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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1886, p. 2

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J..W···11 A CARD.-To all who .are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, 18 PUBLISHED nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe th~t &VERY FRIDA."Y MORNING, will cure you FREE OF CHARG1':. This -BYgreat remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self. AT THE OFEICE addressed en~elope to the REV. JosEPll .-. .&OMeeB oek,KlngSt.,Bowman.vllle,On't T. INMAN Station D New York Oit'!f. 46y THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M. A.JAMES, ·-·-!ft--. FARM. VARIETIES. .· l.llOJperan.n.um,or $1.oOifpa.idln advance PJQ'ment strictly In advance required from 811.blloribers outside ot the county. Orders to 1llaoontlnue the pa.per must be accompanied by he amount due,orthepaper will not b es topped. abeorlbers are responsibleuntil(ul lpe.:;men tis Ql&de, WholeColumnoneyee.r ··.·.· · ··.... $60 oO ~~~ " u KA.TES OF A.DYEJtTISING: ;;l!!i 00 50 00 ·.Ullneae.ndunder,first Insertion ·. ~O 50 : Each subsequent insertion...... 0 2~ l'l'Om six to ten lines, first insertion 0 7~ _ One quarter ·.. . ·. · · . 20 · l llllf Column one year ............... 36 " lle.lf year .............. 20 " One quarter_ ......... 12 Quarter Colurr.n one ye~r .. ......... io " " Ralf year ......... - 1~ '· One quarter.... .. .. 8 Halt'year .......... ~.8600·~~ gJ; - 00 ~.,. 00 - - 5 ·Oftr ten lines, first in~ertion,pei~~rne Bach subsequent insertion....... 0 t(;-10 e:::==. .. Jllach subsequent rnsertion, The number ot lines to be reckoned by tle space occupied,.meaaured by a scale o olid Nonpareil. gO~· -- ... . . - - .. DJlS, Jtlc'LA.UGHLIN .& BEITH, OFFICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWll!AJSVILLE· Dr.J.W.M.CLAUGHLIN, Dr. A. BEITH, Gra dulicentiate of the lloyal ate of the Toronto College of Physicians University l:'hysician and member of the · :ttoyal College of Sur· Surgeon, &c. geons, Edinburgh. I I Bit. J. 4J. JllJT(JHELL, and Surgeons,.Ontario, etc. M '0111.oe and Residence, Enmsk1llen. 9o~oner, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS a. 7 DJl. TA.MBL'WN, ACCOUO~EUR. SURGEON and Office :-Silver Street. Bowmanville. P HYSICIAN, W . S. Oll!llSTON, I,, L. n. Barrister, Solicit or, Conveyancer, &c._ Money to loan. Office, next; door to N ews Oifwe~ '[30W· manville. -~ D. nuI?.K:F. SDIPSUN, ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c., MOPHIS BLOCK, up stairs, King Sti-eet, Bowman tllle, Solicitor for the Ontario Bank , Private Monevs loaned at the lowest rates, B B - - - - - - - - ···-- -------..-- - - - JtOBEltT A.IDIOlfR, ..ohn Keith Galbrt·ttb, ARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY 'PUBLIC, &c. ' Oill.ce- Bounsall'a Bloc,k King Street, Bowman ville. Money to lend.· BGIS'rRAR, WEST DUIUIAM ISSUER of Marriage License a, Barrister and .A.ttor M.f at Law and Solioitor in Chancery. Money loaned on Real Estate. Ofl!ce on King street, cJowmanville. R L - ------- -----------d. T. PJllLLH·S ICENSED AUCTIONEER tor the County of Durham, Sales promptly attended, Address-Hampton P. o. 59, OHN BUGHES.-License. d Auctioneer, Valuator and Arbitrator. Fire and Life , nsure.nce, Notes and Accounts Collected. 'Money to Lend on reaBonable terms, A<ldrese '172 Cartwright., Ont. . J 'VILLIAltl '\VIGHT. L ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County or Durham. Orders left at ·the ST.<'l'ESJ.\r AN office or forwarded to Tyrone P .O, ,.un receive prompt attention. 28:6m 8. 