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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1886, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.30 Pu A1nrnx. NEW SERIES, NUMBER OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES, EDITOR .A.ND P110l'RI.F.3'0F. VOLUME 437. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1886. ORONO. Received too l ate for laet issue· The merry jini:ile of sleigh b ell· was heard on our s tree t on Sunday morn ing. Ho \' . .T. A . Wilkiuson'tt >eries of Lectures on Jr,fa.11t Baptism h ave b een postponed fo t· n fow XXXII . NmrnER. 1)0 . 0 '"d 0 +:> ~ 0 s 0 Q.) Q) U1. UJ. · .--I 0 p. ~ .... ,.q +:> ::::$ ...p Q.) <+-i 0 P; ,.q <D ~ ro p. (]) s 0 0 Q) - .D+:> 0 © I . t h' . h h J> I t is u o new mg wit t . e .· oya Claaa-Fl n a Annis, A llie W orde n, Dollv Oke. Baking P o w der C ompany lo publish in wse ks. 2nrl Cla >e-A. rthur Osborn e, Mabel P erkin I da th e neivspapRn r eadi n g n o t.i ce adv<,rt ise· T here w as o. Ali~ht, disturbance in t.he Army i Gibson . D. L . SANDEHSON, 'l'eacbcr. ' ] l\foetim~ t he ot h n ewming. Th ere areso m a.ny S .S. No. 8, Darlivgton.--Fourth Oloss- M ·uca t s w i ic:h ha ve th~ a1n><mrau ce of <litf,;rent rE'ports of what passed that wa pass Morrow, Blake Cou rtice, Th o m~s Stt<cey. ernanatin~ fro1u the edi tor 's p en . it w ithout comment· ::<r 3rd Class- vVPs l<'Y Hancock, J,izzie Ttun rl\e , Its mo· t. reo ·mt effort is ao article fto m R ev .J . W . Ilae. of K nox Collcge.fc)rm el'ly of A rt hnr Short. . .Jr 3 rd Cla s s-La.nrlt Ca.wk er, h .Al b E ' · J l · · tb i~ place, occupied tbc p11l1>it in 1hc Presby· 1 M cKen zie P enfoun d, H edl ey Oke. 2nd Cln.a;i- t e a.ny ve111ng c u rn a. g1vmg a. t el'ian chu10h morning and evcnlu~ on S unday. f~ezekiah 'fin i:d..,, Llivi:iia Sk innor. Maud , p retended iuves tLgatio n a.;, i,~ llli~de b y th') A l et·er appeared m last weeks" Orono News" I,ooley, Par,t 2nd-Gus 'I. ooley. M ma H ancock 1 J o urnal o f t h" q · u al iti "s of t.h o baking from M r. A. P o wers. in whi ch he denies re· Emma Cornish J , H. A r.J, J lf, Teacher. ports w hich have bren oircnhtted a bou t him Promotion E xamination or Puhli0 School. ~ owd <HR. l h e followmq J t Onl :I. later Jeweller. si nce he left here. H o styl<"s bis a ccuser "he". 1 Enniskillen, Nov. 26th 1886. The Col'owini:: is sue of t 1ttt s am e p > \pe r (A ugnst 27, 1886) we were of the opin ion th at all the "o' d fish Pnp~ls pas·ed. Names arranged in orrler of so plainl y s t am p.~ the w bo le th ing as wives" of this place were of t.he feminine gen. merit, Jr 4 to l:!en'r 4 -C«rrli; Rogurs, J n111110 . l · ~ .. Ma.cLare11. ttose Br own, M innie Itoge1·e, Ma.1·y stmp Y a· 1 :i.,, v,.r liamg d od ge of h tH?;e p roFJNNJSRJZ,f,JiJJV . HA.MF'l'Ulv. Virme, J\ l ftA Mit.cbell, Cla ra B ro wn. l... U. p or t ions tha t. we th i nk t h t1 p 1; bl ic eutit1ed Ilev. W. K e nner, o l T y1·one. ))rnachod an ' Yillia m3, .Bert ie Hyers. Sen'r 3rd to Jr Jth- to the bl' u nli t of t he ex pOll" and aooord· A huge Singing Sch ool is to be s t.arted h ere . . .., on 'J'bursday even iug. this week; a ll lovers of exce llen t 8Crm on on M. i·sion Work in the E1h.1. Sta.unon. S11n'r 2nii to J r 3 rd- G eorgo . w se, Em ma. LewiR, J os<1ph tng ly g ive It below : Methodist cburob h ero on t.ne 28th