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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1887, p. 8

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B U SINESS CHANGE! ..1 · . Clarke Townsh ip N ews. Orono N ews. T he infant daughter of Mr. McLeod, Orono, is very ill. M iss E tn't Dunsfoi:d , of Orono, is viaitin:,: i n Bowman ville. TAUAUAC is not an ordinar y mixture. Having sold to J. J. MASON the Ifrom rnractitsproperti~s areentirelydifferent · · any preparation used for Cough g, Throats and Lm1g T roubles. . . StO~k: and good-Will Of the bUSlll0SS Cold~, Miss Eva. D onnelly, of Bowmanv1lle, is form erly known as Mason Bros'.' theMr. gues t of Miss Addie Che~ter. Tyler Gamsby and wife, of M ariTrTS ca n confidently recommend our posa, are visitiTJg friend s. at Orono. W1rn1m rr ENDS.-Nme-tenths of the . StOffi8rS to COnt1"nue the1 "r dieease denomi nated Catarrh is the.result late Cu of protr11.cted or oft-repeated colds t he th "}l b head. Nasal Balm will gi ve immediate · · pat ro aage, b 0 ]IeVIIlg ey WI e relief and permanently cures .P. " 1 Miss Mary McDonald, Cobourg is visitJ.alr Y an d SqUare lY t reat e d · ing at M r. Wm. Thompson's Orono. · Mr. Soper and Miss Brown of Haydon, MASON BROS. and Mr. Thorn of Thedford ar e visi ti ng · at M r. W . Chapple's, Clarke. Vt m In connection with the above we desire t o say that it 1s our intention to carry on the DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING BUSINESS Ill all its branches, and to offer to our customers the latest styles combined with good value and moderate prices. H aving secured the stock at a Very Great Sacrifice I w e are prepared to sell at far less than· the original wholesale prices. All desiring to·s ecure bargains should ca We have also opened out. once. Several Thousand Dollars' Worth of New Goods, And solicit the public's inspection and comparison, as we are confident by combining the Dry Goods and Jewelry Business and thus reducing exp enses, we are in a position to undersell all our competitors. Mr. S. W. MASON, who remains with us, will be pleased to see all his old customers. J.J.MASON. Bowmanville, Fe bruary 8, 1887. G-ly J. HIGGIN BOTHAM & SOit, PRACTI CAL CH EMISTS, A PERiON is unable t o sleep in bed, unable to work, unable to take ordinary exercise from t he effects of Asth ma until using Southern Asthma Cure . A sample relieved, three package& permanently cured. · Misa Sara E . Grieves, aged 31, died at Peterboro, last week. Her remains were brought to Newca~t.le for burial. BAJJIBS AND CnILDUEN. - They ar e al" ays catching cold in the head. P lace a small par t icle of Nasal Bal m it1 e::ich nostril at night, also rub well over the bridge of the nose, and let us know how they are in the morning. Mrs. McMordie, Mrs. W. Coulter, and Miss G< ·r l ville, of Newcastfo, were repor ted last week on the sick list. EE FF.Al\ED No F oE. - Nero fiddled wheu Rome was burning. Many now-a.days seem equally indiffer eot to danger by th e manner iu which they neglect illhea.lth. If taken in time, there is ~carcely a chronic disease which Burdock B lood. Bit ters will not eradicate by i ts purifying, regu lating powers. Miss Mary Hunter, Newcastle, is attending the Normal School at Toronto, and Miss Eliza Ballagh at Ottawa. · A GooDNAME. -The bestr ecom1nendation of anything is its popularity where it has been longes t known. Throughout the Dominion of Canada there is no more effectual medicine for COLlghs, colds, ho>'nene8s, sore throat, b ronchitis and asthma, than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, for sale by d ruggiste. The Montreal Star Carnival number this year is more beautiful in d esign and execution than any of it~ pr edecessors . Revs. A. A.Drummond, R. Wal ker and T. Dunlop 11ddre~sed the missionary meeting in Newcastle last Wednesday week. FrwM MANITOBA.