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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1887, p. 7

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BRITISH TROOPS IN CANADA. · Reasons t'or Reliving th at the Ucd Coats ·w ill be Rro ugh i. Buelc Agl\in. = correspondent of a New York p<loper A FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1886 was told the other day by ti distinguished - -----·-·---m ilitary officer that he believed that British troops would soon again rctLtl'll to gani· son Ummdian towns from the .Atlantic sea.hoiwd to British ColumbitL . At present t he 0.!.TARRII.G).A new t,reatment h as been dis· only British soldier s station ed in t.lie Do· · t H l' · N S' t · ·L 11 oovered whernbY a permanent cure of tb!s hit herto i ncurable dlsea.se, is absolutely tt!'fcet· minion are a · a uax, ova ' co ia, t»ic a ed in from one to three applications, no m r.ttcr told they do not number over . 1,000 men. whether standing one year or forty years. T hia The remai ning regulars in t h e conntry arc r emedy is only appli ecl ·Once in t welve days, raised imd P"id for by the Canadians , ancl, l'\nd does not int erfere with business. Deacrip· including the N orthwest mounted nolice , tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by ,, A. R . Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West these Canadian regulars can muster a little T:ironto, Canada. less than 2,000 men. But we l\ll know her e WHAT IS CATAnE<II1 that the Dominion Government is anxious Catarrh is a dangerous diuease which thous· B l · h · I · &nds are consciously or unconsciously suffering to see r tis regu1ars once more m t ieu· tr om. It is a. mnco·purulent discharge caused old qu a.rtern at Quebec, Montreal, Kingston, by t he presence of a vegetable parasite in the T oronto and London. T he opening of the lin ing mem branc of t he nose. 'l'he prediapos- Ca1mdia11 Pacific Railway the pr oposed new ing causes are a mor bid st11.te or the blood, the f 'fi . . B . . ' b' · blighted corpuscle of tubercle the germ poison ~rti cations m ntish Colum m, the poss1· o! syi;hilie, mercury, toxomoo; from the reten- 1.iility of the Snez canal being closed to the tion o,f th!J effete ma tter o.t the skin, s.upprcssed . British fleet, the d anger of a R ussian in· persptra.tionn, badly ven~ilat.ed sieepm1t. apar.t· vasion of India the half·wi5hed-for h ope of . ·. men ts a nd tho germ ination of other poisons m . the blood. Irrita ted by these, the lining mem· !m p,erial fe~eri:-t1on among so 1mmy i:eople b rnne of th e n oRe is ever ready tor the recep- m Gr eat Bn tam and Canada, all pomt to tion of th<:) parasite, which ra pidly spreads, up t he p,roba.bility of g<wriso11 ing Canada the noijtrils and llown the ~auces, or back of with British troops in tho near future. the throat, cansinu: ulceratton of the throat: up . . . . . . the ensta chian tubes causing de&tness; b u,:. j Halifax, on the Atlantic side, IS to be fort1· rowini;; int.he vocal c~rds, causing 1 hoarae11cas; tied at t he expense of th e imperial anthori· n survrng tp.e P.roper structure oC the .bi;onchlal t ies, and t he terminus of the Canadian Pat ubes ending m pul monary consumption a nd cific Railway, on th e Pacific, is to be made de;;{~~Y ingenious speifics for ror the cure of ! a little P ortsmouth in its way, and that, catarrh have bee!' !nvented, but wi.thou~ sue- too, at the expense of the imperial t reasury. cesa, until a physician or long s.tandrng drncoV· Canadi<tn