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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1887, p. 1

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TB RMS :-fl.50 PB11 .A.mrox. OUR TOWN AND OOU!lTY FIRST: Tllll: WORLD il'TBRWARDB. M, A. JAMES, VoLUltlE EDITOR AND Pnm·RrNTOB., NEW SERIES, NmrnEB 452. BOWMANVILLE, ONT.A.RIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1887. NEWCASTLE. It wa.s Mrs. Floyd~ of . Cobot1rg, wl10 was visiting here last wesk. On T h ursday n ight Mr. Wallbridg e gave all en tertainment with his magic lant erns, to the members aud friends of h is Bible cfasl!l. Death h as taken ;J.Way Mrs. Kdley, aged 72 years. Mr. E . Bowia is home from Toronto Univer sity. Our Prof. distinguished h imself grea tly last Thureclay night. Mr. Hewson's hor11e ran away, npset· ting an organ with clomaging result!!, the other d ay. XXXIII. 1{u:Anrnni~J3. Elegant Carpets ~~.~.!"~~·;,n~,~h~k~~,.~ -=C 0 UC :EI:, ENFI.ELD. Mm. (Dr.) J cssop 11as b een vioitrng friends around here. Our village blrtck8mit h ia eo busy t his spring t hat he h as to keep an assistant . There seems to be a gteat d emand for hi11 new style of harrow. At the close of the 11pecial meetings, on la.st T uesday e vening, the congr egation pre11ented Mies B,hoda Holman, who has eo willingly and successfully M·sisted R ev. Salton in conducting these meetings, with a purse of money and Ml address, thank· ing her for 1:1erv1ce11 here where she has so cheerfully used her talents in advancing th e cauae of Christ, a.nd expressing their sotro\v nt having t o part '~ith her, but hopi.a g that they all might mee~ her in that home wher e parting shall be no mfllre. Miss Holman made a short reply, thanking them for t his token of lnvo and expressing h l}r regret Dt leavi ng E nfield, where she had found many warm friends. In conclusion she exhort~d the r ei:>entant to be steadfast and the sinner to fl ee fr om the wrath t o come. GRAND MUSICAL JUBILEE. Johnston~ Cryderman Received last week, per Steamship Sarmatian, direct from the manufacturers, JNO. CROSSLEY & SONS, FOUR BALES-(a big sleigh load)-weighing over three tons, of NEW AND ELEGANT JOHN GRIGG. BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY · Parties about to furnish or refurr1ish thei r homes, sh.ould not fail to inspect our large stock of CAR PETS, as -we show the finest assortment, the newest designs and the best value to be found in \l\lest Durham. Couch, Johnston &Crydorman One Door Wes of Post Office, Bowmanville. He.ving sold out my stock of Dry Goods and good-will of the businesi:; to Geo. Laing, I bespeak for him a. contimtation of the patronage so kindly bestowed on me, believing that he will do all he can to merit your favor. Respectfully Yours, T. G. MASON. In connection with the a.hove, would say to the numerous friends who have called and to all who intend to trade with us, that our various departments are now being rapidly stored with goods suitable for the spring trade. W e have already passed into stock SOME VERY· CHEAP & EFFECTl· VE - -- LINES OF- DRESS GOODS .. - -0-0-R- - N ew Prints! Are taking everywher e. Our Cottons, Shirtings,. Tablings, Linens, and Staple Goods generally are of the best Quality & Value. Our Tweeds & Cloths Are already admitted to be a very choice selection. The fact is we have the Goods, and PEARDON Can Get Them Up. grA word to t he boys worth attention. - Come early before the best articles go. Our MILLI NERY has been selected with special care ; being det ermined that this department shall rank.first in Bowma,nville. MISS EPPLETT will spare no pains to make it a~ invitinf:? a~ possible, and for value, style and general effectiveness, it is unsurpassed. We tak e pleasure in assuring our patrons that we are prepared to serve them in each of these departments to their satisfaction and advantage. Hespectfully yours, ~~C>. :C..A.:X:1'1"Gr. King St., Bowmanville, March 29, 1887. "Th e Original .UniversiGy Singers, of N ew Orleans, th e bt"st double q uartette (cvlor ed) jubilee si11gera in Amer ica" will give one of t heir ini.mi tabl concert.:! in Public for past support, and hope still to the Church-st. J\fothodist church, llowm erit your patronage by fair dealing. I.Danvilie, on Monday next. April 4, u nder the auspices of the Y. P . A. I have bought direct from the ma·n ufo.c· Tickets, only 25c.; childi·.,.n, 15c. Doors turers for ca11h, a large quantity of the open at 7. 