,.cl bD 4-J ~ · ...,..-! ~ ........ oj ~ · ,..-! ~ $...! (1) THE MOWAT GOVERNME.N T. 0 ~j ..0 0 .--i p ·sc'8 w.r"'d 0 ,......., 4-JO 4-J ~ P:i 0 ,.q m 0 ct~ e p....j r:n t-=l r-i ~ Q) rd P.1 +,/ :.j o·~ tX1 p fji 00 ~ 00 ·+.:,) © ..J,,:l ~ i:l 0 oo 0 _·r-1 !> ~ TH E N 0-P0pER y G R Y . P r o ,est ant is m Not ·in Danger. N O UNDUE FAVORS SHOWN TO ROM .AN CATHOLICS. RON . 0, l\lOW.H '.l'HEY N OW (,) -P 5~ ,..0 r-1 8 o~ ~ () ~'"d ~ ~ "t) c.? .,.... ~ ~ c\3 ~ -+-J ~ o o ro ~ 1::1 ~ ,........ (J) iyl i-"-1 ro <D <t1 ~ '"Cl ~ w ,.o ~ ·r-1 on· <c1 <D ~ l::Q bD Q) ~ ~ -----.. should be r eplaced by Mr. Meredit h , but the people wh o must give the decision should be careful how they act, A good way for them to arrive at a fair estim a-te of:·Mr. Mowat's claim tn a continuance of BowMANYILLI<~ . FRIDAY, D1i:c l 0. their confidence would be to compare the fairness, a ccuracy and good hum or h e c riudi t,ion of Ontario under Liberal rul e P OLITI GA L MEET INGS. destroys ever y host ile allegation of his and Quebec nnder Tory rule. foes r egarding the Separate Schools. D1t. McL AUGHLIN, MR. D . BuaKE Both provinces started at Confederation Tlrny m ust either drop their Separ ate SIMPSON an'd others will address the o n nn equal footing ; t o-day Ontario h ...s Scho"l h owl as suddenly as t h ey did their · t a large surplus, a great many flourishing ELEO'l'ORS OF W rrn:r D URE.AM m suppor ~ "Massie" yell, or titternp t the dangerous · h institut ions supported by lk r local of thA Mowat Adruinistration mt e expHirnent of appealing t o a public Sons' Hall, L 11k ,trd, on Mondl>y, Dec. gov .. mment, h er municipal loan fnn rl dehl opit1ion that has already decided against · ,· 13, »t, 2 p. rn . exting ui·lied, and all her affairs mana~:ed th eir mons t.rous m is-stat<:ments. Their pro,,11.,tor of <l1 /l. r,,u t a eeds. I t was I nec1>ss arv to i 1 ·e uue or 1 he o th er the . · · M .:i D 13 wi,t h th e g r eatest efh cie,,cy and ec· ,w,my Tow n Ha;l , Orono, on on ..ay, ec. ·, Protestant horse had only three legs when conr.rol of <], ., ·chor}l ra t ". and KS th e - - - - · -at 'l :SO p . m. , S~e ha& spent 1 .arge su ms in assisting he entered the race. Haldimand lamed t1··n 1 mt ( unless h e defaul < .a ··ntirely) 1 m0 'l'own H a ll, Cartwright, on Tuesday, Dec. r illlway construction anAdlloplening u p " "' one, :Mr. :r.fowat has destroyed the others, q nes tionably has t o pay the tuxes in on e I ll land for settlem ent. t iese years t 1 1e d tl form or another, he is enfi t led to d irect 1 4., at 2 p. m. d , , h b d h ·an ie poor anima l cannot proceed, re, he is rnado t he school rat e. 'l1 herefr1 1eep'11 T d a . mm1Btration as een un er t e s Ken nedy'11 H "11, Ennis k 1 en, on ues ay, 2erpe ntwise, on his miserable belly. ",:irimarily liable," in spite of any ag r eeD ec. 14, at 7 :30 p . m. ' less. eye of a bitterly h ostile Opposit ion, Mr. Mowat's lett er is summariud in ment to die contrary bet ween hi m aud ·11own l:fa.ll, Newcastle, on Wedn esday, ready to pounce upon the slightest err or the following p ar agraphs: the own er . T his a pplies alike to Prot est. and make the m os t of it. Nevertheless D ec, ]5, a.t 7 :30 p . m . 1. The iminnatiou t hat the S eper«te ant ancl lloman Ca th olic tenan ts, and it Sona' Hall, N ewtonville, on T h ursday, we find that the ·rories have be\'n utterly Schools establioh ed by Mr. Mowat's Gov- is furthe r provided t hat i f the Cat holic IS unal,>l e to bring one serious charge against ernmen t h ad decei ved some of the m or,, tenant do es no t ptty, then t he Prot estant Dee. 16, at 7 :30 p. m. · I ~ '"1 M l ve th·~ d irecliou of the Mr. Mowat or his colleagues. Failing ignorant " ec.