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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1886, p. 8

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ltht < ~aua.diau Jtatr15mau. j B ow MANVILLE, FmnAY, DEC. 17. A BAKI~ G POWDER MATTER. t t :S'l'H: A'J'J(}N. MASON BROS. lJJCIJm ·· ~· 1'tu: A l.ltANV N.F .\VSl'Al'Elt IN· Tiu~ ' '.Jor. 1·11;tl" n ·aUlr11tH auuJ 'Jll)lbnsizes the l';1c1~- r1ab1 Tall· rrom l'rol. 'J'11111<e r ~l!~ o iiiuio n on Am onia mtd 111·c111 l !Us~rs (; CJIC l'"ll y, " 'l'ho Albany, N. Y. J ournal som e ti me since publishe d an int e resting r eport upon tho s1:bject of powd er~ , in which i t .~nve th1i re s ults of some t e sts of an eiabicirate c !i~racter m·.de f(Jr the PlHPl'I!~ 0£ · . d e t enuirii ug t ' e questio11 of whwh_ ~a t he ,t>est iir:4 _ wh 9l1r 9mest o F 1hese art icles. i'J1he M1 al y:;us ihd t est s requ i ted were un clci:f:aketl. b;}I t~rofesrnr W. G . Tncker , o f the A lba ny M'edical College, and W . P. M aeon, of the Reosselaer P olytechnic In· stitutt>, o f Troy, ch e mists of the hi ghest standin g and reputation, well kn o~v n for t heir ex te n d.ed and v"luable serv1ct11· as p n blic analysts. Mt>ssrs. Tuck er and l\fason, the Jmtrnal state d, had b een d irected tn procure from dealers in Albany and Tr0y paclrnge s of b a king powder, t o .. analyze an d critical ly examine them, and t o ll' a ke t heir re po1 t~ of fa cts fonnd en"Doctor , what about ammonia in bak· MoTHERS-, d o you not see the palid A fine stock of the tire ly withont bia s or favor . . . d l" face, once s o bright, gro wing thinner ! Do The rep ort p roved a matte~ of int~r~st mg pow er of smmonia is you n ot h ear the hacking r ongh , and note and imp1irtan ce, and was widely cop11ed "Seaqui.carbonate the wasted, languid indifference, where and comme nted upon . F r om the facts sometimes used in the higher class d ,. once w1<s mirt h, bri~l.tness an k_tien en · -c:::r pr~sented h ouse keepers h ud 110 d ifficulty of baking p o'A·d e rs. j oym ent fvr all the plensurea of hfe1 Do .L::l... i n deter,ninin" ior them seh·es the best " Is it injurious or obj ectionable?" n o t be mistaken o r decei ved. That child and mos t whclesome b ak ing powder to ".Nons~ m e! Quite the contrary. It is dying of consumption- sl o wly, but use.. Tlie .fo11rn ut ,ite facts having been h as been used for generationt in the surely. Y e.t thoussnds arc living to·d01y q uestion ed by a local baking powde r m~n finest food . It i. a. very volatile a gent. ivho have b een cured by the uae of Dr. ufactorer rel nrns to the subject a n d pub- H eat en tirely e volves iL into g as , l eaving Pierce'11 "Gold en M ed ical Disco v ~ry, " lishes th ~ foll ow ing i nt+>resting inter vie w n o r~.siduum. W e r e it u sed in suftic ien 1 whic h surpasses all ot her m edicines for with Pro f. 'l'nck er . Th e facti' b efore q oanti1y to do the entire work of aeration the care of that disea~e. Send te n ctinb s ta ted are r eaffirmed and emphasized in I 11m inclined to believe it would be the for pamphlet and t <.