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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1886, p. 8

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lht (!Vamulimt ~tate~mau. 10. HowMANVIL-LJ~. FmDAY, DEc. = -- ____ ,----- W est Durham Conservative Convention. T his AFsoci_a tion met int.he Town H all, The meeting was t l1e largest ever held in the r idim1 b_,, t he patty, bet-ween thr ee a nd four hunqred h eipg prcs~nt. 'I'he chair WM (;Cr:u pied 1 1y tho yirr,fid ent, .John M ilne, Jfl$q. 1 who dt>livered it r:t.ini,H~ acjd r('.s~. 'l'!w first business was the ~tJdi1·ns of officers, which resulted as folh ws :-President, Mr Geo. Piggott ; Vicc-Pres;dcnt, Dr, W. S. B oyle ; Sec'y, M r. Samuel Burden ; Tr as., Mr. John Lyle ; Executive Commit tee, the ,Associa t.iun officers and Messrs. Jas. Parr, A . ·w a shing tun, R obt. Colville, Geo. Jacobs, Jr., aod Chris. :Bounsall: . A resolution of t.hanks t n Mr. il'lilne, for his servicrn as Prcside11t, 1vas pass· d. The Association business over, the Convention met to uominate a candidate for the Ontario Legislature. 'l'hB fo llowing nomination s wf· re m ade :-Dr W. S. Boyle, proposed by Dr. Allison , s~ conded by W, S. llusse.11 ; James Parr, Esq., proposed hy C. Bouns,-11J, ueconded by J _ Bingha m ; vV. P. Prown , Esq., proposed by .Tohn Milne, seconded by W. H. Reed; Dr . Allison, propo,,ed by Dr. S.C.HiUier, seconded l)y Dr. Boyle; .John Milne, Esq., prnposed by John IC Galbraith, seconded liy Jas. Smith ; Dr. Hiliier, nrop_ o sed b y S. W:rnbington, seconded by S. ' 'hlliams; .Jolm Wesley, Esq., proposed by Jos. B rittain, seconded by F. McD owell ; Ch ris. Boummll, E sq., proposed liy Jas. Parr, EEfl ., seco nded by Jas.Pyc; Joh n Carveth, Esci- , prnpos,·d by vVm M cC!ung , seconded by Mr A r1 am s ; J ohn K .Galbraith,Eeq. ,proposod by W. H.I-:.eed , s o·' onded by St. ,Tohn If. Hutcheson ; Capt. W . 1'. Scott, pr· p o1 wd by J. Heal. seconded hy .J. N . l{ivell ; Dr. Tucker, proposed by 'Wm. La w, s econ d e.<l by John S talker. Th e nomineea addressed the m eetin g, and ii.11 r etire.f with the exc,rntion of M r. p , owcr, whowa· madc t-he u nanimouachoico of the Convention, amid great enthusiasm. Mr. Jas. Parr, R eeve of Cartwrigh t, mo ved, seconded by Mr. John Carveth, ex-H.eeve of Cla.rkt', a r esolution cond emning the present government and expres~ing co nfidence in the h onor a nd ability of Mr. M e redith After cheers for thei lcadeu, the candidut.~ :.md the Queen the Convention adj .. urnecl. Bowmanvillo , 011 Friday, 2Ci1h ult. G·up· IS STILL RURAL CANADIAN comeO N WITH U tt~ BATED VIGOR as we have less than six weeks time left we will make s till greater sacrifices in order to clear out the s tock. We have still a full assortme11t of all grades of goods. 