T ·· · ~· > : · '. ~- · · BOOTS Slippers, Rubbers, Overshoes, Trunks a nd Valises The Latest, Newest and Best Fall and Winter Styles at the Lowest consistent with · · .'G ood Quality. J CATARRII.-A new treatment, has been dis· oovered whereby a permanent cure of this 'l'he peopl·1 in this wor:ld who get beyond h.ltherto incura.ble disease, ls absolutely affect· the use of p:..t;ches on. garments arc few and od in from one to three applications, n o mat.tor We formerly knew whether standing oae year or forty years. 'l'hia exceedingly foolish. . . remedy is only applied 01rne in twelve days, l ece1Lsed , of a nu11wnaire itnd does not interfere with busine:o.s, Descrip· the wife, J·clW c ~~place o m · elegan t new goods, compl ete in assortment, splendid in who to h er dying dn.y . took gr eat pride in tive p·amphlet sent free on receipt or stamp by her ability to patch clothes neatly, not '\, H . Dixon & Son, 805 King sl;1·eet, West quality and overfbw ing with generous bargains in from.parsnnomous · · . mot' ives, .b u t ,b ectrnse s1le Tnonto, Canada.. WHAT 18 CA'rARllH! was a very sensible woman. Our esteem Catarrh·is a dangerous disPas<> which thous· for the lady was all the greater on this ac- "nds are consciously or unconsciously sulferinf'( count. from. It ia a muco-purulent disc harge caused tl l by the presence of a vegetable pamaito in the B t t · bl t · u no every one is a c <> nea Y ay ·a ;!ning membrane of t he nose. The pred1spos. d o so, iog cause~ are a morbid st o.te of the blood, the pn.tch or darn a rent who desire to . hence we advance a few hclpfnl suggestions·: blighted corpuscle of t ubercle, the germ poison In patc~1 ing start by cutting ·t piece of of sn;bilis, mercurr. toxomre, from the retenrnaterial of 11 size slightly larger tlrnn to tion orthe effete matter of. the skin, suppressed . , . perspiration ~, bLtd.ly ventilm ed slcepinl't apart· completely cove1· the worn pla:ce. Cut lt ac- men ta a nd the gcrmi·n ation of other poisons in curately by the thread ; nothmg l ooks more rhe blood. Irrlta\ed b)' 1 .hesc, the liu!ug mem· before you a t price s tliat must l ead to a speedy sale. untidy than a crooked ptitch with unsho,pely brant1 of the nose. is ever reu,dy tor the recepcorners dc.n oft.he parasit,e, which rapidly spreads. up the noatrils ii:nd down t.he fanccs, or buck of Next turn ma narrow fold on the four the throat, c.a\tsin~ nlceratiou ot the throat; up sides of the patch, lay it in place outside the 'he eu~t.acllian tubea, ca.113ing_ dcalness; bu,:. Prices .worn part n,nd tack fast, Se' v it 011 all rowin!J m the vocal corns, causing hoarsene~s; · ·· f ·t · usurprng the proper structure of the bronchial around,either like a sen.m, or else ell 1 . If tuboH ending in pulmonary conaumption and it lies close and fl.at the tacking thread mn.y death. · ~ .... . then eome away. Many ingeitious speitlca !or for t_he cure ot Now the work mllst go on from the WTOn" c.atarrh J:iave b~e!' }nvented. but w1.thout encT ry our best . · . . . o cess, until a physician of long atandrng cltscov· rrrt~l!l~ti~ r~"D L '!!\l'.'lllt; !A~·~D BL!A rCK~NS side, byfirstcuttwg n.wn.y1;he worn piece, ercdtheexactnatureof th disea·e a nd the , · I '·Q l~ ~1\141 -1i · :~!