ulr·. a nd nn 'l'homp~on, A da M1 mu ~i o a re cord ially innted to attend. Mr. I. "The Journal ha~ pri n ted anal yses a nd llrn following twnn i nsr a.t. t he o nn u>tl meeting P,ean, H a rry Pye, Minnie Martin. T. L.Staples, L . Bro wn will take charge . dolivered ono of the best addreaae· on the snme I ea ch er. · ba k tng ' ' Ther e will be a su pper and enter ta inment s r t>p orts o f var 10lls po·:v uers as ubj ect e ver given h ero. here on Xmas eve this year, as nRu al. reading n o t icds or ad vertiirnuJeut s. It has ON OUR TABLE. Our r l.'snected V . S .. Mr. F. A . .To nes, has 'l'he young fol :Ca h ave b ern en j oyin g thement.ered ir>to th e state of con n ubi !l.l fel icity. He n ot nuder t a.k en to s ay o f i ts o wu k n owselves imrnen sely of late skating on the pond. brin o:o?:s t o o ur vi hl ll~~ aa his b rid A, a cha rmi ng If you w ish to be well in form ed ·on tho sub· focl ge whi ch is . the bes t po wd ~r ir1 the M r s. Wm. Elford fell a nd broke hAr a.rm on yo ung !1td y rrom Pic kerin11:. We wish th e ·e·\d th:.t exc,ellent m arket. ·Tuesdayof las t week. Cons1 1me 1·s rnu ~t d ec ide for yo nng couple n~ncll h >1ppineHs and a p!ea.B11n t j ect of mus ic you shou ld 1 , Brainar d's Music,.! World. Io is full th ~ mael v<~s." Mr. Chas. Hogers ret urned from Manitcb a h om e in 0111· mid ot. .llfr. ,J ones h ns h is office m agRzine · iu toresting ecl it arials,g1 JSSip, mid1 iel lall)T.Cl C ·· o r l ast week. M ias Louie· Elford, of c~rmaa . in the build i11gformer ly occupieti b y D t.,Potter a nd each n u1nber co n ts.i os several p ieces or T hi s pi ece 0f ingeni o us ad v e r tisin ~ on M n .. cu.m e " ith him. fm· that purpo"e. g ocd music. If )·ou wioh t o make a pre;·mt to Missio nary ser mons w ere preached h ere on We are · orry to lo·o from our village I>r. Nor rela.tive. th is j ournal will pro v e a W(!ll the par t o f the 1-(.oynl Bakin{{ ·r o wd er Sunda y last.in the morn in1; by llev.E. It0berts, 1rnd Mrs. Cu.mpbr ll w h o h av e mad e warm ch osen one. Subscrip t.ion u1 C ··111p1rny m ><.V ho.ve hai i t s 11r igit1 i n the $ 1.fi~ per veitr. or B owman v ille . a nd in the eve nin g by Hev. frien ds h er e. Dr Cam pbell has ex changed his B10l{lc co~iies 15 conts. S. ·ice Bru.i nard'd Sc>ns, ('V irhJ11t diMp pnin t men t o f t h >1.t C mu pany N. HUI , of Oshawa. A public rnoet!ng was nrop er ty herA for Ill'. Oliv e r '~ property iu Clevoland. 0 . h e ld on Monday evening addressed by the Willinmaburuh wh ere Ile will r rmove in a few w itl1 it s extravaga n t b u t fq1 i.t l~ s s a dver1'h e Pi·emi um Engr aving isAu ed byPeter son's a b ove n am ed p;entlem on a n d resident ministers. days. Dr. Oli ver r eturn s lo Ne wt.onville to ti siug efforts to beg1 11l1 i t.he pub lic into Ma.1,azine-thnt oal'acton of lau y·s·book-f.Qr Colle ctions and subscription& good · his former r esidence. D r. 1"Iit.c hell haH pur- W'lli ng u p clubs forl887,is or very gr eat beauty bel ieving t h a t the c rea1n uf t a rl.ar u 8ed in -- - -· ··----·· chaM<l the prooerty unoccupied by Dr. C801P· It is " flrst-olas8 line ·anli·BtippJe engraving , od1er ba king powders contains I\ large bAll from D r. Oliver and will take possession e xecuted KIRBY. i n tho higheRt Rtyle of a r t-sizt'l, 21 wh en the pres ent occupant va c1<les. A new incher. by 27-called