1'1.1: A_ s C> :NJ" A fine stock of the World-wicle is tho r e putation of W eat's Cough Syrn p , t he t.rn ly m:. i n-elous re me dy for coughs, colds, croup, whoop A~D 'J'HE ing coug h, asthma and consuw ptlon . CANADIAN PRESBYTERIAN, All drnv,~ista . $~ ~ 'or UoU· l-':llHll'S t'OI' 1881, Peterboro has already bad placed to its credit $1, 000 on 11.ccount of t he Scott This nmarlrnbla offer is good to old as well as in town arrived at the new s ubsoribm?'A, Aot fines coll ticted in that t own. '\VowrH RllM!lMBERING.-There is proThe Ca.n>tdiitu Presbyterian p r onounced to . 'fl' bet.he lear1i ng denorninaiioual paJ)e1· inCanadn, h:t bly no better rel axing r emed y f·or sti ·- fa now in it.s sixteen1h year or pnblica t.ion . and j '1iuts, con t rn-cte d cord ~ an d po.inful con- in a.ll i ts d<' ~HHtu1,)n ts will ho h o tte r tlia n ever g _,estion . t han H~~ryard 's Y ellow Oil. Lt dnrin g tho coming year. The llural Uanu.d 1an, a bout to en ter on its cun<d Mrs. John Sid dell, of Unit-on ; 0 nt., t en t h. year, is sty led tt1e Agricultural 11 uthor1ty The clothing, as usual, cut by the who wa~ ;ifil.ic-t·' d for yea-rs with co.nt,r'l',C' of the Dominion, i ~" lM ge ~2 page paper, with only first-class cutter in t own. t in u t>f the hrooc h ial pipo8 and t igh t ness de1rnr-tmcnt« to s ui t r.b e vaeied tastes mid ind , teretilS Ln be found. i n eve y h o n1e. of the chest. .It is t he grel\t r ame Y J-or Subscribe for both papers now nnd save $1. A l\T intet:Jt'all 0r externa l pai-n.t Ad dress; (;. UL.H :mun·1· ROIUNSO-N, J 11 t..:) 1:1. .L'J Mr. J. C. Wesley has ~ol cl o·1t. his sod i 5 J ordan Street, 'f oronto. . t y. . a grea t vane water business in Whitby to Mr. E. Mc Crohan for $4-,250 and inten Js leaving that - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 1 ' Collars the very latest, Ties 1 town. I Pl and Neckerchiefs a J_,a Mode. :MoTHEnSTAKE No'l'IOE. - \Vesl.'a Collgh Syrup con t aius n o opiates, op ium or an y Every yearly au becriber to Everything apjJertain:ing to a firstruiuerals,and c an b a gi ven to the y o nngegt a nd m oKt delicate child wibh p er fect T' r :lass mfetv. n ia an infallible cure f or crou p and ·whoopi ng cough. A bMtle sho1ild WILLIUW I£IVECOUPONS GUODFOR almiys be kept. cnnvenien t aq it is al!!c- a lu\. ~i!P~ WOU'l'H oe rt~1n cm·e for coughs ,cvl d s, consu mption ONE OF 'flIE PERFECT· FITTING in i t s ~ arly stages , bronchi t.is ast h m a an d : Please to call and insp t ct our all thron.t an d lung trnu bles, 250., 50c. ' a nd $1.00 per bottle. All druggists. cheap overcoats. 1 Newest and Nobbiest CI.... OT:S::S J \i\,Te are stilj rushing our p EB QI SPEC AL11 Eclipso House. Gigantic Bargain SALE: LAMB CAPS with Marvellous Success. THE D O M EST IC M ONTHLY ~ uo:r.. DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS. MEI~ Our immense stock is sFURNISHING HOUSE. duced rapidly, but we DISTRTOT NEWS. Orillia wants ·i etter b oxes placed on its streets. Bishop of Peterboro . ' Vest's Cough Syrup, a snre cure for conghs, colds,·_ croup 11nd consumption. A newspaper ca.lled the Chronicle is to be starte d a t Lakefiald. Vl7est' a C<'>Of!h Syrll'P, n oomin and s 1>«e<ly cmrl'l far e·on!