~' ~ : u ,~ ·~d. i I · it · 1 ii' : ...., len.ving enough margin to turn in as for a 1o_ uly applianue wbiuh will pernrnnently destroy 1 ~r;i ~ ~. ·- - ·" W - '!l! ~.;v " ' ~ ' ~" ~-.' · @ , ~>ilf ' hem. Cut little nicks at the corners t o ttl-1 tne PB.l'6S1te, no matter how nggravo.tc:d the ' ' b 1 't t l' fl t d f 11 ·t ·, 11 · l '[J case. Sufferers shonltl · send starn p at once none etter ma.de. ow 1 o le a ' an e 1, a aroum · le for <lescl'ip1ivo pamphlet on catarrh, to the , , . . corners should be a.swell snaped as arc those business nm1rngers. A, H, Dixon & · Son, 305 '111 of the patch. To have the piece square on Kin>: street, west, Toronto, Canade . · 1 ,<'Y-\ll>. . - Jlff}'1~ ~ ~'t'{ft the side :md then an What Rev. E . B. S . tevenson,B..tf: .. a Cle?'(JY· rclfJ .h~ ii · I .,, . . . . ' . f ri bd;t ,L · · '11 · d' . . . ill-shaped . th cir-cle -. man the oft.he London Oonference of the Metho· ·.Jf.p ,~ :/:.~ 11;/il 1, .· v o_ muc11 sm,i, er . micnstons. on e '~ rnng dist Ofmrch of Canada, has to say .i n regard side, as one . sometnncs sees, is to sp01l the To .tl.H. Dix0n &: :-;on's New Treatment fo r · I wo1·k so far as looks go. Catarrh. · To neatlymatchthestri.pesorfigureof . Oa.klans._Ont.,Cn,nada,March l7,1883 · the giLrment by the new material is onc-hn.lf Messrs. ~ · 11. Di;-co1i &: Son: . """."~=====~·~~===-===----~~--~=~!:::===--~==~~ l omg · f' · u r1 · t 1 is MRs,-l'onrs of tho inst. to hand. · I rt DEAR '-- --~ - m< urn pn,t c Iung. v1 ien a pa cl sberued almost too goocl to13t.h be true that I am RlBHT TO THE FRONT1 D SHOES HOUSEHOLD. About. Patching and Darning. CATARRH. 11 BO'r .·1· · t' a.fil fX ;) · Ho·· J. RIGG · !I a, ~)r'\l . ifil .~ ~ ' .fi'il PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS . ' Keep all the requisites of a first-class Drug Store. PURE DRUGS. It is our aim to buy the purest and best Drugs that can be had in the market, and to sell at reasonable prices. ' . I PATENT MEDICINES. We keep net..rly all patent m edicines advertised. ----- TOILET ARTICLES. We have a large stock of English, French and German Perfumes, Powders, Pomades, arid a big assort1nent of :Hair Brushes. Thorley's Food, Prairie Flower, Condition Powder and Ground Oil Cake al ways on hand. · FR ;11 :r1 "' , te. l· l y.· {A'J llltlh ' s M l;,' ·cD . .o ·uGA l l Boot a nd Shoe Emporium E'T .' A · ·. L c I F' · are offering Coal as follows : Stove and ChestnU t '............. ..... . '$6.25 " ... , 1 Grate and F.Jgg,,, ........ .............. . over one month. 6 00 , Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts LUMBER, SHU~CLES, ~~~'L~~<lt~~I;tl~~-w t~~:!i:ii~k?:;:·~~l~,;~~::i;;jI l WOOD ~etting LATHS, POST & CORD 1Wlth each utiei:- . 1 1 completed fay 3,Jl or ot her Icured of Catarrh, but know thatand .;r am. I thin cloth ever it old and handkerchief press out with a hot have had no rewrn of l the disev.se, never iron · !elt better in my life. I have tried so many ,· things for Catarrh, suffered so much and for . · , 1 ' 1n.nnel may he mended m the same way 30 many years, that it is bard ' to rea.li~e that n,s described, only that i1rnteacl of the edges t am really better. being folded in, leave fl at, and instead of I consider tlmt mine was n. yer_y bad _case; it being felled thev sh ould be herring-boned. waB aggravated and chrome, rnvclvmg the J throat as well aa the nasal p&ssuges. and I ttll round. thought it would require