>stimo ni:tls. Address, The clothing, as usual, cut by the the m ost b retzy wanner: acme of leave ning agents. S om e of the W o rld's Dispensary M edical Aseociat ion, only first-class cutter in t own. A .Tollrrwl rep11rter recently visited h 1oh est uuthor1ties, as Has~ all , r ecom· Buffalo, N. Y. P rof. Tuck er for the pnrpo3e of gaining m;nde d its exC!usive use for this pmp:;se 0 S t ·d · ni ht 1\Ir. David Weir of further iufor mat1 o n in referenc e lo t he i n prefe1ence to y e ast or other kmds n a m ay · ~ . . · ) · · 11 d 'tt d to K eene. went down ehirs and shpprng on b akin g p owdtir qu er.t ion, He was fo~nd o f Ieven It 1s umve rsa. y a mt e f 0 11 ··h t f · t in the extensive laboratory of the Medical be a wh~' e somo and valuable ngent and the lower step !, wi. grea . o~ce_ a- ·1 a great vane y. : · ·11 1' ' t gainst a l ock on the front door, rnfhctmg College ha rd at work, but good-naturedly 1mbniit t'1·d to a n inqni~it orial inte rv iew, noh che~ist ~f 1reput~tlon wi . dtg~~a~t / 8 8 e,·ero wo und o ver the right t e mple. Collars the very latest, Ties erw1se. iave e~ome m The r est of the family he·rd the noise and N h' f l!f d the subst ance of which, h ere give n , will ot when I have read the 1ully cbargea hthat . to m . ve st'1 and l eckerc ie s a .La 11 O e. · on go1n" gat e f o ur1d tliu ., iinfor ho fo und of in te rest. d liave fre quently been m a e ~b~:iug i g- tunate ~an nnconec ious o n the floor. A Everything appertaining to a first· "Doctor ,"said tho r eporte r, " it appears n orance or otherwise a gamst it. J oc tor was sent for, hut in about an. h our class that one of o nr local b aking p()wd er man" Th en th')se manufacturers who adve_ r - fro m thl' time h e fell death had claimed u facturers attempts to discredit the r e· t ise tha t their p owder d oes n ot contarn him. ' p o11t some tillle ago publis~ed in the W HAT TRUE MERIT WILL Do.- The J 011rrwl with refe r~nce to bakmgvowders, i t. " "Confess that their p owder lacks_ a unpreced ented sale of B oschee's Gernll!Jli for which t ho analytica l examinatiom Please to call and inspect our we re made by y om self and P rof. Mason. m ost useful, wholesome and excelle nt m- Syrup which in a few y ears has astonished th e world. It is without doubt the Were y our a nalysis and o pinions printed gredie nt." " B ut they say its origin ia filthy ? " safest antl b est re~edy ever discovered cheap overcoats. correctly?" ·'Its origin and m ethod of prepar;i,tion for the SJ)eed and e fi ectual cure of Cou gha, 1 "They were , " replied Prof. Tu cker, are no more filthy than a re the origin Colds a nd the 8 "!erestcl.Lffang ttr~ub!~~ IV~S.' "literally. " and re amtion of bre"d. All this talk It acts on an entire y _ 1 ~reu p_ rmc1p,., "ls ther e any part of th e report , or of a b ouf a!monia in bakio g p rJwder imd from_ ~he mud prescr1pt10ns gn·en by your views ex pressed thereio. that y ou its filthy ori1tin is the veriest rubbish . A Phys1c1an s, as 1~ doe s n o.t d~y up a Cough w ould m odify'/" m a n disgraces himself when he lends him- and leave the d ise ase KtJJl Ill the 11y8tem, . _ _ · ' · " N ot a wor d . Illy examinat ion was s elf to any such state m ents; It is partic- 1but on t he contrar.v removes the ca nse of m ost carefolly a ud ac.:urate ly made ; t he ularly unfair fo r bak ing powder· n 111 nu- the trouble'. h eal s t l: e parts affecte~ !lud red ucti ons I d re w from the t ests were fac turers t o seek t o p erve rt th e i,riuh, or lea ves the m m ~ p 11re.y healthy cond1t1on. If you want to s1.1.ve from 'l'en to the iuevi table ones, and tb e opinion s I pre judice the ig noraut or un wary by A ho~tle kept 1!1 the ~ouse for n ee wh~n Twenty per cent. on bu ying your NOW READY. .exp i·ei ee :l iver ll unq·1estionably corre ct ." state m ents t hat 1t is eithe r h a rmful or the diseas es , ma~e their appearance , will Harness, call at "You say, D oct or, t hat the R oyal dirty. Ammonia e xists in the v e ry air Mv.e d octor d b ills ~nd .a lo ng . 