... .A C.A.RD.-'l'o all wh o are suffer ing from THE C ANADIAN STATESMA N the err ors and ind 's crotions of y outh, I S P U B L I S H ED TH:E LIME-KILN OLUB. " It am p i\in ful tlooty to inform ,iis club <lat Bruddcr Arhustus J enk ins '"' 8 passed from air th 1iwu.y ," stdd B ro Ll ·er Q.a,rdner when t he triangle had ceitsed .~0 toll. " H o was an h onorary m~mber of .i ts club, libin ' in d e St ait of Nort h Car oli·'Y· an ' he was only fifteen cents behind 0 1 n is dues. I t k in not b e said of A r bustus ,a t he was eit lwr a 'st"'toaman, poet, p hilosopher philanthropist or seholar . H e W >1S siU1pl y an eberyd~LY man, w h e did not shr ink eandwise when he got wet. " As :i cit izen of <le Un ited St ait s h e did not go braggin' a r oun' about our h ein ' de grea test nashu n on ail"th, but he had a h ick ory club la id away fm any count ry wh ich might knock de chip olf our sh oulder . " As an elector, he went to de polls elicry time clar ' was a chance to wote, an' somet imes wheL dcir wasn 't, an' if he split his t icket it wa s bekase h e was deeply interest ed in de matter of h onest gu v'mcnt _ " As a lahoret· h e was w orthy of h is hir e. W hen he wasn't work in ' he was t h ink in' fur cle ben efit of h is buss. If de b oss didn't know dis it was his own fault. "As a nayb ur, h e nebber bonowecl coffee an ' sugar w 'dout makin' a mark on de tin cup , so h e could r etu rn good measure-. " As a member of de community in w hich h e dw elt h e upheld do law in de daytime an' st ole wat errnelyons under kiver of darkness, t her eby settin' a good example fur de young. " As a church member he pmyed soft an' low, au' he was half a line behind all d e r est in de singin '. In mtse he happened t o b e cotchecl wid a h am belonging to somebody else no r efleck shun s could be cast on t ho ch urch. "As a husban d h e bossed de cabin, an' as a father he bnrng his chi!l'en up to fear de law an' r espect ol e aige. " \.Ve sh all lrnng th e u sual emblem of monrnin' on de outer doah , n.n' we shall feel a bit sorry dat a fair t o medium man hiis p <issed away. Dat will be all. W e sh<i n't p ass no resolushuns to sen d t o his wife, who k nowed him bett er dan im y body else, nor will we claim clat ou r h eartfelt sympathies go out fur de chill'eu , who am p robably no bett er dan any body else's. It a m 'nuff fut· us dat we kin say .Arbustus was up t o the aivem ge, an' dat death could have t ooken a w usser ff an an ' not half tried." VARIETIES. There is a big cattl e block1Mle in_ T ex as owing to lack of cars for t ran s:portat10n. Lord H iirtingt.on is sai<l t o appr ove of t he Britfau Government's I rish coer cion policy. There are prospects of rm e.'1.rly termination of the campaign against the Burmese rebels. An outb reak of pluro-pnenmonia is r e- ~BO-W-MANVILLE~ 'EVEIU ' !FRIDAY M ORN ING, --BY- A'r T llE OFlllICE P··«OlllceB oc k , Kil~gl!i t.,Rowman v llle ,o n i T E R :M: ld : e1.s o,p e rann um.or $1.&0if p a ldi n adv a n e· nervou s weak n ess, early decay, l oss of m anh ood , &c. , I will send a recipe th ~t will cure you FREJI OF CHARO.I! .. ~hie g reat remedy was d iscove red by a ro1ss10n 11r v in South A merica. Se nd a. eolfa d.dre11sed en velope to the REv . J osEPB T. bMAN Station D New York Citv . 