Mother 's D1irling, and p erc9ntage of tar trat.e o f li me, when it is llfrs. T . H ender·m· hus r eturned from visit· Dr. is expected s hortly to take t h e otnce a nd wou ld be an orna men t . framed, for any parlor. a fac t and well known to tl1e comme r cial ing friends in Whitby. r esid ence r·ow occnpi ed by Dr..Mitchell. Peterson 's for 1887 is to be gren.1 . l y i mprove '!, 'Vhile two b oys (by n a me of E ldrid ge), from S quire Sylvester Is v ery ill. m any ne " wri ters coning t o the frnnt in it . world t.h,.t all the r <'fi n E>rs w h o s u pply Ponty pool were pussing throul'(ll t his place Six oopvri gh t uovelets will be given , by such t his cou ot· y wi th cr., a rn of t:1n ari\r<.1, and tht>ir horse beMme frightened and tuming fh·st ·class writer s a~ Mrs. .John Sh erwo<>d, have beeu f·ir a lon g t im e, in a co1 n bioa· a round sudd enly upset t h e bug gy and ran .ENIll l!JLJ). JWgu.r l· 'u.wcetr, Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, l~rank awtiy s mashing the buggy in a terrible manner, . . Bouedict. .Mrs. M. V. Spencor . an rt ttui t ti ·n under au ~r .. ement br.tw~·en t hem T~e hun t clnh h as starte~ to brmg m gamo Lee furt unately the boys escapecl unhurt, rising New Orleans delineator of cr eole life, to pr.>d u ce only ~trictly pure, o r ninetj· ' Ve8r e glad Mr. J, L, Powers i.~ able to be a g,a1?· coon·, ra bbltH, partndges. etc. th" a uthor of Creole Blossoms, etc. .A.neth er around ll.~!\in . ..,J01ghs and c utters h ave. started to take the of t h e premiums i· the Book or Beau ty, illus· nine per cen t !{Oods. Mr. W. Byers, J r., made a. short vi sit with plac of wagon s a nd buggies. trated w i th oteel·en gravings. Anot her is an T he c ream of tar ta r u se tl in Cleveland' s friends here. E l1ict10n t":lk is gett1_ng prett y w arm, the e x tra copy of the mag1Lzine. You can e arn any Snper ion BtLking Powde r i 8 rofiued b y a or t hem, or all, by rai~in g clubs for Pctorso,1's . Master Willie a nd Edwarrl Scott, ot Brook· chwf t optc bemg education dcpo.rtm ont. Jin, mttdc u s hort visit with their school· mates H ev. vV. K enn er. of T yrono, preached a. S pecimens of tile m aga~ine sent . gmt is , to n e w process which fre e11 it en tirely fro m h e re last week. tn hleionary sermon last B nnd ~y week, and . t hose wishin g to get u p clubs. if wri tten for in tartrate of J.ime and every impurit y, and · Mr. and llfr~. r.. Thornton have taken their hwt W cdnc.aday R ev. JVC03srs. Sanderson and good faith . .Address CllARL!l:d J. Pu·mnsoN, i s obtained in the µu r e cry s ta ls and de parture to M ichigan and before leaving the K eirner uS·t·ted .1:ev. Mt·. Salw n in the M is, 3(16 Ch estnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. g r o und in our own fac ~ory ; t. h ~ b icu.rbon· yonng peo 1iJe of this vicinity aBSem bled at sionary service. I he result wa~ a g r ea t dea.! their reoiuen oe t o bid them good· bve and bet ter th an last yettr. , SPECIAL A TTENTION should ul waye b" ate of soda is prepar~ d ex pr e ss ly for us ; s pen d the evening; We understand a.II who A big tirno is expected here on F r iday evena nd t o enallr.i u n i form an d abHolu te purity w ere inclined tipped the light fantastic t o the ing 17th inst., w hen a n entertainment will be g hea t o the hai r and s calp. Them is