·irs. i r r . owitt shows landlord sliall h · Sons' Hall, Tyrone, on Friday, Dec. 17, that those schools were establi<1hed i n sch ool money, a nd vi<:e ver so.. thus', they h ave been driven to tlrn shabby 11. Mr . Mo wat t hen gently c orr~cts t he a! 7:3.0 p, m. 18G3; th at the i ~ p er rnanenoe wa i con lirmIlra<lley's School House, on Sat.nrday, device of getting up a cry that the ed by t be Confcdt:'ru.ti nn A ct; that the astonishing mist,.kes in to which ' thd Doo. l8, at 2 F· m. G overnment h as been too favorably in- cro;atiou of t he Confder at ion tm<l, iu z ealo ua d ivii:io, R ev. J ohn L·, in'g , has Al l the con sec1 uence, therele.r!~ ti<>n of ncluc"t1'011 "·l been led by hi.i irnp res~i on that ' he is C l 'l11ed toward the C" tl1ol1'cs Town Hall, Hampton, on Saturday' Dec. · . ~ · . , matters to the Local Lei:rislatur~s re~wved uec<lsBar ily as c»mpet tnt to interpret law argument they can muster to s upport the ~ 18, nt 7: 30 P· m. certain import.ant Prdestau t obj ectiona H S t h eology. We wou ld eap ecially r ecomSonR' H all, Kendall, on Monday, Dec.20, charge is the appoiut mont of a. Catholic to S oparat e Schools; tha t as P rotestants mend th e study of Mr. M" wat '· O 'imments at p. m. t o a clerksh ip in the Ctntral P;ison'! The 1 1re mvre than five t iurns as num erou~ tiS c;n M r . Laing, as illus 1 t hat ev~treme r ilting 2 r eligious cry, howeVf'l', h as been Worked c ..thotics in 0 Dtflr io, the formet" c;,n bH Se coQrtesy, and a ge1·t'e Cln istiau spi ri t are Sons' Hall, Court.ice, on Wednesdsy,Drc . no reasorn1blo foa r of t.he latter on t he q ui te cons istent with the humorous co nwit h d t:sperate energy, and rt' ally did fntat i,m of an adve rs ·iry. 22, at 7 :30 p . m , existauce of Sej)(:lfa.le Schools. seem at one time to have had some r;ffect . 12. Mr. Mowi1t n ex t takes h h and the ~ererl~th wishes t;o rest.ore as .far as. p os- 1 El'ery elector ia invited t o attend . 2. M r. Mowa t shows that n o ' 'inJ' uriBut since the publica·ion of Mr. M owat 's I ..) s1ble, it was always t h e p olicy of D r_ 1 iou, " "rernark a blo," n or extraordina ry allegation t hat S eparate S ch ools may get R yerson to submit all text.book s t o the ' m ore t han theit· share of school taxes letter to the Rev. Mr. Mill igan it h as amendments to the school laws have beer1 HOW TO V OTE. appr o val of the Council of P ublic Ini t itu- o f Excellent F arms in Darling.ton . sunk into the most feeble of wails and is made by his Government ; that even h is thr ough that pro~ision of the ame ada:i ent tiL·n,.of which th e Roman Ca th olic Bishop _ __ ~....... of 1884, which was des igned t o save enem~,es acknowledg., that "110 great· 1 'We present to the electors of West Dur- now almost silent. municipal a u thorities from much trouble, T;ere ho "affeb r ed tor sath le on A difforent:state of things has, h owever, harm . could come of the assailed amend- by 01iabling them (aftor agr eement wit.h ham t h is week muc.h more political matter ments; that n one h ave been made but been witnessed for some years in Qllebec. thau usual. We ask them~ read it c9resm h as are r eason1 ·hle and requisit e to the Sa parate Sehool t r ustees) to collect ! t l l says:" I find a minute of Council on t he JI I I es fot· both kiuds of schools, and fully. \Ve claim that the record of the In o ur own province economic govern- C><rry out t he spirit and intent ion of the t h e ra b same s ub ject, signecl by t he bte R ev. at 2 o'clock. p . m . a t. t he ' c]tN T RAL H OTE L the reaftN' to p !l.y ooer to t he Septtra te ·l · , tl f 1 1. · , in the TO WN of OSHA WA. by Virtue of P o w · . tt M owat Adm inistration i.