11pell of OC>lSfTENTEI. , . breathe .. nd is lamely present in aerio1 1s tllneee. A tnal· will con v1nce you 'l'omperancc Colonl ~atloll Boclet, -~ it baking p owde r is superi o l' t o any other GA.MBETTA PROCLAIM ING THE R EPUB· ed'fhc ) w ill provide free rail way paSlll!.g ~ all J,IC OF FRANCE, Frontispiec6, Drnwn b7 of these !acts. It is p ositi_vely sold by baki11g p wder which y ou h a ,·e cxam- ~=tu re all a ;holesome su b st ance. " Mrlpholders for (or t.hoir r"preBent&th·<>sK_ wl>'J Howard Pyle. E ngraved by Frank French. , a ll d rnl!'g1sts and de a}Rrs rn bh e l a rid. will, on or botoro the :net da v of J)l!:OEMl:E~ ined l" R EM!N18CF.NCF.S OF TH E SIEGE AND 1886, pay up llrrnl\rs due the society, and ~o· ,, Price, 75 cts , large bottles. 41 " T h a t is m y report" DISTRICT NEWS. COl\fMUNE 01" PAllI!:!. F irst Paper -The the tint excursion to th ~ Colony in tbR spnnlol', Downtall orthe t<;mplre. B y 1£.B.Washburne fo r the purpose or so~tlinl( on the land· D ~l.R.NESS DEPOT, '.' J:lava you examined many other bak· .,x.Minieter 10 France. \ Vit h illustrations Dy order or the Board Sleighing would give busine ss 1111 i mi.ng powd ers'/ " from portraits And documents in Mr. WaRh· McCREA'S CORNERS. King -11t. West, opposite W. Glover's C. P OWELL, Manager, burne's vossesslon, .and tor drawings by p etus just now . "Quite a number." Thulatrup, Meeker. Reich, and.ot hers· W h en Mr. and Mrs. ·.rrele\"en start for t h e Livery Stable, and b e con v inced. oclet7's Ofilcc8.l15 King s t. west.Toronto, Cobonrg haa a ~oboggan cl 11 b. Tb e slide North w .,st they will le t Dush-whacker and "Wherein, Doctor, consists t his su p eSETH'S BROTHER'S WU'E.-Cbaptere J .-V. N. B.-Lo&ns m &<le(nnder GoverRment sa ne. his !1H"'1',·~a kuow lt,.and not k ct>p secret for 18 · Harold F rederic. Tiority which you finq in th~ Royal ove r haa bee n e rected. 1ding settlers. '8-tt monthl.··People in rough ce.·t houses must. keep My Harn ess i11 all n ew st ock , and m a d e THE STOHY O:b' A NF. W YORK H OUSll:. - I. tion)to a sei_st inte1 ot.h er bran ds'! " TH E Soou 1w E oF A l\!ERICA. - The o ne quiet. ' SHARPER. - H. C. Bunner, ll1119trated by A . R. F rost, of the b eet m a t erial in th0 market, b y " As stated iu myrepo1 t, in the g rea t. terrible bHg h t of our co untry t s gcrosula F. Hopklneon Smith, G. W , Ed wa rds. cowpetent "' orkm.in, and guaranteed t o SONNETS IN SHADOW.' Ario Bates. puri ty of it s in gredients, in t he unq ues- - from i mpure b lood-it cauees con SALEM. g ive s&ti,faction. t io n e d pro ~ ri.- ty and whoie som en ess of sumption a nd many wa sting, lingering .A:olD THE OUR DEl!' ENCELESS COATS. F'. Y. Greene, On Thur sday Avenlnl( J)e~. 23rd, thP.re will t h ose ingreclil:ll ts, in th e exyc t prop or- an d fatal di seases. Burdock B lood he a. Christmas Tree and Entertainment In the C·; ptaln u. s. E ngineers . W ith maps, CANADIAN PRESBYTERIAN, and diagrams. sket ches, tions of the sam e , 11nd chemi ca.l accuracy Bitters cures scrofula if taken i n time. ! School Hon~e. The program wt1 l consist of $2 For Hnth l'a11en For 1887, I N A COPY Olf THE LYRICALPOE MS OF readin11:s. rcci t.ation11. V!>cal 11nd l11str11mental a n d skill with which they have been com..0... ROBJ<~RT HERHICK. Austin Dobson. P et e rbor o is t o have a n e w armo ury e - mu·lc. etc. 