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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1887, p. 3

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&a ~atuutian $tatc.~mnu. WEDNESDAY, ]EBRUAR~· 23 1887. -..TANDAltD ltIE!HCAL 1' OltR FOR YOUNO AHO MIDDLE-AGE!l Mttt UT,. l t ,uahood. , m every s~ n ·e than ani other wot k wld m Lhis country for :!12 50, 01 t he 111on~) will be r efunded m every msamce, P. < 'O only Sl bv miu l post ba1d lllnB Lrttl.ves &·'l r>le fl ee 10 ani body Send now. Gold med ·l awai 1er1 tl.e ,,1 1tho1 by 1he Ntit1ona1 Med1cal !\.Bsoc1a·1 00 to th e Pre e1dent of winch the Hon P A fHss ell and a ssuc1ate oflke1 e t>f th,, J,oa1 d rne r ci>der is J eRpectfnlh retfo1rMl, '! he Science of Life Is \\ orth rnore to tlie young 11.nd middie aged meo of tlu:s generation sb an all the gold nnnes of Cit!Jforn1s and t he ~liver mmes of Nevan& combmect -S F Chronic tr. 'lhe <imcn ce of 1,1fe point. out the roc ks ancl qt.1cksun ds on whwt1 the Const.tut rnn an<l hopes of many a yuunis man bave been fa1tall) wtecked,-,,1aru hest,r M u 1 or. 'l'h c Science of Ltfe is of greater ' nlue thiin ell the mcd1c11l works pt1bln1h ed rn tbis country for the '{las& 50 yenra -Atlanta (Jonsntu twn. 1'he Science of L1te is a supe1 band masterly t reat ·oe on nervous and plt) sical deb1hty Je,trott F ree Press - I here is no member of society to whom the Science of Life w1l1 not be n.eful, \\hetne r ) outh, parent, gum di.,,n, mstructor or clergy. ma.n - A· goncwt Address the Peabodv "1 1cd·cal In~t 1tute. 01· Dr W H . Parker, No i Bulfinch Stren Boston Mass, who ma.y be consu!tEA on all drneases reqmrmg slnll a nd expeuencc Cut ouic and obst111a.te diseases that hM e baffled tt.e skill of all oth er phy~1 c1an s a specmity. Such treated succes·fully without en rnstance or fuilu rti, Mention ~'!A£ES:1o1,.r; BowlIU\nHllo, Ontnrio. L 7 y. 0 covers, full gilt ExhmlfltPrl V1t11htv Nervo11s an<! Phis c~l Debility. Prematme Declme m Mon Errora of Youth, i<nd the 1 ·11told n11 scr1~s resnlcmg from rna isc1t ti on 01 exciease~ A book for every man young, nnr!dl e Bged ttm' old It contame 125 prescr1pt1ons for all acllto llnd chrome di·eM' s each one of "h!Ch is mvalna. blo. So fonn<l by A> lth1,r v. husc expertenco for 25vE>Ar8 1ss11<h as 1:nul'1'1lv nevn beroro fell to th e lot of >rnv pnvs1C1an SOO pa.o;e~ bovud m be1rn11fnl French mn~lm , embos Jed p-n~ranvwd to be a fi l~t work Preserve Yonr Sight. >Use F . LAZARUS' (late of the ttrm of Lazarus & Morrrn.) Heno"ned Spectacles and Eye· GlasaB·, 'l'heyare the bti~t rn the wo11d. '.they never tire the eye, and last runny ~·ears without change For side by Kenner & Co. Bow· manville. IHf. JOHri SPENCER, VETERINARY SURGEO!~ , ·' $5 "That will do " "Oh ' you go and tell t hac t o the mar - close to 'th e side of t he caver n ' ever seemed hke a.n own fother t o me " ~ " T hen it's agreed, Joseph ?" m es ; sailors won't beh e>e 1t. Hush not an They all kept their eyes fixP.d upon the l " Yes," dryly reJomed the old man, " I '1 "Qmte so " ot~rni word, now " face of Dolan, strange nnd almost s ectr ,tl , certam ly h ave ,tlways acted ma 'pay ren " Now then, for the Rift It's BenJamm h e boa~ was close t o t h e side of tl1e l{ift, as i t looked by the dun light of thep little t a.I ' manner smce you married my da.ughter. ' Wit h or with o u t PorcP. lain Cylinder, of and then (Terald wh1sn cred · 1 t' f h h I -v.ho is 011 watch on the d eck and I d on't " R t l I ti1 k I k antern m rout o 1m, t e on y ray of Ashon1 e a kind of p or ridge made of new tlie Best Material, 011 t h e shortest notll't" seem to care whether he i s knock ed on t he C pt es Mars I~retl hmth cantsplea t of which seemed to fall upon hun. wheat ,l.!n'ionds ,rnd sncrat cooked iu water and a.t t h e lowest pncee 0 h ead 01 not, for a greiiter ruffian never s tep I ~', anml ot chque t l' u tougf t i ebpoit :, lei e, 1 vVhat he could w ant at t he Rift v. as be- 1s on ;ertam fe;st days amoncr the Mussul' Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. ~"" c on e iwar so 1e oa d tl b h l " d D k J h I pe . o you now, osep , cauuot get "Av i eu conJecttires, ut t ey saw um I mans d istributed t o t h e poor In the hiaher y on 1 s0 you can ,, 0 ,,y ' k ht t th · l f th t t I l t i t i t f f t h ou o m) 1ear ie on es o m man w o J.Iartm an d J oseph ke t th e boat close to ma e wa.y.ng o e sic e o e cu er , cla ·ses p t esents of ashO'ure are exchanged m was drowned rn t he sea cave " the side of the R 1ft P G ld to d aud tlten , m _the de~p stillness of the mght, beautiful chum or p orcelam ' "1ses decorated WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. 