~ un:mpeachable. m en1s have exhibited the most wilfnl Confederat ion A ct, th at that Act for bids S ch ool t rust ees their propor t ion on the D ean G rase 11.s c rn1r mau , ie .° o~vwg er' contained in ·evcral' Mor lmi.gosmade by the l:'rnv i ucial L < jgisfoture to affect preDr. McLaughlin has been a m ost active disr egard for the "ery first principles of judicia lly t h e Seperate Schools ; that tlui t basis of Catholic p opul·.ition . lF P rotestan t clergymen havrng 01.1en W I LLIAM P O'r 'l'JU t . which w ill be produced As the o t h < 00 acres more or less, bcing oom· a nd able s .:ipj;orter of it for two terms. finance, and certai nly every principle Act compeit3 lhe Pro«incial Legislature P rotestants con t rol tlrn Mut;icipal Council present :-The R ev. D r . H yerson, R ev. at t h e Bt>le , 2 B' I . C R D J R poset1 : ts 10p i~rman , ev. r · ennmgR, e v· ]l'frst ly - ol the South Half o{ lot N o.' 25 m "F-lis <'<11nse has been entir ely satisfactory which should govern a minist ry, ad the tu legislate as m 1i;v be "requis ite for the wherein Sepa rate Schools exist, i t is obviouslv ridicu lous to t hink that t he D r . Sn <;dgrass, Rev. Dr . Nelles, and Rev. the Vth concession of t he 'i'o wusbip of l)ii.rling· to t ho electors. H e has again consented s worn custodians of th e publ ic funds. So due execut ion uf its pwvisions;" and t hat Separ at.; 8 chools sh ould be favored in ,J. Aubrey, b , sides Archbishop Lyn ch ton in the Count,y.of Durham. in t he Prov uce Mc Meredit h confeBses th is in hi ~ electgrave has been the r esul t,s of this rrnti on In t h is ~fS~h~~j'~it ~~ce p tmg !r acre heretofore sold for t o he a canclidato f .:ir re-election and sothe division of t he mnneys. We m «yt. dd, and 6 ever ,tl !tty gentl emen . ion manifesto. l t th is -very a.:ne udmeu t ~1i? ul e it i s state ~ t hat t he . Council had f wm ourselv es, t h > licits the vote of evel'y elector . Be is a that the Ross-Taillon government has Secondly-of Lh o s outh Ea.st qull.rter ·,.11 u. the 3. lVIr. Mowat sbo wt1 t he absurdity of m au vf 11101 e than ordinary abili ty and b een weighed d own a.ndh andicapped wi rh t he presum pi iun t h"t a mendm·· nts.which i s a v11l ua ble viece of Ligal m ach in,;ry for laid d own t he p r111c1ple wluch p recludes North West Qllll t'tor of loL No. 2i in th e same pron.wiing good relation s between t he t he in t r,,d notion in t o t ext-b ouk s used in eoncession and Township. will do credit to o ur nd.ing.· V ut9 t h en t110 burden8 imposecl on it by · its prede- wer e !hJt objected t o by anybod y when people nn .a o ppos'l'he;e farms ~· e well situated in a fine of different creeds . W her e R o· Pu blic Schools of r eligioirn clng . . . .. , agricu!Lural sectwn ahout i:l miles nol'th el1st fo1· Dr. 1\'.lc;L;nighlin and h onest govern- cessors, while at the same time it h as n:rnd e, nor for ye a.rs t heroafter, could m an Catholics pay their r at.es of their ed to t he tenet s of any Ch r rnt.ian d e,nonu- 01 Oshawa and thA sam e distance fro m j3owshown pre-eminent merit in il.s own have been mil de fr,J rn l~om !