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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1887, p. 3

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_ ~....,.,,..,.__ YI· mnvc.......'llil l!limllllllil!~~il!.~~~~m:!l!:lliDllll!eJ'llU!liStlR!ll~ __ 6_ ~_1ll_lll!,~~ ~~~~·~!!!!!ill!!l~~~J~iiil~~~!!!~R~,..P~~llillar&'l~~~·~ .... ~ .!!!W~T~~~~ . . ~~r.l~Wlllll~~·~ . a!lllllilili~~~illl!~ll!W~~~ ~~'illlllll!lllA~Jll!lll!lll&llUlll!lllol~lllli·£!CElllll. .mllllla·_ lillll_!"l~'·lll·&mr111111D _· _!lilllmll!:llll_ ~~~~ lk~~w~~~~~"~ "~------~~ !!!!~~~~~-~ · ~~~~~~~~!!!!~ YOUNG Atm MIDDU-AGED MEN. "Etmoi!" saidMocqnet,placinghishand SCIENTIFIC AND USEFUL. upon his hear t and making a gr a ceful bow. "That is conclusive," said the admiral in Hydraulic mortar: One part of Porto R, imitation of the phrase that M r . Tickley had land cement, two parts of sand. used. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1887, "Ohl Wood steepccl in a eelution of iron snlPumps Cheaper and Bett&.r · ' l ear, no!" said Mr. Tickll?y ; "and phate or copperas becomes very hard and -"v:------ - -- - - - as w.e are divid~d in ?Pinion, you know, almost indestructible. than ever, STA.NDAltD MEDICAi. l'f~RK FOR admiral, the prisoner 1 s comm'tted t o the -ule." Assizes ; that is always the 1 Dry pcase, on keeping, become, p ale T:a:E MOST F ASCINATING O OEAN ROMAN CE SINOE 'l'IIE DAYS OJ' "But this is no court," said Lieutenant shrivelled an d hard ; but they keep bette; The Subscriber having built a large n~ COOPER AND MARYATT. Ander son. "All this is irre!!lllar." t hus than as meal, which is very liable to Pump Factory in Or ono, Is prepareil Only $1 Ry llfall, Post1mid. CHAPTER XXXI.-(CoNTINUED). CHAP'.l'ER XXXII. " So it is," said the admir~l · " 80 it is become mou~dy. Whole or in meal, pease - to furnishILLllf!lTRATIVE SAllll'Lm> t'Ri:E NO A.I.L. 'TON F INDS HER F A'THER. ' , \'{e can do n ot hing with the boy'." · are susceptible to the attacks of insects. - had clashed trom the room, GERALDS DANGER AND GRACE'S RllSOLUTION. "Then we will make a court " said Mr . A very capital ointment for u nbroken GRACE Morton MOR EVE~Y Captain arnl they heard him crying still to C r ace, The party now in the great dining-hall of T~c~~ey; "an~ ,I call upon yo~, Admiral' chilblains in Castile_soitp melted with a h t - With or without Porcelain Cylinder, of as they all tumultuously followed him to the port admiral's mansion presented some Sir Ihomas Clillord, as a respebtable man of tie ru;n and rubbed In at night by t he fire. the gt eat drning hall of the admiral's man- of the most singular aspects that could well undoubted means, to act with me. Sergeant, l~u t, if they p ersist in breaking, a very old t he Best Ma.terial, on the short est n oU,,6' sio.11. b e imagined. make a court." remedy is "Turner's Cemte," which may and at the lowest prices. It was a, spacious and magni:ticent apart'.l'hcre was the admiral himself, by some "Father ! father!" said Grace, " you be.bought at any che~ist's. I t heals an d Oistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. ;, speak for Gerald. I t ell you he dries the wound, and rs ve1 y comfortin~. ment. The superb hangings and old family mysterious inilucnces keeping close t o Ger- ~p~ak- yo1 18 A. Gre11t llledicitl " ' o i·k 6u ft!an1rnotl. portraits gave it a regal air, and str ange al d, ai·d even resting his hand upon his !;moc?nt. , A submarine cable is uy no means of uniwas t he aspect it now presented. shoulder, and there were Grace and her I tlunk so, my dear child. Admiral, I form stren.,"th , the thickness depending to a WELLS CLEANlm &RERAIRED, N ' orvous Ph~ s c~l · as myself 1arge ex:tent on the dept h of wat er . For ind V ital1t y, Dechno E x b anst c Dobil1ty. Premature in and l\fan. Errors In a little group at one eml were the new 1Y f onn,cl f i~tb er, she with one arm round fo . ncy y_ou tire?f the ~n:c opm10n of Youth. and the u ntold mi;;e1ics r esnlling prisoners who had been t!Lken by Lienten- her fathers left arm nncl the ot her band iespectmg tlus lads mnocence, are you Btancc, fl shore end in the shallowest water from indiscretion ot· excesses. A boolr fo, ant Ander son, &nd severnl of the con"tabti- clasped in one of