one of which is invalua- h atch' to its covering, close to which h e there, and >tS he did so he glared round that the goYernmen1! schooner should have a " Boarders !" sang out Ben Bownlino.. Dfaea11ea, Blndcler Dlsoascs, Dl1teal!les ble. So found by Author. whose experience placed his ear in order that he might listen upon the crew to see what chances of sup- taste of our real quality before she goes and or Womon.,.Dlood Diseases and Nerv· for 25 years ls such as probably never before " Repel boarders, my men, 0 1· you are all ous AUecHons, cured here or at home port he had, in case of coming to an open before we go." foll to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, to what was p<>ssing. taken!" with or without Beemg the ~>atient. Come and bovnd in beautiful French muslin, embossed Gernld was a prisoner and in the hancls_ of rupture with Ben Bowline? or in case. of ~ "Ay, ay !" shouted the crew. f~e us, or send ten cents m stnrnps for our The~e alarming sounds fell on the ears of covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a fl.nor work his inveterate foe, so that he felt qmte sei·ting his supreme lmthor1ty by takmg his 1'Q be sure, there were Sflm e two or three Invnlid ·' Gu!de Book," which gives in every sense than any other work sold in this among their number who looked with no the crew of the Rift like a trumpet call to all particulars. country for $2.50, or the money will be refunded justified in leaining all he could. He, more- life. Nervous Doblllty, Impo . battle. It was their liberties aud perch1ince in every mstance. Price only $1 by mail, post- over, felt a degree of intel'Cst in the &'tfety He would have been glltd to do that. s1:iall_ amount of l),pprehcnsion upon the <1.ct l e u cy, Noclut·unl J,ossefil, baid, Illustratives eample free to any body. of Marie which he would have found, perBut there was a look about the crew of of finng upon the schooner, >tnd who would their lives that now were in the mooo immiand all Morbid Co1ulitiom1 Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by caused by llontbful Folthe Rift that warned Dolan how little real. much rather l:ave been taken- if they eY~r nent danger. Gerald, the gun, the let ter to the National Medical Association. to the Pre- haps, di!iicult to define to himself. the port aclmiral--all were forgotten in the D IS E ASE S lies and Pornlcious sou. He could not comprehend how it was that power he had over a throng of m en banded ~er_e ~ken-~irnply as ~mugglers ; but the~r sident of which. the Hon. P. A. llissell, and · tnry P.t·acticcs are speedily associate officers of the Board the reader is whenever he t hought of Marie and the ten- together for the purpose that made them tur11d1ty was <lro·~ned m the general ~eroc1- moment of intense anxiety to answer to t he - - - - - · nud pernumently cured by our call of Ben Bowline. respectfully relferred. Specialists. Boole, post-paid, 10 cts. in stamps. l artless caresses she had bestowed companions. And he made a great effort ty,. a1_1d the very fear ~hat put them mto a The Science of Lite Is worth more to the der auc "kes, ht Rupture, or Breach, radi. H an cl -sp1 mmonty o!'- the occasion prevented them a cI1et s, cutlasses ancl ~ ca.Uy cured, without the knife, young and middle-aged men of this generation upon him, the image of Grace would rise and swallowed his chagrin. without dependence upon ehan all the gold mines of California and tho up as if between him and the youn~ French " M ,, h 0 .d " I k ow a d you from asserting the good reasons they had for every offensive weapon that could be laid f Y men, sai ' . n. . n beiug so. silver mines of Nevada combined.