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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1887, p. 4

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. l> .co s ro ~ (]) . 0 (]) . ~~ o~ ·r-1 ~ __.,. · y·-f ~ ~ ~ 0 . The Methodist Observer. This new rti!igious weekly newspaper was sent last week to all subscribera of THE STATESMAN for a double rinrpose(1.) to supply in a measure the place of T1rn 8TATEf·MAN1 which was not printed last week ; and (2,) to let all see Tim OnsJ:RVE:rt. We will supply both of these weekly papers from now to Jan. 1, J 888, for $1.50. While THE On:um vEit is purely Methodtstic, the contributed artic!eR are good religious reading a!ld g eneral roispellany, aside from all strictly d enominational matter. are well wortli tho extra 50 cents. Talma.ge's sermons are alone worth that money. By some remissnes~ on the part of the railway, th e ser· roon and Sunday-school lesson did not re1tcll us in time for t he last Ons 1mv1rn, but they will appear regularly in future. G. T. R. AND STATESMAN. Why is T HE STATESUAN la te this week ? Because the Grand Trunk Railway failed to get the paper to us. It last Friday in Toronto and l d S reac ie us a.turday night. to-day (Wednesday) we can was shipped 11hould have Up to noon get no trace .p~ ~ J3 · ,µ 0 rl.2 7:.) Q r-. r:c.i .9 C+--1~0 00 <D~ ,_q rn ai~ H ~ CJ) ~ ·~ ell ..pa ~ -.j .Q q a4 o~ ..0 ~ r-tJ A 1'.--1 0 ·~ i:Q ~ rn ~ O' O ~ of it, t h ough we have telephoned a h alf doi1en times about it. 'rhe annoyance Have yon seen 'fod Bros. , all wool flan nel at 20c, worth 25c. FREF. SET l·F lIARNESs. -N. Thompson & Co. w!ll give gratis to tlw person buyin.I! the 1110111 goods at tl1eir shop during 1887, a set of all Nickle Single Harness worth $25.00. Couch, J ohnston & Cryderman a re selling off a lot of new winter Dress Goods at about; half price. They have no h esitation in saying tha t these are by far the cheapest Dre ss G oods in town. See them and you wilf bo convinced that this is the B~tter We Frame Pictures as cheap as the cheapest . o"d ~ ~ (]) E-i '"d ..--i (l) c.? 'C ·,..-4 ~ · (:Q m p.. . ca ~ ~ '"d 0 ~ II-f C.) !"" ~ <l) ..p ,...(') ro.~ ca -..j -+.J = 0 ~R:l <D bJ) · 1-=t CD ,....... ~ = bJJ ~ 19, 1887. Publisher's Department. 'Ve cannot accept less than one dollar for the STATESMAN for 1887. We shall p11bli11h our list of paitl-up Bubscribers early in February. Our premium books are going lilrn hot cakes. Read our offar elsewhere. We employ no agents. Every person whn wants the ,S:r.u:.&SX.t.N must pay the Publisher for it. Methodists are subscribing freely for TH.& OmmRVKR and STATESMAN. Both papers for $1.50 We would like to see every farmer in W.e st Durham taking the Canadian Live Stock Journal. $1.00 a year. Your choice of ovar 3,000 Canadian and American Newspapers and Magazines at JAMES' SunsCitII".rION AGENCY, .Bowmanville. The S:u .TJ.:SMAN Newspaptr and Magaz . ine Subscription Agency is doing an immense business this sea.son. Subscription~ pouring in by every mail. Subscribers in the United State~ m ay send good clean Green Backs, and 2-ce nt stamps for odd change , when remitting for the 81'ATE1lMAN and other papers. <tt BowMANVILLE, JANU~RY FEBRUARY 15 AND 22. 