4J, lllfNllJNG, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR the County or Durham. Sales attended "' cn shortest notice and lowest rates. Ad~ress L Oo~RTIOJI P. 0. llG:tf every man who buys his License trom A lENRY SYLVESTER, Ei>.niskillen. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO Pia.nos Tuned and. Jtepaired.· ARTIES WlSHINGt:HEIRPIANOS Tuned or repaired can haTe thorn attende 0 Dy leaving word ,at the DOll!INlON ORGAN 00'8 OVt:lOJ!l, Bo'!"'manville A llret·clall me.11 ·ow 1>elng in their mplo r. I P 80 Do! Gentlemen ot"Fash ion, not so tast. Havewrlttenthese few lines ·And all I have to say_ !rbatyouoan find me st1llat home, Jam not gone a war. · Bo all my kindol d I riendsmay come, And all they oung ones, too, And get the.trgarmentsnicely made In fashions that are new : . Vhere old and young, dearfriends, may meet A. welcome irreetin~, bv R. PE.A.TE DENTISTRY. WITH TEETH, Wl J. II. BRIMACOlYIBE, l'JlA.4JTIC:A.L DENTIST, 'lV&R TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENOB, Utrou.sOxideGaa Administered for Painle11 Operations. OFFICE MC:C:LlJXG'S BLOC&., c. HARNDEN, L. O. 8., The '\'V elsh t itle of the a,spen is "the loof Horse Talk by an Old Breeder. of the mai.d en's tongue!' . I '!'here are a great many troubles wit h Th e stan (htrd of educ8'tion in Spain is.very .ho.rses which could be cured w ithout diffi- low, but little m ore than t wenty -fom: per Having purchas0d t he H arness business lately carried on b y Mrs. HUMPHREY, culty, if they were looked aft er in t ime. cent . of the popu la,tion being able t o read hope by car eful atten tion to b usiness, good wor kmans hip, and fir st class ,F or instan ce, a man out in Uolonido writes a nd write:, m ater ial , to secu re a share of public patronage. We have in that his colt has two seal.is or sor es on its s tock and are manufacturing a large amount of Clara- " John, I don't b elieve you love ears and they ar e growing bigger all of the me any more. " J ohn-" Why ?" Clarar time. N o d oubt this is t he beginning of ADVISE 'IO MOTHER.s .- Are you t I t · mange, or t hey may be caused by rubbing he " You never turn down the gas now when turbed at night and broken of your rest skin off, and then the flies or other insects w e sit in the rocking chair." " I say, fotty !" exclaimed one gamin t o by a. sick child suffering and crying wi h w ould k eep t hem irribt ed. pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If eo send at The simple and sure remedy for all such his flesh y companion, " is ityermuddur wot Collars a specialty. We in ten d that t h e rep utation Humphrey'~ Collars hav e gained sh a ll he fn lly sustained . We a r e p r epared to fur nish n·sponsible p arties once and gt a b ottle of "Mrs. Winslow's skin diseases, iin ct uspecially for mange, is makes yer so fat? " "Naw, of course it Collar·s on ap probation . \Ve guarantee satisfaction or n o sale. Soothing Syrup." For children t eething, cMbolic acid, or its e,1uivalent found in the hain't !" Wlls the reply ; " its my fodder. " We also keep in stock a full lin e of g ood s u sually found its value ls incalculable. It will relieve sheep dips, particuhtrly Lawfol·d's. For Cttlifornia has vrodur.;ell I\ seven t een-inch the poor little sufferer immediately. D e- mange t h e solution should be quite strong on ion. \ Ve hope this eseulent w ill not bein a first cla ss harness shop, comprising pend upon it, mothers ; there ia n o and it should be well rubbecl in so o.s to eume popular. 