1 "Suttles?" ' anc era s 0 up, they h eard !um wh1·per ti 'bb ' 1 d 1 cl " Yes It was a fearful t hmo«· Come on, and look ed m to t he cabm, through the little " Be~Jamm ' BenJamm ' H oy I H i there I w1 i rr · o t nsh, Sanal t e~ve olpe . mCco o t nret · ' port , which he h ad passed through on two It is time 1,, gauz , e., .n t e u ai; s pa ace 1 11 ons an l now. My plan rn, fJUSt to go b on fboard and occ,1s1011s-once to r escue :\ftLn e an d once . , . . h ,__ All _ nop1e 1t is prep,tred 10 1 a 11 memb ers of tlle 11 1 B 1 g et en iamm out o tie way y air m eitns to reioin Gi ace m the c,we. · ' ' Rwasstt '· aswDe it m1g t w , on boar d imperial fam ily antl h is maJest y's mi ms 1 or foul 'l>nd then row ou t into the bay with All l k th I tie ift , and then olan spoke fl,gam ter · t h e Frenchman and h ts b aby ~ind g et to the v,<1s c .u - m e c,1Jm "It is t nne I say Come now I am 1 " TO GIVE SATI SFACTION · m the cliff,, " Capt"in Mocq uet '" wh1soer ecl Gerald r ld C ' You h ave heal. cl all t he evidence, " said cuttmg ' 1 1 1 Ho:iiorary Graduate of the Ontar10 etennary ' c,a ptam ,\focquet ,,, e," :>:11 " womlie 1sp a1 e 1 1 ted iMepaim tm e, ~~ I weseae gr e neo a JU'tir,e of the peace m summmg up ; " yon Colles:e. 'l'oronto. Registered ruembor or the " You will call 1\iaue nfocquet a baby," 'MonDieu! ' B e ·"" ' t l ~ Kw have,clso he,11d what the learned counsel Ontario VAtermary Assoe1at10n, m accordanoe with the Yeterman Act, sa~~ .foe:Crlb\ess you, y es, I forgot you said "It is I, s11. CtLptrcin i\focquet , it rs I, clo~~n,i,nm w a.s o ie1p 1.im escape eep / have sa1cl If you believe what the counsel Orders'by Mail promptly a ttended to. Is prepared to treat all clisea~ea of the Dom· T h k t th b t t I t th 1 ' for t he pl.rn1t1ff has t old you, your verdwt estie Am mals, accordmg to the latest theories as it wasn't a baby. ·w ell, i t 's no odds, is Gerald ,,, AJl c11.lla personally, b) 'l'elegrnph or 'fele- rt? A ll's n ght, a nd n ow, come on." :: i\h ' c:'cj" le bon Gerald, " said Marie side o°fth=I~hff cb~lt !;:cl ih~ve r~~~~ne~ ou~ h 1lldbe t or t hb Ilu.iutiff ; but u, od the other DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS , 1 pbone will reoe1vo prompt attention, 1 "Maitw led t he w ay and with noiseless " us11 , rnsh "' . m the open watei of the sea'cave i t is ver y an ' you e ieve w 1 m t t le e.fendant's MOU LDINGS, &e., kept on h·nd. @"0FFICF~Mam St , Orono, one door north of H oy rnarecl a v01ce frnm the deck of c1<Illbtfu 1 1 f D oIau won l u t hen you nf il give a ' ti1ern,.w counsel ·' 1mve seen W. Henry s t>tor e B > steps t he little party took theirioute toward t h R ft ' ,. H d f hast troldd you, f 1 t 1 CHARGES MODERATE, that narrow opemng Ill the chff, with its e i i " oy I whats all that by the t he httle kind of 11:i.10 of light thn;'; his Jan - ver rct or te e, em <en ut yon are RG~ u ~ rude stairs, that !eel down to the sea cave, le~~bow, eh ,, tei n seut about left ,ill beyond that limited I lik e me, an(l don t b,eheve what either of ~ and at w hrch Gr ace h .id first made her ap 1 d Alvighlt, iephed M ar t m , 11.s h e scramb circle m t h e most nrorouud d.i.rkness. thtn ha\ e sa;{\ tl;?n I 11 be h anged if I know pearancc on t h e occaswn of the retur n of e ou oarc " A message from t he ca1Jtmn I w iat Jou WI uo. the Rift t o you, Ben3amin , and m th e first place, he (To rn: co~ ·rrn UED) I A common disfigmemcnt of cemeteries m N ot the sligh test so nnLl chsturbed the i e- says t hat if th eie's 11ny noise he will blow France is tue w1ci1th of black or bluck and pose of the sea cave, b ut t liose nat ural ones yom br,uns out " \\h1te beads. There is lMr dly a t omb un 1 which nught be expected from the r estless " Oh mdeed ' " How to Kill Murderers, less it be 111 the fo ,se commime or a~10ng cont,ict of the water w ith th e sides of t he "y cs H e wants the Frenchman. "How shall the de,1th penal ty be mllict those th au are qmte forgott en by t he h vmg cavern and th e boat s, and the cutter. ; ; ~apt,~m Mocqnet "' ed '" was t he t i tle of tl1e subject disrnssed without some of t hese bead t r,ippmgs, th~ ']'hose sounds cons1Sted of a waslung, lap · "Ths. h h , ,, recently by t he Society of Med ical J