~~ll!llllF'!_ ___~_ =-·" ~!f!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~~~!!!!!!~~~~~!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!~~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!l!!!~~~!!!~"""!~'!l~lllllll!llllll!"!'~~~ - !!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!" HEALTH. CATARRH. an. :CE ..... LS. T!C. ~ RD netors amedy li<;)fthey from th ertaste, pam hou- ~orst ·nts. · '"! !!ead9' ' ~ ...,.,, .. ~ a great deal of paste. Ln e the sides of the Standmg Ai:m:es. New Prnds at Pompeii. pot, two thirds up, with paste Put m the The wo 1ld mo' es, and brute force is not A N aples correspondent wnt es. " I n j dnckens \Hth the h qr.or m "Inch they were always going to have t he upper hand 'Vhy the J ear 1720 the d1ggmg of a well revealed j CATARRH -A new tre·ttment h ae been dis-__ parboiled Intersperse the pieces of chick Vegetables and Health all thio sflld1ermg' 'Vh:v all these drilled the existence of t he ancunt Cl"Y of Hercu covered -whereby a po1manent cure of thl8' en with layers of paste m thm, square A vegetable dtet is 400 or 500 per cent mac Innes Jor murder i \Vhy J,eep so many laneum beneath tne modern town, of Regma hlr.berto mcurable dlsense, is absolutely a!fect· W E DNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1887. l l J 1 th 1 d f in fr om one to three apph no matter slices. Tien covert ie w '0 e w1 a 1 o cheaper than the same amount of foo d de m idlen e '" and fulne,s of bread that they and Port1ci The same cperat.on on the od whether standing "'year orcatwus. forty years. 'l.'his: 0 paste, not fittmg ve1 Y closely Make a nved from the flesh of a,mmals may be r ady to man6le each other at a pal t of the owner of a VllleJ ml s1tn[tted emedy 16 only epphed onoe m twelve days, cross slit m the top and boil the pie about The ammals "Inch for power of endur 11oment s notice· Those \\ho pay fo1 all some dfotance to the east of the Amphi and does not interfere with busmess. Descr1p· an hot.r or more to ask the theat1 e of Pompcn led to the d1scove1, pamphlet aent free on !eceipt of sta~;p by r ance an'd rap1 d i t y of motion are ', alued for this tomfoolery are begmnmg ~ , ' t1ve A H Dixon & Son. 30o King street, .vest SAX01'Y CHEESE CAKES -VI arm m a our ser\lce derne the whole of tnen reason ,1hy, and are beg mmn g tothm« that about six weeks srnce, of a street of tombs TJronto, Can,.da. The Ila;nds. ste1\ pa.n a pmt of good milk, and gradually str~ngth and nutrunent from the vegetable then rulers, with all then preten se of pa 1mmmg m a dtrect !me from Pompeu to WHAT rs Oa1aRRH 1 ·tn i.1to it, on the fire, three large h andfuls kuvcdom such i;,s the nor "e th e elephant tuotism, a1e much morn afraid of t hose they Nocera. [ Cat:urh IS a dang erous die~ase whfch J:~~':,~ 1 TLe besto a.dornmcnt for the hands at any of flour, when the paste is free from lumps, the "' c amel' ' ' ' call subJecta than of tnose others "horn "'.lhe little space at pieoent dug out has I rr~~ a.rt ~~~·~~~~.';,~~~\~~1n~~~~~~ 1;i':ouc~usedtnne is the d,cmty elegance of well k ept ad cl a little salt , a piece of butter, the size The p h) ,ical condition of many ftb h eat th ey a> e Jlleased to style ene1mes \\ hy; brougM to light, deep below the surface of bv the presence of a, egetable pH.rna1te m the finger nails, bit thlS ts an elegance not nf a walnut, a quarte1 of a pound of gruyese, ers hows that the blood itself 15 lon,decl with should "fiery P1eul, and 1111«ms Hnu the gr ound, a tolerably w de and well made lmmo: memorane of the nose. rhe pr edrnpt~· easily attn.med, especially 13 where one'" en pa-ne an (or an" other "OOd cheese) or y ou d t fd t blm' each other mto space a 1d mangle be ancient 10ad of a kmd of n11cadarn con j mil' cauoee are a morbid sta te of ,hob ood, 0 1 11 b It possible bo'v J Ei b ' 1111 puui e s an l;::;i in as ate o el,;0111pos1 i ou, f , blu;ntea corpuscle of tubsrc!e, the germ po1<::on · d g agec m manua a or may nux yom cheese, it mu st e cut mto <Lrnl tlnt rei sons who'e blood i~ 111 chlS im Y,~md recogmtion the 1 n man .ace d1vme a,1 uct1011, s11g1 it1y arc1 18 mt1 l e centre so as nf sypb ilrn, mercur', toxomce <rom the rnten 1 'fi " ever, to pieserve the be.au ty of t te i,,er sn a.l H il ce1 <>nd not gr ated take care thot e t ·e rn 1 ab'e 011 , et sh ht ex ooure No 'ery gt eat reason fot st.ch d·Jll1gs to allo>r the ram water t o 1nn off, and wit h t 1011 or the effete matt ei of the ·km suppiessed n(l,11", also ti.at of the