\ n C;1tholic o wn will to Prot est an t collec tors t hey nation ' and h ad 're moved fr om t hose manville, with hnth 0 1 wh ich towns t hey are m en t . ' k th' " h. l h d b connected by tlXOellent roads, '!'bey i.ro also management of the public funds. Tho mflnoncc; he plttinly avows t he rig h t of obviously evidence a confidence in Pro- t ex t -b oo s every lll ~ W lC l It een withrn 2t mile A from B u rketo11 Station 1rnd ;.1. ll ci t.ir.His, Prn t.est,an t or .Roman Catholic, pomted o ut to t hem by the H ()rnan Cat.11E ltviitor of t he Canadia n Pacific H!tllway testants 1 hat speaks str on gly for t lwir T H E MJ!:lREDI TH - MAIL MULL . load i o has consequently been forced to to offer s uggestion~ as to desired changes go od will and tends to cree,te " most o lfo Archbishop of the P rovi nce as offe n- y>hich is_ !Ll'l excellen Gr aiu Market. The soil . . . ,, is v ery ilne n.nd p r oducti ve and t he fara 1 s a.re sh < >Uld;1r in t his r espect ha~ b een h eavy, in the laws; he d" cll1res i t his du ty t o well wrcte.r ed ea.eh having a n ewer f ailmg valuable st a te of harmon y, which on ly s1ve to the feehnga of R (>ffi<tn Cath olics. l consld.:lr such suggestions; he placea his Spoa}: ing at Cobourg and other places and has told severely on it. Yet W E s t r e a.m c rossi ng it. fools or fiends woLdd wish to d istu r b by 18. Mr. Mo wat next ah o ws t he absolute On the first mentioned Parcel there iRa good last week, Mr. M oredith, l e11 d er of th e think there are few who will not cand id ly trustwort hy d enial d irectly agains t; t he forcing tho echool m oneys apart in col- falsit y of t he statement t llat t he EdacaOrchM'd of c hoic e apple trees in rnl\ bearing 1 1llegat ion that any R oman Catholic Opposition in t he Ontario J,egislnture, acknowledge t hat the government of Dr, "threat" was n ever made t o t he Govern- l ect.ion. tion D apartmen t ever en ga ged Mr. D . A . coudition. and ihe.re is a large am ount: <>t fall d,rne . There ar e itlso ab out 10 acree ploughing 13. Mr. Mo wat t hea d isposes of t he U'Sullivan, a R oman c ~tholic, to write a or good Hard repud iated the platform in toto that the I-toss has not come a~ near t o putting ,the rnen t in :Separa te Sch ool or any other w o o<l B ush. Both farms a.re nro· obj ecLion t o th e p ower gi veu l o Separat e History of E 11gll\nd, or ever h acl the vided with sui t,alJle buildings. and th e barns provincial treas ury business on a satis.rirnt ters; and h e r·emarked t h at whatev1.1r j}faU a?:ld Ml army o f Conservative writers aud stables especi ally on the first mentioned School t rustees of placi ng a tr us t,;e on man uscri p t of a history so 1vriGten in its parcel are large an~. commodious affording have been worki ng so diligently to force factory basis as under all adverse circum- was dotrn "was so clone because on con- th e H igh Sch ool Board, As tho H igh p os~ ession. " .'J.'he whol e story is a pnre a for many hea d of cattle. ccommodation stances could be reasonably expected. sidertttinn an d i nq uiry it seems r igh t, him to ad opt. Ho scouted t;he charge But these difficulties d o not, perhapd, an d s uch ns the l'rot eotant sentiment of Schools ..r e P ublic School a, as the R oman invention," h e aays . At the sam ~ t.imc and place th.er" will be for sale .u nder Po wm· of Mortg1Lge Cat holics h ave no High Schools, as i c fo thaL the Tories were endcaYor ing to raise com e in to consideration when a contrac · the country could concur i n." 19. L ast ly, l\1r. Mo wat shows . it lo be offered mada b y said W I LLIAM I'OTT>i:R all iha desirable that they d1ould t~1k e the entirely false that the property of S epar- p itrt c~mp r i sin g ; ) (} a cres mure OL' les~ or lot. No. the "No Popc,ry" cry, a od went on to say between the financial position vf the two 