46y AnVJSE TO lVlOTH~;Rs . -Are you m y R .OLL R The above Mills ; are now in full running order ,. f·~ ported from Lancaster county, Pennsyl- U are 1 l is - tm b ed at night and b rok en of Y_OUr r~s t by a sick child suffering and crymg wn h pain of Cut t inf{ 'reet h i If so se n d i~t o nce and v,t>t a bot t le of "Mrtl. Winslow s Soo thin g S y1 u p." For children . t eet h!n !!, it s value i s in calculable. It w ill r elie ve Qlade. the poor lit t le sutferer i mmediately. _ D e· tU.T.lli!l OF A.Dl'EIR'l' J SHiG : -= Whole Co.tumn on e )' ear ······ .'~ ····· $60 oO ~ ::;~ p end upon i t, m others ; ther e is n o Hn.lt year ... . .... ... . . 36 00 · ~~ m istake a bout it . It cu res D y sen tery ,. ·· One quar t e r . .... .. . ~o OC ~.,, and Dia rrhcea , r egulat es the S t om ach a nd Halt Column one ;year ···..· ·.·... . .. 36 00 - - Bo wels cures W in d C olic, softens the " Half ;year ... ... . .... . . . 20 O l Gums 'r educes Inflammat ion, and gives One quarter . .. . · ···-· 12 50 l;lUarter Colun:.n on e yea.r . .. . , ······ ·O ~O to!le ~nd e n e rgy to the whole sy dtem. " " Ha.U year ..... .. . . _. 12 50 '· One qua r ter ...... ·. 8 00 - - 5 " Mrs. W inslo w's Soothing Syr up " for children teething is pleasant to the tast e llxllnea and under, firat in sertion ·. io 50 Each subseq u ent insertion ...... 0 25 a nd is t h e prescription of one of t h e oldrrom six to ten lines , fir s t.insertion 0 7b : est and best female physicians and nurses Each eubsequent insertion ...... O ~ - 10 in t h e Unite d S ta tes , a nd is for s ale by gYer ten linos,fir st insertion,perline 0 ~~ _ all druggists throu).!h the world. Price Kach subsequen t insertion, ·· 0"" 25 ce n ts a bottle. Be sure and ask for , T he number of lines t o be r eckoned bl be apace occupied , m easured by a scaleo " MRS. WINSLOW 'S S OOTHI NG SYRUl'." Dl~d Nonpareil. and t ake no othe r k ind, p11y~ent etrictl;y ln a clvtmce r eqmrt<l rr o m 1nbaor1bers ou tside ol t h e uou1.1t)I . Ord~n i o 4isoontln ne the p aper w u;<t. be il.ccuru pamed b;y he amount d ue, or the pa-per will no' be3 topi;e~. ·bsoTlbers are r esponsi ble u ntiHullpayment is ·· ' 1 DUS , McLA.lJGllllN 4 REITH, ft'm'E!l'n~~~ ~ ~~ Mo1uus · B LOCK , B OW MANVILLE. Dr.J.W.:M oLAUGnLIN,, Dr· .A. BEITH, GradU· Jice, n tiate of the R oyal a te of th e 'l'oronto College of Pliysiciana 11.n d member of the Umver s1ty, .l:'hys1c1a n }(oyal c ollege of Sur- Surgeon , &o. geona, E dinburgh, O FFlCJ: :- I ., .. DR · .J. t;. MITCH E LL, M EMB ER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and Sm·geons, On tario, Corpner, etc. Otlloe a nd Residence, Enniakillen. H. , _, . D.R. J H \'SI CJ.AN vania. "T he secon d Methodist Ofoumenic<1.l Conference will meet in the United States in 1891. T he Br itish Cabinet is reported t o be p er fectly sat isfied with the condition of ma tters I am still running my Mi.11 at Tyrone and will k eep both Stone ano in freland. Roller Iflour in both Mi h for sale or ex change. It is sta ted a formal agreement h as been concluded between Cliina and England OU R JJRANDS A RE agtiiust Russia. ·cu ch tr ansport Chandernagor, r e'f he F 1 por ted lost with l JOO tr oops, has arrived safely at .Anmun. v A collision between st udents a nd police has occurr ed a t St. P et ersburg. Three u hundred a n·ests wer e made. As soon as a hor se becomes blind , its coat, it is said, changes it,s nor mal condition_ It is t hen smooth in the winter and rough in Ask your grocer for above brands or call at th e Mill and get them. the summer . Every bag guaranteed first-class and full weight· Emigrnt 10n from Germany of young men bet ween tho ages of seventeen and twcntyChop ground in either Mill a n y d ay of t h e week.