~auadhtn ~tatesmau. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1886. HEALTH. TYPICAL GAOL BIRDS. FARM. HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, A. Wardel' Tells of Some lie Hus Ilad t o Notes. To Be Well_:_Keel> Well Deal With, The aw of Cure is based upon the same Put y0ur best wheat in a stpa.rate bin for principle as the law of Prevention ; what"I must confess," added \Varden Pilo ,.,<.:J. · ---MANUlr.A.c'rURER O F - - l emaml s cons1 ·d era· bury, in answer a " that er ·' , ' 1>o i11Jt CO\J d d .1 1uestion, ieea.se ti ta.t· < . t' f to . ft t· to b t th ti ' goo , soun , wholesome roots e' ,er th e t 1· 1 n ..~ a <?U ,rn · I ur rrrnin for stock. · MALL FARM FOR SALE.- 30 tion we must look to philosophy and hygiene is. a c:r rn . ascum 10n acres of land having thereon good. fr,.me for our guillance, As in obedience to their pnson life. '[hough I h ave h,.. J thirty-ti"' , " hom1e, ba rns; stables and other necessary out.· simple cuisine we find health ;and vigor, so years of it I am not yet tir ed. Just now Borghi;m bagass~ ~akcs a good mulch for KING Sl'REE'r, BOWMANVILL buildings. young orchard ot 4 acres, well wat· 1nd fnut trees. ered and fenced. Situated just outside the in wilful disregard of then;i. sickness itud cnnnot recall the womt man I ever met in ra~plien1e; < Has now on ht\nd a number of vehicleo (and is manufacturing a great many more)of tho neW6Bt Som e d ailymen s1 w e the last fourth of the corporation ofBowtnanville. Will he sold very weakness arc sure to nppear, the pall icl my official prison experience, hut there is p atterns and best iln!sh, which I am otfel"ing tor sale at, tho lliw<>atpricosconeistant cheap for cMh. Apply to M . .A. J.AMJl:S, avengers of 1~hused and insulted nature. one whom 1 shall never f<,rget. His name milk from til e eow in a separnte vessel, and with tlu·i regard to workmanahip and quality. 'rhe fallowing i ~ a liBt ot STATESMAN Office, Bowmanville. 9 tr. They live n ear ro " nature's heart" who wa.s Mortimer, aud he wa~ sent to the pour it directly into a cram jar. the princi\'.ml vehicles mr.nufa.ctured b:; me take pleasure in liviug simply, purely, Alban~ pci~itentiary from v.-ashington, ll. Secrettwy Shn.ffcr srates that the u se of Duuble Covered CarrmgeB ...... .................. .. ... .. .............. , ... ...$150 Upw;u·dci. '1bhage plants to kill the RICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR modcrRtcly,, and their reward is in the C. ~1s cnme was murder, but he esc<\ped pyrethum on C Single Phretona. . ....... . ....................................... , .............. , J 00 " SALE IN BOWM.ANVILLE--A very strength of faculty a.ncl "rmrny Llays" that hangmg and got twelve y(·Rr ,. A more des- worms !m s been attended with entire sucOpen Buggy._............................... ............... ...... ....... ·.····. 7U 11 comfortable brick house, nearly new, contain- make up a happy and successful life_ J ~erate and cold-Lloo,kd scouudrel never cess. ing 8 rooms, besides pantries, closets and sum Top Buggy .... ........... ... , . .... .... .......... .. ......... ........ ... ...... . ,... . 91 ) ,, If one he l>orn with infirmities of budy or hved. He had lolled~~'ern.lpeopl<', but l>y It 1 .8 t 00 1 t0 1 k 0 h mer kitchen, excellent cellar. Hard and son Democrat Wagon.................... .............. .. ...... . ... .... .. ........... . 65 ·1es an no<lne : 1 ~1eid · o'vn t, e eartly water: very good fruit garden of l acre. Situat· hrnin he is hurnlicapped for the earthly race hook 01 crook sa 1ed l1is iwt:k. , . H is [ face I s t a1) cl nn r up ie crac koo s, na.1 II Lumber \Vagons ... ... ... . ... .. ... .......... .. .................. .. . ............. . 