uris creakmg ,md r attlm g of which when the ping kmcl of mot10n and perhaps mmglmg " eu e 8 an t go prudence, N Y D r N E Brill r ead the wmcl 1s st rong is one of the most dismal now and t hen, \H th them v. as t he slight W hy, wh at do you mean, yon lubbr.r ~" letter he had received fl om the Commi ttee on J sounds conceivable To hear this noise movem ent of th e h igh and heavy sails that "vVhy, Jtist t his, Martm, t lmt he shan't Capital Pum shment .tppomtcd by the State commg from a cometery at m aht is cn01iah closed up th e second entr«nce t o t h e cavei n go, that's n.ll N ot u nless Dol,tn comes for L egrnl ature, asl. m g his Hews on that snb t o ma ke the blood of t h ese whg are n ot ns~d !'REEM.A.N'S as the muht w md pressed at times h eavily him hnnsel f, I tell you." 3ect . Dr 131111 m repl y declctrcd t hat t o it tu rn "'ltttle cold. agam st them f 1om w ithout. "w·~~' but it 's a very odd, thing, Ben he considered h,u;g;n~ bar ba~ous, and quoted The b cot examples of the ea.gre or bor e WILL CURE OR RELIEVE POWDERS~ A single lantern was at t h e bow of t he Jtamm, f atMCaptam D olan h as been obliged 1D1 H ardy, who h ad a,ttended var1ons hang- th e phen;menon m which t 11e tide moves ari Bll!OVSNES8, DIZZ/NE88, occ1u et. " l Jiarl ne·ver seen cl ea th occur bY a I ,it on ce, are said t o be fm mshcd by the sem1 or l~ i" R ift and it shed a f aint , upplmg kmd of o "Obi mgs, an c Al:e plcMant t o take. Conte.In t heir ows; DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, h gM on the w ater. · "y i¥,ec · bt oken tJeck ;n « smq le mstance. "The 1mouth s of t he rn ers An°tLzon H ooghly aud hrgat1ve rs a ~a!o, snro, and ellcctrutl INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING "Hush 1" said Mai tm " Do y on heai "Hes bl' cl most humane m ethod, ' he sa1cl, "is t hat T~1e11·tang I u the case of ' t h e last ~neu deltro.rer ol wonwr iD Children or .A.dllltl JAUNDI CE. OF THE HEART the deck watch, any of you ?" that ,1,,ow 0 Jge ? ' Vhat do you mean by or the guillot me. I nm opposed to elcctn - t io11ed 11ver, rn Ch ma, the wave plunges on ER Y81PELA8, AOIO/TY OF ' "No,' w as the whisper ed r eply from all "W . . city, becau se c lynamos are too expensnre , hke an advancmg c,t tar act four 01 fiv e 1 mm, it was you t o prussic ,icic1, because i ts actwui& imlefinite, miles m brer.clth a nd thirty feet !u gh, and "Then he 18 gone to sleep. " tl t hl, )ou k now,_BenJ 1 BALT RHF U!lf, THE STOMACH. HEARTBURN, IJR l'NE88 I "That's more t h an likely ," said Joseph, 1 ti~; t 10 ch am !mks so t ig htly about and often prnduces vwlent convP!s10ns ; t o thus p asses up the sheam to a distan ce of 8 , t h e gun otte, bccanse it frecpiently fails " 1 eigh ty miles at t h e r.1te of t went y fi \ e m iles " aud if so, you J.uow, Mai t m, yon ,~ ouldn't ' u" es. HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN. lull !nm 'I' I Holi r "'A'at if I d;cl? Hold y ou, now, "I' d have a ma1,1 ttLken to a dark cave, and an hour:. The clrnn ge ft om ebb to flow -tide ~nd every sp11clas o f' d lseasg arising 'fro~ " No I don 't wan't t o lull him I'll ~tLy, e o:v dou t wan t to b e p ut m there b111 y !urn nrte1 h~.ngmg, ' said Lawyer is «lmo. t ms.ant,c.ieou~. In th e Amazon .. asord11,...d LIVE R, KIDNEYS, STOMACl'ft BOWELS OR BLOOD, sp eak t o !nm first, and tell hi m to b e qmet ~md or h~,tle disagr eeables m the middle of D. S. Riddle, spr m gmg t o h rs feet so sud the whole tide passes up the s tream in fi ve He 1s a bad one, but I don't want to kill m g it . denly t hat ever y on e looked sm pHsecl " L et 01 six wa\ es followmg each other m rapid ~ Proprietors, 1 t 1bo,;ut I '~as gomg to tell you. Cap nu human being know where h e is b uned. succession a ncl each from twelve to fift een him. Now, come on. " c,i. fJ ·· TORONTQ, 0 Mar t m descend1·d the steps- at the foot am n was as~ asleep, it appears, "hen Smround the crime w n h all the hon m s you eet lu b h . ' of them he ha d taken the precaution to s~mebody shook !um, and when he open ed can \ \Ti th i espect to hmrntmta iiamsm- to -----~--~,!!!, ~~~ ~ "' move oue of th e boats of t h e R ift, and mto Ins eyes, who should he see but S ulfles ' k m dness to t ins b i ut "- I s ty aw 1y wi th it · 1 e e ~ · that c m etly an d slo\\ly t hey glided "Avast " hang t he man- hang h im over and over 1f th~ Tragic Dee,ths of Enghsh Statesmen. "INARY SURGEON. "\Vher e IS Dolan, now I" wlu spered Ger Suffild es De tel , of course, and al lope b1Mks- hni1 g h1m, h ang him, hitnglnm " It is observed that Lord Iddeslc1gh's de1tth 1 "Ye~. VETE.u I camp anc co and savs h e · Dolan says At , h t 't f t i · t M R d [ ad. h , c' J · · ' e,i c l epc i 10no ie1mper"' 1ve r 1 is by n o means the Ju st t m gic 01· sudden -.B-Y1 "In his ow n caboose, m the upper t ave111, ;t~ell(1~Ol t ptam Mocquct, says h e, out die's voice g1ew louder . "Dou't h ave ,my r d eath of an E nglish stat esman Ill r ecent 9 . 