(lr<ll, Mr. S .K. B rown, having sold his farm Any pattems, of. any time, at any Agency for F ather D owling has boen appointed in Pickerin!:(, is r emoving t o T oronto t o resid,~ , so also is]Y[r. W w. F on ester of I D o!IIESTlC PA1".rEHNS_.__ th e 2 ame tewnship. WoN11.11:.1u·u1, The Leading Fashion Magazine. The DoMl!:S'! 'lC Mo~a·1uy is a bea.utifol illnstro.ted Ma(.;nziue of 80 large pages e very ·month, devoted to ALL 'fl'IE NEWEST S 'r Y Ll!:S, GOOD :::>'l'OHLI<;s, .PO~;Ms, &e., t~o·oat aM 1R11l.~ dis~~u·ia. crolds and an The East Whitby P lowing Association has $100 in the treasury. Kingston is to pay 2&. p e r lig ht up to midnight for electric light. WPRt 's TJiver Pills.the standard r emedy for liver coi:nplain t, d sapepsia . indige~tion aud ~ i c k h eadache_ 30 sugar pills SnoT. - Tbe man wh o put ten bullets in s 11cce s~ion inside the ci rcnrn fel'eo ce of a Milwaukee girl's finger r ing, at fifteen pitces, wn.s a pretty good 'I s hot, but h e wasn't h alf so wi se as t h e b1 i ous mau who put t en of "Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Ptlllets" into his ·ystern in five days, and on the sixth walked ten mile~" j ust beea.nse he fel t so well." If your blood is 01H of order, if you feel low-spirited and "blue" you will find these Little Liver P ills just what you n eed. A ONEY S AVED. Harness, call at F ashion aod Good Literature. being r ehave yet plenty of inducements in st. or~ W H IVES for .those looking for value for · · · their money. VVe don't in.tend being undersold ·b y any competitor. If you want to save from Ten to BY cn:LJ<rll{AT!CD .a J..rnons. A Perfect Household Magazine. Twenty per cent. on buying your SliCSCltlPTION'- l'BICm @Nl,V $ i .5 0 A YE _i:_\ ._R, $1 (j;iven Back in Pat terns. 25c. Al! druggists. For neinly ;h ulf a. cen t ury the AMERIO AN AGRlCUI!l'UIU8T hatt annexed thonsitnds of Canadians t o its great fam ily number, the publishers ~re going to d evote special att~nti ou to Canadian agriculturH during 1887. The grea t st.ff o f editors. who for over a quarter of a century Ju.ve made thi8 p<m·1dict·l the recognized l\Uthori ty upon Bellev ue P'·St office in V er ulam h a~ clo8ed fo r wan t of a poatm ast e~. ·west'ft Cough Syrup, th~ m ost reliable r emedy for Bill duoat e,11d lun~ disea·es. For safet y kMp it al l'l' "·YB in the house. All dl'Ug!~iBtJ. A n P.w po9t0Hice , Balsam Grove, ha~ ope'n ed in the to wmhip of :Fm1elon. 1'he iuorensing d «nand for \Vest's Cough Syrnp i3 evidence ot its gr eat vir,tue in all throat and hmg disea9es. Three s ize s. A ll druggistt1. The barn of Mr. Robt. Yinley, of Ho.ldi mand wa~ burned down on Sunday. Cbilbla.ins, frosted foet, and all frost h it.· s cnred by a. few applic a t ions d 'Ve~t'a World'sWond er or Family Vnirnent, th e nm-:(ic cu:·e. T ry i t. ·~5 and 50c. All drn ggists. The funeral of tho late D avid Miller, of Seagrave, was very lar gely at t ended. 