w e sma' h ours of the m orning. given in tha Solloolhouse. A. program of n othing n icer t han a good hea d of hair. o f o ur baki ug powder all the i11g r ed ient1 Mr. and Mrs. John Crosby have a leo gone to dinlogues, recitations, t a.bloau, etc. In c as;i of baldn ess when the rooh are 1~ro sub j ected to aeu.rchin '( chern ica.l Mich. . . Our praying ba nd assisted 8t Mount Vernon not all goae, Dr. D or enw,md 's Great a n alysos, a nd n o ne u ·ed unll'IS8 p r oved to l hope t o keep your readers pos ted in t he last Sabbath evening. consequent ly there was news of this section during the winter. What no se·vice here. German Hair Mag i c, will produ c " a be p erfectly o u re. Appreciating th e fact t h at consu1.uer1 ha~ becpm~ or your Leskard ~nd K endal Oyster suppers are comivg in style. luxuriant g r owi.h ,,f hair; i t will re-tore writersl Give us t ho news, boys. CLJi:RK. We do not thing young lo~dies should ~\ear all grey a11d faded hair to i ts origioal have a right to know what t h ey nrll using ha.ts ovet· t wo feet high. color and vigo r ; i t s tops all falling o u t as food, we have for maoy y e ara made HA Y DON. "He t hat exnllltetll. himselt shall be humble· of t he hair and l'0ill<>VeS all traces of dan· kn o wn to the public al l t ht; iugred h~uts 'Ve ll, Mr. Editor, if you want. news from ed." of our powder. Cle vela11d'1.1 · Su perior this small h amlet, you w ill have t o devise The opera house Is again running f ull blast. druff. A lit tle of th is great p repar .1tion 13.tk ing Po 1 vJ e r is m~dti only of 1t r ic:tly s ome plan by wbiob. we can get a bid to th<>se used once in a wl.ti lti will keep t h e s c al p NEMO. surprise parties. shooting lll>l.tches and rallies. i n a h ealt hy conditie n ·and w ;1ke t he lmir pure g rape cream o f tart11r , b icarbon !\te Th e spr ee g iven by the vi rtuou~ young mac. OS HAWA. 'was a huge success a s s ome did not g et home soft, pliant and bC;autiful. A.Do r en wend , of soda, aud a small portion of Jaour usttd till broad day lig h t. And tb o first shooting The Vindicntor complains of dull time·a. s ole manufa.ct11 r er, T oron to. J. Hig-:in- as a p r e&en ·a ti ve, a.nd dues not con t <oin match held neu.r Drum-our sport s got le rt on Raglan cl\ttl~ fair D eo. 22. b otham & Son, agents for Bowmanville. ammonia, alum, lime, acid, pho~ph ~.tea, the recommendation or a line young man over o r an y :dulter a t ion wh1mive1·. .11:ast. A.t Lotus, Jfo10iy M c got a tnrkoy and Suooessful revival ser vi ces are in pi:ogress Duncan Mo 1<nd Billy H. came .h ome as light in the Suncoe·st Methodist church. P u nE TEA! PURE LITERATURE!!- T h e R .·~ · ·1u R oyal Baking Power Com· a s th,·Y went, if not ligh ter The one at Wm. JamAs K ennedy, of Rritish Columbia Li-Q11or T ea Co. i e the iargest a nd b es1 p any , ;;-.th i ts mnch advertising, e ver in· Ha.yeraft's was a success. J immy and Duncan is Mrs. visiting Osh11wa a.fteran nbaenoe or 28yetus . .Packet T ea Co. i n the v. o r ld. A hand- formed the h ous ekeepe rs of the coa ut ry l\lcC cuptured four Jlne gobhlors a nd the little Medcalf-st. MethodistClmrch 8unday Sch ool aom e v ol 1 man one. At New Park Hilly I:I. captured a une give n aw&y wit h every 3Jbs all th11t euters into the o m ;ioslt ion of i ts goose and Jimmy and Dunca n came out minus. wlll hold t h ei r a.n·niversary on 'f bursd<Ly even· of this c e le brated tea. It is not n e ces sa ry pow<le r1 O r h as it eYer p u bl ished a w o rd At ,v. Farrell's on Friday J immy Mc scoured in" Dec. 2Jrd. a turkey and a pair of ducks, and won the Mr. G. H . Gould left tor England last week to pHrchase the three pounds at one t ime; open ly in de fence of the nae (,f a1110 11ia in bear.