Gerald's. not!' and snhJeCt t o the rrreatest clan "er from t he every man. micldle-agc<l old.and It ary were l ietween them imd the door-that ~ "I ~ be t he heavicst "' cont ains 125young, prescriptions for alland acute . Thc.n t h ei·c was L" rnutcmmt A_nderson with " n d ee'd· I am, " · a_nchors of ~es~els "'.ill p or 118 chronic drne~oPCB, each one of which ia mvalua- door whwh "ms now flung open, and t hrou"h rnther a J?nzzled look upon hrn face; and , ,. But I ,~m not, and r.prot~st,". saicl l'>'fr. tion, sometime3 gomg as high twentyble. So found by Author. whose ex:1 )erie11ce whwh wit h tears of JOY and expectation in cl?se to h11n stood the sergeant of police, [ic ,,l~l,ey ; ,,I P~ otes t agama_ t !us bcmg let go.' seven to a, knot . TO GIV E SATIS""ACTION. for years is such ns prob!1bly ver hefore tl1 o~e. Ilan d upon tlIC l ock of 11 door and Then.' sai d th e . a d mu·al ' " 1c t the case -" fell 25 to the lot of a,ny pnyeicie.n.ne300 pages, hiR eyes, and his iums outstretched, rushed w 1o. A botanist nf P ondicherry is said to have J 11 bovnd in beaut1 f11l Fr ench mnolrn, embossod Captain Mot·ton. an rnqnnmg look about his eyes to the licu- 1 stand adJ?Urned unt: to-morrow, when we discovered wht1t he considers will ro ve a\ . - -covers, full gilt, gtu1rnntee<l to be tt fine1· work "Grace ! Grace ! my chiltl-my own clear tenant. may be rn of the whole of the new and economical source of alcfcihol or j Mail promptly att ended t o. ~~~~~g f~;.?$~~~~~· i\~~- ~;;in0~Y~\h>~o;~i~~i~~~1 child-yomfatber-your-your own father." A t some d ist ance off stood Captain Moc- smugglers and when a full bench of magis- brandy It appears th"t the pulp which cov 1 In every rnsLance. Prh>e only $ 1 by nlli il, postAnustof tears were bcfote him, arnl then quot, w ith Marie clasped against his breast trates can be got together." crsthe · d0 J · 11 t- j bald. I11ustri\t1ves ·ainpls free to a:w oody. h e heu.1d a cry, ancl in a moment his chllcl and her face hidden. ' "Very good. Commi t the prisoner-that ter 1 allls + lall)l\! 18:11 · DOORS , SASH, BLlNDS, PICKE'i'S,. 1 ' d oer ne Send now. Gold medal awu.r 'cd tho author by Wt\S clasped to his he8.rt ; ttnd wit h hysteriAncl 11 little fur th er still were Mar tin and is, remand him, I mean." 1 t" wn an c MODI GS & c;d sobs ,md little screa.ms, Grace felt that J nnd SnJ:Iles- the_l'."tter looking . ".An<;l t hese ?" si.id the sergea1.1t a ' ' kept on hand. 1 associate oflice1s of tho Board t he ·eader mcleed she was in her fath!o!r's arms. very rueful mdeed, and str1vmg t o catch mchcatmg Mar t in and Joseph and Capt am to been thrown away tl e pr . ·t · 18 1 Then there wits a deep stillness in t he the eye of Mr. Ticklcy who whenever it Moequet and Marie. t t d fl' d ' 1 11 i c is O>ery, r espcct!ully retrerred. The Scienc<>of Life ls worth more to the f 11 ff db l did happen that their ~yes ~et shooJr hi ' "Remand them all." stvaocf 1'eaa17.r clpl'.ortum1 s pop~y-p "fi ttefrs ant y tic exquisite 1 l 'th t . d' . ' · "V 11 " cld ' h d . J ~1 1g mo1e pro I r om 0ieu crops young and middle-aged men of tlus generation room, or a were a ectc 1 ehan all the gold mines of Calil'orma and the pathos of that meet ing between the father .1eal W I grea m 1 gnat1on ; but whether it e1 y we ' a eci t ea mn·al. "Until wit hout a very 0 rrre1t CXD"nd1tu f 't l 1nlver mmes of Nevada combincd.- S. F . and d:rnghter, as they stood clasped in each was at the real, smugglmg guilt (>is it was to-morrow at one o'clock be it . " re capi a · ' ' Olwonicle. othe1's embrace." con~true~ to be) of Mr. Sufl1es, or at his al. ".Com?, young fellow," said a policeman, Capt ain Morton bent over her, and h is lowmg lmnself to be found out 1t is ha.rd to laymg lns hand on the shoulder of Gerald. VARIETIES 'l'he Sdence of Life points out the rocks end quicksands which the constitution and hopes tears foll fast, as he kiseed her tenderly. ' "N 0 - no 1 -" ' of many aonyoun~ man have been fa1tal!y say. · Ol1, no !" cried Grace. " My Grace-my own clear-my darling Probably it was the latter. "Oh, yes, miss ! H e must go." Crescent-shnpccl iron k nives are used as wreoked.- Ma1ichest,,r Mirror. 