hauds b~ the observ tne whole be well m corporated, so as to no phmll y gt! ' pg" ' that anv one can &Pe Bette, ·1 acle with a low ea1thy bu,nk on eitner side, on the pe1spirat10ne, badly ventila ed s'eepmg apart· 1 ,s cat c,at 0 ·'h e ' a'tt '1C1 f aa'J eroue t am p1ecau tiom ma w,,,1causea · · bl menblood ts ana the ryerm nat on of other pornons m anc~ o cer , , the av01d ~ncc easily turnecl out of t h e ste\\pan ', tlien mix c illn~os 'J:h.,,t ti ls conditwr, hJ eaui1 other 1111c1 t tv t o '1 Jc co1P t or.a c t op of "lll~ li a1e seven tom b s recent 1y che lrr~tated b these, tbe ,mmg mem 0 of s,rong oaps and too not water, and t h e it with tluee "ell bea ten eg,ss ai.a ke ep the flesh e"tm is shown from the fact that it 1, And we poo1 Canachans ar e t711 g to get I ex< wated, four on one side and three on brene of t he nose.sever ready for tbA rRcep app lwat1on of proper r emedies ~or drJ neos the paste v,ann t ill wanted for ser nnn J meld~ ch~n eel b tho '1< option of a >eae wgeth e1 the bones of a s·andrng anny, and )I the other This iori,d runs nearl5 dne east ·ion oftne p 1res1te w' ich rapid y S!H e»d· up the skm At oll1S season, Then butter a tm baKmoput the pasoe) q 1 d t g y " ar ad\ erti·ll1" for merceNtdeo -t tl1n ty or m t h e mrectron from P ornpeu to Nm era ' the nostrils -nd do" n cha faucce back of anct tenderness 0 d1s11 11 ti of h 0 1 the throat causrn2; ulce"'(!..t.ton cf '"n.P t 1iro~t, up d o f m~ny Perso n s ate mto 1t, ands e it m t n eo,en' e ie d oc 11 t1cpo1tionno\\ l ' J,h espeurn y, ie ans Intennhn tao 110 , t, fneancl th,rty cen'"· a ck' '.l.eoi, excavated l;png abont one eust c'tu n tubes cauemg d<»·flleos b ,., 11 1 1 peculiarly liable to chap ar>d become trouble l,te3 the cake ,1ou ld 11sa hke a svuflie and T :fleoh eatmg ha u ts o, .he so c~ ec story Lrkel) l cd' beh1 <en rn an l 35, 111 thousa iu fe et from the .l:'ompeuan Ampln ro~v ng i~ th~ voca c~rd, causmg hr>nr·eness, some To r cmea) this cond1t10n and to be of a fine yello" color It should be "ell civrhzed world rende> neceo>ary tne seutmg married ot comse to be en ,.,aued fo1 three theatre and it 1t is supposed t h at \ I hen it nmirp ng the proper str·ictur" o, tl:rn brouch1!l.l 0 strengthen, nothmg ls so excellent as pure set me' cry part a,pai+ · a "whole cla·s of men foi th~ pei )Gars n 'bcmg drilled i 1 all tigJ ,tmg opera is all e~ca1ated bacl,_ to P ompen ,, city gate tubes end,ug m pulmonarv cousumptwu and glyceune diluted ~nth two or t hree tunes Arr<E POT Pm - Pare and core a ) kmd formal:!cc o1 the ckgradrng! and b.c:tfa,iz1ng uons, fiom t he e,oose step r.p ... a1ds Lo be will be found at its commencement lt is de:tla1;y mgernous spe ifics for for trn cure of its" eight of water, to be rubbed mto the of c mck coulnn tcrt a p]es It will ~eqmre ofhce or slaughten> ig a nma,.s for food , l e?d:y to go" he e\ c1 t 11e' a' e sent, and to also not improbable that near the city it catarrh ha~e b een 1m ented out w too it sncskm before retnmg A pair of loose, sort, abo\1t a c uart o 1 nrep!red apples fo1 a fam \ Ver,e it not for tl e large quantities o, ;ult at the word of c o 1111111d \Hthout askrng wrll be found to be P"-V<'<l with lava, like cess, Pn'il a phyq1rna;i of lo10gJLa';.~~!lgagdscf:e o'd k1cl gloves should then be drawn on and ! ii of th;ec or f~ur er sous , make a light I' egefanJes co,i ,umed by ile.h eate> s dis any quc&t.ons 'o co lBC ence s"l.e "lat t he celebrated street of tombs on tne w~st ;~]d ~ie ~!~~~ ~,:~~~h ~!illtherm!~cntly destroywo1n dunng the night Before rub~mg on clust, us,ng fm tha£ qu'1ntity 01, 0 cup 01 I easu "ould e is em even case Vegetables use b?"' e WP. for such a cl~s, of c11sfr,11ch·sed ern side Should the whole be found to be theypa~~sue, no mactei gow a~gra\ ated the the gl; cenne the m?. chmes set apar t for lnlhng pu1 .,oses 1 It as clo,ely !med with fumbs as is t he portion case. Sufferers .bonld aend stamp a· once 11 hands woc:tld be vashed solll cream a tea,s oonful of salt and one of J supply tl.e salts of the blood 1>rrd t n P rnuls cle Lsed vVI eie the chapped soda and t' 0 tabl~spoonfnls of shortemn g 1 l'J,e pearnnt1y of all n'1t1011s <tbstam from would be c1,ffic It to sav _1>.re t;hey mtend 1a1d btLie, it will be one of t he most import for descriptive pam p_rlef oD ca tar~ St~ ii~ 1 ant di> co\ enes btoly made 111 tlns part of ~ 1 J~~~d,, 0 ' s1i,1ace h as beer· net,lected and become sore, "ith good beef or pork drips If the milk I ammal foocl-\\holiy