-. of anot.ber. Billy H . c a ptured three on S. S . Montreal. . a vo ucher is given away wit h e very h alf b akin ;; powder ¥ l.u.for rrni.tion 09~ t~ieise A-obblers and 'J\, ,.1my G. a turkt>Y and dutlk . R. McGee. E sq.. Barrister, lectured on Self pound. By drinking t heLi- Quor 'l'eaa, t h poiuta tu igh t e nable ·he p u blic ~o fi..rm an There are to be two more this week or wnich Culture on Friduy nig ht for the 'l'rades U n ion. w e will report. oon8uro er b eco mes s part icip a tor in the intelli.gen t opinio n in reg~rd to the Mr. J. S. Larko is proseou1:tng the election 'l'he canl ole a.fe coining l1a, ha, n1a111ma, yes' cam advantage~ wh ic h this compan y p osses ses m eriUi of t h.is m uch mooted ques t ic paign with energy, but hopelessl y. rn of have come, and a r e living ln peace and hap· Col. Otter, U. A.. G., and Col. O'Donovan , in- over all competitors, for he gets a bett er bak~ p o wd e.r supretlll.n.cy, and (f e would piness. spected the arill shed, and acoutremen ts or 3 Meseers. lla rper a nd Washington are ~oing te .. at a l ower price than can be procured .have n o m il\g.iviugs WI to tLe result. to sta rt a butch er stall. M r. J o h n Hyan is in No. Co., ou Friday week. e lse wher e, and h e shar e s in t h e ines tim· GLEV.ll.LANV BRo!i., t he business, too. T bere·s millions in it. Mr. Thoe. Telrer. former ly of Foley, and late .A.Jtiii.-a y, N. Y. Sa.mm)" h as sold his d river. What will the o f W estern Kausas. has nearly lo·t h is sight. able b enefit e of a g ig antic enterprise . owing to t h e 11ccidcntaldiscluugin1< of a gun, Came early and get thu b ene fit o f o ur unl a.die» do now1 'l'he cider mill is frozen up. Mr. R. McLaughlin's new machinery and. broken st" <!k. L EVI MoRRIS, A gen t , l\fr. Chas: \Vil mot, l:.u perinte1Hfo11t of engine are now in inotion. 'l 'his improv~rnen. t 11-tf .t h e Government Fish eries, N e wca.· tle. a t Mr. McLaughlin 's C.irriage Work·.facihta.· Bo1mtl'all's Block. COURTJOE. tea the execution of th e l ,.l'ge amoun t o! wor k D ULL T IMEs. - M11ch has b een s a id re - arrived h ome o n M o nd ay wi 1 h half a. R ev. Mr. Dunlop, of Orono, pre ached two carried on there. gar ding the dull t ime s for s om e month s .million s a lmon t ro u t eggs from \Vi a.rton, Messrs. Gould & Morgan, of Oshawa, h ave g <Jod sermoos 11.tEhen ezeron S u nday la st. Th o annua l m issionary meeting was h eldonl<'riday purchased ~. 000 lambs in t he Galt, P aris ann past and all have s ufter ed more or less t h e l ast take of the season. even ing the 3rd inst. hiteresling addresses Brantfo1·d districts , for J anuary delivery, for the reby who have had to depend on WHA'r TRUE M &RI'J' W1LT. Do.