-~ five is st rictly forbidden by law ; all vessels ~Farmers Grist ing especially s olicited . 1mburg are watched by th e police leaving H 1 on this :J.Ccount. I am prepared to pay t he bigbest p rice in Cash for Wheat delivered The Lord M1 1yor of Dublin s11ys , despite a t either MiLJ ; also for Barley and other coarse g rains delivered at it s revival of obsolet e r epressiYe statutes, Darlington Harbor. Positively no credit at either Mill. t he Government will fail t o cop e w ith t he ant i-r en t m ovement. 43:3m Bowma.nville, October E nglish imports for November exceeded those of November last y ear by £3, 307,187, -··~··-·--·.--·- ·-,,·-- -~,,. -----------·--·~-~--~·----·~·----------·--~ and the exp orts for t he same month show an increase of £ 1,105,442. turning out the best quality of Roller Flour. -- ' · TY R M I LL " "ECLIPSE," best Patent Roller Flour. "VICTORIA," Choice Roller Flour. GLENCOE," XXX Bakers' Roller Flour. "EXCELSIOR," Choice Stone Flour. J. C. VANSTONE. TA.ltIRLYN, Dr. E . C. West's Ner>e and Bra~n Tr e.ati_nent, guaranteed specific for Hysten a ; J?1zzmess, SURGEON and .A.OOOUCHEUR. a Fits, Nervous, l'.ll euralg1a, Head · Convulsions, · Office :- Silver Street, BowmanvHle. 7 ache "Nervous Prostr~tlon, o a used by the use of alcoh ol or t obacco, Wakefu~ness . l\l~ent!'-1 W , Ii', ORJtJIS'l'ON, L, I.. JI. Depression, Softening of the bram reeult1n11: m 13arrister, Solicitor, CoLveyancer, &c. Money insanity and leading to misery decay a nd death t o loan. Office, next. door to N ews O.Jfice, Bow-· Premature Old .Age, Barrenness, Losa of Power m an ville. 39· tf in either sex , Involuntary Losses and Sperm!l-torr hoeo. caused by over-exertion of the Bram , D. D VJlt K:E S D 11'SON, self·a.buse or over-indulgence. Each box co!1.A.RftIS'l'ER, SOLICI!l:OR , &c., MOPRI S t ains one month's treatment. $ LOO a box. or six BLOCK, up stairs, King Street , Bo'Vmllon boxes for $5.00, sent b;y mail prepaid on receipt fllle. Solicitor for th e 'O ntario Bank. of price. Prtvate-ltlonevs loaned a t the lowest r ates. U 7 e GuaI"antee Six Boxes l B B King by ua for six boxes, acoompani_ed w ith $5, we A H B. i S '1' ER, S OL lClTOR , NO'l'ARY wlll send t he purchaser our wr itten guai-antee P U u L l O,' &c. Oftlce- Bounsall'a Bloc,k to refund the money if the treatment does not !-lt,~oot. .John Keith Galbraith, To cure any ce.ee. With each order recel ved Bowman ville. M.oney to lend, KOla m.T A.111'.HOlJJt, WES'l' DURHAM I SSUER R o CMarrla,ge Lioeu aea, Barriste r and A.ttor ner a t La w and Solicit or in Chanoery. Mone;y loaned on R eal Estate. Olfioe on K ing str eet, 8owmanville. B:Gl~ 'l' .k.AR , efl'ect a cure. Gu arantees issued only by JNO. Stott & Jury. Dru1rniste. Bowmanville, BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., E ST ABLISHED I N 1847. d . T. PHIJ,:LIPS L ICENSED AUC'fIONEER t or the Count;y It h as no ·shareholders to pay dividends to, o f Durham; Salea prom11tl;y attended. 