- In a letter from James Irwin, Beaver Creek, Manitoba, h e saya, "I wal'I taken ill last summer with a very sever e pain in my back . By using one bottle of Ha!!yard'e Yellow Oil I was completely cured." Yello w Oil · also cnre11 lumbago, rhenmatis01 and all ext .. rnal and internal pains. Impect or Clirnie, of Bowmanvill e, pai d our hotelikeepers a visit one day last week. Sorne of th11m we hear wero mulched to the t un e of $50 or more. The W. C. T. U. of Newcastle, lield a thankRQiving service i n the temperance h11ll, N ov. 23rd, 1886, at which 1· sil<er collection was t . ken at the door. The entertainment was a success altho11~h t he evening was ver y stormy. The proceedR went towards providing clot h ing for the nee:ly of the villa~e, and wr1fl thankfully r eceived by them. The gifts were distribut'"'d from the Christmas tree hPld in the C . M . Church on the evening of the 29th Dec. Mu:s. W. JARDINE, M1i.s . W . RICHARD, Mrss. A. FERGUSON, Presa Commit tee. ENJOY Ln'E.-What a truly beautifu world we live i n? Nature gives us grandeur of monntains, glens and oceaus, and thousands of means of enjoyment. 'Ve can desire no bet ter when ln perfect health ; b u ohow often do tha maj orit y of people feel l ike giving it up disheartened, discour~ged and W'.>rn out with disease, when t here is no occasion for th is feeling, aa every eufforer can easily obt.ain satis · factor y proof, t hat Green's AngiistFlower, will make them free from disouse, as when born. Dyspepsia. 11nd Liver Complaint are the direct causes of seventy-five per cent. of such maladies es Billious nees, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Costi veness, :Nervous Prostration, D izziness of the H ead, Palpit ation of the Hear t, and other d istressing aymptons. Three doses of A 1 1g1tst .Flowei· will prove its wonderf:ul effect. Sample bottles, l 0 cents. Try it. - T EC E --- W est End Houes· - . V\TI SEIEB Y OU TETE- C omnlimonts o f tho Season.. CallattheW E ST E ND HOUSE ~ between this a n d 'Xmas for bar- · . . gains in Dress Goods---G-reat Re-ductions~ . u. CoMlllNED DRILL AND SEEDER. - Wisner's Combined Drill and Broad Cast Seeder is spoken of in the very h ig:hest terms ae a machine of gr i"·at strengt h and durability, and ha11 gi v.e n great satisfaction. The a ccuracy of the Feed Rnn and the great improvemen t in the ~ pring H oe, also thG handi ness of making t he changes from seeding to drillinR, ligh t ness of draught, etc,, tAnd to make it superior t o all others. '.l'he Combined Drill and Seeder should be i11 t he hands of all our farmers. Mr. J. P . Williamson, Orono, is the agent fo r t his section. He has one on exhibition in frou t of Mr . D. McCullagh'e boot and shoe shop. SrECU.L ATTENTION should always be given to t h o hair and scalp. There is nothing nicer than a good head of hair . In case of baldness when the t·octs are not all gone, Dr. D orenwend's Groat Gorman Hair l'rlagic, will produce a luxuriant growth ,.f hair ; it will re·tore all g rey and faded h air to it s original color and vigor ; i t stops all fall ing out of the hair and removes all traces of dandruff. A little of this grnat p reparat ion used once in a while will keep th e scalp in a healthy condit ion and niake the hair aoft ,pliant and bt";nutiful. A.Doren wend , sole manu facturer, Toronto. J. H iggin· botham & Son, agents for Bowm--.nville. CABJNE..,T PHOTOS -NOW E'ORto bo made, Cut t.his out and return it to us, nnd we will send you free. The cs.t stood on the freezing