ItWARN INU Lest 'i'· '·i ult llough we had decidedly ' tli~ lau ·1>. I et d i uf P lush Goods i11 'l'o wn, ·we we . ,.,.,t, t:.h 111;ld ·m t b efore 'Xnrns i.Eye in . w" u iri n .i "i~e those wan ting .iaon1et . r·· i ·v h··t<~<) this y ear to call early ·, r: k,· t he" " uelections :wd :have 1 , , m l · 1 ~id . Fully appre ciat eing th ·,.i· , ,,·Jid 1b rul 11atrvnagt> b~s ' ow· ed on "'· y c.i r w . · have m nxtra l?repu . : r e c ·ming 'Xmas and I New ' , n u1· II~. tho past s umm·' r WI~ ··"' E i 1 T i l lC NEW YOltK M ARJ:i. r· }' ~ ' " 1 u · ,;: ,a ·ed 11uch a vari1 ,ty of THE~ _.,.._HOUSE \..ti Excitem~11I As shown by the large crowds in daily attendance-our 'l'hrilling Barg·ains, our awe inspiring variety. The little humbug giving-up-biz. imitators look on in wondar and amazemen J h~ DON'T BE· FOOLISH and miss the golden opportunity now offered you. Don't be foolish and believe others are selling as cheaply as we are simply b ecause they bay so Don't be foolish and believe that any one is giving up business because sticks a bill in his window, but Nov , tie... in Druggists .Sundries .:4:s we k · ,. w "· '·'"Id he ·Ht re to please tho11e who » r<i! ,.; w"y· .. n th.i lookout fort.he DO BE WISE and investigate for yourself. Do be wise and look into the evidence offered in support of their Latest Designs and the Lowest Prices. statements. If you wish we will show you an agreement signed and sealed, whereby we agree to give up possession to Mr. We have also agreed to reduce the stock to a very low point, and to do H avin4 h u,:ht o ur g'·ods for cash and GEO. LANG, of London, Ont., on February 1st, 1887. di.reel -t',.om th- manufi<Cturers we ILre I this we will give BARGAINS THAT CANNOT BE MATCHED. First quality of goods at lowest prices. Call at once, the i?.r epa.r ...l TO · ff r l\lrne -<l.1ng low prices aud larger the parcel you buy the more money you will save. WE UOltDIALLY INVITE EVERY PERSON To cr.Jl t1' .1J set:· · ..>llt goods whether they tntP.111 i purch . ... iug or uot. STAR HOUSE. T. Gr.EC>. Oy~ters, solid . m eats- fresh at Grand lf you want to get your STATES!U.N at THE CARRIER BOY. OLLrE DOG,-A Brown and White DRS. HILLIER & McDOWELL, Collie Dog Is being for 111 town. 'l'he Centr"'1. the bookstore, pay for it there. -HYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETC. owner !',/t.11 get track of him by anqu l rin~ at the The Liherals won 14 seats and lost 7. Call and examine Maynard's fall stock Our town Subscribers whose pape rs an' 11rf·H nwn for all old and SURGERY: {',or. Tetuporance and Church 8TATY.SMAN Office. 52-2w 'Rah for Mowat. of watch. 8 , clocks and jewelery, the fine!lt have been delivered by the STATESM AN Streets, .EIOWMANV!LLE· .}'" . J,1 111 .g mal e and female. All Calls nighi and day am1wered at the Carrier Boy so punctually and well the Surgflry. Figs, Malaga. Grapes, Oranges, Lemons l·n town. S . C. HILLIER, M. D. AUCTION SALr.s.-R . Hutchison, Lice n- past year, will not forget him on New If yo'· :.., Jl\1t k.10 « " h,t to buy ollll on at Gra.nd Central. E. C. McDOWELL. LADil(IJ AND G!i:N1'LE~rKN.- R>Lvln ~ beon 11ed Auctioneer for ·he Townshii)s of Yea.r's m orning whe n be calla on them w·l .:l-td ly holp you out of your u~ an··· M. D., C. M, J·· R. C. P ., 11omin&ted for Cottncilor for lh n We"t \V,.rd, I We hope our subscribers "·ill forward Clark", Mt~r>vcra, Cartwrif,. 