4, Mr. Mowat sho ws that no P rot e stnnt a dvan tages of the H igh Schools, as t he nte Sch ools is vested ia the R " man 5 in the 1s t concession nf the Townsh ip or in or out of the. Legish .t ure found fault that "the wau or party in a country like provinces is made . i n t he said. County of Dur ham, Cartwl'ight Protestan ts wol1ld have six l:ligh School c ~ thol ic Church, t he fac t b eing that it is But if Ontario is prc>sperous, wealthy , with any amendmen t till l ong after i t was ownecl by him. tlris, wlwre we have people of ditferent trustees t » the one grnn ted t o the S epavested in th e t r ustees exact ly as in the 'l'erms e a sy 1.t nd made known at sale or on free of locl11 burdens, nnd in possession of made, i e, , till the T ories d etermined t o application t1.. EBE ft MILLSON, Solina, P . 0,, races .. ncl religions, who would raise a cry enormous r es.,urces, the great fact of h er r aise the '·N o P opery" h owl; tmd that, r a.te Schools, " it wat1 t hought that no case of Public Schools. the Mortgagee, or t ~ grea t harm: could arise from th e addition of that .kind, is tt11 enemy, uot only to his h appy p osition is owing solely to the if t he 'llaj ority of Roman Cat h olies su pThus ever y one of the falsehoods ou M c G.K I£ & JUNJ!~S, of a sixth member to the Board in 6uch wisdom, courage and ability of h e1· p ort t he R eform party, t h at is n ot beVendor a' Solicitors. Osha wa. which t he Tories have b ased t h e Separate country, but t o his God. " cases. " .No obj ect 10n was taken to i he L iberal Government. For if the B oodle - cause h e mwer improperly conceded the School part of t he " N o-Popery " p lat- Da terl a t. Oshawa, this ~Oth day of Nov.· 1886 Th. is is a blow right bet ween the eyes m ell h ad had their way in Ontario the least thing of the m, bu t because t hey , amenclrnent when it passecl the Legisla form is compl etely t raversed an d destroyt ul'e, and obj ect ion " rn only t hought of for the Afoil and t he wire pullers behind ·w estern province would be naked, like th., maj o ri ~y of citizena of every wh en th e manufacture of politicial C·1pital ed t he pl ain, cand id , atruightfo r ward shivering, p eeled and plundered. Sir creed in Canada, are disg ustAd by the memorandum o f Ontario's Premier . Just it. hae b eco me :i n ecessity to the opyo nents as the "whole t m t h and IJO thing bn t the Proceeding, the Opposition loader re- John Macdonald did h is levol best to rob maladministrat ion , t h e corrupt ion, the of t h e Governrnen L ." On tario of lier territory. He entered d isloyalty , and the folly of the 'l'ory truth " knocked the wiud ou t of the marked tlrnt the P rotestant h orse " shall into couflict wiLh h er Governmen t by Lhe learlers. 1 4. lVIr. Mowat then shows t hat n o "Oe ntral Prison" b awlers, so i t d oes with n ever be trotted out by tha Conservative exercise of thevotepowerand by h is seyeral 5. 'l'akina h old of t he 11llegation of his obj ection was taken to the consolidation the " Separate School " howle1·s. '.l.'he of ih i:l School Laws last session, an d t hat to wrest from her the r 1gh '.s . , " . , parts i n this pr ovince if I have anything attempts l' h d l tl A t f C f d enemtes 111 detail, Mr. l'¥..owat then sh ows t here 1s n o clashin~, as has been ulleged , Province has every r eason t o be t lumkiul t b 18 for t he Ad minst ration of Mr, .Mowat , to d o with it. In this cou ntry we are all ~~.a uMc er tie ~ J°. on e era- "that it is n oi t rue as a general proposi- bet ween aections 41 and 52. 