-The were d eliver ed b y R ev. Mr. Mannin i:; of the B uffa lo ·and Now Yori!: mar ket. '£bey Ooh a w a , and R ev. Mr. Huazard or Car twngh <. thin k it tho farmer s of this sec tion would pay trade and comm e rc e for t h e i r su pport . u11precad en ted sal e o f Bo1u:liee's Oerma11 The re-o pening services of .JJibenezer Church more attenW.on to feedi n g lambs for win ter But at times b en efitR are r eaped fro m Syrup which in a faw ycar3 has ast on is h ed w ore contin11ed on Monday tho 291 .h u lt . In delivery th ey wou ld fi tHl it more profitable d ull t im es 1md a t prasent t h ose m ay do the wor l d. I t is w itho u t do u bt t he .h em in the fall. lhe afternoon Rev. '1'. Manning, of Osh awa, than ·cllirig 1 so who are in n eed of h arness by calling safest a n d best rem e d y eve r d iscovered preached av impressive sermon Lo a Cnll h ouse and Hev. Mr. Hill deliver ed an excellent ada t the establishment of J . R . Bradley, for t he speed and effectual cllr ti of C<.:ugh.s, d ress. .A botmtifull and as you know· Mr. SOLINA . B o wmanvillo, as he h as o n hand a large Colds and the sttv erest Lu1g t r oubles. Editor , a flrs t·cla ss s upper in every respect ENTERTAINMENT-A beautiful and affecti ng sopply of such g ood s the stock of which It acts on an ent irely rl itfar eut p rinciple was served to a large cro wd. The evening ·ect was purchased at b ottom prices 1..nd made m ee1iog was called to order by Dr. MoLau gh· atory, mus ically illust rated will be r ende1 fro m the u sual proscr ip ti ons given by ' Hall, Solina. next '1'uesday even!in who Jllled lhe chair abl y and acceptably. a t the S ·n B ing, U t b inst. It is an entirely new th ing in u p when wage s w er e dow.n. The art icles Physici,ms, as it doe s not dry u p a C o ugh '!'he Chairm an afler a few r emarks focit iou sly citlleu on "Lord Ch ancellor Hoberts" w ho Cnnud,., and t ho r end ering o f it l'ivets the at· . a re warrante d i n every particular. .All and leave the d isease still i n t h e sy sLem, after a witty and humorous speech &ek ed for teu tlon of th e an'1ience from b eginning to s ubsoriptiune lo d l.fray t he expenses of renov· close. 'l'he story will be r ead by J . Carmichael. who call will rec eive the bes t a tten tion bu t o n t he contrary re111ovt s t h e c a. use of ating t.he c.burch . The n ecessary a m oun t was . Es11, of Osha w a, anu t.he m usic will be con· possi b le , the trouble, heals t h e p art e afl'e ct ec.l and q uicklv r a ised and D1-. Carman then delivered ducted by tho org anist and ch oir of Christ S IXTIETH Y EAR 0-Tl1e Yo1ith's ~~mpan leaves the rn in a purely h e Rlt h y condition. his celebratod lecture on · 'The Work and Ch urch, Osht<wa. .admission li.icents, double Worth of Woman." During the evening tne ticker, 25 cents. Come one come all and hear ion celebrates t h is vear its s ixtieth anni - A b o t t le kept in the house for U8e wh en church choir sang several beau tif ul .. nthems. a treat. v ersary. It m ig h t ' w e ll b e named the the d i seases make t h eir ap pearance, will 'l'hore had been provide d s uch a. s uper abundKirkpatrick is rushing th ings a t Solian. It a nce "4lf eatables t hat a "uuiu.I w as h eld on you want cheap goods, call a ud see bi m. He " Universal Compwnion," s o w idely i s it save doctor's bills and :t l ong spell of T uesday evening to d ispose of the su rplus. h W> a f ull a8"oi·tm .,nt of Felt Koo ts whi ch are read a n d s o w is dly ada]Jted . to a ll a ges . seri oas illness. A triall will. convinoe you 'l'he total proceeds wern over $ 120. 