-S. F. girl. H e looked upon Grace as a sister and hold of at the moment was seized upon and trusses, and with very little Oh1«micle. "Vcry good my men " added Dolan. "I a rush was made to t h e starboard bulwarks. in stamps, h e b egan to cherish a hope in his het1rt that all know tha~ we must have discipline, and pain. Book sent for ten cents 'fhe Science o! Life points out the rocks and Grace too would love Marie and that pos- I, for one, thmk that when I am actually see that we a' all of~ mind Martin " Keep on, Martin," s11id Den Bowline. PILE T UM ORS and STRICTURES quicksands on which the constitution and hopes sibly, 'by ;ome rare and. clear comb.ination on deck a ll orders should come from m e. h ,., · 're ,ne · · " Aye, aye !" treated with the g reatest succees. Book sent ot many a younll' man have been taitally Gooding take his spell at the a ~YA·y, . su _. . ,, wrecked.-Mancltester Min·o1·. " Cutter, ahoy !" sang out a voice, as if for wn cents in stumps. .AddrcBB WoRLD'S of circumstances, they aught all reside hap- So h let Jack ,, 1 1 The Science of Lite is of greater value than DrSPENSAl\Y MEDICAL .Assocu.:rroN, 663 Ma,Ui "Cau you get h er out of this light that from the water. "Cutter, ahoy I 8un·e11- Street, Bul:falo, N. y. I all the medical works published in this count ry pily together as a united family with Cap- w T~i· was a sort of compromise of the matder to his majesty's schooner Spray or we . - - - ---..., The treatment of mfihy tain Mocquet. . s .1 h" . ht h comes from I don't know where?" for the past 5Q years.-Atlanta Oonstil1ition. Gerald's iclea.s on such subjects were ter, but stil somet mg. mor~ mig. . ave " It comes from the Spray, sir!" '!.'ho Science of Lite is a superb and masterly will blow you out of the \rnter. " DISEASE S Of thousands of cases of those come out of the transaction if an mciclent . " 1r } f ·t "f " treatise· on nervous and physical debility.Captain Dolan said not a word, but held diseases peculiar to 1ear o 1 1 lou can . rather crude an(1 immature. had not just then taken place which was of "T"-heep ,1er c · Detroit Free Press. I on to the cordage and shook in every limb, WOME N. "'UU" <> l.v.I: E 1'1" b t ere But whatever might hlwe been the ohar· b' cl h' son y one way. 1 'f here is no member of society to whom the 1 a lorhmglc1iarhc ert~l w .101 i "Then take that way." so that it devolved on Ben Bowline to make nt the Invalids' Hotel and Science of Life wlll not be useful, whether acter of the day-dreams that at times took a muc0l mo~·e 1 1 0 Surgical Institute, re1medies has af· h was d one tn · the response fordod largo oxperlenoe 'outh, parent; '1;Uardian, instructor or clergy. possession of his imagination in regard to ff~h R~ £Ied a t e tloug ts ie crew "You had better h ear it, Captain Dolan, tito reply, w Iuc in adapting 0 man.-Aroonaut. for their cure, uud · Th: S r~y had got on a breeze that very first. I have seen this sort of l!g~t before, of : .Address the Peabodv Medical In~titute, or Grace and Marie, they w ere soon absorbed " Blow away !" · h f P d 'ts bi"l"t' · s 'lm · and and the only way to get out of it 1s to steer Dr. W. H, Parker, No. 4 Bulfl.nch Street.Boston in the present d anger that threatened himmuc avore 1 capa 1 ies m ai g, 1 t 0 th 1 · ·t th t tl " Mind what you a re about !" said the DK . PI E RC E' S Maas. who may be consulte<i on all diseases seIf· as the Rift harl not been making any extraso ~ ose e _vesse carrying i "' my requi;ing skill and experience. Chronic and The shots from the Spray had been watchcl" t· t . th d'stance cant depress it low enough to rea.ch you. Yoice from the boat. " 'Ve take you as obstinate diseases that have baJned tL.e skill 'et b b th G ld d or uiary exer 10ns o mc1·ease e 1 Tl 't d ll . ·I . f or all o~her physicians a specialty. Such ecl 'v1t i pmn n 1 anxi y y o era an between them, the Spray had succeeded in thieendarikJ?,asses ove1· you an you arc a m smugglers- it may be worse. Resist and we sink you." ffi · l b bl ' treated successfully without an instance of Caiitain Mocquet, and they had been for failure. Mention STATESMAN", Bowmanville, the time som ewhat surprised that the Rift lessening the distan?e hsu cient Y .t? e tt· e There was a dead silence at these words, "Sink away," said Ben. 1! the result of this vast experience. Ontario. 