'rhe eerv1ce11 of an excellent b ined. As I m id b efor e, it is, I b elieve, r eeled fur its batallion . orchestra have been secu ~ed for the occasion, A SPECIALTY. IN MEXICO. A Story. Thomas A. Janvier. This remarltablo otrer is good to old u well &a . E\·er:r bocly come and enJOY yourselves. Ad· a baking PO" d ·· r · un ~q ual l eJ for p urity , new subsorlben. A CURE FOlt CnoUl', - lt 18 a val~able I mieeion, 16 cents. 2w - -- TH~:J~~~:~t~tr~~!n1:3iro~1~~~i'~ ~ai~: The Canadian P resb vtertan pronounced to s tre ngth a11d who~esomen ees. ' " fact for mt1the rs t o know t h a t th ere 18 no - -··· · - -- - - A full line of Horse Furnishin gl!I always n.uthor'e collection, and after De Clerc<1, be t he leading denomln& t lonal pa111>r inCantldnJ "Doctor, the Jo1irn al'.~ lady r eaders bi>tter or more cert ain rt'm edy for croup · B W Princos, a nd others. Is now in its sil<t.,enth y6&r of publication, ana N EWTONYIL L E. in l!ltock, eueh as B la.nk i\ta, ells, hips, GLIMPSES AT '£H ll: DIA.RIES 01" GOUV· i would like yon to 111fotm t h~m what ~re th an H agyard 's Y ellow O il used i n ter" a ll Its departments wilt b6 bette1· ihan ever A very agreel!.ble surprise part.y or parties Curry Co mb e, etc J!.:HNEUH MOlU US. l:ioclal Life and Char· during the ooming Ye&r. t h e pecllliar vi rtues of a goo,] hakm~ nally e.nd externally. This h a ndy h ouse· mPt 11 t tho resincuce or our r eEpected neighbor R .ipair in g prompt ly a ttended to and actM in th e . i:'aris ot the ~evolnUon. Fir~t powder over other a nd mor e old fash ion ed hold rem edy m ay b e h ad of any dru~gi1t .t Mr. 'l'he Hnral Ca nu.dian. about to ent.er on its· . . ' J'Rper. Anm e Cary 1tforrae, With portrait tenth F. Sainsbury on Tuesday evening last. year, Is styled the Agric\lltural a uth ority methods of raising hread, biecmt and d on e m the highe st style of ar t. e ngraved by G. KrnclJ, from t he p11.inting at ot 1 .he occs sion being .I ha anniversary of their the Dominion, is a l&rgll 3a p11.ge paper, with 'l'he N ewcas tle Trotting Association a r e JMh weddinl( 6.s v. A. number of friends com· Old Morri11ania.. c.ike?" . depa rtments t o suit the varied tl\Ste· and in· ing down from 1iowm1<nville also their friends ~Intending purcha.Rera will fi nd it to SOCIALlSM. Francis A.. Wa lker. terests to be found in eve y home. "Tha t wo uld require a l on g a n swer, arranRiag for their winter m eeting. a nd relative· from Port Hope und hi~ m11.ny t h iir a dva11tage t~ call and exa m m e befor e '!'HE NEW YJ£AR. Maybury Fleming. A RAJHCAL CH.ANGE.- D aniel S ullivim, friends in Newtonvllle made u p & pa.rty of Subaerlbe for both pa,pera n ow and save $J·;, somethiog in t he n ature of a lecture. llst Church Choir, of sixty. The Metho< ~-~-l~ew here. 48 j AC~o~?i~::N OBLIGATO. A Story. Margaret Address: <:. HL.lCKETI' ROBUi ~ON. . ·--- pun,haa~n uch a of Malcolm, Orn t . , tak es p leasure in r e· over B riefly, lio we ver the 1<dv:rnt age_o f s_ w hich Mr. S. is the eonductor, renaered somti 5 J ordan Street, Toronto. b akiu g 1 owder over y east consis ts m the comm1>nd ing rlurdock B lood Bitfors for very choice music during t he evening. Tile $ 3 a Year. 2t'ic a Ntnnbe1·. q u icker wor k it accorn plishes, in the pre- dyspepsia. It cored h im aft er ye&re of following address was presented: Oll' R em ittances sh ould be m ade by check or 72,0~0 ~O (Ji es Per WEEK serv~ition of some of t he b est elements of s u ffer ing. F rom b ein g a sceptic h e is T o Mr . and Mrs. Sainst>ttT1/, DEAR F R!ltNDB.- ·, VO he11rtil.r extend to you FOR·' f(' N LITERATIJltt: SCIENCt; nnd AUT. I a con firm ed b e lie ver in t hat m edimoney order. Sworn c1rculat1on Dally and Weekly Fr~e Pt~l!S t h e fl our wh ich a re destroy ed i n the pr o - now onr co11gratulntione on your arri· al st the 15th . , " ' I CHA.