or m pa;rt- horn 'le eel fu1 the sum, ess 01 of re1Je1l10n s ' or 1 11 ~1~~~;e~a·~~~:( 8±ornn'o the 11arts shoula be kept constantly a rted 18 oweet then flank the sodi;, wi 'h two tea I cess1 ty Tnen , 1gor is greater than that of wh n · They are c· l eel t 11e nudeu, They l the .vo1ld U.ifo1 tuna.tely, mon ey is wantmg TVh;;;t the'liev. E B Stc;Mison.B A , a Clergy "\'\1th the diluted gl:y ce~ ne, or sprea or a spoonful of cream wrtar make a stiff any otl1er class m e\ e1} counir:; a'e to be idle tu! the tirrn The\ are to be and th e exca,\ atron is gomg on but slowly man of t he Lonaon Conference of the Meth':z day or so with spermaceti omtment befoid e pastn hl ~ biscmt and roll ou~ tal, e a small Me t 13 t ue most cost! of nll foods and focl b) che taxpa~ e,s, 1md by Pie ta,xpayers, The ancient level of the street bemg here dist ORamDch of o&c;nsc;da l!;is to _;;ayat~'~:'ft'fo,. b treatment with "lycerme An ~ '< 'b t ' ? "G t l th d fi t d t t' 'J oA ixon , cm· .. ew Lre egmnmg '.b smooth iron pot one t h at "ill uut hbc1rnn omo· " cJV1l1ze l rnces the st~n"gte fo1 life c1o ed. IJY n e same, allCt " ny "" e ery 1ow, c roa is rs CO\ ere o le Gata1Th here a woi.d m11y l·e said a out gl~ccu~c apples '~ nen stev;ed t he em, and g1easc I Ia"e~";;o so fearful an e2 tent tl a~ lrnn.an be 8hephercl, tell us " hj , \I ho me they deptl1 of ten or fiftee1_,r feet with pnn'~ce O~k.ans Ont Canada, March 17, 1883 complamt IS fre<1nenlly heard that g ycer ne well on the bo ttom with buher, ,hen put lil J m~s sl orten life b~ the effor t tne) ma],e w,th whon, t1 ev ar~ to fi~ht Tl1ey \\ould I stones eJected fron; "Vesu vws durmg ti1e Messrs A H DKwn & Son · dise b'I'ees with the skm, tlus somebmes h ap the cored apnles , cut stnps or t he crust and ! to0 save it not be 1 mcu t hf u l to tl e Am en e ms l"nd , great en p tron of ! 812 '!he!' comes a thm DE"R ilms.-Yours of the 13th rnst. ~o \an~ pens fiom auplymg it without dilution with ilane arouncf the sides acld n a +eacu p of Id whv s 10ulc1 the .\.ne.icans "'" l to figl1t ! layer of ash es' then agam ~ stiat um of [t seemed almo'i:' t~otgfo~ to be~~~~ tia~m a I ~rnter to a badl) chapp~d surface By d ilut ~old water, roll on· the' top ~0, er,' make a The a' eiage age ,of man shou be a cen~ "nn tllem ,tn} how < Stene! Ilg 1 mies are I pumice ,,brmt ten mches thick, another j ~~~';,dh~dq,~t~~L~n ~f the 'd~:ease. and never mg pure glycerme w1t,i five or srx times its I dee ash m t'le centre and cross it m the , tury The maJOil ·,Y of human bemgs di- ,10 better 1l a n t h e) >tre ia1le1t I hey h .vp, thm 111 e or a·hes, and o'er all earth several relt better m my life I have tried so many buln. of water we gam a lotion which imparts p gt 1 i t d ' d fi t it on nea' ly I befo1e tl ey are haif as old 'Ine lone,est al""' s a m1seiable tendency to ,,, ow ·b1,.,~er feer clcep Just below tlus upper eat th things ror Cutarih, suffered so much and for dehcacv suppleness and an agree~"blc sen 1 sa opptos1 e '1 mvdo 1 rnf i tnh an t th 1 " t' I h ' c<l ar e tho·e "ho ' ee 1 o.1 cereals al l b1"0-nr They m k e a cla ' s '",hose bus1 we~e fom1d seveu large o+ it11es "h1cli had so man) years, that it'° haru to realize that 1 \Ve tu:;O"t 1ee rreso ·' 1 J tl t8 ec1us, enpace1 b t h ... ;-o.=i "' · "" , Iam rcallybctt er ~ tion to t he skm II ore tmn us, 1 regu "' I over the fire 1,~til it boils up hr skly If 1 Y eg.,tanan diet, by contn ut mg o t e 1188, is but he10 cu,d 1ho n .tnrally \HSh to1 e\ldei,tly surmom ted the ·omb, beneath consider that ,{,me was a very b!lrl case, it 1 aggravated and chrome, rnvclvrng the u se p ermanently softens and streP~hens l ou have a oud fire t h e O\ en w ill be rouay' physical bealth of rrIB'l, 'unpro' es likewise "ai , i or ' a1 I · exdteme11t, P' ,ze monev was an cl presen es the skm from tho effects of y hen it b·g~ns to boil ove1 the tou crust ! ms moral cond,t1on, besrnes co ,ducmg m n o anu p1< i 1ot1on It is Just as well to t hm l ~ N S t f Ph , , throat as" ell' as the nasal hpassagest an~ I heat, co tel, and dr) mg wmds ere it "~ll cook slowly aPd 08 !md) m small tlegree to ohe ~ei;,\thy w vel opment of .