'fhe nomination 'and election of membera for t ho Dominion Parliament will t&ke place on the above dates, respectively. · 'fhe Cf lobe was only a we.:ik out of the way in announcing tho· election two weeks ago. Noth a bad guess on a thing so uncertain as an election. The ti1ue is short- less th:m a monthDUt J,ib erals are ready for the battle. They have had urging and advice enougl1, at least, from their leaders and their orgalls to get ready, and we believe they are well ready. Though short, the contest is going to be one the fier cest ever fought in Canad;i.. There iu but one chance left the Conservn.tive~, and this is their clause. Should ~fr. Blake and his party be returned t() powr~r at this election---and we have no doubht on that point- Sir John Macdonald will never again be at the head of this country. To the shrewdness and skilful Atr&tegy and manuvring of Sir John, as leader of the Consunative patty, do .they owe a. Ion~ lease of power He is now far down th11 decline of life ancl cannot be expected to stand much longer in tho fore front of the battle and lead on the faithful ones who hav e done hif! bidding in the past, a11d no man in the Conservative ranks todzi.y can fill hie place. There is a magnetism about the Chieftaiu that is not posseased by any of his band, Nations and men, Iiko dogs, have their day ; aud so h11ve political parties. The Co~ser·vatives in Canada have had their day and on the 22nd prox. they will be judged and sentence will be declared. The p robabilities point very conclusively to their "being found wanting." This much is certain : during the last eight years of Conservative rule the expenditure has increased amazingly. In 1878 when Sir .John came into power it was $23,503,158; in 1886 it was $39,176,973, an increase last year over 1878 of no less than $Hi,673,815. The presflnt debt of Canada is $281,314,000. Canadians, will you allow om· b eautiful country to be driven into b an k ruptcy? If not, support the coming Premier, Hon. Edward Blake and the men who :will support him, aud assist him in sa~·ing Canada from such a disaster. PERSONS WE KNOW. ~00~ Mias Eva Piggot has been visiting Toronto . Mr. Johman Clarke, or Orono, baa gono to California. " Mr·. A. \Vood st.o.rted for California on Monday morning, Mr. \Vood is now residing at Sa-.1 Diego. . Mioe Minnie Manning is visiting friends at Bridgewater. Misa M'l.u<i Nosworthy is attending \Vhitby Ladies' College. Mias Annio Moore, of Newcastle, is teaching ll'ntorpriae achoo!. Mies Hattie Wnlkor is teaehlng school a little ea.st of l'lewcastle. Miss M. Manning. or Tyrone, ia attending Toronto Normal School. :l'.liss Jamieson. of Oshawa, is vi~iting at the Rev. Mr. Shoultse'. Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Jae. neid spent New Year's wit I\ friends at Port Hope. Mr. Sands. or Chatham, was a guest at :Mr. D. Belth's over New Year·s· i\'.I r. G. T. Marshall, of Gian forrl, has been viettinit Darlington friends, Miss Cookman, of Fenelon Falla, 111 vleltlng at Mr D. T. Allin's, Orono. Mies Ettie .Tones. of Bellevllle, la visiting hor sister, Mrs. Brlntnell, Orono. Miss Caroline Stephens, of McGrauville, N. Y ., is visiting relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. lCd. Bassett and son have been visiting at their parental homo. Mr. Douglas McArthur and Mr. W. Allen were home duving the holidays. Mrs. W. G. Glov"r and daughter Gertie,h"ave been on o. visit to 'l'oronto friends. , Mr. and Mrs. Mummn, La. Salle, N. Y .· have been i;tueste at :r.fr. C. L. Munson's. Miss Carrie Weller, Cobourg, was a guest at M1·: 'l'. Bingllam'a, during the holidays. Mr. II. K,onner, son of Hev. W. Kenner. Tyrone, la attending 'l'oronto Gn1verslty. Mrs. Wicke, Oshawa. apent the holiday sea· son with her daughter, Mrs, J. Per.,y, er. r Mr. an d lhrs. C. E. Ewing and Miss Nina R"'ing spent the holidays at Mr, ttoblin's. Mr. 'l'. H. and Miss Mc:Murtry attended Miss Craick's wedding in Port Hope recently. Miss Clara Windatt has returned home from an extended visit at her sister's in Winnipeg. Rev. Dr. Fraser, of Owen Sound. was the guetlt or his brothei·. at st, Paul's Manse last week. r a.mpton School . is atten dIng Toronto Normal I· die soon, than live on lin '.;~·rin'!ly issuing- last week. \Ve have done the in pain. Bet ~ cr do nei ther, hnt get ancl best we could, and hope our readers will take rnedici ue tint will rel Ml "fl pain which is only on evidence of disea s··, a">d thns overlook what we could not help · y ou may !i.