'ti h' A n n uaI Add res~. O ur pat rons _ , ht, Darlington WI ·l IS diJlicu <tad "" n·· you on your w;.y their dollars at once. London, Eng.; l\{.Q.P.S.O. l'Oltci~ your Yotos and i11flnoace. V~ry Re" to promptly i·ave al · ways been ;.(enerous t o th e c~rner · apectfnlly YourR, L. G!!:O QUICK. . . . and Whitby.All s,.,les attended r;··j <J!l:HI !(. ARRIAGE WOOD WoRKER WANTED - - -·-·--· . ......_ _ · . Mr. Geo. Horlo ~11k ar~d ,frm1ly are v1s1t- and at reasonabla Wh ere it is n ot boy s, and we uever had one mor e fait hful 1 F or e :i~" .. ·.·t Gvii u , be~u i.y of finial1, mg at Mr. J ohn c .. urrice s. - At Mormrs' C,m RI.l.G:K Wo1rn:s . .Bowmanconvenie nt to SOl:l me, arrangeme nts for than Arthur . ville, by New Yeurd . 51·3w varie,,., "d '"' .,., ,1 completan . sa ou ~ Mr. E. Westcott, of the Globe staff, Toj sales can be made with th e Editor nr lJy · 1 - - -- - -- · 11tock . ., .J " rn 1l · ·d wo will bs leaij- routr., uave us a call this week. . addressincr me at En11iskillen .P. 0. If you want good ~ork done let May OUSE TO .RENT ON QUEEN.ST. T o ~~'fz!:lectors oJ tMSo-utll Ward, B01CJna11.0 e!l to n .... ,~· "' !I k ""ls. &!ld quotti our · N · B . -I"h ave no ngcnkl out b ei:gmg ' · f nr nard thA Dr.Potter,Offioe a.odros1dence,Pro-,rer's . Jeweller do 1t for. you. . -Two t:ltory Brlok. Will !xi made very L.!.DIEll AND Ge:NTL&llll!:N, - Having been ~1 r lcos. Block, King-et. Bowman ville. 1-tf. sales for me. R. 8UTCH11lONtf. Pera1a11Lamb cap~~re bewg sl~ughtered <:omrortable for a. re8peotable family. Apply aollcttod to come out again for Co111wiUor f or Thani.,. , _ ·' l!Y umliy friends for their the South \.Vard. I hereby announce ruysolfa Miss Maria Sherin returned home last at the S tar H ouse g1 vrng-up-busrnesa sale. to A. BueKLJ;i;t. Jeweller. CM.ndidate for 1887. lteepeotfully Y nura, kind , , <m" , ,~., ··' : promiaiut faithful, 1 A few dozen 1<tdl l eft --ca.11 and sco them. k f l th · ·t · p t b 52·2w* It. WonTJI. ,\ if' AN WA.NTED.-Good Farm Hand ~refo 1 µ Jin oo>n'! i·1 u~ at~ntio11 to all wee rom a cng y v1s1 m e er oro. .L' f .J. wanted at once to engage for a ye& , The STATE!lMAN will be sent free for balMusic I Music! Music ! t hel.l fol tHc<.~ ~-1.ri..~ r.nd wisbinic ull a single and 11. llOOd plowman. Apply to Tno11, ace of 1886 to new subscribers for 1887. llENI>ERBON, Kirby. !>2·2w* JUST TO HAND. Very · 1! rry 'Xmas and a The voting for conucillors in the North Make your family happy and be l1appy ------------~ To the Elector" of tlu: North JVcirrl. Town .o f Bowmanvillt , TJ'10R SALE-Property owned by Ju. yourself by buying an Organ or Piano Ward will take place in McDougal\ &Metpn"'{ .FW ·l!rn ·N'ew Year, Layer Valencia Raisins, .J:i Bowio on Newcastle, conalstU... I,ADIKB AND GENTI.JJ:MEN,- 1 huve dedded to and when buying dont fol'get that the of,2 lots with fruit troo8. hollse, ll!hop and bun, otr calf's oflice. .. r myself a.a a candidate for: the CounclJ or Selected Valencia Raisins, !6-tf 1887, and respect.fully soliolt· your vote &nd inrul hllHl as e v er, Dommion is the best and \Y. Ruse is tlrn A bargain. Apply on the premises. We will furnish 'l'nE TOl\O:N'.ro DAILY " Sultana " " --·----· ·--· fluence. If elected I shall eadeavor to supprrrt. , most re l i~ble d t·ale r i n the County. Seo Wo1u.u ~ix months and the S:rATES?i:U.Nfor USIC.-MISS BYROM is any nmaonable me&sure in the interest of the ' ,, raH ng \' oslizza Case Currants, before buying . Youn I<',.itbft11ly, 1887 for $2 00. _._ to give instruction on the Piano and Town . Patra. Case Curranta. 