0 I take it," said Ma rtm " H e's fast asleep, tetca rn t he ~lit, because~ says h e, I , repor t eis arnund. Don t let t he m an b e ele histor y t's elm mg t he present century theie 1 · I · 0 y ou may dep end. Hush !" w,cn, g<:> t ler~ an say somethmg to M oc- , vated to the rank of ,,, hero Lad ies hrmg have b~en severnl The youn ger P itt dwd d l am fully prepared to attendFanernla on "What is i t ?" ~n et & dlal1ght fr s g host, w~o JS t here, s.tys !t1111 roses and r epor ters speak of his fin e wlu le P rennei lU 1806 from broken spu its the ahertesL not ·ce, a t the lowest p osgible ra tes "Lord preserve us , W'lrnt is that, ' lc, an t rnn '~ sat down n ght on tl1e ch es looks and pernon r. J appeal ance I thmk th.i.t call· ed by t he defeat s of our allies on th~ C:BBkots and B_una!Casee ready on short not ice ge, sucl·ing, ll" li ch ol"rng noise caine of Doi. n , aud h owled nevc1 so hor . by 110 rneano ~\ e mw ht to abolish hanging · It C on t men t ; anc1 " 'i' S ecr e Shrouds nat-class hearse very moderate' A hll _ , w , r id Cnptam ,, ~ o · ox , w h en F' 01e1gn 1 :i.nd Coffinson constantlv on hanrl ,t.erms Fun upon t heu ears, as if some huge fish was " G SI ,, is a good old! common law practice, and by all , t ary followed hm1 to a prem atnre t omb a. 1 ral oards su'{lplled at onoe . Furniture Shop&; 1 lappmg t h e edge of t h e >~ ater. T hey all " A ref t iarlks ,, m ea< 1 s h ang t o it ." [L"'ughte1.) Dr. Pet ers/ few ;nonths late1 P ercival, who was Pum e how Rooms- Bounsall'sNew Block, list en ed at tentively , and the sound ceased. " nc so w e iavc come for ]'.focc1net atlvocufed the ga11 otte. Mm1s·er ·11 1812 W«S ,tssassmat ecl m t he - -- - - - "I don't h alf like that,' said J osep h. . ~cry gol~ ~ow I t ell )OU what, :\far f D r \ Voods c lHln t loo], npon hanging .is I iobby ~f t h e Hous~ of Commons, and Lo1d She Knew Him. "Hush 1 There it is agam. I t is th er e t_ m, y ou t u n i, Im such . a shor e gomg l brut al If a m an comnutted a cnme h e I Londoncleu y, w hen For eign i\innste1 m "Some girls ar1 too confounclecl sma1 t to away, m t hat dar k corner." know-not lung idwt al! t o ? eh eve t hat cock thou ght h e shoulcl have a puni,ghment that 1821, comrrut t ed sm cicle. Lor d L1vcrpool, h ve," said a youug !,cwye1 t o Ins compa.u" P ull to it," said Gerald ,m d ,1 bnll story, you don t know yom· ma u , 1 w otlld be a detct r ent to othces Dr MeLaunc th p 1827 · cl , t l . " l k l e 1eun er m , was seize \' 1 l au ap 10n and I shall give a 11 al "Nay ! n ay !" ' " ' arm, , suggestec ta -rng tie crmun~1 t o a dark oplect1c ft , from w inch he never mi lled " \Vhy ? What's t he mat ter uow ' " in · 8 "Why , 1t can't be anythmg that can hurt Dou t. H you do, Sufrle ghost may i oom and drowurng !nm m cax ooh c acid ga~ Canmng Ins successot' died af ter bem g qnu eel t he friend "Well, I was at a d.ince one m ght, and u s, M artm. It 16 very much bett er t o see come her e and look ove~· t he buhHJ,rl, s, aud La,~ y01· vV H Ri.sscll ,id-vo ,ated deh-ver mg l'nme Munster fo r a fe~ months ft om com 1 1 what 1t is at once. B esides, we are 011 a say , Ben3amm '" BcnJamm !" · the c11minal over t o n, comnu ssion ofselectecl [ b mec ' l wor]<and "or1y '.I ier ney, " h o was I he" rcl a "er t ~m Mei1 1be1 of P w 1l1arn er1t 's "BenJam d f · t]}enpmm I 11 w v 1er Cannina d ied of hea1t daught er t alkmg with anothe1 girl , an d the Grailuai e or the On ta rm Vetermarv College I goocl en and now, you know ." I. ' m sai a am ' 10 ow voice, sc1ent 1sts and lettmg t hem take his life m tLe 1a llfm1s her un 1 HegJstPred mP.m'1er ot t hP Outano Vetermary "-Pnll ,1 w ay, then " ~~ ; ~~8~~1~t~r~n;h:~~c~Jo~~~latp hp ee~~~~o~~~ bp~~: \ m terest s of s,ience 1 d1sea~e rn his chai1 m i§3o Husklsson , other gnl a sked her t o m tr oclnce me , be· It was w tth evident 1eluct ance t l1 at Mai - face of Suflles w 1th ti h tt l th who n .cd also sn ved un der Cannmg, was cause she didn't know m e, but had se en me Medical Association Jtlf'Ottlce and Res1dcuce. Ne wt9nv1lle, Ont. tm slowl y p ulled w it h Gerald towa,1d t he ' Je ai r a 11 ma ec W I · killed while soakmg h ci,ndo w ith t he Dull:e so often she wanted to." 1 "\V1 ll "1s1t Orono every Tuesday and Sat urday ' d eep and slmclow y por t 10n of t h e sea cave ~:1: ;~;e~:n:l a long piece of seot weetl tr.u l No man is e ver likely t o a.ccomphsh any of Vv ellmgton at t h e opcmng of the L rve1 " And didn't she i nt roduce you ?" 