1\fa naged by a nd solely in the in terests of .Addrees- H e.mt1ton P. Q, f>9. the Policy holders. - OH N H UGB ES. - Liccn sed Auct ioneer , Valuator and Arbitr e.tor. F lre and Life Its Rates a1·e IAow. rnsurance, Notes and Account s Collected. :Mone) to Lend on r eason a ble terms. .A.ll~reas Polleles non. ror feltable amt u11e oudlttonal. Car t w 1 i11:ht, Ont. '17~ ()a sh BouWI J.>nld every thr ee years, J wu;u n 1 WIG U T. SED A U C'fIONEER for t h e County of Dm·ham. Orders left at the L ICEN office or forwarded to Tyrone_ J?.O. llu·rnsll!.l\N -..llH H ceive pr<>IDPt attent10n. 28.tim - = =--- -s-:-c. D IJNKJNG, 0. , 36:t f Though a double rish but one premium ls paid tor t wo people. .Amount of policy dra wn 0 11 first death. Joint Life Polic ies. Count y of Durlrnm. Sales a ttended Ln shortest notice and lowest rates. Address ,0 1 ' CEl~ rnD AUCTIO NE ER F'OR Bpeci,al I nducements . to Total Abstainer·. A.SSE TS OVER $5,000,000. · l:NCJOME Ot'llK $ 1,000,000 0 1t R'l'!CE P. A JKNl"tY SYLVESTER. Enniskillen. every man who buys his Licen se from GOOD W IFE GUARANTE E D T O 1100,000.00 de11osltod with the Cane.dlanGovern P i anos 'funed and Repaired.· men t tor benefit of Or.nadian policy holders. INVESTED IN CJ.A.NA.DA., $600, 000,80, ART IES WlSHING THEIR PI ANOS 'funed or i·ep1 \ired oa.n h a Te ~ b.om atten de Hu· n 0FF10E IN CANADA:- 1\IO N TRE AL 0 b y leaving word . a t t h e DoMiNION ORGAN Co's Q~·FICE, l3owmanvllle A. tlrst -cl&S mall For particulars refer to DOW oeinl'I in their m.vlo r ·._ _ __ _ __ P s o B ol Gentleme n of-Fash ion, 11101 s o ta st. , , lb ~Vll} -Writ tenthes e E . L. LIVINGSTONE, · ,And all I have to s ay_ !ew llne e GENERAL .A.GENT, POR'l' H OP E Or to agents throughout the oount:r. 48-6s e. !rhat y ou c a n find me Btill a t hom e , J,a m n ot gon e a w ar. Boall m ykind o l d l r ien d s m ay oome , A.nil a ll they oun,g on es, too, And get their g armen ts nice ly m a.d e I n faab.ions that a r e new: ~ere old and young , dea r t riends, may me et A. woloome v.ree tl nir. bv R . P lllATE 1 WC l'H T E lllTB, W l 'l HOV'l' Tll.11.TH J. :M. BRIMAC OMBE, P RACT I C A.L DENTIST , EXPERIJCNOE, lllaJ.·<11iu O;d d eGu1l A.dm Jnlsteretl 1'1>r l·atnle~ Oper ittlons. '.)Vlm TWENTY YEARS @1Fli!J (1E ----------- H CC.LUNG'S BLOfJH., C- HA H. N D f. N , '- · D. S .. tlr&dunte o rt b.e Royal n.,lle gf\ o Sur p:eong. Ou.t.u.n o. i(Jen t a.i (l)j'J!'lOK OVJJ:B. U WK80N'S S T ORE. lOLD FILLING A SPE ClAL t mvr oved style o l th e Dental A.rt. :e:TH E XT R A.C'r ED WITHOUT P AINI , he u se oCNit rous Oxid~ Gae, wlthou tinjury to the patient. p ,. ~ tlonlar a ttention pa.id t o the r egulat ion or CH I LDREN ' S TEE T H . ati work executed i n t he l a.test a nd s om t o d eliver a series of lectures on p hysiognomy owner cxpla!ned that t h e corns w ere a !eg- , :;,.t.i ri. ~ to colorer p eople only . acy from !us graml:not h er , '~ho Imel Ju st 1 j " Memb ers of the Lime-Kiln Club would b e diecl, and w h o, havm g £. p assi on for four1 admit t ed free of charge. . Among oth er p enny p ieces , h ad pr ocured t h e bagful t\t t h ings t he