30; concert M 8 o'clock p . m. best good11 made, which enables me to sell Mr. J.P. Belfry, for merly of Bowthem a!! cl1eap as they can be sold, inmao':"ille, now Superinte1,dent of the cluding, Methodist SundKy School, Newmarket, writ es: Wo have had the plea~ure of 1 1ay. ing twice h ere "Th~ University JnbHbe Singers " and can heartily recom mend them to all wan t in~ a th orou ~hly good Farm Produce taken in exchange musical treat, and on e to which the moat SOLINA. for goods. Rags and Bones straight-laced profo!;sor cmmot obj egt. Mr . Wm. Asht.on's wood-bee on Friday for Tinware. 'l'he stnger~ are th e msel·~es Ohri~ tian s." was well at.tended and a lot of woorl cut. A quantity of Geese F eathers for s ale. The "New Orleans Universit.y Singe.rs" Mr. C. Branton has 11:011e to the States gave several coucer ts in t ho Brooklyn Also '.l'wo light wagons for sr.Je very to attend the funeral of his brother. T abernacle to large 1md enthusi.aattc Cheap. Mr. John R . Clarke, the boot-black audiences. They cornplei;flly cap tivated RESIDENCE .ANT! PI.Am: OF BUSINESS:orator, gave a very eloquent address at the people hy t he ir q u11.int rendering Ontario Street, Bowmanville, near Mr. Zion on Sunday evening last and was of plantation songa, and tho s weet melody Armour's l istened t o with the best attention. He and pathos of the ir fltn giug. We w.ill COURTIOE. ~f 7~!h~~~-doubt one of the best speakers llfrs. Sully and Mrs. D ean who have w elro m..., them again in tli<i futn1·e. REV. T. Di:WITT TALMAGE, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Editor, could you tell me the been on t he sick list are recovering. Mr. Wm. Courtice spent a day or two 13-4w meaning of " wirah ?" KIRBY. in Toron to last week. i..r Mr. J ohn H. Allin, of Bowmanville, Mr. William Muttoa, who is about M1·. H . .Garwood spen t S unday with H10ti~e to Wage-earners. has been spending a fews days around removing from our midst to Bowman.rille, old friends here. here . Miss K ..t e Wrigh t has rehurnod t o Poit NDER TBE LAST ASSESSMENT Mr. Wm. Ba.k"'r has had a good offer was surprised by a number of bis neighbors invading hia peaceful h ome on th e P erry. S iucerely reg rotted. · .AC'r.aud A ct amonding the same.all per· d · f eons wlshing to b,u plalled on tho Assessment ma e !um or l1is place through the even ing of the 22nd inst. Holl as wage-earners must first file an aJilr· advertisement that appeared in the Mr. Jas.Jackson ha~ moved near F leetSeveral from here went to T aunton on wood. mation with the Asses~or. lllanka for that S·rATES!lf.AN. JACK. purpose can be had of the undersigned, Friday ni~ht last to hAar John R Clarke . . S. BURDE!';, .Assessor. Mr. Geo. Herrington's sale on Thurs· Mr. R . Lan2 was called to J'r.fonvers Bowmanv11le,:;Feb. 11. 1887, 9-tf day last was a grand success. Mr. R . lecture on "Hit s aud Misses." with his h ear8e ou Sunday, to attoad a We advise the young man from the Hutchison, the Ennisk1llen auctioneer, funeral. got splendid prices for everything. The north tu come on 11ome other day than Mr. John Brown, of Pon typool, made 3 Sunday n ext time. cheapest cow sold for $44, and the best short call last week, as jovial as ever . for $52- they were common Canadian Did any body h ear that "Old 'l'wo Toes" Mrs. T;releuen'e family have taken their cows, too. His bay mare brought $167.