51-3w Jos. PATTINSON. W. Ruse , t h e local agent ot the D . 0. Organ to a JimiLed number of pupils. Terms Weekly Globe frr,m n ow to end of 1887 & I'. Co. , is doing a slashing t rade, his on applica tion .-.t thl' resitlence. Church Strnet. ~ .$'1'!-NEW PE ELS. -~ for $1.00. SubBcriptions taken at the 52-Lf prices anJ terms- -ayhig n othing of the 8'rA'l'BSMAN Office. Black Basket, Choice Dehesa quality of g<>oda---is eap ;ivat m~ all inEIF.l!;R ASTRA Y. - Camc on t.h" To the & lector8 of the North Ward, Bcnmnanand London Layer Raisins. 1f your silverware wants cleaning call lot 3. con. 1, Dal'li nl(ton. a heifer. 'rhe v ill~. tendin\{ purch a~erd. and buy a box of Electro Silicon from owner is req:ueatQ d to prove prope ty. lll'Y .ex· WM- QUICK & CO. 1, .. orns & GJCNTI,KMF.N,-ffa vin;;r bcNl reWhe11 buying a. Pian o or O r.gau rem em - penaes ..nd tnke Il er a w .-.y . A L>: X. S'l'Al'LlCS, qt111~ 1'1<I by nurnerom1 Electors to. &gain sar;re Maynar d th1:1 ,Jeweller. '.J'yrone, ~2·3w· a.s Cound l!or tor yr.ur Ward. I l1erehy 1u1ber the best i~ tho clbea p«st The .T. H. Shoults will preach ---------· no11nce myselr,. Candidate f<Jr 1887. If el<'>Oted minion h~s n o equal i n Canada . Th01n AUCTION SALES. on "Infant Baptism" on Sunday 9th Jan. Al\I ASTRAY.- ! havo at my pla.ce I ploc:ll{O my ~upport to GOOD a ncl JUDIOUWS deal with a r eliabJ.., deale1 -. W Rusu is m"'nl!.l;fflment of the affairs ot our 'l'o wn. · ,.n agod !tam aw.-.idna: a.n owner· Th6 All who can should h ear it. 61·3w , l<'ai,hflltly Yours. the moat reli-.ble deal er in th e county, h e owner will please cn.11 provo proucrty,pe.y costs Bowmanv11le, Dee. 8, 86. L. OoRNISll, Orde.l'.. Doors_.. Sashes, Blinds, Picket'!, SATURDAY, JAN. 8.--Household furniture· is 11 t horough musican and a competent aD\l take him ,. way. M . ROBBINS. lot 33. con. - - -- - -···---··--·---·- - S, Clarke, l..eakard P. o. 62·3w* etc., a.t Morris' Planing F actory, Liberty and other articles will b e sold at Hunk ·· ' jnd~e of instl·umonts. I .-·-- - - - - -ing's .Auction R .)oms, Oshawa. Sahl · ·. v - I l :V. . J lN U ARY 5, 1887. stt·eet, R. H. Oaborne, leaaee. 1 BULL ASTRAY.- C amcintomyprcmat 1 p, m., also three h ouses and lot!'i -iiJ Largest Business Ever Done. Before you bny a new cutter be sure to 'j iaes, lot 13, con. 6. Cartwright. in August · ·--·:::::.:c:·-__'.- -=--= --:-:=== ===== TOWN OF BOWMANV t._~.E. for sale. S. C. H UNKING, a uctioneer , l a ·t., a rad and white Bull r ising two years old. see the new styles at Morris' Carriaga r l > to I h t ti te 'l' bc owner will please prove property, P··Y NO S 'rNl'E:S M AN NEXT WE~K Works. They are "dandies." SATURDAY, JA:N., 8.-Will be sold three ,\\ . e ar_ e P ea.sec, earn t a ie en r- expenses and take him away, F . CROZil!!H, To th~ Electors of the Town of Bo1on1<UL.,U.':'e! eligibl·, building lots on Church-st., pr1erng: firm u f Mt.JSP.~B- Couch, Johnsto_n Curtwright. 52.3w LAIHKS AND G&N'i'Lit:;IKN·- Having aotcd as The best Lyb·ter Shirting only 12-ic. - · ........, . . Counoillor tor tho North Ward at. yo1u Munfui . owned by Col.Cubitt. Sale at l p . m. a t & Cryderman are doing an 1wme11se bus1'Ve u Ye n.iiik i n ~ aome changes and Y ou will pay 18c. for same k ind next T be largest we a re u.ssur- 1.:.1'.£'EER A STRAY.