55 t sa""111 c ed in the moat aristrocratic part of the town. and there is rea!l<m for his com]Jlaiuiugs uncl was the h ard est , th e mo>· ~·v er . 1 \ b tt d k 1 f Will ho sold on vei'Y reasonable terma, Appl; failures · but he who comes upon the course looked upon. The de' il rrnrnt. have mtc<le it ".1 .e twarpel a e ns an nm e reac Y or Light. Wagon.......... .... ... ... .... . ... ........... . . ............. ...... ........ . 40 to M . .A. J AMES, S'l'A'l'ESMAN Office, S·tL " ' . . · "" 't a t w rn er. well-equipped with the qualities of a vigor-) f or 1 i~s own en)oymcn.. ; uere w ctsn Express vVagou.... ....... . ...................... ...... . .. ... ..... . .... .......... '75 " ous m(Lnhoocl (l,nd in recklessnes3 or with a auy tmte tmythrng 1do<mt rt but tlrn.t W«S There never wa~J a time when so many show of fal~e pride sets at defiance the terribly forbi<lding. You wouldn't ;i;1ve minds were "t work or so many efforts " '"' plain teaching of science and nature, eats trusted him surrom!lled by anaed soldiers m ad" in various directions to 11dvance the and drinks, eats and works without reg<trd and manacled. His tclllper, too, '·I as of prnctice and sciem:e of agriculture. to propriety and order <tt home and abroad, t!1e very worst ~ossiblc m1conLrol~alile y asWhite fowls when dressed for the marwill suffer the inevitably just consequences swn. When eluded for wme . slight . Ianlt k et do not show pin-feather marks as do of his wantonness in the wrecked body and) b¥ a keepe~ he wo~tld sh;,,ke ·rn,_il w ": fi t and foe black breeds. This is a point in their degenerate mental functions that should hrs upper h p ?url ma rage ~o ,hn:t hi:' teeth favor which is W(>rth considering. Are prepared t o pay the highest prices make him a spectacle of warning ro others. were shown like those of <L rn_!lL!e uog. . I In order to guard a.gainst p leuro-pncu· \Ve should more ea.rnestly recognize the was alwt>:ys sent for when Mor tnn~r "as m monia the Cimaditm Government recently or all kinds of ' Grain delivered at the fact that moral cultme has much to do with that condition, and fieym·utly he wmtkl be ordered '>:57 imported cattle, valued at $30,r.ro~noti~i{( health and preventini;; one from unable to put on his v~st wl:en told to do _Bo. OOIJ, to he shughtcred und cremated. Wharf or their Store House in town. fallrng mto any form of morbidness. A All strength for the tune wonld leave lnm, strong sense of duty and high motives tend II hut then he would become A good W"Y lo kill oltt sorrel is tu s<tlt t k · h the sheep on it. Care shoultl be taken ? eep one m. t e rig1it path. T~e appeS'l'RONG AS A LION" never te allow Lhe sorrel to seed, us it can trtes ai~d. passions are n ot over stimulated by emotio~s that prompt to usefulness and , all:d mor.e desper~te tl}an a wou;nde~ he:~s;;. be carried to other poillts in the m11nure, --:IIN-keep the rntellect steadily engaged in a j His pumshment mvn.rw.bly was t hat of hemg Sheep wm cat more, be more content eel worthy direction. While one man may! locked in his cell with relhwed diet, but it and thrive bettel' on a new than tl.Il old OF CANADA. IVapltnl pnld up, 1111,000,000. Red, $260,00. have the instinct of mere living. stronger wo~~d he three o~· four days. hef?re it wo'.1ltl ~«11_1ge. Fr<0quent _ change of range for them --than another, and so may endure more be safe to let him ou t . lVlortnner was a 1s important at tins seacon of the year. This Bank la prepared to do Legit!· phy~ical trials than another, yet the effect typical prison bird.. When his term. of im· j N ·l 1 . mate Banking in all its branches. of lugh moral purpose is, I think greater in pnsonment had expired I sent for him and: · ot. on Y <oes the lmden ~ree pr~du~e Farmers notes discounted ; Deposlta promoting that balance of organlzation that I talked Ion" :md earnestly with him. 