10 aod every re a.son to b e pro ud of a Prem ier · r. d o;ha r;ie , nm m ever{ tion that t'lacher8 of S epar ate Schools are equal b eford the law." This is another · ~· 15. He n ext deals wi th t h e queRtion of wh o n ever evades, nor 'iuibbles, nor mstan.ce, an et, 1 r ovmW c e ca1 ? out n ot subj ect. t o ex a.rninat ion like teach ers black -eye fo r t he disruptionists. 1 1 the Bible in schools, sho wi og that i ~ is m isr epresents, nor tal ks nor writes clapv1c on · p o bl.1c s t ous lei ·every k b i me. t s· J 0 e ,w1 no· m · c liool s, " an d t h a t t h e excep t 1 Why did not M r. Meredith make r ep:a 0 JO es a ou ir rn s cons:i- ions from t he general rule were m ade by en tirely fals e t o allege that the Hom an trap ia defending al)y one pttrticular in Catholic cler gy have trie d t o exclude th e his career. these manly stat<Jmonts before Mr. tut10nal law, but the fact that h e has the 'l'ory Act of 1863 a re-'C onfederati u1 1 been d eclared wrong by the court of l ast d . h . 1 'h p Bible, a n d t h«t all that has b een d oue in ttl h' · t Act, an oue w 1c l e could not chauge , 11 Mowat's letters deny ini;1; tho '·No-Popery" r esor t 111 a cases se es 1s c 1aim .o ·f h · h d t h e m a,t ter of S cri pt ure selections, etc. , 1 · e w1s e . , . . and k indred drnx·ges were b efore the authority. F REE T1~A.DE, -The r educt ion of in h as b een done at the instance and with Thus Mr. M owat has shown superior 6. , H e shows that the pr ons10n. wh wh the a pp roval of the Protestant clergy. -NOW l~ ORt ernal re venue and the ta.ki ng off of public ? W e doubt if he would have r evenue stamps from Propriet.ary l\fedimaul ed the Mail so unmercifully, if he ability as. well as superior honesty to reqm.res a R omau Cath olic to n otify ·he 16. B e t hen shows t hat t he perm ission cmes, n o dou bt h as largely benefit ted the those who oppose him. And the people Mumc1pa~ Clerk !.hat_h e meane to sup port llad not b s en driven to it by Mr.Mowat's are shrewd enough to know that t he a Separat~ School , i.s part of the Tor y gi ~en in 1882 to people to be examined in con& umers as well as r elieving the b nrden tl~nchant e:< psure of the rottenness of t he happy state of the province is owing to A.ct of 18~3 ; t b ut th is c~1111se was amen d- G oldsmit h's " 'l 'raveller, " instead of of h ome manufacturers. EapeciuJ.ly is this Mttil's platform. Sat on by Sir John, Mr. Mowat's courage, firmness and capa' ed 111 1871 an~l 1879 sunply t~ provide " M urmion," was the only "conce~ sio n " the case with G reen's August Fl ower and Had s .ir John and the Boodle for t he conect10n of errors whic~1 could (surely 11 har m less one), t h at eve!.' co uld Boschee's Ger man Syrup as the r eduction Mr. Meredith and the liquor party. what city. Brigade b een given their way Ontari o n ot b e corrected a11 the law et oocl till th en; be connected with H oman Catholio r e- of t hir ty-six cen ts .p er doze n , has been ad- l will tho p oor .Mail do next 1 S(), t hs siz~ of t he b ottlescon- 1 I Ill would be with the ravens. that these amendm ents merely enabled pr esentati ons. As t o Collier 's Histo'!'y, d ed t u increU · · l d. h b · · k Ill " d Present appearances indicate that the t}"ie ~s sessor to take cogui.zci.oce ofStjparate he shows that this work, conh ining a , sagee offen eive to H oman Catholic ~. tammg t Iese re~e. le~, t ere y giv_ rng rnppor t ers, and enable such sup- P one-fifth more med1cme ID t he 75 ceu t size. We p romised last week to explain why Libernls will carry Ontario with an in- Schovl 1 was submit ted by the old Couneil of T he Augus t F lower for D yspepsia and . -A'r\ Prower will ll()t be elected to P ar - cr eased majority, for the coun try a por ters to kn ow t hemsel ves en~olled ae alarmed at the reckleBsneiis and con uption such ; t h1Lt they were n ot obJectod to Public I nst:ru ction to a commit t ee consist- Liver Coruplaint, and t he G tirman Syru p He will not get of the 'forie11. I t i11 felt by everybody ~:o~ any qu~r~er ~ben ~s.