officers now occasionally go to ered the exact nature of t h drn..,aee a nd t he only appliance which will per ro(l,nently destroy England for cournes of mstruction or even t he parasite, no matter how ai;cgravated t he to assist her in her campaigns, graduates o&se. Sufferers should send eta.mp at once from the militar y colleges at Kin ast on ·arc for ~esoriptive pamphlet on ca.ta.rrh. to th~ entering t he i mperial 'armv in con~iderable b usmess m ana11cra. A, H, Dixon &. Son , 30a -! · · K ing otr eet west Toronto Canada. numbers of Jato, (l,I\(l the nuhtary relations W hat tlie Rev. E.'B. Steve~son, B ..A., a Clero11· of Canada ancl Engla.nd are diiily drawing ma·· of t he London Conference of tlfe Metho· closer. Amon~ Canadian regular officers of dist Church of Canada, has to 1:1u,y ~n regard j B ·t· I · · t · k cl 'le· To A.H . Dixon &: Son's New Treatment for . ri is 1 ol'lgm Jere is, tooi a mM e C Catarrh. sire to put on the manne!'lsms and afiect Oaklans Ont. Canada Ml\rch 17, the accent of Englishmen, while among bus . M essrs· .A.H. Dixon &- Son: ' i ness men the return of imperial troops HEAR Srns.-Yours of the 13th i nst. t o h a nd. would be accepted as a stimulus to trade, I t seemed ·~lmost too g. o od to be t r ne th at I a.ml while society people would re3' oice to see the cured of Catarrh, bnt I know that 1 am. have haai no return of the disease, and uover red coats once mor e. fel t bett"G·- in my life. I have tried so ma ny __ _ _ _ · · - - --·· things f<t.r-Ca.tar rh, suffered so ·m uch and tor eo many years. that it is hard to realize t hat Seven Indians- Big l 'hundcr, the Crow I am really better . chief, among the number-were dTOWned I consider that mine was a yer,y bad case; it , while attempting to cross the Missour i was aggravated and chromc, 1 mvclving the R " . t ·1 tl f n· k B' 1smarc . . ig throat as well 1 as t he nnsal passages. and I ! ,, iver en mi es nor 1 o thought it would require the three ;treatments, 11 hnnder was one of the most famous chiefs but I feel fllllY cured by the t'".o sent me, and of the Crow nation, and his son, W'hite I nm thankful that I was over m duced t o send Eagle, is so.id to h ave been with t he party to ~~~·are at llbcr ty to use this letter statin!t when the .(l,ccide1;t. occurred. '.!.'he. Indi~ns t hat I have be&n cm·ed at. two treatments. and were crossmg to JOlll a band of their traih, I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some which started out to wreak venireance on the ot m y friends who.are sufferers. . Sioux who killed a number of Crows several Yours, w ith many than ks. I l ' REV. E , B. STEVENSON. ( ays ago. And hundreds of others .---~~= ~ ·~ ·. ~ . ===~.~ "'"'-"'-"'"'"' -= -"' - "' ·'"_ _ __ _ -~ to $8 a day. Samples and duty l<'REE Lines not under the hor~e'sfeet, \!Vrite BnEWSTER's SA.~'ETY REIN lloLD&R Co.. Holly, Mich. YOUNG F OLKS. wrnKLE. llY lIANS If Maid ens But Knew. A good wife rose from he r bed one Jn01"D And t hough_ t with nervo ul:i drcaU Of thu piles on piles of dotnes to be washed, Am i l)ha d ozen of mouths to lie fed. There'iJ t he mcalis to get fo r the men in the .OelU., And [ i1 e children to fix away to scl100J, CREAT Cl EA RI NCt~..~ALE l'H~C:~::.~:·;~VEL ·aoKBEL. ~~g ~!/ ;~,i~ng~1~ot~?s s~;.