'l'he Science of Life is of v.re11ter v:tlne thau girl-joy of t his poor, lone heart--my own "\Vhen Martin and Joseph spoke in t his "'.l'hen I go likeY1ise. " currency by many Africt1n tn bes south of all the medic<>l works published in this conn try -my beau tiful !" way Grace looked gratefully at them and " My d ear," r emonstrated Captain Morton ·the Soudan. for theSci past DO yea.rs.-Atlanta Constitution. · Iitene cl f or a moment lwi hold of' Ger· "you know not what you st1y. You cannot ' A s a rule, a r ough diamond loses seventyThe ence of Lite iq a superb and maat.erly " Patlwr- fot her ! And ha-.re I, indeed , trg treat4w on norvous and physical debility.- a father ?" al~;s hand ns t hough sl;e would say : be,~k!'ln to pr~son :live; p~r ce~t. o~ its weight in cu tting and D\~~~ ·T;~e ;;::ber of society to whom Ill<'! " ~ fond, dear father, my child. God's Never fear ; the right will yet prevail. Pnson-prIBon ! Gerald to prison! Oh, pohshmg, ~f it 1s to be turned out in the FREEMAN'S father, you do not k now h im-indeed y ou most effecti ve manner. Science ot Life will not be u seful, whothor blcssm¥ on you. Ah, I ca!1 see your poor Be of good heart, Gerald '" )outh, parent, guardi:m. instructor or clergy. mothers eyes-my own little one. Oh ! An~ Ge1:akl quite underst ood the senti- do,:-iot I My poor Gerald I" '.l'he common cabbage and common turnip WOB.M POWDERSJ man.- Argonaut. ment 11nphed by that gentle pr essure of the Be assured, my dear child, t hat he shall belongs to t he stirne family and are so to 1this is Joy- joy beyond all iu·ice" > ~~admiral. then spoke very gently:. hand, and_ like ': disdainful as suffer wrong.,, The admiral and I will speak, first cousins. The' wild c; bb.ige Are pto11.Bo.nt to t:JJ<e. Contain tholr o,,,g Mass., who may be consulteii on all diseases From my mmost heart, my dear sir, I well as lovmg smile ht up hrn face. It was take caie of that. grows all over Europe-in gre 1tpleuty about w;gtl.tlvo. Is t\ safo, enre, and ellectai&l reqmring skill and expenence- Chrome an.d cougratlll,·te you." disdain!ul to his foes; it was loving as heav- " we will," said .Admiral Clifford. Mount Athos, in Turkey. ' de.IUo.Jer ol w-orma ll2 Children or Adllltl& 1 6 obstmat e diseases t~nt have bafl:led ti.a skill " And I too sir " said Lieutenant Ander- en to hIB dear Grace. Let h im ao now, my dear, and we will see 0 N y ' D t H t· of all other physlcmns a spec1,.Jty, Such ' ' ' "Then "mid the admi 1 t 0 M t · d to him." ~ n ew ear ay, a as mgs, app es, treated snccessfuliy w1thout an ms tance of son. ' ra ar rn an nuts oranges et cwtera a · 11 failure. .Mention STA'IESMAN, Bowmanville, "Dear me," said Mr. Tickley, "its quite Joseph, "you both ex onerate this lad?" Giace looked from one to the ot her, and are thrown o-f the '· «is \Ht moneb, l7-Y· affecting. The feelings of 1 espectable people ."We do, He had nothing to clo to Gerald, who said with forced j' led for by the fisl1 ows 1° e Ontario. -- -- - - - - - -- - and men of mcai1s should always be respect'. Wlth us or with t he smurnrlina ., sm1le: er O{'S am men. e ---;"'-===--!·-.,..._ cd " "Very well; I don't thmk~· Mr. T ickley, "Let it be so, clear. All will yet be well. cu~~om a~peais t~ be ancie~t._ f . LI\ Z A f{fjf;:i~Hem ! iLlways. t hat we need press hardly on 11 mere boy ." Good-bye, G racie; we shall soon m eet again. " 'Ihe Irish poplm trade IS m th~ hands of ~ "1~ Then a light han d was placed on the arm . "l\l Y dear sir ! Y ou forget - lieutenant , Grace could not speak, but she said faint- thre~ firms? all of them bemg rn Dnblin. L_-._r,\ of Grace, and a soft voice said: cltid ySon not My- sergean t eh? Who was ly : PT~~~~~us~y b outt fo1 m· hundred 0 ~mploy,~ ab -"Here is t he little parcel t hat you brought i ? omebody said t hem was a wit ness- a "To heaven- to heaven trust all! Good- 0 . . · . P_m cos_ os a . ou tie s<ime as from the cave, G-racie, dear." man who had turned king's evidence, eh ?" bye, Gerald." ! d mary silk, ~ut ~t will outwe;,,r t hree "Gerald," she shrieked , as she heard t hat "I was bound to maintain rt," said the "Good -bye, clear !" silk ;}r~ss,~s. I oplm makes r emar kably voice. '· Gerald! and dicl I for one moment lieutenant , in apologetic tone, as if he woulcl Marie sa1d something hurriedly to h er ' good silk for barristers