0 Office hours riom 10 A ni tn ! P m . at from wh eic the odd s01mds came b u t he g ye · mote than h e resolutely sets himself to fl.C pool n.na l\!fa nchster ia1lway, m 1830, an d ' Naw," he said , m a disg usted tone. Coult ers' Rote; Calls by Telegiaph i eceive (was tLsh amec l not to keep strol· e v; 1th Ger l3cn3amm made but one snmmcrsault ngh " 1 com.phsh \ Sir l~obeit P eel WtLS lulled b y a. fall from his "She looked at h er k w d oE f turny , y ou Jmmed. ate 9.tt-"nt10·1. ' ' . , ove1 the star boa1d bulwarks and fell plump H CHAl~GES MO DER.&.TE. ald, so th e b oat soon r eaehcd w1tl11n a oot1t i to th , '0 e Fother gill ~tatcd so1re time ago that beef lior oe en Constitu tion 1 11, t wentJ years know, and sa id ' vVh ei e ignor an ce rn bh~s twellre feet of the cotv ein wall, and then L h ey n e a tea is 1,tther a stmrulaut tl an"' nouns]Jl11ent, I ' tLter 'U esc, wn h the m urdet of Lord 'tis folly to b e wise.' ~ow wha t do y ou - - -- - - - - - --- --- - - · pfom ly saw a somethrng close to the w all , n.nd uow an article ,\p pe?.rs 11. t h e N ineteenth j ] '1etler ick C>Lvenc11sh, Ill the P licemx park, t hmk of that?" to SS a il.w Sam11Ic s and <lul y FREE l " Lor d be good to u s " s,ud Mar tm "It 's CHAPTER XXVIII.- F\LLEN l~TO THE Cent1!1'1/, sho wmg thai; i t powerfully i et <11 ds Im 1882, form a list of t he sudden an d ttag1c " The MembeL's daughter must h ave ~~~~~~7~~·~u;;A;1i:.11~ori£~~;;'efr~~~~: got e) es." ' Oi.u:rcJJ:i:;s OJ! Tm 1"01. c h gestiou T his ,ict1on is said to be dne to deaths of E nglish stat esmen d nrmg t h e known y ou pretty well," and then he w ent Co.. Hol!, Mich. I " A seal !" sad J oseph. "Good by ,' said Ma1tm. the organic aclCls ;:.on tamed m it . , p resen t centu ry , on to < lOmfor t hnn 0 "Where's he gone ?" asked Joseph. VARIETIES. "To the old un's locker, I fancy. I do11't see him. How are yon Mr. SufHes ? Bd· ter ?" Every one has a fan tm n to be as great as CA'!'ARRH.-A new treatment has been dis· OR, "L l bl M · 1 he pleases. ·overed w hereby a penna.nent cute of this OIC ess you, no," ai tm, me"'" hithertoincurn,'!.Jlediseas0,i3absolutelyutfect· !J , Gerald is a holtlmg of hi>n up He's dre,\d· Bees may be siiid to be pamdox1cal in that ed m from one to three application s, no matter ful lunp gettmg, bu t he am't qmte unso11 they are stmgy, yet not parsunomous wheth er stand mg one yeuror forty years Thie · - - - - - - -- - -- --sible, cos you see h e knew you '\ant ed hl·n The bnnko steerer isn't a landlord to remedy is only npplted once m twel ve days, TnE MosT 1'~Ascn.ATI:NG OCEAN RoMAJSCE Sr"cE THE DAYS oF to say Beni1 -'nd lie ·ai<l it. > ~nd does not m terfei e with busrnose, Descrip· 1n1111 " amount t o mucl1 , b u t I1e get s h is Ii vmg out trve pamphlet sent ft·ee on receipt ot stamp by COOPER AND MAHYA l".I' They la,id Mr. S uflles carnfull) dov"11 in of flats ~ . H. Dixon & Sou, 305 King s treet, West - -- - -the boat ag.un, ancl then Ger,tld scrnmblwl T:ironto,Cttnada. CHAPTER XXVII. "Oh, no,' rephecl Gernld, as h e gave one m to Lhe cabm by the port \.Vhich dress lasts a lady the longest?_ W 1u.T IS CATARRH1 !'lC.'l'"' CJ " >i(lCOl ET ' ND MARIE IRO' l morn stroke with the oai and br ou<.!ht the " c c , "" t" h I Her house dress, because she never weais it C1 1tarrh is a dutJgcrnus d11~ase w lu eh thous THE E - " ' ~ · " "· a ome, aptam .m.OC <jUe · e sa1< 1t.11ils a1 e consriouely or unconsciously suffering THE Rr~T boitt close to the obJect There, even by the "Come, Mane- you will be saved, l thmk , ou t . from . It is a muco·putulcnt drnc barv,o o wsed The ntght w as far advanced when , on \ e1y famt Lgh t thn.t \\ a s t her e, they saw now ' vVhen a gnl gets m a husband a better oy the presence of a vegetable parasite m the the little plateau of the cliff "hich foin1 ecl 1 f"ce and head of some human bemgand tw o J\focquet embraced Cera.Id, and t hen man thMl she expected h u n to be he 