-ComA on the prem- pal Counoll for the past nine years, I re·Pfil)tShaw & Tole's Auc tion Rooms. L. A. ness t his Ft\ll. b .' I 01ses Jot t, con. f>. Cart wrlght, a Steer about I fully offer my Herv1ce~ a8 De.p·1ty Reeve for spring. Go to the Star House and lay in TOLE, auctioutier. ~·epain: in n 1 ll' o tl'i<:r: which will prevent us ed. ever done Y t 1 iern swcc t 1ey com- . three years olrt. 'l'hle owner le requested to the year 1!!87. I snr not tho nominee of 6ithe1· a stock. m enced ~usin ee s . T hey 1>lwi>ys carry a prove property, l>" Y expenses and ta~e. politiea\ p11.1·ty, bu~ if f!lected. will ~1aehruiga - Will be sold without from P· bli<>lu.··'. tf>o S:rATESM:AN n ext tee ~ ~d careful! " del ec tedstock of 1 ; .. way. U&o. NAY, Cartwright. u2 3w the dutu;a lmpa.rt1ally m the m tare~ts of ~!ie Mrs. R. J. Shaw and daughter IcTh.· ~· ,, ~ . · - - - - 'l'own. :;o 3w TllO MAR BTJ1mn:N. reserve two brick and one frame hous(:s V<'r Y Cho week 11 1<» ll :.pp<»·r r egalarly on Wed- were thrown from their carriage by 11 - -- on Scugog-st., a nd 011e brick cottage general Dry Goods, b ut make a spt1C1alty RESIDENCE AND LANDS FOR 1 runa way team oue evening last week and 34LE.- Tbat .beautiful re~idence and on Church -~t., owned by Mrs. John of DrCl!B G »ods, Ordered Clot.lnng and nesda.v Ji. .,.,. f!1·r se verely injured. D r<!RS G ·JOdB and grou nds A L'U·o\tod on Liberty "t., Bowman ville, · Burk, at Shaw & Tole's Auction Rooms. C1<rµe t8. T heir stock of ·1 d b f . und owned and oceupled by CHAS. YouNG, Is D r··ss na. 'ro FAit)!Ell..'!. -The undersigne,d,,..)rilf 11mngs is eq ua1 <l Y very e w now offered for sale. Thirteen acres ot h111d ; L. A. TOLE, a uc tioneer . HE Snow By-law of th? l\Iunieipd H>·ti.ea dDywhere, an d cannot bo e xcell- good orcha rd. 43-tf. pay the highest price for Wheat:"'Oats, Corporation of the Town or BowIT!nnvllle SAT U RDAY ,Ja.n. ,15.- The .Arlington H o tel is amended. and now requires all slde wallcs <Jd by any R et ail H t:·11se ou tsicl e tbe citi ..s. Pe:is, Barle y, etc., at Ilurketon Elevator. and three houses and le·ts near by olearwd and kept c!o..r of a.II sn ow- and ice. AMS E'STRAY.-Stnyed from the '!'hey alw c11rry ·t mngnifioen t s tock of ,J. B. McKAY & Co . b elonging to the Brod ie Estate will be T ... eeds a nd Cloths which t h ey ar e prepa r - R premises or the unil er & igne1l, Jot 30. con. tha.t one toot eight inc11ea In wld t.h. 11.ncl aU side walks over that width wi·hin thi· Mu'liC3, Ulurlrn, 0110 Sout.hdown a nd one lt>st apringProf Hcyuolds will a~)pear in the T own Doi .,,1 ··1.:;r1\i<' f ..r any newsµape rs or sold at the Hotel, at 2 p. m. L. A. ed to mak e np in a s tyl e ~econ cl t o none. coitme wool R11ma. Any perR Taos. T . COLEMAN. on giving ~nch ipality. magar. 'I 1 ·t1 ,. " t.l\e S ·rAT'CSMAN r a t es. H all, Bowmanville, from Jan . 17 to £2, TOLE, auctioneer. Chief U0Mt11.11le. infnrmation as will lead to their recovery will 1'htiir cn tter . M r . J ohnston, is uot only under the 11uspices of the In Palen Sociebe suitably rewarded. SaMtrJCL l:lOWEN, Orono, Pl! jy, .. j ;1 letter from Co ' um\Ve t horough ly · e xperien ced, b ut i s adrnitt od p 0 . 