~. SCRI ONER'S S01"S -, duction of the mnbonic acid g as by the cine. + a.nniversr 1ry of y01u wedding de.y, for fifteen vears yotr have ridden safely lr. the good ship u se of y east , a nd in the 1Lbrnlute certain ty ' 'THE LITEJU.TURE 0"' TDE '1'01t LD." LinJsay h as taken the p r eliminary s teps :'\-Vedlock" P UDLISHERS, and white yonr passeugere a nd o f swe et, Ji crht a nd digestible food . O ver for th e formution of a Board of Trad e . freigh t have been increased ' rom year to year. 7"3 nntl 1.f.r. 1'r11ntlwa1. New York. we reioice th a t you have so fow storms and othe r meth~ds for q uick rai~ing, t h e merI S87.- '13d YEAR. 'I 51-lw · T RY l'.f. T wo of t he m ost tro ublesome no meet ing. But w hilst we conirratnlBto yo11 Established ~2 Years. its of a p ure baking powder ar~ g rea t., upon the return of tlu s happy day, we a lso I t; is a l wa5s r eady for use , the aCJd .an d complaints t o relieve a re a sthma a n d pray t.hut in a calm sea under a clear aky and The Foieign Ml\lla.:ines em body the beat 1 l 8 87. l'ermancntt:nJari:em entl al kail are com bined in exact pr oportions whooping cough, but Hagyard 's Pectoral with mcreasing p leasure in llre your hO!l.t may thoughts or the ablest writers or E urope. It , ror man y years- Jloat on gently down th~ i s t be aim o!the Eclect ic Magazin e to Bf!lect I T ast Jm1·r o1 c111enlt to produce ddinite r esults, or to rend er Balsam.seldom fail s, eith e r in t h ose, or stream of time. En t our expressions of go od and reprint all the representative thua given U t·agea W edrl7. oth er prevail in g t hroat and lun g troubles. t h e lorgert amo u nt of leavening g~s nn_ d wilt d .1 not consist solely in kinci words. Y"e All d ealer s i n medicines luve this remedy ask your acceptance of this Bet ot China wluch the ,Electlc. includes Scienc:e, ' ILL TR ATE 0. F l eave not hin g more t h an a n eu tral 1·es1i~ a ccompanied by our fervent prayer. r.hat Essays, llevwws, B wgraph1 cal Sketches, Hie-· de nm. w hich is n ot t h e result where for eale. :J: y long t.orical Papers! .a.rt Criticism, ·rrnvels, Poetry I Harpcr'd Bnzar combines the choicest lltera· your lives uncl t1'ose of your children m& The Sal vation Army in Lindsay, have be Bil .red to enjoy the pll:'nsure or th· ir li fe, an d short stones. cr eam of tartar and sod a :ire bou ght s epaTJl3:E ture and the fi neat art illustra tions with the and have the happy pri vilege a t last of risi nit rntely and mixed i n t h e kitch e n , for it been "pulled" for obs tructing t h e s treets. to Its Editorial Depar tment comprises Literary I latest rashions and the most usetul .family a bett er !ifo above. Signed on behalf of your Notices. deatiog with cur rent home books. I re11ding. I ts stories, poems, and essays are by will al ways occur wh er e t his is con e t hat M r. Newton , fo rmerly of the Lin dsay fri.,nds, GEO, DonsoN. Bowmanvil!c, Dec. 7th ll'oreiJl:n Litcmry Notes, Science and Art, sum- the beat writers, and its h umorous sketches one or the oth er of these su b stan ces will Warder, h as purchased t h e Startford Her- 1886. marizinll: brieH.r the new discoveries. and ( are unsnrp.'1sscd. Its pape1·s on aod al etiquette, 1\fr. and :Mrs. S. were indeed taken by snrchievemenis in I.his field. a nd conaistmg or . decorative an.h ouse-keeping in a ll its branches pred ' 1 min:ite , m aking t h a food · y ellow, ald-'--Co nservati ve LONDON . p rise in not only being recipents of Ille address 11 nd foreign cooking. etc .. make it indispensa ble in every choico extracts from new books & l1eavy, bitter ~nd un whol e~ome . Be· A ' VIDE R ANt:m.