the three ;ti-eatments, Sheets a.ml similiu <Lrticle~ ti.tut are worn but I feel fully cured. by t.lw two sent me. and thin by long .use;· n,nc.l are too w<ml .c to po.tch l am t hankful th1it 1 was ever iudu00d ·to send 10 must be darned. For this, :eal darning cot~~:;·are at liberty to use t his letter siatin!! ton, not tluit used for stockmgs, but £1 soft, that I have been cured at two treatments. and fine article rnacle for the purpose, shoulCl be · l she,11 gladly recornmencl your remedy to some J :it my friends who are sufferers. used. " . I · ·t k ·t h lf · 1 Yours, with.many tlrnnks. \ "hen carmng a·e qui e a f1ll JllCl R.Ev.E. B. STF.:VE~SON ·. ex~~a on ei~hcr .side , tn.itd not just fthe very And h undrec\s of others . · t nn l?1ace itse r ailr 1 iat on1y. 1 so done to $Sa day. Samples itnd duty FREE t!1ere is danger of.the mende~ part not g:et· ting through the fll'st wash withou t brettkm~ Lim·s not undP.r Lhe hor;e'sfeet. Write · out. By running several lines of strong· BnEWSTER'S _SAl·'E'l'Y R EIN HoLDill.t sewing cotton round the thin part befor e doCo .. llolly · Mwh. ing the d<trning it wm stren~then t1ie1 -- - - - --- - --founc1tition greu,tly, ancl will nots ow after-! . run wards. _ Use a, long, fine c111rncr for fin~ ".f abri cs, a ! t hicker one for coarser cloth. Take a t hread ' and miss two threads uniforinly, going I I l omethiDg - -AT- ~ t lll th e rear.·. end · e th e S t ore. I JOBBING DEPARTMENT '· 1 1 I I I $ . . BROS., 0f - 5 I . I All Goods in this Department will be sold at HALF p RIc E . .., ~ b11:ck again, yollr stitches on a line . TlfE ART GARLANDS FOR '86 are still ahead of all imitations .. AGli~NT Waste in is often very ,. from apparently trivia.I sources. " i;tt.M u~ ·~LL D _ In cooking meats thew<tteristhrownout! --lS::r!:Z-ll'llilli! C Ur\ gr. I!;. ' · wit.bout l'CJ~tOv_ing thewcase, orthegrcaso L ~vll !h'l.DiQ. Q Rn~· _ _ . from the dr1ppmg·pan w thrown awtiy. g;;;,. a Ull'!i If " ti~· ~ . Scrnpsof meatru:etl.trowiraway. Hlamtullypropared to111ttenl1Fnuere.Ison "5 , ... . . ~l~ ·ARil1tUi~ ~Lr: . Col_d potu._toes 11re left to sour n,nd spoil. r,heshort.nstnotice, atthelowest possiblo r11.tea '"'. ~ a,;;;; fn'\iil! ~ 11"'&. liQ Drrnd frmts are not looked after and be- (:u 3ketFJ andBuria lCaaes ree.dy o~. ahort notice i rst -claan bears<~ on ve ry moderat e terms Shrouds und Co1.l!na conetantly on hand. irun come wormy . --C>F- in fol. cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop &; V inegar a.ml sauce are left standing how Kooms- Bounsall'sNew Block. tin. Apples are left to decay for want of " sorting over." 'l'he to<i-cttnnister is left open. ,Victuals tLre left e:iq>0sed to be eaten by vVe beg to notify the public that we will begin a Great mice. . Eoucs of men.t n.ncl t. h e carcass of turkey Clearing sale of Dry Goods and· Clothing, on ttre thrown a.way, when they could be used in ma.king good soup >. I Sug<ir, t ea, coffee, ttud rice m·e c<irclessly spilled in the hn.nc1.ling. . Soap is left to dissolve and waste in the During the time of sale, between the 4th of October and the wa,ter. are used for dish-cloths. t he 31st of December, we will ofter goods at such prices as Dish-towels Napkins are used for dish-towels. will make it easy for the people to decide who · sells the Towels are used for holders. Brooms