52·3W 1 )us, , '1i11 "'! "" doliar , b ut the n ame ty. Particula rs later . Our Mayer for 1887. on :Ill hands to b ll one of th e mosi rncces· r. Geo. Mt.son aclvises his mitny regu-0£ th< P. ,,,. "' · ""t given. fu! cutters in the province. ·T h 1>y also 1\ if' U.L'ES AS'£RAY. -St rayed from t he , In pui;!uance of Chll.p t~r 107f'.evieed St atutes So great has b een the r ush for fur goods hold the largest stock of carp et·, i n W est .1.f..l..premiaes of .John Haro bly, lot 5, con. 2, ot Ontm L Oand amending acts . Do "· · tuok· 1 l lne t rial will convince lar customers to call soon and get their Not.ioe i; ~ereby given that n.ny pe rson or _ y ou t h t !i (~'."" .) Central car r ies t h e parcels for !lpring bargains are bei ng at Mayer's P o1p ular F ur S tore t hat h e hae Durham, which they import direct from Cart wri{.(ht, on Doc .. 9 th, a Span of Mules. a dil.rk brown, tho 01her crc&m colored, persona ha vmg any claim or claims a~mst given t ha t you cannot get again . h ad t o r e peat some or ders. H o t his week t he celebrated m au ufa%nrers, J Cr od·lt·y One ch oic1 ~· " "'"'" ' .f k ading cigars. Aoy peraon gi vinll information that will lead J & B E!t B unK .late or t ho T·)Wllshi p or Dar·iing· Mr. and Mrs Francis .M ason have the invites your <n tion to his stock of & Sons, of Halifax, E ngland. Bei ug cs s b to their recovery will be suita bly r ew&rded. to · tn t:hA County of Durham. farmer deoeatJA .,,. .,, i 11 f nn~ us that hi a cl.,;.: h ··s syrnp,,.thy of ou r ci t izens in tlrn loss of Any pe.-son barboring them after tbis no ice ' . \d. ar~ requested to send by post pre or G <Jnts F ur Coats-coon an d Russian lamb. buy er a they are always in a pnsition t o will be prosecuted. JOHN HAMBLY, CtLTt· to deliver to me the un<lersignrd aa Solicitor t urne d T ,; .1 " " two weeks past has their httle da 11gh Lott ie. 'l'he funera l L aditis ' Capes and D ol mans- something t ak11 adva ntage of any "iargaina t hat llH·Y Dec. 2, '86. 52·3 for t ht1 est.ate of the Jesse lJur k on wri(,{bt, t or n t i>.- :-iTA1'1'.,,.,.A:; i 11 ribbons before th e was largely att e uded on MondD-y. or before Saturduy the 15 day of January ne:q., new a nd vory styl ish , A fresh arriYal be offered-, and t h ey also ~ell t heir goods a ·tatement of his or their claim or claims, 'famil I( · ··· , l" .. .:· 1 m ity t o r ead it. of Ge nts' Furnishing t his w eek-some- as low as the class of goods can b e and his or their cl1riRtian a.nil snrn» nnes. adOn F r iday week, Miss A .·J. A11drews, thing n obby. Anot hfl' lot r,f t h os e b eau- aold by auy h ou"e in O ntario. F1u-: 1~ ~< gT ··1' IL~ R'lESs . -S. T hompson dresses and descriptions "nd the nt1turo of tJie Head t. ~aclh·r of Mary-st ::ichool, Oshawa, security (if any held by hiw or them. ) Anti & Co .ii ·iv·· ~r,c~ i s t o t he per son buy- w1ia present ed by the pupils with a very tiful Fur J ackets for ls dies j us t in. Fur that imme<liately after t he said date, t hAaaset;i m i ts, gol ves, gaun tleLs-a b ig 1tssortmc11 t. ~!ar1·l:ize Notice~ . !iO cent~; births mul 'ng t h·· 111r·8 ~nodR ;tt the ir shop during handsome a nd cost ly dressio g Case. ot the s .. id deeeased wm bedistribu ted a~g All kinds of fur goods repaired . We d~ntllM. 25 ce11t!il. ,· the parties ent,itled thereto, having regain tSS7, ·.t -:e '·f "11 Ni ckle Single H arness onlv t the claims or winch due notice shall More eilk dresses now sold at the Star tak e great pleasure in B l10win g you our 1ortl1 $2fi un. firRt been given. LADIES AND GENTLEll!EN',- 'My follow elect· House sale in one week than are us ually goods, as we pride ourself that we se ll the MARRIED. Datod · t Bowmanville, this U th day or Dec· ors h& ve placed me in the field as o. C&nd1date \ V ,\ TC ff " I0 111' CRVICES- A U nion sold in si:x m .. nths. lf you want one buy b est class of . R. RUSSELT, LOSODMBF.., g oods chea per t.l11m inferio Pmr,r --M .4RWW-On tlte 22nd inst., at the f ·.