17-y. had not fired in return; but upon reflection, to use her guns wit more preciswn an and Captain Dolan evidently shrank from " Pull in, my men- board her ! Hurrah ! It fs a powei·ful Restorntivo Toni c coupled with what h e had heard passing be&~=~o was a sharp report, a bright flash s_uch a mode of dispensiu_lj with the ray_ of Make short work of her !" and Norvlnc, imparts vJ~or and strength 1'he boat's crew raisecl u. oheer and in a to the system, und cures, as Ir b'l magic, Leu· above, Gerald now felt that he knew the and a puff of white smoke, all mingled to· light ~hat fell upo~ the R1f~ from the optical few seconds the boat was on the starboard corrhe u, or "'vhitcs,· cxces11lve reason why. gether, and then a crash was h eard ou board apMp~~a~us 011 board .th~ Sprny. Uowtna-, i>ah\fu l 1ucnstrunt1011, Ull· quarte1· of the Rift. One shot from the Rift at the k ing's ship the Rift and the cutter lost her way and "<·rtm sp,oko agam . , . natural s n1>1·rcsdo n s, 1>r0Ja11s 1u1 or " Now !" said Ben Bowline. converted the smuggler into a pirate and it swun round on the wind, her sails flapping If ~hat s do~e they can t ~ee you a Int, f alllng o f the utei·us, 1'v ealt back, 1'here was a crashing sound and he and antovorsiou, retrovorslou, bcarin gwas never forgiven, as the . blackening d lg·· in a ainst her mast as though they fo~ their own l~ght so dazzles them you corpses of som e ten or twelve pirates swing- an ld e:o r hg g t fl ' nto 11 "bbo1is might get alongside of 'em and they do not J ackson aud two more of the crew of the d ol<Vll se n satl ons, chronic cougcs· 1 in flam n uatlon a 1ul nlceratlon ; ing on a gibbet by the N ore, eYen so late as wou. cac momen Y 1 know it, which j nst--yoLl see, Captain Do- Rift let fall into the boat a heavy iron an- tiou of inc \Vo1n1>, iltflan11nat1011, pain the year 1822, sufficiently testified. "Look to the wnee1, you lubber!' shout- Ian and you shipmat es-goes to show that vil, which was as much as they could all do and tcn dorucss in ovn·r i e11', l uternal heat, nnd ":fe n1al o \veakne1111." " I will not fire the gun !" said Gerald, eel Ben Bowline. " vVhat do you mean by the;·e's two ;,ays of looking at everythiug." to lift and tilt over the side. It promptly relieves and cures Nausea as he hastily d escended to the cabin. that? Ah !" It was Ben Bowline who then said : The botton of the Spray's boat went all and Weakne,.., of Stolnncb, Indige11· "What shall you go to do?" said Captain Ben's exclamation arose from his sudden "I'm for 0 rroing in and giving them a shot to piecos on the instant and the eight men tlo n , D l ontl n g, Nervous Prostrat ion, P1·eserv e Y our Sigb t. Mocquet. understanding of what had happened. The or two I" that had been in it with Mr, G reen were and SJeopleHnoss, in eUller 11cx. shot from the Spray ~ad hit the man who "And I -and I !" cded several of the crew. struggling in the water. r Use F. LAZARUS' (late o!thetirm of Lazar- '"!'hey want me to fire on t~e SJ;>r?-Y·" us & Morris,) Renowned Spectacles and. Eye· Captain Mocquet put on an mqmrmg look had so very short time. before ta~'en the Dolan's face grew paler still. "Give way, Martin," cried Ben. "That's Glasses, They are the best in the world. 