12:oing very fast having ah-eady to i·e·order. Its contri b u tors <l.rtl t h e most n oted of t h ese facts . It is p ositively so ld by The A nnua l Mee ting of the Sha1·eholdors ot The best F elt Bout, lealher a ll u p, $2.75. and writers of this country and o f Europe. all dxuggiats and d e ufors i a the land, Darlington Union Cheese Co., will be h eld at best F elt leallier half u p, $2.50, also a. full a s· t h e 1·'rtctory on 'l'ue~day Dec., 21st, at 2 p. m., sortm ent of oth er Boots and l:lt1oes, Rubbers , Among t h em are W. D . H o wells, J. 'l'. Price , 75 cts , large bottles. 41 for t he election of officers 1md o ther important and Ovor· shoes, Dr.v Uooue and Groceries T rowbridge , Prof. H ux l ey, The D uk e of w h ich cannot be en umora.ted Jier e. Ca.II and business. LEVI .ANNIS, Secretary. 2w A r g yle, 'l'h e M arquis of Lorne and Prinsee for yourselves. Mr. Clark Wilbu r has r etu rned h ome from cess L o u ise, Archd ea co n ]'arr a r, C. A. TYRONE. Midlun d to i;pend the w int er . Step hen s, A d m iral D avid Porter , L ieu t. Mt" H. Hoop er mo ved bis h ousehold g oods Sohwatka, and many others. W e do not We a·e pleased to h ear th11ot one o l our y oung into h is new i·egidenue hts t week a nd also the me n is prog r ,·ssing in law. \Vito is he1 wonder t h at the Companion, with s u ch Mr. G . Gibb"rd, of Whitby, p a id a flying J'oet 001ce. Ilev. N ew ton Hill, or Osh nwa., preached a contributors, h as n e,.r ly 400,000 subscribvisit h ere last week. Our trtlotoes havo en gal(e< l ~Ir. J . O'Deil, of ve r y eloq uen t sermon a t .Eld.ad on Sund!ly l ast. ers. It, coet~ but $1.75 a y ear, and a Miss .Anna Hogat·tb h as been v isiting friends s ubscript io n seu t u o w is cre dited t o Jan., . Hagla n . as teacher. H ev. V\T. K enner ha.s bocn a esia tiug in Mi ssi· at Colum bus. 1888. . 011.ar r se.rvi eea on lla1npion c i.rc1 Ht. 'l 'lrn revival meeL i tl gS a t Mt. Vern on a re To Oun READRRS .- We cannot t o St . ·~1 r . .l uhn M ut ton has rented th~ Gibbard exciting ~reat inter Q p 1-..1-.e rr.y and .!\<Jr. S. lloud, or Hampton, M r. Mr. 'l'. .l!J. \ Vaih ing to n has return ed irom strong ly u rge upon o ur r e ader s t h e n ec esJ'.11, CultJ'B honse on fro ut street. 'forunlo . sity of s ubscr ibing for a family w eekly Manter Ed . and Mrs. Davey or Whitby, are Mt·. L . .A.roott had t h e misfortune to get a n e wspap er of t h e fir st class- such for invisiting h ere, sevet·e kicldrom tL hornc. atnnce, as 'l'nE INDRPRNDENT, of 'N e w 111.iss Addie W alters is home wi th a felon. Mi ss Cowla h !1S b een spending a few dnya Y o rk. \ Vo r e w e obliged to se!Hct one ·JACK. Our diliger,t ·mail driver broke dow11 on h ere. Saturday. · v. ant a n ew riit. vVm. p u blication for habitual and careful r eadOys ter su ppe 1· 1111<1 ent1'1't1 1i111,.c n t to bo lteld .U01\Sil~U'TION 4)1JIUl.D.