'l'R>; SovUJlGE oF AMElUCA. - Tbe one· terrible bli!,(ht of our count ry ts ecrosuia -from impm·e bloocl- it cirnses cou s u m pti"n and 1uany wasting, l ingering a nd fa tf>l di$<JRS<', s . Burd ock .13loo<l BittHs ctir·es scrofula if taken iu time. i Mr. .J. F . D ennist ou n, Q. C., of P eteri ·or o, after a l ong illness, d ied la~t wet' le A CuRJi: FOl'o Cnour,-H is a vafoable fac t for Jn<>thers t o k n o w that there is no h ot te r or m ore ceI"tn.·n r e medy for cro up tha.n Ragyard 's Yellow Oil used intern all y :;;d extf'l'nally. This handy hous-eholtl remedy n rny be had of any d rng~iat . t Mr. A. r1 I . l°tflSS, of " Whit by hll.d strawberri"s in full liloum in his gar den l ait m ,,n th. .A H.rnrnAT, C rIANGE. -Daniel Sullirnn, nf .Y.hlcol rn, Oin t ., takes plea.sure in recomm"n d i1 ig rlurdock Blood Bitt<ors for dy~pepsi;i,_ it cured him after years of suffe ring. From b dng a sceptic he is no w a confirm ed b llliever in tha.t medicine. :): Al b" rl B ·>stw1cl! , of Pi<:kering Village, h ad a fin ger biLtc., n off by a ho;:; one <lay l:rnt weok. 1'rrv l'.I·. - T {/O of the most tron blesome e ornplainh ~o r H !ieve are <1str,ma and whooping co u~ h , hut l:Jagyard' 3 Pectornl lhieam eeldmu fai ls, either in those , or oth·-'r !!ruvailiug throa. t a 11d Jung trouble~ . A H d"alt·rs in rnedioincs h t1.vc this r em edy for ~a l e. ::: Dr. 1'11-t;e ie, princi p~l of t ho Poterbo~o Colle;.{ :itu 11rnti tnh·, d tcd s u.dricnly of heart d ise:1,s0. A '.Vrno: n.,l~rcrn. - A wide range of pMr, fu l aff.,eti<Jes may he.-: met with H ag:yar<l\; Yellow Oil. JauJes M. Li~w~ on, of Woor1ville, Ont., spo>irn of it in h igh tc.r1113 f,,r rhcumat:sm , lanrn b :ick, spr··ine a ml many paiuf nl c o mplaints t oo numerous to rnentinn. I t is uned internally or extornally. ! B,;J Quilt~ nnd Blankets, rarn value. Elli~on & Co . NA'.i'rr\)'.\'AI, Pl'LJ,!i; u.re tl!o.e ' '"'Ot"it·, in1rg1t · l in' _1uul 1nHn ;.uad mltl · blltou.~ Hto1·on~lt . of readers. and to sti ll furth er iucreuse this alt matters pertaining to agr icult ure, horticulture, etc. h a· now been reinforce<! with a. sta!I of well-known contributr)ra, 'l'h o Ju venile, H o11rth a.nd '1 ouaebol D c- pa.rtments have been enlarged, and Humbug E xposures a re to receiye additional attentioD , ORIGlN"AL ILLUSTRATIO NS 1000 is>ne of AGtHCULTll!IIBT oontt<ius nearlv 100 origin:tl ilh1Btrations of _ E very the an imal~. do not be deceived by th ose· West, op posite W . Glover's loud-mouthed selling out howlLivery S t n.ble, and be convinced. DOMESTIC MOfHHLV, ers. VVe do not purpose grv1ng 853 Broadway, N. Y, My Harness is all n e w stock, and made of t he bes t ma.terial iu the mark.tit, by llp business, but intend remaincompetent and g uaranteed to give satisfactio n. ing right -with you and s t a nd WANTED IMMEDIATELY! CANYASSirn;0~N'J~~;Is COUN'l'HY ---b~7 our standard. The Lowest E ' BIBLE I-IORS E COLLARS p . . NEW Ho '"ft" .w. A SPEOIAL'l'Y. r1 ces at all times and the only tho Authorize ons A full line of H orsu Furnishings always genuine bargain dispensers in in stock, s uch us Blankets, B ells, Whips, a. Cur ry Combs, otc . I Bow-man ville. Tho DoMES'.l'IC P AT'l'Rltll'S a.Ni colc bratod as being the mos t stylish. best fit.ting and mo~t pracrical. They ha ve a world·wide r oputa. tion. S u\rnoriptiona ta.ken by all Agen ts for Donrns- King-st. nc PaTT--NS and StJwiog Machin es, or Address, w or~m ea, J. R. BRADLEY'S And BE-W-AREJ plan ts, new farm aucl. h<>usehold :l:nd a.ppliance1:1, convenien ctis scenes, etc . o ut~door H SPLENDID ENGRAVINGS FREE ! OMJ<i::'l OF OUR FARM.ER P RES fDJ~N'J'fi .