and Jnclges. forget you my own dear- dear Gerald !" ve1y much rnthcr have left it alone. father, and he pointed t o Geralcl and to the II '.l' he s,tlt that is contained in solution in 1 She disengaged oue arm from her father's "Very police, and said a few words in reply. Then the Dead Sea is monopoly. If · ' tJ embrace, irnd fl11ng it round Geralds neck, " Shall I brmg him in, sir?" said the scr- h_e st epped for and making a kind of Arabs or the natives of the cou ntry are found Ii ·' P resei·ve y o11.n· § ight. and drew him toward her, and kissed h is ge~~t. ,, c1~~ular ~ow, he s111d : . gettrng sitlt from t he shores of the Dead Sea, ---.B ·y - rs· (l r th fL forehead." To be sure I Messtems, one g1and mistake. Monsieur I they are arrested at once. Most of t he salt 1l""' w ~jV~ (~" RF~! ,#".,, J ae . u tl.te o e 11rlnand o nzar~ r , · l · J erus_alem, ancl elsewhere I wofrri ~ E ij · ~' . started forward, and with , " Tl1omas nn r r:g ns Morris.) Renowned Spectacles Eye· I1 1e_ n Marie it !,, added the sergeau t. Gera1 a, is on.e mnocen~. _I shall d epose and , ~JoC(1 _ m IIcJ n·on,, _...., ~· ..,, -~ F LAZAll u& Glasses, They are the best in the world. They 1two little screams, she stood before Grace 'I hen he pus hod rnto the hall a i·uflianly look- swear at hun (1nd his innocence toujours. 1m this part of E alest me comes from t heso I liZf' I am fully preps red to attend Irunera1s Cl.n never tire tbe ey_ e, and last mnn! years with: and stamped her feet upon the floor; and mg fellow in the dress of a sailor, and who you h w ve m.txim in de law Angleterre . , s?ur ces, but it is gathered under the d irec- 1 ·.hol"teijt ut the lowest out ch ange. For ~ale by Kennex &. Co. Jl .ofw thcu after a struggle t& say somet hina she looked do"\V"Dcast ancl s uspiciously aboutlum Bet t er was it to hang up ten innocent men t10n of government officers and t he r evenue Fo.gkets a n d Bu rial Cases rea dy onsllor t rwU 0 1 O'tl manvi le. ""· · b urst mto · "' W ll , now. " sail · l M r . T icklcy, at once a,o. tha n one gm 'lt y . , I h ave I1eard !um . said . m . IS · sLtppose d t o go t o L h e gove111mcnt. irat-class hea rse on vm yt\~' moderate -ms _ _ _ _____ t ears. . e I ·hrnui!R a nd Cot1Jna constan nn 1 ii t 11 , 1 , ". \<Vhat a ll this ?" said t he admiral. the ollice of exa.minmg magistrate- one court by J1 H l gc- J . M. Volkens describes a r emitrkable adapta- 1e·ul oards supplied at 'Gerald, chd you say, my dear? Is this well, now. Hum ! "Who are you, eh? ; wh:i.t yon c:i-11 h nn 1-~aron-m-chief. B,1h ! trnn of means to an eml in t he case of some 1 8 .uw ltooms-.Bounaall sNew Block. the Ger ald-the bad Gernld ?" Come, now, speak np; who are y on ?" Om, you will let Monsiem Gerald go, for he i!:"p tian desert -plants such ·ts 1 en,mnui ·a - -- - - - --- ----- - - --··- - - "The young p irate," said Lieutenant An"Tummas "\Vright." is innocent I" ta~arix, &c. In th;se plants a numb(,r,,of "Tummas ? Thomas, you mean ?" "Si-lence !" cried Mr. Tick ley. glandular hairs ttre prodnccd in lit tle b·~oinPERCJHERON HORSES. derson. VETERINARY SURGEQl;, "'~.~e one that fired on the Spray," said :: It's all the same." :: S~re ?" ,, like depressions on the leaves. Thesegla~du· Island Home Stock Mr. I ickley. Very well. .l'ut him down, clerk : S1-lence ! lar hairs secrete a bitter crystalline snu· Farm, Grosse Isle; "The worst of t he whole Jot, " added the 'Thomas alias Tummas.' Oh! there is no "Sare, I am one Capitaine Francaise, and stance which exudes and covers the whole Mich , is very eonv0> se1geimt of police. clerk here?" ~cartel you- what you call challenge you ' surface of the leaf. Dnrmg the ni«ht this llicnt~ l o cated 0 1'.or . Poor looked from one to t he other put it down, sir," said the sergeant ,r;iort.;,J combat. Bah !" salme matter attracts the d ew and like a person m a dream. of police. !300- bah ! Get away. Me UlOI tu.I com - from th e atmosphere and the plant becomes River, ten miles below "No- no. Oh, God, no!" he gasped. "Very good. That will do. Hum ! vVho 1 bat, rndeecl ! A mau of my means- absurcl !" saturated with moistur e ' Windsor, Ont. Pur· "What is all t his?" l'.'re ,:;'ou !" 