· was dead 7 A sly c,ld fox known by the m1toha. Young Men, Bachelors and 50; colt, $115; wagon, $75.50, and so above name has been a terror to hen departure for M 1 Widowers on. The prices realized were indicative roostB and sportsmen in this n eighbor' of the hopes the farmers have of a bonutiful hood for the lase tifteen y ears, so it is ENNISKILL &:N. ~Q~ll!Jf harvest and good prices for g rain next said. Our hunt club has been after him se ver"l tiwea this winter and l:lXpressed a fall. .A very sad acciden t that caused a feeldetermiuation to run h in1 down, as ing of d"ep glovm to p ervake th e entire Will give a Hau· Dozen DEAR MR. EnrroR. - Your Solina cor- firm a reward was offered for hia head. A l respondent's letters are spicy and newsy, neigl_ 1 borhood, oecurred on Thul'sday Silver Plated Tea Spoons and free from petty gos6ip, scandal a.ud the local sports turned ou t on the 22nd evemng 24th inst. Wlul c Ma.~ ter Albl:lrt 'viUa evem.·y \Ved·ling Ring smut, and seeing that a dirty h em or two inst. , and poor Two T oos had to euc- Maroney was assiating h is b rot her -in ·law oomb. Mr. Ja.s. Worden had the honor Mr. T . T. Jardine, of 'l'yrone, in takin~ he sells during· bisCiearing from a. ?rank who infests our villag(J of shooting him . . The toea and other sand 011 ~ of a pit on tho farm of Mr. P. appeared m a local paper last week, we Ont Sale. 50 ask you to publish the enclosed as a mementoes aro bein!{ carefully pre~erved Stewart, Clarke, he wa s asked to h· rntl up Turn: . gentle hint to this cr oaker. It may eave by the Curator of the club. a crow bar that \Ya!! uncln an overhang· him further trouble. Yours truly--m g bank ; he n o soone-r istepped under the .bank than it s uddenly collapsed, M.APLE GROYE. The moss-patod l.JlUg wamp who writes crushmg th e life our. of tha unfo1t1mate eratically a nd irregularly for a 49th -rate The revival services which have been lad. The iujuriea we,e of such a natur.e liheot published in t own, had better carried on in the llhurch for the pa.at four 'l'Al'l' & M ORRl80N'S and in'J~he devote his herculean abilities in t he weeks, h ave closed. They were a grand :\S to cause in stant~.l\eCiUS neath. spect their Wall Papers--Jatest · directieo of his b1 l8i.ness, or h e may find succese, about t wenty havinl! conseoiated deceased was an act.i ve. b1·'ght., i nt elli· dosi.v,nB. greatest variety, and pricea to suit everyone. Stock wh en it is tuo late thaL a long-sufl:'ering themselves to God. The meetings were gent young man, aged 17 yeam, and tli:e now ready. community will not always submit in conducted by Rev. R.Sandersou and Mr. son of Mr. R. ~aroney, of t ile villa~. Do you want a new and pretty Gr~at sympathy 1s felt for Lhe farntly in silence t o his termaganoy and intermin- Geo. Power. Window Shade or Blinds1 We have something new in this ~he-u her~a.vement. The remai11s wr,i;e (able invective, childishness, s pleen, medbranch. Call and see them be. M r. Thos. Kirkpatrick, teacher, who h as m terr ed m B owma nville eP metery, on d lesomenes11 and scandalmonl(ery. We fore you invest. 01· you'll bo sorry. give you fair warning: Shut up at once been very ill for the past week with Sat urday, 26th inst. pluresy, is still very weak. or take the consequences. Diphtheria. has again made it~ appea11Mr. MacGuire, of Mariposa, is visiting ance on the 9th c:mcession of this to wnEIGHT F RIENDS Oil'" J.A.OK." Still leads in Photographs and at Mrs. Chas. Rundle's. ship ; th.i~ time in the family of Mr. our Studio is often crowded. T YRONE. Mr. "iV. Cox had the miAfortune to lose Fred. Griffin. The whole family twelv· Come early in the day when you can. It in number, have been aJfected t o' "reat~r Yoiir correspondent attended the one of his fat cattll:l the othar day. Just now you may want some extra Engravings or Chromoe to Woodley sale on Wednesday the 23rd. was out to wa ter and fell, breaking one o~ less d egree- one li ttle boy aged yeara aOorn your rooms. We have a died on Wedne11day, 23rd inst~ St·me of _, ·r never in my life saw bidding so lively, of Ha hind legs. great variety, goon and cheap, Miss N. Axford gave a party to her ~he other members ot the family are ve1·y