--Tt i· n ot..,wo rthy t hat a ma· j ority of our Presidents were reared uu farms , or retired from p ub lic life t ri l'Ural scenes Tho Antcl'"ican Agricidtur~'t fa n ow pnblish ing and 8"111'\ DING- FH11m to all snb, cribers. at an 0'1tlay of over $30 000, R11perb J~ngravi ngs {18 by 2.+ inches in Ri,.a) of t hese Homes . tGgethcr with special descriptive paper s by constitn t6 Hi ma~niti crt p ortfolio co llect ion ·)f o rn i>tr:e:utR for the w·l1" of a prin ce or peas>mt'· ho me_ S 11bsc1·iption. 1 for ]~ogr~N1 !Jg8 A Most Compr ehonsl ve F'amily Bible, conta · ing H oviBt-'-d and Ve1slof both th" Old nud N e w 'l'e e10.mente, a r · r «.n ged in p t<rid lel c ol u m rm. I· a lso conta.inB nomp,., a ey e i-1p il<lia. o f Bibliclil knowledge, 310 nddltiona.I featuses , a d nea!"l~ 2500 illust ni,ti·rns. Th e Inge"'· c l11 apeet an d moot elegan tly b·)U lld Family Bible ever pub;i· h e·t. R e pairing prornpt:y at.tende d to, and 'l '·· e d e mand unqa r allcd, ·w ery - intel ligen t d 0n a in th e high est style of art. pan on want JHt copy. Sorn ·-; tt.g· ~ n t:r are making from $/iO to $ WO weekly, Our ug en t JVfcCra » so ld $500 wo r th in two 'l'own s.h1ps $l1'1'lnten drng purchaRers will find it to/ cl urii1g h is fo:st few week·' w ork. Anoth er their ad vantage to call a~d examine before . p urch aaing elsewhere . 48 a~.?;ent repor ts 17 Bibles sold last w ock . Expe1 ·il>n< e ;,. not ll'"' essari'. Sood t · thu s ole pu blis h e c lot descriptive circ·llar and Jibcral - - - -- - - -· l terms. Bibles in ,1ve 1· 100 v a r ietie s . Also a 11ne " f S1andar d S ubsc ription Books aml cheap 1887. Photograi·h Albums . 5 Jor an St., Toronto. ()_ Bt.ACIUl'fT ROB INSON', I. R0BE '-RT s0N & Bo·N D · ' · Publisher. !~· 6m Harper's Weekly. IL L USTRA TED. 1====~~~~==~~~~~~--~- ;f&mes Parton, Donald G _ Mitchell and other ezniuent living A.tni:::ric.:an anthore. 'J'hese 'J~o ARARE CliANCE u. Prc1ninrn to e v ery s ubscriber. '!1his ofl'tn' i s made by tho Publi"h e1· v( get a tr irst-Class Illustrated Magazine, wiih 1887 i1nmediatcl!f forwanled o.re entitled to all t he se?'ie.·, lieginnil>!J in Ma11 /a.it. ENDOHSED BY THE U.S. GOV'T. Vol. 8th. Tent h Census. U . S ., S>~ys : "'l'he American Agr-icnlt.uriot i e e·pccia lly wnr thy of rnen t1nn, because of the rcma.rk:·ble succeBs that h MI atten ded the uniq ue vnrl untirin1r e fiorts of its p1·opcietorB t,-, i n· c1:e.~$e ">t ic' ext;end it" circul"ti>n. Its co<Jtentf< ar;, duplicated every mvuth fo r a Gei man Editio n , which also circnlates widel:y. " ~'2UEaS UR E $ Lo'ii0 1·cu· y c~H· HO URS. i n :u.lv.unce Best a nd cheapest H om e nndFash ion Maga zine p a bli-t1h ed.. Contai ns e~·.cl> m o nth. F ttsh ion 1.