~1.med :ind chmned, GATA R R H. IDRY i COODS- iND CtOTHINCI will I I I · · · 1 8831 $5 !'r-tEEMAl'-J"S WORM POW}!)ERS. Are plen.eo.nt t o tako. Contnln their om. PllgativG . Ia a safe, enro, und ctlectru.I de.ltl'O;ver of W O....,. ill Cl;.il·lr··n O l' Adalt1 U NDERTAKING --:s - v - L EVI MORRIS. the shortest notice, a t the lowest possible rates Qa.skets and B urial Cases ready on short notice I rst-olaee hearse on very m oderate t erms Shrouds and Cofilne constantly on hand . Fun ral Ol'\rds supplied at once. Furniture Sh op & how ltooms- Bounsall'sNew Block. I#" I am tull y p!'epared to attend F unerals on BUTTON' S is, beyond q uestion, the SHOE DRESSING for ladies' use ever made. Try it 1 -SOL D BY- ~ENN. I NGS, . ~T THE P ARLOR BOOT & SHOE ~ STORE, NEADS'BLOCK, where are n ow ready for lnspe-Jt ion com · plete lines of F all an d Winton· Felt G oods· Ru b bere,-Ca.nad i~n :and American-Over , ah oC'S m Latest s tyles. Men's and Boys' Coarse S h oes, Ladies' Fine Boot s and every t hing fo und in a first class Boot and Shoo s tore. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE IJILIOU8NE88, DY8PEP81A, ESTION, I NDIG .JAUNDICE. ERY81PELA8, SALT RHEUM, DIZZINE88, DROPS Y , FLUTTERING OF THE HEArtr, ACIDITY OF HEARTBU RN, DRYNESS THE 81"0MACH, disordered LIVER, HEADACHE, OF THE 8KIN, And every species of drseas" a rising f'rom K IDNEYS, STOMACH 1 B OWELS OR B LOOD, Or der ed Work a Specialty. 'f. MILBURN& gQ,, Proprl~~~6NTQ. McDOUGALL & METCALF, are offering Coal as follows : Stove a ,.,_d Chestnut,,........ .........$6.25 J...! Grate and Egg, ....... ..... ... ........ .. over one mont h. 6 ,.QQ Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when account s run t UMBER, SHIN GLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METCALF 1 fouknd it fout, af1 h 1d many a jdolly time they had it oc~l~1 ~~~~~~ ~ould by some mystic p ow er Bowman ville, October 1, J886. 40-3m. ma mg un o er. One a.y when she was . . . . asleep in her accustomed place on top of the place before hL~ [ann~y t~ns mornmg the ---, ---- =======...,.~~========================= bran, a li·rge rat ca.me cautiously out of tho I amount he has spent m _liquor the .t~1·e~ve oat bin and looked up at h er. But there i months past, ~hat confus1011 < md hunuha.t10n was no need for caution. She was fast M · j woL1ld follow · Ieep al:! usual. Then Mr. ltat burned around , He n~ l?n~er ?We~. the air;o1'.nt, of course, 1 · and said something into the oat-bin and out I bat there i t JS ghttcnng 011 t11e alm~st empty . · wisked Mrs. Rat al.id a whole family of little : boai:d-enough to h ave cl~thed ihe whole Rats. Then Mr. Rat book his fiddle and , fonuly; enough to have pmd t~ie rent; er;· Mrs. Rat aad all the little ones formed i ongh t o h~ve sprel\d the table wit!~ 1t bonntia ring arou nd hir,y sleeping W inkle. Aud : fu~ break.;'lst, and to. have provided for a they diJ,UCed trnd capered about her to the' pnncely <?lmst mas d'.nner. He has spei~t music of the fiddle. \Vildcr <ind wilder grew I 1t a_ll 01?lmns~lf, on lns basest .self, on h~s their sport and then while they madly whirl- ! low est appetites, .He has nothrn~ left of 1b eel around her thev sarw to a rollickin tmie ~lit w~akness of ':'ill, strength. of IJrute dethcy li' c l le"r l " l - f some " b1ttormemo1 and wlmtis " ~ w r 0{ o coll ege s tgd u en t s I. Sll'e, t t Al 1es, 1h k worse-self· h who visited there the ear before con emp . as . . ow we!\ . a.re uman re· Y ' solutions ! All tins 1legra dation a nd loss . Oh Winkle.. Mistress \' . 'inkle dear, are ill spite of the firm purpose and recorded I 1 pledge of a year ago. You r'e sneh a lazJ'. cat, 1 1 That yo . " h Me quite tors« twnow VVife and chi ldren look at first with ""lacl ' To oatch n. mo1Jso or r at" . . . o Chorns-Ha ha h a ha h · ha ha li:i surpnse on the r ecov-ered tr easure. A secHd, ha; ha; h~'. 