four or five bids at onct!, imd ou old trap .too. If you want a baby carriage we can suit you ; we have soma on Saturday last. ill. furniture, beddini;-, e ~c. , and everything Sunday-school cla nice ones. Doll's Carriage!, too. almost bringing prices of new. T don't 'l'he b oys report i. good time. ... . ~·---and Boy's '\V'agons, Carta and / suppose ther e ever was a sale in t he Mr. Mark Munday visitiug triends in A Chat With Farmers. Wheelbarrow& La.wn ~ township where there was at a fa.rm sale Western Ontario. of implements and old traps, as many DEAR Srn,- I h ave though t pel'hapir Mrs. Wilson Power,sr., is still confined articles put through an auct ionee1·'s hands to her bed. P arlor Croquet, Carpet Balls. the farmer readers of yonr much lnokcd GRmea for tamilles and social in t.he same longth of time. M1 ·. R. M r. John James moves to Osh~wa next for weekly wouli acco!Jt of a short letter · parties; Our :Mirrors are clear ' I Hutchison, the 11>uctloneAr, talked nino from a !~llo w-farme. r,n the subj ect of and true; our pi.cture fram es aro week. ours steady and his voice did · n ot fail h of the latest and moat attractive cattle r~1srng and breeding fo1· pr otit, and. designs. Cur tain poles & rin. one bit- no whiskey either. He did this s Lall_ with your permission give a bi·i "ef P lush goods-nice r.ua cht:ap. withou t ever stopping to ea.tor drink one .Ano.t ber new branch just inB AMPT':f' o~tlm e of my own success -in this l ine troduced at Tait & mouthful, but kept running to and fro Mr. John Jewell is s till very ill. with Short ~Iorns. F rom a boy 1 felt a. hunting up things, and actually made a . d . g.r owiug desire to have better stoclr, but M . r. J . E . L . Co1e is aroun agam . 1k ti ~al e in about every minute - averag· i e ~auy o 10rs was some what checked lU" t h at for the nine hours. T he sales Mrs. John Marshall is growing weaker . by h1g_her authorit;y, un til tlie year 1876, Is a J ewelry Depnrtment wl1e1·e you will finrl th e very latest in am~tcd t o over ($3000) three thousonrl Prof. Hobertson will lecture her e on when I made my :first , urclw.se of J. S hoi:t L. a dies' andGontlemen'sjewelry. dolla.r nd still they are t o have another Saturday, .April 2nd, at 2 p. m. Horn cow which has don;i much good in Wfl inVite ~pecial attention to sale. So, Cl_ say there were 50 plows an d our D ·~w R tock ju8t in. Base Mr. N . Gifford had a. val uable cow die the .gener a.I i m11rov-?m.~J;1 t ,,f ruy stock. Hall goods, School and Hymn 50 or 60 for~but I doubt there was quite r ecen tly . By the success of my m vestmeut I was Books, Stationery, Toye, and inthat many. I did-not count them, bnt deed ever ything to be round in a encouraged an d ptmJhasecl rn 18iH ano ther really there was a string of them 2 or 3 Variety and Fancy Goods' Mr. R. J . Nidci ery has r e rurned from g ood co w from the farm:id h er d of J ohn Ory d en , E rods Jong, spades, shovels, hoes, rakes, Toronto. Pleaaa.nt greetings. <sq., M . J> . . p . , l3ro1,kli11, which &c. to no end. Such a big sale and such Messrs. Brown and Yellowlees,of Bow- also proved a success and tond~d '!l'eatly big selling ha3 11eldom or never lrnen ~een manville, p11ssed throngh bore Snnd.ay on to t he further impro"Prr1t-1nt of stock: . in t he.s e ]Jar-ts. the "Fly." I n 1884 I p urehased a .,r,m better and Mrs. Stewart, of Manitob;i, was a Mr. R. Trick will shortly remove t o more costly h eifer from Arthur J ohn8ton g uest of Mrs. T. T. Jardine last week. Cobourg. Richard was a good citizen Esc i., Pfokering. No .,r a ficr ~eiling A fine stock of the Mr. Wm. Aldworth, who ha.s been so avd the people in this vicinity r egret his ab?ut a d ozen valuable ani mafa to entei;long ill, died at his residence on Tues- removal. prrnmg. farm ers ~n P ickering, M ariposa, Cartwright and Cl,.tkc, 1 J1i.ve ~t herd of day the 22nd inst. His remains were R ev. E. Barrasa, M. A., took his work e~even good Sh(lrt H onlll, beBidss som~ interrl:ld in the Bowmanville cemetery