<lJvllt , he begu mn;; of such tbn~s Cana I - - ew ec, O uosopners " ~~iulfe~ltr:ifu~~;~iu~~et~; ttw~e:e~ic:rn°:c!n~ about half an h om fo1 the table. I use a 1 I t l·e mtellectual facul.ies , 'smce it must Dat <'m s c Ill t in tnen " I kel:, lads to much J " V'ir elr, Jane, tins '" a quee1 world, said I am thankful that I was ever mduced to send Toilet Notes. little ot t hat holds from four to six quarts urnlly rollow that by iena er m,s the llstrn bette. acc011 t than to nul,e tbem either 1Joe to his wife "a sect of "omen pluloso to you The cl.resgm comb shoula have its teeth I If and cooked good 1t \\ill drop out J P1ent clear and pu1e, the a cts of life will be fne eat rs or dnlied rnaclunes I ph;,is h , s JUst spru 1g up,.' ll mto two sets the one large I1 whole with light, creamy crust :naterially ele\ ated also bemg Re mt the mtrnd u ct10n of .he thm end of ' Indeed, said Jane, and what do they I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some equa Y c fi U b t v. 1th that wh ich is clea' and pme - La"" the" cd<>e I hold? ' ot my fnencls who are sutierers. 0 "'ucl opeu,fithe othelr ner ·~ d sn~h:r'tee~h .....,.~ ~~ Holloway in "Bvcldh«t>' Diel Bnok' I "The strnnaest ti.mg 111 natme," said he, Yours. with many thanks not very ne, ors iarp porn e I Luok. j " t heu ton u,;';. 1, REv E, B. STEVENSON. should be perfectly smooth !!'!d free from 'l'he Ge 'lTIRll Emperor. g Andhnndrec.s of othern defects, and so shaped at their pomts and How many are crymg out about t lle1r I --edgesthattheywill p asseasrlythrou.shthe l"had luck," and 11bout otneis, wlo !>ave C1oup Istheretobvageneral\\a1 mthespnng· T f Ka 1 h im, and without scratchmg the scalp A 1 succeeded bette1, bemg "lucky fellow a .Dverv mother, mdeed every wo> nan m I Those" ho claim to ha\ e t he best means of I WO O a lil · good rubber comb is excellent for daily use I The burden of all this is really mtendecl t o the 'ani'.ily should kn ow how to treat croup knov,mz sa\' t hat thc10 "ill be One great l i lonely Skatmg Rmk met a Toboggan A n ecessar article for the toilet stand is ' excuse their own idleness, or h eedles·ness, or I m its begm,u.w so that mstant aid may be hmdrnnce i,1 tne way is s aid to be the otcl Slide the other day. " H:ow are you !eel a ood mout~" ash' such rs the myrrh and folly, and to depr eciate as far as p ossible l rven 'if~ where a hys1c1.,,n i s n ot E'npei01 of Germany, who has had his fill m g'" asked tne Rmk 111 doleful tones "I bo~ax "ash made by rubbmg well togethe1 1 the energy and go and consc1ent ono du~ 1 ~lu<e ~t'hand'. Gtl>.lp ,g, P,,, , 81dwus m its I of war-, end 'nshes no more dunng lus t1,11e am H unky, ' rephei! t l· e tsliee "I am fast m a morta1 one ounce each of honey and! gence and qneuuhless thn ng of other~ , Jt' app roacn es and occurs cluefiy fu t ,\ J '1ter That h1 i lr ance, however, may tmn out a Ivfa~mg Barrels of Money. "Come and b ax then add o-raduall' one quart sp1nt ' lS "my luck ,,, \Vhat is your "luck Is' and s rm ' Amon"' its s ir, itoms are' a _., er.1 feeble one when pm m opposition to see me m about Two l'. eaJS from now," said 0 0 1 ( 10t ahc%e and one ou.1ce I 't yoUI "luck' to be always on the look out ness, lb) a hoarse I tl,u Cll· c!- + wl.1ch set so m the t 1e Rmk, we will,,Condole together J f myrrh and red saunders wood for fun and a soft, easy JOb' L it yom 1 cough obseivable for some dayR and 11, some I o:;he> Lli.ect 01 ~ ~ ncl p1 any ca_e that life I Iha' e Been I h ere myself for fom teen da) s and filt0., " luck" to be careless about your employer's I cases only a l e" hours before ti1e paroxysm mr"y easily an l spe"'-q;i, " e cut off \Vhen mh~~ ·ar he may drop 1 will keop the mouth and gums m excel mterest, and saucy when you nappen to be I which occur< u'sual h a' rn 'ht In the mon , I a man geb to h s mnet1e, -'~ f ou n d f au lt " · rt]1 · I s 1t your "lu c< I" to ]p " of ten ' seems " " better, but this fl: a t an; r 1omen t m spi t e L" 'P1s luwrno-Jrnd lent condition " m g the ch11d " d 1 , hP exercised in 1 always on the w otch for msult and lllJUl ms shouid not deceive the m othci Befoic tho a hea] tn:v frame aiw b een carerL~ 1 :y watche G eat care r eq ures to (when no m sult or lllJUIY was t hought of ' over ho the most skilful of docc s The l ,, t b the select10n of the ban brush, even more I 1t , h h 1 chsorder progresoeo to the characten stw E J lf l b " but b V h scratchrn I s your 1uc < 0 e a 1ways on your ig 11'l' eozrng hoar.e cough emetics should be , mp eio s 1 e Ja s n o~ 0~11Y een 1 t han the com ery roug ' t horse '1nd alw<L) s ready to go ofl: a t a tan adnun st~red rom tl ~nd a hot foot bath 1ft1ll of iomance and rncrnent He wih~ om coa1 se hru,hes rni,iei~sl), u~cl aJ~ a fer Ne 1 gent whenever anythmg disagreeable h as to ' gn en \ilt ,, ~at ~.,,rr