'l'!'ey ancl evidently did not understand what heh~ and. had dashed !um from hrn post, "I dou't kuow," h e said, " what to say to it.,, never tire the eye, and last many yea.rs with. !'!old by D rugghlts cveryl.vh erc. Send leavmg hnn a mangled corpse upon the deck, it. But if yon really wish it- " out change. For eale by Kenner &; Co. Bow· Gerald meant. The slight shift of the helm of the cutter ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's large "Quoi ?" while the wheel swung round and broached "vVe do ! we do !" man ville. 6-l!. Treatise on Diseases of Women, illustrated. brought her more on the wind, and she " They want me to commit myself to them to the cutter. Martin did not wait for orders but alter- swept over the spot on which the ·bon.t of and their evil life by firing at a king's ship, At this sight _the crew raised a shout of ing the course of the vessel!he pL~t h er on a Sp1·11y had been swamped. and I will not clo it." rage and one voice called out : . long t ack away from the coast. The circle Ther e was a wailing cry and then one 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. " The black flag- the black flag ! Fight of light fell on the 'vater and the Rift was voice cried, alolld : " Ah ! bah ! no ! What you say ! One VETERI NAR Y SURGE ON, proverb-one say of English. You shall it outa~d sink the man slayers!". clear of it ou the moment. "Cutter, ahoy ! Pick us up !" bring de ch eval-the horse over t he water Martm was at the wheel a{lam and the " Now boy " sa.id Dolan · "yon s hall Captain Dolan- who, when h e found and made him drunk. Ah ! Bah I" ?u~ter was brought up to. the wmd withi;>ut, fire the g;m ?" ' ' what had h appened, at once recovered his Bilious Headache, "you mean, sir, our English se.ying, mJury, antl th~n Captam Dolan, lookmg "Never ! never !"cried Gerald. · "I d eny condition--replied by a recomm endation Dizziness, Cou11tipa.. · · ' that you may bring a horse to the 'vater, ghastly pale, said : all that you have said 'l<;(ainst me, and I for the speaker to go to a place known in a tion Indigestion, 1 and lJIUous AUackB, but you cannot make him drink." " You see, my men-you see . This Is , will not fire the o-un sailor's vocabulary as Davy Jones's locker promptly cured by/ Dr. "Oui, certaincment. Itis tout l e meme." what has come of treachery !- this is '~hat j "· \Yill not' is0 a bn. -. word. w·e shall and t hen he san g out : Piorec·11 P.a ea-» ant It was at this moment t hat the hatchway has com~ of a le~ter to th~ port admll'al. see ! Ah ! not yet clear·" Purgative Pellet"'.~ "Sch ooner, a.hoy ! Schooner there on the was opened and a confused shout ing of Make sail ! She _is .?verhaulmg us hand over "Oh, clear no !" said _ \fartin, as the circle starboard how, ahoy!" cents u. vial, bY Drugg1Stl>' voices came upon the ears of Gerald, as hand. Make .sail! of light again fell on the Yesscl, after doclg" Hilloti !" was the response. "Is that some half dozen of the crew descendecl to " Ay, ay, su-." . . ing about the sea for :.dew moments in search you, Mr. Green ?" br ing him up. "And you, spy and traitor, if you were of it. " We must steer in a gooLl bit closer "No, it's Brown- another, that's all. Gerald h eld forcibly by the cabin table. ten times my son, you should fire on the before we get under it !" CONCERNING Good night." "Hilloa I Hilloa there ! You are a nice king's ship!" A o-ain the c11tter cleared the "li11ht ·for a Captain Dolan had mounted on the coil of nut for the old \m to crack," shouted Jack"1 will not!" s11id Gerald. , few ~inutes · m1d a o-unfirecl from0 the Spray the forecastle to h a.ii the schooner, and at son. " Come up ; tumble up, will you, you "Lay the g un! Point her, Ben Bowline