<le; a nd th& lhlinent this time, t ing of Mr , G old win Smith and Archbishop for Cough and Lung t roubles, have p er ~ _ ~ . . . ' ~oogh vot~ that a ~reat purpose, will be 11erved by ne1t~er poht1ca.1 mg11nu1ty nor pll.rty L ynch, wh o were 1rnthoril!ed to strike ou t hl\pe, the large-s t sale of any m edicines in streugth ening M r. Mowat and honeat deep1 ur h ail eugge11ted any bette1 · ~urse M1e offeni1ive passages-a labor in whioh the world. T he advimto,ge of iucrnased m ethods of Government. Hands oft" I ia u the linr then d ;ood, " eYll!l unto th18 day. t hey had .~ade " ·ome progress " before a~ of t he oot tlos will be greatly sppreciBOWM.ANVILLE. the cry that meeb t he Boodlen in Onta7. Mr, Mowat th en demonatra.tes the the ub~ht1en of ~tho Cou~cil pla~~d t~e ated bJ' the 2 ick ll.Ud aillicted, in every rto, ;md II.II the p wrince goo1 110 ~OR the lintrathfulnllll& of al.J.ogati.on tb,ai the eompletrnn of theit. wor\ 111 Gt her hll.Mla. \ towR iwd Tilli\ga in ~Tilivoed. eolWlriM , N. B.~hoop Fancy Good.a Dow.inion, fot' · he f-.liai t. ilte -.a Coarta of &viaiea e11nn.o· ~- eu.a 17. Nox· Mt!. Jiewa't lh·wa tlia· ua ... 'l &.w.ple lw~~ b Ul ant. ~Jlllin .trb.e ia yariety. H~Wh«C'9;., ht · · q,lis ef .Uel H~I, fllli!lt ..... el Dll'. DJ.-..n, wllltllt. ~ " -·· · = 0 ~ · By flinging dow n t he ; a !;'e of batU:" Bl1YS the Montr eal Past, Mr. M:,-,wa t lrns challenged the Conserv" ti ves to sho w cause why he should n ot again b e en t rusted with the control ··f P r »vioc;a\ affairs . H e h ·· s als() challenged t h e fullest i nvesti gation and the slrnrpcst cr i 1ioism of h is a cts of governme nt , '!.'hat he will r ecei vo foll meast>re of both gnes without sayirw, inasmu ch as his opponent.a h ave had 1.lwi· en mity intensified by the frel i ng that he has heeu too clever for , them, and b ar, taken th e initia< i··e out of 1he h and< of t h e Tory l eader, where t hey believed it , p0wer would do more good , H owever, tht·y had b etter not howl too loudly on that score, for if they do make mnch r,f it, people will only laugh th e more at them. When politicians are outwitted they become objects of ridicule, To dis· ph1y their aggravation is to put the mselves in a pillory where every one can make fon of th e tu. Bat this is no j ok ing mat ter, as · th e Conservatives fully r. e alize. Great resu lt ~ d epend on the On tario elections. No dou bt reasons will be found or forged in support, of the contention that Mr .!Ylowltf, PROVJ<>S 'l 'IIA.T nm T ORIEH ALJ,EGE TO [ff; OB.J EC- TIONABL!c RESPECTING HE PARA T H SCHOOU1. The hones ~ and ably written letter of tho Hon. Mr. Mowat, pr e mier of Ontario, to R ev. :r.fr. Milli11 an a few week s ago on the ' ' M Msio c;ise, " so com plotcly. pan·lized t h e Comerv11t ivo j ourn als t hat they have & carcely menti< ·n ed it sinee ; bu t nil with one uccord, load on by t he Mciil, lrnve howled for all t h ey ar e worth on t he Separate Sch ool q acstion, ·1nd t housands of C ·lpies of the 1 ¥eckly lrfail have been circula ted in \V.,st Dlll11am and other rid ings :filled with editorials and corre ~ po11 d t'l nce fr «m different p ersons