'Mor· honey m great abundaHce, bu_ t, its qua!Jt,.y IS 1 received and Interest paid on amonnt5 of prevent.s nervous friction and mental ir- 1 t~m~r,' I .s~id, 'you have spent most of y<,llr regnr<lecl .~Y many , ' ~ _equ,a l, ,If not superior, regularity than the mere vital instinct. I hfe m rnison and are now nearly fifty Y. e11rn to that yielded b) w_ute clo>er. ~5 upwards in Savings Bo.n k - -AT-DR A F'I' ~Department. Honest living in view of the obligations that I 1 old. Don't you think it were better to live \\'hen the hurry of farm work ceases in rest upon us as men and wonren, and the S'.> tlrnt you will not again be sent here? At autnnm there are many opportunities to Issued and Colloctione made in Europe cultivation of health as an instrumontality i least, I shnnl<l think that you would not mo.ke improvemenfa, for whi<·h the season United Stat.es and Canada. in carrying out our valid purposes, must i like to die In prison.' He listened 0;ttc11- is favornble and the time propitious. W J, JONES ha~'~ a positive effect upon the temper and / t ively. '.l_'hen his upper lip ~egan t.o ~ml, " . '", . ., , , _ · · ' spirit of our whole nature fortifyilig it ancl he said:- ' I was not uurlty this tnnc, f Caielc.sncss must gn e \\a) to bnsmess Agen against those irritations aucl' annoyimces so and if I catr' h the fellow who swore me into managements on the farm. 'i'he fornier -----------------thi?k_ly strewn in the channel of 'everyday , this place I'll kil~ him_ !' And he m_ cant shou!c: :t:idy. the ,markets !t~Hl l~e. ~s rett~y activity. Can we sympathize with thoso' evecy word he smcl. He left the pemten· t.o t,il,e achtmtagc of oppoitumtws as ti1e )ti II~ @ ~-\@ iP /ti1 lm "(.1 ik~'i'i who deliberately transgress the laws of tiar y and I was glad to get r id of him. Two m crehant. l~ft .~~ ~ .~\'lit~ f, f!l!j\ 1f t.lJt ill/ their being, whatever may be their motive? m onths after, in \.vn~hingtou, he ~uarrellcd 'I'he leaves make an excellent mulch Ha.sreceived ber new stock of How many cultured, "high toned" people, with his wife, anc l in his m1ger became so <trouncl the _roots of . trees. If a few cornespec!ally women, neglect common personal excited that he dropped dead at her feet. , stalk~ are laid upon tnem they can he easily neces~ities,; on the score of "delicacy" ! in- · He11rt dllie«se dill it. kept m place, and can be rnked up in the Having purchasad the Harness business lately carried on by Mrs. HUMPHREY h ope by careful attention to business, good workmanship, and first class ' ,and invites the Ladies of Bow I viting si?kness an~ disease, which when it ' ."Some men cannot keep from c<_imrnitti1~g Ispring. material, to secure a share of public patronage. We ha ve in . d . . ., I comes will be attrrbutecl to the fault of any- ! crune. A11ullie1· of the mm1y prisoners m Use the <oot from the ·tovepipes d stock and ar1< manufacturing a large amount of m.anv1lle an v1c1n1ty to call' bo~y-abut ~hen;rnelves. The _physician with the .<\Jbany p~nite.~tiar7, i~ now in mzmind. chimneys . It is _excelle~1t f~r flowers ~~cl and see her Patt . a lar 5e piac:tice has occasion t o condemn . :1=fe \~as ]Jorn a L !nd . Ierm a!ter term of young plants- .Mix it with water, about a , · ' el Il I pe~sons of th1~ type ~l~nost daily.. H ealth, : 1~pnsonment fall.eel to mal~e lnm an honest p eck of soot t o a barrel of water, <tnd apply , watering-pot IE" HAT ~ 1 solid, supportmg, Jastmg health, is the re- man, bttl Le W<>-S not a c1uel fel_low_ On with 1 a;;. ' i;;;9 1 wiu ·d of ca.re and viligance, and in itself an on e occasion he fell very sick in prison, anrl, · and assortn ent of I h onor to the wearer. though he received the b est medical care I Eggs from hens that have. not