-e on in health an·l happines s. [f you have a c ·1ld or cough, 1 veak or sore MAYOR HORSEY'S DENIAL. lungs, c "n Rtirnpt,1on , coroni~ 1 1ris~l catarrh, . bronchitis, impure bleed or J; ver dise·se, Srn- In yonrissue or the ll~h. inst. in 1our take Dr. Piercti'a "Golden Modic!\! Discommenl:R on the recent mumc1pal P.lect10i·s. " · f l d" yon say, "It is openly stated that Mi" Horsey Icove ry a. certain cure or t luf:le t~easee. informed several person~ t.hat be vot.ed l'or Dr. By dr11gg1sta. Mcl~o.ughtin. On tho platform on Monday be l SPF.Ci AL A 1"rENTION shonld always be stated tl1at he h&<l. voted tor Mr. Prower. If I . . T · the charge be true. Mr. Horsey has sectircd his g t,·en to the hair 1md scalp . here IS posit.ion 1 .1uou11h deceit. as he sought support, nothin<r nicer than a good .)t oad of hair. a.n<l secured it. by deny faleahood." I " ' f b a Idn ees ,~ J · · luwin!:" in!ormed any n case o ieu ti 10 r, oot s ,ue I emphatically person tllat I voted for Dr. McL'lu;rhlin, or not all gone, Dr. Dorenw·> 11d s Great that I 8ought support from politico.I s;rmpa.thy, German Hair Magic, will produce & ~fe~~~tfu;~h~1i~~e~~c~~~ti~~v~{6 {j~~l~i~~: luxuriant growth of hair; it. will re·tore ale whose name.a I could m'ention, were sent all 11:rey and faded h a ir to its original to ml! a8 stool pigeons, who ondeavor~d t.o as· color and vi"or · it stops all falling out cert11rn how I voted; but they were q1uetly let . 0 ' down and out with their empty craniums full of of the hair and removes all traces of danlnformatlon, druff. A. little of this g reat prepB.rs.tion d · h'l "JI k th L I must confess I was surprised at the tone of your commonts, and regret tbn.t you should ~ise once rn a w · ·.e wi e<'P e sea .P have found it necessary to criticise me ao in a healthy cond1t10n 1lnd make the hair severely, "nd to charge me with falsehf'.!Od ·and soft1 pliant and brnutiful. A.Doren wend dcccptlor> on mere rumor, and to brmg the · · ' matter so prominently before the public, with· sole manufacturer, Toronto. J . H1ggmout ftrat aacertainina: IC.the rumour was well botham & Son, a"'ents for Bowm1inville. founded, more especially since the STA'l'ES ~!AN has always snpported mo durinll my pnblic PURE 'l'EA! PURE LITERATURE !!-The career. and also gave me ttscordial and hearty Li-Quor Tea Co. is tho lai'gest and bes1 aupport in the recent contest. strongly ad vi·· .Packet Tea Co. in the "orld. A. handing the electors to return mo aR Mao·or, as I discharged the dutiea o( tile oftico (aithfully some volume given away with every 3lbs and in the interORtB of t.be citizens. of this celebratecl teit. It is not necessary \'Vhy should you in your comments endeavor to connect nrnnlcipalma.tterR with parliall1eu· to purohaso the three pou nds at one time; tary electi011e 1 What riP:lltl1ave you to criti· a voucher is !!iven away with every half ciee my actions n3 to bow I vote, or what my d B d · k" " th L" Q . 'I' ti politics.I opinions are 1 Alt110ubh I hold myself ponn · Y rm rn~ e .1-. uor .eag, · l amenable to the citiY.cns tor my actions as consumer becomes a participator in the Mayor of the town. I shall not allow any in- 1 advanta<res which this company po~ses · es dividua.I or cliq~e to go ,·ern me in the enjoyII"' · f ment of my franchiec, and as a rreo agent I over a competit .. rs, 01· he gets a he 1 t.<'lr shall cxN·cis0 my privilege as a citizen, inde· t ea at a lower pri<'e th><n can be procured pe;~~~ti!our rema.rks 1 would infer yon are elsewhere, and h t1 sh11~.