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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1887, p. 6

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H OUSEHOLD. ---- ------~----- -------- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - buildinwi. young orchard of 4 acreB, well wat· ered and ltmccrl . Situated Just outside the co1·po1·ati o1 1 of flowmanvillo. Will be sold ver)' cheap for CIBb. Apply to M. A . JAM ES, S'.I'A'IESMAN Office, Ilowmanville. 9 t.F. MALL FARYl FOl{, SALE.- - 30 acres land ha thereon good S house. ban;s, stables and other necessary o l' vim~ frCLm e out· HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALlil IN BOWMANVILLE.-A very BUFFALO~ N"_ -y_ comfortablo brick honse, nea.rly new, containing 8 room&, besides pantries, closets and sum mer kitchen, excellent cellar. Hard and soft ®rgn1112c11 "'ltla a r11n Staff or eighteen water: very good fruit garden oft acre. SituatExpes·icuce<I and S!<lllf'u l l'J1ysldans ed in the most aristrocratic part of the town. and ['lur gcons 1'01· the trentnnent oft ·wm be sold on ve1 ·y reasonable terms. Apply to M.A. J AMES, S TATESMA1'< Office, 9-tf. aU. Chronic J)iscusc !i. B RICJ f~valids'HoteliSurgical Institute GRAIN. Jno. McMurtry & Co. Are prepared to pay the highest prioea or all kinds of Grain delivered at the Wharf or t heir Store H ouse in town. ftlllll'.) r!H:'~ mi li'IJ~ tlllffll\lllfSf' 'lilWlfD !fl!k;ll.U l!,17 tr Ol'Jl\11111 @. Cb ron i c Nasal Catnl'rla, Throat n11d .Lu n g Discn~cs, JLi vcr a n d lfi.i<hiey Disoascs, IBlad<ler IH,,.eas es, l>ll!len!Jes \Vlth or without seemg the \1aticnt . Come and !re us, or Ren<l ten cents m stamps for our Gu!de lloolk," which gives auInvalids· particulars. Norvons Dobilit)', llml·O· PflYf teucy, Nocturnal J,()J,.ses, i!l UIU and all Illlorll>i·l Conditions Ill! cansc(l by Vo11tl 1fnl ]i'ol lielil and Pernicious sou. ~. tary Pwacticefil arc speedily """"""""""'""·"""""" and permanently cured by our ppecialist.s. Book, post-paid, or 10 cts. fo stumps. Ruptnre, Breach, rnd1liJUPT.'mE ca.Ill' c ured, without the knife, lil , un · w1t uout depc!'dence -upon tml"""'"""'"""'"""oll trusses, and with v ery httlo p am. Book sent for ten cents in s,.~ ...mps, PlllLE -_TIDJ'lll:®RS and STRJICTURES £_catetcd w1 thtsthe gi::_eatest suAccess. Book sent ivr n cen m s,,amps. ddress \Vonr.n's DISPE NSARY M EmCAL AssOCU.TION, fj63 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. li""""""""'-"""""""""il ,. 'l ' he t reatment of many n 1 uo u~aa <l8 of cases ulSEASf.S OF diseases peculiar to of those · "VU" E rJ' 0 ~ TMQM!7M H Urli.fj. nt tlio Invalids' Hotel and S_urgic~l Instit).lte, has nfforded htrge experience 1u adapting remedies for tllell' cure, and ID R PI JE RC E, § · oi'. "\Vom1en, CB!lood Dise ases aud Nervous AfJl'.ee Hons, cured here or ot home, fjElf ulSEASEl' STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. C.'ap ltal paid up, $1,000,000. Rest, $~6il,OO This Bank is -;r;pared to do Legitimate Banking ic all i ts branches. .' F·;rmers notes disco unted ; Depos1tn received and Interest paid o n amounts of t;5 upwards in S avin gs Bank Department. I D JR .11..f'T S Issued and Collectionn made in E uroµe U nit ed States aud Canad a. W. J. JONES, Agen Hao receiv ed lter new stock ot cori.·ho a, O I' '"-..vhitce," cxccssi-w-e · · . 18S · 0 f B OW 1iiowi.n11>, an d :i.nv1tes t h e L ad i>ain«ul menstr naHon, un. d · · · }] uatnral sttl'l>l'css ! o ns, p1·olap§U!il or manvine an v1c1mty to ca Inuteversion, !