should be taken to 1' nlete !us 90th year on the 22nd of Mm· h Pumps Oheaper and Better somce odf lllJUryl to e 1 ea atn d air "ho ot l be done or endured · Is I t your ' luck" to avo 1 a' htlt "'rs, rup ofrpecac i· an excelle1 t next He " as <1 soldier lll th e great Ger11a2 j than ever. han an no sea P can ong s an · Wlu u / 1 t d 1 f ll d t t t u , " ' t t h F t ""T ] 1813 t · h d b them A e your mm ie · "' ow, au ores sa is remeclJ antrmomal wme b emg a dep1es smg r.smg a,,arns e ns n apo eon Ill mJmy, t e irritation cause Yd ·d fled with knowmg th mgs by hotlves or not at na s I cac sh uld ' wa · be "' hand He took his ch ances, ancl drn lus \\ ork m the I 0 The Subscriber having built a large ne11 I alP Is it "luck ' be s only ' m ,, bJect 1 battle ol V1 n,teiloo Smee tha.t tune :1e has 1 ~EJEMA.l'l'S Pump Factory m Orono, Is prepared bl JI d"' d d db t i half awake I s it your luck to do yom to ci onp and such clnldren should a,)ways bee 1 more or less a promment cha1acte1 m eac le an un ye ns es duty as if it were "' prnce of wondrous con weai l1a~nel next the s,,.m Em opean polit ics Befoi e the popular up ~ -to furmshHan brushes should be frequently cleans descension 1 Is it your "luck to \\ 11te so nsuws of 1848 he was one of the k eenest 1 PO"ti17'DERS~ ed Loose lrnir may be remoYed by the l that nobody can read \\hat you wute but;' --supp~rters oi ab·olut1sm, and on that 1 eoarne part of the comb, and clnst and other with the g1eatest clifficul ty · Is it yo111 I Health }~otes. accom t l11rl to He" to England dmmg impurities by rubbmg and beatmg · the 1 "luck" to be contmually makmg m l·t<tkes G.n«er )read lViLUe " tJ, oatmeal msteacl the si10 · t sueccs. of that Re>ol~ t1011 , Jie 1 1 brush Thrn should be done everJ time m y om book J,ecpmg? Is rt y om "luck" of fio~ ,s a ver uoernl a )etitn t fm chil carr e to · 1 e thrnnc of Prussia m 1801, and a t 1 With ~r without Porcel~in Cylinder, ~ they are u sed Once weekly they should that your cash comes out sho1t ever:i; n ow cl ) i / h s corn wt10" p ut the c1o »u upo,1 t rs o Nn I e ·~11_ '.,W the shortest n o~"" receive more thorough cleansmg by bemg and then· Is it your "luck" to be afraid ' ren. I h ea J de, n,; that he r e1aned by t !·e favo1 t'!llr riiwest pri ces I 1 washed m warm soap and water to which a of hard honest and contmuous work and to I To stop bleedmg at the Pose placs a sma,11 of Goel and of no one e' s~ He has c·er l!ttle ammoma is aclded, after wluch they be alw~:ys watchmg agamst domg too muc11 I roll of p aper or muslm aboi e the rront I S'nce been tru~ to Ins abs)lnte notions, and ,_ "t p..i.,ster_n:; ~J.)1ffpf,!umps SU:PPJ.ied· shot ld be rmsed and rubbed d1y as possible of 1t 9 I s it your" luck to be always thmk I t Peth, under the uppe. l> p, a lll press hard has na»ag~d, throui:,h l11s grea , nnmster, w ith a so.ft towel It may be well to give a mg of your P"-Y and but seldom of the work 'I on the sam e ' B,8 .,12 rcK, to sta>e off the giettt contest be ! WELLS CLl...' NED & RERAI&ED. final i m smg with a h ttle weak alum water, for "luch yqu are paid? Pshaw, )Onng III I LK ~s A P REVEl' TfVJl -A red le<td 1 t\· een feudal aut 1onty a1.d modern ideas, from wluch they should be merely shaken, man, don't go on ti;,Jkmg or t'11nkm6 u £nat ! rr anufactm er of ~ranee, has discovered tbat '" hi"h " 1 11 coPie e\ en 111 Ce' i 12 ny very the back only of the brnsn ancl tne handle I fasluon T!uow off y our C"Oott and go et the use of m11 k at t heir n·eals, >\heh he has sho 1t!:1 aftei he has fi nal· y made Ins bow to be wiped dry your work Lke a 11an am1 as 1f you meant n>ade oh .igator y o 1 hrn workmen to t he eK How t l e old man ionrr'1ea it <I Lung the Cosmetic glo\'es are worn by some laches it Put 11 p :;o) om "luck' and then yuu tent of one I. tie da il), prezen es those em 1 Fuwco p 1lt' Sl Lil "a1, "~ 1 h em '1e was at for the purpose of keeping the hands white " 111 have the right wo1 d ana the r ight I ployt d m lead "orks from any symptoms of last cro \\ necl Empe101 of Ger rnanv m the '1'0 GIVE SATISFACTION. and soft To p1cpare them, tmn a parr of motto-PLL:OK Never say" die ' Never lead disease palace of the French Kmgs itt Verna1lles on (!!; a:Uit'.d t.tlU'. Jr' ftl;f t.$lUilU+ + Q'/ HOUSEHOLD. 1 1 L I 1 0 I 0 I I I I 0 or I I 'I I' ' ' ! " ' ' I I' I I I I --- I I I Iii hvide~ rig~t J - __ . . . . -- - I a. .I "I ident1~ed 0 nresp~ns1ble ! I th;{'~:~~;tb~~~r~~r~~~.,;'~ t~~~"tr!