Hon. E mblem w ill convince his . t he bau k half a cen_t nry ago, and hoarilec l The S ub scribe r h aving b uilt a la rg e ne'l'I h ea rers : . t hem carefully until. the day of her deat!1. P u mp Fact ory in Oron o, la prepared T hat large feet denote gre~t bram power . i Th e legi~tee t.o.ok !us hundred. ~?1md,s m That a red nose is th e mdex of a soul gold and depa.rtcd. _N ext mornm,, ho 1eap - t o furnish_; which readily absorbs <1.ll tl:at is beautiful in pca1'ed in a very excited st.at e of mrud an~~ . 0 1. rt asked for th e fonr-p enny bits ba ck : "For, EVE~Y n at ur e a · . saicl h e " I a m told tlmt t he jew ellers will . 'r hat a double-chm d eno tes a strong lean - j give a ~hilling apiece for t h em." He was . With or wit h out P or celai n Cylinder, of mg towards mu rd er . . ! p olitely inform ed t hat t h e coins had been I y o u Can find the largest Stock in above lines in this COU nty· t h e B e st M a t erial, on t h e sh ortest n otlc· T hat bow-legs an cl melancholy t empera- 1 " distributed ," an d th at it was impossible 1to r eturn t hem now. T her eup on he wen t ments go together . and a t the !oweat prices. In brief, t he physiognomist will k? ock : awn.y sorrowml. Cist er n Tub s and P u mps supplied . most of the accep t ed theories into th e middle - - - · ·---of nex t summer , and all a t t he low pr ice of Mr. Perkins's Message. WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. t en cent s. AN U!PO~'l'OR. A colored man came into a telegraph ofA C l'mmunicn.tion was r eceived from St. fi ce, and shuftling his w ay u p to th e opera Louis t o t he effect that " a ve1·y dashin g t or 's w indow, ask ed: " K in I scnd ai;eleand dist inguisha d-look ing stranger, who . gn ift f'm here t o my wife ou t in H ollyh ock?" TO GIVE s _ · TJS F A CT ION. claim ed to be W ayd own Bebee," was in "Certainly, " said the operator. "Can ~ t hat neighbor hood solicitil~g al!lJ.s for t~e you write ?" erect ion of a Colored Hospital m Detroit. " Sartain, sah !" 1 H e walked stiff in t he left leg , as docs t he ·' \Veil, here is a blank ; wr ite your mesOrderstby Mail promptly attended to. genu ine Wayd own, and he d_rauk from 11 sage on tlrnt. " pit cher at t h e sn.m.e .corner of h is ~outh, but I T he colored m an wr ote slowly and pa inD OORS , SASH, BLINDS , PICK E T S, t her e was a susp1c1~1 t h!it h e might be an 1 fully for some t ime, and t h en h anded the impost er. Brother Bebee tried t o secure , messaue to th e op erator . MOUL DINGS, & c. , k ep t on hand. the floor , but choked on a prun e pi~ ~t the j' " Kin y er read dat w riting,· sah ?" h e asked. . . . . same time, an d Br ot lrnr Gardner sa~d: 01 '~ De Seckretary will anS\'ier to de effeck I "Oh yes " said t he operator· " I can So come along, friends, and bring your cash and you will d at de puason am a bU:se i mpost or; an' o.ffer j mt~kc it ou t ."' And h e r ead aloud: slowly : decidedly get a bar gain. All k inds of F ur altered an d repaired. · · a r eward of $25 fUl' h rn ar rest a n conv ick - ' 'To MARTHA JANE P ERKINS, HOLLYHOCK : sh un. Dar' am no movement on fut as I · , . , knows of fur a Cull'd Hospital in dis city Tram-cwne--disconnec~e~ ;- liome- twooi· elsewher e. I doan ' seo de need of one. A . J lI.