fence, . som·thing of great Yalue Where he for fun had fled , and 1mport1mce to you. th at will slt>rt you in business which will bring you in more At midnight prompt did he commence money rl~ht away than anythin ~ else in this To paint the backyard r ed. worlll. Any one can no the work and Jive at ll:ither eex ; all llges. Somct.hing new homo. There demon-like and black he screamed, that just coins money for all workers. \l'{e will start you : ca1iital not needed. This is As bound to fool the storm oi.e of the ienuine. important cl~ ssee of a life · Of missle~, which from windows streamed time, 'l'lloae who aro ambitious and enter· Straight at his fur off form. prising will not delay. Gra.JHl outtl.t free. Address THU !!: IS Co., .A.ugnstu, M11ine. -A'l'Bootjackw rolled on. He would not go W itllout Maria's word; Maria in the kitchen l ow Ria yowls no longer h eard, all cla"sen with employment at home, th e - ~ "Maria," Mr. Thonae cried, wh~le ot the time. or for their spa.re moments. B OWM"A"-TVILLE Bnamess new. hght and proflt,.bce. Persons .1..' · "Maria, must you stay 1" of either sex eaHily earn from 50 cent.8 to $5 por N B C .And but the booming boots r eplied evening, and u proportional sum l..ly devoting · .heap F ancy all their time to t.he business. BoyB 11nd girh · . That fast was thro wn away. ich a~ men. That all who see In great Variety. earn ttearly a.s m1 this may sen<l their e.dd .-oss , and test the busiThen came a gunshot's t hunder sound ; ne·s, we make th!~ offer. 'l 'o such as are not The,cat- ob, where was he ~ well Ratisfled we will send one dollar to pa.y tor the t.rouble or wri ting. Full particulars Ask of his fragments st rewed around A fine stock of t he &nil outfit tree. .Address GEORGE STINSON & In that cat-astrophll. Co., Portland, Maine. With bootjacks, bricks and many a swear, The sleepers did their part, But the noblest thiog which perished there Was thnt old cat so smart. A Catastrophe. Ey M0N $2.50PER DO~ ---o --., Best quality t aken in all kinds of weather Worlm gC lasses A11enlion!~1f.~ JAIT ~ M0Rt11SON'S1 Goods. Newest and Nobbiest:. OLOTE: S in town anived at the I I About Seed Drills. Messrs. Mason & Stollery hnve secured Is the Right Pl a ce to buy Dr ugs. We k eep the best and sell at moderate prices. ----o--WE H A V E ON H A N D : Hair Brushes and Combs, B inge's Cough Syrup, Toilet Soaps, Rose Glycerole, Perfumery, Corn Cure, large Chamois' a very Imperial Dentifrice, stock. Sponges, &c. Camphor I ce, ----o-- -- Prairie Flower Condition Powder and Pure Gr ound Oil Cake. Bowmanville, February 1, 1886. Annual Clearing Sale AT- TOD BROS. Big Bargains in Dry Goods for the next 30 days. - ---o---- Before stock-taking w e s h all clear t h.e balan ce of our winter st ock A T COST. Call and inspect,it will be to your advantage. TOD BROS. Baq~r~in8 at t.he di!lsolntion of pattner- 1 THE Ne~v Piece~ 1·0 Spea.J~ Jn -SdiooJ,, shi p S1tfo, bJcache <l and unhle:whecl RlF p nt Church, or Home ]!;ntertain· Cottc.ns worth eleve n cents se!Ji ng for f m on t s. Eloc.ution, Gesture. Beauci· e ight cents per yar d >J.Jl wool ~ reyFla nnel. . '"- ·lully Il!ustra.ted. B y mail, lOc. 12 . · · ' ] ~ ._ c~ 1 fl10-1·~~nt nnn1hrw;::;. 1n n. p rett.y cacie, ·$1. A.i;,·. en t s frr eighteen cents per yara. Robel"tson & / Wante<l. .. EUGENE J, HAL L. 11 Michigan Bol}d, Ave., Chicago, Ill. BO_ OKS The Lndies of t he Methorli, t Church, m et according t o i>nno1mcement a.t M rs. N ewsoms on Tuesday after noon th e 15th Thia powcler never varies. .A marvel of purity, strenll'th and whol!momenees. MOl'e inst., and foriued a L adies' Aid Socioty. economical t.h1 m the ordinary kinds, and cs,n. The f ·· llowi ,.g oU foers wem e!ected :n·> t bo sold i n cnmpot;it.ion with t h e multitnde ~J1 ort weiirht, alum or p b o upha!Je Pre.