(ailing or the uterus, wcalt bae]t, rctroversion, beari.ng. and see her Pattern down '"ll'l"nd.ion,., C]n·onic coniires tion, inna1nn1 ation aud 11Jce1·afion GOODS., nnd N e rvinc, imparts Vif.:'Ol' nnd strong-th to tho system, and cnres, us if by magic, lLc min is the resu lt of this vust experience. Jt is n, pow,,rful R c !'<lo.-a tlve '.l'onic Favorite Pn=Jscription BONN ETS, H A TS and assortment ot j of u~e ·vo111b, inflannnatiou, 1>aiu and tc1Hl crncs!'I in ovaries, internal TRIMMINGS li!TORE : - i'!eco nd Do!lr wegt or WHliaHJR hitcheP s11tll · and S lceplessnegs, in eitlle1 · sex. b 1Jat, and "1'cn1ale wealurns.-." It promptly relieves ancl cures Nausea and "\'Vca~cu css or Stomach, IIHli!l'Ofila tion, Eloatlng, Nervon" J>rostrat>on, PRl riE u $1 00 I , ~R G BO'.rTJLES FOR $6.00. BEWARE WO RTH LESS I M ITATIONS Sold hy mruggists o'lrerywbere. Send ten cents in stumps for Dr. Pierce's large '.l.'reatise on Diseases of Women, illustrated. World's Dispensary r·edical Association, 663 l'liain Street, BUFFALO, N . Y. A. raw young h ousekeeper is frequent ly i overwh elmed by dmne>tic details, with which ! an olcler housekeeper of matur e judgment and la"gc cxp cl'icncc can readily cope, accomplisLing the s ame amount of work lll onc-lrnlf t he time, and with icss than h alf the trouble an<l friction. Tl1 is d oes not ~wi se merely from the fact tlmt the older h ousekeeper has acquired greater m echm1ical sk ill and swiftness, but, what is still more im1 portant , she has a cquired the habit of forethought an<l the faculty of organizing. She 'l'lnift aml Economy. has learned to carefully a nd j udiciously lay Economy is not pMsimony, iilthough it is het plu.ns ,.nd Inttke her rules and arrange- oft en falsely so callud, and by ma ny conments, so dovetail ?lif ' t he various detf1ils of sider eel di, 1eputablc. It is a most commend. her householcl work tlrnt one fo.sk will n ot u,ble virtue, and should be most sedulously conflict with another. For instance, before cultivated. It is n ot always a gift, and is the fire dies out i n t h o stove, she will c111 e- a:i often acquired ail i nherited. lt is the re· fully refiect over evcrytl1111g that has t o be sult of on.re, thought, i ndustry , u,ncl unc eascooked or heated before the ne:xt rneal, i ng watchfulnes s, iJ,nd is , indeed, one of our whereas, the incxperiencetl young house- highest duties. It is not only a. " gathc1·ing keeper will p erfo1ps only remember after up of fragments , t hat nothil1g be Jost ," but the m ornin g Ji r e is all out that she wrmtetl it is u,lso °' seei ng that there arc few fragau cx tn k ettle of hot w 1.ter, or she wm1ted ments to be thus taken care of- t he opposite to ma im a dish of bfanc irnmge, or some of wastefulness r ind extr avagt< nce, and it is th d t f d' l " t ~ o er esser or mn er , ear Y cnougn o only the mentally w eak who effect to despise 1woid interfer ing with the cook when the 1J,nd ridicule so excellent a quality. latter sets iobout getting dinner. I will A t hi·i "fty, ecoiiomical person ct\11 make ~ take this occasion to t1d1' ise ttll young house- one dollar go twice us far its a heedless, unkeepers to make an especial point of keeping thoughtful per son will. Poverty need not on band a per petual supply of hot water. go hu,nd in h and w ith careless waste and (I ld . lf t t am ac ' lessmg myse ' nr,w 0 coun "ry