~i~:~n~~~~~~ --- ----- -- - I I u 'j)s l M~ 'er~te f\, ~e proo~) I I peculi~i h~.tts< lttend~cl ! I° st10~1gly "~nd ~=~==~~~===~=="""==~ f' I ° ,.,, ~f~1d h~~"b~~~ t~~:da~l f~~~:r ':!t 'lJ, t~~ I ~our ~~ ,~lWUJ ;t ~ ~~~>oe l~ie tlie~e ar~ ~lnfc1~en 's~ 0 I l I I I W 0 :f.!', 1 I Jie ,i PUMPS OF EVEJIY DESCRIPTIOH ;cct-i.111 > ;u c s: )> .. \. ~ () ... ~a P""Od need eads \vhere as 1 esrorea. world that ops or giay hunureds of n ..ta s aved 1. bccommg your na1r1s a bo &tle at lllUY IOSA It ,IR .MAGIC actur er, To- & S01Y, lLLE 0 BANK lankm g Busrneas curr en t rate" 1" o sa1y A ll dep oa·u Dep ar mentan.: i'~i!E lso Gold,b1 lver at ll ou.,ht and sold 1ssuea 11pon Enropt1 'JOM~ rates upon all pai ted Sta&es and De ransfer· ms on all palls at y- a dva ~·agPOJ,· to or the Korth weal " le at once at the 11 ~t the Ba nking;: J EO. McGI LL , Manure Iv play the part of a v. eak lmg N eve1 w1sl1 I A sunple home remedy for cronp is alum t he 18th of Januat), 18il, is knov. n to eve.y 1 you were de"'d If you do, oth ers may and suuar The way to use it 1 8 to take a I 011 ~ He" 111 b e missed by some and honor Orders~by Mail promptly attended to. thmk you are about right and may W!Sh it kmfe gr a arater and shav e off 111 smal l ' ed by alr wben he goes over t o the maJOllt), - -.av-also If your sword is too short add a step particles ah~ut a teaspoon£ 11 of alum mix 'and · then mall likelihood there " ill be a DOORS, SA.SH, BLINDS, PICKETS, to rt. If one t'nng wont do, tr y anothe1 this with twice its an·ount of sugar to ~rake I ne w o· cler of t hmgs, fo1 his son and lu, sons Don't wo,1t rdly fo· somet h.ng to tarn up i t palatable and adtnmst er it as qmckh as w ife have, e1y d1tferent ideas from his, and MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. Live w1thm your means Don t whme I possi ble Almost rnstantaneous re ief will 1 1eithei of ti em trust or love Bismarck ~s Don't sit dly lookmg at the foe and wish follow tl e father has clone mg Don t fancy that becat .e y ou have · , 11\ been dtsappomtect the axle tree of the earth I {' ~eadilgt ~er!nd physr~,~~ a x rof. l t} broken If you don t read poetrv or ze , 1i;,s a e y a 'an°ec e leory t ia 18 CLIPPINGS FOR TEE CURIOUS 11deed, a:d thm but TRUTH now and " t heu: t hose who must smoke cigars haa ·better 'at least r~ad tie follo wm Cut it out smoke the cheap brands He claims ,o have Russia s pubhc debt mc1eases at the rate i l'm it m your l at. Comn11~ it to memor~ . ' chsco,ered that it is the lngher pnced to ' of 8200,000,000 annually Tes t e Rece1p t s. C N y ·1 bacco t hat causes hea1 t drsea.e so o:ten · d 1 D h Try to get 1t fa1r1y mfu yom somewhat u , cl b k ' Tl A farmer m e1a\\ are o., · , as a SALAD OFSALl\fON-Cutsome co d S'1I mon despan mg nod<lle and face the world and all comp1ame or ycxccssive smo ers. l ose 1porlr l,auel that has been m const;i,ntusefor into slices or pieces ahout t he size of a do! its pos:;ibihties a full foot t aller than you who smoke cheap CJgars a1e rarely lllJ Ured year , 60 br, garmsh with capers and strmgs of let I were yest etday or the day befo1e I by them , They ha>e a toboggan slide at Bismark, 1 tuce hearts' pour a salad dressmg over the PLUcK wms ' It abays "ms Though dn)s b" slo\' ' Earache rs usually caused by a sudeten I Dak , where i t is said the steel sh od tobog whole And mghts be dat k twixt dM s that come and days cold Steam the head°' e1 hot herbs, bathe 1gans acqnne a velocity of three miles a mm CELEJ<Y RoffP - \Vash and cut mto small that go 'the tcet m hot »ate1, and put mto the ea,r ute BL1t they are used to blizzards out O\A/""~_A_NVI 1 piec_es, ce!e1y m sufficient quantity, bla nch ~}~ ~~;~;~h~'~r:;:~\rn~t~;~;~~~g!~.i~~dure, cottor; ' Vool dipped 1 1 camph01 aud swe et tha;; way '1nd can stand a stiff current of an it, and then boil it with water, salt and nut Who faces issues, who shirks, I 011 Tlus tteatn~ent ls of~en excellent fo r Amerwans leave the Sunday law at home rneg ' pass 1t through a seive, and thm 1t Wbo wa<ts and \\atch s and '1hO ] \\ OH \\ORI s I faceache a~1d too hache rhe latter IS fre when they start for Europe The Baroness, w ithmewt or chicken broth; cream can be - - - - -- - - - . quentlJ eihirely r elieved b) pli;,crng the cot Roth schikl m Paus has announced a series added Sunday Playthmgs. ton soaked w it h camphor m the ear on the of Sunday afternoon dances, and a number 1 side "here the pamful tooth is DmrnsTIC CAKE -One cup of butter, t wo It is a good of American gnls are gomg to assist