11~: ho'. ' ' i ond thought puts a shadow over every face, for t hey know tha t t he money is only a Yon are snch adrcoofUI glatto 1 mem ory, or, if substantial, it is a reality That you b:wc grown so fat, t o which they hl\ve no right. All t hattrea· Voll a re sin1pl.Y" g ood for nothing sure gone ! And he did it. He who was A stupid, Ja..:.:y, CL\.t. Cho.ru:t-lla, ha, ha,; ha., lia, ha.J ha., ha, sworn to protect and support and bless We ·:keepne ~1·lyall Ha, ha, ba., ha, b , li a. them-he of the blear eyes, tho t rembling hand, the hlouted ch eeks-he <lid it. What I would hide beneath a blanket, they might have h ad this Christmas day i And COYCl" up my ht:a.d, Alas ! alas ! · II I wore so lat and Ju.zy, F r on1 heing over-fed. But this money h as no rii.rht here. Come, Chorua--Ila, ha, ha., ha , h a, h~, ha, ha, ·take it away, you who "own" it-saloon. !fa, ha, h~, ha, h11, ha. keepers, rum.sellers-you who are well-fed, Here the choms suddenly stopped, for 1well-cloth ed, fattene d on the weakness and Winkle havin" for severa.l seconds been l y - · wrong of your fellow-m en- come anil take ing h alf awake~~pened her eyes, antl the rats, it aw.ay_. You lrn.ve tl\ke11; b:y d imes, iiow big and lit tle, ,~u scampered off home to the take it 1 .n doll:.i.rs. Tako i~ from t he pal~ oat·liin. '.!.'he b st one h(l,d got safely a way faced wtfe and hungry clu ldrm\. 'l'ak~ it hy t he t ime she roused herself sufficiently to to you,r: own ~urdened table. an d Jolly t:l11ld· look uHer them. "Dear me," she said " how ren, Take i t to fill yom· till and to swell provoking to have those mts maki11g fun of your bttnk (l,Ccount: Take it-but rememb er me and I so much bigger and stronger, and the 1~a.Y of reekomog. . b elonging to so much nobler and more aris· VV1ll our you11g readers f~rm h abits that tocratic a family . .And to think that they all lea.d to such bon dag~ 'I Or will they be free ? got off before I could catch one. Never vViU t hey ever sacnfice manh ood for rum, mind, I'll pay them back, I'll watch for them." or honor for money.? '\Vill they bef~iend t~e And she settled herself to w atch. But habit dn.11k,trd by sweanng eternal emmty to lus was too strong and she w as soon asleep av:-rici~us enemy-th~ liquor-seller? Shall again, and t he rats came oLLt and finished th~s cnme be stopped m o ur land? Answer As usual ou r new their laughiw> chorus a nd then ran home this Christ mas day. as fast as b<lfgr e. And remember th e drunkard's victims on stock of This time she felt so irJ.sulted that she de- this blessed d tiy of fun aml fe(l,sting. Put cicled to take up her quarters in the oat-bin into theit: desol:ite h~arts and ho:11es some CANAD IA~ , so a~ to b e near them anc! the more easily o.f.the br ightness w lnch has come mto your ob tarn her r evenge. So sne walked over to In es. ENGL IS H, the oat bin and, t he cover being open, went SCOTCH & inside 'rnd hiy clown again to sleep. But .iiel'Oism AMERICAN while she slept the treacherous oats began to move and W iukle sank down , down, There is "general impression that , w hatever down. At first the sensation W··s not un- characteristics may come to be prevalent, pleasant and as she was so accustomod to that of heroism must alwa ys remain exceplie Jrnlf awa.ke with h er eyes shut for a while tion;i,l. It is usually associated in the mind when