did no tlarnage what~ver to the Rift. this moment a stunning report came in his bad bargain? We want you to cl~ >t little -you should know how to do that. The "Clear the «un l" said Dolan. ears, and, by the r eel that the cutter gaye job on deck, that's all. Only to fire a gun port fire here-quick I You will not fire the All was ready. By the side of the long h e was thrown from his position >md rolled Honorary Graduate of the Ontario eterina.ry - that's all- ha ! ha ! That's all." gun?" . twelve-pounder a man stood, with a smoulclCollege. Toronto, Registered member of the head over hoels clown the forecastle hatch. <( " It is false ! It is all false !" cried Ger"I will not._ ering port-fire ancl pole ; but, with his lips Ontario V11terinary Association, in accorde.nce "1'hat will do," said Ben, who had tak- -=::::: with the Veterinary Act. alcl. "The letter is false. It is a cheat ! "Ah, we will see to that !" compressed, Gerald-held tiahtly ·y the en the opportunity h imself of firing t he ..::::; l a prepared to treat all diseases o!tho Dom· I did not write to the port admir al." The confusion on the deck of the Rift was arms by two of the crew- was0 dragged close twelve poundet·- as, by the movement of 1 ,..,,_ estio Animals, according to the latest theories. "Now there !"said Dolan, who had come now very great. The whol e. of the crew to the little piece of ordnance. All calls personally, by Telegraph or 'l'ele· the two Yessels, he saw that he could get a . . . "I will n ot- I will not !" he said. "Dolan h alf way clown the h atchway, "now there. seemed to be at once fully ahve to t he clanphone will reneive prompt attention, 4'iir0FFTOF.- Main St., Orono, one door north ot Do you heat· that, my men? He confesses ger of their situation, ancl while · some of - you w ho I have called father, but will good shot 11.t the Spray The shot hit her mast and brought down 1' fl: W. Henry's i:ltoro. i t." ~hem ?11gerly bent a now and strange look- never call fath er again- I once more appeal with a nn a good p ortion of h er upper gear ' "'1JI CHARGES MODERA'l'E, " I do not confess it, Dolan," said Ger- mg-sail to the y ard, the. others _kept a firm to you. It will be n o good. It is not my and canvas. ald, " itnd I know you sp eak what is not hold of Gorald and strnmcd thou· eyes to a ct; y ou may S>ty of me what you like, but "That's it !" said Martin. "Now, on true. I deny it with all my heart, with all look for the.Spray, . . I will not fire the gun. R elease me, you we goes agin, Ben." my strength- I deny it! As heaven hears The evenmg bttd now fau·ly set m and a men who know and feel t hat it can avail "Ay, ay, Bo- so we do, and uo great <( me, I deny it !" great ruck o~ dark clouds appeared to be nothing to force any one to an act from harm done !" £) Your attention is direct ed to the immense "Deny what?" not half a mile from the surface of tho sea, which his miucl revolts ! I will not fire t he The Rift flew before the wind and t h e dis"That I wrote to the port admiral be- ?'nd to cou~ne b~tween them and it a quant- gun !" stock o.f tance between the two rapidly incr eased, Q: traying the RiftJ 1.bnd its crew l" ,, . ity of baflimg wmds that seemed to be danc"Now listen all " said Dolau, "you "Off with you, boy !" wliispered Ben to "Now, look you here, my men, cried ing ~n short,_ ~ually pulls in different di- see me h~re and yo~ see my boy- my own Gerald. "Below with you ! The skipper (!J Dolan. "Out of his own mouth w e con- rect10ns, as if mtent upon escape from the boy. I am going to do two things; I am won't ask for you yet awhile." · demn him. Has any of you told him t hat pressure. going to give you all the greatest proDf in of every description at ' ( °\.V here is h e?" It is the only preparation in· the world that we h ave accused him of that? '.