fully molt Collars a specialty. We intend t hat the reputation Humphrey'11 Collars have gained 1 a n <l nursing iri the hospital, it was a long eel do. not h_~tch w~ll. _Tlus IS uhe season shall be fully surotaine<l. We are prepared to furnish responsible parties 1'.T ~""<) , pull with him. y ct he recovered and grad- for ch sappoi,1trnei:its with th~ _ hens, but Collars on approbation. We guarnntee satisfaction or no sale. ..l 'It .._ I u allv "Ot back his strcn,,th. H e was very much cim ho gmi;icd by prov1drn~ w<t1m We also keep in stock a full line of goods usually found 1gratef~1l for the care w lti~h he hn,d. receiv.id. quarters and allowmg plenty of grnm. . The Tonsil~, in a first class harness shop, comprising STGR.E 1-Second lD<>or ~'fest of WHHanu· .A ccordmg to Dr. Bos.worth, Pi-ofesso~ of Soon <tfter he left the penitentary hospital P rof. Arnold believes that theie is no Sut cller Stall J?rneases o! the Throat m Bel~evue Medic<tl his time expired. I accompanied him to way in w hich fertiliz<ttion cau be so promot· - -- -- -- -- -- - - - -- - - , College, 1\ ew York, tt'.c ~onstls are not, . as the boat as he was going to New York, arnl ed tis by dairy farming. Hutter takes nothgene:ally supposed, d!shnct organs,-hke oi; the wax endeavoured to impt:ess upon ing from the soil tha t ;if\'ects fertilization in th: hver or spleci1, for ms~ance,-a11:cl there- h im that rt would be much better 1f he b e- the way that wheat and other crops do. See onr Bull Bone Whipa- something new. We have l\lso in s tock fore they .Jrnve no special funct10n, In came an honest n"i.n , He tlmnkcd me for " . . healthy. throats there are, strictly speaking, the great kindness which I h:tel shown him J lher_e 1s no r eason _why the wire fences of OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS no tonsils. Where tliey are found, they are anrl with tears in his eye8 8 <tid he would i poultry-yards and atou.nd the fi.elcl should As there n.re manviuferior the result of diseased action, which action never forget me. , Yes warden,' he fai.J.-ly II not be used for gr . a_pc-vrnes. Qmte a lui·g_ e goods, corded with and jute. sold m'.'y J 1a.ve cl~v.eloped only very small glaacls, sobbed, ·the first good gold watch that I amount of sue h f l Ult coul (l tims b e ecoi:or~11hemp, etc.,offered for Horses and Uattl~ a sure cure for bruises, spra.ins, cutBy-&nd ....oresl>f a11 kinds, aa Co1·aline by some un"'.1t_h ,1111.t trivial ~ymp0ms, 01· a large mass, can steal il; N~w York I'l~ send _you . hy . ?ally gro~n, a~1d the fence would not be mShop-Sign oftlie Big Collar. 17-3m principled mercha.nts tradg1vm5 rise to serious d1st!Lrbance. I express.' Stealmb " wa s ,t l.Jusmess with !nm, I Jnred bv so domg. ' ing on the rcputatiop of All gla.1H.l -s t r uet ~ll'~s are - ex eeecl ing1y cl eli- 01nd he meu.nt just what he s;ticl. " - N. Y. I A write~ states that h e had the best reour genntlnc CoraUrw, · caoe, ancl lmble tu lliJ ury. Hence, the luwer Herald. sults kccpmg gm.pea w hen eti.ch bunch was we warn the ladies ago.inst 11h~rynx-th11t p a1-t. of th. e back i.n outh 1 - · - - - - - · ----·~.-- - - wrapped in. a piece of paper, pf.eked in ' such imposition by dmw.ing their of atseeing tention to the 1 f oo d p<Ls- i ~--·~ ··~-b oxes. l10Idmg one b tt· Iml, and the box es necessity that the w Iuch .con~1e?ts ~pec1'.;11y w1L Ii Lie sage, . rn dtsti~c tion r~·om the npper, which , Tobacco a Panacea. j' kept ma place w~ere tlie t emperature did name 6 flll!UlllM!Df~U ·irali'tl!l'!l~~ l'lil ' connect s 8pecially w1lli Llie ;1ir JJ«S~age- 1 . . not fall b elow 35 above zero. UlfiUl\'fi tr !/Jet V ..H~ii'8.~r.;. 