shiftlessuess, though it generally does. If housekeepers w ho have not a range suppl y- ever thrift and good man11gemeut is n eeded, ing thei\} with this u,rticle.) J'lfake it a rule it is where money is scar ce. Nevel' "put tha t your coo' l s lu1ll a ]w i;,ys ]mve a t 1eas, t your best foot forwM·d" u.t the expense of one kettle of hot water on the stove, and self-respect. It mu,y take a gre11t < leal of that she shall always replenish tlns immedi coum ge to say "I mnnot affm·d it," but it ,.tely after pourinl! ou t its contents. It ir; is nobler far tha n t o hid e b ehind su(,tc1fui:tes, · and .1 ·t w1·11. rn· v so l'ttl l e t ron bl . ~ t o"d o ti.ns, ur go to nnw:.iTantablcexpenscs to cover up calculably facilitate yonr domestic routme. undesirable poverty wliose m ost < ·alling stiu" is the hneied ' nccessitv of "k":ie1)ing 1 lt is ver y disirable to keep two k ettles, w · t erfere w: 't ll tlle J· 1 f " ' ' · you need n_ever rn '~tt e o up appearances"-of ~ail111g under false col· hot wate1: u~tei~cl ed for makmg t_ea of co1lee. , ors, and aping the expenditures of mote ufIf y ou will msist on alW[·ys having a ket t le fluent neiahbors. j\fa11y whose 0uood sense 0 , t e1· on t lle st o\' e, you >1'Jl · oth er n:atters · · " of h ot "'a I so 0 f't e_ n 1m i s md1 sputabl , o, wear out h,a ve a :mdd_en and unexpected n eed ~or it body and brain in the rnsn.nc struggle t o tnat you will be glad you ha.ve esttt bh&hed keep up a style in h ousehold expenses and ti · · ·l F . · · ·11 t ' 1 · · · '.Is ru e. , i ~1 mstance, you w1 . so1~e un.es 1· dress w_ h1ch is utterly beyond their mean s , ;-va.nt ~o drnw a hasty cup of ~e,i for an_ ail . a nd winch blmds nobody to the true state of mg fnencl, or some sudden illness nnght :d faii s . or if it indeed bhnd a few it is so :uise in wl~ich every moment of ~inw gained t ransp,~rei;t to others as to r emit ~nly diswas .<ti1 ohJect, and then you 1rn1,;ht fiud a ' astl'our.ly to tlwm selves. · k<'tt~e of water already h e1ttecl of mvahrnble It is not the thrifty, economicr,lchtss who, service. I have k nown ~ housek.ee1~e r to-d~ y, f!l'C paraly 7 ing all bra.nch es of busithrown b ack an hour by havmg to w ait ror ness with their insaiie demands upon "capj hot wn,ter after the fire had checl out ,_ w hen, ital. " The men and women w ho "gatl1c1· by a litt le forethought,_ and by makrng the up the fr<L$ments" arc not of the howling rule I h:tve al..iove :td v rnell, she VI ould 11ot mob who Jight u mler t he reel fla<> aJJcl de. have had to v;-ait a moment. . vast:ttc anrl destroy legitimate a~~nucs of . A. hou~ekeeper slw ul<l, eMly 111 Lhe mu111- labor hy their brutal onslaughts upon tlte mg, 11rrange all h er plans for t h e day 11nd very h ands that feed t h em . It is not in leL Lli~ euok k uow Llie pwgrn1ru1 _ 1e. Let their homes t hat discontent and anarchy are her tlnnk carefully over evcrythmg tl~at bred. The power which employs idle hands uted" Lo be do11e Ll1a L <lay, :tll<l L1y Lu oruer fin ds in their r a nks no materrnJ to build au<l time th~ various detai~s so tlrnt there uvon. '!'hey have no time nor inclination to "lmll_ be 110 l11L.d1 n'.11· ~oulhd ttuouL them. "ilytoevils they knl'IW not of. " \ Vi th them the For u:istance, if cofle~ is to ~c ;0>1stc~, the " gush" of the so-called "laboring man's best trn1e to have tins done is 1~1medrn~ely friend" is r egarded <LS so mnr.h "twaddle," >dter ~he cook .lrns ttiken up du~ner.. The or