- to-morrow-evenin, The Practical Furrier If an of us am took en wic l fever de ole WOGEORGE 'iVASHING1'0N PERKINS." ma n ~ill fotch out her c~tnip t ea ~i~1_' hoss . . "Yo~ k in r ead i~ 1" exclaim ed ~r. P er - 1 ~===============================~==!" ! r add i·h <lrnft s an' broke it up, an 1.t any , km s. Now gub it back t.o m e Jlst one ! " T h at would be very nice of you, H a rry, ~ one fall off his hoss-barn an' br eaks a leg h e's minute. " . f t o think of m e first; bu t if a fir e were to V E T E RINAR Y SURGEON, got t o lie in bed 'till de hurt am cur ecl " j H e took ~he m essage, brushed ~1s t humb 1 break uut, wouldn't you lose valmible time acr oss the mk y space around the i~k-bottle, iu r eaching away across t he r oom ?" ' £n h 0fa Good T hing . and_ t hen p ressed t he thumb vigorou sly -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - 1agam st t he surface of t h e paper. G cl fO . V ong ' ' Hon or ar y Tr a . uat e o ntar10 . et e nna ry "Papa, just see my n ow dr ess," S<iid a ; " H er c! What in t he world did you do Co ilcKe, w ill att~nd t? a ll diseases young society g irl as she presented l.er se!f that fnt· ~" ask ed th e op emtor. . · of d o mest1e animals. att ired for her first gm nd ball. " Jsn't it j " ]-,!,. ~ lm ! Don't you worry 'bou t <l<1.t," · Orono Pump Factory. fro~~~l:J~~~~~~g:~~;f:Z~;:a;f T~~-~~t.~ ·:~':lb:~~,'Jr!.j!Je~:~~!~~~~ ! 111'fil~ ----~ ------. -IB -~ lil ·- , ~ - --~ -fil-m _,._ ID. saying t hat he was abou t t o st ar t fo1: Detroit when freshl)'." tSsuecl from mmt. 'Ihe j J 11 t~e I , ,} I I . It is r eported t hn.t the Grand Trunk R ailway Company have obtained from N ew Y ork cap italists the promise whenever r equired of t h e necessary funds to extend their Midland sy stem to Sault Ste. Mar ie. A seam of anthracite coal seven feet six for everything in inch es in diameter h as b een struck <1.t Banff, N. W . · r. Th is seam is only on e out of six in th at location, the smallest being three feet in t hickness, the whole containing sufficien t coal t o supply t he entire North -West WILL GO TO HALIFAX. for the n ext fifty years. A communication sign ed by forty-one Li~hLing th e PMsees' sacre(l fir e is. an .exleadi..n g cit izen s of H alifax was r ead by t he P.ens1ve and elaborat e proces.s on th e ~nst1tu Secre tary . T hey d esired t h e establish ment t1~m of a new. temple. Sixt een d1if~rent of a bran ch club at that place, and petit ion - J lnnd s of wood m _ n. th ou san d ~nd one p ieces T}ieir China H all con tains tl~e Largest Assortment of ed that Giveadam J ones be sent down t o of fuel ar~ r esim(·ed t o obtam t~1e sacr ed foun d t he organizat ion and put it in good flame , win ch IS afterwards fed with sandal shap e. Over si. ..,;:ty col or ed citir.eus, none of w ood, and the cost of t he proces s av~i;ages whom had ever been in jail, would be stand- t wo t l: ousa nd five hundr ed p ounds. I here ing on t he corners and await his ar rival. are still t hr ee large and tlu r ty -t hr ee small Brother Garclner announced that t he p eti- fire-temples at Bombay. tion w ould b e gran t ed, that Broth er P eople sometnnes seem t o imagine that a t o be found in the district . Jon es would be sent as soon as t he moon bee is a k ind of insect-cow, which browses