\'ho has ~he presen ce of the Spray was soon very the world of my good faith to you by mak"B k l1· 9 k I h lcl ' t cl " will do what Is claimed for It. It has produced , , ro e ! n ee ' 8 on n won °.~; luxuriant growths of hair on bald h eads where said a word about the port admiral, or the easily detected. , ing my son one of yoy; and I am going to Broke !us n eck? How ? W here 1 baldness has existed for years. It baa restored erew of the Rift, or the Rift?" The schooner .had some optical apparatus make him fire the g un as < I pm1ishment for "'Why, I saw him go, anyhow, down the the color e.nd yigor to numei:ous crops of gray "Not any of us," said Jackson, on board by which a strong ray of light was the letter he wrote to the port admiral- " She has just opened out one of the largeet for ecastle hatch just uow ! So you be off and fadt'd ~au-. It has relieved hundreds ot " And yet, you see, he knows all about sent far over the sea, falling like a spirit "It is false ·! " cried Gera ld. while yon cau ,,, persons of d1 sag~eeable Dan!'J.rulf and hf!.!!_ sayed and m ost stylish stocks ever brought "B 1,, · many when hair was fallrng, from bevommg it. " UJ?Ol1 the agitated water. The. crew of. tho " Stop his mouth if he speaks again ! I to town, consisting of: bald . en. .A groan ofrtige came from the ornw. Rift saw th:>t strange, large circle of hg~it say I am going to make him fire the gun at Gerald laid both his hands on the bron.cl ltlf' Remember these facts and if your hair is h eard it," said Gerald. "I listened slow~y movmg along ~ncl they felt certam the Spray, so that if a.ny misfortune should breast of the smuggler and spoke with d eep falling out and becoming thin, get " bottle ~t lllillinery, D ress Silks, on"I the inner side of the h atch, and h eard that m a few seconds it would fall upon the h appen to come over us- which the Fates · once and save the g rowth, or you may lose It Velvets, &c., · . ,, forever. Ask your druggist for HAIR MAGIC it. " cutter. forbid- hut if it should- you will all be able emot10n. " Well, what IS 1t ? and take nothing else. "Oh what a come-off!" cried Dolan. "~(eep h er n;1'fay," ?ricd Ben Bowline ; to say t h at it was Gerald, t he captain's own with a very fine stock of Feathers and "I did not write to the port admiral. I .A. DOH.EN WEND, Sole Manufacturer, 'l'o· "No, ~o; that won't clo. Will it, my bub it was ea~ier to give the order than to son who had fired the aun at the kinu's did not- by word, or act, or thoug ht -ever ronto. Flowers. 0 men?" execute it; for althoug h the circle of light ship!" "' betray the Rift." UIGGINBOTHA.1'1 & SON, Call and inspect this fine display, which "No, no," was the cry. "Up with him! that was upon the surface of the sea looked "Ay ay !" " That'll do. I never thought you did. cannot fail to give satisfaction. AGENTS F OR BOWMA.NVILLE, Up with him! Now, young gallow's-bircl; l~e a_thing by itself, yet it was but the cul"Th~t's w hat I want you all to feel and " Thank you, Ben." up with you." mmat1on of the ray from a lens ; and at any understand and now when I step aside make "Go below at once and count on me and "Hold, what you call hard !" sh outed part of the ray tl1at the Rift might be found him fire it ! "' old Mart in-for I will tell him what you -~ C..ESA RE ACaptain Mocquet, as he sprang forward and upon it and so bring it fairly and easily "You cannot m ake me !" said Ger ald. say and what I think; and I rather take it, fou<Yht for the release of Gerald. "Hold l into view. "We will t end to that "cried one. "Herc thl),t is what he thinks, too." It was in vain, then, thl),t Martin a.ltore d Bill, give me a hold of