roased from a pleasant nap, before she I with prominent deeds. ~hat win universal p;ot r eady to move ot' look around her for : appla.1 rne, or great sac'l'l fic es that mvoh·c en. deep ,distu:rbing influence, she was buried '. durance of pain or rennnciation of pleasure. the down in the oats and smothered to ; '.l'o ·werage humanity such opportunities and ot h er Suitings is d eath. ! seldom come, and it is therefore supposed th e lar g e s t , most The next morning, when N ellie went out : that only the few can live heroic lives. Yet comp le te and most to the barn t o feed h er ch arge as usual, she I it is quit e clear that these circumstances could find no trace of her. \¥ inkle had l cannot create the heroism; they can only call fa shi onabl e t o be mysteriously disappeared and though she ~ it forth if it is there ; and, if t his be so, it found in West Durham searched everywhere she could think of, no must exist independent of circumstances. clew to h er w hereabouts W(l,S discovered. I It is true that the heroic element ir. a man Nellie never forgot herfi.rstpussy -ctit, and f will enable him to do great d eeds a nd en. though she is an old woman now she s till 1 dure great suffering if need be ; but, when vividly remembers the p leasure and pain I he is not called upon for th ese, he does not and disappointment in her possession. It ! cease to b e a hero. On the other h and, the has kept her alw1.·ys interested in t h e joys sam e ttetious may be performed and Sl\cr ifices and sorrows of children , and full of symp[l,- made without any heroism at all. It is the We have the goods. T o inspect is to order. Our prices are right. thy with them. And t o-day, as the little character that lies underneath that is heroic Our styles command admiration. Our originalit y is inexhaustible. people, who c<ill her "grandma, " cluster i or unh eroic. energy and pluck hav e no bounds. Our enterprise, around her asking for a stor y, "aretilly story, l a.bou.t when you wer e a little girl, grandma," · ·Call at t he cenb·e of" Style, Beauty and Clicapness· When He Would f orgive Him, she tak es <inothcr Nellie in her lap and tells them about Winkle. "Did father injure your feelings last 1 night when he ask ed you out fa the hall ?" Haste and Waste. asked a fair damsel of G street to a clerk in . a drygoocls st ore. Th~ .anccdo~e which foll~ws doserv.es to '. "yes," h e repliecl, in bitter, revengeful Tile T ai101· 1 tf be pl.iced beside the w':'ll-known story of ; tones, "but I can forgive him that for your ~he lad ~vho won a place .m a bank by stoop- ! sake, dear." mg ~o :pick u~ ~pm ~lnch h~ found on the cc Then you will come again?' she asked, 11001 of the presid ent s ro~m. . hopefully and bright ly. One s.tory of the eccentric Setp,h cn Gmtrd I ·· y es, Jove, I will come again," says that .he once tes!ed t~e quality ?fa li?Y "When, Harry, w hen ?" :-Vho appbc~ for a situ11hon by givmg ~rm , "\Vhon your pa is in the cold, cold a.mate!\ loa~cd at both ends and , ordermg ground, Annie." hnn to 11g~1t i t. The boy s~rnek tne match, i "No sooner than that ?" she asked, with ~nd after it had bm.nod.half its. length, threw tears in h er eyes. 1t. away. GU'art~ d1 sm1~sed hu~, beca~1se he I " Well,~' ,he sa.!d, forgivingly, "fo~· your did n ot ,save.th e other ~ncl for future use. sake, I imgnt be mduced to come to lus funW e pl ace our elegant new goods, complete in a ssortmen t, splen did in. 