·l' t ho position or f:l'i rst·Deputy Hee 7e or I.h e ember. A. D, 1886. 51·'1w Solicitor for the said ~;at,aoo. watch · i ' tT i< ·P will be h el<l in the r c·idonco ot tho bride' a fat h er, by R A v. J ohn M1111ici1mlicy of Darlingwn. a nd have accepted on e n ow yo u have a chance that m ay not goods a re sold in many places. Crei ghton, .B. D., r r ctor or St . .Tohn'~ Chnrch, the canrlidature,I moat r espect.fully solicit your Quee " 'h · h ·1rch on Friday n igh ·, occur agai n. " We m!ly llvo wi thout po'ltry, rA t1sic a nd art Mr. Richard \Y. Philp. and Mis~ E liza Ann vote a.nd infiuence on the ass urance that it comm f' a t iO 30 p .rn . . Addresses We c11.n livu without conscience, and live &rlow, dsughter of Nelson l\t a rlow, Esq., all elected, I shall use my jtLdgment ttnd best Couch,.J ohnston & Cryderman are now without heart ; o 1wtwright. will h ' Ii " n« by lay m en and minisendeavors to promott' the interests or the showing a fine assortment of mantle and We ma y hve without friends. wo may live Sincerely Yours, COOMBE- RALKWILL- On the l lt h iust., a t whole l\fonicipality. votes ten . ulste1· cloths, ma11tle p lushes and seale ttes Butwithout. H t>mpt on, Dec. 28, 1886 C. W. SMITH . 1·esidenco of the bride·" parents. by ltev. dont try to !iv" w ithout one ofMavcr s tho W . ltigsby, R£> v. W. Coumb of Camborne, Thi R " ( '. l'i; \1cinty r e will p reach imib, ion la mb,etc. - all new goods a nd Fur Coats." Comprising parts or the old Wilmot Property late of Bowmnn ville, to Miss E mmn. J _ eldest ~rn:xt ~' 1hv iP thll Church-st. M ethodiRt firs t class value. situated a. short distar.ce West of t he Vlllage hter of ML '. S. D. Ballrwill of tho · rowndanK of Newcastle. h1 the 'l'ownship of Clarke. .churclt. n 1 ' .,. ini·ruing, "Lookin g back l\1r. W. Thickson hn.s been driving shl;J;Ulf Gosfield, Essex Co. Count.y of Durham. VERY QUICK POETRY. '\vard "'"! ·o .\;i .g forwar d," in the e ve n- spirited span of blacks of late, anJ one HowE-STEWAUT-At t nc residence of the PAROll!L No.I- South part of lot 3!,in the 2nd . _,.-- bride's Iather. Kingst1 rn Hoad, on \Vednesday ing tr· ." '"" l-\ ·<.·o plP, "ls thy ~ervaut a day lH.s t week they got the start of him Concess1ou of Clarke.containing 135 acres iuora In the Town of B owma n v1lle, ./ 2_ 2nd Dec., . ~88~. by Re v . .1~· J), Fraser. M._A-.. Clr leae,alJ Ullde~ goodcultivatloo,wiLh orchard Yo u will find a Roller Mill Bowmaovtlio, C~pt. Pluhp J oh::i Howe, Prnkdog." and ran a way. A sore thigh has h e an e thereon. Dwelhng house, barns, e tc. complet e . . ' · errng, to 1"1 tzaboth J ane, only d11ughter of J ohn SPEC· .~L ' - 0'i JOf' Ever y p ersou who in a brok en wagon. A.t present occupied by John Rickard Stewiut. 1£·CJ .· Darlington. A n d busmess ruahmg o n e very han \ tenant. t en d Bh 11 , · 11 ! ' ' ,. ·t of lI arness lietwe~n B ut t hern's one store in town ---' · ~-------------Among the visitors t o t own d nring Having fully decided to go out PA RCEL No. 2- 'l'he South-West pa rt of lot now ~ ,.,. , .,.,,. 