'l'he mi>u wl10 cats a twomistakt> about it. It cures Dysentery penetrat e to t he very bot t om and reach .all in ch onion can now disperse a crowd withou t any t rou ble. and Diarrhooa, r egulates the Stomach an d of the vermin a t wodc h There ie noth ing bett er to cure flesh A San Francfaco Italiiin eloped with two S ee om· Bull. llone Wltips- somethiol! new. We have alao in s tock Bowels cures \Vind Colic, so f tens t e wounds o.nd sores t lrnn lard with some salt Gurna, 'reduc es Inflammation, and gives mixed in it. The lard is healing and the girls a few rfays -·go. 'rh is is hut another to:ie and e nergy to t he whole syi1tem. salt is cleansing. ·w hen t h ere is " prom! pr oof that the Italio.n languo.ge is the most "Mr~. Wiualow's Soothing Syrup" for flesh," as formers call granulation, t hen se<l 11ctive of ~.11, a nil this iR why t he cock of the chick'en yard does his mashing in t he children t e1Jthi11g is pleae11.nt to the taste k erosene oil'. sh onld be mixed wit h the lard, Ital ian langnn,ge. for H or ses and Gattle, a sure cu r e for bruises, sprains, cuts, and s or es of all kinds. and is the prescription of one of the old- or car b()lic 1bcid, both of w hich contain the There was onee a gi<ldy youug beau, Shop-Sign of the B ig Collar. 17-3m e ·t and best f emale physicians and nurses same princirllc, cr eosot e, o.nd it is t his which Yiho t hought he a m ust ach e could greau. in the United States, a nd is for sa.le by h n,s the ant isep tic effect, that is, the effect He then Mkod a belle all druggists through the world. Price t o counteract pu tresence or decay. All sor es II ·he thought ii was swclle 21> cents a. botUe. Be sure and ask for and wounds · shou ld be t reated in t his .way And she promptly answered him "Ncau." "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." a s soon us· discove1 ·ed to .prevent p us formI n d11ys gone by it wo.s cnstomo.ry for and take no other k ind, · ing and putrefaction, wh ich may be followed tbe servants of the nobili ty , particularly ---I'N--·w===· -·~._,..._ b y blood·poisoning. Sores should be ' 'rnsh- t h e gentleman·usher, to attend bareheaded wit h c<1stile soap or t he d ischarge will ed. On grand occasion s cotichmen also rlroYe t ake t h e lm ir off and the irritation extend. bareheaded. P ut t ing on salted . .gr.ease.will keep u ;e skin Belgian farmers, without any special ad he"l.thy 1rnd the han: wil! gencrn~ly cor!1e , va.ntttges, have fo nnd t he production of tlax m nat~1ral1 but 1f not ~t will come m wlnt e profitiible enough to induce them to grow it aml dlSfigure th~ annual, . \Yhen. a h orse in in creasing quantities for English rnnr·kets. h~s thre~ s.r,ot s of. w!u te ha ir on his bniast Russia is the chief source of the flax supply or b,ick it is o. sm e sign t hat h e h as had bad of Rn gland, anc l the British J<Jast Indies nsag~. He has been gal/ed an.d neglected, of the linseed we impor t . --AT-. . . . and it does n ot·speak well of his owner. ·warts and all such excresences may us- . l'russtan stat e railways have for some ,1ploy ed worn.en ~s . guards at ually'J be got t en r id of by tying a small t1~rn past e,n cor<l aronn<l tlrnm and so cu tting off the cir - cros.srngs. l h e w:ork cousrnts chiefly of t he Dr. E. C. W est's Nerve and Brain Treatment, culation into them. This is t he best way d osu?g and opem~g of the b.ars an d tht a guaranteed specific for Hysteria ; Dizziness. arnl t he siirest. ViThen t l.i e bttiich c ' i·oI>s off h ghtmg, ftnd sweepmg .' of c . rossrng . s, a.nd the Convulsions. Fits, Nervous, :Neuralgia, Hco.d·' b ache, ·Ner vous Prostrq,tlon,"' e.used by the use t he wou nd may be grc< ised over or· if ne· w?men ,n most cases are_ eit ~r t 1ie wives or of a lc"ohol or tobacco, Wakefulness. Mental r.esso.ry toucher] with some. sort 'of caustic. widow~ of guards .. T hell" daily wages are l~J Depression, Softening of the brain resultino: in It is bett er to let warts or any kiud. of tn · from s!Xpence to nmepence. insanity and leading to misery de cay and death Prcm11turc Old Ago, Barrenness.Loss of Power n:iors slongh ~ff thnn to cut t h em aftex · being This pretty story is tolc l with regtird to in either sex, Involuntar y J,osses an d Sp0rm11t- tied. 