-s i~ tha ioest!m· or the opinion that this town should be con- able benefits of a v.i!!alltlC enterpnse. ducted as a polit,ical institution; I nave yet to Came ei;rly an<l t!<"t tht> benPlit of 0ur unb<> convinc·d that t.11e Ma.yor and CouncillorR b k ,_ L M A of our municipe.l corporation are to be elected ro en stun.. . llVI 01m1>:, gent, a s noliLical machines, to vote as political wire- Bo11neall's Block. ll-tf pullers SURReet. Are the interests or our town to be sacrificed for µarty 'I Are tho individuals who havo n large financial interest at state in onr town, to bo governed by a few p11rti>1an worn out polilical hacks. and ollice·aeekers ? .A.re the interest~ a.nd prosperity of our town to be completely lost sil{ht of for party and polit· Comprising part.a or tbe old Wilmot Property ical pnrp()ses? Onr Councillors ought to be chosen and elected tor their moral worth and situated o. short distance West of the VUlage business ab:llty and known as ln1ividu·1ls hav- of. Newcastle. in the 'l'ownship or Clarke, ing a deo11 interest in ihe "ivellfare o! the town County of Durham. and every assistance gl ··en them by all classes of PARCEr, No.J- Sonth part. of lot 3·l ,in the 2ud 'citizens for th11 gcnernl a<lvanccment 11nd ConcesllionofClarke.containi!1g135.acres,more pro.etl,erity of lhe,1 town. and a l)ow political er leas,all nuder good culth,at.ton,w1th orchard hacks tCM!ee ~m-e congenial chme for then· 9 operations. · He that steals my purse, steal~ tra.sh, But he that roba me of my good n·une PARCEL No. 2- The South-West po.rt or no bs me ol ..n that I possess 3'}.inthe 3rel concessiono!Clarke, contaiJ!il·g A nd loaves me poor indeed. 7a acres. more or less, all under g ·od cnlt1va. tion. with orchord thoreon; Dwelliog-houuc, W. M. HORSEY. Bowmanvl!le, Jan. 15th. Hi87. ::.01::i~~'i)t1t~~~~~t~~n~'resentoccupiedby has been the greater on a ccount of not case · O~ PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES are unequalled for quality and price. FULL LINES OF STATIONERY AT LOWEST RATES. l Wall Paper at cost. REMEMBER THE PLACE KENNER & CO.'S VARIETY HALL. OISSOl U T!ON : OF PARTNERSHIP isContemplated IN THE FIRM OF ENTRANCE EXAMINA'l'IONS. The eubjects for examination for entrBnce to High Sc!lools Bre those given at the lack of the re~isters as fourth" class work, except business forms and music. At the J11ly Examinationa,1887, papers will be set in Literature from· the following lessons in the new Ontario Readers, the only aeries now author-. ized for use : 1. The Visiun of Mirza., pp. G::l- 66 and 68-71. 2. The Death of Little Nell, pp. 100 -104 3. The Bell of Atri, pp. 111-114. 4. Dora, pp. 137- 141. 5. The Changoling, pp. 205- 206. 6. A Forced Recruit at So!ferinc:., pp. ---- The change to be accomplished on or about the 1st day of March, w h en J ohn Robertson by mutual . ' ~r:~~~~e~~e~~~gp~:a ~YbaJ~fi'neti~'i~k~~~~tisl agreement, will retire from the 1"'1 firm , A good deal of money ~xr1'll · · ,. be required in order to complete Those farms. from their richness soil and arrangements entere d 1 . n t o, well known prO<luct.ive qunlitics, th~ir con· the veniencR to the markets of Bowmanvillc 1md Newc11stle. o1fer ad vantHges to in ton ding pur· · chas~rs ·n_ot 8111'.l~rioi: to any other and i· n order t 0 make th1' ngs fa.rmmg nropert1e.f! the .J:'rovmce. Terma and cin11lition!'I or s&ltl and other o.1·t.ic11lars mar'e known upon application to move bet~xreen r1o~x7" and the f; rst ciA MUEL WILMo'l'. liJSQ., or WRIGHT vv vv . ). . WHIGR'r. 8oiicitors. Newcast.Je. or to the npdereignedpro:orietor,ALLAN}'.WILMOT. of March our '"'{J\:THOLE STOCK Furgns Falls, Mmn. V V ;~tia~~onf:;emc~:dl7~ ;;. will be offered v v Valuable Farm Lands For Sale. ROBERTSON & BOND. ot eqna1. 