11'! ll'·' uld do well t o call on That't ve ry easily t o be fonn dDLED. Xmas week were: Messrs. R. Fairbairn, 33, in the 3rd concession of Clar ke. containi!lg M oC!ung Bros ' old g r ocery s t and. M ASON-In Bowma,nville, on t he 24th inst.. of Business, I now ofler my Stock 7? acres, more or Jess, all under g -od cul ti ll'aC... W u :u e buildin g a. E. Br ittain , Mr. and Mrs. A . H . Adams, S . T h " """"" Lottie. daughter of F ra nk a nd E mma Mason, tion, with orchard thereon; Dwelling·houae of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Crockery, 'tot of Kn 1 w· ·r " tts of Har ness , both Mrs. J no. Pie rce and Mrs. Geo. Climie, 1t is now run by W. Quick & Co., aged 10 years. 10 months. barns, etc .. complete. At present occupied by sin". Who invites you all to Go, i' Boots and Shoes a..<> ·well as Pnm- Mr. John Otton, as tenant" ]e. ·u: d ,1, 1q h ft., , out of an extra. grade 'l'oronto, Mr. A . B' mgh am, T rento11· Jlf N o 1 1 nth r . picked out rnpecially f or To see the lrnndsome Hanging Lamp~· Those forms. from Iheir richness of soil and BOWMANVILLE MARKE'fS. ises for Sale, on easy terms. Any we o ur tni cl,,, ·n·I W·· int end t o sell t his Candies cheap for the children small !~ known pro<tuctive qualities, their oonThey are offering at $2 to $ 5 less th~ 1 H arn.,8 r, a t ,l0 j 11 ,, n rices. W e employ n o Choicest crea ms for the people older, vemencA to the markets or .Bowmanvllle and person buying can have untill <:orrccte<l by J ohn Lyle, c-.-ery Tltur~dAY. The s1tme goods a re sold for elsewher e. Newcast le. offer advantages io intendin g pur,c heap wor lrnrnn , · no appr eutices, a nd Try them, we will please you all next Fail bd'ore they pay any chaser s equal. if not superior t o any other In China F ruit DiEhes, auaraii tA\\' '"u· Harness N o . 1 in e very With goods that darMle the beholder Bisk China Flower H olders, FLOUR, 'IP' 100 lbs . · . . .· . ·· $ 2 00 to $2 50 money, if they wish; or if they farming properties in the Province. Terms ancl conditions of sal.i and other ; e spe· t. R «m· rn her, also, we have come At the Gr and Central. Imported direct fro m Ge rmany, they 'WHEAT, Fall, t> h ush . ... · 0 70 11 0 77 purcharn Stock and dont wish to particular s mane known upon application to to sbv ,, T<:M.i. rnoN & Co. (May's PouLTRY WANTED-W. R . R . Cawker Show a splendiforous arieortrue nt. " Spring, 0 70 " 0 77 <!AMUEL WILMOT, F.SQ., or WR IGH'l ' &; purchase premises, will rent. In olcl st'n.i ,; . ) wants ti ny quantity of well dressed poultry WUIGHT, Solicitors. Newcastle, or to the China ·rea Sets superbly beautiful BAitLEY, 'Ill' b ush ... . ... . ·· fl 45 " 0 50 undersigned proprietor, ALLAN }~. 'VILM'.OT, M n F ,, 'I! was t h e r eci pient of a delivered a t his butcher s tRII in BowmanAnd astonishing l ow i11 price. RYE 11 ·· ···· ·· _ . 0 45 11 0 48 the mean time I will commence l!' urgus frails, Minn. U. s. ·choi~;.1y or , d Hl dress from his fello w- vil,le, ~or which he will pay. the ma~ket Powell & Bish op's Dhoer S e ts- best in OA·r~, 11 · - · · · · · · · 0 30 11 0 30 Newcastle, Ont.. December 20th, 1886. 52-U' AUC'l'ION SALES worklll; 11 ,, Ji ,, Finish ers' Roo m · of th e price m Also cash p~1d for hides The World imported from E ngland . PEAS, Blackeye, W b ush . . . 0 70 11 0 73 11 on Wednesday 22nd at One p. m, :u. C P F~ctc>r,v on Ch r istmas Eve, nnd sheepskms. Cut glass and glassware-pretty pat.ttJrns · 11 Sma.11, 0 50 " 0 55 OAR FOR SERVICE. -A P ola nll 11 China. Boar la kept for service on lot. es, ,accomp>.,, i ... d hy a magnifice11tly finished The Church·st . M ethodist S. S . enter Our poetry mach ine would go up " Blue, 0 5 0 11 0 60 and at 7, and continue afternoons con. 2, Darlington. JOHN l'EN~'OUND. ~ 11 'uookc<· ~ "' v,.,1 .. ,,.1 i·t $ 30. 