'l'hen Mar ie stepped forward, and with a · "My Gerald, ' sr.id Grace. A w1llm ! slow and ptoud lookmg movement she w ent bred and grade stll.l· "Your Ger ald, my dear I" said Captain :: A w~a! ?" up to Grace and t ook one of her hands in The Dutv of Teachers and School Bo d ) lions, brood mares 0 6 Morton. A w1llm and 3: I may as of hcrn: Then she bowed her head a . _. ar s . 1 "yes, father, d ea.r ever- d earer now- well call m yself a w11Im ; cos I knows you'll ' little and s.tid : The habit of smo!. mg, so prevalent among pure bred stock r egGod bless him !" call me one when I says as how I 1 nns goods Pardon. C'ost fini." your!g men, has for some t ime claimed at- lstered in tl1 e French and American Stud Books. 1farie flung h er self into her father's arms blow high, blow low, to you all !" ' ! There wail a gush of tears to her eyes, but ! teut10n from board s of education antl trn«- fu,~~drea~~~b~, stockgu,i:mmte~d. Lar~llmti and tumult uously. " vVhat do you mean by t hat, you rascal ? the hand of Gerald then auu placed 1tees. In m'.1-ny schools support ed by governca. .,u f ree, SA " I here m ust be some mistake here " said Some abuse, of course. Come now what rt with one of O.tace's upon her own heart , ment, both m our own country .tnd abroad the admiral. ' b rings you here ? ' ' ' and then she t r ied to smile but it was to~ th~ use of tobacco in any form luts bee1~ "No- no," sn.id Grace. "Oh father ":Fifty pounds !- n o ; I mean to turn much for her aucl she p laced their hands oue strictly prohibited. We notice with pleasHonorary Graduate of the Ontario eterma.ry College. Toronto. Registemd member or the you do not kiiow. One mom ent. ' Let m~ king 's evi<leuce aud get off myself. I'll t ell in the ot her and k issed Grace gently and ure tha~ the fac_ulty of Deni son Um versity, Onta.1 ·10 Veterinai·y Association, in accordance show you that I am indeed your daughter, all n.s I k11ows." tenderly, and then she turned away, b ut Grandville, Oh10, has recently made an with the \T eterinary Act. " \ Veil, go on. " llrace flung her ar ms about her sayincr : I eari;est_ap:peal. to t he students of t hitt su Is prepared to treat all diSAMCS or t he Dom· or let me hear you say t lrnt it is not so and "The . smugglin cutter, Rift, will be at "Dear , dear sister- for su~h you"' shall I p enor ms htut10n ~o d iscontinue t he us~ of eetlc Animals, accordrng to the latest theorie&- that I have still a father to :;;eek . Oh ! nosea to-mght, i·ad a.bout ebb tide, and you ever be to me- do not weep that Gerald , t obacco, ancl 8:ss1gn the followmg Just All calls personally, by 'l'elcgraph or 'l'ele· no, my heart tells me." phone will 1·eceive prompt attention, "And mine t oo, my darling chilcl." may take het' and all in, and the worst of loYcs me, \<Ve will all, i:n fond at tachment, reasons for so d~nng. l2!r0l' FICE- Mam St., Orono, one door north of "Yet, sec, father , In this little p arcel the gang, that boy Ger al d! That's all." be dear to each other." ~· Its 0use mvolves an expense which W. H enry's !:>tore. ther e a.re dungs that Mrs Hutchins told me "'.£'hat is Dol:"'n's tal e," whispered the Marie did not understancl the words, but ncrther 18 ¥ u or your parents can _ a.fford. · CH.A.RGES MODERAT E, me admiral _ to Capt am Morton, "'J'hat is what t he look was one of affection and she return- J :Z· It ha_rmful to your p~ys1cal orgamz always to preserve; and so, when I ctL - --11.w ay from the cavern, 1 brought them with he says m the Jetter." ed the caress of Grace, and Gerald then 1 atrnn, especially to the bi;am and nervous K~Y. ·H ~LTH. "The same." stepJJed forw ard and took her h and, saying : sys~m; J)~cuharly so durmg t he growlug me ; see, father, some child's clot hes and littl e ornamen ts of gold and coral." " \Vell, that's conclusive," said Mr. Tick"Good-bye, dear Marie; next to my clear p enod of life, a~id most of all, when used in ~The few well saved thmgs strayed on to ley. dear Grace, you with a love of a brothe;· the form of it cigarett e saturated with poiSTATISTICS. th e floor from the parcel, and then Grace "Not quite," said the admiral. "Answer will I ever cherish. " j so1;1ous drug~. !ookecl ~1p into the eyes of Captain Morton m~: Thomas V\l_ri?,ht. " "Boo- bah!" cried ~fr. Tickley. "To . 