14.11\h is ,-ery scantily supplied with them. Yet ' A writer m Rea.Ith a nd Home mys : " I I Of the varieties of ducks the Pekins stand 1 '" Rtamped on inner 6ideof all Cornlinegoods, there n~edi; tu he a 1,·rge secrebiuu of 111uct~s ~ught at the o~itset ~o state thitt I : ever , . confinement best, but they are not as tame I· l W'th t hi h . to lubricate the food passa"e 'I'o meet t hrn chewed, smoked, 1101 snuffed toba cco. I Th 0 8 the :i--:J_Ii~ L l ou w c :none are gemune. need t here n.re large colfo : lions of mucous helie1 'e, however, that it on se\'er<Ll ocr:asions la ftc mmonl .mH s: It ey _grow verdy I . - ----· -·--· · --- -· · · - -· -·-· ' · l· . 1 i·r, 1 · 0 tl . arge, o en reac nng erg i or mne poun s 1 1 glands on the t:w~ sides of the lower ph':'r- ias S<Wel rny _ , itu; m Je~· .r cspc~ts ias I each, and yield fettthers of i1 white color and .Purify the Blood, eonect all Disorders of the :vnx, and these it is t h at so often become m- 'been o.f essent~:~I se.cvic? to me an d m,my of! equal to those of the oose. flamed and enlarged. , my friends. ..1.he first u rnt«uce I ean r emem - 1 g LIVER, S'.l'OJ'fllA.()JHil, KID:V,E YS A.ND RO,VELS. · : An ordimi.ry "cold" often causes them to her of its use as ft r emedy for inflammations --They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and 1 swell to .two or three times their proper size, was se eing :roi:n !Celly, wlr";H I was".' small Does Farming Pa.y. He invahmbl<> in "11 Oomplalnts tnc!denta.l to Female~ of all A.gee. For Entire stock to be . '.i,nd to be~ome red and angry nrnsses. The boy, sp1:rt its JlllCe from Ins n;iouth mto_the If a merchant in the city is able to earn a 1 1mtlH.mmation generally subsides of itself in eye of ll1s horse very re~ fr u.m ~nflammii,tion. compete11ce of $3000 to $5000 tt yeRr he is Children and tb.6 age;d they are pricele~s. ~ f from four to ~even days. This ailment is H,e ~tatecl he wa~ ?urmg ;t m that WU)'.. considered wef1lthy by most farmers ; yet C'IJ~·~r :M ENT I t lll cl1ildren I \\ lule carelessly the am . oft' . proI most frec1uen · ·. ndmg t ti ..f wild horse l 1th· is ent' ire sum is 1mes expencl e d 111 1 1n;oc1 1· Sometrme8. there is an infl;~m1;1;;.ti.~n which ma1 8l!rang agaim. 10 ence_anc rec ) 'Viding the ordinary comforts of living ; and Is :;.n infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sorel The goods will be sold down below cost, 1 is churactenzccl by an oxuuahon mto the me otl, .so that I ltt on tl:e groun.cl with rn at the encl of the year he is in proport10nate 1 md Ulcers. It i s famotrn for Gout and Rheuma.tism. F or diaor<l.ors of tl1e 8 to spram my right ankle i progr e If glands, distends thc·m · I · which · · ' <tnd pours out . ' ' much . vwlence , . 1 " Aft . d .· , . .· ss btr t Ji'ttle a I1eacl of a farmer, w Iio -·Chest it h1tt1 no equal.Hats Bonnets Ribbons Laces Flowers I ormuig cu·cular white patches < trouutl their , vcxy severe Y· ei en mmg. sei ere p.un I has not been compelled to pay a rent ot Feathers Silk~ Satins Pl11she~ Veh,ets' ll:outh, or sorr:etimes even covering the en- for some hours I thought of trymg tobacco. ; $1800 a year for his home but rather has !Fo 11· ~ore '1'h11.·o ~·ts , .HD·oucl!11iH~, t~oughs, (~olds, Frmges 'Gimp~ Cords' Colta~s 'Frillin,,' 1 tu e _ gh1!Hk It is often mistaken for cliph- : I sent for some leaves, ancl had them wet 1got his iivini:; from the 'homestead as he ' W l' J l · ' B i'"" 1then:,, , I and wrapped a.r onncl che ankle, a,nd phtced I went along I<'ai· l'f . . If t . . . ' II prons ose oo ac eels er m · h h tl lt" th t k ti · t m i e is se -sns ammg Glfln<lult~r Swelliu gs, and 1111 Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for , ] · 1 .A W I ' S ' s·-k F l ' , i .on quent Y mt e young t em is a chr onic , ~? P?U ice over em_ 0 ecp iem morn · and preservative. A ·oung laborer in the oontmctttd 1i.!l<l a tiff