'l'he addr ess tainment in the Town H all on Christmas Were we to attempt to qu ote in rhyme B uT'l'ER, best table, ~ tb. . . 0 12 0 17 and evenin~s, at whicb time I convn-· ·< 1 v '·· i ·. J<~ogg the assurance of night, was a most. pleasing and snccessfu l 'fhe merits of our ' X m as l:"ruits L Alm, 'Ir fii . . . . · · · . . . . · · · 0 10 11 0 12 will offer Dry Goods, Groceries, OAR FOR SERVIOE.- A B erkshlii ,()f th·' ~!W"l - t·· i l l n,nd est eem of all his affair. A good program was rendered in For table and cooking purposes , Eoo~, 'Ill' doz . . - ·. . . .. .· · · 0 00 11 0 18 Boar ls kept ror eervioe on Jot 33, 00A. 11, f ellow -wo1'1-: inf·1l f,-.r bis uniform k indness, a highly satisfacto1·y manner and at its Raisins, curranb, figs, dates, prunes, POTATOES, W' bush . ··. . , · · 0 25 11 0 30 Teas, Boots and Shoes. Come and Clarke. 'l'erm·, 75c. ca.<11, or $1 It booked" Jt: 11 L. R.l.LL8 Leekard. P. 0 . 51.:iw- ' i'nst.ruct.iu· '<' ~mrl H~'·istance, a nd f'2; pressed close the presents from the tree were disAll new, fre~h, good and cheap. H AY . - · · . · . . .. ·· . · . ·· .· . 9 00 10 00 get y our Xmas Groceries. <lho 'Iii:,] : tJt:, ·S family a nd h imself tributed among tl10 scholars. Proc eeds Our frasb meat department cmtain11 DR l'.SSllD IIo<J;>S . . . . .· . . . . · 5 00 " 6 50 Allow me t o say positively this THORO'-BRED SHORT HORN m ight ·:1:j "I the pre~ent fe~tive 3~ason. $ 38.00 A ver:v superior display of meals - - ---- - -- - - - -- -·-- -- =-=- is no humbug BULLS FOR SALE.- A..ges from '1 lllO& I mean it and am to 2 YAare. "l'hc n ~, 1 ,.., . ;, "'l··<rr>ad by Mr. R. ? h d d en . If you want a genuine bargain in new All bred from imported stock. }l. Fed by the best feeders in thniding. w . 11.. !illllTH, determined to all sold out a.nd COLLJ.OOTT & SONS, TyroBe, Ont. 51.Sw'" Give Quick & Co. an early call Mr. F·'~'.ii: w }: o wa~ t aken ei:it1rely by dry-goods go to the Star H o t1Be big sale. ICENSE A lJCTIONEER for B ow- closed by the 1st of March next. ·s urpriiw x prn~·"id h is thanks m BU1table 1If you want a gigantic humbugging, atAnd you will s urely find manville, Darllnioton, Clarke, Cart wright. TEER ASTRAY.-Came ir.ito the p1e"That joy llhsll overtake you as a flood Manvere; also East· Onrham. All order11 ·1erms. mi8e9 loi l , eon: 7, Darlln11ton, a yoar]Jlrg 1tempt to ~elect 11. parcel of good dry ,;oods p·omptly atten<led to. 'l'erms liberal. Addre1 steer. Tile owner lB requested to prove ·pre·ro lt.!"~(, -,,-J?. DUIDIUJFl'.-ClfltUl/Hl &he i out of art old Rccumulation of bankrupt To find that fivorythinl(' is good ." \V4}{ SMil'H, or l!~RA:S CJS MABO N . llox !6, Bow· perty, PllY costs and lt!Lke,ll:lim a.way. 6110. ·s.intt>whb Pr..t L"W"· Jlaglc l!l·lpltur Soap· . stocks After Milto11 a lm9 way. IDl\D Vlll Cl. i$-tC STA.PLEB, Lealtarcl. 51-3w. .A cleUjtllU'w.l wedlca&ed soap fOr Che toUet. · ============================================~=============-=-=-== - ================================================== We lm vo p 1·eH1H1 t.s both useful P C WEST WARD. C SOUTH WARD. l H NEW FRUITS _ _ _---- ---·- NORTH WARD. Th Druggists, M - ~- & JURY, NORTH WARD. H R Deputy Reeveship. == 1· TAKE NOTICE ·r · · · T Notice to Creditors. Darlington Elections. .rst Deputy Reeveshi·p Fl Valuable Farm Lands For Sale. STORE AND GOODS FOR SALE IN !' mMr OO!t ~~ICL~~ 00 as I B B 8 I L R. HUTCHISON. S