reached h er third quarter, which is th e best I upon flower s and converts t he nectar into time for securing ch eap railroad fores. I honey by a p r ocess somewhat ana logous to Brot h er Jones will ca n y a cer t ificate of , t hat by which t he cow converts grass into ....., identity from t h e club, but for fear of acci- 1 milk . A bee d oes no such thing. It simply 1 dent it may be s ta ted h ere t hat he stands taps the flower , stores the n ectar in it s bag, .f!' f p five feet eleven, weighs 168 pounds, and a nd empt ies the u nclrnnged n ectar int o t he J.O r Ill s 0 c. has two front teeth out an d a squint in his cells in t he hive. Hence, if you feed hees lef t eye. W hen ever a ny one ment ions per- on syrup, t hey will fill thefr cells w it h syrup. sinunon to him h e inst inct ively p uck ers u p Syrnp is syrup all t he same, whethe r it p asses his mouth ancl e-i ves himself away. The t hrough the body of t he bee or a1ot. H ence KING STREET, BOWM AN V I LLE . p eople of H alifax w ill find h im modest, r e- t he imp or t:ince of t h e flower -fields on which t iring and rat her inclined t o mak e his head- t he b ees are pastured. ~ =-==-==-=-=-=-===================-==-=-=-=-=-=-======== quar ter s at a grocery where t~cy sell t wo " ,, . , . . Sl<_Jycl I S a. a Scandmav1a1~ w ord. us~d h errings for a cent and t hrow lJl a handful of crack er s. t o des~gm~tc a sys~cm of edu cat10n which is UEMI'.l"rED. becommg popular ~n Sweden an~ som~ other . .. ,, . E urop elm count ries, and which a uns at Som.e, time smcc Iru~t~e ~ulll~i~c was j establishing handicraft as one of the subj ects ~n~d $8,?0<J a~d ~sts for m ti od ucm., 1' r e- 1 gener<1.l ly taught in school s. The promoters h g10us d1scuss1011 m t o. t h e club. He dcclar I of the Sloy d movement pr opose that all chiled that the w hale which swallowed Jonah dren in board-schools sh all be instruct ed in was 200 feet long , ancl of cour~ JD!der Toots j such industries n.s modelling , wood -car ving, scaled t h e figures ~lown to 12u, and <1. r~w joinery , lock smit h's work , &c.. so t hat t hey was t he resul.t .. Sir . Isaac vYalpolc now P! e- m ay acquire manual skill and t aste ~or sentec l a .p etit10n signe~ by sevent:i:--eight domestic work , and b e enabled t.o hen.utify men~bers of t~e club ~s~mg t hat t h e fi~e. be t heir h omes at lit t le expense. I t w ould preremitt ed . '.Ihe petit10n_ er s hac~ . s<1.t 1 sfled par e t h e children of t he lower classes for thcmselve~ t h.at Brother Pullba~k mt roduc- every k ind of m echanical work , and form an When buy in g Coal Oil ask your dealer for the N e w·Oils, od the t.op1c . m advert-:intlJ:, havm g the su~ - 1 agreea ble r elaxation t o the m ental labor r eiect of whalmg on his mmd, and t hat if I qnired of the young men at the univer sit ies 1 E_lder ~'oots h adn't jumped up and ,called Germany, Sweden , anc l D enmark are th~ !um a h ar th ere would h_ a ve been no trou~le · . pioneers of t his 11ew bmnoh of education. Br oth er Gardner r eplied that h e felt like r especting th e wish es of so many petitioner s, \ .A cur ious stor y comes fro:µi. Lon don. Not Try it once, you will u se no other. and would r em it t he fine, but h e want ed it I many days since a man appeared at t h e understood in the m? s t solemn !n am1er that 1 Ba!1k of E ngland, perspirin~ under t he Jll~t;OLL B.ROS. & t~ O' Y, 'J.'01·onto whales must not be mtroduced mto the club , weight of a h eavy bag , which h e t h rew again. upon the counter, an d ask ccl to h ave changed - · ·-·~~-..