'l'here.rs do.n&er of t he cord sl ipping 1 the origin of the Corint h hbn capit al. It is orrhoea caused. by over -exertion of the Brain, · nurse h a d p 1 self·abuse or over-indulgence. Each box con- off .an ~l l) Ie~rJmg t,a k mg J?1ac. e , w}iercas l'f t lie sa1<l t l uit ii l ov1.ng .aee d . a b ask et ta.ins one month's treatment.. Sl.00 a box. or six kmfe rs wit.hheld tlicr c is no such danger. of t oys, covered with<> t ile, upon the gmve boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt '.l'he teeth of horses ·of ten cause t hern . a of tt Corint h i<>n girl, and that in the springof price. great deal of trouble, <>Hd I ha ve n o d11u bt time an acanthus p l<tnt, upon which it .H~ PIJ~LS We Guarantee Six Boxes t l:mt the extra t eeth called the ' ' wolf teeth" st ood sent forth shoots ooveri11 a t he btosket .Puri fy the B l ood, c o rrect all Disorders of tho 'l'o cure any case. With each order re ceived do sometimes .aftect the uer:ves of t h e .eyes Mid c~uling over t h o tile, t !ius" providing o. by ua for six bo:><es, accompanied with $5, we anc~ le1id t o ~lmdness or dmmess c ,f sight. · model which was imit ated directly by a will send the purchas~r our written guarantee I It is the notion of sorne horsewen that shy· celebrated sculptor of the time. f,IVER,, S'l'O l'flJlU.H., IilDNEYS AND BOWELS. to refund the money if the. treatmem does not .ing in horses is 0 r<en eNilly causec l by defec . l . effect a cure. Guara ntees issued only by JNo. t' , · 1t 1 Th .e r eel clover is a veritable bee-pnz. They invigor a te. an d r est ore to t"iealth D ebil itated Constitutions, and 1 Stott & Jury Druggists Bowmanv ille n e eyc-s1g l · n solJJe eases s11ym ' iorncs Except the ordillary bumble· bee, a.re invaluabl e in all Complaints lnC!deo.tal to Females of all Ages. F or · · ' h twe been cured of the h abit by r~moving zle. tho wolf t oet h. It is worth looking after, t here ~re no b~es in our :ipiaries. ca~ Ohildr en a n d t he aged t ~ey a r e priceless. for a dodger is always dangerous. Driving tible ol ex lraeLmg L l.1e 110uey 'thich . rs w it h blinkers wil l sometimes keep a horse secret ed·a;,tb e end of the long tubes of it s from shying esp ecially if he shys ·from side I ilowern. I o b a p bh e garnerea ucc L m· of a looks. Some horses always do t his, and red-cl?ver field it 1s u ecessary .to procure u I s an i nfallibl e r~medy for B ad L e gs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Soret and U lcer s . It is famoua for Gout a nd R heumatiam, F or diaorden of the they are the worst. \Vhen 'they see an ob- J lJee w1th ~ve u a _lu11ger L onguc Llm1~ th'.\t ESTABLISHED IN 1847. - C h est it has no equal.ject ahead wh ich fright ens t hem the drfrer I of the Synan var~ety, an~ su ch[~ b et; IS said It has no shareholders to pay dividends to. has some warning, but a side shyer tak es . bu Le found only rn Llie I~a~ L I udws. F o r Sor e Th1·oa.t s, B ron c h itis, Cou ghs , Colds, · one mmwares mi.less, k nowing its h abit; on e 1 Coverhws for the foot beaan wit h sandals. Managed by and solely in the interests ot Glll.ndu l a r Swellings , a.nd a ll Skin Diseas es it has no rival ; and for is . alw iiys. prepared,. iiud t his. is seldom the After tlies~ c<>me shoes left open at t he toes, the Policy holders· ease. Blmds or blmkers will do such a t h en the wooden shoes of t hP. llinth an d contracted a nd s t iff j oi nts it acts like a c h arm. horse good . 