18 a su l!nmg membm ncof th e nose. T he pi ed18po~· ~ l1011 b l It t i t t 1 lug cR.usee a re a morbid sta te of the bloott the the" look out" of old Joseph, there ,issem ,ir ms c mg Ya i mg Jo m was sc .ia.lle twmed her arms ai ouud one of hi s, prize to he1 1 bh:rhted corpuscle of t ubercle, the get ll\ pou on bled l\Ir.ihn J oseph Gei ald and Grace mto the cllff, there bem(( many such a ll and began h e1 song of "Gernld 1fane ' L iberty 18 always pictur ed as a woman of syrhtl!s, mernury, toxom1:e, f1om the 1etenThe1r obie~t wast; iescne ft om the cabm ro;i~icl the cavern . Mane Geral<l '" bec.tuse ltb erty to survi ve must be v1~ilant, tion of the etrete m n,tter of the ukm, au1Jpiessed of the Rift Captam :Moct uet and lt1s d,n1<h / I he eyes glaied a t the boat au d its occu "Rush ' Oh' hush," saJCl Gerald "We ,uid there is no blmd side to a woman. :;;~~~~:f~~~ ~~~~t~~~~~~';l i:g:~i;~!s~~~ri~ ter , :M.crie 1 "' pants '"m l the lips seemed to move, but no are Jn clanger A word may lnmg destr uc Wife-" I ve he,11d it's bad lucl, to be the blood. l unated by these, t he lmrng mem· ,, Nothmg but t h e supcrntitwus feaIS of so~i:t(~ issn r,d fi om t l,iem tlon on t·s all" brano of th e n oa(l ts ever ready fo1 the 1ecepoocl 1iea" e11s 1 said Jo·ejlll 1t s i\1r "'·' k t ~' ' h m trned on a Tuesday." Husband- " If t1on of the p< ·ras 1re w l1 ch rap d'y sp1 ·e· d· up Dolan had pieventecl !um gomg, long before Suffi~" ,, ' '· ' ' · .v,ocque" spo e 0 ;ualle, anu 8 e was you 11 leM e ofI' ' on a Tuesd.ty' 1'11 confit m the noatuls ~nd d<lwn th e rauce~, ' or b; ck ot 1 th!lt, 111to !us cabm, 111 wluch case i t would Th " ti k . silent on t he moment, only she clung the t he rumot ' ·he thr oat, caueuH~ u lceration of tl.e t11roa t ; up 1· have been next to unpossible but that the 1 , , en fL ~!;" wca voice, sate . closc1 to Gem Id Mar-tm closed the batch 1 the eustactwlll tubes, cauamg cle/l.f·1e·s b u " F.i ench captam's daughter would have been bol tSuilles and the htLnds shook the rmg way .tnd called down to them H owcvet well p1oved a. fnc11dsh1p may rowrng m the vocal cords, causmg h oarseness· l d " Up - up at once, ,md let us be off. I ii ppear, there are confidences w}uch it should usurpmg t he propet st ructure of the btonch1af 1 c I~o~~red:cngei to i\lai ie .trosc from that ·;He lives" sa~'.~ Gerald . " fancied I heard sometlung Just now. ' not l?ear and sacrifices wnich should not be .'.i~~~ft. entlm g m pulrnona1y consumption and d1scove1y beyond the te1rot of h emg m t he Pooi wi etch stLicl M.tt t .cm He " Come, oh, co me, smd G emld. "Qmck, , reqmred of it l\fa oy n>,·0n1ous spoillea for fo1· the cm e of ower of ~nch a man , t her:c can be no doubt lives mcleed ',but how he got here, I ,c,in t Captu.1dMocquct" I Mil. a-" Phat ate ycz v.orkm' at now, rn tr.nb h >l\ e been rnvet1 ted , but w1th o1 H sue'l out Ill getlmnmtotheboat Come ··Oni'Om.' Th"'ef!othim'" I Pa··' ' Pat-"Diggm' 10 t lic sewei ." ce· ~. unt1l 1·phys1c1anoflou gstandmgihsooV· 1 upon her make rnt t lm t lJo1an won l Cl rnYe 1oo1me !VI S c ' .' w· = l " ,·wd 1ht· exact nature of ~h diseaee a nd the as another prisoner whose in,nsom wonlcl r uIU s , no harm is meant you, n.nd if "Who'" Mi l,e-" Phat clo yez get for i t ?" P at-- o11 ' y app\1P.nce which w1llpe r manenily destroy h ave bcea a lon,1, anci a strong pu ll at Cap yon k eep, '1met yon mtLy get away m safetJ:', " One-two p1srol " "One dolla1 ,, c l ay arnl the 1heumat1u, ho ou1 a.si te, n o matter how aggrnvaLed the tam :Niocquet 8 p nl se. fo1 I don t take upon mysel.f to say th at 1t "Oh, yes I Th at is right, Come now , begorra " oaae. Sufferers should sen1i stamp at on ce was you wl10 brongl t the 1"1 I !01 descnp1tve pi<mphlct on co.tarrh, to the 1ihst11ies clO\v11 , A notl ier momen t au cl t' And now in the silence of the nw ht-tL i ney v,ere on t1e l'atient-" \"\ hy <lo you watch the ther liusme:>s rnana&<era A l { Durnn & Son, 305 silence on!