~-------- - G O TO- G~' f /; Ir~ tl fJ C II Bro s. STAPLiE AND FANCY I (CHINA: CROCKERY, LAMPS & GLASSWARE) HIGH EJ s 'I1 MARKET ·PRICE S 1k. d a1 F arm rod uce, B u t t er, Eggs, & I VJ C TQR I A 8 U I LOIN QS, Farmers, Threshers and Millmen :i.Use McColl Broe& Uo.'s Ce-lebrated. I I L A R JJj> J: N T H E E~ MA CH IN E 01 l. TI-IE BEST T N W O RLD. I I FAIILY SAFEil Y& SUN L IGIIT Coal Oil. '& -· rorn·~ Pump s Cheap er and Better t han. ever. ! I I ! At the l eading establish m ent of PUMPS Of D ESG R IPTIOI I I l\1[u4 YEF~, the P r actical Furrier, ALL WORK GUARANTEED LA DIES : In J ack ets- Dolmanettes, Capes, Caps and Muffs in g reat v ariety. FO R GEN TS : FO Ft . s R FERG U " A large stock of F ur Coats in R ussian . Lamb Bokarian an d Coon, in all prices, Sleigh Robes by t h e d ozen , and Caps of all d escriptions. In Gent's F ur nishings- t h e best stock of Und er w ear, Ties, Braces, Shirts and Rubber Coats. F. A. J0IVE S EN NI SK ILLE N ::M _ JY-r: ..A..Y- E R=1 i.J' ' · - - ·- - I l I .-ALL W ORK W ARR.AN'l.'ICl i. --. M U S IC. S . W . RUSE. E AC HER 0 I~ ORG AN, P IANO, VOICE a nd 1.' HEORY. 'l'erm s on appliT cation a · "' Brn 20." 28;l y ---T h e I rish police )mve r eceived orders not t o a~sist in eviction s, bu t mer ely t o protect the b ailiffs en gaged t her ein. I . sa id M l·. Perk ins; "wh en my Mart ha J an e see d ,tt great !>ig fumb da r on di? message, she k now clnt it was me 1 fat sent it, shuah!" A S p E C I AL T y " If t hat is so, I sh ould t hink t h·t you . · would have h ad more of it ," said pat.rfamThe Mounted P olice h ave succeede l in . ilia s, after t ak ing a sh aq 1 glance at tne de- cleaning out sever al gangs of r ough charaoCalls n:nd Or~ers by m a il or t~legraph collet e cost um e. t. e rs engaged in t he illicit s:i le of w h iskey' at D?na,l ll, B. C., and Ctilgary ancl Ba~ff, N. will r ecei ve p ro mp t at~ent10n. C HARGES M oDERAH:. J ersevman (t.o Pat, wh o is fishing from "\\. '.I. , O FFI C E H O U R S, 8 TO 10 A. M . th e en d of t he pier)-" Hello;,Pat!w~at TheexplorcrLu<lwig , W olff, j!-lstrotu r?.A. tlret·cla.es stock or Medicines alwaye : 50r t of fish do y ou cntch h ere ? P at (with I eel from t he Congo, i·epor ts h avrng met m · on ha nd. ' a knowing ~rin)-" 'iVell, soi-, to tell ;e t he t tho Saukouron r egion m any tribes of dwarfs, : N . B . -W ill visit Williamsburg every trut h , ye n1vver can tell t ill y e p ull them . ge~ernJly m easuring less than fo ur feet in · S atur day of each week. 16-l y up." , h 01ght . ' - sw eet for anyt hing?" & D entistr y ' t oo "D<_JeS it suit y o.u.,?1y dear ?" Op erations; ~ " I iust dote on it . I i a AG As . · '. . BELL " ~~ , Una pproach ed for T one a nd Quality. ADVE RTISERS I . I , l can learn the exact cost of any proposec1Lfue of advertising irt Anre~-:can papers by addressing I CATALOGUES FREE. B ELL &CO. 1 Gue lp h, O nt. I GN:~:!::~~~:~~~g~u~~·) Send 10 S pru ce S t., N e w Y o rk. l Oc t:i, fo» ! UO-P ..g o P ar.np b l et.