3. Its use rcnde_rs t~c p~rson and clot hi?g mto wluch fresh t ears had come. Bowl on, sir. hear poor people go on 111 this way is dread- of tl~ose who use it otlens n·e and often dm- . It has been comput ed t hat in Scotland I " '.l'here needed n ot t his evidence, " he "Why is t his lad, Gernld, the w orst of fol. This is is too bad- t oo bad!" g_ nstmg _to per sons of unpervert cd sensibili- ~ every 75 of t he population is a fisher man · "My daugh ter , sir, is not poor " said t~es, while it so ~lunts the perceptive facul - m the I sle of Man, 1 in 19 ; in Irefand, I i~ said "And yet so well do I know all all'" these things- my owu dear, lost chihl !" "Lord bless you, sir I cos, you see we Capt ain Morton. ' ties of those ba.b1t.uated t o its use iw t o ren- every 200. Orace t1gain nestled close to her father's would all of us have given in to the Spray, " Oh, no- no ! H um ! I beg pardon." Id er them unconscwus of their offensiveness, The importation of M:td eira wine, wh ich 1Jnloolrn all the clogged avenu ea of the heart. but he wouldn't; and he loaded a twelve"I, sarc, am proprietaire Fr ancaise," said ancl thus_unfi ts th~m f~r goocl societ y. wa~ 750,000 gallons m the year 1819, fell t o '.13owel~ Kidney:CJ a nd Liver, carry. "Ohl how weak I am," saicl Cap tain p ound carronnd e as we had on deck and C::aptam Mocquet . "I have at H avre d eux I 4. By its narc?tic effoct s on the brain t1nd a h ttle over 100,000 gallons in 1885 hen lllg off gmduuJly without we;,J;:ening tihe Morton Pray pardon me all here present fired it at t he king 's ship." millions francs." popufation of E11glarnl had 'nearly 1 nervous system rt _Preven ts the best r esult s the system , all the im:l?urities and foul but it is not often that the more deeply-hid"That is false !" cried Gerald. " What t he deuce is d oo millions ? Mil- of, study a nd the highest attamment s in in· doubled. h;umors of the secretions ; at the same den feel ings of mtture nrc thus stirred. "Oh, you k now you did A nd Captain lion is million , but <looIs it all a doo? tcilectnal development. There ar c now remaining only 131, 952 time Correcting A cidity of the I 5. I t tends to <~raw t hose wh o use it int o R edmen You should have all suffered what I have Dolan , JUSt to purwent yo~i from <loin' it Ha ! ha !" throughout t he whole of t he DoSto~ach, curing Biliousness, Dysand then y ou sh oult1 feel t he joy that I feel ag'in, shut you in the imt in c~,bin, o' moun- . "He means," said t he admiral, "that h e t!ie "?mpamollslup. ~f persons of low and minion of Canada. Of th is number 33 959 p epsia, Headaches, Dizzi n ess, and you would pardon these tea1s." seer, the Frenchman there. You know he 1s worth two millions." I vu~gar tas~es,ancl vicious h abits. Heartburn, Con stipation, Dryneros "They arc very honest t et1rs," said t he did. " ' " What- eh ? Two millions- two ! Bler.s 0. 1 I t " ill oe '.1' b':"1 · t o the b est success in belong t o t he tri bes of t he Nort h-West Ter ritories. A large prnpor t~on of the Indians of the S1rin, Dropsy, Dinmesa of admir~L '.' Ther e is only one t hing, my "Very conclnsive," said M r. Tickley. me ! what a ve1·y~ahem !- respectable man, h?n° ":ble pursuits m mature life and to the in _ t!ie eastern provinces ar e more or less Vision, .Jaundice, Salt Rheum clear Capttun Morton , that would give me "No !"said Martin. to be sure. P ermit me, my dear sir, to 1higheso usefn~ni:ss. _ civilized. l!:rysipelas, Scrofula , Flutterir'5 .,j; the pleasnre that t his recovery of your long "No !"said J oseph. shake hands w ith you. Two millions ! Do 7. The ltab1~ ~a shorttrme acquir es snch the Heart, N el"'. Tousness, a nd Genlost child has given me, and that is what "Silence ! silence I U pon my life when you thiuk it trne, admirnl ?" stre~gth_ th<t~ l~ is on~ of the most despotic, 'r ht number of Irish-born persons in t he er a.I Deb~lity; all ~hese i.nd m!11ly will never happen. " a magistarte of t he county siiy s son;ethin" " I ha.v6 no doubt of it. " holdm g its v1ct11us w ith a relentless grasp. U nitecl K ingdom in the year 1886 has been oth er s1milar Complamts yickl to the est imated by the Irish Rcgistm r -Gen eral a t :: N ever, admiral ?" is a piisoner to say 110 ? ·what·s t h e us~: The a dmiral smiled