<iden· ,, l\L:s. Dur lop ; \Tice-P resi dent, or low te~t, ill-. wc;e~s~ t:10J l 011l y in ca ns. R OY .A l~ BAK· Mrs. N1-Jwsum; Sec., J.\IIJss 'l i na Bc:er; ING POWDER CU .. 106 W a.11 St·· N. Y . Ti·ea. , l\1r3. R obert Knox. The L ac1ies agr fled to .givA a P arlor Social itt Mrs. Mayer, t he F urrier, is doiua a r ushi:ag :N ()wsom 's on Frid~y (Wt~ n; ng the 25th busiH<lS~ - making the fur fly. Februarv. Admission 15 cents. An int.er0stin;.; progra1a will be render ed. An HaYe yo tt seen T?cl Bros., all wool :fbn1 n el at 20c, wor t h 2ac. im~it a lion.ia extended to all. Y. the r ight to iutroduce and sell in t his vicinity a new stylo of Combi ned Broadcast h cornea deranged, t e best cure for liver Seeder & Drill, which is attracting concomplaint or biliousness, is £hat standard siderable attention from t he farmers. lt medicine for sale by druggists, Bnrdock Blood B 1tters. Remember B. B. B. is is a purely Canadian invention, and is acknowledged to be yea.re in advance of its t he special trade mai:k of this medicine. competitors in poirJts of durability, conA surprise party, n umbering about venience and draft. As an illnstration of thirty, from Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. its convenience we may say the feet or Wm. Bennett, on T hursday evening, 10th, hoes on this drill, can be r egulattd as to and had a high time away into th.e wee the d epth they sh!!.ll go into the earth, ema' hour s, instan t ly and all at oHce, the same a s tilt· PROHIBITION AND POLI1'I lJS.- The anti- i ng a single r eaper or mower.. In fact liquor question is a strong plank in the t he operator can tih; them all to go deep politir.al platform, and one aufo to lay or shallow in hiss time and with gr l)ater hold of. A ll intoxicatin g beverages are ease than one single foot or ho e call be safest when let alone, even i n medicine. a.dj usted on e.ny other seeder, and i t can Burdock Blood Bitters is not a bar be· be done while the horses a re gotng and verage, but a strictly pure medicine, r e· without withdrawing the feet from the liable for di stJl!Ses of the s tomarh, liver, ground. The s.clvan tages of all this is bowels , kidMys and bl'>od,and will not t. h1~t in sori10 p l:1ces are h ard and others aid in making drunkards. soft, the 1tperator is enabled to put the T he funeral of the late Mary Andrus, grain t~e S<\me dept.h, which cam:~ot be who lost h er life by falling from thefloom don e with a_ ny other seod_ er . It will pay of the old woolen mills Orono took place, any perso n m need of a dri ll to call and on Friday 1lth , and w~s large!; attended. ~ see it before. purcbasi~g. I t has nu~e1· The funeral sermon \\ a s preached in the o_ u s other pomts s.uperwr !Ind n one mfeChristian church by E lder Shoults. nor , to other drills, which the agents Auo:\'G THE INDIANS. - "1-Vhile my h us- wo~Jd be !{lad t o explain. One on exhiband was trading in furs he came across bition, call on, F . H . MASON, an Indian who was taken to his lodge t ci Office, 'l.'hompson & Co's.Harnes11 Shop, die. He bed inward paius and psins in a ll his limbs. R e gave som e Yellow Oil Bvwma.nville. internally and applied it externally, and cured him. It also cu red my hns\Jand of rheumatism,and I find it. valuable for coughs and <!olds, s0re t h roat, titc.' ' Mrs. A. Heahaw, Cook's Mills, ·Serpent River , Ont. I There will be a social a t ~he rePid~nce ; of Mr. W. W. Trull, on Friday evenmg, March 4th, t.o which all are kincily invited. .A good t.ime (>J!l,y be expected, as ple nty of oysters with l ots of other good thin ~ s will be served, An int erest ing p rog-ra.m will be re ndered. " Of earthly p;oods, the beJt i~ a good wife ; A bad, the bitter est curse of earthly life." How many wives who to-day are almost distracted because of their many aibr ents, all tendrng to make home u nhap py, wonld becomti the b est e arthly goods if they g ot. r id of their troubles by usin g Dr. Pierce'" " F'av nri ieP rescription" which 1s an u nfaili ng remedy for those dilit.