and mops Lire not hung up. · · cheapest Dry Goods and Clothing in town. WILL CURS: OR RELIEVE More coal is burned than necessary b y not arranging dttmpers when not using the Bll!Ol/SNES8, DIZZINESS, fire. , DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, Lights a r e leH burning when not used. I NDIGESTION, FLUTTERING Tin dishes a.re not properly clen,n~ed n.nd JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART, dried. of every article will be marked on larO'G tickets to s h o w the extent of ACIOITY OF ERYSIPELAS, 0 . ' ' Good new brooms are used in scrubbing SALT RHFUM, THE STOMACH1 the reduct ion s ; We are crowded with new stock from cellar to garret. kitchen floors. HEARTBURN, ORYNE88 We mean business, therefo1 parties asking u s for bargains will not be Silver spoons are used in scraping k ettles. HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, Cream is left to mold and spoil. disappointed. And every speclea o f d loeaso arisi ng from Musfard is left to spoil in the crme, 1Jtc, disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, S T OMACH. Vinegar is left to st<tnd unt il the tin ves · BOWELS OR BLOOD, sel becomes corroded·an d spoiled. Pickles b ecome spoiled by t he leaking out !, gQ·· Proprietor-. · N. ~.-:Some Joh Lines w ill be o ffolled at half price. Ex TORONTQ, or evapon1tion of the vinegar . barga\ns m Ready-made Clothing . Po1·k spoils for want of salt, and beef because the brine wants scalding. Bowfu.anville , October 1, 1886. Hams become tainted or filled with vermin for w ant of care. Cheese molds ancl is' eaten by mice and vermin. 'l'ea and coffee pots are injured on the stove. ·woodenware is unscalded and left to · warp and crack. Always on hand a lowest prices. DO' Mlr.!'TCALF I Wast~ !~Kitchen. the,ki~ch~n grct~t i Hl ' Inj li u rut: "T' .A . KI lR IC. n O·\ I 11 .·-· .,. ~:~~t!f, .'· . . In th e regu lar Dry G . o ods . , c . . EAT . · ... CR s we have a splendid asso.r t.. · m.e nt. wh1 "ch we are ~e111·ng . a t roek b 0 tt om · pr1ces. TOD BROS. ~lt'Y coons AND ClOTHiNC ! . I Grocers, Butchers and Provision Iif.ferchants. STAND:-Town Hall Building, one door east Qnt. Bank. MOJ~DAY, OCTOBER, 4th. A complete sto c k always on hand. We have all the best grades of The u that is manufactured. PRICES co_ We have in stoc k all kinds of G e neral Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, American and Canadian Coal Oil, Br&n, Shorts, Oats and Chicken Feed, Crockery and G la ssware, Fresh and Cur ed Meats, Sausages and Lard of bis own make and rendering, Life- time experience in the Meat D epartme nt enabl es us to suppl y a quality unequalle d. The G1·ocery Departme nt, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is of the very best quality. N o trash or poor goods kept in stock, deals onl y in the best goods , which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Your patronage will be thankfully received. Goods del ivered to all parts of the town on short notice. A call solicited. E L LISON"" & 'f. MILBURN Cash 101· Butter, Eggs, Ride!i, Tallow, Beet, P o1·k and all Farm Produce. C. M. CAWKER, JOHN ALLIN. FOR- Our One pint of corn meal, one pint of fl.our, one-half cup of molasses, one ~ CD teaspoon of soda, one teaspoon of salt. Bake ~ ill a slow oven, or st eam one hour. ,_... ~ ~ SPI C'E CAKK - Onecup of sugar, one-half C':> CD lo.f"" cup of butter, yolks of three eggs, one-half l:l"' ,-..J cup of sweet milk, gne and one-half cnps ~ r:,I ~ of flour, one·httlf cup of cu rr1'nts, one te>t~ ~ t'1 spoon of baking powder, spice to t<~stc. ~ CD ~ Proceed in the usllal manner of cake mak· <f CD ing. D redge the currnnts with flour before 00 0 <i adcliug them to the cake. 1-ri~ CoR~ S'l'AltCII CAKE.