and so did Gerald, happy influenco of :B" O'RDOCK 5.589,252. T he n umber of those in Groat Never. . The r ecover>': of my own boy. I nsh~-what's t he use of being a man of and the former added · How t o Cure Fear BLOOD B I TTERS. B1itain is est imated a t 784,519. T h o rate r "'InUR" .._ C . T he ad m. i ral t_nrned aside aml shroude<l troperty if one is to be treat·- d 1 ·u t lii ' s wav ?. " J,et, then, t hese t~o men and this lad . .. . . ' . . ask what's the use? And pa.use for a st and remanclec l until to-morrow, as well as · "" "' " "" O.. Pronrfororo. ToronfB. l11~ eyes witI1 lu s h and s, and then Gerald v I F MI is a b a d. Iiab l t .of t en f oni;ietl m child- of . incn m.:ic in the latter- that is to say, the - - - - - - - said : r eply. I pause - I pause." the woman W ,;gner. " I !1ood1 and co~tmued m a chrom e for m dur- Insh errngiation to Gr eat Britain- is a bout 'li17'i' 'ilj)ii Tr' lrfl'l:i? "lli!lV " Ah , sir do not despair. Heaven is so No reply came. "Wher e is she ?" Img life. It is to be cure d only or mr;inly G80 per aimum. W e ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ go?d !" . " V er y good," added Mr. Tickle , as if . "Here, I fancy. No, up stairs 1 " ' here · by its opposite- cour>;ge. JI/I. ]{ichet r eThe collective aggr egat e of the Army and: the whole of sodety had tacitly agrerd wit!1 is she ?" lates how he had occasi?n t o pass frequent . Th e admiral st,uted. him. There w as a rush anrJ bust le among the ly t hrough a forest at mg ht. He entered it Navy estima tes of E urope's fiv e Great P ow" \<Vho spoke?" VET ERIN ARY SURGEON. "f, sir. " "Very crood" police, then it was found that Mrs. W agner 1 , boldly; but itftcr a few st eps the feclin>Y of ers t1mount ed m 188;) t o £ 1;)0,000,000. At the head of the list stood R.m aia, with £ 47,The aclmiral looked gently at him. "I deny the.wh ole of this," said Gerald. in the excit ement an d confus10n occasioned fear cam e on and he felt highly reli;' v ed " I am sorry for yon." "I deny- " by t1'c discovery of Captain Morton's long - w.hcn he saw t h e clear sky again. E ach 000, 000 charged t o her credit , while France l second with £:l4,000, 000. Gr eat Br i "No," said Grace. "No- no." "Si-Jenee!" lost daughter, had macle heY escape. mght he was < L ble to keep up bis bold step stooc "No, my clear? But incleecl I a1n." "B t M 'r · k l " · Tho admiral s1ni ' led. for a l onger imd lon 00-er cltst,~nce, u ntil final- tain came next with £ 32,000,000, for w hich " u_, r: ic ey, sai d t he admiral, l I f she got a much smaller 1·ctur11 than an ex" Then, sir , you should not, for one as t ins lad I S accused of what may a.fleet " Let her go. " Y t le ear was almost overcom e. H abit is enditure £ 23,000,000 confen ed upon Ger ~hould only be sorry for the wick ed. Gernld his life" (Grace tightened h er hold of Ger - "But I won't let her go," said Mr '.I'ick · th e 0;ily m ethod ?f removmg fear. .W ork- p many ancl of £ J4,000, 000 upon the Austr ian 1s too g ood to be sorry for. Father, I know ald}, " .ns .this lad fo_ a ccused of what may ley. " After her, se1geaut- scour the town men m powder -mills k now they a re m con- E mpire. . Gerald well. He has been my companion affect his hfe, I st1y , it seems but fair t hat after her . Ca tch h ex if y ou can sergeant ." stant <l<>ll!ler, but have no fear. T o cd u- m y friend- my brot her. He shall be all he should he allowed t o spea k m his own " Yes sir." ' cate l\ cl11ld to be br ave, t he habit of not ri; hc con sump tion of paper and the Yolume t hat still. " defense if he please." (TO BE CONTINUKD.) , fearmg m da tkness and solitnclc, a nd so on, of its manufact ure are sometimes t aken as "My dear child- " "Oh , ...