joints it nets like a c~arm. oo a, axooy, 11 oes, Ara sen~, enlar 11ement of t he tonsils In such caoes , vi itlnn an hour the parn ceitsed and I slept I country " 'Ol'ki "ng at ~ d oll ar per c 1ay and 'nsel · Embroi "der1·es' ouc. .P. ·1 tne , "n . · . ..... ' I1rougl t tlie mg . l1t · 'I'lie next monnng . n 'one T· lands a.1·e peculiarly li-tble to be in flam t OJI b d · t ' t 1 b tte ff cl I "' ' ' ' ' - 1 · · · d . b . oar , IS propor iona e y e r o an Manufactured only r.t 'ra:OMAS Hou,ow.A.v's Establishment, Also a great variety of Fancy : ed on exposnrc to cold. The enlargement cxanunm~ t he ankle, rnstea of its ei~1g more independent than a clerk in a city G d · tendB to disappear with the gro"th of the swollen, ~t appeared. rather les~ tht1n iLs on :!£700 a year who has to expend $500 for 78, OXFOR)) STR1:E'l', (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LON DON ' 00 s. body. It may indicate not a constitut ional no.tural srnc ; the skm had ~ wrinkled ap - . a ll~ing. One' m11 save at the end of the And ar~ sold 11ot ls. l~d., 2a. 9d., !is. 6d. , Us., 22a., and 3311. ea.ch Box or Pot, and MJI,LER'S BLOCK, ORONO. trouble but mer ely a local affection. It i pearanc~ ancl 'Yas ver y wh~te. . My nex t' year just as much a.s the other. and if there may be had from all Medicine Vendors throughout the World, _ ______ - -·- - -· . -··- __ ·--- ----·- does i:ot injure the general _health, _except, application of it was to a severe gunshot II are chances in favor of either for obtainiug when 1t obstruct s the breatlnng, or dist urbs ' wound. a good name and a competence they a.re on _.-J"11rellaKer1> sltonld look nt the Label 011 the P<>t$ and Boxes. I f the rddre PER CHE RON HORSES. sl?ep, _or u~duces i;nouth-breathing, or ot~er-1 A bullet ranged through my leg, from the side of the couutrv lad. 'Any farmer wise mter ieres with some natural function. nea~ th~ ai:ldc, so a to come out on ~he op- who can support himself on a farm comfortIsland Rome Stock In case of serious interference with health, posito side Just below the lm~e, cnttrng the ably , and make it pay a net income of seven ~~~.·isG;~rysseco~~:: o:ie or both.may b~ extirpated. The opera- muscles.and nerves and malnng a long and per cent. on its cost is far ah ead in com eniently located for hon on clu ldren IS not attended with any very _ pamful W?tmd. I lost so m~wh hlo.od tence of the citizen who lives in a broJnCanadlans, being on hleeclinfi of ~onsequence. 'I'he hleeding in that. I was cai;r~ccl from the field In an m- stone front on a magnificent salary rand has R~v!~~~~ri:Sb~~~ adults is eas1lr controlle~. A permanently sensible condition. I sent my servant for to spend it all for life and appearance. Windsor, Ont. Pur· enlarged tonsil has lost its glandular func- some tobacco, enveloped the wounded leg chasers ,will find a tion, arid is worthless. In cases wh ere the in it, and kept it wet with two cloths over Timely Suggestions. large number of pure ?peration must he performed, the removal it. The pain in an hour o_r two dimh1ished, ~reCl an: g;dade stal- is not, as Jlopular ly thourrht and as once be- and the hea.t and throbhmg ceased, and I There is good reason in the different a~d8colt:~r a11m:~~~ lieved even hy some phy~icians, usually fol- I rested more quietly thim I had been doing . habits of growth of corn and p otatoes for to select from. All i. lowed by any serious consequences. Yet I I hay e heard of a number of cases where plowing corn grou nd much more sh<tllow Having decided to retire from tb e Jewelry Business, offers his stock lstered in the French nnd AJ::::-i~~~e~t~tgc~0 ri~: l only a danger ous or worthless gln.ncl should erys1p~las has been cured by persons whose than that intended for potatoes. Roots oi of vVatches. Clocks, J "ewelry, Silver Plate. Spectacles, e tc., at 'l'HEPrices reasonable, stock guaranteed. Large 1Rue. i he removed. 