/ broken by the sullen w~sh o'f on~is, when\\ e wern reccivmg the c,i rgo " «eek of the Rift and then, by t he famt re 1 rnometer on the w all so ulosely ?" Nmse- Km.: str eet, west, 'l 'oronto. Canad<>. fr Suff!es ev1dently hea1 d these words, flection of t h e lantern at the bows of the I "Because the doctm said if the tempera W h a t t he B ev . E B Steven~on, B .A , a Cl e1 {IY· t he sea aaarnst the chffa a nd the farn t \\hisde of tn e",\ md a.s It moaned far awa" on but was by far too chilled n.nd t oo ter rified shlp they could JUSt all see en.ch othei Lke 1ture nz I should io ve, ou the q umme. ,, man of tho L ondon Confwren ce of t lie 1 1'retho· 1 th ] t J to reply t o them nor cl c l h I t ~I 1 1 , dist Chu r ch of Canada, h.cts to sa11 m regar d the face of the deep- those fom persons ' i c mace e eas so many P iau oms. ' ,i n e sfa clung to I It ia adrmtted foi rnd '"de To A.H. ]).:con & ,<;on s New '.t.'teatment (01' m et and m wh1spcis conversed toget her as motwn to get m to the boat hold of lnm Ger tL!d rtnd would har cllv le.we lnm to let I That 1t has l1een the mnid~n a.1m Cata1 ?· h.. to the best mod e of piovidmg for t he rescue Tl~eu l\Ltitm took a vigorous h ei father help hei over into the boat. Then Sm,ce lnst th!s "01ld of ours hega,;, Oaklans, Out , Canada, March 17, 1883 of the captrves. on 01.c snlc of !us coat colh>r ,mcl J oseph on for the first t une she saw Gr.ice. To ch!l.nge the maiden nnnw 'ltfessrs A . H Dixon & Son "Yon, , J'lfartm ," smcl Gel ~Id- " you say the other The F rench «n] uttei eel 1111 ex c'a t l Gourtmg a g1rl rs lik e st art rng a news DEAR Snts.-Yours oC t he 13th Ins t. to hand. wnat is to be done ancl I , ' ·nl "' lre we w ill i·ll " Come, let go t h e r111 0<>bolt and we will f "'i l l J f ' t · 1m(~ w n j paper It st.nts out as a weekly then 1t lt seemed a lmost too good to be t rue t hat I am ' "' , cant t tl b t t ,, o sm pnse anr1 re < 1er ace owar c <race b kl h ' cured of Catarrh but I k now that I am I obey you" yo,u mo le oa m a. momen . who, m her gentle, qmet way, kissed her I e~omcs a tri wee y, t en mer ges mto a ha-ve had no reLurn of the disease anr l u ovei: "iVhy , look 3 ou here, 1faster Gerald," . Mr. SufHes made 110 1eply, but only glared and th en shook hands w ith her. j d.uly. If it has any eutcrpnse it comes out tel.t better m my hfe. I have tried so mnny said l\!fat tm "One thmu 18 clear euough m t he face of Mar t m , with u look of p1ttable "Fh bie ,, d Ma " t t . G I with im ext1a occasion ally. thmgs for Ca taah, sufte1ed so much and for .. chohes1 ' n, sat J: Ile e ce am1 e1 · e<o many ~ears , that it1shard to realize that to sec, and that 1s-thctt 1£ Dol,in has his "L ' , ,, ald, ou est it 5" I Of all orchnary bmldmgs that are not spe t a.m really better. way, you \Hll be worse off tli :i,n t he Ji'r euch "Het go , ,, ' cl J l Geralcl drnpp ecl mto the boat. He was cmlly const1uct ccl fo1 ca.rthquake r esrstanee, I consider tnat mmo was a very ba d case; It man ' " , e wont, sat osep 1 ,, the last to leave the Riit, ,md then he stLirl those w inch have the thickest walls nnd ar e was aggr11;vated an d cl>r ome, m vclvmg th 0 " Indeed , Com e-come \Ve wont haun yon "R cl , 1, constructed of the 1 ,iggest blocks of stone throat as v; ell as the nasal passages anil I Then m a far11 t 1~ ] h .I ea ) thought it would requn'e tho three t1eatments_.. ' Yes, Gem.Id. He mtends t o b et r av the usper-<Lw 1Sper ioarse Joseph ancl M:artm took an oar each ha\'e proved, i t is said, to be t he most cap hnt I feel fully cured by the two sen t me anu whole Jot of us And 1 h ac cl.cl he take you an;: strauge, M r Snffics s'.i; l oke Captam Mocqnet p ,1t his r i,.ht arm ar ound able of surv1vmg very seve1 c sh ocks. I am thank ful that I wae ever m ducerl to send 1 cunnot- 1 cannot . 1 · 1ey won't move " 11<' J t °, . t f I \o you. 0 n the las t Cl Ul 9 c f or' b u t t o nuxyou up Jn "\VI mt won't·" ,_ane all(1 spo W ? 1 ler 1 apw1y , 1D ones o I A sailor bemg asked how he liked lu s You a re at hberty to u se th1s letter st a.tmg the affair ?" "Fmgcrs-fowcI', 1 ,, great emotion. '.I h e boat was sl~wly an<l 1brirle 18 r eported to havexemai kccl : "vVhy, tllat I have be6u cm ed at t wo treatments. and " It must be so 1 " M t I . l l" h 1 t h fu f qm etly p ulled tO\\ ,iid the mout>J of the 'I d" e see I tool- her to be only h ilf of me ( ohall gladly r ecommend your remedy to some "Oh, my poor Gcial d," said Grace ' ar m a1c ns < m es on e igei s o cave1n. J ' ' ' ' 'it my fnenda who s.re sufferers Mr Suf!l1es, win eh clasped the rmgbolt "Icrt>l(l I , S"t'<l Gei alcl. as the parson s tyd, but dash my buttons if Yours, with many tha~ks, " Com e n ow, miss," said Joseph "do11't , ..1. w , l l I f I' I R E B s s " Th te 1sn t twice ao muc t as , or m on y a EV. , · rEVENSON . on be a ta.krng on .hbont it \Ve w ill see 'I hey h ad lost tlw powe1 of motion, but stif 1 Y femug there m tbeu 11e1 vous clutch