tl~e port-fi re!" I will not that you should go to h1we him !' Gerald pressed the hand of Ben for a m oThe bwless erew liked nothing better than the cutter'~ course a poi~t or t'!o, as he "There you are !" ent a nd then at once dived down into t he this interference of the French captain, in- look ed anxiously at the singular· light. " Now captain you point the gun· h e m cabin. .Another minute and it was within a couple will fire it !" ' ' asmuch as it gave one or two of them an op(TO ]ll; CONTINUED.) pot-tunity of dealing to poor Mocquet some o~ hul!'clrecl yard~ of the?1, ooking like a "No, no!" said Gerald. A Much Needed Want for the of these strnightforwarcl Anglo-Saxon blows g1gan~1c arc ?f ~ ci_rcle, '~h1ch m ust embrace The buy did not know exactly h ow h e was Townships of Cartwright and about the region of t he stomach an(l head all objects w1thm its radrns. to be made to commit t he act, from which An Oculist's Advice About the Eves. which ar,e always so utterly b ewildering to Then there was a loud cheer from over the h e shrank with horror and a determination Darli.ngton Supphed. a. lJ'renchman. sett. The light had fallen upon the Rif~ and to die rath er than be compelled to do it; Kee:p a shade on your lamp or gas bur~1er. -------------·---- . Cu.pt>tin Mocquet, in another moment, the_cr~'" of the Spray knew where to dn·ect but when t hat man seized him by the arm A void all sudden ch anges between hght wail to be seen sitting in a remote corner of then fire. ,, arid began to lash the port-fire to it, h e and d~r~nes~. . . . . The subscriber bas decided to open the cabin, propped up against an angle of " Crowd all our canvas I shouted Dolan. ma de a ll the strugglo h e could to be free. Ne,_e1 beg m to read,_ write or sew fo1 sevc- Continues to do a General Banking Busines s out a Lumber Yard at Cresarea, t he wainscotting, and looking very rueful "Do we gain on b er ?" It was wonder fnl t hen to s ee how- a,l- 1ral nunutes after commg from darkness to sBo wmanville Bra.nob. "Ay, sir- fast!" though in the "rasp of t hese powerful men , ligh t. . . . DEf·Osl'I'S under the management of MR. indeed, as he 00asped out : "Ma foi ! This is what you cn.11 him, "Th~t will do. ~h, look qut !" - Gerald, ligl~t and slender as he was, Never r ead by twilight, moonlight or on :teoelved In Savings Ba nk Department and RICHARD RowAN, where a kinds one J< Jnglish box." He chd look out lumself, for at the flash fon crht for freed om. cloudy da.ys. . . iall and interest allowed a.t current re.tea. No - -of-By m ain force Gerald was borne on to the of another gun from the Spray, h e l eaped , ?Hit th e young cub on t he h ead," cried . Neve~ r ead or sew direct ly m front of the 1otice of withdrawal necessary. .All doposlti payable on demand, deck of the Rifb. from the gun on which he stood and crou ch - one. light, .wmdow or door. . T he only two of t he men who had not eel behind thep~rt bulwark s. "No, no!" said Dolan, "not for worlds. It is b est to let t h e. light fall from above EXCHA.NGE taken tin active p<trt in this transaction were The shot tor e ~ts way through som e of ~he Only make him :tire tho o-un. I will point obliquely, over th e leJt s ~onlcler. . Never sleep so that 0 :1 f 1 rnt awa~enmg the 3ought and sold and Drafts issued upon Europe for building purposes, will be kept Ben Bowline ancl old Ma.rtin. To be snre, cordage of the Rift, und then Beu Bowlme it -not too close in, Martin. " Jnited States and Canada, also Gold, Silver and he latter was at the wheel; but had he not cried out : "All r iaht." eyes shall open on t h e light of a wmdow, on hand. Also all kinds of Planed t been, there is no doubt that h e would have "vVe must cripple that craft, or it is all