11.ttenhon I had called to the use tobac- corn naturally run only a few inches below · IJ 'l l h J · d trated Qat;iUoguo.f.rco. SA.YA.GE" FA.RNUl!I, I - -co_ I al so, last summer, when m New the surface, seeking warmth and only s uch fl.;JHY- ti MENDOUS REDUCTIO:NS unt1 tie w o e IS isposed o f. l>llil'ROir . Mioll. I ' York, by applying large poultices of tobacmoisture as is brought by frec ucnt rains. The stock sold aet:lH a1 Wb«t>ler><:de Prices. Causes of Sudden Death. co to my hip, cured myself of a terribly This indictited that manme for 1 corn should ~F OO t 0 40 PC\' C~nt 4J i§COnnt f'o1· S:n:·ot Cash. ~ 'll'OID ,..,. A foreign journal, discussing the q1 1estion 1 painful attack of sciatica, which had been be put on or near t he surface, and that J.\! I of sudden death,_s11ys: "Vcry few of the' grea~l:I'. aggnwated hy_the .trcatme~1t of two cultivation, especially late in the season, $20 Nc'lV Gold I:ll.unti.111;~ \\7 a~ch.cs t·e{[uccd t o $16. su~lden deaths_ which are generally said to! J?hysicra~s. One e:en~~g, ..m.Wash;ngton,_I should be shallow. Corn roots extend hori $30 do (~0 do $24. ' anse from 'chsca.sc of the hettrt' do really . found t\\o of my f~ienc,s n ttmg w~th their I: H 1 Ult I arise from thi~t cause. To ascertain the 1boot s off. They both w ere suffcrmg from ~~:1cit~~~S~f1~~~ ~s ~~~l.16f~~; ~,{i;~~~~~gs;~~~~ $40 do do do $3~. f real ori"in of sudden deaths experiments Ibunions of long standing. I advised the u se before cultivation ceti.ses. $5i0 do t1io do $4 O. ~ I have be~n tried and r eported' to a scientific r ?f t obacco, '.md_they inm1c~iately sen~ for Wh erever roadway fences are re<Juired by $GO do do do $.:iO. ~Ill' ~ ! congress h eld at Strasbourg. Sixty-six it and applied it. Application for a sm gle law they should be good ones. In fact, l'&T ~' · 1 t ] ·1 11 , .. · rl! 1-.ClV ·~I VCl' ~ I cases of sud den -de11th were made the sub- night made a p ermanent cure, as they havo whether the law does or does not require! a C lCS, a x UU\..._es, :l.t.. ~MUUC l'euuct.aons, · $! iect of a thorouah p o81 mortem examination · I a ssured me, though two or three y ears have thi:-t owners of s_ tock should fence a gainst About 60 sec ond han d Silver Watches, from $3.00 to $ 8 .00 each. · in these only t>~o were found who had died ! elapsed. About t wo y etws ago one of the mnmals on t he lnghway , good fences should IQ '} ·p1 t R· Cl · L k t B } E R' & c., a t even from disease of the h en,rt. N iiic of sixt y - 1 North Cm·?lina m_ embers. 0 £ C?ngr css, on be k ept up a "'iinst stcay cattle L osses ul v eT . a ·O, - mgs, i a1n s, . oc e s , r oa c ies, ar ings , r I six died from apoplexy, wh ile there were\ my suggestwn, r ch e,'ecl hnnself m the smnc that will nevei:" bo r epaid w ill n:ore t lrnn greate r red u c t. ion s. T hic1 is a BONEFJDE cLg ARl NG SALE ; all ALL Lf\l ER AND KIDNEY COM- i forty ·_ six cases of congestion of t he hmgs- ' m anner , and sciy s ~h.ere Ima, been no return offset int ere,,t and repairs, especially 011 D'OOd s war ranted a s r e p resented . I purpose remai ning in t ow n and PLAINTS D Y S P E P S I A INDIGES'l'- ! that is, tho lungs were so full of blood they of t he ~oHness. Con;~ on i;h e toes Cflll b e much-travelled r oad. I n byways wher e I~-"'·-··.· ·· · , "] l 'bl .(' ]· d ld ' ' · t could not work, there not being room enough , cured rn lik e numner. ther e i~ little t ravel fences iilon g ·the r oad- ",:,, -::-::;.·. . ,, Wll Je r e spons1 e J or a t g o o s so . .CON AND ALL D I "3EASES ARISING j for a sufficient quantity of air to enter to! - - --side may be entirely disp ensell with or 't liue of fruit trees be set just at the edge of FROl\I D-SARRANGEMEN"'S THE 1support life. 