- A wid e rouge of a1.cl chilm set, but 1he many other presents journals. The subjoined liso exhi bi ts the pri n- 1 household. Its b eautiful fashion plates and Bid es, the cream of hrtttr wluc~ can be pain fu l affections m ay b(o m et with Hag- "hich were n u meron~ . costly and useful . A nd cipal sources whence the · material is drawn, pattern-sheet supplemR nts enables ladles to The Aii:ri<'ulturul ·eparimeBt is a not,,d feature w e as n eii.:hbors or 1 .he happy couple extena of the Free P ress, belnir a lway" 111> to the procoted by th e h ousekeeper 1 s .mos tly vard's Yello w OiL Ja111es M . Lnwoon, our congratulations a ml we feel sure that it and th e nllmes of some or the leading authors 1 save many times the cost of s ubscription by t imes. and conducted byper aons practiwhow articles m ay bo expect.ed to llPDear. l being their own dressmakers. Not a line is rn u~i: boo. source of gratification to them l:o a::l ultr:ited, ad din g to the uncerta inty of cally skilled in Fan n Work. Woodvil le, Ont ., speaks uf it iu high know DICAL S AUT HORS ad11.11t. t ed. t.o its columns that could shock the that they were not forgotton by t heir .PERI O · · · most fast1d1ous taste. t h e nsults or 1h e \l ll ;\'holesomeness of term~ fur r h eumat ism , lame b ack, sprains mRny C rlendR ou this a nsplcous n<;ca·i·rn. Rt.HouvV.E.Gl&dstone __ Cl:> By 'l'elegra1>h Telephone, Ma il Quarterly Hoview, the food. .All t h ese d iffic uHiel'l are avoid · and many p ainful compl aints t oo numerThe program to be rmidercd o.t the Presbyand Correapondcnce up to the ed in the u se of a pure, prope rly -made ous to m ention. It is used inte rnally or ter ian t:; und ay School :Xmas 'l'ree on X m"s 1 :J£ve is in progress and promises to be an ex- Westmini·tc' Review. Profe 3sor '.l'yndull. hour of publica tion. :z: h a king powder" externallv. ! Oont.,mporar ylt·.:view, Rich. A. Proctor,B.A.. P er T~ur: ,j SJ>Cc lal Jtlari!.et Dc1nu·1ment. cellent one. " Will baking powder keep? How l ong 'J'he P ublic School Conce rt hflld here last :F'ortnightly Revie w; J. N .. J,ockyer. lP. R S·. HAHPEH'S BAZAR. . ...... . ... . ..... ... .. 4 00 A fatal acciden t of t h e most harrowing Ag rlc11Hnn1l D<>partm e11t . night was a auccesa. 'J'he program in its en- §'~i~;:~~ei:{i~,~~j- a~~ty, ~'.··n:~i·y~oi·?arpentcr. I HA.ltPEH'S WEEKf,Y .. .................. 4 oo :Cl<, will they hold t h eir streng th'! " n at nre occur rerl n ear Colborue , on t h e tirety 1 ScJrmon by Jtr. Tuln1ugc. WllS credital.Jly rendered, and th" ener· j HARPEH'S MAGAZINE ...... ............ $4 00 t-z (J" p Ual Story al wnya r unning. "If prop er ly made, nntil u sed . · A pcr- far m of M r. \Y. A. Thompson , e arly on getic t"achcr , Mr. T. J. Lockhart, deserves J:llack wood'KMagnzine Prof. M"'x Muller. Professor Owen, / HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE .. ... . .. .. .. 2 00 '"" foct baking powder must combin e super la - 'l' nesday morning last Mr · Etlward, a cr, dit in p lo.ciog such a prog· a m before the Cornh!Jl M,agnzin~.. lnge nl on~ P u zzle Coln nm. 1 HA..RPltR'S l'ltA.NKLIN SQUAitE ,_.I · ]· t " public. We were pleased to sec Mr.Gamsby or Macnult a!1 s Mag~'.'me, ~~atthA~v Arnold. tive st re11gth with power to r et ain it in - man 37 y e dr s o f a ge was " s m )(UJtlOl' ffVl:'I Jr: e ndb1gs. nug as one, Orono on the pln.tfrn:m, Mr. G. iH always Long mtm s Magaz111e, KA. Freemanp. C. I . I fBRARY 0 y ("2 N . b . 