- One cup of sugar, 1--L-t o,ne-half cup of b u t ter, whites of three eggs, ~ t'\'\ one· half cup of sweet milk , one teaspoon of ~- ew ,-I baking powder, one and one-half cups of ....,... t-:1 ~ flour, one·halfcup of cornstarch. Rub butW\J ~ · t-:1 t er and s ugar to a cream ; stir in milk ; O r-· 1::::1 add a portion of t he flour, then the whites c.c:::: of eggs, stiffly beaten, and remaining flour j l".i.i , and starch. Fhwor to t aste. M-- I 0 j L;;ll'lo~ CAJrn.- One cup of sugar, one0 (0 · ha lf cup of bu tter, three eggs, one-half cup of sweet milk, one a nd one-half cups of '00~ 7Jl .... flour, one teaspoon of bttking powder , one l ~· lemon. Cream the butter n.nd sugar ; beat ~ ~ ;:_ .·~ in yolks of eggs ; add milk, portion of flour , CD \,~ ~~ beaten whites of eggs, grated rincle of ler11on, (/l Ul ~n £~ remtLining flour, and lci8t the juice of lemon. 13eat the cake thoroughly and get it into the CD oven as quickly as possible. It must not (/l stand after t he lemon is added. · TOMATO CATSUP.- One-half bushel of to· matoes, three large onions, one quart of cider vinegar, one cup of brown sugar, one . fablcspoon of salt, whole ttllspice, cinnamon, Galvanized Iron EaYes·troughing, in si feet lengths, I S 1 cloves and r ed pepper to taste. Sen.Id and peel the tomatoes, add to t hem the onions, the best and cheapeEst to be ound. T ry it. peeleu !tnd cut in small pieces, and boil till all are perfectly t ender. Strain through a AU ordered work g t.mranteed. sieve, add vinegar, sugar and spices, replace on the st ove aml boil two hours. f-3 J-3 P" Colt~ BREAD.- Recipes. OR.DEJ:l. stock of A s usual our n ew ' · C.A.N.A.DI.A.:N, ENGLISH, 8COTCH = & .A.MERI C.A.N t:tj TWEEDS, is, question, the best SHOE DIUESSING £or ladies' use ever made. 'fry it l b,eyond - SOLD BY- = ro .... WORSTEDS and other Suitings is the large s t, mo s t comp l ete and most fashionable to be found inWestDurham =OJ '(/). JENNINGS, AT THE PARLOR BOO'r & SHOE STORE,NEADS'BLOCK, N·.. EVERY STOVE CUARANTEED. where are now ready for fnspe~tion complete lines of Fall and. Winter F elt GoodsRubbeu- Canadian :and American-Over, shoes m La.teat style_s. , Men's and Boy11' ~We have the goods. To inspect i s to order. Our prices are right, Coarse Shoes La.dies Fme Boots and ' O l d · · Q · · l't · · h t"bl everything fot~nd in a first class Iloot and ur sty es command a mirat10n. ur ongma 1 y i s mex aus 1 e. Shoo s tore. Our e nterprise, e n ergy and p luck have no bound s . 1 We Never Get left, ~!,,!'.,~ ,·Call at tbe centre o~S~yle, Beauty a_nd Cheapness· H enry I:ving is very anxious to v isit d ear Amenca once more and g rasp the h ands of ~is many old frienc:1s, 1 1nd Bram f:ltoker, !us manager, 1 s loomng t h e ground over to see whether it will pay. I Gents Furn1sh1ngs a specialty. 1 tf L . G . QUICK. JOSEPH JEFFERY T b e TailOl' ' 39-3m. BOWMANVILLE . Half the pepper sold consist s of p's;