t he w ily cant of the vote-seeking p<>litistove is then m cely heated tmd Just m the cian, and, sooner or later, it prov<'S to be l'ight condition for roasting coffee. By set- the trnth ting the cook to do it then, both time and ' ,. - · fool will be saved, and the t ask will prohab- - -- - - - ---- - - -ly be completed by the time yon have dined imd are rea<ly to gi ve the cook h er dinner. This is also a good time for making yeast. I j Euonornizing The lll:orniDg· Hours. batter. A cupful jo _ the ns noJ qu.u:tit:y. Mix ancl divi ,le into cll.X parts, and tie lll six < liffo l'ent sma,ll cl .. Lhs which lnlYe Leen fast dipped in boili11 1; W1J,ter. T ie lightly, Jc,n-ir.g room for the dumplmg to swell, and put into wat er wide!· ho1t.s. Let the dnmp· lings boil gently one 11om· ttnd a half, then mak e a lemon S< nwe J ,ir them of a tc11spoon ful of flour, one tv. lilespoonful of butter, half a cup of s11gar, j >i ice and grntcd rind of a lemon, and lar c !c cu p of boiling 1H1ter. Boil all 11p once, ~iml scr1'c hot in a sa nee. boat, with dumplingf;. Having decided to retire from t.he Jew elry Business, offers his st.ock of Wat chnf'. Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Pl11tc, Spectacles, etc, at, 'l'RE:Thfli:NDOUS HEDUCTIONS until th e whole is disposed of. 'll.'Ju~ stock §OM fl~etinii :H \\'tiho§e!iiale Prlices . I·'a··Mili 20 ~o 40 f'e~· CA·'nt di~~onnt Cor ~\ ~u·1 Cash. $20 Nle,~r Gold. Hm1H111~ Watches t·clluc«~d to $16. $30 do ~:Sil) do $24. $40 do do do $!12. *)0}0 d® do (lo $410. $(;@ do do do $qj;O. i~cw Siln~1· Watch~!":, au 1nal11:es, at samne i·e<luctions. Abont 60 second hand Silver Watche:>, from $3.00 to $8.00 each. Silver Plate, Rings, Chains, Lockets, Broaches, Ear Rings, &c., at even gr<'ater rcduction::i. This is a BONEFIDE CLEARING SALE ; all goods warranted as represent;ed. I purpose remaining in town and will be responsible for all goods sold. BUSINESS FOR SALE EN BLOC . Having a large stock of Material for all kinds of Repairing on band, the ,Job bing Department will be a special feature in this Great Clear~ ing Sale. .All Repairing at greatly reduced prices: Main Springs put in.... 50c. to 75c.: Watches cleaned .. ... . 50c. t o 75c. Jf:web properly fitted ... ;">Oc. to 75c. \ Watch Glasses fitted . . 15c. Case S1,rings fitted . . .. 50c to 75c. Olock.H cleaned,.... ... .. 40c. to 75c. All other work in proportion. All wock w.urantod, as i n the past. A call solicited. i\);~P-N. B.-- To save costs, ov1H·-du f} ac}oLm ts B owmanville, '_ Sept.emb01· 23, 1886. I must be settled for t.hwith 39-tf. Having purcha~ed the Brirness buaiuoss lat ely carried on by Mrs. HUMPHREY, hope by careful atte ntion to busimias, good workirwmibip, and lir·t cl3.as W e have in m a terial, to secure a share of pul:>Iic patronage. stock and are rnanufact urmg a large amount of LIGHT AND HEAVY HAR.J:[ESS. Collars a specialty. We intend that the reputatio n H u mp hrey's Collars h a ve gn.ined sh all be fully sustained. 'Ve arn prepared to furnish r esponsib le parties Collars on apr:;robation . We guarantee satisfaction ur no sale. We also keep in stock a f ull line of goods usually foun d in 11 first class h arness shop, comprising BLANKETS, ROBES, RUGS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, ETC. See onr Bull 'Bone Whips- somethin!? new. We h ave also in stock Kitchen Hints. for Horses and Cattle, a sure cure for bruises, sprains, cuts, and sores of all kind~. Shop-Sign of the Big Collar. 