'fh e boy s failure to notice that the match eral ,, was a double-ended one was natural enough, l · quality and overflowing with generous bargains in · considering how'IDatches are generally made; but haste and heedlessness (a habit of care· Dead as a Hen-ing. less observation) are responsible for a great . . . · . . part of the waste of property in t he world. A stmple-mmded r~stio was standmg. m i front of a store holdmg a smoked h errmg ---··-·~......,.-..,. ~ ---··----by t he tail, when a b ad boy from a window Ch oosing .Baby's Profession . 011 the opposite side of the street shot at the c .. . I mstic with a putty blower, the missile When Jrnuny Sil~er g?t l.'ome fro~n t he strikin" t he hand in w hich t he gentlenrnn store the othe_r evemng lus wife n;et lnm at ' from t~e r ural dist ricts held the smoked th?, d~or lookmg very much w~rn~d. . I hel.'ring. before you a t p rices that must lead t o a speedy sale. Jun, what do Y .o u th~nk · huby John I T he countryman p laced t he h erring ca.re· swi~llo~ve~l four peumes this v.ft,emoon a_nd I fully 011 the ground a nd stamping its head I couhlu t tiJ!d the doctor, and I,~1 so fright· violently three times w ith the ponderous en~~ I don t ~now '~!utt ~o d?. . : heel of hi~ 1.iuot, said in a triu.mp_lrnntly ~~e\l, b~ace up, S'.'Hl J im, rea~~urmg· scornful voice : " Now, bi te agam if you Im kmd of glan it happened. · can reptile " ly. ' · " Oh, you horrid thing ! Glad !" "Yes. You see I've been wondering for --· · -- - - - -- - a l~ng w!1il t e wlh1at profession we,~vould haYe \ "Where are your t ickets, gents?" ask ed J o~n go m .o w er; h e gro:'·s l~P,· Try our b est i the doorkeeper of a St. Louis theatre to a And did yon JUSt decid e . I line of m en who confronted him in "h1dian "Yes. I. think h e ought to be. well adapt· file." It's a ll r ight," shouted ll man at the eel for t~c i,utern~l rev?1 rne. servwe. " i tail end of the line, "I've got the tick ets. ·. She_ d1dn t forgive hun for an hour and There's twelve of us with me. Count 'em none bett er made. six mmutes. as they go in." " In you go, gents," said -- - - - - - - : -·-·- · -· the doorkeeper, and h e tallied oft' eleven George Cunninghah1, a resp ected farmer who immediately mixed wi th the crowd of Ameliasburg township, hanged himself within. The dooi·keeper turned to look for 1in a cow shed on his premises. The de· the holder of the tickets, bnt he had disap· '! ceased was nearly 77 yo<irs of age. Family peared, 1 md eleven men saw the performance 1 tJ:·'?u.ble is said to lmve been t he cause of h is safe from identification in t h e tremendous · su1c1de. th rong of people. It h ad rained m the night, and all t he wood l vVhen everyone wr.s so turne<l afiainst W n· wet'" it could be, I' Winkle a nd N e llie b ecanle ltet· oolc ri·e11 ta ~ There ,vere puddings anti pies t o b~ke j We beg to notify th e public t hat we begin a Great Ami a loaf of cake for ter·. imd p rotector, she began to 1mikc excuse8 for And 1.110 day was hot, n.nrl her :iching head Clearing. sale of Goods and Clothing. on her. "I don't,l>eiieve," she :;:;iid, "thiltWe give ThroiJIJed wearily as she "'id: h orcn ough to eat orshe wo uldn't ha.vebeen "lfmaicteusbutknewwhr.t l.'ood wivesknow IJv.