10 00 --1 New<iuarterMagazine, Jaa. Anthony I· roudc, I , · , ne ear o nm ors .. .. d efinat ely. Bakin g uowd ers gener ally we ighing about one t < JD, wh en 1t dropped (welcomed J!ere ..h e gave us tha;ec B<?\OB d11rrn11: 'l'emr1lc Bar, Thomas tlughe8, · HAltPER' H.8.NDY Sli:RIE3. One Year ] --===---'-- - --- .- - -- a re robbed of the i: ecessary preserving upon him c rush i1111 t he l ower part of t he the evomng m hrn usual fine stile. I be rest of Hcll(ravia .A.Jl(ernon C.Swir.bnrne 1 52 N umbers) ......... ... ... .. . .. .... .. .. 15 00 · Practical Jllustm n ons .of Men .aod Things H · 1he program was !lllei np by local t·i.lc nt . Woi!ds. Willia m Black, appear from t ime t o time. :\gent in ord er t o give present otr ength , body m a shockmg m anner. e w::.s a - Maj or n undte favored the a udience .wirh t wo Good . ,.·.;,, M' Ol' 1 t P ostaoe l! ;·ec to all Sttbscribas in the United or e lee have th oi r efli cieucy largely d es- lone. but a fter a struggle of some t w.en ty reudings. 111.r. W . A ?-drus al so rnrnt1·1bute~ to L~~~·~X:,~ 0:i~6;;.;w. 0.[:d.!n~fN~~t'?n, States and Oancida. 1i1 8 Spectator, · ·t 1 d t0 .t t ·nl , 8 r.be li torury p;i,rt. Miss llu!lagh gave readings '!'he troyed by t he edition of l arge quantities mmo Cardinal t\!Ianmng, · l' e,s 10, manage . ge on '· a ~ ~a and recitat ions which was we ll received. 'l'h<' of tlonr t o prevent prematu re d ecomposi- fou nd h elp1ess. He lmger ed a sh ort hme Brass bnn'.l. 1~uve two S<;'lections. M_essrs . The Aca . demy, Miss 'J:l111ckcray, The Volume or t he BAZAR begins with th e he Athcnmum, Thomas Hardy, first N1 1mber of January of each year. When tiou. Th e method by wh ich both t hese in great ago11y crivi11<T an acco unt of h is Sninshurr. and Hundle, Miss l\fary Wh1t!ock 'l' Nature, Hobert Buchanan. no time is men tioned, M ubscriptions will begin l · ~ " . · · and Mrs. S. Jt. Jones se.ng the ([U artctt' See . ·' q u a lilies are ret ained in the high est de- tflrn ble ex perience and r emammg con - om· Oars" which wll8 Joundly appJanded. Mr. etc.,ctc. etc., cLc. wit.h the N umber current at time of receiptrol Every membH' or th e household e· ger Ir Jooke for it eo.ch week. The aim or the Eclectic; is to be instructive order. grell p roduces the perfect art~cle, a~d scious unt il a few minu tes ot h is death . Porteus and Mr . J. P enwt<rden gave ty<o cornet solos. which wns well rendered. Ma,1.or arid not sensa tional, aud it commends itself Bound Vol nmos of Harper's Bazar for -------------~.. t.his I bel ieve is fn lly acc omphshe <i m WoI~Tli REME~rnERI~ n. -'fh ere is pro- J:tund le sang · ·J:3en Dolt" u.ccompanic<l by Miss particnlar ly to alt intelligent a11d thoughtful three years h11ck, in ne at clorh binding , w ill .h o Royal bahing powder . I h ave seen bably no b e tter r elaxing remedy for st . ilf Dinah Smith , was beautifully rendered, Mrs. reader~ wno desire instruction as well as e n . bo sent by 'llail. postage paid, or by express, IA ID _ ' [ ,_ ~ ' 'M' Id ,[_ D ~ l:l. }t. Jones gave " One by on'e the RoB<?S ]<'all" tertuinmcnt. a n an aiysis of u bah ing- powd e r wh ich tree or expense (provid.,ct tne freight doed not R In = ,{, ~Fl" F H joints, contracted cordu an d painful con- with ch orus, Mrs. .T. wu.s .in good. vo1c~ and STEl> L EN G ltA.\' J~GS. exceed ono dollar per volume), for $7.00 per sho,.ed 2J p«r cetit . of Roch elle salt~ . gest.ion, than Hat,!yard's Yellow Oil. It did just'ce to the piece. l\11 ss .A nme W.h1t.lock The Eclectic cum prises each year two li1rge v olume. In Club3 tfour tt-nd UP'Nards. 