1r m p. &; U.S. · . ' 5 28'7- 288. 7. National Morality, pp. 295-297. 8. The Two Bret1oths, pp. 314-319. Pursuant to aDecreta.I Ord er of the Ohancery Division of the High Court of Justice made in an action between Margaret Jane Thompson, plaintiff, and Sarah Barton, Emma. Orr, Margaret Jane Verdiere,John Heal, Frederick Heal and Charles Heal, Walter Heal and Harry Helll, mfants, under the age of twen. ty-one, defendants. . Thompson. late of the 'l'ownship of DarJington, in tha County of Durham. builder, who THE · CREDITORS OF HUGH · RECARDLESS OF Price or Profit. NO HUMBUG! --BU-T .A..-- Mr. J:t; J. Niddery, thR po[J · ular Principal of School, Mr, W. 11. Miller. an active m ember or the A . 0. U. w,, bes been in \Vest Durham for some da.y 8. Mrs. 'l'. and Mies Bassett Jrnve returned from an extended l'isit to Toronto and West· ern Ontnrio. J. J. Hobson. Esq., Ileeve of INewcastle, aspires to the Wurdenahip of these United Counties this year. Mi·. and Mrs.!Jfrank Leigh, of EssPx Centre, have been visiting at Mr, Jas. Leigh's, Orono, MAYOR HORSEY'S DENIAL. the past week. Rev. !Jl, Roberts, tho worthy pastor of Price, 75 cl;s , lari:e bottles. 41 St. Methodist Church. ha~ been on a ····- - -· - - - - -. 'Ve hn.ve received a lengthy letter Queen F .L , · S ·f , , f . visit to RxPter. RA:l<I~ ESLIE s ?NDAY u AGAZINE Ol from Mr. Horsey anent our remarks on Mr. and Mrs. :\'IcClellau. ot St. Thomas. and J anual'y, 1887, begrns the twenty-first Mrs. Harriaoo, of Bu!lalo. are guests at Mrs. voltmine of this well-established family his election. We freely give space tc as C. L. Munson's. . . much of the letter as refers to the real Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McGill and children. or magazmo . Openmg the number, we are spent N~w Years and Sunday in at once ureeted with a verv b eautiful questi on at issue . We supported Mr. Peterboro', town. at llitl father·s. l d {' · ·,, "ti d "F h Mr, Joha Jewell, Hampton.has been serious· co ore ro~hsp~ ,ce, en ti e or t e H. strongly and voted for him in the rely ill and his brother Willia.m. or Mitchell, has Pastor," winch is a real art gem . The cent contest, because we thought he de- been on a.visit to him. lfMdincr article is devote d to "The Salva0 · ,. · · l . served re-election for the faithful manMr. 'l'. H. McMurtry, of the West End hon Army and among its il ustratwns Honse, has accepted a position in a 1'oronto is a fine p ortrait of '·Gene ral" Booth. ner in which he di~clmrged his ofllcial wholesale ea ttLbli ~hment. A ·t· t"tl>d " A . S I1001 .Mr. N. Buchner, of 'l'oronto, and l\fr. J. . n at I C 1e ~n 1 e . ~erican c s duties last y ear, and because he is well Bickle, of\Vooclstock, were in town , ovn New m th e Turlnsh Empire, by t he R ev, J. quali&ed fo r the po$ition, and we were Year'd. at Mr. vV.Glover'e, F. Hig"s with illustrations should atu1· Carl L Srr1 t of p t b "'.' . ; and ,' also , ,The very much s urprised when we heard, on "" · · · tir ·, e ,er oro ,· tavore d us tract wide attent10n with a call last week. He has been the guest W um en of India" both b e aring upon the what we regardticl as most reliable auth- or Mr. Jas. H odgson, at 'l 'yrone. Mr. N. S. Young rccelvecl a handsoine .. nJbtin1 mission a ry c iuestion · Th . e Ion"·announ"' ority, t h;>.t he had secured several votes by recently, 11s a token or t.hc good will ot hi~ ced new s erial stnry "His Banner over decertion a u d falsehood. 