-iul F a ncy V{ork Plates. i rus!Jio n not f:B, Or ipin sl lllustmte d Art.icl<·s, Storie , l-'ooms, At e .. Society .N'oteP Hints for l!'arm. O"'rden and Househ old. ~fond stu,rn !Js for circu.Jn,r giving li <- t of two of tho best nove ls of the day, finally illust,re-t.ed, wtth eh or t s l;orics, p oems, sketches, and paporR on im prot'tant cur r ent topics by :.h e most popular write rs. T h e ca.1·e that h as bee n s uccessfully exercised in t ho piLst to m ako Harper's "\,Veelrly a. safe a s w ell "'s a welcom e v isitor t o ""er y h onseh olll will not bo re litxed in tho fu tnt·o. H AHPET<0S "\,VEEKT,Y ins itsin position as ; tho leading illu ar.rated mainta newspa,per America; I 1md its- hold upon p u blic est,eem and confidence wa s n e ve r. A t r ong er ibn.n 11t the l) resent t in1e . B e~iil es the pictures. Har per's Wce'<ly al wu.ys contain s instal m entH o r one, o cc11siona.lly o ! ! I i I est End H '0 . , · /, 88 I I K,;. - FOR' ' ffag Ail~ l'fM\'I A "mTlC CLOTHS HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPl£H'8 MAGAZINE ---- -- .... ........ ~H 00 lIAHPl'at'S B~_ZAR. .... .. .. . ............. 1 00 I B a.lance of this year 1'J.\J~Jl: to all subscribing immediately. 8end !~ix Uents f.-,1· mail ill(( yon Grand Dou'-·le Nmnhoi·. ju· tout. 32-p:tg-e Prem - · 1um. Llst. tt. ud Sample Prnof o f ~~ug-ra.v i.ngs ()f " Homes of our F nrmer f're3i , cl"n ~<." toiretb er wi th }) ,·~cd ptivn by P mo&, :n 50" YEAR; SiIS"GLK Noa. 15c·1·a. I PR1~~J]/f IUMS. G . la . H.@n,l ftlT, Pn b ll~hn·, P .O. Dox. 1877. 292 Ur oarlway, N. Y. P e l' Vear: · H ARPElt'S WE!~KT.Y .. ..... ... ...... .. -· 4 00 Zw ·H . J ,,,,. , l>m-t,ni. .A.ddre~s A __ME mGi\M AG:~ !CUHIJBIST, Y. DAVID W . JU DD, Puhli$lw1, 751 BrwM1wa.:y, N Ca nvaser& Wan ted Every wh ere . :~~:l'.::~:~'\:.;l;~:.t·~/J.~~~-~ft;.~icc:: :·· I..:Jom. ::: o f in lef'~:-. t i1h'I ,\ N,!.,,7 Dcpn;:·ture 2 5 cts . ~~c!::;('t io 1 1 s ]ft:r~;.1 <;. i · 1g ~h .- ~1 t ~; t r.ri es ~:fl ~~~I~~~:·::~1;~/1j,\~:~~~:~y ~-c.'\r: LV n 1 if!hc;-icc 11~:1 !,.~r:~; n al Cont:-Hmtion!; 2{~0 1 :,r:rc:; r~ HA CH :'.:.~;>UR r ...... ?:0~~;~; ~ iJ!~ ~. ~fimcs J~y /~ Co::!.-:-,pk~e Nc,~1 N c:~1e! 1 :..ci:lJ f:n (·ti 1,·~ ~.1 llh~r in 13" .~b. r;.,_ ~ ~' f]upcrlafrvc Merit C"I'~ 5 11 Gi \·i 'l!.!,' : 1 ! ibr.u y o f T:"! ne:w .an~l y ;tJuablc wort :-;, wor th f ..(·r,1 ~ t <J.c); · II) ~\18 (-0 :rnnu ;d ly, ::t t he :1omirn.l s n!"n ~I · ~5 cc_o~-· .l'::r rt1(n1th ::J~1l.t:' cnp l~ L;Jl, $?.C O )'(.;<lrly. :~~~! J .;-: :. D)-' _i. 1h11 r1:t1Ju~~ no n , Fn,nc<::-; Hotl gso a Uu r~ \) <;ti , _ fo ;i an : 1pp-.: ~.,_. ll.i\Ylli(· rl H ..: , I. m y C. Lill >, wi.I t:tC . 6 etc. , i11 1.·.\tly i :>::-ti·.::-:. (i:Ct.1;~>.rs, t:ivi ra.. d1;t:\ih, etc .. m;i;h;c.i O!l a ppiicatlo11 m1:d kiuc; t !lt'.Y arc j . :S. COMPANY 715 and 'i'l'J i\'1arb:t St., P h il;\dt:lphi.;a L:.PPiN CU '? "~" T i«· Volu;nc or \ho Weekly begin wit h th o Nnm ber of .Ta nn n.ry Of each year. When 'I' h o Tornpcrnnc<J Colon i7.1>tio11 Society (limit · first 0 tim e iB mon tio n~d , subscription s will begin · e<l) will p 1o v ide free railway pas8a ges to ail 11 wilh tl10 Num b er current, at t ime of r ccoipt o! t:cri ph<.1 1c1oI'H fo:..