The cutter had made two ta,cks anrl was apDo. not u~e the eye,sight b:l'. lig_ht. so scant Jnited States Greenbacks boug:ht and sold. Lumber, Flooring Wainscotting, kept t his neutrality on the occasion. up with the R ift !" parcntly now standing out to sea, with the that it requir es itn effor.t to_ d1s?rumnatc. ~, COLLEV'l'JONS Indeed, t her e was a stern look upon the "Yes," shout.eel Dolan, "fir e on it--fi~e ! schooner on its st arboard bow. The people I The moment you are mstmctively prompt· Cove Siding, Mouldings, &c. face of th e olcl sailor of die11,pprobation of Ancl as~ am a h vm/j man Gerald ~h all do it ! 011 boarcl tho Spray were evidently bailled eel to rnb your eyes that moment stop tis1ng Promptly made at current rates upoa all par .Jt Great Br ittain, the United Stal!ee and Do 200,000 feet of Lumber, 150,000 t h e whole 11Jfo,ir; and when his ey e caught I swean t--I swear it ! H e sh all fire the firnt l),Jld harrlly knew whei:·e to look for their , them. minion of Canada. _,. those of Ben Bowline, he gave n. short nod shot t hat makes the Rift a pirate !" !slippery and agile antagonist. The light If the eyelids a~·e glu ed t ogether on wakShingles and 1,000 bundles Lath ancl pointed to the w heel, which Ilen underTelegraplt T1·a n s:rerw from the lens was shifted about ov er t h e , m g: up cl~ not forcibly op~n .them, but apply will be landed in the Yard by the stood to b e a n appeal to be r elieved . CHAPTER XIII. sea, but the cutter was fairly within its ; s~hva w~th t he finger- it 1s the speediest Made tor laru:e or small sums on all parts of area and so escaped the beam of light. dilutant ~ll the world; then wash ymw eyes Canada. This is especially advantageous to 16th October, which will be sold "You, Jack Gooding," cried Ben Bowline ; persons living In Manitoba or the North-wee! "take your spell at the wheel." THE JlATTU; IN TIIJ-~ llAY- GERALD'S DANOER, The struggle 011 the deck of the Rift was and face m wa.nn water, at the lowest prices. a& it makes the lunds available at once a\ the "Ay ay." It was quite clear that the Rift was, even great, for Gerald still fought with t he sail. , . -·- ~ . " Who i;ives that order," sh outed Captain under ordinary circumstances, by far t he ors. .Captain Dolan pointed the gun at the A Milwau~ee "'.oman Ind tlurteen fiv_e. place ot payment. JOSEPH BIGELOW. Dolan, For!urther particulars call at the Bankln11 "while I am on the deck? " faster craft than the Spray, for the distance Spray which was n ot difficult to see mak- dolla.r gold pieces Ill the sug ar-box, and m "I do !" roared Ben Bowline, in as loud b etween the two vessels now increased with ing ati the sail it could northward a~id sur- '. the hurry > md worry of canning fruit forgot Eiouse. RICHARD ROWAN, .A.gent. GEO, MoGILL, a key or probably a little louder. great rapidity. rounderl by the halo of the light with which ~bout. them, She afterwards found t h em T, BB.ODIE, .Account11nt. Manager 42-2m. Port Perry, Oct. 13, 1886. "Oh, you do?" 1'he only wonder to the officers of the it intended to fix t he position of t he Rift. It all m tho preserves. ·ly RIFT AND SPRAY, M UGGLERS NG THE S LOVE AND VENGEANCE AMO YOUNC AND MIDDLE.:ACED MEN. I lnvalids'Hotaf ]Surgical Institute i OUR FIE LD O F SUCC E SS. .. El'DAT E D '------.-i 0 Favorite P rescription I I I JOHN SPENCER, I I I World's Dispensary Medical A ssociation, SICK-HEADACHE, FAc~rs Dr. DORE NWE ND'S .. ... IZ bl - :c > L ADIES, 1- i: l> Ill MI L LI N ERY ·o .. - MRS. DDNN'E . LY'S LUMBE R YARD I ---o-----o- DU NN'S BAKINC THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND THE ONTARIO BANK POWDER I I L UMBE R , LAT H . SHINCLE S, & C, I I· I

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