'Ve now pre- employees in the Organ Factory. lVIe ," by E. A. Mathews' b egins also in Re v, W. H Warriner. Il. D., tho eetcomed aent Mr . H or~ey's statement to the con- pastm ot Trinity Church, conducted services this number. It o pens interestingly, and trary to our readers, and are pleased that in tho Conregational Uhurch, Pt1.ri8, on Sun· is written in a charmingly graceful style. day, 9th inst. Mr. Powell's six1ih loaf deals with Alfred lie is a ble to give the rumors such empha.'1'1l11: S·rA~'ESMAN congratulatesauotherWest Terinyson, put also consirlerably with " boy" 011 hio election as Mavor of tic d enial. On further inquiry we have Dmham Got.ourg- Mr. Sam.Clarke, formerly of Hamp· Thomas Powell himself. 'l'hero are sevreason t o believe that the rumors were ton and Tyrone. · cral good poems, many int eresting short ~r: Ar.thur Pow.,rs, Kirby, h_ a a seen.red a articles and some very b e autiful encrra· Dot well founded, and we regret that pos1L1on m a Land aud CollectmR o1hce m . · . o they shoukl h . w e been circulated in these Uhioago. He spent a few da.ys at bis father's vmgs appropriate to the h oliday rnason. hl·t week, befuie assuming the duties o! h is -· · · ·--columns. We h ope that he will fill the position. CJONSllllll'TION c11n11:)).- an oHt nhysicia.11 l\Ir. and Mrs. Gen. Argue of Solinn, attend· retired from practice, having had placed in bis position of M ayor this year with as great ed t.he opening or W enella il'fethodist Church, bands by an East India missionary the formula last Monday week; and were guests or M.rs. of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy satisfaction as he did lallt year. Argue's sister and brother·m·law-Mrs. and and permaneutcureofUonsumption,Bronchitis, Mr. Jos. Cole. Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Af l'he following persons arc reported to lie vis· f octious, also n positive and radical cure for A LTJCKY Esc.A.1·11,.-Mrs. Cyrus Kil- itors at Newcaatle :-M.iss Mcl)ranie and siste Nervous Debility and all nervous Compla ints, Oakville,Mrs.J.Soper.La.ngton,Mr.A. Mc· after h_aving tested its wonderful cu~ativ:e borne, of Beams ville, Ont., had what from Naughton Sadbury, Dr. Drummond, Ponty. powers in thousands of cases, has . felt. 1t hie was thought to be a cancer on her nose, pool, Mr. J. Knight and sisters Fenelon Falls duty to make it lrnown to ll1s su1fer111g fellows. ' ' · Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve and was about to submit to a cancer doc- . Elder Shoults preai:hed to a large con11;roga· human suffering, I will send free of charge, to tor's operation, when she tried Burdock ~ion on Sunday evening, 0th tnst., on the sub- all who desi;re it. this recipe, in Germnn,ll rench, :Blood Bit.ters, . whicl1 effected a radical Ject of Infant ila.ptm1~. He Fpoke ~orclbly a.n<l '\ or English, with full directions for preparing ea.,nestlyA and was listened to with great In· and using. Sent by mail by addressin ""with cure· This medicine cures all blood dis- te1·est. un Sunday he dohyerod a sermon on stamp, naminP: this paper, W, .A.. NOYES HO the Action or Mode o{ Eaptunn. Po1otJf"s B/.ockRochuter N. Y. 4:1 eas~., WHAT TRUE MERIT WILL Do.- The d t d 1 fB 7 ' G unprece en .e sa e O >OSC tee 8 erman Syrttp which in a fow years has astonished the world. It is without doubt the .l b d d" d s11.fest anc' est reme Y ever lScovere for tho Si)eed and effectual cure of Coughs, Colds and the stiverest L11ng troubles. I t acts on an entire · IY a·a . . le huirent prmc1p from the usual prescriptions given by Pl1ys1'c1 ' w ns, as ·;t doe· not dry U[J a Cougl1 ,, ~ and leave the disease atill in the system, but on the contrary removes the canse of the trouble, heals the parts affected and leaves thorn in a purely healthy condition. A b0 ttl k t 111 · the ho e f u h e ep · us or se w en the diseases make their appearance, will save doctor's bills and a Jong s o. ell of l . 