- an om nhya ician in g to t h e exclusion of a ll oth e rs, we in t!lll Sons' H all ne 1Wcdntsd._y evening, in r etired from practice. h aving h ad vh·ccd in his sh o uld choose 1mhesi tatmg l y THE I11m;:conn ectiun wi th t h e Ath le tic Assocint ion. h a nds by an l~ast ln dia missionary th e form ula By th e appearence of somo people varnish of a simple vegetable r emed y for tbe speedy PENDENT . . It is a n e wspaper, mag a z ine , must be fiy rn~ around by the keg full. and perrnanentcnro ofConaumption.Bronututis , <tr1? r eview all in one. · It is a religiou s, Wh ' 1 11 u d k h Oa.t.. rr h , Astbmt~ and nil throat and L ung .A.f· m e ducatiou a.I, a st ory, an art, · Os o represent us. l e n erta er or t 0 fec tions, nloo 11 positive and radical cur e for a liter ar y , > Dr. l Wh en the lJr. gets through tlle under· Ne r vous Debility un d a ll ner vous Complaints , a scien tific, an agr icu ltur al , a fin ancial, takei· be1<ins. Not before.- .ILn. a fter h avinK tested its wonderful cm ative and a p olh ic al p a per c omb in e d . It l1M Mr. Jas. P 0oley bas gono to Michigan. powers in t hous a nds of c ases, has fe lt it hia l\ev. W , K enner w ill p1'e11ch a aei·m on in dut y to make it known to lu s sufferinl( foll o ws. 32 folio page s a n d 21 d epart m en ts . No beh alf o.f the Bible Society n ext S1ibbath Actuated by this m o tive a n d a desire to relieve matter what a person's rel igion , p olitics, m orning. , human su fferin g, I will send Cree of charge, to profe;;siou m a y be, no matte r what t h e '!'be I 'raying Band from Uowmanville con· n~.l ~bo ~esire_it. t hisrAcipe ..i nGerman.Fren.ch , age, sex, e m ]Jloymen t or condition m ay du cted service h ero on Wedne~day rn ~ht. Tile o. Eugb s b , w·th f ull d1rc.ct10mi for p~epan.n g meeting closed w1tll good resu lt·. M eetings a n d usmg, . Sent b y m a >I by 11ddreso>n 1"1 >Vl th b e, 'fJIE I NDEPENDEJS T will pro vtl a h elp, still going on. stu.mp, narn rn~ tht s paper, '.(V. A. NOYES H9 a n ins tru ctor a.n edu cator . O ur readers Mr. P. \oVerr y is on a, hunting cumpa.ig n iu Power's Blocl..Rochester N. Y. 45 can d o n o l ess thitn t o s e nd a postal for a thu northern r egions, ! . free specim en c opy , 01· fo r t hirty cents The P arson age com mittee on T hursday ac - I P n n ces s B eatrice, wife of P r in c e H enry t li e paper will b e sent 1.1 m o n t h , e nab ling Thi s po wd er never v anes. A. mar vel ot cept~d the w_ork, and Hev. w, K a nn tJr i ntend s of B a.t tenbnrg 1 a nd youncrest d auo-hte r o f · d },.,, purity, st ren gth a.nu w ltolesomoneaa. M ere 0 m ovm g Ill this week. QI y · t · h · "' b · h o n e t o JU g e of its m erits m or e eritica~v· cconomioal than t h e ord inary Kiu ds e.n 1 l can· 10 Hev. J. T. Morris ta home 11t Whaby, Mr. .e~ IC .oria., a s g i ven ir t to a so n . Its yearly subscr ipt ion ia $3.00 or l wo not be sold m competition w it ! 1 t h e'm uUltnde I, Co uch .fille d bi~ u.ppoi11hnen ts on ~... b bath. Cht1zens, d o n t forgot that the m or nin " ears for o" 00 1\ddress 'l'HE I'NDE.,,.E"'of low test:, Rhort. we i"ht, 11.lnm or ph0&pTMi.ie Y ...,.,. · · ' · ~ " I powders; Sol<l on Ly i n oans. UOY A.L JIAII· CU~..u:· wails for the We5t are made up at 10 p.m" llll.NT, 251 Broadway, New York C ity. lNQ P O WDER OU., 106 Wwl St., N. 11:. I I I A Large Advertisement n ext week . Goods for the Christmas Holidays cheaper then the cheap est . I NovemberSchoolReports. NAMn:s I N or rnER OF MtcRJT. Expose of That Pretended Public Investigat ion of the Q u alities of the B a king P owder. I s. 8. N o. 4. Da.rlini;:ton.- Fourth Class - vV · OsbornR. Ma 11d Sq11irea, F lore nce Gibs on. l!rd A. BUCKLER. The I ,, · · ..... I I E R Absolutely Pure.

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