<tse~ and w, akn es ~es whid1 afR:ct the female sex. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. P ierce' complete treatise on these diseases, illuB trated by wuod-cuts and colored plates. Add re~s World's Disp .nsary Medical As~ociatiou, Buffalo, N . ~~~~b~h:t~/~~h~!1 ~a~!::~· t~~t 1i~:;t~:~ HIGH LrvrNG. - High living is unquest· r EclipsoBonsu. The clothing, aH usual, cut by tlre · only first-class cutter in t own. PERS I AN LAMB CAPSa great variety. Collars the very latest, Ties ANEW AND HIGHLY IMPORTand Neckerchiefs a L et Mod~. ANT BOOK. Everything appertaining to a firstclass PoPENLE ;;R X!rr. MEN·s FURNISHINGH o usE. Please t o call and inspect ·mu cheap Overcoats. bee n 1mxl1nuly ""n l tlng. T ire B 110k re r "" l1lf~h t h e 1Vhole 1l "ort.1Prstc8tnnt KJlfl ()at.bolJc nllkc- b a ve This wo1·k Is commended by Press. Clergy and People in the highest terms. It reads like a romance, so beautifull y ia it written. Me· chanically. it le magni ficen tly 11;otten up, pro· tnsely illustrated, embracing beautifully ex&cnted lithograph portraits of His Holiness and his eevoral Cardinals. inclnding Cardrnal 'l'ascbereau ot Qnebeo. A book of about GOO pogcij, and sold at a price within the reach of eVH"t" one. Sold only by lbe 1·11 J11i~hers· A.uthorJz e·l W. :EI . IVES. GRE AT Bargains - I N- M illinery and Fancy CJoods. CAN ADIAN BOOK AND BIBLE GO., M A ILB UILDINGS, T ORONTO. .t gent.H. A pnshiug and intelligent representative wanted in tiver:r town and township in the Dominion, of whom liberal induc0ments will b e offered. Write promptly. ::lote Pnbliahera, TO M A RRY You n g Men, Bachelors and Widowers, -- . s-aw. SELLING OFF AT C OST FOR 30 DAYS. Mi RS8 A"D1 ER80N - - - - - ---------. - ----Qr!!.!: 6,000,000 PEOPLE USE. D . M . FE RR Y &CO. an admilted to be tm. Will g1-ve a Hau· noze11 S ilver Plated 'l'e a Spoon s wit.h ~Vt>J"'Y ~\~' efiding· Ring h e sell "' d u ring· hh1C1ea.ring FERRY'S SEEDS· m thdvorld. D. M . FERRY & co·-~ DJwtrate1 t, LARll£ST SUDSMEJl ~ erlpU.-e II l·rteel Out Sale. 50 For 1887 will be ma.iled FR E E to all m?.DANNUAL a~~t=sg~,~ lnvalllabl<t<J witbO Ut Ot'· doringit. C?lBt owers Absolutely P ure. all.1:Hry per. REN NIE' S S EEDS ARE IHE B EST; Illustrat('.d Catalogue Co71' 1882' Containing description and J>rices o f the choicest Gwrdo..), Field or '1.mcer $E.l-'1'S Jhoultl · l!!mZ Trw t i. A<tdrosa 11~ 1t.1{1vJ FiHD AND CARDEN SEEDS --.. p,,., W ANTED. manufacture D. N. FERRY&. CO. Windsor. Ont, 1.1 .~ t,.· · n·..-age in t ho of ru y Patent Snow, Shop, Rf:i:t.h JA a!\~ Mn.It ~h" "")Q r q,Nl'A fp-.n Tncr~as. ing Trade in the Unit·Jd ·>tafos, Li be· a l In· duc(:lment;s o!fered to ri\.()1r. l·!trtir·s . Hl~NR '{ C. can ohtft.in gll needcr1 inf:}rn, P.ti0n a bo ut an y l t (!)n N ti 1..lf'I,~; xc: ,~ ~ 11:1. 11 1~~' !lnt! 3' iJt· ~. JU11g. µt·ovoscd lin e o: .L\.lJ"VP~H.'J'ISl.i': G in A.tocrienn '\Vo1~m Er n 1·~ i ,u· ~.. un.d .r:l !._ S$l i.:in. d1scnscs. n se Nowspapers. i~l76·1111ge 1·am1>h lel, 30c. J>i·or. Lo·v '~ § 11I11lu1r 8 1 ·111·. f" }. now·;·1;1, .\l <;o., 10 Snruce 8t., Now York, 4. DYE IC 1' Q!\ .E l 0i b y a<lrl~~Rq i ng Gil~ ~. I". COLE, Walling tmd, v·:~r-1nonr , U.S. A, l

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