'l'h e hor se frightented from 1 tenth centuries followed in the Middle Its .ltates are Low. so . me object ahet1 d w ill. do as well and very ' A ges by shoes ,;ith long pointed and turnMan ufactured on ly a t THOM.AS H OLLOWAY'S Est ablish ment, l'ollctes non forfcltable and unconclllttonnl. l i lrnly b ~ ·ett,er to. h ave l' !s eyes f.re~. . A man eel-up toes, which sometimes turnc<l up as Cash Bonus .Pnlcl every three years, should study las horses pecub an t1es m!d. be h igh as the knee. Later, 11 shoe was worn 78, NEW OXFORD ..STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON : p repm:ed t.o meet them. Careless dnvmg with an ex ceedingly wide toe-so very \Tide never is. ii safe w'.1y, for the oldest and safest t hat it impeded the process of walking. And are sold at ls. lid., 2s. 9d. , 4a. 6d ., U s., 22s., and 33s. each Box or P ot, amd Joint Life ·Policies. . m ay be h a d ffom all Medicine V endor s throughout the World, h Queen Mary r estricted the woaring of t h is Though a double rlsh but one premium ls pail'I orse will sometnnes get scared. .-rureluuerij s h o wld ·1001'. at the Label on tlle Pots and Kox es. IC the rddre by a p roclamatio11 which mn t o t he effect ror two people. Amount of pollcy drawn tho.t shoes should not be worn w ider than How Oan We Make The Farm Pay? on first dee.th. six inches. ::::=====================::::;:;============================================~~,_..-To the thoughtful farm er t his is the (1uesGerman 11hotogm1 1hers ha ve succeeded in Special Inducements to Total .Abatainer,. tion of the hour , (Ind one of vito.l importance. The pa.st year h as been one of exceedingly photograp hing a p r ojectile in the course of low prices for all farm products, and it h (ls it~ flight and some of these photogrnphs ASSETS OYER $11,000,oOO,t b een only by t he most car eful management sh ow the l1ead of comp ressed a ir 'vhich INCOlllE ~TER $1,ooe,oeo that formers have held t heir own, m uch less ]JreeedeB enry shut . It is said to be this r ealizing !loll~ profit s from. t h eir labors; T~e " h ead" which preven ts l'iflernen from break. --M.A NUF ACTURER OF- 11100,000.00 devosltod with the Canadian Govern n ow y ear will be much like th e old, m tlus ing an empty eg"·Shell when suspended ment tor benefit or Oz.nadian policy holders. PCspect . \Vise and observing farmers, in· by a long thread~ T he air blows the 1 st e11d of being un~uly discoura.ged, will pro- sh ell out of t h e way of t he bullet. INTESTED IN {)A.NA.DA, $600,000.llO, fit by past exp eriences, and be . t h e bet t er W e believe th"'t Maj or P et ers, of the Art il. K ING STREET. BOW MANVILL p r.cp ar ed to wm su ccess where mis. t ak es and l ery School, Quebec, was t h e fir st to photo- Has now on hand a number or Tehlclee (and is manufacturing a great many m or e) of foe new es· HEAD OFFICE IN C.ANADA:- MONTREAL fiulures h a Te .occurred. One 'Yay to make graph a p rojectile. If . so he, and n ot t he patt erns and be,at finish, which I am offering for sal e e.t the lowest prices c onsistent the farm pay is to have somethmg to turn German s, desei·ves the cr edit. w ith due regard to workmanship and quality. The following la a list of For particulars refer to int o money evety day in the y ear, as nearly : ' ·~ .tho principal vehicles manute.otu red by me as p ossible. The farmer wh o grows special l Donbl e Covered Carriages . ... .. ............... , . ................. .. .......... $150 U p warda. 1 crops r eceives large sums of money when \ f lle Ele.IJhant Afioa.t. Sin gle Phoot ons. ,. .. .. .. ................ ............. . ... ......... .. ....... ...... 100 11 GENERAL AGENT, 1 T he hn.ppy life and u11timely deat h of t he Open Buggy ........ ;................. ...................... .... .. . . ... . . · ·· ···· 70 II POR'l' .HOPE his crop hits well and he happen~ to fin~l a.1 Top Buggy........................... ........................ .......... ........... !10 11 Or to agent& throu11hout the county, i8-6s e. good m'.\rk ct fo~ the .sa1~10. HiB receipts elepha nt J umbo lrnvo made ua feel a. little necessar1 Y .come m.per10dical,ly. u~ to t he b etter a.cquain~ed with these grea~ beasts. Democrat Wagon ... ... . ......... . .. .. .. ... ............. . ........... ......... .... 65 11 ~ene~:!i~ri~~r ;he\eclmuilt~e ,·s~eady m~.me ,Jumbo h&d twice cyca,ped . t he perils of the Lumber Wagon s .................. . ... ......................... .... .. . . .... ... . .. 55 u , o rn · c n s an · en~an m.a e upon nu. sel\, only t o fall a victim of a railroad en· L ' ht W 40 11 The farmer who mak~s it a p omttosell mor e gine. A Calcu tt a. paper thus describes how ig agon ............ . .......................... .... ....... ............. .. .. .. t h.an he buys ever y time h e goes t o t own, elephant s go to sea : Exp ress \Vagon..... . . ........ ... .... .. .... ..... .. ......... .......... ............ 75 " will at the end ?f t he.yeay find that he ha.a The h oisting into the air, and lowering Skelet on.. ...... ... .. .. ... . .. ........................... .. ........ .. . .. .... .. . ..... 50 11 ~ccumulated qmtc. a. n~ce little sumo~ mo.ne)'.· : elep han ts into the hold of a ship, is not only 1 Sulky· ........ · · ···· ·· ~······ .... ······.. ......... . .. . ·. ···· ·· . .. ·... .. ·.... ·· .. . ·· · 40 11 Pumps Cheaper and Better Too many men t hrnk it b~neath then: d11pn · an unusua.l. sight to most men , but also a Possessing eupertoi:faci!ltlea tor manufacturing oarriagee, I Intend to sell ver cheap tor 0 8 than ever, ty t o grow or sel~ anyt ln ng bu t the leadm g ; strange experience to most elephan ts. or approved ci-ed1t, und by Ho doing I hope t o gr eatly. increase my number olea les. Won!~ far~ products. They w ould not b e caugh t I They were l ashed wit h strong ropes, . sell the w ood pa.rt~ only , or the gearings of buggies ir oned, The Subscriber having built a large ne11 to.kmg an y sor t of garden ~~·uck or p oultry slung as far a! practicable in slings, hoisted 1 . E p;odu cts to mark et, even if .th?ywerecon. up withcnmeswith threefold tackels,and . . Pump Factory in Orono, Is prepared vmccd the.t there was money m it. To mak e lo,'l"er ed into t he steamers' h old like bales of -to fumishA t the Shortest Notice , P ainted and ·Trimmed if D esired. t he fann pay, t he farmer mu~t n ot .only plough cotton. ·when in the hold, t hey were and sow, r e<\P m 1d mow mtclhg:ntly,_ but p1"'ced in pens lmilt of strong t eak-timber At the Factor y I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sswlng ,with Cir cle,Band or Soro Saws, and prepare all kin da of lumber !or carpenters nd others for building purpiYsee. r:iust ma:·k~~ hi.s surplus at the n gh t t1ll1;e. baulks, bolted t o th e ehip 's side to prevent Ornament a l an d Plain P ickets !or renoes in every style r eQu ired, made to ord~r.. 8.ome founcIS seem ~ have a knack ?f Jut · t hem from b reaking loose. With or without Porcelain Cylinder, ci the Best Material, the shortest notfoe and at the lowest prices. soon or holdm g too long , will not r ealize was very manifest. Tears t rickled down · Oistern Tubs and Pumps supplied.. mor e than half as i~uch. money from the t heir face., an d they roared with dread, · more esp ecia lly when heing lowered into