[()N~r They'd not Uc in ha!::ite t :> wet(" ' driven to steal. l will see that, aftel.' this ~' · · · she has all she wants, " and so pussy was fed , "Annie, whut do you think ! told Ned Bl'Own 'f' .L. · · ' . I ·· in s<>..ason and out of season with everything Called the farmer from the well!D · } · f l b f Q b er an d t h e Nellie could fiud, even securino , Ut he daintiest And a flu:;h crept up t.o his iJr OJl:t.ed b row, I . ur1nb<'I' le time 0 . sa e, etween th e 4th 0 And his eyes huit ba.; hlully Ml. bits from her own plate. "It was this," :>nd, corning nearer, he smiled; '1 the 31st of December, we will ofter goods at SUG h prices as ~!ter a while vVi nkle got so she .did no· " It was t h is : Thrit i·.,u '"""the best ·11 k · }} h thmg bnt eat and sleep. There was no Aml <.learest wife in town." j Wl Ina 'e l t easy for the people t o d ecide who Se S t 6 more chasing of birds over fences and up The fa t'lllCl' ~'ent. back to .the field, I cheapest Dry Goods and Clothing in t own. trees, no inore running aft er dead leaves as And the w1fe, rn o. snul mg, absent wa.y, they were blown along by the wind, no more I s~n :;: snatches of tcuclel' little song3 · . k She'd rnng in head manywa· ad'\)'. f ro1lC 'ing w ith thistle down Or snow flakes. And thenot p~in in her gone, and her clothes I, I . And you would neve r have r ecognized the W~re as white as the io~.m of the s~a I . layful kitten of other days in this fat, lazy, Aud her butter as sweet arn! go!clen ns it could be. ! half stupid cat, n.nrl t he only excuse for her The night came down! of eve1 ·y article will be marked on lal'ge tick ets, to show t he ext ent of liiewo.s"Nellie l ovedherso." Th od ·r 'J d·' 0' f ' ·1 j l d t" "1"17 11 t H er favorite lounging }Jlaee was in the "'Tis :ogs~veettoe1;'~?,1?~ 0:?t;.:;~~ .:;,tr0~~~,"a" : t :e re uc ion~. n e ar e crowded. with i;iew i;tock from ~e ar _to garre · barn on top of a box of bran close by the It IS not · trnnge -r.at mo.ids \\' I d wed. I \\ e mean 1usmes:;, t Lerefm parties askmg u s for bargains will not be 1 oat-bin, z.md the probabilities are that, but for 1 disappointed. h er untmiely end, she would soon have A Christmas Temperance Homily. been too indolent to get up even that high. . . . I so~ There were plenty of rats ttnd mice to _!f all ~.h~' mon~y ~p~nt, on mt~x1 ?at~ug I . hunt out in fanne" UliJforcl's barn but Win-' dnnk <lunn., t he pttst year coutd t lu sChnst· N B S J h L' "11 b . k le 1 ,,d lost a ll · · t' f th' t t f j mas moming be brunght in and laid on the I · .--' ome O me8 WI e offered at half price. E x 1 m e1 ma ion or mice a sor Clu·~s · t mas..b rea; kfast ta) I1 ' barga1ns · ·I·D R ea d y-ma d e ("11 h· thing'" . . Of course the rats and soon \. e w llat wonc1ermcnt i .1 ot ing. h' l j DAY Dry o c TOBE R cto 4th t I I Th e :El ,': E U C E DPRICES & 0 0 ELLI ° I If I I J IGGINBOTHA & S ON, PURE DRUGS. P I-IARMA CEUTICAL CHEMISTS, Keep all the requisit es of a first-class Drug Store. I . I I I that can be had in the market, and t o sell at reasonable prices. t is our aim to buy the purest and best Drugs 1 I PATENT M E DICINES. TOILET ARTICLES. patent medicines advertised. We have a large stock of English, French and German Perfumes, Powders, Pomades. and a big assortment of Hair Brushes. Thorley's Food, Prairie Flower, Condition Powder and Ground Oil Cake always on hand. O ·: R. :0 E J:<. ' · I I TWEEDS, WORSTEDS I I I ! Wa Never Get left. I 1 · Gent's Furnishings a specialty. JOSEPH JEFFERY, I RICHT TO THE FRONT. B.OOTS AND SHOES 4 I Slippers, Rubbers, Overshoes, Trunks and Valises I I I The Latest, Newest and Best Fall and Winter Styles at the Lowest Prices consistent with Good Quality. FREiNCH POL~SH ·AND . BLACKl, NS, John Hellyar's Boot and Shoe Emporium.

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