h er m cups of sugar, one cup of water and an even An emme: t Chr1St1an numster, now gone plan a!oo to tre a kerchief over the ear, fo1 t hrs Sabbath br eakmg teaspoonfn. of soda Make a stiffpaste and to his r est, had S unday p laythmgs for hrn 1earache, oi t oothache, or faceache The bones of Remy Fieldmg rest m th e knead until it does not stick to the hands or I children . d Aftei their several r~hgSuus I To select a 10om ±01 a sic!, per son, care Enah·h graveyard at Lisbon, m closed m a j rolling hoard Roll ve1y tmn and cut m aJ1y duties an mstructions were ovei tie mi should be taken to have it exposed to a,s h t p"e~e1~t:ous stone sarcophagus, green w ith fancy shap e with cake cutters md bake a day p laythmgs were f 101!gl~ out, ' ai1 db th17 t le external noise as possible, as 1mpress10ns aoe and bearing on its face an elaborate ' 00 8 made on the ear gieatly mJlucnce the ne1 v Latm epitaph It is a stnkmg circumstance hght brown ma c,mck oven An egg may wer e the p rettiest 0 a - eatrnliu be addea if desired, ancl rolled out imnble mid pic tures, w ith ston es accr,m~anymg ou s system L1kew1se select a spacious, ohat a 11,an wh ose wutmgs 1re so t h oroug h shape lll dry sugai 1 , them, whwh t hey were not p ermitt fe tossee well ventilated apar tment, that has m 1t no h Encrll'h should find a "la\ e lll a foreign Twenty-fi, e cer1ts extr a will be charged when accounts run recreat ion f a h ter un unnec essary f urrn t ure G reat care is 11eces land J "' ' KIDNEYS SA UTE -Cut three kidneys each except d m this hour or mh a id an cp1tapI1 m an"' ancient tongue 1 · f b day uties were cone -'- e at er an<1 sap m regulCLtwg the light of a sick room, j ' h mto fi,e pieces , pnt an ounce o ntter m t;o mother gave themsehes up reh nously to ltl h t ft t d An E ughsh gentleman h<ts seem cu t e the sau te pan (frymg pan), when ver y hot makmg t hen· clnldren happv ~o happy a ll 1louhg itT1ls no lo en nectessaryl o h textc1u e sen ices of thirteen cle\ er boys dra" n fi om 9ver one month. tl t 1 1 k d t d f f J ' a ig t 1e ru e is, as rong ig s imu b em g pu m 1e 1 neys, s irroun o1 a ew n n were they t hat Sunday W ii<S looked forw'11d 1 t th t f th h l I d a 11 ran l,so f soc1et y ~·h .L ese are now utes with a sp oon till they are set A dd a to as a day of d eligh t It was the day of ate\ ;tac ~ ram, w l l e a mo e educated m a most peculiar manner for work teaspoonful of flour, a qua1ter of one of salt sha; 1 defined duties, but it was t he only. ra e ig is soo ung 0 it I among the poor of the east of London The and the third part of t iiat of pepper Mix day ~~at they could kno" cCJtamly that De'1fness and u n1111pa11ed hea1mg are fre boys are taught wlust, billiards, fencm g, well , add half a gill of br oth and a few th ere would be sweetmeats when d uties were q uently caused by an accumulation of har llv mnastrcs, and secrets of skilled labor, the mmutes is en ough to do them I well clone Bu t aheady we hear an omm d ened wax u pon t he exte1 11al s,uface of the d igmty of .,Ju ch 18 impressed upon them 111ERSERBURGBisCUITS - Take four ounces ous clearmg of somebody's throat, as 1f d i :im of the ear Never at tempt t o remo>e with the necessity of h elpmg others less h ilusd Some h 1gb um th1S w ith the h ea d of a pm or a hair pm fortunate than themselves of wlute sugar, seven ounces of flour , one heresy was bemg c tablespoonful of fresh cream and one egg I ed samt says "nonsense, t he next thmg As an emment doct or of Pa,\15 once rema1k '4 - · · ., Make the abmerntodough, w01 k m g 1t well 1 you hear will he su1rnr p lums for saym g the ed to oi~e of 1~is patie~ts, a ma~l sh~lulcl Two Acute Observers. Then roll it out very thm, cu ttm g it mto cat ech ism " J u st so vVe would g ive t hem never pu ;!'ny ;mg m u s ear sma ei ran prnces two m ch es lon" an d one broad. 