same 1>rea u nder cult1vo.t1on. the hold, the bottom of which was sanded WELLS CLEA,NED & RERAIRED. for them to stan d upon. We are told that The Ioe Crop. Do not neglect t o lay in a store of ice ;mf. uue timid female elep hant actuo.lly fainted, flci1mt to give an abundant supply of this and was brough t to wit h <> fan and many of it wat er. . d e c1 'de d t o re t" · ir h is " s t ock cheap and indisp ensible luxur y n ext sum- gallons At .sea appears that the animals got \H.a v 1ng i r e f rom t'.b e J ewe l ry B us1ness, ouers mer. The ice cr op repr esents almost nointo a curious h a bit of occo.sionally-evi· o f W a t ches. C l ocks , J ewclry, 8 11 vor Plo.to, Spectacle s , etc., at TRETO GIVE SATISFACTION. thing but labor , and labor is usually abunl\1ENDOUS REDUCTIONS u ntil the whole i s disposed o f dan t and cheap in winter. T he rudest old dently at a preconcerted signal-setting to · · · or shed w ill keep ice just as well work rocking the ship from side to side, Ly Ordera!by Mail promptly attended to. building as a costly stone or brick building if the ice giving themsel ves, simultaneously, a swing- Tile s tock s oJd R et ail a l '\VboJei!iale Pri c es. F r o111 20 t o 40 Jle.:· Cl' Ut d facoun t f"Ol' S J·Ot Cash. is w ell covered, top an d sides, with saw- ingmotion as .they st oo,d <>th:w'.'r t t he ship, $ ,..O Tl> T ,.. 11.1111 t I . 1 d t o $fl~ DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, dust. N or does it require a very large p ile the vessel rollmg heavily as ifm a seaway. ~ nen' G o Id H u n~ ua g " "a c ·es l'Cu uce u . of ice t o carry au ordinary family through $ 30 do do do $24. MOULDINGS, &c., k ept on hand: t he summer . See t hat the far mers' clubs Mariar. $4:0 do do do $ 3 2. and gr ange m eet ings get a good eend-off O>t a fence by my dwelling a litt le tom cat now for the w inter campaign. \Yinter is $:i0 do do . (Jo $ 40. · Sang· " Ma.riu.r, Mariur, .M ariar." the season for h arvesting ideas. L et the And l sa.icl to h im, " Thomas, H ., why do you do $60 do do do $ GO. harvest be a good one this w inter . that, ID IDilll ~IT1 ffi ill YI ~ 1ITl lil trill !R LIGH T A N D HEAv ·y HARNESS. BLANKETS, ·ROBES, RUCS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, B R USH ES, ETC. EMBROC ATIO~ ELLIMAN'S ROYAL 0 GREAT BARGAI NS FOR 30 DAYS :EI ALT ' Fl FO R HEALTH IS WEALTH. Boots and Shoes AL L ! D. · ·.· D-A-V-I - S' r_ri-:t I· I BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., THE O I N.TMENT .... ~A IN E 'S~ , CARRIAGEJ W"ORKe·· r GEORGE C. HAINES, Propriet or, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O., E.L.LIVINGSTONE I ! Orono Pump Factory. I I All K.l il d S 0 f v e .J.1.JC1es Repa1 ' red ' PUMPS OF EVEJIY DESGRIPTION on i~~t~~~~;~:~!l~l. ~~}'.~,.~:~\~::~;~ i~~:~:f~!~e:;:hl~~;r:}~;:~~~~!~:~::~~; R ET IR I NC FR0 M BUSI N .ESS ALL WORK GUARANTEED L_ CORNIS:::S:~ ' R. FERG USON. Graduate of the Royal College o I Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICID:lON'S S'l10RR. SPECIAL ate Work executed i n the latest and mo~ i mvroved style ot the Dental Art, 11:.B:TH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PA.IN\ she use or Nitrous Oxide Gae, wlthoutlnjur)' to the patient. c' 'rt!oular attention paid to the regulation o I OBILDRRN'S TEE '£ H, !OLD b'ILLING A _.ALL WORK WARRANTIW..... MUSIC. S. W . RUSE. EACHER OF ORGAN, PIANO, VOICE and THEORY. Terms on appli· cation at "BIG 20," 28;ly T Instead of ·Lhese b eing th e pip ing timee of p eace they are the pieci11g times of pipestove-pipe. Sinit h. T hat's a ver y fine song you were ! singing , Mr. J ones, "A Life on the Ocean \Nave." Jones. It is, indeed. It <>lways thr ills