on the ".No-Popery Cry," "Sep<1rate S chools" and the " Scripture Headings. " Mr. Mo wat, whom we believe to be one of the p urBs ~ politiciirnri 111 lhe world, has writt en another which we published this week iu which with remorseless 8 . H e th »n deals with the n e lV cr y of th e " No Poperv " UJe n re.,·ardin<· the 11:nend me 1t t . of i B'iH, w !Hcl~ enahlos a " ll sses·o·· to p lace one who m he h as good prfrna facie reaBon t.o believe n: Hoin an Cath< ilic as a Sep.ir .t ;, School su pnorter. Be ·hows 1hat h is a.ssailanta ' 'were dum b " hen th e Bi ll was b ,<for o th e Monso, and d u mb th r ough t wo ou hseq nent g en ern\ electinn·, d u mb t hrou" h seven s ... ~~i o u s of t he L egio htu r" , and a re no w "i thou t a uing1e pi·.ti tio ll »l' co101,J:tint from any hody of ratepuycrn o n whieh t o b · se 1heir rn; w fury agai n ·t t hi· clau s i,i . He then , with ;;. ple a~a u t. Lw i rild e o f htuu · r, pni nt.; <>ut t he ab eu·<l it y of t h ··' cor1 tention of t he " No P oper y" rn c:n, t.h;it ·hey are defa nd ing the H ornan Calh nl ic rntepayers, and remad <s : ·- ' 'No RumH1 Oa.thoiic so fo r With loads and loads of PH,ESENTS suitable for everybody. l11-1 s made any complaint, 1ml·' SS I am to t-.ke T he }Ja il's edi tnr i;ils as sh c>w ing Space will not permit us to enumerate what each load cont h at m· c R om M i Ciit h c:l ic layrnan obj ects, tained , but we invitP. you t o come in and inspect our st oekthou gh he, t oo, a gen:l,·man of gre at abili ty, was s ilent for t10 rnn y ears." It is unsu rpassed for q uantity, quality and low price. (). Mr. M owat nex t, d i.;poses ,,£ t hB ridiculous as ~ ertion that a R nrnan Ca · ho. lie raLepayH iudepeu de11r. e u on ~h to s;; ud his ch ildren to Pu blic ~cl10 ,)l. iu 1wy c11·,e, w u td not b e inde pc,ncl<n t e nong l1 t ·) give . notice 'o a (p roba bly P rotest:w t) m nnicipal cle rk of hi s wi"h t o send them t htre. !~"i i[T c::z, ~ ~ ~ ~ M'V'MI ~ "['°I"-' ~y And then, h a ving shown the absu rdity of ~ ~ ~.£ ~ · ··&.. Jr.!.. ~ h is opponent's arg11 m~. n ts, h e givt·s th em the finishing i hru st by pro ving t hat theil' received for all Newspapers and ::\fagazines. ridicu lo\ls argomen ts Wllre based ou a tot o.l rni st hk e AB to t.h e facts, t h e t rn Lh being th at t.h e H orwm c,it holic must give that 'ery preliminary noti ce in e very case which The M~il >ay a h e dare n ot E! i <e at all for fear d th e priest , for if the Roman Ca tholic d oea nnt give it he u w y he placed on the r oll of P ublic School supp or ters without his cons ent , or e ven contt·ary to his wish ! - ..... 10. Mr. M owat then d eals with t he objections a ~ains t the ame ndment of 1881, which m akes t he ten ant in all cases "pr imarily li ahle" for the echool t ax , and t herefore g ives hi m its direction if he d ..es n ot d efa ult. H fl sh o ws t h itt tb is SANTA CLAUS - -HAS ARRIVED AT- 0. V A R I E TY H -·A .. · LT l.J A n other lot of those chea p CABINET FRA:J\IIES j ust to hand. B .21.1.....- iS KENNER & 00.'S VARIETY HALL. Couch,Johnston I. p "'m Grydarma~ are now sho\ving the LARG E ST and FINEST assortment of · 11 1 ;;'.~'.:n~=ee~~~ ':~~ : ':'.'~~~,:~':t}!:~~:~:~~:.,: i( 1. ~·VE'~ DSIDCCLOT HSJ town, and the MAKE- UP of their Clothing g UNAPP ROACHED I:: b y any house in West Dur ham . One Door west of Post O ffice, Bowmanville. IMPORTANT M ORTGAGE ('ALE ~ft~~;~~~~r:~~~l~~ ~1~~::;~g ~;~ ~i:~~~ Is t aUruau w in uBG G ffi . er 1 8 1886 M ° I CABINET PHOTOS B ·r, T AIT . M · ORRISON'S gr·i l"t t k · es qua y a en all s of weather t ---o--- ae l