on Friday . Rev. Wm. Kenner conducted ag~in on ~u~dav . . He slill suffers ':Duch high grades. Encouraged by past paapam and it 111 quite diffi.cuH for him to rooage and 11 ucoess I " · h d l ... the services. "et around h · l:'urc ase all· "' · · . mont a auperlor youni~ Short Horn bull Mr. R. Bra!lton receh·ed a telegram in town arrived at the On accotint of ill health Mr. '!'hos.Bur' fro':11 the. he~d ?f Mr. D ryden, .Brooklin, from Graud Rapids, Mich . , on Frid<Ly that his son Thomas had died very sud~ rows bas r esigned his position as Preei- wh1~h will, it is hoped, by his superior dent of the Butter and Cheese Co. Mr. ped1 .gr ee and recor d, as well : ·s real denly. B. has been a faithful member and his merit, meet my own wants < \s w ell as Great preparations are being made for counsel will be missed. Mr. R. H . Bunt those of some of my aspfring friende and th e te11 h ero on Good Friday. .A goocl was elected to the P re11ident'11 chair and n eighbors, I a~ always µfoasod to hav.e time may be expected as the Ladie11 .Aid Wm. Allen, E sq. , was elected to fill t he persons call to 10spect IPY li~tfo h er d rmd The clothing, a:; usual, cut by the has it in charge. vacancy at the Hoard. C shall ta~» .PL·i:.aure 1n gi vin.{ a ny inonly first -class cutter in town. What ia wrong with our school footform ation m my p ower. I t l1iuk I am Our ch urch anni·:ersary will be ccle· ball teaul thllt th ey cannot get. E nni&killun nvt o v er-~h.tiJJg wlltni I ; .;.y ·;ilc,t .1 have boys out of their trouble 1 They are bratl:ld as usual on Good F'riday aari East- fattened a nd sold, of my own breedi n~, er Sunday. On Good Frida.y, April anxious to play a match. the gr eate·t num~iilr a nd h ighest priaed a great variety. Mr. J as. Simpson has moved into t he 8th, Mr. F. S. Spence, 'forouto, will d e- fat cattle perhaps m \Yei·t Durham. My famous lect ure on ' Marriage." llver his Collars the very latest, Ties hous"' occupied by Mr. J. S. D oney. On Sunday, the 10th, Revs. C. E. Mc- yo.ung .bulls 1.111 sold fo,· this year. I hope Mr. J ohn Varcoe ha~ been unable to I n tyre and JiJ. 1{.ob r ts wiJ! preach morn- thL' brief r eport of pro"" -<ss muy cmcowr· and Necktirchiefa a .La ll'locle. a.ge o_ t her farmers <J.;,v . ·' o in :!P.a11ed get a.ran id. ing a11d evenin g respoctivelJ at~~n lrn n to thoro-b1·.,J 11tuck. It has ·E verything appertaining to a £rstMiss Sanderson, of B owmanville, was Si,ow Boy , p~1d m a handsom1:il y, o.nd I am nure it the guest of Miss Maud E 'llerson last class will pay all others who go into it as I S unday. M v c l ' S ATISFIED IJONFIDEN CE. - J. B. H . have dune. R espe11Ifully v··ur~, r. · 0 0 v.as '.1ome on 'l.hU!'Sflay. I G' r R.d or S t. E tlw1d Qe Cllftc ,n p Q IA Ji:..LU.'1 -h IUlJtY, Be _ h all rnturu0cl t u 'loronto again .whoJre i r.ays, .?1 am well sa :isil.eri wi.tn th~ use ~f Ro~,,J ·l·1;vale i:!Ll'·ck F al"UJ, h!" is .about to ,~ndergo an op~ratwu .on ./ Burdock Blood B itters ; it h a.s cured m e Solina, Mai:ch 25th, 1887. Please t o call and inspec t om· ~~sa~f.iS· l\'ray Le soon rncover is the w11:ih of dysp~psia that l bad for three yeara. N oTE llY THIG EDI'.l:OJJ.. - ·FArm 8rs wh.o CLIM.AX. I uelld five bott.ltio, an d shall tell ev 'l.'Y want to mak.e a heg111 ql Jo im,,ro v ~ their cheap ove:rcon.ts. , - - - -- - - - . . . -- ! ' person I know that may be attacked fltook, should. attend Mr . Hellwood's sale Jl'HJ,t<:ll!AN' ll w~n;u 1·cnv,·J>.n8 r<iqR lren o · t~ · il . · k·· · , l h ld not be ' mi.or ~ m :;-"five '.I i<CY :in: lilhc a nd sure to Wl 1 .s1 m P.I s1.c ,,e. s, .inc R. ou. of thoro· bred Shu1't 1Iur1!S on Wedne~cfay · I bnt9Te nll , D'l'iotit.'111 oc lfurm~ ;llra1d t o guarante~ every bottle used." ne.xt, A pril (Hh. Dry Goods, Teas, Cutlery, Tinware. etc. U T0 MARRY I Le liH TAJT 3 ------ - MORRISON'S STORE .. m /' Newest and Nobbiest OLOTE:S Eclipso Houso. PE RS IAN LAMB CAPS *" M E N'S FURNISHIN GHOUSE. W. H. IVES

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