17-3m =====~--- · GREAT BARGAINS - - J : lN - - - .::..-=·-..- =".'. ·::::=~~ -~-~= - -·~ --- Boots · and --AT-- Shoes W-ORKS FOR30 DAYS D -A-V-I S'. KING STHirnT, HOWMA.NVILL - Has now on b.and 11 number ol veh!clM (and is manufacturing e great many more)of t he nell t eC patterns and beat finish , which I nm offering for sale at tho lowest prices consistent with dne regard to workmunship ond quality. 'rhc fnllowingi· a liBt. of the principal vehmles rr.anufactured by me Double Cove re d Carnages ... ... .... ........ ...... .. .... ....... ........... .... $150 Upwardl!. Single Phretons . ..... ....... ....... .. .... .... . . ... . ........... .................. JOO " 11 l>per1 Buggy . .. 70 11 Top Buggy........................................................................ 90 De1nocrat Wagon. . .. ....... .. ............ . ..... ......... ....... . . ......... . ..... 6& Lumber \Vagons..... .. .......... ...... . .... ..... .. .... ................ ....... ... 55 " Light Waguu. . ..................... .. .. ................ ........ .. .... . .... . .. . ... 40 Express Wagon.................................................................. 75 " II Skeleton... .. . . . .. ............ .. ... ... .. ..... . .... .. ... . . .. ...... . ......... .. .... .. 50 Sulky. ...... . . . ........... ... ............ . ......... .. . .. ......... . . ................. 40 Possessing superior foeilitie~ tor rnauufooturiug carriages, I lntencl to sell V l<rY cheap for 0 , or approved credit,, a nd by so doing I hope to greatl· mcrease m y number of sales. Wo11l4 sell the wood par.ts only, or the g earings of buggies ironed. 8.............................................. ............. ........ &. I. the At the Short est Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. Factory I alB o do Planing, Matohin11, 'l' orn , 1111. e.nu !:lawing with Circle, Band · fc. o Saws and prep a.i·e nil kinds of lumba1' for cat'\H·nr.c·r« nil others for building purp!)ROS, o~n».men tal R .nrl Plai n P iclrntr< fwl e ~ \ n """erv B»JTl{'J l'OQUirMl. ma<l e to order. '°" DAN DELION LIVER AND KIDNEY .P i. LL8 Purify the Blood , conect a ll Disorders oJ the v s,;n , ~'i'l'0 1VltA { ;8 , KIU1'."tH};\rs A Nfi~ ~JtO\V gfa.. ~ . They invigomte a nd restore to hea!tb De1)ili ta.ted Cornitit utiom;, and u o i nval u ahk iu a ll O o mpl"In t~ ~. ~ !ncid enhl t.o F'emale8 of all A ges. price l e~s. l?or Ohi klron :wd t ho 1>g(«l t.h·iy '"'-'" Is an infallible remedy fo r Ba < t I.cgP. , Bo,d Breasts, Old Wounds, ;:;c>rm znd Ulcerll. H is fomouB for (font, a nd I:Uwunw.tiam, For diaordere of the - Chest 1t rw,s no 11qual.-· IFor S o ri~t~ 'li'h1·9att~ , f1J1.1·@mcA~mH~ , efi) «~ u ~·u~ ~, l!J~~~ d:« , Glfl.ncluliu Swel1ings, and all Skin Disem.ies it has no ri vil.~ ;. nnd fo r E. ·7 8, SOLD BY con tractGd and stifl' join ts it i.cts like a chM·nL Ma,nufactu red only f}t 'l'n o MAS IJ0LL OW11.Y's EJ.· tahli:;hrnf:' n t,, Wl!~W 1 du>J,1!1, BOW:i\IANVILLK ~ ,,- 8 ,,., r For fu rt.be r partfoula ; e call 1 t t the Honrn. Apd al: l;l s ol d tJ.t l s, ~\1.11 nu · r. nnon rn:, OXFOR D S.'fR~~E1", (Jat o l):,'\3, OX.1~'0RD 81'!t.EJJ;T), UHi TlT1' l YJ., ~~~ - fl1t., 4;,,, 6d. , 1J e., 22n. , a.u d ~{:fa . c· nch B1-:x nr P .. 1, ., u J muy he h 1 1d frr· m nll j',J:,,dioin~' V ·mdnn1tru·o11gh o11t dt~ World . A. ccou ut a nt . G E O. MvG [LL, ·iv et

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