-ery well- very well. Give him _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 1!llnst he taught by its pai ents and guard- standards of c1vih :mt ion . The Un ited iaI!s. l\.fobt o~ our nurses make cowards of States has 884 paper -mills and l ,lOG paper " N 0- 110. Oh, no, father ? Do not y ou r ope- give him rope." condemn him. Do not bret1k my heart by "Now speak," said Grace. It Will be Red Next Year. clnldren, and it wo~lld be about as well for mach~nes; Germany has 809 mills ancl 89li ~ondemning Gerald. He is innocent . He Mar ie looked up. "Did you heai· that 'l'om May was mar - t he:n ~o grow up without this ttppenclagc to machmea ; France, 420 mills and 425 m~ chines ; E ngland, 361 mills, 54 l machines · is most innocent. Y ou do not know h im, '.'My answer, " said Gera ld, "is simply r ied last week ?" Ithen· Jives. S~otland, (i$) mills, 98 machines ; Ireland, fath er- you cannot know him. H e is inno- tins : I was by actual force taken on board "No! Is that so ? He didn't marry - - - - -- - -- nulls, 13 machines; Russia, 133 mills 131 cent. " t he Rift on her last voyage. I now know t hat red-headed widow on Chestnut st reet A Society Conversation. There was an ominous silence for a few the o?Ject t hat proceeding; it was to did he ?" ' " Millie, dear, '\vht1t is the name of your m~chines ; "'ncl Austr ia, 220 mills, 270' maGraduato <>f the OntaTio Veterinary College, oh111es. The aver age annual pr oduction of "'Cneral crim" '!'hat's what he did; onlv he d oesn' t affianced ?" Regist ered 'me mber of the Ontario Veterinary moments and t hen Lieutenan t Anderson commit me, 1f possible, to the 0 Medical Association. said in a low, an xious voice: iuali ty of Dolan a11d his crew. By force I p ut it just t hat way. " · " Why , G 'lara, don't you know? It's paper in all countries is estimated at 2 80{) 000 t ons. ' ' mOffioe and Residence. N ewtonville, Ont. " ·what shade does he make her out ?" " I do not place much r eliance upon what wns brought upon deck and by force it was Horber t Mon tague." 'Vill visit Orono every Tuesday and'. Satarllay is called k ing 's evidence ; but we have it man eudea".ored to mak e me fire a gun. ]~ven " \<Vell, I me t Tom to-day, and inquired " Oh, h ow sweet ! Is he r ich ?" Office hours from 10 11. m ., to 4 p. m., at here w ho is called Thomas Wrigh t who that cl1d not succeed and I was consign ed to what he had been up to, and his answer was " Well off." The Oanili<l Anarchist . Coultera' Hotel, Cs.Us by Telegraph receive offers to t ell all." · ' the cabin a"ain · but during the whole time tln1t he h ad been 'ringing the chestnut " And keeps a carr iage ?" 0 im mediate attention. · Il t I l aune · d M ar. +I was with · Dolan ' I was his pl iaoner- not b ell e. ' " " Th om~3 u of t hem." A nar chist" Don't shak e m e so mooch " Several n r rig ." ex_ c m, CJI.ARGES MODER.A.TE. · "How nice! and fine hor aes, I suppose?" for I VM your pest friend." :vho had hitherto been a silent and wonder- his associate or commcle or taking part with "Yes " \Ve don' t have t o depend ent irely on the .Policem an- " You m y best friend ·" ;~g spect ator of all that had taken place. / hnn on board the R:ft. I w as try ing to to $8 a day. Samples and duty FREE " And what is his business, dear 1" ' Certainly, ven cler was no griminal elecoal monopolies for heat. An empty coal Why, he was one of the worst of Dolan's ei::cape from him last ni<Yht " 0 Lines not under the horse's!eet. \.Vnte , race an d h e helped me t o_ I scuttle will frequen t ly make things very "He k eeps a livery stable." . ments dere voulcl pe no p olicemens, and de n " y es," a,11 ·d (' BREWSTER'S S Ab'ETY REIN HOLDBR cr ew '" · warm around the ho.me, "Oh !" you have to vork for a living. " " One of the very worst,' said Joseph. escape." ' Co,. Holl, Mi ch. ' t \!lJH /if'\t'U\t'..ft\t'U ~t\ft"'~lH'lt'U. '"'"-"-" ~ H Nl-! U · .tt RI FT AND S PRAY, AND Orono Pump Factory; LOVE V E NGEANCE AMONG THE SMUGGLERS PUM PS OF DESGRIPTIOI I I Alt WORK GUA RANTEED Ord.ars~by 1 po~sess1on ~~£e~a~~0-!hi~~~J;:1 E1"i~:'i:'Lf.u l~~~~ll. ~~ed o~eph ~Ir. g~ntlemen 1 whi~'~P!;'.I:sed 't't · s:~c ~;r1cn,e, i~:~~~b1~·~a~-~~r. A~i~bisof u~r~11~1{hf{b:r~ ~ ~s DP~ ~ 0 ·' 0 0 nf.~~~~P~iTrnI;~~~~~vB~E~~\?~t;;;{'.':B~6;tg~ ~he some~lung ~<lmiraL ~o "'l'h~t I m . I th~n a Ol~t I bm ~Ls scra~h I I. goo~." I war~ ~government B:IJ ~ I 1 ~- N "' DER "f A IK ~ N~rlj "' ·~, J i V (! 011~ ~~e noti~e, po~eibltn·i.,~w i~ ~~rnmg Ang~·11s;- 011~ gre~t o~oe, Furnit~~: Sho~~ JOH~ SPENCER, Geml~ "I'_l~ m I n~oisture ~~nfs1~~~\! b°elrgR au~ wha~ I l~r~~~~X:bil~r~n:ur! I ~muggier. ~,ebbed I " ~oth f;"~~~I~~ ~; ~: 1}.~ ~he ~ook VA.GED~~~. ~a:. l I THE JO I '1 I I I I I J3 o! $5 I

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