still held ey ceasec r owmg ta r and she's ,1 tar tar " And hundreds of oth ers yon both out of t his place. An<l I m not "Do yon hear ? ' on to the cold iron I t v. as with difficulty " Eyes ,md limbs 1, said Mat t m . "I "\Vhat's the pnce of S<tusages ?" "Ten sorry to leave it, too,, "I have been thmkfog about that," said that M artm, finge1 by finger, aided t hem, hear the c hr) of oars. ' I cent s a pound." "You asked fifteen cents 1 Maitm so to spea t, from t h e r m gbolt , am! then " Sodol, " said Joseph. l th1s mormng. ' "Yes dot v os >enI ha.cl "AbouL what ?" they !tfted the wrctchPc l man mto the boat "And commg t lus way, too Look- I some. Now I am't got none I sells for ten "Leavmg the place ,, A shudder p1tssed frnm h ead to foot of look ,,, cents Dot makes me a rebutat1011 for sel " Well, but you don t m ean t o say that 1th Suff!es There \\ ns a Cl nckiing noise and then lm g sl.eap, and I don't lose noddmgs." D ""' "Don' t, " he s,thl fomtly. h f ft h f , J ' ' you w1II st ay, lhartm, an<1 let olan have "Don t what 9 ,, t e amt .is o " 1ght wn,s v1~1bl e for · 1j _ P it tsburg Tramp- " If y ou 'll fill me up all his own way '" "Kill me, I sh.l.Jl soon go,, momen t . It wa~ m the han de ot a m ,rn m w 1tn a good dmner I 'll saw some wood. I'm ' ' No, but the1e s some amon t the crew "B f t 1, . G h ft a boat They saw the fa ce I t wa s t hat I willm' tu work" W'oman {shonly)-" Y on · com or "Be ec , comfortecl. saic1 'ace rn one e1 so · we bm nnot h mg lm t n~tmal tlta t I d on't wan t to come t o t h e a cl , i.Ud l f gentlee vowe wili o f D o1an,, an<1 m t 11e b o,1t w as a. square, know very well 110 so be as Dolan means t h at t h ey should fall lt.t1m you now T«k e h eart and b e comfort ~best, winch appeared to smk its aft er p ar t g as' Tramp - " vVell, gm11ne suth m ' t-0 mt o the hands of t he P h1h stmes, I should d ,., mto the wate1 eat an' l ll t nrn on the gas for you." hke to b alk him, and my idea IS JUst t ins ' e Mr Snffles did not reply , b t1t they h ea.1·d :: ~~i~~ :: s:~Jsf1e::~~nJoseph ,; I t ell yer , my fnen's, " said Brothe1 Lfet husRgeft the Flreucdhmhan and hrn baby out h11n sobbmg. ' " Garclne1, "when I come t o ieab ze JlSt what o t e 1 t, a.nc sen t em off with Gernld "Hush,' said Gerald , " You will do us d. JHe es hcapes w1tn the t reasur e chest, a queer piece ob clay w e am, t\n' how much " Tlosep 11 ' . ', woilnn' ober we need to come out pe1feck, h er e, and Miss Gr ace, and t h en let n s speak har111 rmd bring u s mto danger ii you a.re sa.1 to the crew. " t · 11 " le v i am II 't l b 1 de sh t 'a1 ' lrnr 1 alu ' . \V1th the lantern place i upon the chest m . can wom er 0 e "And tell them all ?" no 8 ' 1 · ou m 1 n ' Pumps Chea per and Bett er "Ay 1 Tell them all. L et us come back H e was still m a moment ancl then he frnnt of lum m the b t~ 8 m ll J t i m heaben when one ob us grown folks finds said famt ly oa. ! " a an crn his way in. " t han ever . and lay hold of Dolan and make him g ive " I 1 cl b h ,, t h,tt h e had h t-Dolan 1owed slowly ,md I up the money t h at he says he has luclden c 1 not r mg t e P hihstihes. steach ly towar d the cutter The boat m I " Mr. Rendyeash," gr atefully said Charles her eaway, m ch ests, m the cr evwes of the " T hat's u ght, " said Mart m "Then I'll which was embarked the fortunes of those H ar dup to h is wife's pat einal progemtor, as The Subscriber having built a. large new upper c.we, a nd l et us , n drnper se t h is very loo!, after yon, thou~h how yon got clear of m whom we are mterested slowly by a' he presented him for th e dozenth time with Pump F'actory m Oron o , is prepared mght., B efore daylight we may be, most of the c~am lm],s I don t kno" ." h"'ht t1>uch on'the surfoce of' the wat~r from l ucre t o pay a yeai 's rent of his clwellmg - t o fmnrnhus, tar enough away frnm here. " "Cut-cut them-of!," gasped Suffies the oa~s w.cs edged offmto the deep shadow / house, "instead of a pa-in-l av. ' you have RIFT AND S PRAY, AN D CATARRH. LOVE VENGEANCE "LERS AMONG THE SMUG I I I I L · I I I t i I I i I I I I I I D u N N )i s B A IN c powDER I THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND I Orono Pump Factory. PUMPS Of EVED Y D tSliRIpTl OR ALL WORK GUARANTEED d,, I " I I F.'Et sON. 0 I I WORM f,, '11 I I 'J'. MILBURN "0 ? , ww a 'l?mTY>av 1 I uNo R ·r AKIN c ,E LEV M 0 RR Is l I I I I I I ! 0 0 1 I I ! .. '

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