1 eve Sunday if t h ey would study h is elbow v\ ax a nd foreign substances Old Gent leman (walkmg very car efully) Sprmkle the tops of the "buscmts with sugar ~t ;~:we Iti~yworth it. It will take as good can nearly always be iemoved by droppmg " Hallo, bub' Tn~s fine snow co;ers ~?the and ground cmnamon Balm in a qm ck hold on t heir mor al and religious h fe and rnto the ear a few drops of ohve oil, a h ttle ice so that you can t see it, doesn t it oven, and w hen done they should be a hght gm cle t hem a s well m th eir future p ath as if warm, and, after lettmg it remam a while, , ~m";ll boy (holdmg on to the fe nce) yellow-bro\\ n If pnt away ma canmster it had b een r olled m Jalap an d had sicken ed syrmgrn g the ear with warm soap su ds I · Y/ou re r ight, old man; but JOUfeel it Jus t 01 J<ir they will keep a long time soft t hem all the way clown It is iust as good J Many persons on commg f10m church as tuch whe n you slip do" n BUTTERNUT CAKE - Piepare one t eacup a d octrmal method ~s wlnppmg it u p the complam of h eadache. This is caused by of butternu t meats, then take one cup of spm al column, ancl a de.al better than dis the action of t he impure blood on the hram, OUGH ' u rs -One cup of light bread good molasses and h alf a cup of lard or 1my gustrng them by first doses, so that t hey d ue to t he accumulation of car hohc acid gas sponge, hi;,lf a cup of shorten mg, h alf a cup other shortenmg desired ; pour over the two w ill never learn it at all. We have no S) m ~1;" the air of poorly ventilated churches of nnlk, one cup of bro" n sugar , \,nead to ingredients one cup of bo1lmg water t hen pathy with parent s who say t hey can not Ihe permc10us effect upon the b"am and st1ft dough like bread and set to rise When put m the nut meat s and adcl one tea~poon bnng then children cmder religious cultmc j nervous system lS very aptly illustrated by thoroughly h ght mold out on the bread fo l of soda, a pmt of sifted Hour and a tea 1by some of the mult1tudmous motives b y 1 ~he drowsy, listless attitude of the scholars board and roll out with the rollmg pm t ill spoonful of salt, beat well and hake m a which the human mmd, soul, and body can 1m a poorly ventilated school room as com three quarters of an rnch t luck Cut the modernte oven m one loaf cake d1oh If be reached No wors e men or women h<tve p'1red with the br1gl1t and anmwted appear I douf!lh up with a kmfe m two mch stnps, liked the nuts may be omitted and a table 1 gone to perd1t10n than have been saved by an ce of the clu!dren ma ne1ghhorrng room check off the opposite way m diamonds and When buymg Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, spoon of "mger substituted Bake fron God's grave The method s of hm1ly re ' th at ha s been caiefull:, v en trlated Care allow to nse m a warm place until hght ha'f to thr~~ q'iatters of an hour 'Iry with hg10n may have thw arted many a good pm ful a ttent10,i t o the vent1lat10n of churches agam Then pu t mto a deep kettle two or 1 "bi oom splmt I pose and lovmg heart behmd it, but for all and schools will prevent m .1ch of the mat 1 three pound. beef or pork dn ppmgs t hat are C t d that the fact remams that the hardest heartH ten tion and ·leepmess that ' S obser ved dm entu ely sv·eet or Jard if preferred an d put C P p 1 1 it ove r the fi;e Heat it so hot, t hat the HifCK! :t:N fOT 1 IE - u uphan P"trl )01 a are conquered by the remembrance of home mg the afternoon service or session pair o arge ow s ,seasonmg t cm w1 r pep k h d d 11 1 1 per and salt You may add some thm sanctities ca es w en roppe 111 w1 immec iate y Try it on ce, you will use no other. slices of good bacon For the past e allow I - -·- There are nea1 Jy I 00 more pupils for the commence t o boil and nse to the top . l! too one half pound of hest butt er to a pmt and I The President of the Fi;,t Men's Assoc1 1 Bellevrlle H igh School than t here is accom ; h ot, remove t he fi re twice every five .MctJOLL BROS. & tJO'Y, 'I'oronto · modat1on for . 'mmutes im t1 one a half of fiom. The1e should be enough for at 1on, of Jersey City, "\'\e1ghs 416 pounds wlnte kid gloves BlS Hle out, they should he several sizes larger than those worn for the 0 s treet; Brush o\er the m 1de a composi t1011 made lP the followmg pr eparations · spermacet1 omtment, q1 arter of a pound; melt <tncl stair m one and a half chachms balsam of peru. In a few mm,utes pour off the clear portion and add a rew drops of attar of rose and a little pme glycrnne, then before it cools pour it mto a chma pot or box for futm e use Tins ombment IS excellent also for the lips m cold weather I LEVI k'V10RRiS. I a I' cDOUGALL.& METCALF, B LLE:i are offering Coal a s follows : 0 n ever ; I I j StQV9 an d Ch 98t ll U t , .... G rate an d Egg, ..... .. $6. 25 6.00 wr\f LU.M B E R, S HIN GLES, LATH S, POST & GORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. I M cDOUGALL & METCALF I Farmers, Threshers and Mi JI men, Use Mc Coll Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. I I I LARD I: BEST NE~ MA C H I NE Oil. TN THE WORLD. I ! fd'm FAMILY SAFETY & 8 LIGHT Coal Oil.