75c each. T lrn b~ki11 g po wder was not fr~e h , it.nd ,.,~ J h S'dd 11 f · > t O t accompanied the v ocal part and Miss ,Pen· o Cloth Cases for mich volume, suit.able !or w.rs. o n I e , o vl'n .on , n ., warden the 0 .;rnet sol o~. '!'he proceeds wtll be votnme· of over 1700 pages. Each of thoM because of 1he improper m;nm et· m wlu ch cured coutaiu~ a ftne·stcel engravrng, which binding, wilt be sent by m ail, post pairl, ou $ 12,0110 I N l'ltE1llIU~18. The most liberal in· volnmcs who W<N! afllicted for years wi1it1 conhac- devo1c<l w tho purchaso of '.Yorcrnter's Un- 1tdds much t o t he !tttraction of the rnaµ;azine. r ecmpt'or $ 1 eachdnc~ments ~Ver orfAl'ed in Canrula to pat·ties it h all heen m ad e tb e ingredients h ad ti()n of the bronchi al pipes and tightn~ss a bridge1 l DictioIJ ary.. Mr. _ A lber· M~Mllf\'ry . . . Remi ttances sh'luld be made hy Post-Office 'letting up Clu bs tor 1_Jrn W~ekly Free Press. vc1 ·y acceptably p1es1ded m .the chair. . I he combined , forming the purgative s alt. I of the chest. lt is t he great rem edy f 0 1, , 'l'JJ:RlVJ:S.-Smgle copies. ·i ~ cen ~s; one COJ?Y· Money Order or Drafc to avoid chu.nce of Io' s Send, for a copy or. ou1 Premrnm List. and see ; chiiuren of the 8chool sa.ig o. piece very nicely. one year, $5; five copies. $20. 'l'r111l suJ;>scnp· . · · . . . . the mducament Given. A.way to Airen&.~ .W() "ivc this as an illustr ation of those bak- inteunt1TI or ex te rnal pain.! The Methodist Church Anniversary su~per tlons for tnrec months. $~ . 'l'he Eclectic and J Vt10·1!a13e1 s are n ot lo oop11 tl1.1.s rtd1'r.1 li8e· are utlenng. fi1.i~ powders whose k eepin g qnali~i es are 1ne· will bo held on Ne w Years Day. .A. good flmo any $·1· magazine, $8. Postage froe, 1>t without the ~:;:11 ress 01'dtr of HARPER & Sample Copies f r· eon applic;a.t ion. Address, lll'A (Jltl' l lH~ EVIL.Ch lltlrcu n re <l rt~u sacrificed to present strength. H o w to frctt nl 1U1cl Ill 1'hcu \f orm · ur" 11>1) c:au~., . is expected. ' Pl:' ITO:V Pub!' h J Br1onums. A.ddrnoo. l'Jtl-'E J'J~llSS !'J~J l\1'1 NG t:O 1 Mr. W Millig11n has returned home to his '2!~ond Street, ):'~~k. HARPEl{ & BROTHERS N. y, 51-3w ., LONVON, CA?i{,ii.D.A, get boih ~tre u g th a11d k ee1,in g quali!,Y is Dr. 1.1n T' s Worm Sy 1·n p s a r·e 1y cx(lels n il 51·1W a nxious friends. 'lVerwN . t he secret o f baking p o wder s uct..'CSS. BIG GIVING·up·BUSINESS SAL& IS STILL GOING ON WITH UNABATED VIGOR, . I will make still greater · sacrifices in order to clear out the stock .. We have still a full assortment of all grades of goods. Newest an d Nobb1est . I Q And as we have less than six weeks time left we: 1'1.1: A. C> 1'l'" - · T :::S:: E--' / ,..: ~ s L T S West End HousB· ,, -WISHES YOU T H E - PERSIAN LAMB C·APS Complimonts of tho Soason.. 1' Call at the W"E ST END HOUSE: between this and 'Xmas for bar- · . Ill . Dress Goods--Great Re-MEN'S FURNISHING HOUSE. gains ductions. 1 IONEY SAVE' D sc ' RI'BNER'S J.· R. BRADLEY'S W. H. MAGAZIME. I JAN. NUMBER. NO. ·1, VOL. I. SASKATOON! HO FOR RURAL CANADIAN If O-R S E COLL ARS . . I I I Eclectic Magazine .. BEST FAMILY NbWSPAPER IN CANADA to~.~: w;l~!·?f I H arper's B azar · us K I NG 0 WEE K LIES FREE PRESS, o f I ~d\~~~;;i;°~?~~i~~~w, t1:J~~s;;:'H'.f~fe'i, IHARPER' s PERIO.DICALS . ~ u.JS I I < · ' . 0 UST TH E TH IN J G QR THE FAM ll y 1 , L G (/;] n !"'. 0 · I Ne: / oL_

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