'l'he canses that prodnce con- I 1 ' · L OF jestion of t he lungs are cold feet, tight cloth.Engao-ement Rings. tho road, and wir es, eithe1· barbed or J>hdn, LIVER AND KIDNEYS. tiiii:;, costive bowe1s, sitting till chilled after A solitaire dia~ond of from one to two fastened to the trees a s a protection tigainst Having a. large stock of ~fateria.l for all kinds of Repairing on h a nd, the Jobbi ng Department will be a special feature in this Great Clearbe:ng warmed with labor or rapid walk, and a lrnlf carats r emains the favorite orna - passing stock. ~omg too sudden ly from close, h eated r o?ms ment for the engagement rrng. For those ing Sale. All Repairing at greatly reduce d prices : mto the cold air, especially after speakmg, h l'k 1 1 t b J· ancl sudden depressin" news operathl" ':' o l e co orcc s ones, a ru y or a sar~P nrc A Proposal Sumarily Checked. Main Spri ngs put in .. .. 50c. to 7.5c.: Watches cle aned . · ·· · · 50c. to 7.5c. th llo0 d Tl " f ll f ~h (m p refernnce to an em erald or pearl) 1s set e J !e causes 0 sue c en c ea with a diamon d dia.gonttlly, or ' ' cross-head, " He Wil.S about to propose, but was some- Jewels properly fitted ... f>Oc. to 7.5c. Watch Glass es fitted. . · 15(';.·"nffvous. H e didn't know how t o bewhat ---known, an avoidance of them ma_y ser ve to as it is called . 'l'he bricle now gives her lengthen V!tlna.ble lives winch would · ng contmnmg · · a cttt' s gin. At last he stii.mmered out : Case Springs fitted .·. · 50c. to 75c. Clocks cleaned .... . . . . . .40c. t o 7 5c. · many b 1 t 1 . t f , h t fiance nn cngauement n Io 1ic o ear . ,.. . , -i ti1crw1se e os unc er a. ver c " !'111 very uneasy. " . _ comphi.int.' This disease is supposed to he ?ye with a diam~ud each sic e, or else a.sapphAll o th er work in proportion. All work warranted, as in the past. "Unmsy 1" she eel1oed. Th en she udcled ' · "t bl l · bl h ire between diamonds embedded m the A call sol icited. Proprietor, Toronto. lllCtvitak e taln< m~urathe; encel ,dmatny m~yd gold in 0 ·rnpsy fashion_ The wedding ring is emplrntically : no a e ie pams ey w on o avo1 . " b cl · d d " I'll bet it's a flea off my dog. l 've been sudden death if they knew it lay in their a sunple gold band, not too roa -m ee , there. " very much more slend er t han that formerly ,, , SOLD BY He didn't propose_ power. worn ; it should he of gold of eighteen or ····- --WN. B.-To save costs, over-dLrn accounts mus t be settled forthwith. lllGGINBOTR&;U & SON,' - -·- twenty-two carats, th e firR t l)eing harder Coun1erfeit two.dollar Dominion notes It is proposed to erect a. statue to Ch!l.m and more durable, and the latter mor e yel are in circulation in Kingston. Bowmanville,tSeptember 23, 1886. 39-lf, BOWMAN VIL L E. plain in Montreal. low. S l) I Gl\RRlt1CES, SlEICHS, CUTTE.RS, WAGONS:~ &O., B I GRAIN V ~~1~;~~~:::::::::::::: :::-.: :::::::::::::::. ::::::":·::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::: ~g Jno. McM. u rtry & Co. l I 'STAN DAR D BAN K GREAT BARGAINS FOR 30 DAYS I I Boots and Shoes I D. · ·· D-A-V-I S'. - C I Go 0 D S., TS I I I B 0 NN LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. TR I ML M I G I I BEWARE I I I BLANKETS, ROBES, RUGS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRU.SHES, ETC. E~~,LIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION I HinAL'T'H FOR ALLI ---M 'S MRs ORRISON T e: '1.1 :P _l .L 8 .n 0 d Cleared Out I . . . ays TEI.E I I ' · rrnw RETIRING FROM BUSINESS! L_ OORNIS:::S:, I o! ---------_____ _ _- ------· I . DEL IQ'l\T DAN Llv r:R AUD !{llU.!EY ! ti:il l,Jl 11 I w CUR I-C S I I "I I BUSINES S FOR EN BLOC, The Greatest Blood Purifier in the World. I E. M 0 R R I S L. CORNISH.