11erio as illness. A tri;t l will convrnce you of these facts . It IS positively sol<l by all druggists and dea!Rrs in the land. 0 I died on or about the 17th day of October, is· 6. and all other persons ha.ving any specific or general lien or other incumbran<·e on tho folJ.1 wing village lots in the village of EnniRkillen, in the c.,.unty of Dui·h.am, one bemg half an acre, more or less, part. of lot eighteen in the seventhin ooncessson Township of Darlington, the Conntyot or the Durhnm, deecfib· od as follows :--Commencing nine chains in a soutl1erly d1 °r·e·t1"on f 1 on1 tl1 e norti1·west cor· ner of s11id lot "number· eighteen on the east side of the Scugog road, t.hence easterly two chains and fifty links. thence southerly two cha.ins, thence weste1·ly two chains and flftv links, more or Iese, to the Scugog road, thence two cbains, more or less, 11\ong the Scugog road to the D'ace of beginning, The or.her being a village lot in snid village of Enniskillen, con· taining one quarter or an acre, being composed or pa1t ot said Township lot number eigh· teen. commencing at a post pla.nted eleven chains from t,he north·West cornc' oi said lot number eighteen on the west side of said lot on the Scugog roa.d. thence nort.h, Pevonty·four degrees east two chains aud fifty links, ~hence south, aixteen degrees east one chain, thance south seventy.four degrees weAt, two chains and fifty links, t.henco north sixteen degrees wost, Oll6 clrniB, more 01· less, to tbe place of beginning. . . . . Or ·many und1v~ded mterest,or-estate there· rn of any of ihe said p1u11cs by meiins of any mortgage· ot· other lien or securiiy are on or before Sa turday the 12th day of Fehruary, 1887, to send by post prepaid to Wm. Kerr, Eeq,. barrister, Cobourg,o.gent for William Mortimor Clark, so.hcitor for the plaintiff Ill said action. their chr1eho.n and ~ur'?LLmcs. addr<!sse.; .and descr11nlons, the tull pat.iculo.rs or their claims, a statement of their accountA, aud t he nature of the securities (if .iny) hold by them. or in cle· fault thereor, they will be pe1·eroptorily excJm;ed from the benefit. of the said decrettLl ~rdcr. E very creditor holding any security is to prod.nee th e aa.01e before me at m~ cham· bers rn V1ctor1a. Hall. m the town or Cobourg, 011 Monda~ , the lith day of February. 1887 . at ' eleven o'clock in th<'I. foreno.on. bein11;. the time apoomted f<?r lith tbo aclay ··Judicauon on chums. Dated tlus 1; f Janutiry, 1887. (Signed,) G B:O. M. CLAlUC 3-3 w Local l\faster a t Cobourg, CENUINE. SACRIFICE DISSOLUTION OF PARTN.ERSHIP! SA.:LE.. Couch, Johnston &Crydarman are now showing the LARGEST and FINEST assortment of RURAL CANADIAN CANADIAN AND TJIE P RESBYTERIAN $2 l'c>l' Roth l'n11c1·s For 1887, (TWEEDSX&XCLOM) . lll I ' town, and the l'his remarkable offer is KOOd to old a s well as new subrnribers. T he Canadian P resbyterian pronounced t o be the Joa.ding denominational pa'per inCana.du. is now in its sixteenth yciar or publication, and · in all its deµartroenta will be better tba.n ever during the coming year. The Huro.I Cana.dian. about to enter on its tent h year, is styled tho Agr icultural authority of th" Dominion, is a large 32 page paper, with departments to suit the va ried ta stes aml in· terests to be foun(l ii\ every home. Subscr ibe for both papers now and save $1. .Address; CJ. :CLA.CKE'l·r ROBINSON. 5 J ordan Street, Toronto. G OOD 'l'HE l'E.Ut JUJIJ~D~-:Natloual Pilh are agotul blootl })urltler, liver rt:gnlator MAKE-UP of their Clothing lS . ::UNAPPROACBED 1:: by any house in West Durham. and mlldpurgatl ve f"vr all seasons, One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville.

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