· (or· their rc.p rc s~n tati. vHs ) "'A'.ho will. o n 0 bciurc L h< ' 3tat; <.luy <;I' rm;ou:MBl!lll, order . Boun d Volmnea of Harper's Weekly, for l~&i. pay u p arrellrs d ue tho sociecy , am! joi n tho iirnt exc ursion to th e Colony in the sprin g , t h1·ee years bac,k, iu neat cloth b incling, will be sent by ".llllii, p ostage pair1, o r by express, fo l' t h o purpose of set tling ou t h e la!ld. free of cxpenao (prnvidc rl th e freii:,h t <loes not Hy orde1· of 111 0 Roard. ex ceed one d oDnr per volume), tor $7.00 per U. POWKLT ,, Manager, volume. ociety's omccs,115 King st. wesl.'l'oronto. Clolll Ca.sea fo r tiu.ch volume, suitable for N . B,- L oans made(undor Government so,nc- biJ1di.ng, w ill b o sent bY ma.ii, p ost paid, oo receipt of $l each. twu)io ass iot illte nding set tlcro. 18-tf H.emitt.ni1ccs slvlllld be m ade 1'y Post-OJllce M on ey Or dur or D rnf1, to avoi:l. cha nce of lo".S. !'""===~-~ - =.....,~=--==~=========~=-·-------....::._ No w o11ci1Je1·s are n<:<t t" co1111 th-i'J advertise· Extraordinary value i n Muntle Cloths. W E ll O · m ust have a tho1·ough sal e at :my 1nent 1oithont the express 01·cler of llAR P RR & . BnOTHEilS. Address. ison & 0 · coBt, Ellison & Co. Or l('entleman wanted in cocll town in U. S. to IIARPER & BRO'l'H lLRS N. y , See p r esent; prices of E llison & C o's canvas~ for a b c.amiiully .illuBtr »tcd family '· blue serge suit.s . Black and Colnred 811rah S ntine ex· ID ap;azi ne, now in its twell'th year, ijU.50 a year D ec1 'd · t own l rcmely lo w. Ell is on c·: ' with ·sp lendid premiums t o every s ubscriber. . · () d i y t l1c c Iie11pest J eneys m " Co. ~ 'l.n experienced cnnvasse.r c:m e.arn From $30 OG LOS'r .Stray!'d from the r esiEllison and Co. to $40 a wock. Any .sn1i:rt man or \·voma~ can ] ) of M . Mc'l'a.vish . Nov. 10t h. a whi te Ell' ~ C , t 11 t · d o well. For. St\1nple cop1oaand Agents Circu · l:l pitzdence !Jog ; crns w ers .to "Cur lo." JnformS;tion H!Ull c o . a ie Wl ng O se a OOSv l&r, a d d r ess,COTTA G I!.: fflJ:AHTil CO .. Boston, of his wh1>rCt·bo uts wi ll b e tha nkfully received for one season. SASKATOON! HO FOR HAHPE W HANDY S lUtlE3. Otte Nmnbers1 .... .. .. .. .. ·- --...... .. .... Slates and Canada. BLANK IETS, ~ c. ~~rr~Kt~~Jf~y{~~~E~~!~~.Year ~·::·. ·.1: ::I 1'"WEED S, UNDERCLO THlr\!C 'J ., I ,:;2 1soo·j CLO VES T ~E~ COLLA ' Y."J<if>. 6-~C · Posla.ge li ~·eetoallS1tl>sc·rlberninthe Unilecl , ·Ill ~, . · ; ' ~·,i. ~.;)SI ~ ' ' 1 DRESS COOOS, flA ~!tfiUE LS, '" S'®~VJ ) 1 Call and see prices, they \Vill be right. Jlml@~ ~clf:~~~~lfe P .S.- Now is the tilne to lay in a good sup ply of Factory Cotton , the price is goi ng u p·; stHI selling a t old prices at ¥/est End I-Io u se. Ot~E lf.tDY AGENT .... I ------------------ 1 I ·m Maes.

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