VETERINARY SUR GEON, me t h rough and through wh en I hear it. "You must love the ocean very dearly, Mr..Jones. " "I d o, indeed. I t h as 11 great charm for Honorary Gradua te of Ontario Veterinary nl e. College, will attend to all diseases " I sup p ose yon have b een to sea. ·what of domestie animals. vessel s have yon sailed on ?" " IVell-er- the fact is I've n ever seen th e ocean in my life. I've read a great deal about it, though." A S PECIALTY. The American Analy$t stiys that a ma,n Calls and Orders by mail or telegraph wh o received a note from his lu.wycr thiit he W1's un able t o decipher stc1)pcd int o a drug will receive prompt attention. store and handed i t t o the clerk without a CHARGES MODERATE. word. The clerk looked tit it carefully, went OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M. to the prescription comrter, and soon re· A fir st-class stock or Medicines always turned with a bottle of medicine duly laon hand. belled with directions for taking. Afterward N. B.- Will visit Williams burg every the lawyer said t he not e asked t h e client tq Saturday of each week. 16-ly call at his office next day. F. A. JONES, ENNISKILLEN, Distance Lends Enchant ment. ........ - Slnging Riar , :Mn.r in.r , Mn,l'inr ?" Is it just feline nat ure, Thornns ?" I cried, " Or arc you all h ungry a.nd vacant inside r With a switch of h i~ lt0dJ, the Tho.m a· replied , ' : Ma ri al', :Maria r, Mariar." He howled rtnd he wl1ined inn. desolat e \ray , i ; .?iia.ria,r, .M a.l'i t~r, Ma r la r," And a.11 he appeared to be able to :my Was " lUar, bfa.ria.r , ::\fo,rfar." lie howled and >ie wailed this sin!(ula r el'y, -"Ne'v Silver A bout 60 Silver Plate, R in gs, C h a ins, Locke ts, Broaches, Ear Rings, &c., a t even greater reduc tion8. This i s a BONEF IDE CLE.ARING SALE; all goo d s warranted a" r epresent.ed . I purpose remaining in t o wn and w i ll be r esponsible for a ll goods s old . \<Vatc hes, all n1alrns, at s a1nc 1·cduction s. second hand S i l ver Watches , from $3.00 to $8.0 0 each . With a sob in his t hroat a.nd a tear in h is eye, A nd I sta.rt ed to see! if u bootj ~ck wa.s n igh 'i ]fariar, Marinr, Mu.riar. J) BUSINESS FOR SALE EN BLOC, Operations & Dentistry -....... Having a l arge stock of Material for all k inds of R epairin g on b and, And t hat was tho 1U.':5t t ime the Thourn.s ca.t oried, " Mariar, .Mar inr, Mn.ri~i1·, " the J o bbing D epar t m ent will be a special feat ure in this Great Clear~ For he dropped from the fenee to the ground; i n g Sale. A ll R epai ring a t greatly reduced pric es: ~ where he dierl , Sing·ing- "R.iar, .Marfo.r, }fa.r iai· ;" I picked up a. bootja.c k of ~ e ven pou nd s weight, I aimed cit his hea.d aml l ~hrew very ·tm ight , And all that he i:;aicl, t houg·h it's ~t.ra.nge to r elate, 'Vas " Ilirir =}[,ri,riar, 11-la.r itu·. " T he cock partridge takes a share of sit · All other work i n p r oport i o n. All wor k w atrant ed, a s in the past. ting on the nest, bnt when the brood it A call solicite d. hatched h e feeds some y ards ahead of is, and t akes care of number one, and le<>ves his mtite to ca ter for the young on es. Y onng pMtridges newly hatched live almost en- ~N. B.-To save c osts, over-due ac::iounts must be sett led forthwith. t irely on insects, which the old hen finds B owman ville, September 23, 1886. 39-tf. for them. -------· Main Springs put in.. .. 50c. to 75c. : Wat ches cleaned · ·· · ·· 5 0 c:fto 75c. J ewel s properly fitt ed.., fiOc. to 75c. Watch G lasses fitted.. 15c. Case S pring s fitt ed ·· ·· 50c. t o 75c. Clo cks c lean ed .... . . . . . . 40c. to 75c. I L. C ORNISH.

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